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  1. #1
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples

    A Heart of Ice [SUDS]

    Once upon a time, in a world much different from the one you live in, the barriers dividing “humans” from “Pokemon” never existed. In the realm we call Unicaeon, life exists in all forms, from beings who appear more “Pokemon” than “human”, to those who hardly appear to be related to their “Pokemon” ancestors at all, as well as every mix in between. All these beings were capable of achieving the same degree of intelligence, though obviously not all did.

    They were not, however, all capable of achieving the same level of power, and certain beings rose above the other beings. They were called “Legendaries,” and were often placed into positions of power among the others, or they hid themselves away from the world. Some Legendaries were good beings, some were not, just like how some people are good, some are...not so good, however it was ruled by Reshiram that none of these Legendary being should be destroyed, as the destruction of a Legendary would bring far more harm to the world than the bad they caused ever could. Instead, those evildoers among the legendaries were sealed away in places where they were thought not to be able to harm others, while those who did good did their best to guide and aid the other residents of Unicaeon with their power.

    Unfortunately, we do not have the power to foresee or manage everything. This tale is among the many of Unicaeon in which we have partly failed.
    -Artemio, Reshiram of Unicaeon

    A Heart of Ice
    Everyone knows the stories. Every single being in Unicaeon has fallen asleep to the stories about the Legends of the world at some point in their lives, oftentimes multiple, and if they weren’t told as bedtime stories, they have been told elsewhere, or at other times. There’s not a soul in the realm who doesn’t know about the creativity of Arceus, the neverending quarrel between Groudon and Kyogre, mediated by Rayquaza, or the rebirth of Entei, Raikou and Suicune at the hands of Ho-oh, everyone knows the stories, and many know the faces.

    But not everyone has the heart to seek them out.

    Following an argument about what would create a better land for the people of Unicaeon, a pair of adventurous Escavalier brothers set out to prove that the world would be better ruled by truth (in one brother’s eyes) or ideals (in the other brother’s eyes). Each brother sought confirmation and endorsement from Reshiram and Zekrom, and both were turned away by the Legendary beings. This, however, left them one option--to seek out Kyurem to settle the matter once and for all...probably their most foolish thought yet. Said to be the empty remnant of the single being Reshiram and Zekrom had once been, Kyurem had been sealed away in a great palace towards the north of the main continent, where it had frozen into an imposing block of ice. Despite the warning signs and the barriers and traps set up to keep intruders out (many of which had deteriorated over time thanks to a lack of foresight on Arceus’ end), the brothers made their way inside, and sought out Kyurem.

    Unfortunately, they found her seated on a throne of ice, eyes closed, and still as a doll. The brothers doubted that she was even alive until, after many long minutes, the young woman opened her eyes. The brothers pleaded with her to help them prove their case, but she did not seem to understand them, staring blankly ahead, and reacting as though their wishes fell on deaf ears. It wasn’t until one of the brothers took the Legendary by the arm and attempted to shake her that she reacted...however not in the way they had hoped.

    Instead of siding with one brother or the other, the ice in her castle rose to her defense, attacking the brothers, and creating an escape for the young woman. The brothers, who barely escaped with their lives, only then realized what they had done...they had freed a Legendary sealed away by Arceus in their search for proof...and now she was loose.

    Now, reports are rising from across the land of forest paths being frozen over, of ice golems attacking would-be thieves after attempting to rob a young woman who rarely speaks or reacts. Arceus and the other cooperating Legendaries are in a frenzy to find the escaped girl, who seems to disappear off the face of the world in between reports. This wouldn’t be so bad, however, Kyurem’s castle seems to have a mind of its own. It still exists in a state most easily described as rage, attacking anyone foolish enough to approach it...and its ice is spreading. The golems created to defend Kyurem don’t fade once their use is done, going on to attack villages and other Pokemon until they are destroyed, which isn’t an easy feat.

    Now Arceus has brought together some of the best adventurers and fighters in Unicaeon, as well as healers and volunteers, and has asked them to form teams in order to find and bring back the Kyurem. Some are in it for the fame, others because Kyurem needs to be stopped...and some seem to be in it to find and use Kyurem for themselves.

    So who are you, and what do you stand for?

