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  1. #1
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples

    Where Myths Tread [SUDS]

    Welcome to Cloud's Cross
    "For as long as I can remember, there have been things about Cloud's Cross that just I've never lived anywhere else--none of us have--but there are things that just don't add up.

    "For one, things don't change here. It's overcast every day--thick gray clouds hide the sun. It rains sometimes, but it's never sunny. Our science textbooks showed more pictures of lovely blue sky than angry thunderheads, and I wondered why. We never caught sight of the moon, either. That aside, no one comes or goes--instead, Cloud's Cross is separated from the world by a single large brick wall, and for some reason that just doesn't seem right.

    "Late one night in our younger years, I was helping my brother to the bathroom when we heard our parents talking. They were saying something about not knowing when we were ready, or something to that effect, and being worried about our powers... And sure, I've seen a person or two make plants grow, and water act strangely a time or two, but everyone here is good at their own thing, I've learned. That's normal, right? That's what we--my brother and I--thought, anyway.

    "And then a few days ago, there was this accident. They were trying to do repairs on the schoolhouse when something fell. The schoolhouse--it's a two story building, and I haven't been able to get a proper story out of anyone, but I know whatever it was, everyone there was surprised when Beau Sanders caught it and managed to keep it from hurting anyone. It was a miracle, a few of them said, and everything was great.

    "That was, until Beau didn't show up for school or soccer practice the next day. Or the next day. Or the day after that. And then didn't show up for garden duty--you get the picture, he was gone for a while. And in the days since, things have...changed. I don't know what it is exactly, but things feel different, like something is going to happen. It's been years since my brother and I overheard that conversation between our parents, and I've been wondering for years about why our little town is so different...

    "Now's as good a time as ever. We're going to figure out what's going on, we're going to discover the truth." -Ava Clearwater

    The apocalypse has come and gone, but not without people knowing it was coming. A small group of scientists working on environmental studies realized that a catastrophe on a massive scale was coming, and stopping it just wasn't humanly possible--all they could do was prepare. That was when one of the scientists mentioned a friend that had been doing some interesting work in channeling spirits that, oddly, seemed to be producing some unexpected results.

    Upon meeting with this friend and discussing the situation, a plan was formed--they couldn't stop the apocalypse, but they could try to give the world the heroes and leaders it would need after. With further help, the scientists began seeking out artifacts thought to be connected with certain gods and attempting to use technologies developed by the friend to channel the gods into themselves. When this failed, they began to seek out those that might prove better able to channel the gods and goddesses. The best vessels, they determined, were children. As they began to seek out potential vessels, the group also began to use funding money to create an underground bunker that would eventually take the shape of an entire little town.

    The problem in finding their vessels was that no one would take them seriously. The solution for their vessels came in the form of children no one would notice missing--sickly babies that weren't given long life expectancies, abandoned children, and other children who otherwise might not have made it long on the streets. It was through a combination of using the artifacts, the infants, and the technology that the scientists achieved their goal.

    Well, kind of.

    Because of the nature of the project, the scientists aren't entirely sure they got everything right. It's possible there were some slip ups along the way, possibly a wrong God(ess) here, potentially a human child there, that kind of thing, and not know, because the children didn't gain their powers immediately. These, they hoped would come in time. Until then they weren't to say a word to the children about their possible powers and future roles until the powers revealed themselves, simply raise the kids in as generic a setting as possible in such a way that they would be willing to step into their expected roles when the time came.

    As the end drew near, so did the bunker town's completion, and the scientists and their assigned children moved in. Complex indoor field systems to encourage plant growth were set up, a handful of animals were brought in for food and companionship, the scientists finalized their roles in the new society, and the town was named "Cloud's Cross". The doors finally closed days before the Apocalypse started.

    And the the wait began.

    Now, fifteen years after the closing of the doors, the wait has started to end as the scientists slowly begin to realize that in most cases, their shot in the dark experiment worked. Slowly, the children they raised, now teenagers, are beginning to discover or reveal they have powers.

    Only, now there is dissent in the ranks. Unsure if their plan will work, some scientists argue to stay holed up in the bunker, where those inside will be safe, others argue the children have a purpose, and others have hidden agendas. Unfortunately for them, as their charges' lives are turned upside down, they are beginning to form their own ideas and escape plans.

