@Scytherwolf; @Soups;

Episode 27b: The Grass-type is Always Greener! (part 2)

The sound of a referee's whistle rang through the forest, signalling that the match between Gardenia and Ash was underway. "Sakura, let's go!" Gardenia called as she revealed a cherry-like Pokemon before Ash and Diddy.

"Looks cute..." Dawn decided to read up on what Gardenia had summoned:

"Cherubi, the cherry Pokemon. The small ball holds the nutrients needed for evolution. Apparently, it is very sweet and tasty."

She looked up to see the Cherubi running to avoid Diddy's fiery charge. "Come on, Ash!" she called.

Gardenia watched for a moment, then called "Sakura, return."

"Huh?" Ash asked as Diddy's attack fizzled out. "What was that for?"

"Your Chimchar is very powerful." Gardenia explained. "He put his heart and soul into all he did, just like you. Your hearts burn with the brightest fire, to burn away the weeds of evil, sadness, and despair..."

I see..she was analyzing Diddy's abilities. Brock thought as Gardenia waxed poetic on Diddy for a moment.

He was about to tell Gardenia to hurry when Gardenia tossed another Poké Ball skyward. "Peony, here we go!"

Dawn recognized the small turtle-like Pokemon Gardenia had summoned. "A Turtwig!"

Ash was unfazed by his opponent's move. "Time to go full throttle into this match! Let's show off some speed with a Flame Charge!"

He balked as Peony dodged at the last second. "Okay...let's try that again. Flame Charge!"

Peony leaped away from the charging Chimchar, sending Diddy crashing into a tree. "Okay, Peony! Use Leech Seed!" Gardenia commanded.

All Ash could do was watch as the dull green seeds sprouted on his Chimchar, rendering him helpless. Peony next used a powerful Tackle, sending Diddy crashing against a tree. [Ash...she was too...strong...]

"Wow--Peony was faster than Diddy!" Dawn was impressed.

"She didn't move much, but when she did, Peony outpaced Diddy by a lot." Brock agreed.

He looked over at Ash. "Make your next selection, Diamond."

"Estrella, I choose you!" Ash called. The type advantage and flying speed should overcome Gardenia's Turtwig!

"Eh-streh-yah!" Brock correcting him snapped him from his thoughts.

"Start with Wing Attack!" Ash called.

But no matter how many attacks Estrella fired, Peony dodged every last one. [Got any better ideas? Wing Attack isn't working...] Estrella wheezed.

Ash growled in frustration. "Okay, Estrella, new plan. Let's try Aerial Ace--I know that attack is unavoidable!"

He watched in amazement as Peony jumped at the last moment. Estrella went crashing into the bushes some moments later. "Wha...how?" he gasped as Estrella recovered and circled around to try again.

But no one expected Peony to pummel Estrella with Leaf Storm, pinning Estrella to a tree. "Diamond is unable to battle--Pearl wins!" Brock announced.

Tintri nudged Ash as Cheryl and Gardenia talked for a moment. [Even I'm amazed at this Gardenia lady's Pokemon.] he explained. [I know, it hurts to lose.]

"Yeah--this hurts even more because I thought I had an advantage against her." Ash explained as he went to collect Estrella.

[We've beat hard opponents before, and we can do it again!] Tintri smiled. [With a little help from my Super Shocking Special Training!]

A smile formed on Ash's face. "Great idea, Tintri! Your special training hasn't failed me yet!"


"...and so they agreed to help me search for the Miele Dorato." Cheryl finished explaining to Gardenia some time later. "My grandfather wanted so much to find this special honey, but could not. So I want to find it myself and complete what he could not." Brock finishing an intricate melody on his guitar punctuated her point.

"I see..." Gardenia smiled. "All the Combee colonies in the forest are connected. I know a spot where Combee gather to form a massive colony known as the Golden Wall."

She smiled at Brock. "There are actually a few folktales in this area about the Miele Dorato and the Golden Wall. Interested in learning a few?"

"I would be honored." Brock replied as he worked out an improvised melody in A major.

"Okay...two princes once went out in search of adventure. But they got so wrapped up in wine, women, and song, they never returned home." Gardenia began over the guitar. "The youngest--we'll call him Jake--set out to find his brothers..."


"Ow..." Mars winced at the many wounds covered in Band-Aids all over her and Jupiter. "The sooner we find that special honey, the better!"

"They say honey has healing properties, so who am I to think this special honey is a powerful medicine?" Jupiter agreed.

Mars was about to answer when she spotted the group approaching where they were standing. "I see Hat-boy and pals! Let's ambush them!"

"Come on, Leona..." Mars motioned for her Purugly to join Jupiter and Noctis in the bushes.

Neither admin expected Gardenia to peek in the bushes some moments later. "Wow! What's a Skuntank doing here in the bushes?"

"Noctis was...looking to find some medicine for all these Beedrill stings my partner and I got yesterday." Jupiter lied as she and Mars emerged from the brush.

"Would you like to trade?" Gardenia smiled. "I have many fine Pokemon to offer!"

"N-no thanks..." Jupiter stammered, a little unnerved by Gardenia's enthusiasm. "I'm happy with Noctis."

"Gardenia, you realize you're talking with an admin of Team Galactic?" Ash hissed.

"Team Galactic member or not, someone that raises powerful Pokemon can't be all bad." Gardenia replied, causing everyone's mouths to drop open."

"Jupiter...come in Jupiter." Mars whispered, waving a hand in front of Jupiter's unnerved face.

She grimaced in annoyance. "Leona, use Bite!"

"Aw, a kitty-Pokemon!" Ash heard Gardenia cry.

"Gardenia, wait!" Brock leaped into Leona's path and pushed Gardenia away. Dawn crashed on top of him some moments later.

"Errrgh...Noctis, use Poison Fang!" Jupiter commanded, annoyed that Gardenia had stymied Mars' attempt at wounding the group.

"Peony, teach these Galactic goons a lesson!" Gardenia called as she summoned her Turtwig.

Jupiter watched in shock as Peony bit Noctis' tail, then threw him into the brush. "If her Turtwig's that strong, I'd hate to see what other powerful Pokemon she's got!"

"We'll deal with you later, Hat-boy!" Mars called before she and Jupiter fled into the forest.


"Thanks, Gardenia...you saved our skins." Cheryl smiled. "Arceus hoping we don't find those Galactic goons again."

"Aw, it was nothin'!" Gardenia smiled. "I know a strong Pokemon when I see one."

She looked over at a Nuzleaf running to meet her. After reading over the note the leafy humanoid Pokemon carried, she turned to leave. "I'm gonna have to leave you--I'm needed back in the city."

"Thanks, Gardenia!" Ash waved as Gardenia departed. "I hope to battle you for a Badge soon!"

Dawn spotted a Combee flying around a flower patch Kaikoga was studying. "Follow that Combee! It could lead us to the Golden Wall!"

To Be Continued...