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  1. #51
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanctus View Post
    I've got three paragraphs written right now and I have a double shift tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have it finished tonight. I don't know how you and Sabi did it so fast. I'm just trying to get this right because it's the scene where the guy is introduced.
    Because they are typing gods. Don't feel too bad, you have more than I do.

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  2. #52
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Guys, I've decided to add another character to my roster--or rather, bring back another character (with some modifications) xD

    Name: Celeste Piper

    Gender: Female

    Age: 17

    Alignment: Light

    Rank: Apprentice

    Appearance: Of average build and height, Celeste doesn’t stand out too much in a crowd. Some people would think she looks pretty plain—not strikingly beautiful, but not ugly either. She has long, auburn hair that hangs below her shoulders, which she only pulls half-way out of her face. Sideways bangs hang down over hazel eyes, bright on her slightly freckled face. Unlike her Master (Siros), who favors bright-colored robes, Celeste wears a simple, dull-green cape over a simple outfit. Her special piece of armor lies at the point where the cape meets under her chin—circular with a graceful heart set at its center.

    Personality: Though some might find her rather admirable, Celeste doesn’t consider herself to be anyone significant. In fact, she thinks she’s rather ordinary—as far as Keyblade Bearers go. She works hard to get her assignments done for school, then in her free time she enjoys spending time with friends like the average teenager. Like other teens, she can be stubborn and a little defiant at times (even to the Guild leaders).

    However, she can’t help but be a little extraordinary in some ways. Celeste is quite the hardy individual, having withstood much greater trials then other teens. Very independent and dependable, she knows how to use her head. She isn’t easily influenced by others, and thinks for herself, thank you very much.

    Granted with all her powers, Celeste certainly has a sense of responsibility, especially to those around her (doubly, since she’s the Healer’s Apprentice). She can’t stand injustices, and will fight for her beliefs. Celeste will work hard to maintain peace and balance, both in the greater world, and with her friends. Despite her dedication to her work, she does harbor some bitterness towards prideful/pretentious keybladers—particularly her mother who remains absent in her life. She despises hypocrisy and cowardice.

    Unfortunately, she can at times cause worse problems, given that she is impatient and short-tempered. She easily becomes defensive, perhaps even mean when she feels wronged. This often leads her to say things she will later regret. With anything, she tries to be realistic, and will only step up to lead if called upon.

    History: Celeste and her father both knew what she was destined for, even at the tender age of six.

    The girl grew up in a world not unlike our own. People went day to day with complete ignorance of the paranormal powers surrounding their universe. They lived simple, uncomplicated lives, with little fear or change. Worries didn’t involve survival—rather, they coped with finding a balance between family, work, school, and the future. Celeste’s story began with a similar, mundane pattern, but she didn’t mind it. After all, it was peaceful and secure. But little by little, she realized that her family wasn’t so ordinary.

    Her mother was a keyblade bearer.

    That woman was everything a little girl could look up to, even if she was a little different than other mothers. Rebecca was brave, strong, and very kind. While Celeste felt content in her little world, she wouldn’t find out later that her mother was having a hard time staying in one place for too long. Though she dearly loved her loyal husband and doting daughter, Rebecca’s heart still longed for adventure. Being a keyblade bearer, she had an innate sense of wanderlust that she couldn’t deny for long. She stayed as long as she could, until she couldn’t take a predictable life much longer.

    The day came when she finally deserted her family. Though the memory of her departure is somewhat clouded with the passing of time, Celeste still remembers that night. As a little girl, she couldn’t understand (and never would), and for the first time, she faced an uncertainty that made her fearful. Rebecca, full of love for her child, could see that she was scared. And so, she offered a gift and words of encouragement.

