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  1. #11
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Kokoro Maimi and Kumori
    Apprentices, Light
    Everlastia, Keyblade Guild, Tree of Blessings ( @FedoraChar)

    "Um... Hey. Is everything all right?" Kokoro stiffened as she realized she and Kumori were being spoken to. On instinct, Kumori hunched down even more, pulling Kokoro closer. She barely reacted to this, staying focused on the boy who had spoken instead. He was clearly younger than them, and dressed much like any other kid you could have found on the street in Radiant Garden or Traverse Town--hardly threatening, not that Kumori knew that at this point. Whatever was bothering him had really hit hard this time.

    "It's nothing unusual," Kokoro replied, skirting around the limits of what she knew Truth Seeker would find acceptable. "My partner and crowds don't mix well, and with this kind of news on top of it all... Thank you for your concern, though." She shook her head, glancing up at where dark leaves could be seen hanging from the Tree of Blessings. Behind her, Kumori let out a quiet whine, and she patted one of his arms sympathetically. "We should be leaving. C'mon, Ku, loosen up on me a little and we'll get you back to your room."

    Slowly, Kumori's vice like grip on her loosened, allowing his friend the freedom to move so that she could lead him out of the crowd. Kokoro glanced around, noting that they were attracting looks. It wouldn't be long before the whispers began. Keeping her face neutral, she looked back at the other boy and smiled. "Again, thank you," she told him before turning and attempting to lead Kumori out of the crowd.
    Last edited by Winter; 04-23-2015 at 08:57 PM.

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  2. #12
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    (OOC: Sabi and I wrote Theron's conversation over Skype)

    Rush Peterson
    Light, Recruit
    Everlastia, Tree of Blessings@Winter @Saraibre Ryu

    “Oh,” Rush couldn’t help the disappointment in his tone; then again, what could he have done anyway? Recruits weren’t much help to anyone, especially him. Still, he kept up a pleasant a smile as he nodded back at the girl. “Alright then.”

    The duo made their exit, and Rush turned back to the Tree, spotting the woman who had spoken up before and Elder Theron, appearing to have some kind of casual conversation. Rush felt curious as to what they were talking about, but with the black-coats staring down everyone near the Tree he felt too intimidated to approach. Instead, he dug his hands in his pockets and started towards the Mess Hall. Another no-show for Embry… Wherever she was, he hoped she was doing okay.


    Theron made no comment to Kaiden’s veiled back-sass, but watched as she started away from the Tree. Before she got too far, he asked, “What do you think? About the Tree?”

    Kaiden moved at a pace that Theron could keep up with. She was going to at least make it look like they were having a casual conversation to onlookers, as she seemed to be good at giving people misconceptions.

    "I think it could use a bit more watering." She replied. "Other than that, I say someone is trying to cause a disturbance and ruin the daily lives of those who pass by it only in a glance. Now people are staring at it and will continue to do so."

    Theron nodded thoughtfully as if considering her words. “We will certainly have our hands full, trying to maintain order.” After a silent moment, he released a sigh, looking all the wearier. “Though I’m afraid that this is not the work of any one individual. The Tree of Blessings reflects the spirits of those that dwell in the Guild. If there is anyone to blame… it is ourselves.”

    They were far enough from the Tree and the onlookers that Theron switched topics. Lowering his voice to a whisper, he asked, “How go your studies? Are you keeping up?”

    Kaiden seemed a little concerned. If it wasn't one person then it certainly was some kind of mutiny. If there was an infectious darkness within the guild, what was it? Who was it affecting? Kaiden was always curious about the opposing entity to Light but not in the sense she would dangerously experiment with it.

    "That explains the note." She thought aloud.

    Kaiden's studies weren't often brought up. She worked alone and continued the work of her late Master. It was a bit unorthodox and questionable, but nothing that could be harmful in the right hands. She continued walking along at Theron's pace.

    "They're going at a pace, nothing incredibly noteworthy yet." She replied. “You know my particular line of work takes some time before something waltzes into sight. Studying you over, you look as though you haven't slept in weeks. The grounds are far too clean for any recent late night scamperings."