    What You Need to Know
    The Gods of Old for the most part, no longer exist due to a lack of believers, lack of education, and lack of their elements. Those that are still around are those who would thrive off of death and conflict of surviving mortals (outside of the bunker).
    The World Outside will not be touched upon until much later, but the lack of optimism in several of Cloud's Cross' scientists is due to the fact go up to check on the world outside twice every year. Things don’t look too pretty.
    Technology in Cloud's Cross is limited. They have a well cared for generator for electrical needs, a somewhat complex air filter system that few know how to keep in operation, a system of lights and mirrors form their “sun,” their plumbing could use some improvement, they carry walkie talkies in place of phones, and a handful of computers hooked up to a single database that gives the illusion of a wireless network where there isn't one. They have no internet access.
    Animal and plant life in Cloud’s Cross are almost as limited as technology. There is one somewhat scrawny looking central field in the center of the town that has, strangely enough, improved over the years--it doesn’t quite look as hopeless as it used to, and the limited crops it bears, small assorted patches of once-common fruits and vegetables) are at least edible. Animal life is limited to a pair of cows, a small family of chickens, and a few cats and dogs. There might be a mouse or two, but they were not invited, and likely slipped in.
    Despite popular belief, the children are not actually channeling their patron god(dess)’s spirits, but instead now possess the potential to tap into their patron god(dess)’s powers. It is entirely possible for a child with a still existing patron god(dess) to live at the same time as and have full access to the same powers as a living patron god(dess), but unless the child is connected to a particularly nasty god, this is highly unlikely due to reasons stated in section 1
    Children gain their powers gradually and through performing actions/hanging around elements similar to those of their patron god(dess), they are likely to exhibit what appears to be a natural interest in things tied to their patron god(dess) at first. For instance, a child connected to Poseidon may initially find themselves very fond of water, and provided they continue to participate in water related actions, such as long baths, watering the plants/animals, and taking long swims in the town’s single and somewhat dirty pond. Eventually they would discover that they have minor control over the water they love so much, and playing with this power will slowly result in the strengthening of this power. Children who have discovered their powers before the RP’s start have likely done a good job at keeping this knowledge away from their parents and others, and in some children, their powers may appear in less apparent manners. Some children may also suffer from adverse reactions due to a lack of their element, but it may depend on the element and on the child.
    Anything else you want to know? Go ahead and ask.

    The Town Rules
    All PXR rules apply, people...
    1: Please avoid bunnying and godmodding
    2: Let’s also avoid “invincible” characters. I know where dealing with potential gods here, but even they are gonna have to take a hit sometimes.
    3: Please be active--if you’re going to be gone for an extended amount of time, try to notify someone in the RP beforehand
    4:Be nice to everyone, guys
    5: Keep posts PG-13 (on all fronts) and below, and limit use of profanity
    6: Lastly, have fun!

    The SU Sheet
    Name: (Nothing fancy, first, last, and maybe middle)
    Age: (No younger than 15, no older than 18)
    Gender: (Pretty self explanatory)
    Patron God(dess): (Pick a mythology/religion, pick any mythology/religion EDIT: As a side note, I will be limiting "mess-up" children with problematic patron god(desses) there needs to be a balance. Please clear these with me beforehand.)
    Appearance: (Standard paragraph minimum on what your character looks like)
    Personality: (Standard paragraph minimum on how your character acts)
    History: (Two paragraph minimum on how their life has been thus far--if they've noticed the town is strange, have discovered powers, and so on and so forth)
    Other: (Anything we need to know that hasn't been covered yet? That goes here.)

    The Inhabitants of Cloud's Cross (Accepted)
    Velocity: Seraphine "Sera" Eze (Sekhmet) and Lysander Martis (Prometheus)
    FedoraChar: Shawn Armstrong (Thor) and Lydia McCormick (Demeter)

    Those Waiting to Gain Entry (Reserves)
    Winter: Athena, Hephaestus, Hades, and Persephone
    Saraibre-Ryu: Loki and Eris
    Death's Spook: Odin
    TBD: Dionysus and Apollo
    Agent XIII: Coyote, Crow, and Anubis
    TheoreticalSelkie: Cai Shen and Morrigan
    Yojimbo: Hermes
    Last edited by Winter; 08-04-2015 at 03:08 AM.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  2. #2
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Name: Ava Clearwater
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Patron God(dess): Athena
    Appearance: Ava is what one might think of when they think "the girl next door"--5'7" and sporting a runner's body, it's clear she gets out, but seeing her in her typical partially frilly and often pink clothes can make one ask where she goes. This is answered as soon as she trades the girly clothes for dirt-stained t shirts and athletic shorts when any sporting activity comes up. Wavy, dirty blonde hair falls to her upper back, and can be found loose just as often as it can be found tied back in a ponytail or makeshift bun. Despite the fact Cloud's Cross lacks an actual sun, Ava's olive toned skin gives the (rather correct) impression she is outside all the time, and makes her eyes, which seem to alternate between gray and green in color, stand out. She's also rarely ever seen without a friendly smile on her lips, and half a dozen pieces of homemade accessories, most often bracelets, on each arm and in her hair.
    Personality: First and foremost, Ava is a girl both known for her friendliness and kindness, as well as a strong dislike for those who would make fun of or bully others. She's the kind of girl who would likely go up to a complete stranger and try to cheer them up if they looked sad, and she's always trying to get people to see the good in themselves and others, regardless of how little there may actually be. Despite this, Ava's also been playing sports for almost as long as she's been able to walk, and has made herself a good reputation as a team leader. As such, a number of kids who play team sports under her respect her, not that she lets it get to her head. When not on the sports field or otherwise out, Ava can often be found at home with her twin brother, reading every book she can, or making all manners of handcrafted accessories from odds and ends while Colin disassembles and reworks broken electronics. Speaking of her brother, picking on the fact Colin has a bad leg is a fast way to get yourself hit. Ava has no patience for those who make fun of her brother.
    History: Ava and Colin were born twins to a loving couple who would have given their two newborns the world if only they could...but they could not. Problems arose when it was discovered that of their two children, Colin was sickly, and doctors claimed it would be a miracle if the boy lived to see his first birthday. Their parents were distraught, however that was when they were paid a visit by a pair of scientists who told them that they could ensure that Colin would live, however they would never be able to see their son again. As much as they loved their children, however, they could not bear to see their twins separated more than they could not bear to let them go. Unsure of the nature of what would happen to their children, their parents asked if it were possible for their two children to be kept together, a request the scientists were more than happy to fulfill, and the twins were taken in.