    “In your hand, take this Key,” she spoke those fateful words, offering the hilt of her keyblade to her daughter. “So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, you its wielder one day may be. And you will find me…”

    Thus, the keyblade was passed on to Celeste, though she wouldn’t earn it until much later in her history. Rebecca disappeared that night, and years have passed without any sign of her return. Celeste and her father were left to fight a lonely future alone. At first, Celeste felt buoyed by her mother’s gift, but as she grew older, she became bitter. Her shattered family faced staggering trials, and she couldn’t help but question her mother’s honor. Why hadn’t she returned? Where was she? Why would she just abandon them? Gradually, Celeste became convinced that her mother had been a coward. She wanted nothing to do with her—and certainly, nothing to do with the keyblade.

    Trying to wipe Rebecca from her memory, Celeste did everything to live like an ordinary teenager. She got involved with all kinds of school activities, and worked hard at part-time jobs. Luckily for her, she found a great model in her father, who, despite losing his wife, remained strong. They worked together to get the bills paid, bellies fed, and a home made.

    Unfortunately, she had a sad lesson to learn: the life of a keyblade bearer is never their own. The paranormal always finds them, even in the most ordinary of places.

    One day, when she was fourteen years old, a Seeker came to their door. Fresh from the Mark of Master, the Seeker was eager to bring his first recruit into the Guild, but Celeste was going to give him a run for his money. She flat-out refused. No matter how hard he tried to convince her otherwise, the Seeker couldn’t get her to change her mind. Eventually, he gave up, and, disheartened, returned to the Guild. Celeste hoped that that would be the last she would ever hear about keyblades. Destiny had other plans.

    Months after the Seeker left, monsters started appearing in the streets. These enemies weren’t easily slain by bullets or modern weapons. For every fiend shot down, several more would take its place. Nothing could stop their advancement, and quickly the peace of a simple world was shattered. Inch by inch, the chaos came to Celeste’s neck of the woods.

    Her school was put in a lock-down when they came. Cowering in a dark corner with her trembling friends and classmates, Celeste felt a fear she had not felt since the night her mother left. The shadows around her shuddered, and slowly, the Heartless began appearing. Her classmates screamed, but they had nowhere to run. The Shadows began attacking, and Celeste watched helplessly as hearts were ripped out of innocent people, letting them fade into darkness. She was utterly terrified—until a rising anger overwhelmed her. What was she doing? She had to save her friends! She couldn’t let any more lives be needlessly lost.

    She had the key. She just needed to use it.

    In a brilliant flash of light, a keyblade appeared in her hand. Hardly realizing what she was doing, Celeste slashed through the Heartless, hacking at every last one until the classroom was devoid of them. But she didn’t stop there. After making sure her friends were alright, she raced from the school, looking for the one last person she wanted to save: her father.

    Out in the streets, she saw the complete chaos that was befalling her hometown. Her world was literally falling apart. Darkness was slowly closing in around it, destroying everything familiar to her eyes. Though her thoughts were filled with concern for her father, Celeste quickly became overwhelmed with an army of Heartless. She tried fighting her way through, but the sheer number of them was staggering. Just when she thought she was a goner, just as the darkness was closing in, figures jumped in protectively around her, wielding weapons of light. The Seeker had returned, and he brought friends this time.

    The next thing Celeste remembers, she woke up within the Healer’s Wing of the Keyblade Guild. Ill news awaited her: the Seeker and his friends had been unable to save her world. Everything she knew… everyone… was gone. And now, she was truly alone.

    But perhaps not as alone as she had thought. Though she was a real mess when she first arrived, people were making a genuine effort to befriend her. Celeste discovered that many of the keyblade bearers were good, honest people, despite what she had earlier assumed with the bitter departure of her mother. Though the loss of her world still pains her, Celeste came to grips with reality. She had nowhere else to go, no one else to turn to, and so she agreed to train with the Guild. She had been given a gift, and whether it was a blessing or a curse, she realized that she had to learn to use it. Deep down, she wants to make sure that no one else has to go through what she did—and more so, she wants to find out if there is a way to bring back her father.

    The Guild is her only key.

    Keyblade: Hopeful Heart

    Other: She is apprenticed to Master Siros, one of the Guild’s most skilled Healers.

