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  1. #51
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FedoraChar View Post
    Name: Cassandra "Cassie" Lowell

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Powers/Mutations: Psychic (telekinesis, telepathy [can understand Pokemon through this], predictions)

    Affiliation (and Position): [chaotic] Neutral

    Appearance: Trying to keep a low profile, she’s done everything she can to make herself unremarkable and therefore, unmemorable. The Ripple Phenomena left her eyes yellow, and she dyed her once auburn-colored hair black. The roots she keeps hidden beneath a black knitted beanie.. She wears a black hooded jacket over a purple t-shirt with stylized Koffing markings. Jeans are well-worn and torn, unintentionally following that whole ripped-jeans trend (which she personally doesn’t care for but meh).

    Personality: While Cassie’s work ethic is to be admired, she isn’t particularly a people person. The long absence of her mother has left her bitter and slow to trust. In her eyes, people just aren’t reliable. They change, they leave; they only do things out of self-interest. Because of this thinking, she prefers to do everything herself. While this has evolved her independence and maturity, it often leads her overworking herself. She also tends to keep her thoughts and business to herself.

    Few people are close to Cassie, one being her father. The only other family she has, she has done everything she can to help him support their little family. When he disappeared, Cassie felt like she had lost all that she ever had; she was willing to do whatever it took to go and find him—even if that involved questionable means.

    History: Cassie has few memories of her mother, but the last and most distinct is her departure; having before been a trainer of some renown, Cassie’s mother felt the itch to begin traveling again. She left her daughter and husband in the bustling city of Hearthome with the promise of returning soon. Cassie was six years old, then. Now seventeen, she has not heard from nor seen her mother.

    Part of her is convinced that her mother was simply a coward, fleeing from the struggles the little family would eventually face. Taking it upon herself to fix the mess her mother had left, Cassie threw herself into work as soon as she was able, laboring hard to help support her father and herself. For the last few years, she worked in a flower shop in Hearthome.

    Things were going decent enough; although she got mediocre grades in school, graduation was slowly within sight. Her father even managed to get a solid journalism job. But Cassie should have known better than to hope for the best. The Galactic incident occurred, leaving Sinnoh in chaos. Seeing the news break as an opportunity, Cassie’s father left to go cover the events in Veilstone.

    Only he never made it. Cassie contacted his coworkers, and all verified it. Somewhere along the way, he disappeared. Nearly driven mad with worry, Cassie went to the authorities several times to get help. With the chaos spreading quickly all over Sinnoh, however, they had their hands tied. Seeing that she wasn’t going to get absolutely no help from anyone else, Cassie took it upon herself to go out and find him herself.

    Stealing a Pokémon from a daycare, she fled out into the wilderness. Rather quickly, she figured out what a ridiculous task she had before her—especially when the ripple effect set in. Suddenly, she found herself burdened with abilities she did not understand at all. She was hearing voices, seeing strange things and moving objects without touching them. Her eyes changed from their natural blue-green color to an uncanny yellow.

    She was in hysterics when he found her; it was a strange series of events, but Cassie one day found herself talking to a Pokémon, a blue Medicham named Gunuru. He had no ties to any human, though he spoke cordially with her. The Pokémon could not tell her how she came to be the way she was, but he did shed some light on her predicament. Under his tutelage, she learned to control some of her abilities—enough, at least, to keep her sanity.

    The Medicham encouraged her to seek proper training before going his separate way. Though she had tried to convince him to join her, he simply told her that he was needed elsewhere—that his quest for personal enlightenment continued.

    Their chat, however, inspired Cassie to keep up the ruse of being a natural-born Psychic, allowing her to stay under the radar of parties interested in Ripple Phenomena victims.

    Pokemon Team:

    Kit the Luxray (M)—The first Pokémon that Cassie captured after setting off on her quest.

    Mable the Mismagius (F)—Quirky ghost

    Nitro the Crobat (M)—Cassie’s second captured Pokémon who absolutely dotes on her

    Cruz the Golduck (M)—An annoying Pokémon that actually chose to follow Cassie because he was rather intrigued by her circumstances. He kept following her around and bugging her until she agreed to take him onto her team. He refuses to stay in a Poke Ball, however, and remains her chatty, sarcastic shadow. And of course, only Cassie understands him—perhaps that’s why he’s stuck around for as long as he has; he can talk her ear off and she can’t do anything about it.