    Ava and Colin both reacted well to the procedure that gave them powers, the scientists that took them on as their children loved them, and for a time, all was good. They could not, however, stay perfect forever. As the pair grew, is slowly became apparent that there was a problem with Colin’s right leg--it became stiff, and lost muscle mass quickly, however the boy otherwise appeared completely healthy. It was baffling for the scientists until one of their number reminded them that the Greek God Hephaestus was often cited as having a leg injury. It was this that made Colin the first child with a verified connection to a God, and with no way to reverse the development, all that could be done was to try and keep the boy as healthy as possible despite this.

    Meanwhile Ava and Colin grew up to be as closely knit as a pair of siblings could be. Ava had no qualms about watching out for her brother or trying to adapt playtime to better suit him. When other kids tried to pick on him, it was Ava who often came to the rescue and shut them up. They both developed a love for books and crafting things, though their book choices and crafting choices often varied widely. When Ava got into sports, Colin didn’t mind supporting her from the sidelines, and she didn’t mind taking time away from sports to hang out with her brother. They both have formed pretty good relationships with their neighbors, especially Beau Sanders.

    Over the years, however, both have come to believe that their little town is not normal. They don’t quite understand what is going on, but they get the sense that something is wrong, and have stumbled across their fair share of conversations they probably shouldn’t have heard. They are currently trying to figure out how to look into things in light of Beau’s disappearance.
    Other: NA

    Name: Colin Clearwater
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Patron God(dess): Hephaestus
    Appearance: Standing next to his twin sister, it's hard to imagine Colin and Ava Clearwater are even fraternal twins. Colin matches Ava's 5'7" height, naturally olive toned skin, and keeps his own dirty blonde hair cut neatly and short enough that it doesn't touch his ears or get in his face, however it's style can range anywhere from neatly combed to looking like a small bird's nest. Unlike Ava's, Colin's eyes are definitively green, and it's fairly obvious he doesn't exercise as much as his sister,.though to say that he looks unfit would be a horrible lie. This, however, makes sense when you look down and see a carefully carved wooden walking stick resting beneath his hands and that he has a noticeable limp when he walks as a result of a bad leg. This doesn't mean he lets his leg get in the way more than possible, and can often be found with a near-infectious smile on his lips, even when he's lagging behind. Often, Colin can be found wearing jeans in various states of disrepair along with various thin, loose, long sleeve shirts layered over neutral colored tank tops, and usually has a pair of leather work gloves poking out of one of his pants pockets. When working on mechanical objects, the sleeves of his outer layer are often pushed back to his elbows, or sometimes he removes the first shirt completely.
    Personality: Much like his twin sister, Colin is most often friendly and kind, however he tends to be soft spoken and much less outgoing, barring when Ava takes to the field. Where Ava has a passion for sports, Colin has a passion for taking things apart and putting them back together, possibly with a few...improvements. He's been referred to as a "McGuyver" by a few of the adults, and while he doesn't know what it means, he takes great pride in his ability to figure out how things work and improve upon them. While he isn't the most popular kid in Cloud's Cross, Colin is incredibly loyal and supportive of those he calls friends, and would do anything for them.
    History: See Ava’s History
    Other: (Anything we need to know that hasn't been covered yet? That goes here.)

