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  1. #11
    Just smile! Dash's Avatar
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    Since this is here, just hold me a spot as reserve and I'll edit in a character later.

  2. #12
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyler Phoenix View Post
    For the first time, I've actually got a hold of Kingdom Hearts. Right now, I'd have no idea of what anything was about in any way shape or form but I plan on sinking in some ideas later once I've played them - will SU's only be open a short while, or for a long time?
    The SU's will be open for as long as the RP runs :)

    And reserved, Sabi and Lightning! Excited to have ya on-board! :D

    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    I would recycle my SUs, but I lost them when Pe2K went down. Oops. Kokoro and Kakaze are old and deserve a bit of attention, though, so I don't mind. Now I just gotta dig up Truth Seeker's old art and give them some new art. XD New face is...well, you'll see.
    I am really getting curious about this third character xD

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  3. #13
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Since they are twin brothers, who are completely identical and share the same sort of backstory, I decided to put them together in the sign-up.

    Name: Baltiaire and Frago

    Gender: Males

    Age: 19

    Alignment: Baltiaire: Light, Frago: Light, though could be convinced to dabble in the dark arts.

    Rank: Final year apprentices

    Appearance: Baltiaire and Frago are identical twins. Due to them having the same sort of childhood, growing up on a farm, and being trained in bending, they still share most of their physical characteristics, with the exception of scars and such. Frago has more burn scars, whilst Baltiaire has more scars from cuts. Because their training differed due to being different benders, Baltiaire is slightly slower, but slightly psychically stronger and balanced, whilst Frago is more light on his feet and quick.

    The pair stand at 6 ft 1, both semi well built due to working on a farm most of their lives, and both have different types of scars on them, though none are visible at first glance. Unless you see them bending, or know their wardrobes well, it is very hard to tell the difference based on appearance. For the first few weeks at the guild, the other apprentices thought that there was one apprentice who changed his clothes really often. Frago tends to stand slightly taller and prouder than Baltiaire, who has always seemed to naturally have bad posture.

    The twins have messy, medium length black hair with dark green/hazel eyes. Their skin is slightly tanned, and their faces lightly freckled. Depending on the mood either twin is in, one of them might not shave and have a bit of facial hair, or both of them.

    Baltiaire tends to wear navy blue, black and grey clothing, whilst Frago tends to wear blue and red.

    Frago's Keyblade armour is slate grey with yellow/orange accents. The forarms have curved spikes pointing from the wrist to the elbow purely for decoration, as do the calves from the knees to the ankles. Baltiaire 's armour is slim fitting and simple. It is a cobalt blue colour with streaks of carbon fibre grey. However due to his lack of a proper keyblade, he is unable to sustain the armour for long periods of time or extended damage. He has been known to metalbend makeshift armour when his keyblade armour gives out.


    Baltiaire is the quiet and reserved type. Any friends he has made at the guild, he has made only because they spoke to him first. He will rarely strike up first conversation with someone unless he feels like something needs to be said or he really wants to get to know them, and even then he barely speaks above a whisper. In short, he lacks confidence. Though he knows he is just as capable as his brother, he sometimes feels inferior to him, due to his brother seemingly being scared of nothing, and being able to do things he can't, like summon a proper keyblade. Baltiaire seems like the weaker of the two, though is psychically stronger than his brother, due to sheer force being more staple to earthbending than firebending, and emotionally, as he was able to grant his father his final wish, and end his life. This being said, Baltiaire was always jealous of the relationship between his father and Frago. Frago was in training for his firebending longer than Baltiaire was for his earthbending, due to learning about lightning, and because of this, seemed to be loved by their father more. Frago hasn't picked up on this. Though Baltiaire is quiet and is less likely to fight, he has the strength to do what needs to be done. He is determined, and will not give up until he has no other choice. Though his brother is more naturally talented with a keyblade, Baltiaire is his match purely because he has the ambition to be better than his brother.

    Baltiaire has a good sense of humour, and will often leave his friends shocked in amusement at the remarks he makes about others at the guild, mostly about his brother. He feels more comfortable sticking with whats familiar, and when it comes to keyblade, tends to incorporate his earthbending into it, and rarely strays outside of the proper forms and techniques. When told to spar without Earthbending, he is generally at the disadvantage because though he has the ability, he is too nervous to try and be unpredictable.

    Though he and Frago tend to be opposites, he looks up to Frago, and if Baltiaire does something stupid, like sneaking out in the middle of the night to visit some girls near their dorm (which he has been busted for before), it is almost certain it is because Frago was doing it as well and talked him into it.


