“I still don’t know how you convinced me to do this,” Gardia mumbled, pulling up her strapless green dress slightly. She glanced over at Pace, her escort smiling at her with his arm outstretched. Gardia linked hers with his and the two entered the theater.

“To be candid, it was all Judy’s doing,” Pace answered. “As soon as you both found out I had never seen the Phantom of the Opera Judy was very insistent I attend the show with you.” This was true. Gardia did not mind bringing Pace along either way. The Phantom of the Opera was such a good show that she considered it a crime Pace had not seen it yet. Plus, she had no doubt that Pace appreciated the night off. Following her mission to deal with a child of Beelzebub, Gardia had returned to find out Pace had been sent to the hospital after an encounter with Lucifer. He had been recovering for several weeks and after being discharged from the hospital, Gardia had put her foot down that Pace stay at her home so someone could keep an eye on him. This was the first night since entering the hospital he had been able to go out.

Gardia handed their tickets to the man waiting at the door. After scanning them, the man returned them and the two exorcists entered the theater. Pace led the two to their seats towards the middle of the theater. He looked at Gardia and couldn’t help but smile at her expression. She was currently staring at the ceiling where the infamous chandelier hung. Pace had heard Gardia speak of the crash before. It was the reason she had bought tickets in the middle of the theater. Pace had to admit, hearing how the chandelier swing over you and exploded made him very excited for such an event. No doubt it would be the highlight of the whole show. Craning his neck back a little, Pace gazed up at the gorgeous light, only to notice something odd.

“Gardia,” he said, tapping her shoulder slightly, “do you see someone standing on the chandelier?” Gardia looked over at Pace before returning her gaze to the chandelier. To her it appeared there was no one hanging on the chandelier.

“No?” she replied, “Do you see someone?” Pace frowned hard and gazed harder at the figure.

“Yes, can describe the phantom to me? What is his usual wardrobe?” Whoever this was, they were wearing a mask exactly like the one on the program.

“Black suit, white mask that either covers part or the whole face, sometimes a cape with a red interior.” Gardia was starting to catch on, at least so she thought. Either Pace was still suffering from the medicines he took at the hospital, or he was able to see a demon no one else could. It wasn’t an odd thing to have happen. There were numerous occasions where a half-demon could see an exorcism target that a normal target could not. While there was no sound reasoning yet, it was highly suspected it had to do with the fact that had demon heritage.

“Yeah, there’s a guy up there dressed in exactly that. Though, it’s weird, I can usually sense when there are other demons around. Demon sense or something like that. I couldn’t feel this guy’s presence at all.”

“It could be a ghost,” Gardia suggested, “they’re known to haunt theaters for a variety of reasons. Usually because of Mac… er… that infamous play that shall not be named.” Pace looked at Gardia with a serious expression before breaking into a childish grin.

“So I guess you could say we’ve got a phantom of the opera on our hands?” Gardia punched Pace in the shoulder.

“That’s not even a good pun!” she complained before sighing and looking back up at the chandelier, still not able to see anything. “It would explain why I can’t see him though. Humans generally have a tougher time spying ghosts unless they’re part demon, and I don’t have a drop in me otherwise I’d probably be able to see or hear him just a little.” Pace opened his mouth to ask about their next course of action when there was a loud creaking noise from the chandelier. Everyone in the theater froze and maniacal laughter filled Pace’s ears. Suddenly the chandelier began to swing, causing Pace to grab Gardia’s arm. Yanking her to a standing position, the two began to flee the theater when a loud voice yelled,

“Ah, ah, ah! Can’t have the stars of the show leaving now!” Gardia was ripped from Pace’s grip and pulled up to the chandelier, the phantom’s cane having turned into a shepherd's crook. He held her close and spun the crook back into a cane. “Well well, demon boy, what a situation we have here. If you want to find her, I suggest joining the cast on stage.” A cloud of smoke erupted and the phantom and Gardia disappeared. Pace bit his lip before looking towards the empty stage. It appeared he had no choice. He couldn’t abandon Gardia and she was the one carrying the rosary that they needed to call for backup. Pace would carry such an item except it hadn’t worked very well the first time. He still had the cross imprint burned into his thigh. Straightening his tie, Pace walked towards the stage and climbed the steps on the side to reach it. Walking across the black surface, Pace stopped at the center before pausing, waiting impatiently. After a moment of no respond, Pace growled out,

“Hey! I’m here! Show yourself!” The phantom suddenly appeared behind Pace.

