Get ready to see the first Mythical to evolve!
Another addition of The Two Professors has been released! This new chapter has more information about Meltan involving evolution! It turns out that Meltan is the first Mythical Pokemon who can evolve. This evolution is called Melmetal and is a Steel type Pokemon.
Below is some details about Melmetal.
Name: Melmetal
Category: Hex Nut Pokémon
Height: 8’2″
Weight: 1,763.7 lbs.
Type: Steel
Melmetal: Revived after 3,000 Years
Melmetal was worshiped in ancient times as a Pokémon with the power to create metal. Because of its Evolution from Meltan, its body has hardened and is now incredibly sturdy. Melmetal is made of liquid metal, and its flexible arms can be whipped forward to deliver a devastating punch. It can also execute a powerful, unique Steel-type physical move known as Double Iron Bash. By using the hex nut in its chest like an axle to spin its arms around, Melmetal can deal a double strike to its opponent. The weight of the heavy hex nuts on its arms combined with the spinning motion gives the Double Iron Bash move extraordinary power.
Meltan is the first Mythical Pokemon to evolve. If you want to get Melmetal then you can only get it by evolving Meltan in Pokemon GO. You will need 400 Meltan Candy which you can get by catching, transferring or sending Meltan to Pokemon Let’s GO. Don’t forget! You can catch Meltan by opening the Mystery Box. Once you do then you will be given a certain amount of time to capture as many Meltan as you can.
Melmetal can learn the move Double Iron Bash. This is a Steel type attack that hits the opponent twice and can cause flinching.
The mystery of Meltan and Melmetal has been revealed! I hope you are excited to take Meltan on your open adventures in Pokemon GO and Let’s Go!

The post Meltan can Evolve! appeared first on Pokémon Crossroads.

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