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  1. #1
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    (IC) Pokemon: Journey of the Rainbow Goddess

    @Noblejanobii @Neo Emolga @Winter

    Finally, we are ready to go! The adventure begins now!

    The fantastic Pokeworld of uneasy peace is shattered when the ruthless warlord Nobunaga begins his march across the eighteen kingdoms, leaving terror and despair in his wake. Amidst all the chaos, the people cling to a prophecy of hope:

    "Upon the day the rainbow goddess reveals herself, she will embark on a great journey to learn the twelve forms of magic, then she shall usher forth a world of light and an age of unending peace."

    Many speculated on who or what the rainbow goddess could be, until a girl was born in an unassuming town with an array of amazing magical powers. She could make crops grow from the most barren of land, call forth rain, heal the sick and wounded, and even make the dead live again. On top of this, she never seemed to age or get sick once she came of age. It was because of her gift of channeling magic into a song--a rare talent in Ransei--that she was named Juno--"sound of the tree"

    The townsfolk did their best to hide Juno's identity as the rainbow goddess, but fearing that Nobunaga would foolishly try to kill a god, the village elder appointed a team of the villager's best warriors and magic users to serve as bodyguards, just in case.

    Today, however, was the big day--the day Juno and her bodyguards would embark on their long and perilous adventure.

    The entire town had gathered at the elder's house, eager to get a glimpse of the silvery white haired girl and those who would protect her. Even those that doubted Juno was a goddess had to admit she had an unusually strong magical power.

    But Juno was never one to boast about or misuse her gifts--she only used them when someone needed it, and never accepted any money or gifts in return for her help. All she wanted was to see people happy, and Ransei at peace once again.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

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  3. #2
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Nakano Tanaka
    The Elder's House

    "Father please for the last time, I'll be alright," Nakano said, running her fingers through her dark hair. "It's not like I'll be traveling alone, there will be other bodyguards with us. You have nothing to worry about."

    "Oh I have plenty to worry about, Nakano," her father responded in a stern tone. "You're going up against Nobunaga Oda, a ruthless warlord whose fierceness can be felt even here in the tiny corner of Ransei. Even with the Rainbow Goddess at your side, I can’t help but be the slightest bit worried about you.”

    Kazan shook his head and gave a heavy sigh. “You’re all I’ve got left and you’re barely an adult, yet you’ve got the burden of the land resting on your shoulders.” He cupped Nakano’s chin and smiled at her. “I couldn’t be more proud of you and what you’re going to achieve. But that pride also comes with a lot of fear. Promise me it won’t be warranted, okay?”

    Nakano paused as she listen to her father speak. He had a very valuable point in that this seemed like a lot more than a handful of teenagers could handle. And yet, it wasn’t like they had a lot of options. The burden of the land huh? She’s argue the Rainbow Goddess bore more of the burden than Nakano did, but it didn’t change the fact that she also had a burden of her own to carry. Protecting Juno wasn’t going to be any small feat, she imagined, so she’d have to do the best she could with what little skill she had. She might be one of the best swordsmasters in her village, but what about another kingdom over? Or several kingdoms away? She’d have to continue to grow and improve if she wanted to prove herself.

    Speaking of Juno, Nakano had never met the Rainbow Goddess before and considered herself a bit of a skeptic. Still the hopes of everyone were riding on Juno, so for all their sakes, Nakano hoped the legend was true.
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  5. #3
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    (will wait on the others before giving the main quest)
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

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  7. #4
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    The Elder's House

    "...and you're certain you aren't forgetting anything?" The corners of Fuyuse's lips twitched upwards at the way the doctor was fretting over her. In the four years they had spent traveling together, she hadn't seen the man so fussy since that first month when she was twelve.

    "I am certain that I have not forgotten anything. I remember how to live off the land, the way you taught me to, I have the herb mixtures you gave me, as well as clean bandages, and I know that I can offer my services as a healer in exchange for anything else I might need if we run low on money. I have my tessen and my kurisarigama to defend myself and others with if worst comes to worst, and you know that Hitomi, Hanzo, and Daisho would lay down their own lives to protect me.” She had spoken more words this morning than she had in the past month, and as much as she disliked the idea, the young woman had a feeling that speaking more was something she was going to need to get used to. She’d spent four years perfecting speaking to her guardian more in motions than aloud, but today...well, today she was leaving him behind. Fuyuse reached up to adjust the straps of the basket she was using as a pack against her shoulders and tried to smile for him—maybe she could get his brow to stop furrowing and the worry to fade from his eyes if she seemed more confident.

    “It certainly sounds as though you’ve prepared. It would seem I taught you well...perhaps too well, if you’re leaving the nest so early,” he chuckled, reaching out to brush a wisp of chestnut hair that had escaped her braid back behind her ear. Though the sound was amused, it contrasted oddly with the sadness of his expression, and just like that, her attempt at a smile slipped.