    Theron paused, taking a moment before replying, “Recent events will come to light, soon. Keep a sharp eye out, Kaiden.” In a hushed tone, keeping his gaze directed forward, he added, “I must ask something of you. There has been some… disappearances. Three Masters and their apprentices. So far we have kept this from the public eye, but I doubt we can for much longer. Trust is becoming a difficult commodity to come by. I need someone… outside of the radar to investigate. Be they willing…”

    Kaiden did her best to not show surprise. Darkness and now people disappearing? It couldn’t have been a coincidence. She paused for a moment, and put her hand up to the bridge of her nose, her left arm under her elbow. This was entirely serious and as much as she didn't want to admit it, she was going to have to stick around for a while, whether she liked it or not.

    "I will answer what you're asking. I'm sure there are others. Maybe even recommendations you can give?" Kaiden suggested to Theron subtly and quietly. "Anyway, I'll come by that room later on and try to be present. no promises though."

    Kaiden was going to have to practice some old magic spells before even attending that meeting after lunch. First of all, she needed to organize her old room.

    Theron opened his mouth as if to say more, but before he could, a black coat started walking towards them. The Elder simply nodded at Kaiden and wished her a good day before turning back to the Tree.

    Celeste Piper
    Light, Apprentice
    Everlastia, Healer’s Wing

    "I was hoping I would pass for him. Though that is pretty hard, being the better looking of the two of us."

    Celeste did indeed groan—inwardly, wishing again that she didn’t have to put up with this. “No, he just doesn’t strut around like an overstuffed peacock, that’s what.”

    Frago took the nearest available seat, wasting no time in taking off his shirt. More showing off, Celeste was sure. She hid her disgust as he explained his injuries: dislocated shoulder and…

    Oh, lovely. His ring finger was losing all circulation. Grabbing his hand by the wrist, she held it up closer with a frown.

    “Always something new, with this job,” she muttered. It was amazing how many new ways keybladers could discover to hurt each other. She made a mental note to thank Balt later. Frowning, she considered what she could do to get rid of the ring. There was probably a spell somewhere out there that could help, though Celeste didn’t know them—nor did she have the energy to after attempting that advanced cure spell.

    Dropping his hand, she looked him square in the eye as she dead-panned, “I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do. We’re going to have to amputate it.”

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    Little Lizard's Library of Tales
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    Number III, the Argent Flame

  3. #13
    Experienced Trainer Sanctus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    In a post-modern world
    Daisuke, "Die"
    Apprentice, Light
    Female Dorm
    @Saraibre Ryu

    "They seem to be on top of things," Die thought, reassured by the fact that three Masters and Elders were attending to the matter. As the crowds dissipated he followed. He shook his concerns from his mind. Why dwell on something that was outside of his control?

    "You know... I need a book. Maybe I'll run into Alabaster too," the thought occurred to him as he peered toward the girls dorms where he had stowed away some of his extra books to reduce the clutter of his own.

    During the day Die was able to sneak through the dorm with relative ease. Most of the students at this time were in the Mess Hall, a number of them were training or engaged in other activities. He couldn't say he had never been spotted, but he was able to explain away suspicion to many of the younger recruits -- usually appealing to having been sent on an errand by a master and providing proof with a special I.D. given to him by the crafty Alabaster. To those with more wits about them, he wasn't above making a run for it in plain sight.

    He made a beeline directly for the dormitory, grabbing a hidden key in a bluebeard bush on his way. He approached the numberless door which marked his destination and unlocked it speedily, made his way into the unlit room. He flipped the lights on as he entered and closed the door behind him.

    "Alabaster must be at work. Defeats half of my purpose for coming here, but I'll probably catch him at the armory some other time," he said, glancing over the rather unimbellished space as he made his way to his bookshelf.

    He took a knee and ran his finger along the books on the bottom shelf as he searched his collection, making his way upwards.
    Last edited by Sanctus; 04-27-2015 at 03:46 PM.

  4. #14
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Melbourne Australia
    Undecided Final Year Apprentice

    "Hey, I wouldn't strut around if I didn't have reason." I said with a wink, "Actually, I probably would."

    Then I heard the bad news. It would have to be amputated.

