Shadow Pokemon doing gory things ahead... be warned... Pretty sure it still meets the PG-13 rating requirement ...


Buggy-Q followed the scent of his newest prey.

He no longer even acknowledged the smell of the blood and viscera which had dried onto his body. Remnants of his victims adorned him like rotting, decaying trophies.

Smell, like all of his senses had taken a back seat to the anger and pain that ripped through his frame. Every moment of his existence was an ecstasy of agony. The need to release his anger and fury was all that drove him. He would destroy the world and all that lived in it.

A rustle in a nearby bush and then a quick flash of movement alerted Buggy-Q to the Rattata’s location. Without thinking, Buggy-Q sent a tendril of shadow to grab the Rattata.

The Rattata cried in fear as it was dragged by the solid shadow tendril into Buggy-Q’s reach. Its screams grew as Buggy-Q rocketed his poison horn through the frightened Pokémon’s body to explode out the other side in a bloody mess.

Buggy-Q revelled in the only happiness the shadow allowed him to feel. That joy of taking the life of a lesser Pokémon. Part of the Rattata’s pelt snagged on Buggy-Q’s horn and flapped in the breeze like a gory banner of death.

The fur added to the Pidgey feathers, Ekans skin and various weedle and Caterpie parts to almost completely obscure the weedle that Buggy-Q used to be. The grotesque crawling mass was shrouded in a deep shadow which added to its fearful appearance.

The revelling in blood and victory was short-lasting. It always was. Soon the urge to hunt, to kill and feed was growing again.

The pull of the shadow had led Buggy-Q far from the safety of his home and his family. The shadow loved to remind Buggy-Q of his family. Pictures of Buggy-Q killing his brothers and sisters in a shadow-fuelled rage ran through his head like the world’s goriest slideshow. The shadow always laughed at the pain that these images brought Buggy-Q.

The city was ahead. It was on fire. The shadow wanted to go there. Buggy-Q had long ago stopped fighting what the Shadow wanted. He gave in once more to the hunger of rage and anger. The shadow wanted bigger prey. It wanted Buggy-Q to feast upon human flesh.

Instinct based on an evil both ancient and new evil drove Buggy-Q through the streets until he saw his prey. Two girls were trying to flee the city. The shadow drove all thoughts from Buggy-Q except one. ‘Kill the little one’.

Sticking to the shadows which were heightened by his own permanent shadow Buggy-Q was able to get close to the girls before they could see him. He leapt from the shadows and let out a blood-curdling cry.

The girls screamed and fled in opposite directions. Buggy-Q smiled evilly as he saw the little girl flee into an abandoned house. Pulling deep on the evil within him he attacked the already weakened house with powerful streams of shadow and watched in pleasure as it collapsed in on the girl.

The pleasure of the kill started to fill him, but stopped abruptly as he heard the little girl call out, “Amy. I think I am stuck. Can you get me out? Please.”

Furious that his kill had been denied Buggy-Q attacked the rubble of the house worming his way inside to find the girl.

Shadow-fury overtook him as he navigated the burrows and beams of the destroyed house. Without sight, smell or sound, Buggy-Q relied purely on the shadow to guide him. He knew the shadow would lead him true. The shadow loved killing even more than Buggy-Q.

Eventually he reached a cavity and sensed the girl. It was odd she seemed to be talking to someone.

“I've been in a collapsing building before. It's Ok you will get me out. I will just wait here." The little girl called out to someone on the outside.

She wasn’t scared? The Shadow didn’t like that!

Buggy-Q reached out with a shadow tendril and pulled on a beam. It caused the building to collapse inwards and opened the ceiling enough to allow the flickering orange light of the fire to shine in.

He jumped out of the darkness into the flickering light, letting the little girl see his hideousness.

The girl let out a high scream of terror. Buggy-Q Shivered in the joy he received form that cry of fear. He leapt at her, joyously pointing his poison stinger directly at the little girl’s chest. This would be a marvellous kill.

Then something hit him in the side. He was hit harder than anything had ever hit him before. Something had prevented his kill. The fury and pain within him whipped up into a tornado of violence. He turned to look into the eyes of the largest most ferocious Pokémon he had ever seen.