    Welcome to Unicaeon
    • The region, so to speak, is one large landmass most Pokemon call home. It's divided into various areas overseen by locally stationed Legendaries, or folks appointed by them.
    • Residents of the region all have relation to one Pokemon or another, and as such have access to one ability and four moves tied to their Pokemon, though their effectiveness may hinge on how in touch the individual is with their Pokemon side. As such, some carry more conventional weapons, like sword, bows, and the like. *Please note this IS intended to be a Pokemon Gijinka (or humanid Pokemon RP!
    • Going back to the relations of Unicaeon's residents to Pokemon, appearances can range anywhere on the scale from Pokemon to Human, though most wear some form of clothing
    • While each area of the region may contain various dialects and forms of communication, there is a universal tongue understood by most within the region

    All PXR rules apply, people...
    1: Please avoid bunnying (taking control of non-NPCs without permission) and godmodding
    2: Let’s also avoid “invincible” characters
    3: Please be active--if you’re going to be gone for an extended amount of time, try to notify someone in the RP beforehand
    4:Be nice to everyone, guys
    5: Keep posts PG-13 (on all fronts) and below, and limit use of profanity
    6: Lastly, have fun!

    The SU Sheet

    Pokemon: The Pokemon your character represents...however loosely. I will permit the use of legendaries, but please clear this with me first.
    Ability: An in-game ability associated with the Pokemon your character represents, hidden abilities okay
    Moveset: Four moves your character knows
    Appearance: Pictures are cool, but please one paragraph of written description at minimum
    Personality: How your character acts, one paragraph minimum.
    History: some basic background on your character, paragraph minimum
    Other: Anything else we need to know about your character, can be anything from serious info to fun facts/theme songs, etc

    The Cast



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  2. #2
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples

    Name: Nina "Typhoon" Silvas
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Pokemon: Feraligatr (Shiny)
    Ability: Torrent
    Moveset: Four moves your character knows
    Appearance: At first glance, it’s easy to suspect Nina Silvas is among the number of Unicaeon residents that bears little to no resemblance to that of the Feraligatr she claims to be. Those who assume this to be the case could not be more wrong. She stands in at 5’6” and bears a standard swimmer’s build--lean body with well defined abs and broad, moderately muscled shoulders. Despite her build and reputation in the water, however, Nina’s olive toned skin is only fair at best, though it’s not really a surprise if you take her jacket into consideration. The woman is known to wear a simple, black one-piece bathing suit underneath a close-fitting, blue hooded jacket that appears to be made of similar material to a wetsuit.
    Personality: How your character acts, one paragraph minimum.
    History: some basic background on your character, paragraph minimum
    Other: Anything else we need to know about your character, can be anything from serious info to fun facts/theme songs, etc

    Name: Solange Matsura
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Pokemon: Volcarona
    Ability: Flame Body
    Appearance: Here, have a pic for now. (Art by Snowy of Toyhouse, rights to the character are mine.)

    Name: Petra Chi
    Age: Unsure
    Gender: Female
    Pokemon: Spiritomb
    Ability: Infiltrator
    Appearance: Have this pic for now. (Art credit goes to the lovely Shyplum of Deviantart/Toyhouse. who I purchased the design from)
    Other: Is engaged via an arranged marriage to a man commonly referred to as "Des" or "Desmond," and is oddly happy about it.

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  3. #3
    Eldritch_Angel LKWayvern's Avatar
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    Kyurem is involved? My interest is piqued. Reserve a spot for me, please.

    Question: Could my character be the child of a Legendary Pokemon, but not an actual Legendary?
    Last edited by LKWayvern; 07-25-2016 at 11:46 AM.
    Avatar made by Neo Emolga.

  4. #4
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    I'm glad to hear someone is interested!

    It would depend on the legendary, as I have certain plans/ideas regarding a handful, but as a whole, I don't see why not. The Legendaries themselves mostly hang out among normal residents, so it's definitely a possibility.