“Oh my, we have to get you changed! This suit flatters you but it simply won’t do for the play I have in mind. No no no!” The phantom grabbed Pace before the half-demon could react. “Makeup! Wardrobe!” he called. Suddenly several men and women rushed over to Pace and dragged him roughly backstage. It didn’t take much for Pace to notice that these people were not ghosts as well. If he had to guess, they were being controlled by the phantom. Pace was pulled out of the suit and dressed into what he recognized as a knight’s outfit. He was then forced into a chair and plastered with more makeup than Pace would ever care for. When he was forced up from his seat, Pace couldn’t see his suit anywhere. He hoped that it was safe, it was an expensive suit after all.

“Pretty sure this isn’t in the script for the Phantom of the Opera,” Pace commented as he examined himself.

“You’re correct. I’m not going to perform that old drag. We’re going for something much more exotic! Something audiences will love, I’m sure of it!” The phantom clicked his heels on the floor and suddenly they were most definitely not in a theater anymore. Pace spun in a circle as he found himself in rolling fields with a town in the distance. A calm breeze blew his blond hair ever so slightly and suddenly his faux armor felt quite a bit heavier.

“What the hell?” Pace muttered as he tapped his armor. It was almost real, as if… it was real? A low growl entered the air around him and Pace looked around quickly to see two wolves approaching him.

“As we begin our journey today with the Knight of Peace, he finds himself being cornered by two wolves!” the phantom narrates, “Thankfully, the knight is very skilled with a blade, and quickly draws his sword to dispose of both.” As if under a spell, Pace follows the narration to a t, drawing his sword immediately and killing both wolves. “Now satisfied with his skills, the Knight of Peace is presented with two options, he can either head east towards the Forbidden Tower where his true love, Lady Gardia, currently rests. However, it will not be an easy quest, as a large dragon protects the lady. So the Knight of Peace decides to head west towards town in order to seek aid from other knights for the lady’s rescue.” Pace turned away from the tower and started towards the town, gritting his teeth in anger. He wanted to rescue Gardia now but it looked like that wasn’t an option with Mr. Narrator. “Oh but before he leaves,” Pace suddenly jolted to a stop and swung to his left, “the Knight of Peace must take a bow to his fans!” Pace’s eyes widened as to his left he saw a sprawling theater filled with people. Pace bowed and waved to the crowd before resuming his journey to the town. His body did not feel as heavy, so he suspected he had his free will back or now. Still, this was very strange. He had the lead role in a twisted play it seemed. Pace would just have to ride this out while he thought of some way to escape. For now it appeared the phantom only wanted to entertain the audience just beyond the curtains.

The town was in front of Pace in the blink of an eye. It was a lot bigger than it had appeared from outside. Pace looked around at all the tall old school buildings. He felt like he was in one of the medieval towns they always showed in the movies. There were food stalls everywhere and the main street was crowded. Pace squeezed his way through the town but it was very difficult with the sword on his side. It wasn’t until he reached the square that Pace found he had some breathing room. Pace sighed and rubbed his head. How exactly was he supposed to find some help in this crowded place?

