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  1. #11
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantasm.Angel View Post
    What is, names of characters/historical figures from the hit Broadway musical Hamilton?
    Yup! They're all references to the musical (although technically they're references to the historical figures involved there, but semantics).

    Quote Originally Posted by Death's Spook View Post
    Yes, actually, knowing her.
    I did mention I was being self-indulgent, didn't I? :D

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  2. #12
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    @Neo Emolga I can't even begin to imagine how Nathan looks, aside from "flowery hula dancer." SU looks fine, though. Accepted.
    Yeah, you've got the right idea, though. I'm all about breaking cliches into millions of pieces. XD

  3. #13
    Not insanity. Supersanity. Death's Spook's Avatar
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    It depends. How sane are you?

    Name: Dr. Travis Levi Jackson, PhD

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male


    Photokinesis: Travis is capable of generating and manipulating light of any wavelength in his line of sight. Theoretically, this can get quite powerful, but so far, Travis has only been able to glow and not much else. This seems to be some problem with Travis, however, not the power: he continuously feels like it's there, waiting to be tapped, but that he can't quite reach it.
    Immunity to Radiation/Heat based effects: Light based and heat based attacks simply do not work on Travis. They will burn through his clothes without issue, but cannot actually harm him.

    Affiliation (and Position): Task Force Affiliate, currently the world's leading expert on the physics of the rifts.

    Appearance: Travis towers over most: at 2 meters high and a powerful build, he's not exactly difficult to spot. His skin is a deep black color, and his irises are darker still. His rounded face can make him look a bit cherubic, an effect which increases greatly when encountering a scientific project that enamors him: his eyes widen and his deep voice takes on an excited quality as he pursues the project, hoping to solve the mysteries involved.

    Attire wise, Travis usually wears a pair of slacks and a button down shirt. However, given the more violent nature of his work recently, Travis is instead running about in a pair of jeans with a sweater on top. The sweater has a middle pocket where Travis holds onto pokeballs that he believes will see use shortly. The rest of his pokeballs go into a navy colored, waterproof bag on his head. This bag also contains both a cache of notebooks for his research and a large number of items like one would expect to pack for a pokemon journey that will go on for a long while. Attempts by other people to lift the bag usually result in comical amounts of toppling over.

    Personality: Travis's curiosity is well known to everyone with even a tangential relationship to the good professor. He has a highly analytical brain and a child-like singlemindedness in pursuing whatever question is picking at his brain at the moment. He is of good humor and generally cheery, and despite his bulk, he is very disarming. In fact, it is quite easy to assume that between his bookish tendencies and his cherubic curiosity, he must be naive. This is a misconception, one that is usually only cleared (rather messily) when someone who holds it attempts to cross Dr. Jackson.

    For in fact, Dr. Jackson is not only very book smart, but very good at maintaining political relationships as well. He has navigated academia for years, and while he is quite kind and always willing to help others, he is also very shrewd, and capable of using his kindness to his advantage. Furthermore, he is an excellent battler, with Pokemon who are trained both to utilize their physical strengths and tactical prowess in combat.

    However, Travis's own intelligence and common sense can frequently be superseded by his curiosity. In the aims of pursuing an interesting question, Travis can put himself and others at risk. This probably played a significant role in his acquisition of his abilities, as he has a habit of approaching rifts just a bit too closely for strict safety. And while Travis is aware of this flaw in his psychology, it still has a tendency to allow him to do things far stupider than his native intelligence would otherwise imply.

    History: 1-2 paragraphs on how they ended up here
    Pokemon Team:

    Feynman the Ferrothorn (M)

    Feynman is the first Pokemon Travis ever had: a six year old Travis hatched Feynman from an egg that his mother's Magnezone found shortly after his mom died. Feynman, most of the time, is superbly and incredibly lazy, frequently advising others to "take a load off." However, push Feynman sufficiently, and he will remind you that Ferrothorn are ambush predators, willing and able to use every cheating tactic in the world to get the drop on a target. This becomes exponentially worse if he's actively angry: no one on the team has spoken of those rare occasions, but it's pretty clear that they've gotten freaked out by them.

