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  1. #11
    Fists of Fury Jacket's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Victoria B.C.

    Shahzad Misra

    Sah (A shortening of his given name)


    Longzarian (?)


    Sah is tall and lean, and keeps his body well wrapped in typical layered Freisian robes to try and hide his body type: awkward gangly teenager. His skin and hair is rather dark, a normal characteristic of Freisian people. He keeps his head bundled up in an elaborate cloth scarf that obscures his eyes, the other eye is brown, though is dark enough that it can appear to be just one large pupil. His jaw-length hair is extremely bristly and juts out the back of his makeshift turban like a horse's or a lion's mane. He sports stubble (Freisian men are often known for having thick bristly beards) which makes him appear more unruly and awkward. He likes to grin, and his canines are long enough that they can be seen even when his mouth is often closed.

    Cocky and immature, Sah is extremely talkative and musical. He is more than eager to make his mark on the world, though it's unsure how he'll do that, with a mischievous streak and a penchant for taking anything that isn't bolted down. Despite his rather rowdy outside, Sah is extremely loyal to those he considers teammates and friends, as well as fearless. For someone who is likely 30 lbs soaking wet, he has no problem running headlong into dangerous situations.

    Sah is rumored to be related to the royal family of Freese, due to his rather unique given name (Sahzad means 'prince') though if confronted, he'll give a shrug and pretend not to hear you. This is as far as most people get. A guard who asked Sah about his childhood was bitten on the arm. Sah is notoriously known across Longzaru for stealing objects (anything metal is his favorite) and bringing it to a hidden cache somewhere.

    Azi Shamshira (Traditional Freisian Martial Arts), Shariyar Discipline

    Fangs of Ahura + Personal Flair

  2. #12

    “All Heaven and Earth
    Flowered white obliterate...
    Snow...unceasing snow”

    Dubbed "the Forgotten Land", the Holy State of Omashu is a small theocratic entity located in the Blessed Continent's northwestern region. Legend has it that when the Martial Way reached the Blessed Continent, Omashu became a powerful nation of the Arts and, while not becoming a hub for martial arts, was a well-respect community and martial arts authority in its own right. Once the Schism occurred, Omashu fell to the anti-martial religious leaders, who instituted the "Martial Reform Act of Unity", which prohibited any kind of martial thinking and action as a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or intellectual pursuit. In fact, martial arts are still outlawed to this day, officially, though the military tends to turn a blind eye to the Arts unless one uses it to cause trouble.

    Obviously, Omashu would be a conservative nation, being so religious. The priests and missionaries built it up after the war, and declared anything but their religion as being dangerous and inviting of another conflict. The religion? Shalism. Long ago, the Creator of the Heavens, Shal, made the Holy Realm, the Hellish Realm, and then Longzaru -- the world. It's said that he put the Omashites on the Blessed Continent and told them that they were his chosen, and then over the course of 100 generations, would take a human form and give them instructions they were to follow. Shalism seeps into all cultural aspects of Omashu, even bleeding into the originally agnostic indigenous culture of the region before the Schism. You will rarely find babies being had out of wedlock, nor will you hear talk of "contraception". While the ruling body is aware such things exist, promoting the populace to indulge may result in exile, or even worse...death.

    Aesthetically, Omashu is a soft fusion of Japanese and Chinese culture, though with a heavier Japanese influence.


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