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  1. #1
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples

    A Rift in Time... [SUDS}

    No one took them seriously. They were just a bunch of crazies with silly outfits and an impossible dream. Even the local trainers who fought them off every time they showed up just thought of them as regular nuisances that showed up like clockwork.

    But that thinking may have doomed us all.

    Welcome to the region of Sinnoh, a land once known for its rich history and big cities. Now, it’s known for tragedy. As best as anyone can tell, several weeks ago Cyrus of Team Galactic finally succeeded in summoning Dialga and Palkia, the legendary rulers of time and space, and his request for them to create a new world according to his vision didn't go over very well.

    Very few people were aware of the meeting that took place that day, but they (and we all) became aware as soon as half of Mt. Coronet simply disappeared, leaving an empty abyss in its wake. If that wasn't bad enough, spatial distortions have been added to the mix, manifesting as rifts of varying size that tend to hover in midair, like a gaping rip in the fabric of the world. These rifts, however, do not simply appear--they announce their presence by generating almost explosive outward bursts or doing the opposite, pulling everything towards it like a less powerful cousin of a black hole. Regardless of whether they generate force outward or pull everything inward, they are also accompanied by what has been dubbed the “Ripple Phenomena,” in which a single wave of varying strength (thought to be linked to rift size) travels outward in a single ripple some distance from the rift on all sides, and is believed to bend time and space inside and around everything it touches. Buildings and objects have be comically bent, aged at astonishing speeds, mutated in different and bizarre manners.

    But most of all, it has been proven to affect humans and Pokemon alike. Some have gone missing, others appear to have been transported from where they were standing when brought into contact with the Ripple to where the ripple ended. Some have suffered or benefited from physical mutations, and according to slowly emerging recent reports…

    Well, some have developed “superpowers.” A young girl was seen floating several feet off the ground in Eternia City, a little boy rescued from the tragic rift appearance in Veilstone was suddenly capable of making the ground shake with his screams. Another Veilstone survivor is rumored to sport abilities simply described as being "Ditto-like." As a result, the Sinnoh government issued the order to have a special task force created to deal with the rifts, study the Ripple Phenomena, and handle survivors--particularly those of the mutated and superpowered persuasion following the declaration of a state of emergency in the region.

    To make matters worse, reports are surfacing that Team Galactic members are attempting to continue to recruit people, insisting the rifts are the pathway to a new world, and should not be bothered, going as far as to fight off government affiliated people attempting approach newer rifts in order to perform research. Some have mutated Pokemon and people at their disposal. In other areas, crime has skyrocketed, both at the hands of the mutated and the twisted opportunists, meanwhile some places are filled with people trying to continue on like nothing is wrong.

    Oh, and while some smaller rifts have disappeared in time, the larger ones seem to be getting bigger. The appearance rates of rifts of all sizes seem to be picking up. If things aren't sorted out soon, this could be the end for Sinnoh.

    So are you going to help save Sinnoh, bury your head in the sand, or help wipe the region off the map?

    • The task force is headed by one Miss Astrid Kain, former head of criminal interrogations for the Sinnoh FBI, and accepts volunteers from both civilians and those affected by the Ripple Phenomena. Ripple survivors, however, are often paired with volunteers or higher ranking agents in order to keep mass hysteria from breaking out.
    • Ripple affected Pokemon are rare--it seems the Phenomena affects humans more frequent
    • It's been theorized that a person's personality may affect their mutation, as such, no two Ripple mutations have been found to manifest in the same way
    • The largest and most destructive rift appearance to date occurred shortly after the disappearance of half of Mt Coronet, in Veilstone City, which has since been evacuated. Most people try to avoid the city entirely, if possible, and a large number of those sporting Ripple mutations from this event specifically are under the care of the task force.
    • No one is sure who is in charge of Team Galactic now, as neither Cyrus nor his officers have surfaced, and no one else has publicly announced taking over.


    All PXR rules apply, people...
    1: Please avoid bunnying (taking control of non-NPCs without permission) and godmodding
    2: Let’s also avoid “invincible” characters… Yes, some characters have superpowers, no they cannot be invincible
    3: Please be active--if you’re going to be gone for an extended amount of time, try to notify someone in the RP beforehand
    4:Be nice to everyone, guys
    5: Keep posts PG-13 (on all fronts) and below, and limit use of profanity
    6: Lastly, have fun!

