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  1. #21
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    Where ever my Fantasy takes me.
    You know, my friends and I were designing a RPG computer game and at one point we were each given one of the main characters to design.

    My character happened to be scientist with a mind 500 years ahead of its time.
    He also liked to use a grenade launcher which he invented, as well as a fondness for other explosive things.
    He also had a long interesting name, though it was his first name instead of his last name.
    He was Rondanenthurin Uundae III

    In fact, the only real difference between this character and Professor McYarglefargle VII is the fact that Rondanenthurin was not crazy.

    I got a real kick out of this coincidence.

    Also, does anyone else find it interesting that the best RPs always seem to involve the daunting prospect of complete anarchy?


  2. #22
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone View Post
    Also, does anyone else find it interesting that the best RPs always seem to involve the daunting prospect of complete anarchy?
    The best heroes come out when the struggles are the hardest. If there's anything I've learned from video games and movies when it comes to designing RPs and storylines, bingo, there's your key element to build off of.

  3. #23
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Dec 2014
    There’s too many men in here, we need to even this out a little more. Also, you can't forget the criminal.

    Name: Raven Karan
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Species: Mightyena
    Description: Raven stands at about 3’05 and weighs roughly 80 pounds. Her coat is a sleek black color, almost greasy looking from the way it shimmers whenever light reflects off of it. Her eyes are reversed, a genetic defect the doctors called it, so that her sclera are red and her irises yellow. Her snout has a scar through it from a near miss catch with the authorities. Her fangs and claws are sharp to help with her speed and strength, as being a quadruped Pokemon means she doesn't have access to many weapons. Raven also has issues due to difficulties in her past, leading her body to sometimes just give out on her for extended periods of time. During this time, Raven is unable to move and must remain still until her strength returns. She wears a charm given to her by her brothers that she wears around her neck at all times. It is her most prized possession.

    Permission to use given when the transaction was made in Ninetales12's shop on Pokefarm

    Personality: Raven might seem a little rough on the edges, but she's truly a thrill seeker on the inside. Raised with three brothers, it is only natural that she have a natural competitiveness built within her. To those who first approach her, she seems cold and unconcerned, as a dark type Pokemon stereotype would lure many to believe. However, when they get to know her and her trade, her clients begin to realize that she's not as stereotypical as the authorities would have you believe. Raven doesn't work for cash, she likes money, but that's not her game. She's out to have a fun time while doing her job, terrorizing the authorities and making off with the goods. Life is merely a game to her and she knows what buttons are the right ones to push. Raven only cares for herself though, she's not a very trusting individual. She works to make sure she makes it in life and doesn't care if anyone else does. If one wants to earn her trust, they must become like family to her. Raven's ultimate goal is to reunite with her three brothers, or at least find out what happened to them.
    History: Dark types were never well liked Scarwell, especially not quadruped dark types like Raven. They were seen as the scum of the earth, the common criminals, and the unwanted. Raven was abandoned at barely a day old with her litter in the streets. People passed the crying pups without a second thought, believing these creatures deserved to die rather than infest the streets of their town with their filth. By the time someone who did care came by, it was too late. A Zoroark, the owner of the dark type orphanage on the edge of town, was only able to rescue one pup, the rest having already died from exposure to the elements. The Zoroark took all the pups to the orphanage and nursed the one surviving pup back to health as best she could while also giving the other twelve Poochyenas a proper burial in the graveyard behind the building. The Audino that served as the doctor in the building predicted that Raven would live, but that she would be underdeveloped due to the lack of necessary vitamins in her first day of life. Nevertheless, the Zoroark refused to give up on the Poochyena and named her Raven Karan.

    Raven grew up with the other dark types in the orphanage, but was still subject to some discrimination due to her walking on four legs instead of two. The group of bullies tried to force her to walk on two legs, but Raven's weak body was unable to take the strain and she was never able to advance past four legs. Thus, Raven was forced to join the other quadrupeds. She quickly found this environment more suitable, becoming friends with an Absol named Axel, a Houndour named Cerberus, and an Umbreon named Selini. The four became like family, never leaving each others' sides for more than a few minutes at a time. Knowing that Raven was weaker than they, her three brothers always protected her when the bullies were around, and Raven wanted to be just like them. However, it was not until Cerberus evolved that Raven showed any true drive to get stronger.