    Frago is cocky and overconfident. Though he does tend to feel insecure about himself and his strength and abilities, he covers it up with arrogance, and overconfidence. Until the day their parents were killed, he saw himself as the better and stronger son, until Baltiaire did what he couldn't bring himself to do. Frago is the type of guy who will make his presence known in a room, and is the first to volunteer at anything that will make him look good. Especially sparring. When it comes to keyblade, Frago would be top of the class if he actually tried a bit more. He has natural talent, which gets him by, as well as being willing to push the boundaries of what is accepted as a Keyblade warrior. To him the forms and technique are only a guide, for him to twist to his own standard. Sometimes it works well and he is a force to be reckoned with. Other times he drops his keyblade.

    Baltiaire sees himself as a blessing to female-kind, and has no objection to flirting for the sake of filling time. A few of the female apprentices have attempted a romantic relationship with Frago, only to have their heartbroken because he got bored. After his first year, Frago's reputation had become cemented in the girls dorm, however this didn't stop him from getting some entertainment out of the new apprentices that hadn't heard about him yet...

    When it comes to fighting, Frago tends to rely on quick, cheap shots, as well as using firebending and lightning to his advantage, though he is capable of holding his own without them. His usual strategy is to avoid attacks and analyze his opponents fighting style, finding a weakness and exploiting it with a feint strike and a lightning bolt or fireball.

    History: Baltiaire wand Frago were born the identical twin sons of a firebender and earthbender, fifteen years before the hundred year war was ended when Avatar Aang and his friends took down the airship fleet, gatecrashed and stopped the coronation of Princess Azula, and removed the bending of Fire Lord Ozai.

    Baltiaire and Frago were born and raised on a small farm on the outskirts of Yu Dao, a fire nation colony. Their father was a fire-bender, descending from royalty (His great grandfather was the uncle of Fire Lord Sozin), and their mother a farmers daughter from the Yu Dao area. During the war, their father pulled every string he could from being part of the royal family to have peace on their farm, but even then they were still attacked by rogue soldiers, bandits and vigilante's who sought to kill the firebenders. Because of this, from a young age, they were trained in their abilities, as well as how to run the farm. Baltiaire in earthbending by their mother, and Frago in firebending by their father, which also included the generation of lightning.

    When they were fourteen, their farm was attacked by bandits in the dead of the night. They were used to bandit attacks being small and uncoordinated but this was different. There were more bandits than they could fight, and they were much more coordinated and strategic with this attack.

    When the battle looked like it would be lost, their mother did what she had to to protect them. As the twins fought, the ground beneath them dropped, then closed above them, leaving them trapped underneath the farm. They had realized why, and every time Baltiaire would earthbend it open again, their mother would close it. After a few minutes, Baltiaire opened the earth above them, and it didn't close. Their mother had been killed.

    They got out of the giant hole they had been trapped in, and watched as their father had a knife plunged into his back, and pulled to his waist. Frago electrocuted the bandit, and the two managed to fight off the rest of them. The ones who didn't flee were killed. When the fighting was over, they found their father who was barely alive. He couldn't feel anything from his chest downwards, and was losing a lot of blood. He had minutes left, but was in excruciating pain. In these minutes he made a final request. He asked Frago to kill him. He wanted to die quickly and peacefully, and didn't want the person responsibly for his death to be a cowardly bandit. He would rather his son, whom he had trained from the moment he showed the ability to firebend, to be the one to end his life.

    Frago couldn't do it. He stood there, astounded as his fathers dying words were begging him to kill him. After a minute the earth beneath him twisted around so that his back was turned. Before Frago realised what was going on, their father was dead. Baltiaire had turned Frago around so he didn't have to see it, then sent their father to the afterlife.

    After burying their parents, the brothers traveled across the earth kingdom, eventually stopping at Ba Sing Se. They had never really wanted to be farmers, and knew that destiny had called them elsewhere. In Ba Sing Se, they managed to rent a small apartment in the lower ring, paying for it by working as labourers in a farm in the Agrarian zone (Baltiaire) of Ba Sing Se and in a forge in the middle ring (Frago).

    After a year of living in Ba Sing Se, the fire nation coup caused the city to fall, and to fall into chaos. The brothers managed to survive the year without too much trouble due to being of Fire Nation heritage. Before too long, the war ended, and Ba Sing Se was under Earth Kingdom control again. For the first time in a century, there was peace in the world.

    When the twins were sixteen, the Beifong Metalbending Academy opened up a campus in Ba Sing Sei, where Baltiaire began studying Metalbending. Though it took a lot of practise, he stuck to it, and in two years was as capable of a Metalbender as he was an Earthbender.