“The Knight of Peace, not sure where to start, heard a sweet melody from across the wind and decided to follow it.” Pace suddenly jerked to his right and turned down an alleyway, somewhat feeling like a ragdoll with how much he was being dragged around. As he exited the alley onto another street, he spotted a young man sitting on the edge of a phone playing a lyre. He was very good, with several people stopping to listen and toss coins into the hat that rested at his feet. “This man was obviously a bard given his skill,” narrated the phantom, “and music was one of the well known weaknesses of a dragon!” Pace wasn’t so sure about that. You’d probably get incinerated before you could finish a song. “So the Knight of Peace determined right then and there that he must have this bard on his side. So he marched up to the bard and said-” Pace lurched forward as he walked over to the bard. Before he could stop himself, words were tumbling out of Pace’s mouth as if he had rehearsed them a thousand times before.

“You have impeccable skill, young bard. I, the Knight of Peace, would be honored if you would join me on my journey to rescue a young maiden that has stolen one heart.” Oh god. He was talking like a cliche knight. Pace mentally groaned. He made a silent prayer he wouldn’t have to talk like this the whole time he was here. The bard seemed taken aback before breaking into a smile and jumping to his feet with his hand extended.

“It’d be my pleasure, Knight of Peace. My name is Zangretor Spelloyal, pleasure to meet you! Though, Knight of Peace is a bit of a mouthful, is there something else I can call you?” Pace wanted to laugh. As if Zangretor wasn’t a mouthful either.

“They call me Pace Siegrist, but just called me Pace.” It seemed the narrator didn’t want to control that. Zangretor strummed his lyre then asked,

“So what challenges will we be facing then?”

“A dragon,” Pace responded, “which I will be able to defeat! But I will need the aid of humble warriors, such as yourself. Do you know of any such noble and humble people?” Pace groaned internally as his voice suddenly switched back to that of the stereotypical hero. So he’d have to recruit more people? Fantastic.

“Well,” Zangretor hummed as he thought it over before gesturing down the road. “I thought I saw a mercenary passing through here earlier. She seemed very strong. May it be possible to recruit her, this mercenary could prove to be a great ally.” Pace put a fist over his heart and declared,

“Then we shall seek out this mercenary! For the future of peace and for my lady, Gardia.” The two turned and began to walk down the road, people parting to let them through. It wasn’t hard to locate the mercenary, because Pace was willing to bet all the money he had in savings that the individual with two swords and flowing silver hair was probably the girl they were attempting to locate. Pace felt his neck start to itch and started to scratch it as he scanned her over. She was not bearing any shield, only two blades, and barely had any armor on. Actually she had barely anything on at all. Good glorious God was this a stereotypical anime or something? She had armor for her boobs and crotch but otherwise the woman was practically naked. Well okay, she had a giant fur cloak but that was probably solely for decoration. She turned her gold eyes towards us and smiled, revealing a set of fangs. Now the itch made sense, it was his demon sense going off. Though it wasn’t as stark as usual. Was she only half? Was his sense dulled in this fairytale land? Or was it because she wasn’t real that it was an itch rather than actual pain? Pace didn’t have much time to think on it when the woman started to approach them. Pace stopped walking when the woman kneeled at his feet before smiling up at him.

“So you’ve finally found me, Captain. How many years has it been? It feels like centuries. Then again, with our bloodlines, it may very well have been that long.” Pace started to inquire as to what she meant by that when he answered his own question.

“Why yes it has, Lady Grey, daughter of Gressil. How have you been these many years? It appears you’ve taken to mercenary work. It suits you, just as it did back those fifty years ago.” Pace felt something slithering into his mind and blurry images, false memories, of his times with Grey started to appear. Pace started to feel a bit more concerned. Just how much power did this phantom have?

“Aye. It appears you’ve become a knight as you always dreamed. I’m glad you were able to achieve such glory, even as the son of Leviathan. Still, I can tell by the way your face is drawn, you are bothered. Tell me, why are you here today?”

“Many years after we departed, I was sent on a mission as part of my training to become a knight. However, I became stranded from my group and was attacked by demons attracted by my scent. I managed to fight them all off, but passed out from my injuries. When I awoke, I was in an unfamiliar cabin.” A smile split across Grey’s face, the woman able to guess where the story was going.