    Abyssinian the Starmie (-)

    Abyssinian essentially serves as a surrogate parent for the team; frequently, Travis included. They are telepathic, and even without telepathy are very good at making themselves understood. They are extremely perceptive, and are supremely competent in the realm of psychic abilities as well. Notably, they despise being confined in a pokeball, and instead are usually carried around by Travis.

    Jay the Tyranitar (M)

    Jay is actually the pokemon officially registered as Travis's starter for a wide variety of technical legal reasons. Jay is easily the cheeriest member of the team, reveling in the here and now without much care for the future. While he's far from stupid, his preferred approach in a situation is either transparent friendliness or cheerfully hitting you, depending on whether you are a friend or foe.

    Librarian the Talonflame (F)

    The team's quiet will. Librarian lives up to her name by being very knowledgable and clever: she's even able to read (and write, if she has a way to physically do it). Usually, when she's around, she's up a tree, reading a book. However, if you hear a slight "thump" noise, flee for all the good it will do you: it means she's just closed her book, put it down, and is ready to inflict copious amounts of pain.

    Lily the Garchomp (F)

    North the Gengar (F)

    Last edited by Death's Spook; 06-07-2016 at 09:21 PM.
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  4. #14
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Name: Sloane Jackson
    Age: 18
    Gender: female
    Powers/Mutations: Sloane is temporarily able to sink an entire area into darkness, cancelling out all light effects including but not limited to: man made light sources, night vision goggles, and Pokemon made light sources. Not even the moon or sun can penetrate her darkness. She is not sure exactly how large her radius is, but more than about ten feet puts enormous strain on her and the longer she keeps the field up, the harder it is for her to maintain it.
    Affiliation (and Position): Sloane is, for the most part, neutral. However, she does lean towards the side of the Task Force due to being in a close relationship with one of the members.
    Appearance: Sloane is a 5'3 (1.6 meters) Caucasian female. She normally wears a gray or black shirt with a black hoodie and blue jeans. Her shoes are a worn pair of black sneakers that haven't been cleaned in a while so they're coated with dirt and mud. Her hair is a baked brown that sinks down to her mid calves when not pulled back. However, she usually wears it in a braid, with a black bandanna on her head, which causes it to shorten to her waist in length. She has brown eyes that are lighter in color than her hair and a scar on her left cheek in the shape of claw from a quilava attack when she was younger.
    Sloane is fairly able physically. However, her left knee is her main weakness. It tends to lock and cause pain randomly, forcing Sloane to carry a silver walking stick to relieve pressure from her leg. Her knees tend to pop when she bends them but otherwise there is no other sign of her prior injury. She also wears contacts because without them she is blinder than a Zubat. However, she does keep a pair of purple glasses on her just in case her contacts get lost or something. Her back in a black messenger bag with a red silhouette of Yvetal on it.
    Personality: Sloane is very optimistic. She likes to look at the glass half full and won’t stop trying until she feels she’s done her best on something. She is a tad bit lazy though. She’s never fond of climbing hills or stairs. In addition, if someone else can do it and they can do it better than she, Sloane will be very resistant to performing said job. She isn't a fan of being bossed around but knows when to take an order. Sloane's a bit easily distracted, especially around Pokemon since she loves caring for them. Sloane also loves anything dark type or shaymin themed, which is usually what Dylan's gifts to her consist of.
    Sloane cares a lot when it comes to others. She values other people's lives before her own and will not hesitate to take a hit or even a death blow if it means saving someone else. Sloane also values Pokemon lives above her own, willing to do the same for a human if it meant saving a Pokemon. It's her main fatal flaw. She also cares a lot about Dylan. She likes the way he doesn't control her but also keeps her calm.
    Sloane has somewhat of a short temper if you know buttons to push. If you get her angry, she'll either throw a temper tantrum like a child or go on a war path and channel her anger into her actions; this includes battling. She does, however, try to keep her temper under control and will attempt to warn people if they're successfully angering her.
    Sloane also has quite a bit of fears, including heights, the sound of thunder, and (ironically) darkness. As such, she actually hates to use her powers since it cloaks her in the thing she fears most.