    Raven had been playing outside with her brothers when she spotted an interesting looking Shiftry lingering by the orphanage. He beckoned her to follow him and she did. It was a shift kidnapping, and had Cerberus not send the whole thing, Raven wouldn't be who she was today. Cerberus chased after the Shiftry, was originally losing until he evolved mid-fight, then he won and rescued his sister. Raven wanted to evolve too, that way she could fight off anyone who wanted to hurt her or her family. From that day forward, Raven began to train hard with her brothers. She pushed her fragile body beyond its limits and many times nearly killed herself, but she shined greatly through all her training. As if meant to be a birthday present, when Raven turned thirteen, she evolved into a Mightyena. Then, everything went to hell. In a series of event that started with arson, Raven's life took a turn for the worst. The orphanage was caught in a fire that many speculate was set by anti-dark type radicals. Many were lost in the fire, including Madam Lori, the Zoroark who had rescued them all. The dark types were forced onto the streets, hungry, homeless, and in dire need of jobs. Raven's small pack of four stole for food and did whatever they could to make money, but nothing seemed to work until Raven took a job as a thief. That's when her true potential showed. She completed the task with ease and they snared a recurring client. As the jobs increased in difficulty, Raven only excelled. Word of her skill spread, and Raven was soon the breadwinner of the household. But, it wasn't long until a job went wrong. It had been a trap and the authorities nearly caught her. Raven watched away with a sliced open nose and nothing more, but she didn't realize she led the authorities right back to her base. When Raven returned from work the following day, all three of her brothers were missing with a note that said, "Pleasure doing business with you."

    Raven grew enraged and destroyed nearly a block of property by accident. It was then that her seer powers began to manifest. One of her clients realized what she was and took her under his wing. Noble the Honchkrow taught Raven how to manifest her abilities, control them, and contain them. Raven learned how to not rely on them in fights, but be able to quickly use them if necessary. Now a professional thief, the Mightyena seeks to find her brothers and take revenge on the ones who kidnapped them.
    Weapons: Due to her lack of ability to stand on two legs for very long, Raven relies solely on her fangs, claws, and speed for weapons.

    Ultimate goal:
    _Have Raven find her brothers at some point
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    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  4. #24
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    @Noblejanobii - Raven's definitely good to go! Stats be damned, Mightyenas are cool. Nice pick, looking forward to seeing her in action!

    Duke Stellar the Ledian - Played by Phantasm.Angel
    Theo Myrsky the Quilava - Played by Morzone
    Professor Talahass von McYarglefargle The Ninth - Played by The Nonexistent Tazz
    Kaxo Sychal the Lopunny - Played by Neo Emolga
    Raven Karan the Mightyena

    Velocity - Reserve

  5. #25
    Not insanity. Supersanity. Death's Spook's Avatar
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    It depends. How sane are you?
    *plops finished SU here*

    Name: Shiro Minamoto, Lugal of Jansen

    Gender: Somehow, the floating sword and shield is male

    Age: 22

    Species: Aegislash

    Description: The Lugal of Jansen towers over the others of his kind. He “stands” at a height of 2 meters, and seems even bigger given that he’s usually floating around. His pommel and shield are marked with sea colored, runic tattoos, declaring him Jansen’s diaspora Lugal. As he draws on his spiritual power, the tattoos glow more and more, becoming impossible to miss as he fights longer. His blade is very well polished, and his shield is just as immaculate.

    As of right now, Shiro spends most of his time under a large cloak that hides most of his body from view. However, underneath, Shiro does not wear much. His main accessory is a clear, glass-like stone on a choker around his handle; it is the Dusk Stone he evolved with, the one sentimental item he allows himself. He has a Spell Tag tied to the end of his hilt so that he can hit harder with his spiritual energy. The only other thing he carries a special pack with him filled with medicine and cash, stealthily using the shadows generated by his cloak to carry it (to outside observers, it looks like he’s carrying it on his back normally).

    Personality: Shiro’s personality is defined by the fact that he is Lugal. His absolute focus on his people: he frequently will state “a ruler is no true ruler without his people to guide.” And he is no hypocrite: he lives by this maxim, every second of every day. He is always willing to help, especially when he is helping one of his people. However, it is not exclusively limited to them alone: wherever he may find the oppressed, the downtrodden, the hurt, he will act as champion and leader.

    But do not mistake kindness for weakness or stupidity. Indeed, while he is always willing to be kind and to help, he is not in any way a pushover or naive. He has a gift for fighting that is only enhanced by his future sight, and he is very willing to resort to bloodshed should it prove necessary. And where violence fails, he has some ability in diplomacy and guile: he’d much prefer to be up front, but he is aware that leaders must frequently keep secrets and doing so is no sin so long as it helps his people. He has power in spades, both in war time and in peace.

    However, Shiro’s power did not come from nothing: he has something of a dark side that thirsts for power. While he is aware of his fault and will usually keep it in check, he has to constantly remind himself that something that looks like it might benefit his position now will almost always carry some sort of price. His main motive for seeking power is to have the leverage to help restore his people: however, this drive is easy to corrupt and can lose its selfless focus if Shiro does not take care to keep himself in check. Only time will tell whether Shiro will take the dexter path or the sinister one.

    History: Shiro was born to the governing family of Jansen, the only child of the previous lugal and her Cofagrigus knight and consort. As heir to the throne of the lugal, Shiro was drilled from a young age in the sciences, the arts of violence and diplomacy, and the ethics of how to rule. He liked the idea of his role from a young age, showing both a thirst for knowledge and a desire both to help his people and for power from an early age. He evolved for the first time by the age of 11 years old, and as was tradition in the royal court, evolved again on a journey through the Synata Desert, acquiring his Dusk Stone and evolving a scant three years later.