    Helga the Heracross (F)—It was through happy (and fortunate) circumstances that Helga came into the team. She is very matronly and fusses over everyone in the team.

    Chip the Fraxure (M)—This is the Pokémon that Cassie stole from a daycare/adoption society within Hearthome. The Pokémon (then an Axew) was already up for adoption, so Cassie saw it as an opportunity to “borrow” him. She had every intention of returning it once she caught her own Pokémon legally; however, the duo had grown attached. Chip wouldn’t leave her, and she couldn’t bear to lose him. Chip stuck with the team, and is considered the “bulldog” of the group. After evolving, he became almost violently protective of Cassie. The dragon can be a handful for Cassie sometimes, but thankfully Chip is more docile than most others.

    Other: Done? xD

    Name: Ryker Farnsworth

    Age: 24 (but looks older)

    Gender: Male

    Powers/Mutations: Beast Man—essentially acquired DNA from an Arcanine, giving him superhuman strength and senses with some minor fire-breathing abilities.

    Affiliation (and Position): Task Force, Field Operative/Agent

    Appearance: Ryker is both tall and massive, having a build that’s quite impressive for a mere 24 year-old. Since the Ripple Phenomena he has taken on several Arcanine-like qualities. His skin has taken on a slight orange tint, with black markings along his arms and face that could be mistaken for tattoos. His hair has gone blonde and is simply out of control, growing thickly not only on his head but on his chest and arms. While he tries not to keep a beard, he grows some wicked side-burns.

    Another beast-like quality he gained is a pair of sharp fangs which really do not help his already iffy public image. Still, he’s thankful that he didn’t sprout a pair of ears or a tail.

    Personality: Off-duty, Ryker is a pretty chill guy—laid-back and simple attitude. Folks would admit that he’s secretly a giant teddy bear. However, where the law and justice is concerned, Ryker is as serious as they come. Catch him on-duty, and you’ll agree that he’s a fierce guard-dog of the law.

    He has fierce beliefs in what is right and in what is wrong, and upholds high standards in personal integrity. He follows all rules with militaristic exactness, and doesn’t hesitate to carry out what he sees as justice. Unfortunately, this can leave him short-sided, without questioning the authorities above him. In true Arcanine-fashion, he has an undying sense of loyalty to his employers, to order, and to justice.

    Eager to help the people the people around him and rebuild Sinnoh, he whole-heartedly jumped into his work with the Task Force.

    History: Growing up, Ryker was never sure what he wanted to do with his life. Prior to enrolling in boot camp, he was lazy and generally unmotivated. However, sometime during high school he became inspired by a local police officer to do something for his community. This led to his enrollment in boot camp and later on the police academy in Veilstone. That training changed his attitude about so many things, helping him shape up to be a responsible young man.

    He hadn’t been an official officer long when the Incident occurred. Fortunately, he had been in the outskirts of Veilstone at the time—however, he was still affected by the ripple. His fellow officers report that Ryker ended up unconscious, and was carried into medical services by his loyal Arcanine companion. The symptoms of his mutation set in rather quickly, and by the time that Ryker finally woke, he was a changed man.

    Ryker took it all fairly well, eventually coming to the conclusion that rather than to dwell and mope about this transformation, he might as well put it to good use. When approached by the Task Force, he whole-heartedly jumped at the opportunity to help those similarly affected by the ripple. He resigned from the Vielstone Police Department (VPD) with the hopes that someday he would be able to return, once Sinnoh returned to some semblance of “normal”.

    Pokémon Team:

    Buster the Arcanine(M)—Ryker’s most loyal and dedicated Pokémon, having been a gift from his father long ago. They’ve grown up together, pushing each other to do their best.

    Fey the Audino (F)—Fey serves mostly as the team’s support Pokémon; you can imagine that it would be useful and smart for Police Officers to have healing Pokémon on their teams, especially in dire emergencies. Fey was issued to Ryker by the VPD, though she has since stuck with Ryker for his new adventures. Though the main healer, she is willing and able to fight, however, should push come to shove.