    History: Sloane was abandoned as a baby at the doorstep of the Ecruteak City Kimono Girl Temple. From then on she was raised as a Kimono Girl trainee until she was sixteen. At sixteen, Dylan managed to bargain with the Kimono Girls to allow Sloane to try a different career path, since Sloane continually failed the tests to become a full fledged Kimono Girl. Sloane and Dylan then began to travel the world together when they could, with Dylan often having to randomly leave for work but returning shortly thereafter when he could. How Sloane ended up in the rift, however, none could have expected.
    Sloane was visiting Sinnoh with her boyfriend, Dylan. They were traveling along Route 209 and had planned to set up camp for the night in hopes of encountering a Spiritomb, which were rumored to lurk in the area at night. Sloane had been especially eager to catch one since they were especially strong Pokemon. Nevertheless, while they were setting up camp that night, the world became especially distorted. Sloane waved it off as just drowsiness, but she did feel especially strange after that. Sadly, she spotted no Spiritombs that night. Dylan had to leave the next day, so Sloane decided to rest in Solaceon Town for a bit before hunting for Spiritombs again. While she was resting in an inn room a few days later, she woke up to the whole room being pitch black dark and freaked out. The darkness dissipated almost immediately, but Sloane found she could replicate it if she concentrated enough. She reported it to Dylan as soon as she could, with Dylan reporting back that he had something strange going on as well. Dylan picked Sloane up and decided it was best to bring her back to the Task Force for the time being. Hopefully they could give the two a better explanation.
    Pokemon Team:
    -Excalibur the Shiny Umbreon: He was a gift from the Kimono Girls that Sloane was raised by. He was her first Pokemon and, just by luck, happened to be shiny. When Sloane decided to become a dark type specialist, Excalibur evolved into an Umbreon. Excalibur is Sloane's closest Pokemon and it is rare that Excalibur is not in Sloane's party. He's also her strongest Pokemon as well. Excalibur is extremely loyal to Sloane and will protect her by any means possible.
    -Caliburn the Weavile: Sloane's second Pokemon, Caliburn was obtained when she was just a Sneasel. She had been abandoned by her trainer just outside Ecruteak City after she had failed in single handedly defeating Morty's Gym. Sloane found Caliburn while training Excalibur and raced her to the Pokemon center. Nurse Joy traced Caliburn to her old trainer, but the trainer expressed his disinterest in continuing ownership of Caliburn, so Sloane took her instead. While Caliburn is not as close to Sloane as Excalibur is, the two are very close, and Caliburn is also a rare sight for the PC. Sloane evolved Caliburn on the one year anniversary of their journey together.
    -Carwennan the Houndoom: Sloane caught Carwennan on her first trip to Kanto. Dylan had taken her to visit the region and, upon entering Route 7, the couple encountered a wild Houndour. Sloane caught her almost immediately and began to raise her. Carwennan is strongest in the double or triple battle areas, often working with Caliburn and Clarent to take down their opponents, but she is decent at single battles as well. She's also as much, if not more, protective of Sloane than Excalibur is, as Houndoom are naturally territorial. Carwennan is sensitive though, as people tend to be afraid of her since she's a Houndoom and that hurts her feelings.
    -Rhongomynyad the Greninja: Often called Rho for short, Sloane received this Greninja as a Froakie from her boyfriend as a birthday present. Dylan had travelled to Kalos and obtained a Froakie, just to send it back to Sloane. Rho is the silent type, often avoiding any sort of encounters with others unless absolutely necessary. However, Rho does enjoy a good fight. His ability, Protean, makes him ever fiercer of a battler as Sloane has ensured his moveset is quiet diverse to cover many types. Rho is the newest member to Sloane's team.
    -Llamrei the Honchkrow: Also a souvenir from Sloane's visit to Kanto, Llamrei was also caught on Route 7. She is mainly used for sky battles and flight, but overall, Llamrei is not really fond of battling. The Honchkrow prefers to let others do the work and she be used as a quick get away. As a murkrow, Llamrei was commonly attacked, resulting in scars covering her back and wings, and giving her the discomfort she faces in battles today. Her evolution was a result of Dylan giving her a dusk stone.
    -Clarent the Zoroark: A birthday gift from Dylan, Clarent is the most mischievous of Sloane's Pokemon. He often likes to go off and play pranks, but his battling skills are some of the best on the team. Clarent strikes quickly and fiercely, often knocking out opponents in one hit if he can help it. His illusion ability also allows for him to appear to be one Pokemon, resulting in his weaknesses to be partially disguised, and further granting him some shelter for the time.
    Other: Her boyfriend is Dylan Thomas.