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  3. #53
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Hehe, nice to see another old face~

    Also, posted. Cannot believe how long it got, or that I decided to start witH a fight. I don't nor all write out fight scenes. XD Totally named Xin and Xaya's Keyblades halfway through...might actually draw them out later.

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  4. #54
    Experienced Trainer Sanctus's Avatar
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    Everytime I read a character's history and come up on the "keyblade" part of the SU I get the new keyblade screen and sound in my head. Anyone else get that?

    Your posts look good, guys! I thought about doing a fight scene too but three in a row didn't seem right, naw. Hope it isn't too cumbersome to read. Here are pictures in case you get lost when I refer to aspects of architecture you may or may not be familiar with:

    In this one picture you can see both the shoji and tatami. The shoji is basically the walls that slide open as you see, and the tatami mats are there on the floor. Notice there is no western carpeting. Kinda didn't want to come out and speak like we were in a world with the same geography and history as we have so that was kinda tough to avoid. You can't tell very well but there's a darker brown line in the opening there on the outside which is part of the outside veranda which functions as a kind of hallway. There's a garden there but I didn't describe one because I doubt Everlastia has Japanese flora and also because if I recall correctly they were usually provided by the government often for temples rather than ordinary homes.

    I haven't referred to this yet but this is a genkan. It's an entryway where they leave their shoes. Notice how you can see straight through the house. Very few rooms in a traditional Japanese home are devoted to a specific purpose. Beds are put up during the day which is why I never refer to one.

    And a gate. And a random house.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled program. ^_^;;
    Last edited by Sanctus; 04-20-2015 at 07:41 AM.

  5. #55
    Just smile! Dash's Avatar
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    Got something here now. Will probably be improved some other time or if you request @FedoraChar


    Name: Valorn

    Gender: Male

    Age: Believed to be around 24 in human years, true age is unknown. Aging process is believed to be the same as a normal human's for reasons still being investigated.

    Alignment: Light

    Rank: Bookbinder

    Appearance: Although just a normal cat, Valorn is a little more than the size of a tiger cub, nearly being comparable to the size of Mickey. Despite his light weight, he is agile and stronger than most cats around his size.. He has a thin brown and black pelt, so none of his fur can get in the way of his fighting. He is generally seen wearing a blue scarf for any clothing, although at any time he is bound to change it (he doesn't really understand the concept of "fashion").

    For striking features that are able to be seen when first meeting Valorn are his icy blue eyes, enough to be intimidating because of how "cold" his stare is. Other feature that tend to stick out is a giant slash through his right ear, making it look as if it's been cut in half. Even though his main weapon of use is his keyblade, heh as huge claws that are able to cut open wounds and allow him to figt as backup. Despite being rarely out, it's a clear sign that Valorn's been angered, and their size shows this.

    Personality: Valorn is a clear-cut, undeniable narcissist. He has no problem with bragging about what he's done, how he'd like to do things, and will always be willing to argue on an opinion, whether he's right or wrong. He's been known to be annoying to be around and most of the people who talk to him are mainly for sparring or because he's got some helpful advice, whether the person wants to hear it or not. Sarcasm is one of his arts that can be lashed from his tongue, including logic and anger. He never passes up an opportunity to crack someone with it, and it is fairly common. He's done it too many, even elders and fellows masters. Despite all of these shortcomings, however, there is a partially different side to Valorn.

    Valorn is regarded for his excellent strategic mindset. He never goes into a fight without thinking about it first, and he's always looking to plan ahead in case of movements. He is known for being able to turn battles that could have been lost to a win. During a lot of his spare time, he is known to study anything relating to war and battle, giving him a clear outlook of how they all work. He is also prone to wasting much of time exploring theories, whether they are just false garbage or have multiple reasons they're true. With this in mind, his reading makes him what he considers fairly intelligent, even if he does not of the wisdom of the Elders. A final point to this is that while brash and cold, he cares for all those he can save, and will even put himself "in the line of fire" to protect others. He always tries to be as selfless as possible, whether this is his greatest strength or biggest weakness is yet to be shown.