    Shortly after Baltiaire finished at the Metalbending Academy, Frago awoke one night to the sound of footsteps in their apartment. He woke Baltiaire up and they quietly made their way into the kitchen area of the apartment, where they found a man waiting for them.

    Upon interrogating the man, they found out he had come for Baltiaire, and claimed to be from a place called the Keyblade Guild in another world. He told them that Baltiaire had been chosen to learn how to use keyblades, which is a rare gift. When Frago asked if he had been chosen as well, the man quickly denied it, saying that the Elders specifically told him only Baltiaire was chosen.

    The brothers were skeptical, and told the man to back up his claims. In response, he summoned his keyblade, and then used it to use a spell on Baltiaire. A spell which would forcefully summon his own keyblade. However it didn't go as planned. A keyblade didn't appear in Baltiaire's hand, but Frago's.

    The keyblade master used a book to take the brothers to the Keyblade Guild, to speak to the Elders. When he first asked them which one was the chosen one, they unanimously agreed it was Baltiaire, and were all shocked when the spell summoned a keyblade to Frago again. In the end, they allowed both brothers to stay.

    The brothers were given a month to return home and take care of any loose ends they had. In this time, a meteor shower hit the farm that Baltiaire had been working at. He remembered hearing stories about Team Avatar and how even though Sokka didn't have bending abilities, he was still valuable to the team. He also remembered hearing about the 'Space Sword'.

    Baltiaire harvested as much metal as he could from the meteor that hit the farmland, and took it to the forge where Frago had been working during their time in Ba Sing Se. From this metal, he crafted himself a weapon in the likeness of a keyblade. Essentially a keyblade without the magic properties of a keyblade. Until his own one made itself present, this would have to do.

    After tying up loose ends at home, they finally moved into the keyblade guild, where they have been apprentices since, nearing the end of their apprenticeship.

    Frago's keyblade is slightly longer than the average keyblade (3-4) inches). The main shaft of it is a bright, chrome like metal, with a slight orange/red tint. Along the shaft are small openings which are linked to a trigger on the hilt. The trigger causes flammable gas to flow through and out the shaft, which can be ignited. The hilt is the shape of a dragons head, which encases Frago's hand. There are three black teeth that jut out on the end of the key.

    Baltiaire's Keyblade is not a traditional keyblade. Baltiaire hand-forged his keyblade himself, using metal from a meteor like he had heard stories of, and using his own metalbending to shape it into the perfect weapon for him. Whilst Frago doesn't completely understand his keyblade, Baltiaire knows every inch of it. He knows the exact weight and feel of it. It is not a weapon to him but an extension of his own body. However because it was forged by Baltiaire, to be a temporary keyblade until he acquired a proper one, it has none of the magic properties of other keyblades. It does not just materialise out of thin air. He must carry it with him. He must maintain and repair it. He can not use it to do magic.

    The keyblade is capable of changing forms due to Baltiaire being capable of metalbending, however has a 'base' form which Baltiaire tends to leave it as. The hilt is made of glowing crystals from the Ba Sing Sei catacombs, which can be extended or retracted with earthbending to create deadly spikes. The shaft and teeth are made of compressed and compacted black meteor metal. Due to it being so dense and compacted, it is very strong. Baltiaire often uses his metalbending to reshape the sword, mostly moving the teeth to give extra length, or appendages off the blade to block others. It is indeed a sword designed for a metalbender.

    Other: From a world with four nations named after the elements, where certain gifted people have the ability to manipulate them to their will. A hundred year was has seen its end in recent years, which Baltiaire and his Frago were lucky to survive. Baltiaire has the ability to manipulate earth and some impure metals, whilst Frago ha the ability to create and manipulate fire and lightning.

  4. #14
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    @Comatose: Flam-e-oh, my good hotman! Accepted!

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  5. #15
    The Perpetual Optimist Sieses's Avatar
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    I have edited tentative character sheets for both characters into my first post.
    Last edited by Sieses; 03-06-2015 at 04:42 PM.

  6. #16
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sieses View Post
    I have edited tentative character sheets for both characters into my first post.
    Don't think I didn't notice that RWBYverse character because I did. Also darn you for making me change Kaiden's keyblade. XD

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  7. #17
    The Lord of Awesome XaiakuX's Avatar
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    Go ahead and throw me down for reserve.

    Is there any rule about Elder SUs?
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  8. #18
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sieses View Post
    Name: Miku

    Gender: Female

    Age: 22

    Alignment: Light

    Rank: Master

    Appearance: The most striking thing about Miku are her red eyes, although the sheer amount of world that Keyblade Wielders have been pulled form has made them a more common sight than they had been on her home world. Her black hair has been in a pixie cut since she starter her apprenticeship, since Master Amaranth had always said that long hair just gets in the way, and that was one of his lessons she was willing to take to heart.