    SU Sheet
    Powers/Mutations: Short description of a character's powers or mutations if they survived through a Ripple Phenomena
    Affiliation (and Position): Whose side are they on, and what rank do they hold (if applicable)?
    Appearance: 1-2 paragraphs on how your character looks
    Personality: 1-2 paragraphs on how they act
    History: 1-2 paragraphs on how they ended up here
    Pokemon Team: Up to six, no Megas

    Accepted Characters

    Task Force




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  2. #2
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Post reserved for SUs

    Astrid Kain
    Age: 26
    Gender: Female
    Powers/Mutations: None
    Affiliation: Task Force (Head)
    Appearance: Looking at Astrid, most people would find it easy to question why this woman of all people, was chosen as the head of the Sinnoh FBI’s interrogation division, and then the head of the task force. Overall, she’s a rather average looking woman, standing 5’8” without the added height of her favorite mid-rise pumps, just under 6’ with them, and sporting clear, fair skin. She often wears her board straight chocolate brown hair in a ponytail or bun, and her hazel eyes stare down the world from behind black wire-rimmed glasses. Her wardrobe is almost nothing but professional clothing, an army of neutral colored button ups, blazers, vests, and pencils skirts, though sometimes she may wear a nice blouse or slacks instead, and she is almost never seen without her favorite pair of mid-rise black pumps on her feet. Do be wary of the fact her blazers contain a number of inner pockets which she uses to store...pretty much everything that isn’t paperwork.
    Personality: Most people’s first impressions of Astrid Kain include the observation that “She should get out more.” She’s a workaholic that is known for being more business-minded than makes sense. Back when she was starting out, she seemed to care about nothing more than advancing her position, and wasn’t afraid to do the dirty work no one else wanted to get there, and she still isn’t. She has a tendency not to sugarcoat things, and it often causes others to wonder if she has emotions--she does, but feels the workplace isn’t the place for them. She’s also a terror where interrogation is concerned, employing the use of a razor-sharp silver tongue, a knack for twisting peoples’ words and logic against them, and a rather unsettling combination of mannerisms that would be considered cute or charming coming from anyone else in any other situation. She is also determined to figure out how to stop the rifts from appearing and close those that currently exist. Those that stand between her and this goal may want to move before they get steamrolled.
    History: Astrid Kain will be the first to admit she was raised to be a villain. Born the only daughter to a pair of high ranking business workers (her mother the personal secretary of a big-time CEO, and her father among the leading minds of a popular marketing company,), Astrid was more often treated as a tiny adult instead of a child. She was often found roaming either parent’s office buildings from a young age, and played the role of charming, pint-sized intern for a time, but not for long. By the age of seven, the girl was learning to navigate her mother’s file cabinets like a pro, and by ten, her mother had already begun to teach her daughter that only the most ruthless, cunning members of the business world got to the top...and she was expected to follow in her parents footsteps, then go beyond them. With her parents going out of their way to keep Astrid away from her grandparents and other family, it wasn’t as though the little girl ever had any other big influence in her life that told her she didn’t have to listen to her parents. At least, not until she met Simon Huber.

    Simon, as far as Astrid and her parents were concerned, was a member of the bottommost layer of the corporate food chain. He started on as a mailroom worker in the company Astrid’s mother worked for when the girl was twelve. A nice guy--too nice for his own good--Simon did his best to try and befriend the young girl, and pull her into his good-natured stunts around the office. He tried to teach Astrid the meaning of fun, the value of emotions, and became almost a big brother figure to her, not that he could protect her from the biggest issue of all. Instead of shielding her from her parents, he simply did his best to undo the damage they had done in treating their child like she was twelve going on thirty. He didn’t succeed much, though Astrid would never admit she appreciate having at least one friend. Her serious attitude and above-average intelligence led her to be an outcast in school, and fantastic class grades weren’t enough to fill the emptiness left by her lack of communication with others. She didn’t go on a Pokemon journey like most kids, either, only earning her team members through short excursions in her time off, driven by the idea that if she were to play the bad guy, she would need a powerful team to back her up.

