Name:Marzilius Freewood gorvons, also known as Professor Gorvons

Gender: Marzilius is of the non female gender

Age: 77

Year: staff

House: Ravenclaw (when he was a student)

Blood status: half blood

Subjects: Teaches Ancient Runes

Appearance: Marzilius is an elderly, wrinkled man who sits in a wheel chair. He doesn't wear glasses, as he;s had the good fortune to keep his eyesight, and his eyes are as bright and sharp as ever, they are also the color blue. His shiny, silver hair is well taken care of and not too long. His somewhat pointed chin combined with his piercing gaze gives the feeling that he knows more than you think. He wears a long Navy blue cloak and during the winter wears a silver scarf. He is almost always in his magic Flying wheel chair, unless he has to get out of it for very rare but important reasons. He does not wear a hat.

History: During the time of the War against the Dark Lord, Marzilius had become a famous protector of muggle borns, having hid nearly 100 of them in and under his mansion. The mansion was destroyed shortly before The dark lord's defeat. Unfortunately as he was on the run, Marzilius was not able to participate in the Battle of Hogwarts. In the years of rebuilding, Marzilius, who was also known for being a history nut, applied for the post of Ancient Runes Professor at Hogwarts. He had scored well on his NEWT in the subject, and had studied Runes during the then traditional, Tour of the world. He then worked in Gringots as a curse breaker in hopes of discovering new pieces of ancient history in the tombs, but had to give up the job when a curse went wild and weakened his legs until he could not walk.

At this time Marzilius gained his famous magical Wheel chair, which can both fly and go at relatively high speeds. Marzilius became accomplished at dueling while riding the wheel chair, though his skill was never quite the same as it had been before his curse. At the age of 63 he retired from the various jobs he had been working to continue his income, and settled down in a large mansion like home for several years. Then of course, the dark lord came back and ruined the peace. While he knew he could not hope to challenge he higher and more powerful death eaters, Marzilius tracked down several weaker ones who were targeting muggle borns. After defeating them, he changed his tactic to protection and turned his home into a refugee base for Muggle borns. As said previously, this lasted until only a few days before the end of the dark lord, when an arguement broke out and the dark lord's name was spoken. The death eaters showed up and burned down the house. Most of the muggle borns escaped and went into hiding along side Marzilius who was now homeless.

When the Dark lord fell, he cheered with the rest, helped the muggle borns to return to their homes, then looked into his own future. He decided he needed to get another job and home, and settled on putting his skills in Anciet Runes to use and applied for a teachers job at Hogwarts.

Personality: Marzilius is not a man to cross. He is also very loud. His favorite past time is a mixture of making smart remarks at his students and shouting. He didn't just shout when he was angry, but all the time. His energy flows into everything he does, whether it be defending his position to teaching a lesson to a cheeky 3rd years who commented on his writing. He is adamant in his views and is not easily swayed. He will happily put you and your views down and then another six feet under when you cross him.

Notable Possessions: A magic flying wheel chair, which he is in most of the time.

Skill Point Spread:
-Astronomy: 10
-Charms: 12
-Defence Against The Dark Arts: 13
-Herbology: 9
-History Of Magic: 15
-Potions: 9
-Transfiguration: 13
-Care of Magical Creatures: didn't take
-Divination: didn't take
-Muggle Studies:12
-Study of Ancient Runes: 17

Wand: Cherry, 13 inches exact, rather stiff, Dragon heart string core.

Pets: He has a black cat he keeps in his Classroom and lets out to explore at night. The cat, which is a she, is named Celestia.

Positions: Ancient Runes professor (possibly head of Ravenclaw if no one else takes it)

Abilities: Nope, normal wizard

Other: Don't you even begin to speculate the idea of thinking of telling him his handwriting is bad. You'll get a punishment somewhat outside the normal realms of detention. (think bouncing ferrets)

Also, he's known for saying his personal phrase: "All you have to do is read the right signs"