    Name: Dylan Thomas
    Age: 20
    Gender: male
    Powers/Mutations: Dylan can conjure illusions for a short time, but the more realistic the illusion and the longer he has to hold it, the more strain it puts on him.
    Affiliation (and Position): Task Force- field agent
    Appearance: Dylan is tall, about 5'11 and the average weight for a man of his size and age. He has short brown hair, somewhat tanned skin, and is built well. He tends to wear blue, and at the time of his transformation, he was wearing blue jeans, a pink t-shirt with the words “Fairies aren’t just for Girls" on the front, and a blue jacket. He also had his favorite blue fedora with a pink stripe on it.
    Personality: Dylan is a calm, cool, and collected guy that can easily reason himself out of any situation. He cares a lot about others, more so than himself, and would sacrifice himself for the sake of others. He also likes his girlfriend, Sloane, a lot and constantly worries over her since she is not in the best physical condition, resulting in many phone calls back to her, whenever he can manage them.
    Dylan cares a lot about his Pokemon as well, constantly checking on their medical and psychological states. He's also very passionate about his work, because Dylan believes that the safety of the region is of the upmost importance. He even puts work before his relationship, even if it sends him all over the place. Dylan wants nothing more than to protect everyone, and his biggest fear is that one day he'll be forced to make a decision between the lives of the people he's trying to save.
    History: Dylan was born and raised in the Sinnoh region. His family traveled quite a bit across the region so Dylan was given the rare opportunity to visit most of the major cities in Sinnoh. His favorite stop, however, was Celestic Town. Dylan was enamored by the stories of rare dragon Pokemon and the myths of their once strong rivals, the fairies. It was also here that Dylan met his uncle, Johto Champion Lance. After that, Dylan was regularly thrust upon Lance to visit Johto. The first time he visited the place, he hated the entire trip up until he arrived at a festival in Ecruteak city. It was there he met Sloane for the first time. The two quickly bonded and two years after that, he finally got the guts up to ask Sloane out on a date. Shortly after turning nineteen, Dylan joined the Sinnoh Task Force, a dream come true for him. Following that, Dylan made sure to take up every mission he could, even if it sent him to other regions, but also worked out time to spend with Sloane, since he was constantly worried about her and felt the most assured about her safety when he was right next to her. Then, this happened.
    Dylan and Sloane were camping out on Route 209 hunting Spiritombs. Dylan was actually asleep when the rift hit and never realized the two had been affected until Dylan left. Days later, Dylan suddenly found that whenever he was hungry or thirsty, he would start to hallucinate food or drinks in front of him, except the hallucination would wear off as soon as he touched it. Dylan realized this wasn't any mere hallucination when some of his coworkers said they could see the food too, and then Sloane called in with her power. Dylan realized what had happened and went out to bring her in to the Task Force, both for her safety and for a proper explanation as to what exactly had happened.
    Pokemon Team:
    -Becquerel the Sylveon: It was a gift when he first started his journey. Dylan considers Becquerel his partner and the two have been close since Dylan first received the Eevee in Sinnoh from his grandfather. Becquerel evolved when the two visited Kalos for a mission and they're very close. Becquerel is also somewhat overprotective of Dylan, often growling and challenging anyone that he is unfamiliar with that approaches Dylan. But he's also extremely loyal and would never betray Dylan if he had the choice.
    -Fei the Gardevoir: Dylan caught Fei when he was on a mission in Hoenn. She is quiet and tends to he very shy around others, but not without reason. Fei was abandoned as a ralts by an abusive trainer that didn't like her because she was slower at growing than the rest of his team. She's especially close to Mark, the Gallade, since they both grew up in much the same area. They're the Pokemon equivalent of best friends, and there's nothing romantically going on between them, but they're Dylan's main double battling duo.
    -Mark the Gallade: Dylan caught Mark shortly after he caught Fei. While he's not part of Dylan's fairy type expertise, Dylan made an exception to catch Mark since he made Fei more comfortable. Mark is also the quiet type, but much more so than Fei. He also can appear quite intimating even though that is not his intention. Mark often communicates to Dylan through his own variation of sign language since Mark's psychic powers aren't the best. However, Mark and Fei usually communicate through telepathy, which is one of the reasons why they're such close friends.
    -Marigold the Aromatisse: Marigold was a reward for Dylan after one of his missions in Kalos. She's a weak Aromatisse that barely survived an attack from a group of Weezing and Koffing. As a result, she's not the best battled and mainly focuses on healing, but even then she's not that good. Dylan has shown to be the best at coaxing her to perform well. He's helping her work through her weakness to become a great healer.
    -Melody the Togekiss: Hatched from an egg that Sloane gave him for his birthday, Melody is Dylan's main form of transportation. She's very fast and an exceptionally strong battler. Melody loves to fly and battle. She's very competitive and is always ready to get into the ring if she's needed.
    -William the Wigglytuff: Dylan caught William while exploring Kanto with Sloane. William is somewhat aloof and gets distracted quite easily. He really just kind of wants to laze around and eat all day, much like a Snorlax. However, on occasion, Dylan has shown to be able to coax a true warrior out of William. The Wigglytuff is Dylan's trump card since William is by far Dylan's strongest battler.
    Other: His girlfriend is Sloane Jackson.
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  5. #15
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
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    @Winter, I'm done with my SU, I think~