    Name: Norman Reid
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Patron God(dess): Hades
    Appearance: Norman doesn't really cut an impressive figure, standing in at 5'5" and looking rail thin. Actually, with his pale skin and messy pale blond hair, he looks almost sickly, while his small size and the impressive amount of freckles scattered across his skin often have people convinced he's younger than he really is. It's rare that Norman speaks, let alone smiles, and his brown eyes often appear guarded. He can often be found in beaten jeans, dark shirts, and a black hooded jacket that appears at least a size or two too big.
    Personality: As stated before, it's rare Norman speaks, let alone smiles--and when he does speak, it becomes apparent he's good at dodging questions and finding excuses to slip out of conversation. He is known to isolate himself, get as get as far away from others as possible. If you could had enough persistence to break him out of his shell, you'd find Norman is a young man that has been beaten down in every way other than physically. He deals with verbal and emotional abuse from his parents on a regular basis, and speaks nothing of the fact he sees dead people... Which have a tendency to inadvertently torment him because he doesn't know how to deal with them. It's difficult for anyone to gain his trust, even if they manage to get him to talk, but if you manage it, you have won yourself over someone who is kindhearted and willing to listen. Regardless, of there's anything you want to avoid with Norman, it's making him mad. The boy has the patience of a saint, but once you've worn through it...things begin to happen, and it's difficult to stop once they start.
    History: Norman Reid's life looks more like the plot of one of those once-popular teenage angst novels than reality, but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. He was among the first children to join the project after one of the younger scientists found him on the way to work...crying in a dumpster. He was only a few hours old, and at the time it was considered a miracle the tiny baby was still alive. When no one, much to no one's surprise, came looking for him, a married pair amongst the scientists offered to adopt him and volunteer him for the project, unfortunately their motives were far from pure. Instead of wanting to take the infant in out of the goodness of their hearts, they secretly hoped to exploit the boy, whom they named Norman, when he grew into his powers. When it appeared he, nor any of the other kids would grow into their powers quickly after a few years behind the door that sealed Cloud's Cross from the rest of the world, Angeline and Warren Reid began treating their young adopted son as more of a nuisance than a child worthy of attention. This led to Norman withdrawing from everyone almost completely by age six--he shied away from other adults, and hid from the rest of the children, expecting them to treat him as his "parents" did. Of course, as soon as he managed to isolate himself from the living, that was when he began to see the dead--people who were falling apart or ripped open, some even missing parts he knew they should have had, and who all wanted his attention.

    Despite the fact they terrified him, Norman refused to tell his so-called parents or anyone else that he saw many more people in the town than others did. Instead, he further made it a point to isolate himself, that way no one else would find out, and his parents wouldn't have more ammo to add to their stash of insults. On top of dealing with the dead he doesn't know how to handle, . After all, his parents had since graduated from treating him like a nuisance to telling him how much of a nuisance he was and otherwise verbally abusing him at home, but acting nothing but sweet in public. He became better at hiding, both himself and his emotions, from people, didn't talk about how hard it was to sleep when people who bodies and faces no longer looked human hung around him constantly or how his parents liked to insult him. Instead, he bottled everything up and let it eat away at him. His isolation was beginning to hit hard as he reached sixteen, and things were taking a turn for the worst.

    But then she started appearing--the golden woman. He began noticing her appearances in his bedroom shortly after his sixteenth birthday, where she had a tendency to stand among the dead crowding his room in silence for hours before leaving quietly and taking the crowd of dead that had accumulated around him with her. Her visits increased in frequency slowly, and thinking he was finally losing it, Norman spoke to her one night. He was highly surprised to find the woman he thought was an illusion could open her mouth and speak...and that she was kind. Or, at least she seemed kind. Deep down, Norman believed that for all her kindness, the woman was just like everyone else and hiding her true nature, or that she was a complex figment of his imagination. Leaning towards the theory that the woman wasn't real, Norman allowed himself to open up to her, and it's likely that this saved his sanity. Eventually, Norman learned his only friend called herself Persephone, and that her loneliness rivaled his. She told him that not all those in Cloud's Cross were like his parents, and she took away the crowds of dead. She told him about the outside world that had existed before Cloud's Cross was built, and she listened to him. Often, she stayed long enough ease Norman into a comfortable enough state that allowed him fall asleep. And slowly things have gotten better for him. Norman still has no trust in people, but Persephone is trying to help him as much as she can. She insists that many of the children who inhabit Cloud's Cross and a number of the adults are not in fact like his parents, however it is a reassurance Norman is unwilling to put to the test just yet. As such, he remains a pro at finding places in Cloud's Cross to hide in until he has to go home and avoiding everyone who isn't Persephone.
    Other: NA

    Name: Persephone (Palmer Grant)
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Female
    Patron God(dess): Persephone is a full-fledged goddess, and has taken up full duties as head of the Underworld in her late husband's stead
    Appearance: Despite her now permanent residence in the Underworld and impressive age, Persephone looks as though she hasn't aged a day over twenty. Tall and willowy, the goddess in her usual human form stands in at an impressive 5'11" and with her sun-kissed skin, wavy golden hair that tumbles to her lower back, and warm smile, she looks for all the world like a healthy old-world runway model. Stunning emerald eyes seem to catch minute details most would miss, and aid her in giving off a distinct air of kindness. Oftentimes, Persephone can be found wearing a crown of magically preserved flowers (an old gift from her mother, Demeter) and a number of Grecian-styled floor length dresses, or loose, flowy tops with jeans and lace-up sandals or no shoes at all.
    Personality: Unlike most of her remaining relatives and others like her, Persephone is a kind, nurturing soul at heart. She is at her best when she has something to take care of, be it plants, animals, living, dead, or anything else, really. This presents itself most clearly where Norman Reid is concerned, as Persephone has spent the majority of her recent time outside the Underworld with him, and has devoted herself to helping him, though this behavior isn't restricted to him. In fact, Persephone tends to act motherly towards anything and anyone that will let her...and heaven help you if you threaten someone she's become attached to. Her sweet outward attitude, however, is often used to hide the fact that she is an incredibly lonely and grief-filled individual. She still mourns the loss of the majority of her family, and finds it difficult to address the loss of her husband in particular. Her current feelings in regards to the children of the project tapping into Olympian power are jumbled at best, and her feelings towards Norman Reid are even more indecipherable, despite clearly coming to care for the boy. Her feelings towards the adults, however, range from indifference to sheer hate, and she hides these feelings poorly.
    Be forwarned this thing is huge...
    By now, many of us know the story in some way or another--Persephone was born a goddess, the daughter of Demeter and Zeus. Growing up, she was a free spirited and kind child whose mother loved her, perhaps a bit too much. Where Demeter went, young Persephone could often be found hanging close behind, playing in fields and among flowers with an assortment of friendly life in the area. Things went on like this for ages--nothing changed, Persephone did not know any different from the life she knew, and so she was happy.