    "Damn. Well there is plan B..." I said, looking up at Baltiaire's friend.

    "Do you know a numbing spell and one that can heal extreme burns?" I said, as a jet of white hot flames appeared at my fingertips, "Because I am going to melt it off, and it is going to hurt like all hell..."

    Undecided Final Year Apprentice
    Mess Hall

    Soon after Frago went to the infirmary to deal with getting his but whooped, I left the courtyard after the official seeming people came. I made my way to the Mess Hall, finding a seat, and metalbending my keyblade into a pair of black vambraces. Though it wasn't a real keyblade, and therefore couldn't disappear like Frago's, I could still make it easier to carry with my abilities.

    Though I was proud of beating Frago, and let him know it, I was tired as anything from the session. Before I knew it, my forehead rested on the table, and my eyes were struggling to stay open.

    *Perfect spot for someone to come over and interact with him if they want.

  5. #15
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Kaiden 'Ghost/Spectre'
    Seeker, Undecided
    Everlastia, Female Dorm, Kaiden's Old Room
    ARPer's: @Sanctus

    There weren’t many people on her way to the dorm rooms, and Kaiden was a bit thankful for that. She concluded that the severity of the situation was far worse than Theron was letting on, as she was rarely asked to do anything in the Guild that wasn’t a helpful hint towards her research. She would get her key from Alabaster later, knowing that those small little tools seemed rather obsolete when it came to a place where everyone had a magical key of some kind. Alabaster was no doubt busy with some project, as he was rather nosy about Guild affairs and seemed to always have the right tool for any job. Kaiden could just warp from one side of the door to the other once she got there. If she wanted to sneak into that meeting, she was going to need something.

    As usual her footsteps were silent, which is part of the reason she got her nickname. The other being that she was a rare sight, and no doubt her hair colour had something to do with it. She didn’t mind being called those names, so long as people weren’t going to be unintelligent about such things, she wouldn’t have to speak up about it. Taking a turn down into the hall, the dorms looked like a long stretch of doors, similar to the Hotel in Traverse Town, but much longer and the doors were much narrower. Part of the reason the woman kept her room here aside from emergency’s sake was a nostalgia factor.

    Kaiden stepped in front of her old room, which was a numberless door. All the other rooms had numbers aside from this one, and she wondered what rumors had spread about it while she had been away. The woman took a silent breath, and focused her magic. The act of teleporting was simple, or at least warping was. Between physical surfaces though, it took more concentration. It required visualization and a clear head, as too many ideas of places you could go would often result in vertigo sickness, and that was a nasty consequence that would make any other magic usage be treated like the plague for a week. Feeling the magic burning lightly on her skin, she focused on the other side of the door. She imagined her room and being on the other side of it. Her mind clung to that image until she felt the magic from her body fade away. She opened her eyes, and saw her room. The bed was still made, the desk was still tidy… something wasn’t right though.

    Kaiden did not recall leaving this many books in her old dorm room. In fact she didn’t recognize most of these books at all. She remembered every book she owned and these were not hers. It couldn’t have been someone else’s room as she recognized what books were in her possession on the wall shelves. Taking her quick scan to the left side, she found something that definitely wasn’t hers.

    Or rather someone and this someone was not female.

    His monochrome appearance didn’t set Kaiden off right away, in fact how he was acting didn’t give off the impression of a thief. He was being far too kind to the books and if he was searching for something, he’d have made a mess. That or he was smarter than that and kept things looking untouched. He hadn’t noticed Kaiden’s entry yet, which was a perk of being able to manipulate space and time. For the sake of figuring out what he was here for, she stood in front of the door, silently, waiting for her presence to be noticed with a stern, questioning glare on her face.

