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  1. #1
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples

    Where Myths Tread [SUDS]

    Welcome to Cloud's Cross
    "For as long as I can remember, there have been things about Cloud's Cross that just I've never lived anywhere else--none of us have--but there are things that just don't add up.

    "For one, things don't change here. It's overcast every day--thick gray clouds hide the sun. It rains sometimes, but it's never sunny. Our science textbooks showed more pictures of lovely blue sky than angry thunderheads, and I wondered why. We never caught sight of the moon, either. That aside, no one comes or goes--instead, Cloud's Cross is separated from the world by a single large brick wall, and for some reason that just doesn't seem right.

    "Late one night in our younger years, I was helping my brother to the bathroom when we heard our parents talking. They were saying something about not knowing when we were ready, or something to that effect, and being worried about our powers... And sure, I've seen a person or two make plants grow, and water act strangely a time or two, but everyone here is good at their own thing, I've learned. That's normal, right? That's what we--my brother and I--thought, anyway.

    "And then a few days ago, there was this accident. They were trying to do repairs on the schoolhouse when something fell. The schoolhouse--it's a two story building, and I haven't been able to get a proper story out of anyone, but I know whatever it was, everyone there was surprised when Beau Sanders caught it and managed to keep it from hurting anyone. It was a miracle, a few of them said, and everything was great.

    "That was, until Beau didn't show up for school or soccer practice the next day. Or the next day. Or the day after that. And then didn't show up for garden duty--you get the picture, he was gone for a while. And in the days since, things have...changed. I don't know what it is exactly, but things feel different, like something is going to happen. It's been years since my brother and I overheard that conversation between our parents, and I've been wondering for years about why our little town is so different...

    "Now's as good a time as ever. We're going to figure out what's going on, we're going to discover the truth." -Ava Clearwater

    The apocalypse has come and gone, but not without people knowing it was coming. A small group of scientists working on environmental studies realized that a catastrophe on a massive scale was coming, and stopping it just wasn't humanly possible--all they could do was prepare. That was when one of the scientists mentioned a friend that had been doing some interesting work in channeling spirits that, oddly, seemed to be producing some unexpected results.

    Upon meeting with this friend and discussing the situation, a plan was formed--they couldn't stop the apocalypse, but they could try to give the world the heroes and leaders it would need after. With further help, the scientists began seeking out artifacts thought to be connected with certain gods and attempting to use technologies developed by the friend to channel the gods into themselves. When this failed, they began to seek out those that might prove better able to channel the gods and goddesses. The best vessels, they determined, were children. As they began to seek out potential vessels, the group also began to use funding money to create an underground bunker that would eventually take the shape of an entire little town.

    The problem in finding their vessels was that no one would take them seriously. The solution for their vessels came in the form of children no one would notice missing--sickly babies that weren't given long life expectancies, abandoned children, and other children who otherwise might not have made it long on the streets. It was through a combination of using the artifacts, the infants, and the technology that the scientists achieved their goal.

    Well, kind of.

    Because of the nature of the project, the scientists aren't entirely sure they got everything right. It's possible there were some slip ups along the way, possibly a wrong God(ess) here, potentially a human child there, that kind of thing, and not know, because the children didn't gain their powers immediately. These, they hoped would come in time. Until then they weren't to say a word to the children about their possible powers and future roles until the powers revealed themselves, simply raise the kids in as generic a setting as possible in such a way that they would be willing to step into their expected roles when the time came.

    As the end drew near, so did the bunker town's completion, and the scientists and their assigned children moved in. Complex indoor field systems to encourage plant growth were set up, a handful of animals were brought in for food and companionship, the scientists finalized their roles in the new society, and the town was named "Cloud's Cross". The doors finally closed days before the Apocalypse started.

    And the the wait began.

    Now, fifteen years after the closing of the doors, the wait has started to end as the scientists slowly begin to realize that in most cases, their shot in the dark experiment worked. Slowly, the children they raised, now teenagers, are beginning to discover or reveal they have powers.

    Only, now there is dissent in the ranks. Unsure if their plan will work, some scientists argue to stay holed up in the bunker, where those inside will be safe, others argue the children have a purpose, and others have hidden agendas. Unfortunately for them, as their charges' lives are turned upside down, they are beginning to form their own ideas and escape plans.