    “I promise to come back, Waka.” As he pulled his hand away, she captured it in both her own. “I am not going away forever, just a little while. I much prefer treating injuries to causing them, and suspect that my time as a bodyguard will only make me appreciate my time as a doctor’s assistant far more.” And it might well give her answers about her missing past, though it seemed like a foolish thing to hope for after so long. Foolish as it was, the desire for knowledge about the life she had lost had come back in full force when the village elder had originally approached Fuyuse to ask about appointing her as one of Juno’s bodyguards along her journey. Had it not, she likely wouldn’t have agreed to leave in the first place—Waka was good at taking care of others, but almost laughably terrible at taking care of himself. She only hoped that he allowed his Audino, Momo, to look after him in her place...she just didn’t trust his Reuniclus or his Shroomish with overseeing his wellbeing. As much as she loved them, Shimeji tended towards airheaded and occasionally failed to notice the passing of entire days, while Daisuke had a knack for making Waka’s love of research worse, and the pair would quite literally pour over books, study samples, and experiment with cures until neither could continue to function and both eventually passed out. “Just promise me that you will not give Momo too much to fret over, alright?”

    The doctor flashed a halfhearted smile before patting her hands with his free one and pulling his other hand out of her grasp. “I’ll do my best not to make Momo fret so long as you do your best not to make me fret, Fuyuse. Do not break your promise to return.” With that, he quickly reached out to pull her in for a brief hug, then looked down at the Houndoom, Croagunk, and Sneasel hovering close to their mistress. “I am trusting her protection to you three. not let me down,” he murmured, then nudged the young woman away from the crowd they had been standing in, towards the door to the elder’s house, where Juno and her bodyguards were to congregate. As she watched, Fuyuse saw all three of her Pokemon companions give Waka a firm nod before following after her.

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  9. #5
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    @Noblejanobii @Neo Emolga @Winter

    Juno watched as those who would be her bodyguards said their final goodbyes to families, friends, guardians. She knew more than anyone that Oda Nobunaga was a dangerous man, and was not above attempting the foolish task of killing a goddess.

    As afraid as she was, she did her best not to show it, instead choosing to channel her fear into courage and grace. Arceus commanded me to come to the mortal realm, to deliver them from a grave danger. No matter how far we have to go, and no matter what dangers we face along the way, I will see my quest to the end, and protect those that protect me.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  10. #6
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Kaze Burakku
    The Elder’s House

    There were few that believed Kaze Burakku was chosen by the Buranchi to answer the village elder’s request because they truly believed Kaze was the most disciplined, adept, and professional of the druids and resembled all that they stood for and believed as part of their creed and tradition. There were far many more that believed Kaze was wild and chaotic and the Buranchi had grown tired of his antics and sheer mischief and simply wanted to be relieved by his absence in hopes of some semblance of normalcy and sanity.

    But there was one thing they could all agree on when it came to the wild teenager. He was the least likely to fear even the infamous warlord, Nobunaga Oda, but whether that could be attributed to bravery, insanity, or just plain foolishness was the real question. But every question had an answer.

    It was a little of all those things.

    Kaze felt there was one of two possible outcomes of his fighting style and antics when it came to his role in defending the Rainbow Goddess. The absurdity of it would either go down in legend and they would write stories of his escapades and make paintings and statues depicting his renown feats of whimsy and clever madcap absurdity, or he’d simply be another dead fool and all memory of him would be snuffed out in mere seconds like a candle thrown into a tidal wave. It was the chance of a lifetime and it wouldn’t be the first time Kaze had relied on luck, but he was hoping for the best. In the game of life, chance, and luck, Kaze grabbed the dice with a grin and couldn’t wait to see the outcome.

    When it came to Juno, the Rainbow Goddess, Kaze was excited to meet her. He wanted to know so many things about her, such as where she came from, what foods she liked, if she could fly, what her favorite Pokémon is, and if she knew any good jokes. And it was clear that five minutes with Kaze would let Juno know exactly the kind of person he is. He could easily be Nobunaga Oda’s greatest threat, or simply a fool to be thrown aside and stomped underfoot. In a way, Kaze was like a faerie. In one way, he could be swatted out of the sky in a single fatal stroke like a squashed bug if his luck had run out, but on the other hand, he could perform allusive trickery and mischief that could spell a chaotic and an unexpected ruinous end for all his adversaries in a humiliating and unexpected demise of whimsy. There was little telling how it would all end.

    And like that, Kaze was on his way, accompanied by Ōen the Bellossom, Dasshu the Emolga, and Gairu the Cinccino, all of which knew their trainer well and had adopted his style much to their own mischievous delight. Whether their unusual strategy and tactics would prevail or fail… only time could tell, but it would be a cold-blooded lie to say they wouldn’t get any kind of fun out of it however the fates decided.