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168

  6. #16
    Experienced Trainer Sanctus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    In a post-modern world
    Daisuke "Die"
    Apprentice, Light
    Everlastia, Female Dorm, Kaiden's Old Room
    ARPer's: @Saraibre Ryu

    Die steadfastly continued to examine his books, noting carefully names and authors, a thoughtful gaze forming the substance of his expression, his eyes fastening on the words. Occasionally he'd notice that he had made an error in his arrangement and would put misplaced books in their proper position. But suddenly he felt something like a faint, looming presence behind him. It was strange in that it felt almost intangible, and there was absolutely no sound associated with it. Ordinarily one might expect that Alabaster had returned from his business, whatever that was, but a quirky moogle was far from sneaky. Indeed, this presence was not only sneaky, but almost ghastly. Die was not typically afraid of the occult, after all he had just previously been punched by a possessed golem, but for some reason he felt his hair stand up, his stomach turned and he felt queasy, a chill seemed to fill the air yet he broke out in a sweat. He tried to shake the feeling. What reason did he have to be afraid of a ghost? Besides, you only read about hauntings of that nature in books, he had been around the real thing and they were usually quite different from that. Surely all of this could be explained away logically, it was probably all in Die's head. But all laws of reason seemed suspended -- indeed, time and space themselves seemed irrelevant.

    Die's extended arm he used for scanning his library began to shake. He could feel his composure slipping away. His astute countenance changed to match the brooding atmosphere that had entered the quarters. Questions Die once paid no mind to seemed to become relevant. What kind of dorm room doesn't have a number? Why was there only a moogle living here anyways? Had something happened in this room? Were there dark secrets Alabaster was not letting on about? As he pondered these questions Die couldn't pretend as if all things were normal. Something he wasn't used to had utterly seized him.

    "Fear!? What kind of warrior knows fear?!" lashed the voice of his conscience.

    Die gulped. He had to concede, he had now experienced a kind of terror. Greedy to get even with that ghoulish presence overshadowing him, he hastened to his feet and quickly pivoted himself. As he whirled around an unclear form entered his vision, but the first glance at the lurking presence drove the terrors back in his heart.

    "She's a ghost!"

    His skin turned a pale white, matching the shade of that substance which had effected his horror. He leaped backwards into the bookshelf, knocking a number of them from their proper location. The sound of the crashing books alarmed him to catch the bookshelf with his outstretched arms to keep the wooden shelf's composure, which is to say he'd do for it what he hadn't done for himself. With the shelf locked steadily in its proper place he turned his face back towards the intruding specter's position. The fear had been wiped from his face, as he noticed almost simultaneously with his scare that the unfamiliar guest was a curious looking young girl, perhaps slightly younger than he was. Her milky white hair had tricked him into believing that he was seeing some ectoplasmic substance. How'd he fall for that one?

    "Uh... Hi," he directed his greeting to the spooky stranger.
    Last edited by Sanctus; 04-28-2015 at 07:42 PM.

  7. #17
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Kaiden 'Ghost/Spectre'
    Seeker, Undecided
    Everlastia, Female Dorm, Kaiden's Old Room
    ARPer's: @Sanctus

    Kaiden was used to people being entirely startled by her presence. She only watched him with her arms crossed behind her back, letting the books fall with only so much of an eye twitch. She knew those weren’t her books but they were books nonetheless. The Seeker waited until all the energy from the fear calmed down, staring unblinkingly at the man who was adamant on making sure the bookshelf wasn’t going to fall. Weighing out the pros and cons of it actually falling on him, Kaiden would have found her captor with the same likelihood of escaping the room without the shelf on top of this stranger. It saved her a larger mess for later.

    She rolled around the comment of ‘ghost’ in her head, finding it uncommon that she was actually called one for her appearance. Kaiden wasn’t ever really certain when that nickname and the rumors had started, but she was mildly complacent about the nickname. She wasn’t one for making a false appearance for herself, or faking something just for the sake of it. Kaiden blinked just as the stranger finally stopped his assault on the bookshelf, and addressed her in a slightly confused way.

    “I was very much alive last I checked, though that doesn’t stop the rumor mill from nicknames does it?” She replied flatly. “You have a brief moment to answer ‘Who?’, ‘How?’ and ‘What?’ in the simplest and most honest way you can before I start deciding consequences for this discovery.”

    Kaiden didn’t have a lot of time. The meeting was soon and she liked sneaking into things ahead of time. She may have been able to manipulate time magic but she was disciplined and refused to abuse it in such a way. This stranger was going to have to wait on those consequences regardless of the answer he gave, though it did depend on the severity of the information she was about to be given. Right now she had to deal with this intrusion. Life apparently wanted to make something of Kaiden's earlier statement of 'waltzing into sight'.