    And then her father gave her uncle, Hades, the okay to marry her...without telling her, or her mother. In fact, her father knew her mother would be so opposed to the marriage that in order to carry the plan out, Persephone had to be kidnapped. So naturally, when Hades showed up, snatched her, and spirited her away from the field where she had been playing into the underworld, she was a little angry. Well, maybe more than a little angry.

    But slowly she began to warm up to him. Hades was a lonely soul, stuck for the most part in the Underworld, kept away from many of those who could possibly relate to him. He was kind to the residents of the Underworld for the most part, and he was kind to her. He apologized for taking her against her will, and asked for her to listen, and she did. Afterwards, he asked for her forgiveness, and she granted it to him. Slowly, slowly, Persephone came to love Hades for who he was--the kind, lonely God who was eager to please those who stayed near him. When he asked her to marry him, Persephone consented. And then her mother showed up.

    Furious about the entire ordeal, Demeter demanded Hades return Persephone to her. Unfortunately for Demeter, her daughter was no longer willing to stay at her mother's side forever, and fought to stay with Hades...a fight she lost. In typical Mother Knows Best fashion, Demeter forced Persephone to return to the world's above with her. Hades, however, gave his wife a single parting gift--a pomegranate from the Underworld, telling her that if she ate part of the fruit, Demeter would be forced to return her to her husband. From that pomegranate, she ate six seeds, and eventually it was revealed that she had eaten food from the Underworld, she would have to return to it. Livid, Demeter continued to fight for her daughter, and eventually a deal was struck; a third of the year, Persephone would reside with her husband, the other two thirds would be spent with her mother and her other relatives.

    While not entirely pleased with the deal, Persephone allowed life to continue on. The time she spent with her husband was among the happiest times of her long life--sure, she and Hades occasionally hit their roadblocks, but never for long, and she enjoyed not being treated like a child. Everything seemed nearly perfect in her life, but it was a pity it couldn't last. Humans began to lose faith in the power of Persephone and her family, and their powers weakened as a result. Then what humans call the Apocalypse happened, destroying many of the gods' sources of power--some even ceased to exist. Persephone grieved for the loss of family members, but she and Hades remained untouched until shortly after, when Hades' ability to expand and build in the Underworld faltered. He was too weak to continue expanding, and the too-crowded realm needed places for its citizens to stay...and so he sacrificed himself to give the Underworld the energy it needed, naming his wife his successor when he did.

    It was this loss Persephone took hardest. She grieved for years, and her husband's name still brings back painful memories. Without family to console her, and lack of friends to encourage her, as well as a lack of those to make friends with (in fact, her only “friend” to speak of her her late husband;s dog, Cerberus), the Underworld's queen spiraled into depression. It was in this state that she wandered out of the Underworld and into the realm of the living one night, and that was when she discovered that she felt something almost...pulling at her. She followed the pull into a surprising location--an odd underground bunker that resembled a town in the days long before the end of the world. It was there that she discovered children who radiated energy that she recognized as feeling like those of her family members, and some that felt similar, but not quite the same. It was here that she was lead to a single boy in particular--a smaller boy who radiated a very familiar energy--one almost identical to her late husband’s. She noticed quickly that he tended to keep to himself, speak very little, and was almost constantly surrounded by spirits of those who had not found their way into the Underworld. Unsure of how she felt about the boy and his connection to Hades, Persephone continued to observe him for some time, only to discover the boy, named Norman, lived with parents who seemed to live to beat him down verbally and didn’t care for their son in the slightest, and that he seemed to have trouble sleeping as well. She continued to observe him, however she also began to diminish the crowd of dead that always surrounded the boy, and found herself observing him from shorter and shorter distances away, eventually taking to standing in the same room as him, though making sure to keep herself hidden from view by sticking to the same plane in which the earthbound spirits reside.