“Spare me the details, Captain. I get it. You found a lady that finally suited you. It would be a lie if I said I wasn’t jealous of her, but I can’t be mad at your happiness. So let me guess, she’s been captured and you are seeking help to rescue her?” Pace nodded a little, somewhat surprised Grey had been able to guess it all. “Well, just for the sake of the good old days, I’ll help you out. I’ll even get my apprentice to help to.” Grey turned her back to Zangretor and Pace, then shouted, “Vina!”

Down the road a little ways, a figure in a blue cloak paused in her conversation. She turned, her stark red curls spilling from inside her cloak. She spoke a few more words to the citizen she was speaking with then ran back towards the three party members. Her emerald green eyes sparkled as she drew closer, a bright smile plastered on her face. Unlike Grey, she was covered, wearing some light leather armor over a blue shirt and brown pants. It allowed for easy movement, that was for sure. She stopped next to them and stared at Pace before grinning even wider.

“Are you the guy Milady always speaks of? Her captain? You look just like him! Only older!” Grey smacked Vina on the head.

“Ignore her, she has let to learn any manners.”

“Well, Grey, it is not as if you could depart any onto her.” Grey glared at Pace for a second before smiling.

“So, will you accept our help?” Pace looked at Zangretor. The bard seemed a bit suspicious, but when he locked eyes with Pace, he only smiled.

“Hey, I’ll still help either way. You decide. If you trust them, I’ll put my faith in them too.” Pace returned the smile before nodding to Grey.

“You heard him. Welcome aboard.” And then the narration resumed, much to Pace’s chagrin.

“And so, the Knight of Peace, having located three powerful allies, decided now was the time to challenge the dragon! And so the party of four set out to reach the tower by nightfall!” Pace noticed that he felt no sudden urges like before and paused to look at the audience, only to see the curtain closing. Were they going to intermission? Before Pace could think it through, there was flash and the four were near the tower, except they were surrounded by a bunch of barriers that prevented them from leaving. “Stay here,” the phantom said, “I’ve got to deal with intermission!” Pace bit his lip before glancing at the others.

“So…” he started awkwardly. Zangretor looked over at Pace and shrugged.

“You have any idea what the heck is going on?” he asked. Pace nodded.

“A little bit. I’m a certified exorcist. The girl that we’re going to rescue is my partner. It was supposed to be our night off but there’s a phantom haunting this theater. He kidnapped my partner and then forced me into this mess if I wanted to see her again. She’s a capable exorcist, but against a foe she can’t see? I don’t know how effective of a fighter she’d be.” Grey walked over and put her hand on Pace’s shoulder.

“Hey man, it’ll be okay. Long as you don’t exorcise us too, we’ll be on good terms.” Pace gave her a confused look, before his eyes widened. Grey nodded a little. “Vina and I’s backstories weren’t entirely untrue. And I imagine yours isn’t either. Zangretor over here in somewhat in the same boat.” Pace looked between the three.

“Is the whole cast a mix of demon spawn?” Zangretor shook his head.

“No, but a lot of us are. It’s one of the few jobs we can get nowadays with little risk of being exposed.” That made sense. Demons had been attacking far more frequently in recent years, giving half demons a bad rep as well. Many places wouldn’t hire someone if they knew they were a half demon and it often resulted in immediate termination from their job is they were found out. Theater people had always been much more accepting, it seemed, so they had yet to reject the half demon culture.

“I’m so sorry. We’re trying our best but… the frequency of attacks is quite overwhelming as of late. I know what it’s like to be looked down upon since I often get dirty looks even in my line of work but… well I sometimes forget that there are many that are worse off than me.” Vina crossed her arms and grinned.

“Hey don’t worry about us! We’re safe in the theater! Right now we just need to defeat that dragon and rescue your friend! She sounds like an understanding person if she’s working with a half demon as a partner.” Pace smiled a little bit.