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168

  8. #18
    Experienced Trainer Sanctus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    In a post-modern world
    Daisuke "Die"
    Apprentice, Light
    Everlastia, Female Dorm, Kaiden's Old Room
    ARPer's: @Saraibre Ryu

    Kaiden had not even begun a verbal assault, indeed, her interrogation was quite tame given the nature of the situation, and yet he could tell she wasn't one to put up with nonsense. Die couldn't blame her for skipping pleasantries -- pleasant wasn't exactly the word to describe the terms of their meeting. And consequences? Perhaps she was less intimidating as a ghost. Nor could he understand her presence in what he considered to be Alabaster's room. For all he knew, she was just as uninvited as he was. That said, he recalled seeing her involved in crowd control earlier at the tree -- she probably had a valid explanation for her activities, whereas he had to admit he had very little if any justification for his reconnaissance mission.

    "Please... can we sit and discuss things calmly? I nearly suffered a heart attack here. You kind of gave me the creeps," under ordinary circumstances Die was prone to be more respectful, but Die was curious about this new face and was approaching his opponent just as he would in battle: giving her some proverbial bait to feel out her style.

  9. #19
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Celeste Piper
    Light, Apprentice
    Everlastia, Healer’s Wing @Comatose

    Again: how many ways could keybladers find to hurt themselves?

    Was he serious?

    Celeste slapped his hand away before he could do himself any bodily harm. As interesting as it would be to watch, she wasn’t that heartless—nor would Master Siros be happy to hear about a patient going through such unnecessary pain.

    “Don’t be an idiot. I wasn’t being serious.” She shook her head, turning away as she strode to the nearest cabinet. Calling over her shoulder, she continued, “You and Balt should both take it easier on each other; one of these days you’re going to kill each other.”

    Returning with a flask of greenish liquid and a cup, she poured the one into the other and held it out. “There’s a difference between bravery and stupidity.”

    “Dip your finger in this,” she commanded, swirling the solution. “It’ll dissolve the metal but not your flesh. Hope the ring didn’t mean much to you, but you should know better than to wear anything like that to a match with a metal-bender. I imagine he probably could have used it or, say, a belt-buckle to pin you to the ground.”

    Baltiaire had told her a bit about their world, how people could manipulate the elements to their desire. Though it sounded incredible, Celeste could only imagine the chaos it would bring. These benders sounded like they could cause the same amount of trouble any Keyblader could.

    ((OOC: maybe might do something with Balt in a second))


    Chase Owens
    Dark, Ex-Apprentice
    Everlastia, Tree of Blessings @Winter

    Chase had been watching.

    Perched atop the Great Hall in his raven form, he looked down at the crowds swarming around the Tree of Blessings. It had been interesting to observe their many different reactions—most were full of fear, some with caution… And of course, the few fools who believed that everything was just fine. None of these held much interest to Chase. Instead, he fixed his beady black eyes on a single pair of Apprentices.

    That one
    had been an object of his interest for some time now. He usually trained away from the other students, and for good reason. Even from here, Chase could smell his darkness—strong but strange. Chase found it curious how it hadn’t devoured the boy yet, weak as he seemed. Most likely, it had to do with that nauseatingly bright girl he clung to all the time, but Chase wondered: what would happen if she was out of the picture?

    What would happen, should that darkness be unleashed?

    Chase wanted to draw it out, just to see. Seeing him standing before the blackened tree, quivering before it, it couldn’t be that difficult.

    With the coming of the Masters, the crowds began to disperse, and the boy and the girl started to make their exit from the courtyard. Chase waited for them to distance themselves from the Masters before deciding to try something. Leaping from his perch, he flew over Kumori, letting his shadow pass over him—hoping to elicit a response from the boy’s darkness.