    Astrid went out on her own to get a job when she was seventeen, and surprised everyone when she set her sights on the Sinnoh FBI. It seemed that at least some of Simon’s attempts to make her more “normal” had succeeded, and she joined on as a standard secretary meant to deal with the organization of case files and information. Over the years, however, Astrid worked her way up through the ranks, not caring about what she had to do, or who she had to step on to do it. In the end, she landed herself a position in the interrogation division, and proceeded to claw her way to the top--where after nine years of doing other people's dirty work and playing villain to get from sharp-tongued filer and coffee-bringer, she finally emerged as the head of the division. She called her parents to break the news first, secretly ecstatic, despite the fact she tried to keep a calm face and voice...only to have her parents dismiss her. They wanted a CEO, they wanted the head of the FBI, not the head of a single division, surely Astrid could do better than that. Surely she could. By the time she thought to call Simon, who she had continued to stay in touch with, despite her parents’ objections, she was expecting everyone to be as displeased as they had been.

    Instead, the man was just as ecstatic as her--a little disappointed she had turned her career into being a villain, but she was still doing it for the good of others as well as herself, right? Not only did he praise her, but he told her that a celebration was in order. He would have to wait another two months before his own company would allow him to take time off, since he was on a business trip in Kanto, but he would put in for vacation to come visit and celebrate her promotion with her. The offer made Astrid happy--happier than she ever would have cared to admit, and even her coworkers noticed that the following week, she had more spring in her step. Everything was perfect, everything was great, and finally her accomplishments were going to be recognized, even if it wasn’t by her parents. She counted down the days until Simon’s arrival like a kid would count down to Christmas. The week he was due to arrive, he told Astrid his travel plans, that he would be stopping in Veilstone City for a night to visit another pair of friends as well, and he would meet her in Jubilife two days later...except that didn’t happen,

    Astrid was at work when she heard about the Veilstone rift incident, which happened the day Simon was supposed to be heading to the city, and panicked. Mercifully, she and several other members of the interrogation division were dispatched out among the teams sent to Veilstone to figure out just what the heck had happened. The problem with sending the interrogation crew, however, was that there weren’t many people left to interrogate--few, shaken individuals who had been too far away to see the event, and the many unfortunate individuals who had been harmed by the event itself, and the division’s members ended up helping did through the wreckage and attempt to find survivors...and marveling at the damage. The lampposts tied in knots, glass melting out of windows, buildings ripped in half, the list of damage went on and on, as did the horrors. Some people were already displaying mutations, some were already displaying powers--she saw one rescue crew speeding down the street with what looked like a human charcoal briquette on a stretcher, and all Astrid could really think about was finding simon and making sure the only person who had ever seemed to care about her was okay. What she found, however, broke her heart. She eventually found the man sprawled on the ground just off the path into the city, looking as though he’d been picked up and hurled by some kind of force and slammed into something else hard enough to break his legs in several places...and he’d been here because he’d been on his way to visit her. She brought medical help to him after confirming he was still alive. At the very least, it should have been an isolated incident, but it wasn’t. As the days passed, more rifts appeared, more damage was done.

    There was talk of bringing a force together in order to investigate the rifts and manage the aftermath. A force that included government personnel working alongside civilian volunteers, Ripple affectees and non-affectees alike. Simon was discharged from the hospital, however they decided he needed to be monitored--something about his legs was off… Astrid threw herself into the efforts to have the force pulled together officially, efforts that succeeded. And she was placed in charge. She learned the charcoal briquette of a person she’d seen in Veilstone that day was alive and recovering, she learned that there were others that wanted to help, and others that had had much taken away from them in the incidents. She learned that her parents had been killed when the Veilstone Rift had exploded by the office building they had been working in, and that was when she realized she had known they were there, but had only been worried about Simon. This revelation shocked her, but only made her resolve to figure out who or what was behind the rift and stop them. She would make her parents proud, even if they couldn’t see her accomplishments firsthand...but he would do it how she wanted. And that was when she took in Avery and Kione as her charges. She told herself it was because Simon needed others to talk to than her, since he couldn’t leave the house--his legs simply weren’t healing, and she needed people she could trust with him. What she also told herself was that it wasn’t because she felt sorry for them, and that she didn’t want to be alone with her thoughts for a moment outside of work. Even if it was true.
    Pokemon Team:
    Prim, the female Meowstic
    Moby, the male Dewgong
    Boss, the male Pangoro
    Ciel, the male Ferrothorn
    Zip, the female Zebstrika
    Rocky, the male Rhydon

