Name: Rose Woods
Location: Route 24
Team: Charmeleon (Ember)[M](21/21) Rattata (Faith)[F](0/5) Kirlia (Lily)[F](0/25) Mankey (Courage)[M](0/17) Nidorino [M] (0/16) Parasect (0/25)
Posts: 85
Points: 11
Items: Pokeball X6 Potion X3 Moon Stone X1 Green Scarf X1 Lemonade X1 (+1) Great Ball X1 Everstone X1
Badges: Boulder, Water(was that the name?)
Partner: Chingling 20/20 (Amirah)

((I just remembered I have to post in the pokebank for the gible, and while I'm at it, my cards are overdue for an update.))

Rose was overjoyed at the hatching of her new Pokemon. While her loss still stung, this helped to take some of the pain away. She pulled out her Pokedex, and after messing around with it for a minute, she was able to get it to scan the newly hatched Pokemon. "Gible..." She repeated the name that the Pokedex had given her. Brandon came over to Rose to see how her battle went. She caught the wink, but didn't get what it was about. "I lost." Rose said sadly, but said no more.

Item Claim
Item: Enigma Berry
Cost: Free

Rose received the berry as a reward even though she had lost. "Th-Thank you!" Rose said gratefully. She put the berry in her bag with the intention of using it later. Upon meeting with the rest of the group Rose found out what had happened to Rocky. She hadn't known about the plan, and felt a bit left out. She forgot about this quickly though. Meghan told her that they would have to put off fishing a bit longer. "What time is it? Will we have time after finding the base to go before it gets dark?" She questioned, not being able to detect the fact that it was already beginning to get dark ((It's 7:25 in May, it is already starting to get dark right?))