    This, however, was not enough to keep her hidden from Norman. She slowly became aware that the boy was more than capable of seeing, her, however he didn’t say anything for months...and then finally, he spoke to her, thinking she was a figment of his imagination. He was clearly surprised when she started speaking back, however he seemed to get over this fairly quickly, and the two became unlikely friends. They have now known each other two years, and Persephone spends a large deal of her time in the town known as Cloud’s Cross, either hanging near Norman or spending time watching over the other kids and trying to figure out how to best help undo the damage Norman’s parents have dealt him. She’s noticed changes among many of the kids, but has yet to reveal herself to anyone other than Norman.

    Other: Her only friend to speak of outside of Cloud’s Cross is Cerberus, her late husband’s guard dog. While the two maintain a decent relationship, they are rarely seen together, as Cerberus still maintains his job guarding the entrance to the Underworld… He is, however, bound by orders from Hades to protect Persephone with his life, and will come to her aid in times of great need.
    Last edited by Winter; 09-26-2015 at 10:10 PM.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  3. #3
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
    URPG Staff

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    May 2013
    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    @Winter, should be done, now.

    Name: Seraphine “Sera” Eze.

    Age: 17 years.

    Gender: Female.

    Patron Goddess: Sekhmet [fierce huntress, champion of ra. domain over sun and deserts].

    Appearance: Even at first glance, Seraphine’s athleticism is quite evident. She stands at 5’10”, and her muscles are well-toned. Her skin is dark brown; her eyes and close-shaved hair are black. Her facial features are pretty, although she rarely sees fit to augment them with makeup. On an average day, her wardrobe consists of simple but colorful clothing, which is usually very loose and light so that she doesn’t overheat.

    Personality: Most people consider Seraphine to be bad company, and not without reason. She's best known for being curt and temperamental. The numerous physical fights she's gotten into - and usually won - over the years have only solidified this reputation. In reality, while Seraphine does have a bit of a runaway temper, she's got no real ill intentions and generally just wants people who she doesn't know very well to leave her alone.

    As a result, very few see the deeper aspects of her personality. Although she does struggle with controlling her anger, she tends to be driven by strong feelings of restlessness and a need to enforce a sense of justice. Whatever form it comes in, she believes that any just authority should be treated with respect and deference, although she would rather not be that authority herself. Despite her rigidity, Sera is a good friend. Unshakably loyal with a wry sense of humor, she treats her friends well. She also has a creative side - although only a few know it, she loves writing and reading poetry.

    History: Seraphine was the last of three children, raised in a loving, busy home for the duration of her infancy. However, when she was two years old, her parents’ drive to the doctor’s office for Sera’s routine checkup ended prematurely in a car crash. Seraphine survived, miraculously, but her parents did not. The scientists of Cloud’s Cross happened to find out about the accident, and it took a few quick alterations to cause the records to show that Seraphine Bello had died alongside her parents.

    Seraphine Eze, however, lived on. She was a very active child, always mobile; she loved sports and anything that allowed her to burn off energy. As a little tyke, she spent most of her time outside, hoping for a glimpse of the sun as she chased the town cats and otherwise ran amok. However, when she entered school, she had some trouble adjusting. Her parents had instilled her with a strong sense of fairness, which she took extremely seriously - to the point where she would kick, punch, and slap anyone who she found guilty of bullying. She quickly developed a reputation for bully-hunting; her parents didn’t approve of her violent behavior, but saw her actions as a sign that she was developing the potential to become a leader and a protector, and as such didn’t clamp down on her particularly hard.

    However, Seraphine’s temper did not improve with time. When she hit the age of twelve, her unchecked anger began to cause problems among her peers. A week-long suspension after she broke Lux's nose was her parents’ wake-up call to start teaching her that using her fists was an inappropriate way to solve most problems. By then, however, the habits were much harder to unlearn, and while from there she was able to work toward adopting conflict resolution skills that weren’t violence, her fighting nature still remained - especially where perceived injustices were concerned.

    When Seraphine returned to school from that fight, she found someone waiting to welcome her - Lysander Martis, the boy whom she’d fought to protect. A sensitive soul and a common target for bullies, Lysander basically adopted Seraphine as his guardian. Sera was pleased with this arrangement, as she had had trouble making friends and was often troubled by loneliness. Their common interests in the arts - and their shared nigh-compulsive attraction toward fire - made it easy for them to get along.

    Although Seraphine didn’t know it, she began to get in touch with the spirit of Sekhmet as the years progressed. This connection manifested itself in multiple ways: she easily befriended the town cats, made flames burn hotter just by passing by them, and had an uncannily high body heat in almost every situation, to the point where fights with her would frequently end in the other combatant having burn marks where her fists had hit. While Seraphine was content to chalk these strange occurrences down to happenstance, and trusted her parents’ reassurances that these things were perfectly fine and normal, Lysander was not. While she claims to believe that nothing is wrong with Cloud’s Cross, and that their parents should be trusted rather than constantly questioned for nothing, she’s in a fair bit of denial over the situation. Being questioned about it by anyone, even Lysander, puts her on the defensive as she struggles to convince herself that everything is alright.

