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  1. #1
    ಠ_ಠ Elbub's Avatar
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    Broken Bones/Other Major Injuries?

    So, how is everyone's skeleton faring?

    I fractured my wrist three and a half years ago.

    I found that out today, after finally getting an x-ray on it. Hence why I've decided to start this thread.

    I'm sure that previous sentences has created a lot more questions than it answered, so I'll elaborate. Three and a half years ago when playing 5-a-side football, as a goalkeeper, I had a rather large player deliver a beastly shot in my direction. It was straight at my chest but my goalkeeping reflexes had me raise my hands to my chest anyway.

    The ball caught me on the pinky side of my right hand and twisted it quite far back, further than I think it's meant to normally be able to go.

    It was only a parry, so I proceeded to save another shot and caught a third one. I then, despite my team-mates looking concernedly at me (I'm not quite sure why, maybe my face contorted, or I involuntarily yelled, I don't remember), I waved away their worries and continued playing. This was early on the first half of a 40 minute game (5-a-side, yo). We went on to win 5-3, hell yeah. It's also really hard to keep a clean sheet in 5-a-side, so don't judge me -_-

    So, anyway, by the time the game was finished and we had left the pitch. I noticed that my wrist was hurting a fudge-ton. I further noticed that I couldn't remove my glove straight away, as my wrist had swollen too much.

    Now you have to bear in mind that I have sprained my wrists and ankles a number of times in my life, and an ankle not long before this event (nearly all of these sprains being sport related). They had also swelled up, although not quite as much as this. However, combined with a cavalier attitude, I rejected the offer of the Dad of one of my team-mates lift to the hospital and went home to have dinner.

    My mum gave me a bandage for support, which stayed on for about a fortnight. She is in denial about the fact that she wouldn't have taken me to the hospital, even though evidence shows that to be the case. I reckon it's because, as I said, I was just thinking it was a bad sprain, and telling her as such. So on my fracture goes unnoticed.

    Seven months on, around July of '10, my wrist is hurting every now and again through sudden wrist movements, or any heavy lifting or extended writing. I go to my local Doctor's Surgery to get it checked out. A GP there twisted my hand in four different directions, and then told me that it was probably just ligament damage and it would take about two years to heal. End of the story, ah well...

    Or so I thought, until it has still been hurting now 3 years after that Doctor's visit, and at times was hurting more easily and more frequently than it had done before. So, I go to my own GP, last week, to get it checked out. He makes me perform about a dozen wristy movements this time, before actually finally saying that he could feel something wrong on the back of my wrist. He told me that he thought he could feel a Ganglion Cyst, which is a cyst that occurs when a joint has been damaged. He referred me for an x-ray and most likely further on to a surgeon to remove the cyst.

    Well, I go to the hospital today to have an x-ray, and lo and behold, apparent to the X-ray jockeys (I'm not sure what to call them) after my first x-ray of four, my wrist had been fractured. I get dubious looks and incredulous tones from them as I tell them it happened over 3 and a half years ago. Meanwhile, I'm thinking, "Yes, but I went to a Doctor (admittedly later than I should have done) 3 years ago and got told basically to suck it up!"

    Moral of the story: if s**t looks bad, physically speaking, go to the Doctor straight away. I admit, being English, I can do this on my gloriously free National Health Service, but your health is more important than money any day of the week. Except Thursdays. Then it's all about the money, yo.

    Anyway, I have to call my Doctor again in this coming week and most likely get a referral to a surgeon. If that is the case, they'll have to rebreak my incorrectly healed wrist and realign the bones. Fun times.

    ...So yeah! What's everyone else's story (if you have one)?

  2. #2
    "Dude, what?" 3m0d0ll's Avatar
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    I also fractured my wrist, except it was my left and when I was 10. I was roller skating in my after-school sitter's drive way and one of my wheels got stuck on a rock, which made me jerk to a stop, then fall backwards. Hands flew back, but only my left arm was below me to support all of my weight. Ended up with a perfectly clean break, healed in several weeks.

    Cool, thing, though; when she took me to the ER, the doctors gave me a bunch of pain killers after the X-ray and I remember talking to my sitter about the TV show Drake and Josh until my dad came (he had to drive all the way from E. Hollywood where he was working to Orange County, which was about a 2.5 hour drive as there was a lot of traffic). I remember hearing my sitter talk to my dad just outside of the room saying, "She's sooo hopped up on that Vicodin, I doubt she'll stop laughing for another hour."

    I got a red cast and my 5th grade teacher let me drink orange juice (my favorite beverage of all time) in class even though she wasn't supposed to allow her students to drink anything aside from water. Her reasoning to the principal was that it had calcium in it--which it did. ;3

    After the cast got taken off, there was so much disgusting dead skin where the cast was, and my wrist was really sickly thin compared to my other arm's.

    So yeah, that's my experience. Only bone I've ever broken, but I've sprained my ankle doing hurdles and jammed some fingers in volley ball a few times. Aside from that, I'm fit as a fiddle. /starts coughing grotesquely.

  3. #3
    I've broken numerous bones... because I am an idiot. My first broken bone was the growth plate along the lower half of the arm, the second was my ankle, the third was by lower foot, the next three were toes, and the last was a finger. I have also dislocated my arm, which was popped back into place.

  4. #4
    Ancient Revenant Goldwynaut's Avatar
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    Never broke any bones because I am not an idiot.

  5. #5
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldwynaut View Post
    Never broke any bones because I am not an idiot.
    Yet you post pointless, irrelevant crap because you are.

    Anyway, I fractured my elbow 10 years ago. At school there were trees near the playground, where the roots were a foot out of the ground. I was running back to my bag (I was 8. Name one kid who doesn't run everywhere) with my lunchbox under my arm, and tripped on one of the tree roots. Had to have two lots of surgery. First to put in two large pins to hold the bone together, and a few months later, I went under again to have them taken out. I was in hospital for my eighth birthday ha ha

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  7. #6
    ಠ_ಠ Elbub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldwynaut View Post
    Never broke any bones because I am not an idiot.
    Heh, I don't really consider playing sports as being an idiot.

  8. #7
    "Dude, what?" 3m0d0ll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldwynaut View Post
    I am not an idiot.
    Made me chuckle.

  9. #8
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Haven't had any broken bones, thankfully, but I'd had my wisdom teeth removed. Boy, does that hurt, and it knocks you out for a good, few days and gives you a goofy chipmunk face to boot. Glad that's not something that has to be done multiple times.

  10. #9
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    I broke both bones on the lower part of my arm by tripping over a root. I've had five and a half teeth removed and battle scars from my cat.

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  11. #10
    ಠ_ಠ Elbub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saraibre Ryu View Post
    I've had five and a half teeth removed.
    Oh, good point; I had 5 baby teeth removed when I was younger. I liked sugar.

    Wait, who am I kidding. I still like sugar.
    Completing Generation III

    Heartfelt thanks to Neo Emolga for my avatar!


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