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  1. #11
    The Art Saboteur Coru's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Lost in his trail of thoughts
    Username: Coru
    Team: Sabotage Squadran
    The link
    This story does have dark parts to it that include death/murder. There's no graphic detail and the parts that mention it are brief but just as a warning to people. I did keep it PG 13 but wanted to warn people.

    It was dark, the atmosphere grim. The intense silence beckoned Addie to follow. Fumbling around the house, she found herself at her parent’s bedroom. It was so dark, but somehow a silhouette in the room was visible, as if void of all light. It seemed much darker than everything else in the room. “Mommy?” She whispered. “Mommy, is that you?”. The figure turned with great haste. She couldn’t make out the face but she could see that the figure had bold wild eyes and a huge toothy grin. His teeth, gold and yellow, gleamed in the moonlight. Addie then looked over to the bed. Her eyes had adjusted enough to make out the scene in the bedroom. Streaks of red lined her parent’s bed and on the headboard. Lying in the middle were her parents, motionless and with a look of pure fear frozen on their faces. As the figure grew closer, Addie screamed. Her scream echoed through the house but then a voice boomed for all angles.
    “Addie. Addie wake up. It’s a nightmare wake up”

    Addie leaped out of bed, sweat dripping down her brow and heart pumping so hard she thought it would burst. “Addie are you ok?” Morty asked, looking concerned.
    She nodded back. “I was dreaming about that night.”
    Morty sighed and tensed up. “I wish I was there. I would have ripped that man apart!”
    Addie glared at her. “Well you weren’t were you! You were asleep. Besides, we were 5, it’s not like you could have done anything to him.” Addie looked uncomfortable.
    “Fine.” Said Morty. “But if we knew about our powers when we were younger we could have stopped it.” Morty stormed out, visibly angry.
    Addie got up out of bed and slowly walked over to her mirror. Looking at herself, she saw her huge dark circles under her eyes and sighed. Addie wasn’t the stereotypical ‘pretty girl’ in school so everyone bullied her and as an extension bullied Morty too. They were identical twins but somehow Morty looked much prettier and got more attention than Addie. For identical twins, they were so different, but one thing bonded them together. Their ‘gift’.
    Ever since their parents died, they could reach into people’s minds, explore them and manipulate them. Addie vowed to herself never to manipulate people but just to learn about people through their thought, but Morty with all her anger sees her gift as a right to abuse and manipulate people. She feels like they are inferior to her and they don’t deserve to right to have free will around her. Maybe that’s why she’s so popular and when she gets bullied it stops almost instantly.
    Addie sat on her bed and forced herself to get ready for school.

    The school bell rang summoning the students into the school building. Addie unenthusiastically climbed the concrete steps into the school building and found her way to English class. The room was littered with quotes from famous writers. Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Austen. It was a way to ‘Inspire young writers’ but Addie found it patronizing. She sat down at her old creaky desk and began sorting through her bag to find her books.
    “Careful there, Black eyes!” A voice shouted. At that moment, Todd, the school bully came over and threw her bag across the room, scattering its contents across the classroom. A huge howl of laughter came from the other classmates as Addie fumbled to collect her stuff. Crawling across the floor to find her stuff, she bumped into the teacher who had just walked in. “What are you doing, miss?” the voice bellowed. Addie flinched, shocked at the loudness of the voice. She jumped up, apologized to the teacher and sat herself back down. She could just get her other things at the end of the lesson she thought.
    “Are you ok?” A voice echoed in Addie’s mind. “Yes Morty, thanks for helping…” Addie snarkily replied. Then silence, just a glare from across the room to each other and then they focussed into the lesson. “Hello class, I’m Mr Baton. I’m here as a replacement for Ms Bradford whilst she’s having her baby.” Addie studied his figure. There was something odd about him, as if she knew him from somewhere. He was tall, had a bulky figure and large wild eyes. She couldn’t place the familiarity but just ignored it.

    “Now, I want to change some things up a bit from now on. Ms Bradford liked for you to choose your own books for study but we are all going to study the same book together that I have chosen this time. I’m sure you will all enjoy it.” He grinned, showing off his two gold teeth and it hit her. It was him. The man from that night. It must be. Overwhelmed with emotion, Addie got up and stumbled out of the room trying to hold it together until she made it to the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror, she burst into tears. Look what he turned her into. A wreck. A dysfunctional human. She couldn’t have him teach her for the next year, she couldn’t deal with it. At that moment, Morty bursted in. “What the hell was that?! Trying to make us both look stupid are you?!” She folded her arms expecting an explanation. “No Morty. It’s him. That teacher. He killed Mom and Dad.” Addie exclaimed.
    Morty stands there for a few seconds looking shocked. “What?! It’s not possible...” She replied.
    “He’s finally back. He’s come to finish us off!” Addie shouted, distraught.
    Morty comforted her and they both decided to ditch school for the day.