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  6. #16
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Name: Cassandra "Cassie" Lowell

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Powers/Mutations: Psychic (telekinesis, telepathy, predictions)

    Affiliation (and Position): [chaotic] Neutral

    Appearance: Trying to keep a low profile, she’s done everything she can to make herself unremarkable and therefore, unmemorable. The Ripple Phenomena left her eyes yellow, and she dyed her once auburn-colored hair black. The roots she keeps hidden beneath a black knitted beanie.. She wears a black hooded jacket over a purple t-shirt with stylized Koffing markings. Jeans are well-worn and torn, unintentionally following that whole ripped-jeans trend (which she personally doesn’t care for but meh).

    Personality: While Cassie’s work ethic is to be admired, she isn’t particularly a people person. The long absence of her mother has left her bitter and slow to trust. In her eyes, people just aren’t reliable. They change, they leave; they only do things out of self-interest. Because of this thinking, she prefers to do everything herself. While this has evolved her independence and maturity, it often leads her overworking herself. She also tends to keep her thoughts and business to herself.

    Few people are close to Cassie, one being her father. The only other family she has, she has done everything she can to help him support their little family. When he disappeared, Cassie felt like she had lost all that she ever had; she was willing to do whatever it took to go and find him—even if that involved questionable means.

    History: Cassie has few memories of her mother, but the last and most distinct is her departure; having before been a trainer of some renown, Cassie’s mother felt the itch to begin traveling again. She left her daughter and husband in the bustling city of Hearthome with the promise of returning soon. Cassie was six years old, then. Now seventeen, she has not heard from nor seen her mother.

    Part of her is convinced that her mother was simply a coward, fleeing from the struggles the little family would eventually face. Taking it upon herself to fix the mess her mother had left, Cassie threw herself into work as soon as she was able, laboring hard to help support her father and herself. For the last few years, she worked in a flower shop in Hearthome.

    Things were going decent enough; although she got mediocre grades in school, graduation was slowly within sight. Her father even managed to get a solid journalism job. But Cassie should have known better than to hope for the best. The Galactic incident occurred, leaving Sinnoh in chaos. Seeing the news break as an opportunity, Cassie’s father left to go cover the events in Veilstone.

    Only he never made it. Cassie contacted his coworkers, and all verified it. Somewhere along the way, he disappeared. Nearly driven mad with worry, Cassie went to the authorities several times to get help. With the chaos spreading quickly all over Sinnoh, however, they had their hands tied. Seeing that she wasn’t going to get absolutely no help from anyone else, Cassie took it upon herself to go out and find him herself.

    Stealing a Pokémon from a daycare, she fled out into the wilderness. Rather quickly, she figured out what a ridiculous task she had before her—especially when the ripple effect set in. Suddenly, she found herself burdened with abilities she did not understand at all. She was hearing voices, seeing strange things and moving objects without touching them. Her eyes changed from their natural blue-green color to an uncanny yellow.