“We’re childhood friends. She’s known of my heritage since we were little and never thought much of it. That’s just the kind of person she is. She always tries to help others before exorcising them unless there’s no possible way to save them. Heck, she’s sacrificed pieces of her soul just to give half demons, including me, a chance at life they might not otherwise have. I can’t help but admire her for that, but that’s just who she is.” There was a brief silence before Zangretor burst into laughter.

“Oh man! So the true love thing wasn’t just part of the play!” Pace stuttered for a moment, his face flushing with color. “She doesn’t know does she?” Pace sighed and shook his head.

“She’s so busy, I think she’d turn me down just because of that. And I don’t want to burden her when she’s not ready for something like this.” The three actors looked at each other before smiling at Pace in understanding.

“You’re a kind man, Pace. But remember, sometimes it is better to let them know before the chance slips away.” Pace started to respond when the barriers suddenly disappeared. The four glanced around a bit before the phantom appeared above them.

“Time to start the show again!” The four teleported to right in front of a tower. The sky was dark, filled with storm clouds, and on the top of the tower was a giant red dragon with curling horns and smoke billowing from its nose. The dragon roared and snarled at them. The dragon began to climb down as the narrator started to speak, but as it passed over the one opening in the tower, the dragon froze. It roared again, cutting the narrator off before collapsing on the ground below, nearly crushing Pace’s party. The three actors seemed startled, but Pace wasn’t. He smiled broadly as he approached the body of the dragon. A young woman stood up, wearing a bright green dress and holding a rusty sword. She turned to look at Pace before smiling back.

“Were you supposed to save me?” she asked teasingly.

“I suppose so but you seemed to have saved yourself just fine, Gardia.” The two started to laugh when the phantom screamed.

“No no no! This is not how this is supposed to go! The princess isn’t supposed to rescue herself.” Gardia jumped down beside Pace and nodded to him. She clapped her hands together and Pace quickly moved behind her, keeping his eyes on the phantom.

Qui hoc arcanum vos ludere hoc sacro, nihil levari et torqueri cum ea in loco, modo et in milite uinci Romam factum, tibi molestum est, non opus habemus!” Gardia was enshrouded in a golden aura and Pace quickly turned her in the direction of the phantom. The phantom realized too late that he had picked the wrong couple to capture and screeched as a golden arrow shot from Gardia, piercing the phantom and ripping open a gateway straight to Hell. When the light faded, the rolling landscape and fake audience had all disappeared, leaving behind the original stage, the actors, and the two exorcists. Gardia collapsed against Pace, smiling up at him.

“Thanks for saving me.” Pace snorted and the two started to laugh again when Pace noticed his three new friends as well as many other actors staring at them.

“Thank you for saving us,” Zangretor said quietly, “and for sparing us from your exorcism. We are sorry your night off was ruined by this event, but there is another show tomorrow night. I am sure we can work out getting you two some seats then.” Gardia stood up a little, leaning against Pace.

“Don’t mention it. It’s the hazard of the job, you just learn to be ready for an attack anywhere.” She paused then glanced at Pace. “Though seats for tomorrow night’s show… I wouldn’t be opposed to. This guy hasn’t seen the Phantom of the Opera before.” Gardia started to speak again before looking back at Pace. His fins and gills were showing! She glanced at the actors, noting none of them seemed startled by this. She looked back at Pace, making eye contact with him this time and seeing something that resembled a begging tone in his expression. Gardia understood the situation immediately and smiled. “I think at the very least he needs to see it.”

Pace couldn’t help but sigh a little in relief when Gardia didn’t say anything about the actors. She was smart, she had probably put two and two together, but just as he had predicted, she didn’t think she needed to concern herself with it. He noticed several of the actors visibly relaxed too. It may not have been the night off he had thought he was getting, but Pace didn’t mind. He knew it would make the play all the better the following night now that he knew several of the cast members and their true identities.