Trainer Name: 'Ace Trainer' Rocky
badges: Boulder badge.
Location: cerulean city

Sniper (22/22) Speedy (22/22) Rusty (25/25) Behemoth (19/19) Professor Needles (21/21) Fury(16/16)
Partner Pokémon:N/A
Egg: Bunneary: (13/40)
Items: Pokedex(1), Poketech(1), Pokeballs(10), Premier ball(1), Great ball (1),Potions 5pts(2), Belue berry(1-Professor), Leaf stone(1), Zinc(3), Blue Scarf (1-speedy), everstone(1), Lemonade 15pts(1)
Current Game Points: 96
Posts: 105
Trainers Affected:

"Hi Alice", Rocky replied. "yes I was just explaining to Fury all about the gym full of Water types and the big pool of water that the Pokemon had to battle in. He is a little bit annoyed at me that we have taken on two gyms and he still hasn't got to fight."

Fury let out a grumpy plume of smoke to show that he was still annoyed.

"I promised him I would let him take on the next grass type we encounter and attack as hard as he wants. That seemed to clam him down a bit, although I have serious worried for that grass type. Fury really wants to attack something."

"But, Oh yes , we defeated the gym, Pinchy was a trooper he ripped through so many Pokemon. He absorbed so much energy that I am having the Pokemon center drain some of it out, I think he overdosed on water Pokemon."

"How about yourself? Did you defeat the gym?"