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  1. #31
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Mar 2013

    Chase Owens
    Dark, ex-Apprentice
    Everlastia, Underground @Winter

    Ignoring Master Kain’s first remark, Chase nodded and withdrew the book Vanessa had given him.

    “Master Garrick’s detained,” he said, holding it out for her to see. “She trusts that you will see to this in her stead.”

    His eyes flickered briefly to Synna, finally acknowledging her presence.

    Rush Peterson
    Light, Recruit
    Everlastia, Courtyard @Winter

    Rush glanced between the two. He finally had names to put to their faces: Kokoro and Kumori—two halves of the same whole. Glancing down at the ground, he tried to decide what he thought about all this. With the small explanation, Rush wasn’t sure he understood. Truthfully, no one could probably ever understand what these two were going through, or at least, that’s the sense that he got. Looking at Kumori now, Rush saw nothing but pain. In stark contrast, Kokoro seemed full of light.

    “We’re not normal…”

    Rush frowned, wondering what he had just gotten into. In his mind, nothing was quite “normal” in the Keyblade guild. People didn’t summon swords or magic from nowhere. They didn’t fight in suits of armor with giant keys. Rush had come to accept that anything could happen in this bizarre life, if not without longing for what he once knew.

    Besides, the Elders wouldn’t allow someone dangerous on campus, would they?

    “I’m… not sure I understand, but,” he started, finally glancing up from the ground, “I’m sorry if I jumped to conclusions too quick. I’m… not exactly the sharpest key in the Guild.”


    ((Woooooow, this post is small :x))

    Banner by the legendary Neo Emolga!
    Little Lizard's Library of Tales
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    Number III, the Argent Flame

  2. #32
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Kokoro Maimi and Kumori
    Apprentices, Light
    ARPers: @FedoraChar

    "I’m sorry if I jumped to conclusions too quick. I’m… not exactly the sharpest key in the Guild.” Kokoro frowned as the boy spoke again, and slowed Kumori to a stop before turning to look back at him.

    "Look, you thought you saw one kind of situation, and it wasn't that at all, but no one else knew what was going on and they just watched. You at least did something," she told him, smiling. Kumori was still for a moment before giving a weak nod.

    "You thought Kokoro was in danger, and you tried to help...thank you for that," he whispered, glancing at Rush before looking down at his feet.

    Synna Bard (and Master Astrid Kain)
    Dark, Apprentice
    Everlastia, Underground Training Space
    ARPers: @FedoraChar

    Synna watched in surprise as Master Astrid took in the newcomer's words and the book he held, and actually allowed a look of what might have been disgust flash across her face for the briefest moment before it was gone, though the balls of electricity keeping the room lit hissed like a group of angry cats. "Of course Master Garrick would get herself detained doing heaven knows what before she finished her assignment," she said tightly before motioning from Synna to the boy. "However my presence is requested at her trial. Synna, would you so kindly take that world book from Mr. Owens and promptly lose it on the way back to the library?" Synna blinked, confused by the request.

    "Pardon, Master Astrid? Lose it?" she asked, mentally cringing. Master Astrid hated repeating herself. Surprisingly, the woman's expression didn't betray more annoyance or anger.

    "Yes. Lose it. I don't care how you do it, but make it look like an accident, or better yet, like a Binder left it, and if you're a smart girl, you won't open it. If anyone asks, a Master, you don't remember who, was headed to the trial and asked you to take it back for them. I will explain further later, understood?" Synna nodded quickly before moving to Chase to take the book.

    "Yes m'am, understood," she replied, and was surprised once more when Master Astrid spoke again.

    "Repeat it to me. This is of the utmost importance."

    Synna started slightly before answering. "Take the book from Mr. Owens, lose it on the way to the library in some way that looks accidental, or better, as though it were left by a Book Binder. Don't open it, and if anyone asks about it, a Master whose identity I don't remember asked me to return it in their stead because of the trial."

    "Good girl," Master Astrid told her, turning her attention to Chase. "Allow my Apprentice to take the book, she's a capable girl. now if you'll excuse me, I have a trial to attend."

    OOC: Okay, I was wrong. Koko and Kumori's was shorter than expected.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  3. #33
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    Affected RPers: @Saraibre Ryu

    With the apprentice gone, Theron turned his attention back to the healer. “Your prognosis, Master Siros?”

    Still scowling, Siros gestured to the young man. “The boy will be fine. The dark spells worked on him left only superficial damage, though they will leave lasting scars, as they always do… Recovery will be a painful process, but he will survive. The girl, on the other hand…”

    His scowl dissolved into a wince. “What ails her is not so easily reparable. I’m afraid it lies outside my field of expertise.”

    “You are our head physician, Siros,” Theron said with a frown. “What would lie outside of your knowledge?”