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  12. #7
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    @Noblejanobii @Neo Emolga @Winter

    The excited chatter was hushed as the village elder arrived. Even though there was still a wisp of brown in his greying hair, he never lost the awed wonder of a child. He had weathered so many storms, but like the willow tree, he had held firm through it all. But was this newest crisis enough to break even those with the strongest of hearts?

    "People of Hajime, we gather here today to send who we believe is the rainbow goddess that will deliver us." he began. "Her task may appear simple, but it involves a long and perilous journey--master the twelve forms of magic, and awaken her true power as the goddess. From there, she must travel to the Temple of Eternal Joy in Hikari, where all will know if she is the true goddess or an ordinary girl. Once awakened, she must travel to Nobunaga's fortress in Dragnor, where the warlord will meet his judgement."

    Cheers went up at this. " accept this journey by your own choice, and you understand the dangers and perils that await you?" the elder asked.

    "I do." Juno replied.

    He next addressed those chosen as Juno's bodyguards. "Do you three promise to do everything you can to keep Juno safe, no matter what Nobunaga, his underlings, evil sects sympathetic to him, or yokai may try to do to her?
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  13. #8
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Nakano Tanaka
    The Elder's House

    Nakano and her father fell silent as the village elder arrived. He began to give his speech, indicating that the time for the group to set out on their journey was drawing ever closer. Nakano watched Juno accepted the burden of the journey, with all the dangers it potentially held, seemingly without hesitation. For such a young girl, she was very brave, Nakano noted.

    Nakano stood at attention when the village elder turned to she and the other bodyguards. He had a serious expression to him and his words mentioning "yokai" sent a bit of a chill down her spine. She had no mastery of magic available to her so unless she could wack the yokai into the next life using her swords, she wasn't going to be much use in those fights. But that was what her fellow bodyguards were there for. What she could not do, they could. And at the very least, Nakano could help protect Juno from Nobunaga and the other evil sects. Her skill with a blade would have been acknowledged by every opponent they met, that much she was certain.

    "I do," Nakano responded firmly.
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  15. #9
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    (will wait on the others before we embark on the quest)
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  16. #10
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    (sorry for the delay, the Wishmaker RP has gotten quite lively XD)

    Kaze Burakku
    The Elder’s House

    Kaze watched and listened to the Elder’s brief speech about Juno and what she was tasked to do. Meanwhile, Kaze simply smiled, his fingers drumming a tune on his oak staff while the Elder was very formal about the mission at hand, including Juno’s need to master the twelve forms of magic, awaken as a goddess, and then travel to the Temple of Eternal Joy before taking on Nobunaga. For all intents and purposes, the Elder could have added they’d have to go to the moon and travel through the underworld and Kaze would have been totally fine with it and ready to go.

    Juno accepted the mission, and then the Elder turned to her bodyguards, Nakano, Fuyuse, and Kaze himself. From what Kaze saw, Nakano Tanaka seemed to be specialist with swords and blades, and Kaze could nod and see and respect the combative utility in such a profession, though he knew it wasn’t quite his cup of tea. To him, magic was much more fun.

    Meanwhile, seeing Fuyuse with a tessen and a kurisarigama gave Kaze a clue she was more focused on weapons, also. He had no problem with that, those things looked sharp! And Kaze was quite certain she wasn’t carrying those around because she had extra big blocks of cheese that needed cutting.

    From the looks of them, Kaze believed one of two things were going to happen.

    Either they’re going to love my style or I’m going to drive all three of these ladies crazy.

    He was anticipating the later, of course. That’s how things usually seemed to go when Kaze was working with other people. But in the meantime, it seemed like among the four of them, Kaze might have to be the guide on all things magic, and he didn’t mind that at all! In fact he figured all three of them might get a kick out of what he could do and he enjoyed the thought of it, at least until Juno got up to speed and most likely would surpass him, but hey, he figured that was okay because of who she was and what she was set-

    “I do,” Nakano responded.

    He suddenly snapped out of his daydreaming and looked up to realize the Elder had finished talking and now expected a response while he got totally distracted. Right, he was probably talking about accepting the mission and going along with Juno to keep her safe. Totally good to assume that given the context of things, even if he was totally not paying attention to the exact things he was saying.

    “You bet, all set to go!” Kaze smiled, giving Juno an optimistic wink to give her the special assurance that she should see this as more of a fun road trip than as a perilous endeavor.

    He could have chuckled at the thought of what the reaction might be if he looked like he was about to back out but then just played a trick on everyone and accepted. But he decided nah, he was already going to drive these three ladies crazy in time, adding the village elder and all these people of Hajime to that might not go over too well. He felt maybe he could do that later when he thought of something much more fun and whimsical.

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