    Name: Unknown, answers to Avery Doe
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Unknown, answers to most conventional pronouns with no preference, though strongly dislikes being called "it"
    Powers/Mutations: The ability to morph their physical appearance based on those they have touched, and occasionally very strong imagination and concentration, but must be humaniod in form
    Affiliation: Task Force, partnered with Astrid
    Appearance: Given the nature of Avery’s abilities and the circumstances in which they were gained, they have no “default” appearance. In fact, they are most easily identified as being “The one task force member that no one recognizes,” largely because Avery’s appearance can change numerous times over the course of the day, without rhyme or reason, and has seemingly no preference in body features. The easiest way to identify Avery is the single constant in their wardrobe--a “Hello, my name is __Avery__” sticker affixed to the upper left side of their chest on their outermost layer of clothing.
    Personality: It is actually easier to identify Avery by their personality as opposed to their appearance, as it does not change near as often as their face does. Most days, Avery is cheerful and outgoing, quick to smile and ask if they can be of any help. They make friends easily, and do their best to keep everyone around them in good spirits. This does not, however, help fill the void left by the loss of their memories, and Avery often finds themself attempting to remember or fighting the feeling of incredible loss when left alone. They are usually found close to Kione, who they have formed an odd friendship with.
    History: Little is known of Avery’s life before the Veilstone rift incident, as it’s thought that the trauma of the event led Avery to accidentally block out every memory of the life they knew before a single, earth-shattering explosion and the building they had been standing near collapsing on them in a hail of fire and brick. When rescue workers found what was left of Avery, they couldn't believe someone that horribly burned could possibly be alive, and wrote them off as dead. As they moved to walk away, however, the impossible happened--the severely burnt heap of human whined. This person was still alive after all.

    Avery was transported to a hospital as quickly as possible for treatment, however the damage had been done--they could not repair the damage done to the...victim’s body. They couldn't even tell if the poor person was male or female, as the Ripple seemed to have wiped anything capable of identifying the body clean, and without the victim awake, they didn't want to risk reconstructive surgery. But that was when the strangest thing began to happen…

    The body began repairing the damage itself. As doctors and nurses came into contact with the body’s skin, it began to reshape itself into the form of a very androgynous looking young adult. Once introduced to the frequent touch of a quiet girl who began visiting the room regularly, it began to resemble the girl herself, and by the time the body’s owner regained consciousness, all of its individuality was gone, as was the person’s memory. That person eventually picked up the name Avery after getting sick of arguments as to whether they were a John or Jane Doe. They began experimenting with their ability, taking faces from the hospital staff who touched them and trying to combine them with other body types, and have slowly begun to push boundaries and create their own bodies and faces in an effort to try and find something, anything, that looks familiar. Without any idea who they are or any way for them to be identified, Avery has decided to stay with the task force and offer their abilities where need be. They have also formed and odd friendship with their frequent hospital visitor, a girl who goes by the name of Kione.
    Pokemon Team:
    (The following Pokemon have been rescued from the Veilstone incident as well, and those willing were reassigned to new Trainers. Not having any Pokemon recovered from the area they were found in, Avery has been assigned the following team.)
    Libra the male Gardevoir
    Eve the female Reuniclus
    Yunomi the female Glaceon
    Mumble the male Piplup
    Cain the male Shuppet


    Name: Kione
    Age: Claims to be 19, looks younger
    Gender: Female
    Powers/Mutations: The ability to manipulate electronics by touching them, and in rare cases, electronics in close proximity to her without touching them. Attempts at verbal speech come out sounding like static.
    Affiliation: Task Force, partnered with Astrid
    Appearance: Kione is an odd little thing, standing in at about 5’3” and weighs maybe 100 pounds soaking wet. She's got a bit of a baby face, and most people tend to assume she's far younger than the 19 years old she claims to be...until you see her get her hands on electronics, but that's a different story. Large, round-framed glasses tend to sit at the end of her nose, and make her dark brown eyes look larger than they are, while her wavy, chin length hair appears to be dyed bright pink, though a fraction of dark brown roots can be seen at the top of her head. She's often seen wearing a simple gray t-shirt and faded bermuda shorts, all mostly hidden under a too-large, blue zip-up hoodie, and a newer pair of blue tennis shoes cover her feet...when outside. Otherwise, she tends to wander barefoot, and is rarely seen without some kind of electronic device in hand.
    Personality: Kione is, most easily put, a strange one. She tends to come off as reserved, and typically prefers to listen to conversations rather than participate, unless you get her going about electronics. She clearly knows her way around computers extremely well--like one might know their way around their home. She doesn't like talking about her past much, and since it would seem her public records and such were lost somewhere is the chaos surrounding the rifts and Ripple Phenomena, most of her comrades know very little about her beyond her computer skill. Oh, and that she is desperate to find out what's happened to a young man named Martin Bloom, though she won't explain why it is the knowledge is important to her.