    Other than that there is little about Miku that would draw attention to herself. She stands a bit shorter than the average for her age, and it is fairly obvious to an observer that she lost quite a bit of the muscle she had to gain to qualify as a master. Most of the time she only focused on her ability to get out of trouble when she dares to do physical exercise.

    She tends to layer clothes on her upper body; the uppermost layer usually being a large purple hoodie with a black key silhouette on the chest that would work better as a dress on her than it would its intended purpose. In contrast she wears nothing to cover her legs except a pair of black athletic shorts that can rarely be seen thanks to her massive hoodie, a pair of purple and black sneakers, and a pair of black knee-high socks that almost always end up around her ankles.

    Personality: Miku is perhaps one of the most driven Keyblade Masters in the Guild. Her moral compass has been corrupted to where the only way somebody is worth anything to her depends on how many people they help, but she only really holds herself to that standard. She also has a habit of overlooking a lot of the good she does.

    Her opinion on Darkness is one of the strangest in the Guild. She fears its corrupting influence more than anybody else, but to her knowledge this corruption comes in the form of needing more negative emotions to be more powerful with it instead of any inherent warping it does to the personality. She is willing to give anybody using it the benefit of the doubt, but believes that she herself using it would be what puts her beyond redemption. The only thing she is consistent about is abhorring creatures made out of Darkness.

    The worst thing about her personality, in her own opinion, is her complete lack of social skills. She can hold a conversation with a single other person easily enough, but any more than that and she tends to sink into the background without making any contribution. Any attempt to bring her back into the conversation at the point will just succeed at flustering her.

    History: Miku comes from a World with its own localized threat born of Darkness; the Noise. She was only nine years old when the World as a whole acknowledged their existence, and from that moment on she lived knowing that at any time unstoppable creatures could show up and take away everything she cared about. There was little she would stop at to have the power to deal with them herself.

    It was this singleminded hatred of the Noise that allowed Miku to be one of the first Keyblade Wielders in a long while to awaken their blade without a Master passing the ability onto them, although many suspect there was an outside force that played a role in that. Those rumors are supported by the fact that Master Amaranth was on the world at that time to research the Noise. The man was more than willing to take Miku to the Keyblade Guild after that feat, and she was more than happy to learn how to destroy the Noise more efficiently.

    While not the best student, Miku did well enough in her classes that she never had to worry about not being good enough for a Master, although just about everybody was surprised when one of the most experienced Keyblade Masters decided to take her in. Miku herself was just overjoyed at the chance to have that experience to herself.

    All joy that Miku has for the arrangements were snuffed out quickly enough. To his credit, Master Amaranth was rather upfront about the fact that none of the Elders would be happy with many of his projects, chief of all being his attempts to control the forces of Darkness for himself. He tried to spin it that he was the only one willing to go to such lengths to keep beings such as the Noise from doing any more harm, and when it was clear that he wouldn’t get anywhere with that he reminded her that he was the one who had the positive reputation in the Keyblade Guild.

    It was nearly three years later when Master Amaranth was officially declared an Elder, and that was when Miku decided enough was enough. She gathered up every bit of proof that she could and went to the other Elders about it while Master Amaranth was out looking into creatures called the Unversed that had appeared on several worlds.

    One of the Elders being banished off Everlastia for dabbing in the Darkness was anything but a quiet event, and soon just about everybody knew that Miku had been the apprentice to one of the most dangerous Keyblade Masters who had ever resided there. The only relief from everything that came with that was the remaining Elders decided that Miku had displayed the Mark of Mastery by bringing that to them as quickly as she could.

    Suspicion towards her slowly tapered off until nobody really remembered how she was related to the issue unless they stopped to think for a minute, but Miku never acknowledged that. Her life from that point on was to do all the good she could; make up for every crime Master Amaranth committed until she actually told somebody about him, which meant seal every Keyhole she could before the Heartless could get to them.

    Keyblade: Sign of Innocence

    Other: Miku has an Elemental Affinity towards Wind and Darkness.

    - - - -

    Name: Amaranth

    Gender: Male

    Age: 71

    Alignment: Dark

    Rank: Ex-Elder

    Appearance: Master Amaranth is a tiny little man who stood a head shorter than his apprentice when he first found her, whose hunched back often gives off the impression of him being frail and tired. All such assumptions would be false; those who got a good look at him would attest to him being in the best shape they had ever seen a man of his age be in. His bright orange eyes tend to be what people notice about him before that.