    Other: Only close friends are allowed to call her Sera. Those who violate this rule will be given a verbal warning. If the verbal warning fails, subsequent warnings will be delivered in the form of punches. Also, although most of the town's cats tend to like her, one of them specifically has declared that he is "her" cat - a big orange-and-white tom whom she named Oswald.


    Name: Lysander Martis.

    Age: 16 years.

    Gender: Male.

    Patron God: Prometheus [domain over forethought and earth. thought to have created mankind and given them fire].

    Appearance: In the middle of his growth, Lysander is broad-shouldered but rangy, standing at 6’ even. His skin is tanned; his hair is dark, shoulder-length, and usually worn in a ponytail. He has a squarish, handsome face, with brown eyes and a naturally open expression. He tends to dress in darker tones, favoring casual fashions such as jackets and scarves without being too extravagant. Although he's not able to grow a full mustache or beard yet, he often forgets to shave the little wisps that form on his upper lip.

    Personality: While Lysander tends to be a bit shy, he always makes sure to approach others with a friendly smile. His inclination toward helping others and his natural good humor and enthusiasm make him easy to get along with. While he doesn’t make close friends with everyone he meets, he likes to add cheer to even strangers’ days with a kind word or a smile. He is also extremely creative, engaged in visual art, song, and writing.

    What most people don’t know about Lysander is that he’s very nervous by default. He lives with general anxiety disorder, which manifests as jitters, insecurity, and a pervasive, restless sense that some day the other shoe will drop and some great disaster will befall him or those around him. He tends to attach to close friends more strongly as a result, thinking of the people in his life as his anchors. While his worries can sometimes consume him, it doesn't stop him from being intelligent and perceptive, able to understand people and new situations fairly easily on instinct.

    History: Lysander was born with a congenital heart defect; his parents loved him deeply, but they had little money, and the treatments that Lysander needed eventually exceeded his parents’ means. Faced with a horrible struggle, they were trapped until a stranger came to them with an offer: they would never be able to see their son again, but the stranger would ensure that Lysander would be given the life-saving treatments and the chance of a life he would not have otherwise had. His parents, though reluctant, accepted.

    That stranger and her wife became Lysander’s mothers when the baby was infused with the spirit of Prometheus and the doors of Cloud’s Cross closed. From there, Lysander was able to grow and explore. From a young age, he was very perceptive - he got into strangely few accidents as a child, as he was very good at knowing where danger was and how to avoid it. However, this didn't help him much through school, as there was danger around him quite consistently. His sensitivity and artistic nature made him a very easy target for bullies. Although his moms were encouraging and supportive, school was quite miserable for him until he was about eleven years old, when a few blunt words from Lux put him past his emotional limit - and then a girl with a reputation for hitting bullies abruptly came down on him, broke his nose, and got suspended for it.

    Lysander knew, even without talking to her, that this girl was good and that she had stepped up to his defense, and as such he was the first one to welcome her back. He latched onto her, and eventually discovered that they had shared interests in writing and a love of fire. He trusted her despite his own insecurities, and she was able to open up to him more than she had ever done with others. This friendship only grew over the years, although it remained strictly platonic due to a simple lack of interest.

    However, as time went on, Lysander slowly began to notice the abnormalities of Cloud's Cross. His instincts for danger only grew - he was eerily good at knowing when accidents would happen, although he chalked this down to his natural paranoia happening to occasionally be correct. He noticed Seraphine's restlessness, the strange attraction she had to fire, the burn-like wounds that would appear on people she'd fought whenever she was very angry. He noticed that that others in the city could do things that just didn't seem to exactly fit the normal profile. The fact that many of Cloud's Cross's kids were adopted, himself included, wasn't wasted on him either. While he chalked down his ability to anticipate disaster and natural understanding of other people to personal tendencies, he couldn't ignore the fact that the elements themselves reacted to his fellow kids. While Seraphine has not been much help, he wants to find the answers in Cloud's Cross.

    Other: In addition to GAD, Lysander also has ornithophobia (fear of birds). Hearing about them doesn't make him nervous, but he finds seeing pictures of them unsettling and will go out of his way to avoid the chicken coops.
    Last edited by VeloJello; 08-02-2015 at 08:09 PM.

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  4. #4
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Added Prometheus to your reserves.

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  5. #5
    Master of Time and Space Agent XIII's Avatar
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    129 there no more pages? Then: Coyote, Anubis, Crow in a reserve list. Since you said Coyote was very iffy

  6. #6
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    It was just posted last night and everyone has been talking over Skype, lol. Reserves accepted for now.

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  7. #7
    Not a clue, man TheoreticalSelkie's Avatar
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    I'm still debating some things, but do reserve the Morrigan and Cai Shen for me ^^

  8. #8
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Added to the reserves list.

