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  1. #1

    More Than Meets the Eye

    Okay, I'm finally making this thread. Today my feels were an inch from being utterly destroyed. I'll tell you why. My current favorite comic (or perhaps favorite of all time) had a new issue release today. An issue I was absolutely dreading for various reasons- mostly out of fear for my favorite characters. So, what is this comic? Hmm... it'll sound absurd if I say it. It really will. I tell people the name and they give me this look like 'THAT'S your favorite comic?" I know. I had a similar reaction when I was forced encouraged to read it by a friend.

    So here it is: Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye

    So, if you told me a year ago that my favorite comic would be a Transformers (Yes, giant robots that turn into cars) comic, I'd have laughed and called you crazy. I didn't even like the franchise a year ago, let alone any of the comics. However, the inner animation nerd in me spotted one of the cartoons and out of boredom decided 'why the hell not.' Fast forward a few weeks and a friend finds out I watched said show and threw the comics in my face.

    The story takes place after the Autobot/Decepticon War has ended and follows a group of insane/crazy/psychotic misfits as they hop on a ship and go searching for 'The Knights of Cybertron' - their ancient ancestors or something that left forever ago to colonize the galaxy and might not even actually exists. It can be a bit episodic at times but has long over-arching plot lines and craptons of subtle foreshadowing that makes re-reading worth the time!

    I am obsessed fell in love with MTMTE. I don't even know how the hell that happened. The characters are fun, the humor is great, the plotlines are interesting... it's got that beautiful and rare balance of humor, feels, plot, and character development. It's also one of the more progressive/LGBT-friendly comics I've seen out there- and it's not overly preachy about said topics too. Very rarely I'll come across any series where I love such a large portion of the cast. Of all the main protagonists, I can't honestly pick a single one I wouldn't cry for if they died right now.

    I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a new comic to read. It can be a bit intimidating at first being part of a larger continuity- but for the most part, it stands very strongly on its own. You don't need to read anything else to make sense of what is going on. You may miss a few small references and maybe a joke or two- but nothing big. MTMTE is meant to be a starting point for new readers, after all. Though, I should warn that the reading list can be a bit weird cause... comics. There's a few 'side' issues that aren't numbered but are important. I'll include a reading list at the bottom of this post.

    Also, don't believe me that a Transformers comic can be good? MTMTE won the award for 'Continued Excellence in a Serial Comic' award in December. The writer won the 'Outstanding Writer' award for MTMTE. I believe the main artist deserved awards too, but competition is tough! I've also gotten a few non-TF fan readers to try it out and so far the reception to it has been quite positive. Isn't that right, @RobinHoude (He deals with my fangirl screaming every release).

    Anyway- this thread is to discuss anything and everything MTMTE related. ='D I'm hoping there's at least one other MTMTE reader here. If not, I must convert everyone.

    The MTMTE Reading List
    *Starred things on the list aren't necessary to read. They may include some important things but can be skipped without missing much.


    *The Death of Optimus Prime
    MTMTE #1-6
    MTMTE 2012 Annual
    *Spotlight: Trailcutter
    *Spotlight: Hoist
    MTMTE #7-13
    Signal To Noise (Short story at the end of v4 / Takes place after #13)
    MTMTE #14-21
    *The Sound of Breaking Glass (Short story at the end of v5 / Takes place after #21)
    MTMTE #22

    Dark Cybertron (A crossover thing with the other ongoing TF comic, Robots in Disguise. Takes place over Robots in Disguise 23-27 and MTMTE 23-27)

    MTMTE #28-49
    *Silent Light (MTMTE Holiday Special)
    MTMTE #50 - Present

    Other Stories
    Things that aren't in the MTMTE timeline but are referenced to from time to time:

    Last Stand of the Wreckers (5 issues)
    Dead Man's Boots (Short Story)
    Bullets (Short Story)
    Out of Bullets (Short Story)
    Chaos Theory (One Volume- 5 issues I think)

  2. #2
    O: I may give this a read! xD Sounds pretty cool. Not a Transformers fan myself, but given that you weren't before now, I have faith that I'll like the comics. x)

  3. #3
    Computer Geek RobinHoude's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    It's definitely worth reading--Neko dragged me into the MTMTE insanity and I haven't regretted it. XD

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post
    O: I may give this a read! xD Sounds pretty cool. Not a Transformers fan myself, but given that you weren't before now, I have faith that I'll like the comics. x)
    I know it sounds so weird that a transformers comic would be one of the best and most enjoyable ones out there. I was honestly surprised at how much I've enjoyed/loved it. <3 @RobinHoude was also not a TF fan prior to being blackmailed into reading MTMTE. =D And several reviews by non-TF fans have been wonderfully positive! It's a TF comic for non-TF fans, I suppose! xD

    The series is currently on their 'season' 2 finale. =D Six months of pure torture (for the readers).

    Let me know when/if you start reading- I'm more than happy to answer any questions and see reactions. I'm quite familiar to anything MTMTE related at this point, so I'm more than happy to clear up any thing that might be confusing. I think the most common problem people have jumping into MTMTE (that aren't already familiar with TF lore and whatnot) is telling characters apart. xD

    Also, PSA for the MTMTE readers here: #52 seems to be scheduled for April 27th. We're in for one hell of an issue.

    Megatron vs Tarn


  5. #5
    Sure thing! XD I'll let you know when it happens. I mean, you're giving a glowing recommendation, so I have faith. ;3

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post
    Sure thing! XD I'll let you know when it happens. I mean, you're giving a glowing recommendation, so I have faith. ;3
    It's not often that I recommend comics- but this one has so much love put into it. And so many memorable quotes/lovable characters. x3 Just be warned- the foreshadowing is everywhere. Is so subtle at times you don't notice it.


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