    Addie was back in that dark corridor of her house. She knew what was going to come but had to play along anyway. She fumbled to the bedroom, knowing what was going to be there. This time she somehow got there earlier. She was witnessing what was happening. The man was just standing there, watching whilst her parents attacked each other. It made no sense. Why was she just remembering this now, and what was happening? Was this real, or did she just make it up? Addie woke up wet from sweat and heart racing. No wonder she has dark circles under eyes, she thought. She hasn’t had a decent night’s sleep since that night. Especially since it didn’t happen just the once. Her and her sister had been bounced from family member to family member, each dying a mysterious death shortly after. They only caught a break as soon as they could get their own place between them.
    She walks to the bathroom and turns on the shower. The shower is the perfect place for her to think. The sound blocks Morty from listening in to her thoughts. Addie tried to make sense of her dream. Could what she originally have seen been a lie she had created to protect herself from the truth? Did he force them to do it to each other? What did it mean?
    Addie turns off the shower and steps out, drying herself and getting ready for another day at school.
    It had been six months now since Addie had that dream and she is still unsure of it. However, she grew more anxious day by day about her new teacher. She got regular panic attacks before English class and had asked multiple times for a class transfer, which were denied every time. Morty decided that enough was enough. During break, Morty pulled Addie into the bathroom. “Look, you can’t keep doing this. We need to do something and I have a plan.” Morty said, as she made sure no one was in the bathroom.
    “I will set something up to make sure that he will never teach at this school again. So he will have to leave and leave us alone for good. What do you think?” She continued
    “To scare him off or something?” Addie asked.
    “Uh.. definitely. You got it!” Morty said suspiciously.
    Addie agreed as she was desparate to get rid of him. It was too painful to keep looking at him every day in English class. They both left the bathroom and they both parted to go to their own lessons. They both looked back to each other and Morty gave Addie a little nod to reassure her.
    It was English class, it was time for Morty to scare off Mr Baton. Addie would just sit there with her head on the desk, not wanting to know what it was. Mr Baton walked in slowly, Morty focussed and at that moment, she made Mr Baton fall. She manipulated his mind to think his legs had become numb and he fell. However, he hit his head off the corner of his steel office table. With a loud thud, he collapsed to the floor emotionless and still. All Addie heard was the thud and all of the student gasp in shock.
    “Don’t open your eyes. It went a little… wrong.” Morty’s voice boomed in Addie’s head.
    That whole afternoon was a blur. Police came, an ambulance came and everyone was in shock. Addie questioned the whole incident. She never thought that Morty was capable of murder, but at the same time, he never did come back so who really knows what the intention was. Did she do it on purpose or did it all go really wrong?

    Addie is back once again in the dark hallway. At this point she knows what’s coming so she walks slowly towards the dimly lit room without fear. However, this time was different. The dream changed again. She couldn’t believe her eyes. There she was, in his place while it all happened. Morty. She was five, but was watching smiling as her parents attacked each other. The man was gone, nowhere to be seen. Just her in his place. Her smile beamed, but then the floorboards under Addie creaked. Morty’s head swiftly turned to her and a look of anger and evilness glinted in Morty’s eyes. All of a sudden she descended on Addie screaming. It was at this point Addie woke up. It was at this point she knew the truth. Everything was coming together now. She did it. Of course she did. Morty always hated the ‘humans’ she believed we were higher than them. She just thought it was because one killed their parents, but no. She killed her parents because she thought that. That’s how her other family members all were killed strangely, and that’s why Mr Baton was killed. It was a pure coincidence that she dreamt him up rather than her sister and if she got rid of him, Morty knew that Addie would drop everything and never think to solve the puzzle. Addie sat up in her bed, panicking. What was she going to do? How was she going to sort out that her sister was a serial killer. It was at that point Addie heard from the dark corner of her room. “How was your nightmare Addie? Are you ok?”
    Addie looked over to see Morty with a wide grin on her face. Her face twisted and contorted into something non human.
    “It was you.” Addie exclaimed.

    I hope it isn't too long. Got a little carried away with the story I got into it so much. I'm not a big writer so it's not amazing but I found the idea really interesting. I did plan on developing the ending a bit more but I ran out of time.

    Feel free to check out my Instagram for design and art stuffs

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