    She was in hysterics when he found her; it was a strange series of events, but Cassie one day found herself talking to a Pokémon, a blue Medicham named Gunuru. He had no ties to any human, though he spoke cordially with her. The Pokémon could not tell her how she came to be the way she was, but he did shed some light on her predicament. Under his tutelage, she learned to control some of her abilities—enough, at least, to keep her sanity.

    The Medicham encouraged her to seek proper training before going his separate way. Though she had tried to convince him to join her, he simply told her that he was needed elsewhere—that his quest for personal enlightenment continued.

    Their chat, however, inspired Cassie to keep up the ruse of being a natural-born Psychic, allowing her to stay under the radar of parties interested in Ripple Phenomena victims.

    Pokemon Team:

    Kit the Luxray (M)—The first Pokémon that Cassie captured after setting off on her quest.

    Mable the Mismagius (F)—Quirky ghost

    Nitro the Crobat (M)—Cassie’s second captured Pokémon who absolutely dotes on her

    Cruz the Golduck (M)—An annoying Pokémon that actually chose to follow Cassie because he was rather intrigued by her circumstances. He kept following her around and bugging her until she agreed to take him onto her team. He refuses to stay in a Poke Ball, however, and remains her chatty, sarcastic shadow. And of course, only Cassie understands him—perhaps that’s why he’s stuck around for as long as he has; he can talk her ear off and she can’t do anything about it.

    Helga the Heracross (F)—It was through happy (and fortunate) circumstances that Helga came into the team. She is very matronly and fusses over everyone in the team.

    Chip the Fraxure (M)—This is the Pokémon that Cassie stole from a daycare/adoption society within Hearthome. The Pokémon (then an Axew) was already up for adoption, so Cassie saw it as an opportunity to “borrow” him. She had every intention of returning it once she caught her own Pokémon legally; however, the duo had grown attached. Chip wouldn’t leave her, and she couldn’t bear to lose him. Chip stuck with the team, and is considered the “bulldog” of the group. After evolving, he became almost violently protective of Cassie. The dragon can be a handful for Cassie sometimes, but thankfully Chip is more docile than most others.

    Other: Done? xD


    Name: Ryker Farnsworth

    Age: 24 (but looks older)

    Gender: Male

    Powers/Mutations: Beast Man—essentially acquired DNA from an Arcanine, giving him superhuman strength and senses with some minor fire-breathing abilities.

    Affiliation (and Position): Task Force, Field Operative/Agent

    Appearance: Ryker is both tall and massive, having a build that’s quite impressive for a mere 24 year-old. Since the Ripple Phenomena he has taken on several Arcanine-like qualities. His skin has taken on a slight orange tint, with black markings along his arms and face that could be mistaken for tattoos. His hair has gone blonde and is simply out of control, growing thickly not only on his head but on his chest and arms. While he tries not to keep a beard, he grows some wicked side-burns.

    Another beast-like quality he gained is a pair of sharp fangs which really do not help his already iffy public image. Still, he’s thankful that he didn’t sprout a pair of ears or a tail.

    Personality: Off-duty, Ryker is a pretty chill guy—laid-back and simple attitude. Folks would admit that he’s secretly a giant teddy bear. However, where the law and justice is concerned, Ryker is as serious as they come. Catch him on-duty, and you’ll agree that he’s a fierce guard-dog of the law.

    He has fierce beliefs in what is right and in what is wrong, and upholds high standards in personal integrity. He follows all rules with militaristic exactness, and doesn’t hesitate to carry out what he sees as justice. Unfortunately, this can leave him short-sided, without questioning the authorities above him. In true Arcanine-fashion, he has an undying sense of loyalty to his employers, to order, and to justice.

    Eager to help the people the people around him and rebuild Sinnoh, he whole-heartedly jumped into his work with the Task Force.

    History: Growing up, Ryker was never sure what he wanted to do with his life. Prior to enrolling in boot camp, he was lazy and generally unmotivated. However, sometime during high school he became inspired by a local police officer to do something for his community. This led to his enrollment in boot camp and later on the police academy in Veilstone. That training changed his attitude about so many things, helping him shape up to be a responsible young man.