    Throughout his life, Shiro found that his dreams would frequently come true: this would especially apply when such visions involved either him or his parents in some kind of mortal danger. He had thought it some sort of oddity and kept it hidden, until he had an intuition about one enemy to the throne too many. His father realized that Shiro was an Indigo Seer, and informed the Aegislash of his talent. It took two years after his final evolution for Shiro to seek visions on command and respond to them in combat time, but by the age of 16, Shiro came fully into his own as a Seer.

    As Shiro grew, he constantly observed how his mother governed. He watched carefully how Lugal Michiko conducted her business, how she was kind but did not allow injustice to touch her realm. He saw how her subjects respected her will and her intelligence, and followed her commands without complaint. He saw her kindness and mercy, but also observed as she enacted justice, supplanting brutal vengeance with firm punishment. He admired her strength tempered with her kindness and sought to emulate her.

    Time passed as Shiro sought to keep both his skills and his wits sharp in preparation for inheriting the throne. He acquainted himself with his subjects, acquired both his mother’s gentle touch and her firm hand, and learned to apply them judiciously. When he turned 18, Lugal Michiko stepped down from the throne, and Shiro became lugal of the city state of Jansen. He was loved by almost all of his subjects: the city state ran smoothly and prospered thanks to the mineral rich Synata Desert giving them plenty to trade.

    Of course, then came the one dangerous event Shrio entirely failed to predict: the Infernal Schism.

    At first, Jansen was one of the cities less affected by the Schism: Abyssal creatures were quickly rooted out and destroyed, as Jansen had both competent disaster relief and a competent military. However, Jansen stands on ground with high concentrations of spiritual energy, and so the Abyss wanted control of it. Several external attacks were launched, but all were repelled.

    All except one.

    Undax the Gengar personally came to Jansen and delivered an ultimatum to Shiro: surrender, or die. Shiro, naturally, chose option three, and recommended that Undax do something anatomically impossible. The Aegislash felt confident that, between his strong military and his hidden Seer powers, Jansen would be able to triumph against the Abyss.

    He did not count on Undax having access to Shiro’s Fallen.

    The formerly highly prosperous Jansen is now burning rubble, most of its citizens massacred. Shiro barely got away with his life, and only managed to spare a scant few of his subjects from the ensuing obliteration. The city-state is now entirely in a state of diaspora, and Shiro is howling for Undax’s blood for more reasons than mere saving the world. The lugal is on his own, far away from his home, and desperately using his sight in an attempt to find allies, save the oppressed, and as much as possible, stay moving long enough that the Abyss cannot find him and finish the job before he can revive Jansen and slake his blade’s thirst for Undax’s blood.

    Weapons: His face, his shield, his lower body. He is perfectly capable of using guns, but honestly, why would he when his entire physical form is an amalgamation of deadly weaponry?


    _Revive Jansen
    _Slay Undax
    _Help those without hope.
    Avatar taken from Scarfgirl and TheOtherChosenOne of Deviantart. Two great tastes that go great together! You know, when they aren't trying to kill each other horribly.

    Ivy commands you not to touch the kitty!

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  6. #26
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Where ever my Fantasy takes me.
    Everyone else keeps doing the objectives thing so I figured I'd make one too.

    Theo Myrsky,

    _Save Via
    _Free Kivian City from the Abyss


  7. #27
    Actually Prefers Popeyes Kentucky Fried Torchic's Avatar
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    I made my first objectives jokingly and now everyone's picking up on the idea and running with serious ones. And for the life of me I can't figure out what Duke Stellar wants besides to be left alone to destroy his liver in peace. Hmm.

    Given that Duke grew up in the badlands around Scarwell, I guess I get to make him kind of prejudiced against Dark-types now haha.
    Dreams do come a size too big. It's so that we can grow into them.

    Current Projects:
    Fanfiction: Pokémon: Exodus (Chapter six of nine posted)
    Nuzlocke: "Dude, Where's My Bellsprout?": A Totally Radical Red Version Nuzlocke

    Avatar by the illustrious Neo Emolga.

  8. #28
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    And quadrupeds, but that's up to you.
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    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  9. #29
    Actually Prefers Popeyes Kentucky Fried Torchic's Avatar
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    Being a...hexoped? I don't know if Duke's in any position to judge on that front.
    Dreams do come a size too big. It's so that we can grow into them.

    Current Projects:
    Fanfiction: Pokémon: Exodus (Chapter six of nine posted)
    Nuzlocke: "Dude, Where's My Bellsprout?": A Totally Radical Red Version Nuzlocke

    Avatar by the illustrious Neo Emolga.

  10. #30
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Well ledian I think can be classified as bipedal due to the fact that they usually stand and move around on two legs.
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    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire


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