    Despite her quiet, she seems to have developed a friendship with Avery, and is quick to tell when they have adopted a new guise. She also gets along well with Astrid, though she has admitted to liking computers much more than people, and can often be found hiding in rooms dedicated to electronics when the people around her get to be too much for her to handle.
    History: Kione was born in Mauville City, Hoenn, to a family who worked on the machines in the game corner. It was her father who gave her her love for computers and their inner workings, and taught her how the machines worked from a young age. She quickly picked up on his teachings, and became entranced with the worlds that computers hold inside them, growing a particular love for toying with coding, which led to her eventually turning tinkering with old, “busted,” game machines to turn them into something new into a well-loved hobby. Unfortunately, following the recent closure of the Mauville Game Corner, her family moved to Sunnyshore in Sinnoh. She, however, went to visit an old friend of a friend in Veilstone City shortly after arriving due to problems with her personal computer that she couldn't figure out how to fix. Lucky her, she went to visit on the day the Veilstone rift incident occurred.

    At least, that’s how she tells it.

    The truth is, no one on the Task Force can find much in the way of records for a Kione Sirkut in Sinnoh databases, and asking Hoenn is pretty much useless, with the spotty communication Sinnoh is experiencing. What they do know for sure is that Kione was rescued from an apartment belonging to a Jenna Marel in Veilstone City in the hours following the incident. The easiest way to verify the girl’s story would be to speak with Ms. Marel, however the woman appears to have suffered some of the more dangerous effects of the Ripple, and is thought to be the soot outline found against one of the apartment’s walls. Kione herself was found in shock, and ran away from rescue workers, spouting unintelligible static beyond the point they managed to corner, subdue, and take the girl in. She has since joined the task force, claiming she hasn't got anywhere else to go, and that she wants to help, though she seems to have difficulty adjusting to life as it is now.

    Pokemon Team:
    (The following Pokemon have been rescued from the Veilstone incidemt as well, and those willing were reassigned to new Trainers. Not having any Pokemon recovered from the apartment she was found in, Kione has been assigned the following team.)
    Moggle the Porygon
    Binary the Porygon 2
    Morgana the Porygon Z
    Perry the Raichu
    Fritz the Rotom
    Last edited by Winter; 06-26-2016 at 05:14 AM.

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  3. #3
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Consider me interested! I'll be sure to sign up later.
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  4. #4
    Actually Prefers Popeyes Kentucky Fried Torchic's Avatar
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    Name: Abigail "Abby" Lazuli
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female

    Powers/Mutations: Abby is capable of phasing herself and, with greater effort, some items in her proximity (namely clothes, trinkets, etc.) through objects, although the longer the amount of time she spends being intangible the harder it is to return to normal.

    Affiliation (and Position): Neutral

    Appearance: If only she had had more of a backbone, Abby could have been well on her way to becoming the queen bee of her high school with her looks, but personality and the rifts changed that. Despite the changes and traumas she has been through since then, there is still evidence of this, although it shows more in her poise and grace. Long blonde hair, once meticulously straightened and combed has reverted to its natural curls, with the golden locks cascading well down the teen's back. Of an average height, Abby's figure skater's figure has began to return to a more healthy weight without the pressure of having to live up to her peers' recommendation of whatever latest dieting fad was sweeping Kalos. Where once she wore the latest fashions ordered from the Veilstone Department Store, now Abby hides her body in a series of loose-fitting sweatshirts and t-shirts donated by relief organizations to various flea markets and thrift stores and has taken to wearing jeans and sneakers instead of skirts and heels, more out of an apprehension about her altered body than any desire for comfort.