    Banner by the legendary Neo Emolga!
    Little Lizard's Library of Tales
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    Number III, the Argent Flame

  10. #20
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Kaiden 'Ghost/Spectre'
    Seeker, Undecided
    Everlastia, Female Dorm, Kaiden's Old Room
    ARPer's: @Sanctus

    [All of Daisuke's part were written by Sanctus]

    Kaiden only sighed. Sometimes it escaped her mind that she looked naturally intimidating when speaking in a straightforward fashion. She pushed her glasses back up on the bridge of her nose, putting her arms forward and holding either elbow in each of her hands. Time was not something she had as a necessity due to circumstances, but she needed answers and needed them quickly. The fact the stranger was honest about her being creepy she found interesting and yet redundant at the same time.

    “Creepy? It can’t be that you did just state I was as of what I confirmed to be called around here…Though you wouldn’t be one if your heart really did stop.” She retorted, eyelids lowering a bit as if to say ‘really?’. “It’s a bit hypocritical to ask something that I’ve already given when you yourself seem incapable of it at this moment.”

    The term ‘heart attack’ was a bit ironic in terms of those who associated themselves with Keyblades. Nevertheless, Kaiden needed to make this quick.

    “Name, rank, and how did you get into this room?”

    "Right... I did say you were a ghost. You got me. My name's Daisuke, though everyone calls me Die. D-I-E. I'm a mere apprentice. As for how I got into this room...? Well, I have a key and ordinarily you can just use one, kinda turn the nob, and doors open like that..." Die said, not wanting to rat out his friend Alabaster. "But what business do you have in Alabaster's room?"

    Kaiden noted that this stranger was honest, and trying to be smart. Die? What kind of a nickname was that? Here she was being the one called Ghost and Spectre when this man seemed to just be asking for it. She wasn’t sure if the witty comment was something to be amused or annoyed by. She only raised an eye brow at him. Both became raised when she heard Alabaster’s name, and suddenly everything became much clearer. She brought a hand up to her nose again and furrowed her brow, sighing.

    “Of course… Alabaster… This is not Alabaster’s room.” Kaiden claimed, removing her hand from her face. “This is my room. Is and was, I don’t use it often. Alabaster is not generous on details. I will suggest that you needed a place to store your literature?”

    Kaiden knew which books were hers and which ones aren’t. Though memorizing every book you owned when most often they looked the same to others could have been considered an odd skill.

    Die grabbed a clump of his hair with his left hand and started twisting it which constituted one of his thinking postures. Here he had gone out of his way to protect the moogle, but Alabaster had not so much as warned him that he might experience a sub-paranormal encounter. After he processed the irony briefly, he straightened his hair back up before it became knotted.

    "Yeah... you know, I've been living in these small rooms for five years now. It can get a little crowded and I'm not very organized as it is. I really don't think I owe you an apology though, it's kind of Alabaster's fault," he said, grinning somewhat, as he began to tidy the fallen books. "I'll just ask, can I still keep my books here?"

    Kaiden looked at Die for a moment and thought silently. She looked at the books and then at Die again. She concluded that his straight forwardness was not leaning on the annoying side of the spectrum. Alabaster was being his usual self and she would have a talk with him about it, after the meeting. She still had a bit of time left, and after scanning the rest of the room, she found nothing else was touched but the boy’s own belongings. She had ways of knowing there were to be snoops in her desks.

    “It depends on what is done with the space granted, which I will need to rearrange in here. Either way, I will talk with Alabaster. You are to speak to me if you want entrance into this room from now on.” She told him. “After you’re finished Day, I’ll require you to make yourself absent as there are rules.”

    After putting his books on the shelf Die turned back towards the thus far unnamed lady. He gave an informal bow of his head, his hands clasped together briefly, expressing his gratitude.

    "I didn't actually catch your name. What should I call you?" Die asked.

    Kaiden wasn't sure how to return his little bow, but acknowledged it regardless. As she was asked about what to be called, she turned and looked in her desk for the one object she came in here for: a small bracelet with a piece of clear quartz, polished and flawless wrapped in wire and tied together in soft cord. After making sure the magic was still fully functional within the object, she answered.

    "You called me Ghost earlier. That seems to be a lingering name, so Ghost is fine. I do prefer Spectre a bit more, but either or will do." She calmly explained. "you best make yourself vacant before you run into any further unwanted consequences for your actions."

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168


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