    Juliet the Roserade (F)—Juliet specializes in powder-attacks, typically used to take down difficult opponents or quiet down rampaging Pokémon/crowds. However, she packs quite a punch besides all that, and is the team’s swift silent assassin.

    Rex the Feraligatr (M)—One of the team’s strong-arms that’s also useful for fire-emergencies. Don’t mess with Rex.

    Bard the Aerodactyl (M)—Ryker was once awarded an Old Amber as a thank-you; through some connections, he was able to revive the ancient Pokémon, who serves as a flying-mount when Ryker needs to get somewhere quick.

    Lucky the Pangoro (M)—Another of the team’s strong-arms. Don’t also mess with Lucky.


    Allllrighty, Cassie is done. Pumped up her party just a little because everyone has some high tier Pokemon apparently :o Also forgot to mention, Gunuru was more or less a reference to an old story I wrote that no one probably remembers xD I put him in there for fun :P Speaking of fun, I'm getting excited about this other character I'm creating now xD I have a rough sketch there, buuuuut I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish him for a while. I'm going on a vacation down to my sister's and might not be around till Thursday.

    EDIT: NEVERMIND I finished Ryker xDDDD I was on a roll with this guy--looking forward to playing with him, if he passes :D
    Last edited by FedoraChar; 04-24-2016 at 02:47 AM.

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  2. #52
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    @FedoraChar Both your characters look good, accepted!

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  3. #53
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    @FedoraChar Both your characters look good, accepted!
    Hey, is this RP still going or has it been canceled?

  4. #54
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    @Neo Emolga It's still going, we just have certain people who haven't finished their SUs yet, and I've been too bogged down with homework and work to get around to posting anything, with or without them. Intended to bug the still unfinished parties and post soon...just haven't really had a moment.

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  5. #55
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    @Neo Emolga It's still going, we just have certain people who haven't finished their SUs yet, and I've been too bogged down with homework and work to get around to posting anything, with or without them. Intended to bug the still unfinished parties and post soon...just haven't really had a moment.
    Okay, just making sure, it's been pretty quiet for the past few weeks.

    All the best with your school and work stuff.

  6. #56
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    @Neo Emolga Yeah, I've been trying to get certain parties to finish up SUs, but that aside, I just haven't had the energy to get much it is, I've been having trouble completing homework because of a lack of cowrkers, but hopefully that'll be less of an issue soon, htne I can yell at people, edit in the rest of my own SUs, and then work on a first post.

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  7. #57
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    @Neo Emolga Yeah, I've been trying to get certain parties to finish up SUs, but that aside, I just haven't had the energy to get much it is, I've been having trouble completing homework because of a lack of cowrkers, but hopefully that'll be less of an issue soon, htne I can yell at people, edit in the rest of my own SUs, and then work on a first post.
    Alright, let me try and help with this, because this has been taking a really long time to get going. Roll call time.

    @Vigilante Janobii @FedoraChar @Gaster @Velocity @Phantasm.Angel

    Just want to confirm, if this RP were to start, would you guys still be in it?

    @Death's Spook @Saraibre Ryu

    Just checking, are you still in this? Your SU(s) is/are still as a WIP, and Winter needs to know if/when you plan on completing it.

    If you're still in it, please give the rest of us an date as to when we can expect it to be done. Thanks!


    Astrid Kain - Played by Winter
    Avery Doe - Played by Winter
    Kione - Played by Winter
    Nathan Trencher - Played by Neo Emolga
    Sloane Jackson - Played by Vigilante Janobii
    Dylan Thomas - Played by Vigilante Janobii
    Ryker Farnsworth - Played by FedoraChar
    Anthony Joy - Played by Gaster

    Dr. Travis Levi Jackson - Played by Death's Spook <WIP>


    Abigail Lazuli - Played by Phantasm.Angel
    Opal Rouleau - Played by Velocity
    Cassandra Lowell - Played by FedoraChar

    Felix Iba - Played by Saraibre Ryu <WIP>


    Jeanne Hemlock - Played by Velocity



    Dr. Travis Levi Jackson - Played by Death's Spook

  8. #58
    The Queen of Shaymin
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  9. #59
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vigilante Janobii View Post
    Cool stuff! Thanks for confirming that so fast! :D

  10. #60
    Gym Leader AWA1997's Avatar
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    Of course I'm still in!


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