    “Matters of the heart,” the healer sighed. “This much I can discern: the girl’s heart has been damaged, and she is fading.”

    The Elder glanced down at the young woman. “…I was afraid of this.” Straightening, he said, “Siros, The Council is meeting for a trial within the hour. Would you be able and willing to share your diagnoses before the court?”

    Siros lifted a brow, but replied nonetheless “As you wish, Elder. My assistants can see to the rest, though we have done all that we can.”

    “…Another thing… Allow no visitors. This is… a delicate situation.”

    “It goes without saying, Elder,” Siros’ tone was even; clearly, he was finished with this conversation.

    Theron nodded. Giving the patients both one more glance, he turned and left the Wing.

    In the Great Hall, the masters were beginning to assemble. Soon, the trial would take place.


    Chase Owens
    Dark, ex-Apprentice
    Everlastia, Underground
    Affected RPers: @Winter

    Master Kain had an… interesting idea for giving away the book, but Chase had no objections. It was not his concern what the master did with it; he was merely fulfilling his end of the job. He would not deny, however, that he was curious to see what an apprentice would do with such a task. At Master Kain’s request, he held out the tome for the girl—at the same time, sampling her scent. Like the other apprentices in the cause, she had that stench of darkness, which would make it easier to track her down later.


    Rush Peterson
    Light, Recruit
    Everlastia, Courtyard
    Affected RPers @Winter

    Rush blinked. They were… commending him? Kokoro had sounded so angry before, and Kumori… He was actually thanking him? The boy didn’t know what to say to all that. He dug his hands into his pocket, looking away.

    What now? he wondered.

    A bell sounded. Looking up, he realized that lunch was drawing to a close. His stomach complained rather loudly, letting him know that he had missed out on food.


    ((OOC: LOOK GUYS I DID A THING 8D continues to procrastinate on long posts I'm hoping with my next post we can finally get through this stupid trial I've been building up to :P))

    Banner by the legendary Neo Emolga!
    Little Lizard's Library of Tales
    Paired with

    Number III, the Argent Flame

  4. #34
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Kokoro Maimi and Kumori
    Apprentices, Light
    ARPers: @FedoraChar

    Both Kokoro and Kumori started the ring of the bell in surprise--had time passed so quickly? "Well, there goes lunch," Kokoro sighed, and Kumori hung his head.

    "I'm sorry," Kumori whispered, "I wasted too much time--"

    "Nonsense," Kokoro replied firmly. "I don't think anyone was really thinking much about lunch today anyway." It was true--she hadn’t really seen many Apprentices carrying food or joking like they usually did. The discovery with the Tree of Blessings seemed to have upset everyone, not just Kumori. “Besides, we were headed to your room--what was that at practice, anyway?” she asked. “You know you have bad luck with magic…” Kumori hung his head.

    “I could feel it, Kokoro, for a second I could. I thought I could do it that time, but...clearly I couldn’t,” the young man sighed, shaking his head. “And as always, it recoiled at the last second.”

    “I’ve never seen you get backlash like that, though, most of the time it’s just that you can’t, not that it physically harms you,” Kokoro replied, biting her lip.

    “Normally I don’t reach that hard for it,” Kumori replied softly.

    Synna Bard (and Master Astrid Kain)
    Dark, Apprentice
    Everlastia, Underground Training Space
    ARPers: @FedoraChar, @Comatose (Kinda)

    Did he...had that boy just sniffed her? Synna wondered as she took the world book Mr. Owens held out to her. Synna could swear he had, and shifted uneasily away from him the moment she had the book in her grasp. She glanced over to Master Astrid, who had moved over to the training room’s door and opened it, extinguishing her magical lighting as she did so.

    “As I said before, I have a trial to attend, and it’s about time I get going,” the woman called as Synna followed after her. “‘Turn in’ that world book as quickly and efficiently as possible. The less liklihood of it being connected to either of us, the better.” Synna scrambled up the wooden stairs after her, clutching the book under one arm, before Master Astrid could close it.

    “Understood, Master,” she breathed as she passed.

    “Good girl, once you’ve completed your task, you are free to do as you please for the day. I am unsure of how long this trial will take. If I need you, I will call for you,” the woman told her.

    “Good day, Master,” Synna replied before heading off in the direction of the library. After she had put some distance between herself and Master Astrid, she paused to finally look down at the book she had been given, and smiled. It looked like a magic tome from her homeworld--thick and heavy, with a rather plain leather cover and uneven pages. The only things that really defined it were its shape--almost squarelike--and the four symbols that appeared to represent four different elements stamped into the cover. Had it not been for Master Astrid’s warning, she would have been tempted to take a look, however if she were that adamant on her not opening it… Synna shook her head, tucked the book under her arm again, and started to look for a place to dispose of her package.

    OOC: FINALLY got time to sit down and work on this! Have fun, guys.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!


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