The Mightyena had appeared out of nowhere and attacked without hesitation.

Buggy-Q used all his powers to take down the Mightyena, but the large Wolf-Pokémon was too powerful and vicious. It shrugged off Buggy-Q’s furious attack and grabbed him by the neck and crunched.

Buggy-Q felt the life drain out of him as he heard the little girl call out, “Puppy!” Then all was darkness.

Minutes, hours or decades later, Buggy-Q was awakened by the shadow. He was furious! He was Hungry! He was going to feast on that little girl’s corpse if it was the last thing he did.

*Come* the command spoke directly into Buggy-Q’s subconscious.

Buggy-Q ignored it. He had human prey to hunt.

Pain rippled through Buggy-Q’s body. The pain he had experienced from the shadow seemed to pale in comparison. Even the shadow seemed to shrink back in fear of this voice.

*Come* the instruction came again. Despite his fury and hunger, Buggy-Q could do nothing but obey this new presence. He knew where to go, guided by a hold more powerful than even the shadow.

Buggy-Q followed a trail of destruction that led to the centre of the destroyed city where he beheld a sight more horrifying and gloriously, incandescently beautiful than any sight in the history of his short life.

A veritable font of shadows walked through the city in human form. The shadow-font pointed and powerful Pokémon enhanced by the beautiful torture of shadows rose up to destroy at his will.

Buggy-Q knew that he had met the trainer worthy of working with him.

Buggy-Q watched as the shadow-font stood against lesser humans and destroyed their puny Pokémon one by one.

A great bust of power shot through the area and a giant Shadow-empowered Charizard appeared. It then drew even more power and grew into a being of supreme shadow power. Buggy-Q knew that this Mega-charizard was an avatar of pain and fury.

Surprisingly one of the puny humans stood up to attack the Avatar of shadow. A large young man in the red clothes worn by professional trainers. Such rudeness, Buggy-Q felt his anger rising to pitch fury and tried to launch a nasty attack from behind to kill this trainer.

Something held him back. The shadow-font! The man of shadows was denying Buggy-Q the kill.

Buggy-Q fought against the restraint. He needed this kill. It had been too long! He needed blood. It was no use though, the shadow-font was too strong. Buggy-Q hated the shadow-font as much as he loved it. He knew he had to obey.

He watched the Mega-Charizard, the shadowy avatar of pain and fury rip through the puny human’s Pokémon. He laughed in delight as they were battered and discarded like the leftover pieces of Buggy-Q’s past victims.

Another puny human stood up to the Mega-Charizard and Buggy-Q laughed as the Shadow-empowered Charizard tore apart even more Pokémon. He laughed evilly hoping to soon be free from the shadow-font’s restraint. Free to go and feast on these defenceless humans. His laughter stopped as an eruption of shadow exploded from the Shadow-Avatar and it fell to the ground, exhausted. Buggy-Q felt the pain of its fall.

The shadow-font wavered, but then became stronger and waves of shadow shot everywhere. The puny humans were hit by the shadow and Buggy-Q watched as their weakness was removed and they were strengthened by the pain and fury of the shadow.

At the height of its victory, the Shadow-font suddenly vanished and Buggy-Q was no longer being held back. With a roar he charged towards the human who lay defenceless on the ground after the Shadow-font’s attack. He would devour this one and wear his skin like a mask.

A sudden shock of energy hit Buggy-Q stunning him and leaving him paralysed on the ground. He saw a strange human in army fatigues moving up him.

“Sarge, we got one! Call in the containment team.”

“What is that thing Johnson? It looks like a pile of rotting Pokémon parts.”

“I think there is some kind of bug under there, Sarge!”

“Well then, you know the procedure. Bag it and tag it! R and D will want to experiment on it. This weird energy could be a viable weapon.”

Another shock and Buggy-Q blacked out.

When he came too, Buggy-Q was stuck in a sturdy plasti-glass case. He looked around there were so many targets and he needed a kill.

There was that trainer who had battled the Shadow Mega-Charizard. How Buggy-Q hated him. He must die. Buggy-Q launched himself at the trainer, but bounced off the window. He flew into a frenzy attacking the window over and over.

All conscious thought left him and all that was left was a ball of fury with a mind full of death.