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  5. #5
    Eldritch_Angel LKWayvern's Avatar
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    Name: Eona Glansteen
    Age: 18
    Gender: female
    Pokemon: Eevee(with a smidge of Celebi)
    Ability: Run Away
    Moveset: Quick Attack, Sand Attack, Charm, Hyper Voice
    Appearance: The thing most people notice about Eona first is that she has a fluffy Eevee tail. The second thing most people notice are her eyes, which are very large and look like blue pools of water with dark rings around them.
    Eona's hair is the same color as the brown on her tail, and is pulled into two messy braids that cover her ears. Her ears are pointed, but otherwise very humalike. She stands at roughly five feet and two inches tall, and is of rather sleight build. She sports a cream colored tanktop, brown shorts, brown fingerless gloves, and brown rainboots. A cream belt loops around her waist, holding a brown bag in place. In the bag she keeps various herbs, rations, money, and other things she finds. At all times, she wears a brown and cream hooded cloak. Also at all times, she wears a sachet around her neck.
    Absolutely every piece of clothing she owns is water-proofed.
    Personality: Eona tries to be polite and upbeat at all times, figuring that that usually causes people to be considered 'likable', and few people want to fight a likable person. She is good at remembering names and faces, but at the same time is rather scatterbrained, often congratulating or offering condolences to people for seemingly no reason.
    Eona is extremely nitpicky about water. She refuses to drink it, only drinking milk, juice, and the like, and very rarely takes a bath. She is obsessive about waterproofing everything she owns, and will try her best to avoid being on a boat, out in the rain, or swimming. Some believe her to be hydrophobic, but this is not the case.
    Her father was a Celebi, and because of this she has inherited the power to, when touching water, occasionally have flashes of the past or future. While she does find this useful sometimes, it's also extremely distracting and somewhat annoying. For that reason, she avoids water unless she's trying to have a vision.
    Eona is physically weak, and she knows it. That's the main reason she acts agreeable in public. She actually has a surprisely mischievous side, and if someone gets on her nerves or offends her, she will attempt to put herbs in their food to give them stomach cramps in revenge.
    History: Eona has never actually met any Legendaries, despite hearing that her father is one. Eona's mother, a Leafeon gijinka named Verdant, raised Eona on her own. At first Verdant and Eona were somewhat confused by what, exactly was causing Eona's visions, but when the two realized the visions only occured when Eona came into contact with water, Eona quickly decided she was going to have nothing to do with that substance. Multiple problems obviously arose, first and foremost the unpleasant smell gathering around Eona. Verdant, who ran an apothecary and perfume shop, compromised with her daughter, allowing Eona to bathe less if she wore a sachet around her neck when in public.
    Verdant taught Eona how to run her store, and for that reason Eona is rather knowledgeable about herbal medicines, how to identify safe plants to eat, and what poisonous plants do.
    Eona has decided that since she has spent 18 years with her mother, she'd like to meet her father now. And if Kyurem is a Legendary, there's a chance she might meet other Legendaries along the way, right?
    Other: Eona's visions don't always trigger when she touches water. They're not also always particularly useful or relevant.
    She wants to evolve into a Jolteon someday, as she enjoys running.
    She doesn't have any weapons, and usually tries to distract her foe and then run away. However she does have healing herbs, and poisonous plants, in her bag.
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  6. #6
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    @LKWayvern Eona looks good, accepted!

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  7. #7
    Eldritch_Angel LKWayvern's Avatar
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    Scenic 'the Void'
    Name: Selene
    Age: Physically about 140, mentally about 20
    Gender: female
    Pokemon: Cresselia
    Ability: Levitate
    Moveset: Flash, Confusion, Future Sight, Moonlight
    Appearance: Selene does not look her physical age at all, more closely resembling her mental one. Selene has an olive skin tone, short blond hair in a small ponytail, and pink eyes with no sclera, and white pupils. She's about five foot four, but usually levitates several inches above the ground, making her appear at least a head taller. She wears a pink floppy hat, yellow tank-top, and blue-violet sweatpants. Tied around her neck is a pink hoodie. She does not wear shoes or socks. She has about five multicolored beaded bracelets around each wrist, and she always has a smile plastered on her face. The fact that she has really weird eyes makes this smile rather creepy.
    Personality: Selene claims she represents the disjointed nature of dreams, and her personality reflects this. She is the type of person to interrupt a conversation with completely non-sequiter statements. She is surprisingly observant, but is also rather impatient and has no regard for how conversations are supposed to go, either not participating in the conversation at all or attempting to completely dominate it. She has to be doing something at all times. Usually she is toying with the beads on her bracelets, her hoodie, or staring into space daydreaming.
    Selene enjoys being generally creepy, and weirding out others. She doesn't really show affection to anyone other than her twin brother Morpheus, a Darkrai. She is constantly thinking of ideas and things, and while sharing a thought or idea may suddenly interrupt herself mid-sentence with a better idea, or a reason why the idea she was just sharing wasn't important or a good idea.
    History: Selene and Morpheus are in that awkward state of being young compared to most other Legendaries but ancient to most normal gijinkas. As a result, Selene and Morpheus ended up bonding with each other as best friends, as well as just siblings. Also as a result, they ended up with somewhat strange personalities, since they weren't really exposed to opinions of other children their age. Morpheus ended up maturing mentally much faster than Selene did, and indeed many believe that Selene still isn't particularly 'mature' or 'grown up'.
    Selene and Morpheus still maintain a tight relationship. Despite now living with normal gijinkas, Selene's incapability of holding a proper conversation, and her status as an immortal Legendary, has resulted in her not being particularly connected with anyone. She decided to join the hunt for Kyurem mainly because she figured that was going to be the most interesting thing to happen for quite a while.
    Other: Selene can see into and manipulate the dreams of others. The dreams she creates through that manipulation are rather distinctive, because they are extremely disjointed and chaotic.
    I feel like the song 'Modern Love' by David Bowie fits her, but I don't know why.
    Avatar made by Neo Emolga.


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