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  1. #1
    Junior Trainer Redlark's Avatar
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    Sep 2014
    Looking through your window...

    Redlark's Randomly Posted Reviews

    So, as said in the title, this isn't going to be a very common occurrence for me by any means, but is a nice little spot for myself to post reviews of games, movies, etc. for myself to collect my thoughts on things (mostly games and movies) for possible Youtube videos I may do in the future. We shall see...

    I may also throw in a review of a FanFic from the forums from time to time.

    Feel free to respond to my reviews and discuss what you agree and/or disagree with me on with any of my reviews. I'll try to keep the substance of these reviews somewhat relevant to newer products/etc.

    Also feel free to request things (games, movies, fanfics, etc.) that you may want me to review. I MIGHT come around to reviewing them. I don't know, I lead a relatively busy life, so... yeah...

    Five Nights at Freddy's

    I finally got around to playing this little ball of fun, despite it sitting on my Steam applications list for quite some time... I had never played it before and shied away from watching any videos on this title so I could get the full front of a new experience without any predetermined feelings or knowing any spoilers ahead of time.

    Unfortunately for myself, I get scared and jump easily. So for being a horror game, it performed well for what it was meant to do. I can see how it may not be frightening for some players, in the respect that it builds it's tension and suspense by not having anything actually going on for quite some time. You sit alone, as a security guard, viewing the actions of all the free roaming animatronics through the help of your camera monitors. The only control in the game you have are the two light switches that turn on the lights right outside your doors, and the two security doors that help you fortify yourself in your little camera room.

    At first thought, this may sound quite boring; but for the medium, Scott Cawthon, the lead programmer of this indie title, does an excellent job and creates quite the unique experience for any gamer.

    Unlike many horror games where you're allowed to move freely, or even run away when you can't deal with a situation. In Five Nights at Freddy's, you're forced to sit in your office and do your job. This in itself, is a genius aspect that Cawthon has implemented in the gameplay. It truly creates the feeling of helplessness.

    On top of that, what makes the game actually difficult is the fact that you're only allowed a certain amount of electricity usage throughout each night. Meaning that, if you use your cameras, doors, or even the lights too often, you'll find yourself running out of energy and becoming a sitting duck with the animatronics of Freddy's coming at you at any moment.

    If you frighten easily, you'll find yourself panicking more often than not and using your doors, cameras, or the lights, when you really shouldn't be. The only person you can blame in a loss is yourself; and with that in thought, the game is surprisingly fair. Nothing really "cheap" is thrown at the player; and as the game progresses, serious thought should be given when using any sort of electricity.

    The best advice to any player that's having a difficult time passing through any of the nights I can offer is to stay calm. If you stay calm and not allow the atmosphere to get to your feelings, you should be able to make it through the game, or at least the first few nights quite easily after a few tries.

    Graphics are decent for an indie title, the atmosphere is built well; and the music, when it does come into play, is executed at the right moments to give the player the feeling that they're trapped in a fun house that wants to kill you.

    Story wise, there isn't that much. But as the nights progress, more is given to you via phone message. Overall, I thought it pretty creative to create a horror game that involved evil animatronics. Most people find animatronics a little creepy when they're just sitting there... starring at you... with empty eyes... But to have a horror game that doesn't involve some sort of monster or killer like a zombie, alien, or even a psychotic knife wielder is a nice change of pace.

    For those who find it, there is quite a bit of comedy spilled throughout this game. Things from the expressions of some of the animatronics to little pictures that children have drawn of the animatronics. I found myself laughing a shy under the amount of being scared to wit's end.

    Overall, for it's regular price of only $4.99, this game is a nice addition for anybody that enjoys a well designed horror game. Five Nights at Freddy's offers a nice change on the usual gameplay and for that, it gets my stamp of approval.


    Graphics: 7.5/10

    Music and Sound: 8/10

    Gameplay: 8/10

    Storyline: 7.5/10

    Horror Factor: 9/10

    Overall: 8/10

    Notes on Production: I will be posting a gameplay of this title sometime around Halloween, but WILL NOT be posting on the forum. Unlike most of my gameplays that are self-rated "G and PG." I'll rate video as an "R" feature. This is because of the horror factor of the game and mostly because I drop several swear words throughout playing. I honestly got scared and dropped a few F-bombs... So I apologize for anybody that may be offended to strong language.

    I also found this title before it became an internet meme; and thought to myself, "Hey! This indie got awesome reviews! I like supporting indie titles, so I should do a Halloween Gameplay of this with me getting scared via webcam! That's pretty original." Then within a week of planning a Halloween special, Markiplier posted a gameplay, and it became a meme... I'm slow on the uptake of things, I suppose... So no... I'm not trying to copycat any other popular Youtuber. I'm just slow...

    Side note: I thought it funny that my real name is Fred, work at a Fred Meyer's (which is commonly called "Freddy's" for short), and was planning to play a game that's called Five Nights at Freddy's... That was the other reason why I really wanted to do a gameplay of this title.
    Straight from the obscure corners of Youtube!!! Redlark's (aka. Sensei Pong's)...

    Pokemon Emerald: Nuzlocke Challenge!!!
    (now in HI-FI... not really)

    What?... I also do fanfics? Sweet!
    Pika Pika Picnic - [Comedy] [PG-13: Crude Humor] - Completed

  2. #2
    Junior Trainer Redlark's Avatar
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    Sep 2014
    Looking through your window...
    In comparison to everything else I post on my Youtube Channel, the "Super Mario Review: 5 Nights at Freddy's" is by far the most successful for obvious reasons. You've got Mario and Freddy's in the taglines, so yeah. Not that big of an accomplishment, but whatever. Every so often you can't blame me for creating click bait. It's not posted on the forum since it's scary, and as myself (not Mario), I say three curse words during the gameplay footage in the entirety of the review (because I get scared easily). It's funny nevertheless.

    Not even close to as funny, but still somewhat entertaining, here's my new video review for "Zelda Month."

    Tell me what Zelda games you like, or which Zelda game is your favorite?

    By the way: Happy Thanksgiving to all you Americans... for those who don't live the USA, yeah... your Thanksgiving/Harvest type holiday probably isn't today, but Happy Thanksgiving to when it does come around.

    Straight from the obscure corners of Youtube!!! Redlark's (aka. Sensei Pong's)...

    Pokemon Emerald: Nuzlocke Challenge!!!
    (now in HI-FI... not really)

    What?... I also do fanfics? Sweet!
    Pika Pika Picnic - [Comedy] [PG-13: Crude Humor] - Completed

  3. #3
    Junior Trainer Redlark's Avatar
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    Sep 2014
    Looking through your window...
    Boom-I've been busy and I'll probably come back on more often hopefully if you guys want more reviews.

    Casual Friday: Pac-Man 256 (Android Review)

    This game is free and more free than most free games, if that makes any sense. If you have an iPhone or Android, you should check it out. It's a worth while time waster.

    Pong and Forgotton: Ms. Pac-Man Review (Sega Genesis)

    On the vein of Pac-Man and his 35th Anniversary, let's cover another forgotten title that's worth a look if you like Pac-Man games.

    Do you guys like Pac-Man?... this feels like a very dated topic...
    Straight from the obscure corners of Youtube!!! Redlark's (aka. Sensei Pong's)...

    Pokemon Emerald: Nuzlocke Challenge!!!
    (now in HI-FI... not really)

    What?... I also do fanfics? Sweet!
    Pika Pika Picnic - [Comedy] [PG-13: Crude Humor] - Completed


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