    Personality: It is fitting that the transfer student from Floaroma would gain a reputation as a professional wallflower. While her looks and status as a newcomer untainted by the rumors and drama of middle school allowed her to gain entrance with the most popular clique of females in her high school, the truth is that Abby never felt a hundred percent comfortable with them, or with any people for that matter. She would have rather been sketching pictures of her Pokemon or practicing the guitar than hitting up malls and talking about homecoming, but it made her parents happy to see their withdrawn daughter engage with people in some capacity, so she went along with it. That has been the story of Abby's life thus far. She did not make a peep about moving to Eternia City from Floaroma because she thought that it was what her parents wanted, she did not turn down Jonah Fischer when he asked her to homecoming because that could have possibly led to a confrontation, and she did not protest when her parents told her to keep her head down and let the authorities handle the upheavals the country is going through. Only now, after experiencing all of the changes that the time since the first rift opened and making limited attempts to hone her powers, is this quiet, sensitive young woman beginning to push back against people and trying to separate what she wants from what other people want.

    History: Up until the rifts, Abby lived a fairly ordinary life, growing up in Floaroma Town and going on a Pokemon journey at the age of ten with her first Pokemon, an Eevee. When she returned after a year of traveling, her parents were beginning to experience some marital difficulties, exacerbated a few years later by the shutdown of the Fuego Iron Works and, with it, its various vendors and suppliers that provided employment for not only Abby's parents but for most people in the town. Looking for work, they moved to Eternia City and the teen quickly fell in with the popular crowd at her high school, although she was always more of a background figure in the clique than a leader, silently going along with plans both big and small. It was this easygoing nature that caused her to accept a boy in her class's invitation to the homecoming dance her sophomore year. A week before the dance, Abby was in the Eternia Forest sketching the abandoned mansion where a small ripple had occurred within the moss-covered structure, warping the already haunting building into a distortion of its former self. Unknown to the girl, her cells were bombarded with the mysterious force that caused the ripple. The effects became apparent at the dance when the girl sunk through the polished hardwood floor into the basement, leaving her green dress lying in a heap.

    Although winding up in the high school boiler room scared and naked, the media luckily did not pick up the story and run with it like they did with the flying girl from the next district, and several other students manifested powers in far more flashy demonstrations. Abby was saved from having to choose between a reputation as a freak or a nudist by the state of emergency and the growth of the rift in the Eternia Forest shut down the school and prompted a mass exodus of people to other cities for safety. Now Abby is heading to Jubilife with her family and unsure of what the future holds.

    Pokemon Team: Solo the male Glaceon, Maestro the male Gallade, Melody the female Milotic, Sonata the female Togetic, and Aria the female Fennekin

    Last edited by Kentucky Fried Torchic; 03-30-2016 at 07:49 AM.
    Dreams do come a size too big. It's so that we can grow into them.

    Current Projects:
    Fanfiction: Pokémon: Exodus (Chapter six of nine posted)
    Nuzlocke: "Dude, Where's My Bellsprout?": A Totally Radical Red Version Nuzlocke

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  6. #5
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    @Noblejanobii I look forward to seeing your SU!
    @Phantasm.Angel Looks good, barring two minor things--is her name Meredith or Abby, and is she, or is she not on the task force? I see things that suggest both in the SU. XD Accepted once those two things are clarified.
    @Neo Emolga I can't even begin to imagine how Nathan looks, aside from "flowery hula dancer." SU looks fine, though. Accepted.

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  7. #6
    Actually Prefers Popeyes Kentucky Fried Torchic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    @Phantasm.Angel Looks good, barring two minor things--is her name Meredith or Abby, and is she, or is she not on the task force? I see things that suggest both in the SU. XD Accepted once those two things are clarified.
    Note to self: Think hard about writing a sign-up at three in the morning... I had an idea for the aforementioned "Ditto girl", but then I realized that there were already a few shapeshifters, so I started with a new idea from scratch. xD

    Edited now, so it should be good provided I am not being totally stupid right now.
    Dreams do come a size too big. It's so that we can grow into them.

    Current Projects:
    Fanfiction: Pokémon: Exodus (Chapter six of nine posted)
    Nuzlocke: "Dude, Where's My Bellsprout?": A Totally Radical Red Version Nuzlocke

    Avatar by the illustrious Neo Emolga.