    Ever since leaving the Guild his outfit has consisted of a black wizard robe with purple swirls snaking around, a pair of sturdy black boots designed for combat, and a pair of thick black gloves. There is a hood to his cloak that he keeps up more often than not.

    His study of creatures born from Darkness has allowed himself to create a shell around himself that functions very much like they do. It is a tall figure wearing a tattered cloak that covers almost none of its arms and legs, both of which are rather like blades made out of darkness. There is almost always a hood over his head, although his face is easy enough to see; it glows purple like his limbs and looks rather like something off of a particularly terrifying jack-o-lantern.

    Personality: Amaranth is a rather affable individual; there was no way he would have be chosen to be an Elder if that was not the case. Deep down he truly holds no empathy for other people, believing that none of them even compare to a being made out of darkness, but he is an expert at pretending he does while not really ever lying.

    The strongest asset he has is his ability to get people to do things for him while making them think it is they who are benefiting from it; he tends to lose control of a situation when somebody involved realizes that this is not the case. He makes up for it by being able to sneak out of most trouble.

    He tends to annoy those who would make themselves his ally by not being too interested in the fight between Light and Dark; all he is interested in is learning just how the Darkness manages to create life while still being such a negative force in the universe. That being said, he would also happily jump in the fray if one side was doing something that could potentially help him crack that mystery. An official alliance between he and them, however, is unlikely to happen.

    History: Having been born in a world where creatures called the Grimm plague humanity, Amaranth found an interest in creatures born of the Darkness from an early age. It fascinated him that a single type of being could bring the whole of society to its knees. In pursuit of the knowledge he needed, he started training to be a Hunter, and was eventually accepted into Haven Academy. He was near the top of his class.

    His plans for the Grimm were both derailed and furthered when the Keyblade Wielders arrived on his world. They never really bothered the Grimm, local threat that they were, and instead made their way directly to Amaranth and a few others to recruit them into the Keyblade Guild. Amaranth was happy to take that opportunity.

    On top of the combat skills he had already gained from Haven Academy, Amaranth quickly became known as something of a prodigy when it came to magic; the combination of which found him a Master willing to train him much more quickly than most other Recruits did. Amaranth learned everything he could from the man before striking him down while out on a mission. He sold the Elders a sob story about how they were outnumbered, and he was promoted a week later for having been able to finish the mission despite what happened.

    The next few years went by simply; Amaranth searched the World using Corridors of Darkness behind the backs of the Elders and studied everything he could about the Darkness. He would take a mission or two whenever they were assigned to him to keep up appearances. Eventually this lifestyle ended when he found Miku and decided that he had to train her. She was just as interested in the Noise as he had been the Grimm, and he knew he would need a successor in case his research was not completed in his lifetime.

    When it became clear he was wrong about her shortly after taking her as an apprentice, he decided to teach her everything he knew anyway. Her reactions to what he was doing were always amusing. That decision ended up coming back to bite him shortly after he was declared an Elder, when she ran to his colleagues and told them everything.

    He would have probably been more mad about that if it didn’t suddenly give him all the time in the world to do his experiments. His skills rusted without anything he needed to fight for missions, but that was just another of the things that made him so happy about the situation; he was able to work at whatever he wanted without half the stress that he would have dealt with otherwise. And the other Dark Keyblade Wielders often put on enough of a show that he never got bored.

    Keyblade: Lunar Eclipse

    Other: Master Amaranth has an Elemental Affinity towards Darkness, Fire and Wind. His Semblance allows him control over wild animals - not attuned to creatures made out of darkness, but that’s hardly enough to stop a wily old Keyblade Master whose also plugged into the Darkness.

    Ooooo, nice! :D I wasn't expecting a character like Amaranth, but this will be fantastic! Accepted!

    @Sabi: Kaidan's coming along nicely! :D (also srsly good artist ermergersh)
    @XaiakuX: Reserved! And off the top of my head I can't think of any rules for Elders. As the veterans of the Guild, they should at least be about 50 years of age (well, I'll go 45). They are more skilled/powerful and knowledgeable but be cautious not to make them too OP'd. I suppose it all depends on what you want to do with your Elder. And it probably goes without saying that they have to be aligned with Light--unless it is an ex-Elder character like Sieses'
    Last edited by FedoraChar; 03-08-2015 at 05:27 AM.

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    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Pardon the double-post, friends, but I just wanted to put out a friendly reminder to finish your SU's ^^

    finish them or I'll post a sad gif of Ven No rush tho :D

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    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    I'm trying, I swear, but school and work and life make it a tad challenging. XD

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