    History: Very little is known about where Valorn comes from and how he came to be where he is now. His home world was modestly comparable to a large continent, where tribes of cats lived in the wild and took care of each other. Born to a prideful clan, Valorn was originally named Stonekit, and grew up under the rules of what had been called "Thunderclan". As he lived his life like normal, he grew up and became known as Stoneclaw, and worked with his people. But then, a great darkness threatened the land once again, but it was much different than what had previously been fought; it was the Heartless. As people around him died, he was the only one given a chance to fight. As a blade appeared to him one day, he picked it up in his jaws, and fought those who threatened him off as best as possible. Luckily for him, a Seeker got to his world as he was about to be taken. Unbeknownst to said Seeker, Valorn had shown that he was the designated Keyblade wielder, and had to be taken to the academy. Escaping the world immediately, the keyhole was left open and had been infected with Heartless.

    After this, the young cat was trained in the arts of magic and combat. He went through his training quickly, putting all of his time that was not sleeping into studying and working. He quickly shot through the classes and combat training, working his time away to get back to his world. During this time, he changed his name to Valorn in accordance to approval from his master, as he thought it fit him more than what he had. Three years after his initial joining, he managed to pass the Mark of Mastery, as his skills in combat and the fact that it shown he had complete control of any darkness within him. With this being done, Valorn headed back to his home world, to seal the keyhole. He came back a day later, having accomplished his goal and sealed the keyhole. His world became a World Book and was put into the Library like all others.

    Soon after another year or two in the Keyblade Guild, Valorn became a Bookbinder and started his work in the Library. Although not as secret as Bookbinders tend to keep themselves, not much is actually known about what work he does there aside from his knowledge. One of the main reasons it is believed he decided to become a Bookbinder is to protect his World Book, while some sum it up to his intelligence. All is unknown however.


    End of Pain-
    Unlike what most people would believe, Valorn's keyblade has an interesting effect on his body. Due to him being limited by his body, End of Pain uses most of Valorn's magic to make his body stronger as to say, making his physical strength and endurance nearly tenfold of what it originally is. Basically, he is able to lift what a normal human male can lift (150 lbs. or so) and able to stand in a fight longer than most could. For any magic that Valorn knows, he's only studied healing, although it weakens him more in a figt after using it.

    Other: I'm really sorry for the appearance being really short. It's hard to type up something for a cat, so I just went with what I thought would work best. Oh well, we can all make fun of his scarf later! Also, I really do apologize if the backstory doesn't work out / is just really bad. I couldn't think of much sadly, and lack of BBS knowledge besides a little of gameplay doesn't help ^^"

  6. #56
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Wow, sorry guys, my internet has been absolutely horrid! I've tried to post this thing like 5 times I swear! xD

    Also, Japanese architecture is oddly refreshing, don't you think? Makes me feel calm, for some reason. IDK, maybe I'm just odd xD

    @Lightning Dash: Awesome! We have a Warrior amongst us! Although I am curious about why you chose him to be a Bookbinder (how does a cat bind books? I get his desire to protect his world book, tho) Still, if you want to swing it, I think we can make it work ^^ Accepted

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  7. #57
    Just smile! Dash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FedoraChar View Post
    Although I am curious about why you chose him to be a Bookbinder (how does a cat bind books? I get his desire to protect his world book, tho) Still, if you want to swing it, I think we can make it work ^^ Accepted
    I wanted him to be a Bookbinder because it mainly intrigued me as a role. Also, don't question him on that. The true question we need to ask is how the heck he got a scarf wrapped around his neck and why he considers it fashionable.

  8. #58
    Experienced Trainer Sanctus's Avatar
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    I'm just glad we have a cat in the RP. Felines worked so well in FFVII. Cait Sith and Red XIII. I don't suppose Valorn will like being petted all that much? haha

    And yeah, Char, the architecture is very soothing.

  9. #59
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    I can't wait for Kaiden and Valorn banter.

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  10. #60
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Hey, guys, just a heads up: I won't be able to post till after Mother's Day.

    Why? ...Because it's Mother's Day week and I work at a flower shop xD..................Dx

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