  8. #7
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    @Phantasm.Angel Lol, it's all good. Accepted. And apparently a lot of people liked the human Ditto idea...the one mentioned in the plot is actually a reference to my Avery, though. XD

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  9. #8
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
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    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    If anyone gets the reference in Opal's Pokemon names, I will give them one thousand dollars (untrue) and much respect (true).

    Name: Opal Rouleau.

    Age: 23.

    Gender: Female.

    Powers/Mutations: Has the ability to generate solid constructs made of what would seem to be hard light. The smaller they are and the closer they were to Opal when they were created, the stronger they are; the constructs are also bolstered when Opal is touching them.

    Affiliation (and Position): Neutral. Opal likes to help people and have adventures, but she mostly wants to find her parents - and she’s seen too many sci-fi movies to trust the Task Force.

    Appearance: Opal looks built for a wild life; already of good height at 5’7”, most of the muscles in her body are lightly toned from her constant activity. Her skin is light brown, broken up by a few scars - mostly about the arms, though she has one plainly visible on her chin as well - from less-than-pleasant wild encounters. She keeps her curly, dark brown hair cut short. Usually, she dresses simply in cargo shorts or pants, tee-shirts, and little-to-no makeup, though she also has a leather jacket and arm guards (like a falconer’s) that she sometimes wears when dealing with angry or rough-scaled Pokemon. She carries around a weatherbeaten leather satchel with her Legend badge displayed on the strap.

    Personality: On the web, Opal presents herself as a knowledgeable, witty, slightly cocky person. Those who know her say that the only major difference is that she doesn’t have the advantage of being able to plan her jokes in advance in real life. They would also probably go on to add that she’s rather flighty, which is pretty true. While she tends to her responsibilities dutifully, she has a tendency to shirk work and avoid large-scale commitments. Furthermore, she’s also very impulsive and not particularly disciplined; she likes to jump from thing to new thing but tends to freeze when she feels that something actually important is riding on her shoulders. Opal is also an idealistic and passionate person. She’s deeply devoted to her work, and has high hopes of making a difference for the sake of the dragons she loves so much. She’s also quite cheerful and good-humored, although she can be rather out of touch when it comes to social situations. Furthermore, she’s very intelligent and quick on the draw; she knows a great deal about all sorts of Pokemon, especially dragons, and is good at staying levelheaded in immediate crises.

    History: Born in Castelia City, Unova, Opal had an enjoyable childhood. Her father, as an ex-Trainer, emphasized the importance of bonding with and understanding Pokemon, which resulted in Opal being gifted with a Swablu companion at the age of twelve. At her mother’s encouragement, Opal began to do extracurricular research into Pokemon raising and handling techniques; through this research, Opal discovered a love of Dragon-types. She idolized Opelucid’s Gym Leader, Drayden, and trained both her Altaria and Gyarados in techniques just like the Opelucid masters. Much to her parents’ chagrin, rather than going to a university and nurturing her talent for research, she applied for a position as a Gym aide in Opelucid as soon as she graduated high school. Within a few months, she was testing Gym challengers as well as tutoring Dragon-type moves. Through this experience, Opal learned that even though a lot of people thought that Pokemon of the Dragon type or egg group were “cool”, many Trainers - herself included - didn’t fully understand their Pokemon and as a result often caused unnecessary destruction or distress. At the age of 20, she quit her position at the Gym in order to travel between regions, showcasing dragons of every sort and reaching out to teach people how to better appreciate the unique quirks that made dragons so difficult, but so rewarding, to raise.

    Opal’s endeavor began in Unova, but she quickly began to move inter-regionally. She chronicled her journeys and dragon encounters in a video blog called “Tamer’s Travels”, which enjoyed moderate success. Between blog donations and winnings from battles and the occasional contest, she and her team didn't live in luxury, but they had enough to subsist on during their wanderings. Tamer’s Travels moved from region to region with little rhyme or reason. Usually, Opal was guided by rumors of active legends or news stories about powerful Trainers; when she heard that the Creation Duo was active, she took the excuse and went over to Sinnoh right away.

    What she found was a bit different from what she’d gathered from hearsay. The Creation duo were every bit as inactive as ever, and the only people who were even talking about the two legends were a gang of LARPers called "Team Galaxy" or something. Despite this, Opal stuck around, and a few weeks after her arrival, she got a call from her mother. Her parents were looking to take a vacation, Sinnoh was close, and they wanted to meet up with their daughter again. She agreed.