    What You Need to Know
    The Gods of Old for the most part, no longer exist due to a lack of believers, lack of education, and lack of their elements. Those that are still around are those who would thrive off of death and conflict of surviving mortals (outside of the bunker).
    The World Outside will not be touched upon until much later, but the lack of optimism in several of Cloud's Cross' scientists is due to the fact go up to check on the world outside twice every year. Things don’t look too pretty.
    Technology in Cloud's Cross is limited. They have a well cared for generator for electrical needs, a somewhat complex air filter system that few know how to keep in operation, a system of lights and mirrors form their “sun,” their plumbing could use some improvement, they carry walkie talkies in place of phones, and a handful of computers hooked up to a single database that gives the illusion of a wireless network where there isn't one. They have no internet access.
    Animal and plant life in Cloud’s Cross are almost as limited as technology. There is one somewhat scrawny looking central field in the center of the town that has, strangely enough, improved over the years--it doesn’t quite look as hopeless as it used to, and the limited crops it bears, small assorted patches of once-common fruits and vegetables) are at least edible. Animal life is limited to a pair of cows, a small family of chickens, and a few cats and dogs. There might be a mouse or two, but they were not invited, and likely slipped in.
    Despite popular belief, the children are not actually channeling their patron god(dess)’s spirits, but instead now possess the potential to tap into their patron god(dess)’s powers. It is entirely possible for a child with a still existing patron god(dess) to live at the same time as and have full access to the same powers as a living patron god(dess), but unless the child is connected to a particularly nasty god, this is highly unlikely due to reasons stated in section 1
    Children gain their powers gradually and through performing actions/hanging around elements similar to those of their patron god(dess), they are likely to exhibit what appears to be a natural interest in things tied to their patron god(dess) at first. For instance, a child connected to Poseidon may initially find themselves very fond of water, and provided they continue to participate in water related actions, such as long baths, watering the plants/animals, and taking long swims in the town’s single and somewhat dirty pond. Eventually they would discover that they have minor control over the water they love so much, and playing with this power will slowly result in the strengthening of this power. Children who have discovered their powers before the RP’s start have likely done a good job at keeping this knowledge away from their parents and others, and in some children, their powers may appear in less apparent manners. Some children may also suffer from adverse reactions due to a lack of their element, but it may depend on the element and on the child.
    Anything else you want to know? Go ahead and ask.

    The Town Rules
    All PXR rules apply, people...
    1: Please avoid bunnying and godmodding
    2: Let’s also avoid “invincible” characters. I know where dealing with potential gods here, but even they are gonna have to take a hit sometimes.
    3: Please be active--if you’re going to be gone for an extended amount of time, try to notify someone in the RP beforehand
    4:Be nice to everyone, guys
    5: Keep posts PG-13 (on all fronts) and below, and limit use of profanity
    6: Lastly, have fun!

    The SU Sheet
    Name: (Nothing fancy, first, last, and maybe middle)
    Age: (No younger than 15, no older than 18)
    Gender: (Pretty self explanatory)
    Patron God(dess): (Pick a mythology/religion, pick any mythology/religion EDIT: As a side note, I will be limiting "mess-up" children with problematic patron god(desses) there needs to be a balance. Please clear these with me beforehand.)
    Appearance: (Standard paragraph minimum on what your character looks like)
    Personality: (Standard paragraph minimum on how your character acts)
    History: (Two paragraph minimum on how their life has been thus far--if they've noticed the town is strange, have discovered powers, and so on and so forth)
    Other: (Anything we need to know that hasn't been covered yet? That goes here.)

    The Inhabitants of Cloud's Cross (Accepted)
    Velocity: Seraphine "Sera" Eze (Sekhmet) and Lysander Martis (Prometheus)
    FedoraChar: Shawn Armstrong (Thor) and Lydia McCormick (Demeter)

    Those Waiting to Gain Entry (Reserves)
    Winter: Athena, Hephaestus, Hades, and Persephone
    Saraibre-Ryu: Loki and Eris
    Death's Spook: Odin
    TBD: Dionysus and Apollo
    Agent XIII: Coyote, Crow, and Anubis
    TheoreticalSelkie: Cai Shen and Morrigan
    Yojimbo: Hermes
    Last edited by Winter; 08-04-2015 at 03:08 AM.

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