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  9. #9
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Double post because there seems to be some confusion and I'd like to clarify

    The deities used in this RP should be from real world mythology/religions. They do not have to be human in form since the children are just tapping into their power, but please no Lovecraft horrors or flying spaghetti monsters or anything like that. Whether or not the deity is human, the child will remain human unless they somehow manage to ascend to deity status (which would honestly take a long time with the way powers work here). And as a reminder: please try to avoid deities that would harm the big mission here--they were raised to fix earth, not destroy it. If you absolutely need a deity fitting this description, (we already have two), please discuss it with me via Skype or messages here.

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  10. #10
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    I'm really excited for this character, guys xD

    Name: Shawn Armstrong

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Patron God: Thor [associated with thunder/lighting/storms, strength, defense of mankind, agriculture to an extent, and healing]

    Appearance: Shawn’s presence is just as loud as her voice. Her stocky build comes from a long relationship with body-building and kickboxing—two of her greatest passions in life. Despite her tomboyish tendencies, she does put good effort into looking pretty, though sometimes her thick blonde locks can be rather… unmanageable. She refuses to cut it, however, and loves wearing it down whenever she isn’t working out. Shawn doesn’t mind dressing on occasion, though she favors comfort over fashion. It’s not uncommon to see her in tank-tops and capris.

    Personality: To some, Shawn might be a little… overwhelming—if not, downright intimidating. While openly friendly and energetic, her voice is a loaded boom-box and her boisterous laughter can be downright deafening. Being the rough and rowdy type, she loves a good challenge, particularly with feats of strength (also she’s rather fond of upstaging guys). This crazy blonde loves pushing herself physically, always testing the limits of her abilities. With this background, she’s rather tomboyish, leading her to be a bit lax and emotionally insensitive in some regards.

    While relatively easy-going, she isn’t known for her patience. Her temper can flare explosively, and she has been known to beat up kids who get on her bad side. She is also rather protective of her friends. Mess with them, she’ll mess with your face.

    History: Shawn hasn’t particularly been observant to the weirdness surrounding her town, as she’s mostly been obsessed with building her strength. Even in elementary school, she was constantly trying to prove that she was better than the boys (and most of the time, she was). In middle school, she was particularly troublesome—often getting sent to the principal’s office for starting fist-fights with bullies (she never was a bully herself). Eventually, her parents found a proper outlet for her to vent all this: kick-boxing. She fell in love with it and continues to practice it through her high school days, alongside weightlifting.

    Even with her obliviousness, Shawn has discovered a few oddities with herself. During a recent party with friends, she discovered a rather peculiar trick: she could make light bulbs glow in her hands. The first time, she actually made the bulb burst. Equal parts awed and unnerved, she’s tried multiple times to replicate the act in secret. She’s busted quite a number in all her attempts.

    Other: “This will be the day we’re waiting for~”


    Name: Lydia McCormick

    Age: 15

    Gender: Female

    Patron Goddess: Demeter [associated with agriculture and sacred law]

    Appearance: Ginger through and through, Lydia sports red hair and a face full of freckles. She prefers dressing simply and modestly, though it’s common to see her jeans stained with dirt or grass given the all the work she does in the field. She grows her hair out only to keep it up in a long ponytail (she hates when it gets in her face while she works).

    Personality: Lydia has a sunny—if not quiet—disposition; though shy, most find her very kind and energetic once she opens up. Ever the optimist, she looks for the best in others. She has a deep passion for botany and agriculture, though her opportunities are severely limited in Cloud’s Cross. This odd passion leaves her a bit distanced from other teenagers, leaving her a bit withdrawn (many people know her as the “plant nerd”). Yet when she finds someone with the same interests, she quickly grows enthusiastic.

    If she had her druthers, she would spend all day outside working with the plants. She becomes particularly prone to seasonal affective disorder, as she has limited contact with plants during the winter. Because of her lack of social grace, Lydia is rather gullible and naďve. Sarcasm is a bit hard for her to recognize.

    History:Lydia was a very quiet child, growing up, often keeping to herself. Once she was old enough to work with her family in Cloud Cross’s lonely field, she seemed to undergo a complete transformation. She came alive when surrounded by plants, growing chatty and excited. In class, she threw herself into biological studies, learning more about photosynthesis than any girl should know about at her age. Besides what she learned in class, she absorbed everything her parents taught her about agriculture—from the soil to time-tables, the importance of rotating crops, ect. This education garnered a strong work-ethic, and no fear of getting her hands dirty with good honest work.

    The more she learned about the cycles and needs of plants, the more she began to realize how difficult of a place Cloud’s Cross was to raise crops. She had mentioned these concerns to her parents a few times, even going as far as to suggest finding better land, though her folks gave her some vague answers. Saddened by the state of the local flora, Lydia has tried her best to encourage them to grow—even going as far as to talk or even sing to the plants.

    To her surprise, her work seems to be paying off. But lately, she has the uncanny feeling that the plants are actually listening to her. Whenever she goes out into the field, the plants seem to perk up right before her eyes. She has yet to mention this to anyone, particularly because of the odd way her parents have been acting lately.

    Other: She's really... down to earth
    Last edited by FedoraChar; 08-03-2015 at 01:15 AM. Reason: Aaaaaand, Demeter's done! :D

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