    Things turned pear-shaped very suddenly. In backwater Canalave, it was hard to get all of the details, but Opal understood a couple of important things. Number one, Sinnoh was now ridiculously dangerous. Number two, communications were borderline nonexistent, meaning that Opal had no idea whether her parents had gotten to Sinnoh, let alone whether they were alive. Paralyzed by indecision at first, she was eventually forced to reconsider her plan of waiting on her parents when her money began to run low. Before she could leave Canalave, however, she was caught in a mid-sized Ripple on the edge of town. She passed out as the wave hit her body but woke up a few seconds later feeling no worse for wear. She assumed that she was unscathed except by the fainting spell, until a paramedic startled her and she responded by throwing a ten foot wall of force between herself and the EMT. Confused and panicked, she fled the scene on Thomas’s back, and is now making the trek to Sunnyshore.

    Pokemon Team:

    Aaron/Altaria/M. As Opal’s first Pokemon, Aaron has always had a strong sense of loyalty and pride, even when he was just a child’s pet bird. Smart and a bit of a schemer, he likes to wait and watch for opportunities rather than rush into conflict. Despite his reticence in most situations, he will support Opal whenever he is needed. He's also noteworthy for being the group peacekeeper as well as a talented contest Pokemon.

    Angelica/Gyarados/F. After evolving from a pathetic flopping fish that Opal had caught at the Castelia docks one day, Angelica was dedicated to becoming the most powerful Gyarados a Trainer could ask for. A quick-witted and independent Pokemon, she isn’t terribly fond of following orders, but will protect Opal or her teammates with her life.

    Eliza/Hydreigon/F. Eliza was caught as a Deino after Opal was hired in Opelucid. The Opelucid Gym was full of Pokemon from the Deino line, presenting a very social environment that helped Eliza to become a bit calmer in temperament than the rest of her species. While she doesn’t mind fighting, she’s actually a surprisingly friendly Pokemon. She can often be seen cuddling with Alexander.

    Thomas/Salamence/M. Caught while Opal was exploring Hoenn for signs of the Latis, Thomas was tough and show-offish when Opal caught him, and has become no less of a gloryhound over the years. He's not very fond of hard work, preferring to overwhelm opponents in a strong hit or to rather than permit a battle to drag on (ha). If Opal needs to fly long distances, Thomas is her go-to Pokemon.

    Alexander/Charizard/M. While Opal was hunting rumors of an Aerodactyl nesting in the wilds near Pewter City, Kanto, she happened across a wild, free-roaming Charmeleon, which she caught. As far as Opal could ever figure out, Alexander had been released by his previous Trainer for being too difficult to train - yet another example, in her eyes, of why children shouldn’t be handling dragons without training. Rash, impetuous, and never knowing when to back down, Alexander has been only slightly mellowed out by time and tireless work with Opal. Likes to spend his time smooching Eliza.

    Hercules/Gible/M. A bit of an unknown as yet; Opal caught him pretty recently. Hercules is perceptive and observant, and is always eager for a challenge. He tends to be a bit brash and loud, though not to Alexander’s extent.
    Last edited by VeloJello; 04-05-2016 at 08:02 PM.

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  10. #9
    Actually Prefers Popeyes Kentucky Fried Torchic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Velocity View Post
    Here with a (very self-indulgent) WIP SU - if the history seems disjointed, that's because it is. If anyone gets the reference in Opal's Pokemon names, I will give them one thousand dollars (untrue) and much respect (true).
    What is, names of characters/historical figures from the hit Broadway musical Hamilton?
    Dreams do come a size too big. It's so that we can grow into them.

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    Fanfiction: Pokémon: Exodus (Chapter six of nine posted)
    Nuzlocke: "Dude, Where's My Bellsprout?": A Totally Radical Red Version Nuzlocke

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  11. #10
    Not insanity. Supersanity. Death's Spook's Avatar
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    It depends. How sane are you?
    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasm.Angel View Post
    What is, names of characters/historical figures from the hit Broadway musical Hamilton?
    Yes, actually, knowing her.

    Also, talked about this RP with you about 40000000000 times winter, so I'm gonna reserve my spot.
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