    He hadn’t been an official officer long when the Incident occurred. Fortunately, he had been in the outskirts of Veilstone at the time—however, he was still affected by the ripple. His fellow officers report that Ryker ended up unconscious, and was carried into medical services by his loyal Arcanine companion. The symptoms of his mutation set in rather quickly, and by the time that Ryker finally woke, he was a changed man.

    Ryker took it all fairly well, eventually coming to the conclusion that rather than to dwell and mope about this transformation, he might as well put it to good use. When approached by the Task Force, he whole-heartedly jumped at the opportunity to help those similarly affected by the ripple. He resigned from the Vielstone Police Department (VPD) with the hopes that someday he would be able to return, once Sinnoh returned to some semblance of “normal”.

    Pokémon Team:

    Buster the Arcanine(M)—Ryker’s most loyal and dedicated Pokémon, having been a gift from his father long ago. They’ve grown up together, pushing each other to do their best.

    Fey the Audino (F)—Fey serves mostly as the team’s support Pokémon; you can imagine that it would be useful and smart for Police Officers to have healing Pokémon on their teams, especially in dire emergencies. Fey was issued to Ryker by the VPD, though she has since stuck with Ryker for his new adventures. Though the main healer, she is willing and able to fight, however, should push come to shove.

    Juliet the Roserade (F)—Juliet specializes in powder-attacks, typically used to take down difficult opponents or quiet down rampaging Pokémon/crowds. However, she packs quite a punch besides all that, and is the team’s swift silent assassin.

    Rex the Feraligatr (M)—One of the team’s strong-arms that’s also useful for fire-emergencies. Don’t mess with Rex.

    Bard the Aerodactyl (M)—Ryker was once awarded an Old Amber as a thank-you; through some connections, he was able to revive the ancient Pokémon, who serves as a flying-mount when Ryker needs to get somewhere quick.

    Lucky the Pangoro (M)—Another of the team’s strong-arms. Don’t also mess with Lucky.

    Last edited by FedoraChar; 04-24-2016 at 02:45 AM.

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  7. #17
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Sorry for the wait, guys, but @Velocity and @Noblejanobii, everyone looks good, Opal, Sloane, and Dylan are in.

    @FedoraChar, let me know when you finish~

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  8. #18
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I'm going to be honest, if @Velocity didn't make a Hamilton based character, I would be some kind of disappointed.


    Name: Felix Iba
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Powers/Mutations: Matter Destabilization: Felix can destabilize matter on all non-living objects, and herself. She can weaken strong metal or structures, destabilize herself and another object or part of a mass to move through it, or rapidly destabilize her own body and restabilize it in another place as a form of teleportation. She needs to be touching anything she destabilizes, with the exception of self destabilization. As long as she had made contact with it, she can keep anything around her size permanently destabilized
    Affiliation: Neutral
    Appearance: 1-2 paragraphs on how your character looks
    Personality: 1-2 paragraphs on how they act
    History: 1-2 paragraphs on how they ended up here
    Pokemon Team: Up to six, no Megas
    Last edited by Saraibre Ryu; 04-08-2016 at 01:22 AM.

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168

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  10. #19
    Gym Leader AWA1997's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Larvitini Cave, Tohjo Falls
    This looks interesting, give me a while to fill out the form and I'm in XD

    Form: (WIP)

    Name: Anthony Joy
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male.
    Powers/Mutations: He has the ability to manipulate and absorb fire, but only the palm of his hands can physically touch it and not burn, but only when absorbing the fire, and he is normally, but not always, incapable of creating it in unnatural ways.
    Affiliation (and Position): Task Force. Investigator/Firefighter.
    Appearance: Tony has never stood out in a crowd, standing at 5'7" and being ever so slightly overweight (but not very noticeably). His skin has a slight tan to it. He has thin glasses that he never takes off and wears a plain t-shirt and blue jeans at almost all times. Since he started specializing in dragons, he has accumulated many scars from training with them as his training method is sparring directly with his whole party by himself at once in a 6 v 1 battle.
    Personality: Tony is a bit of an odd and awkward person. He is kind and caring, but has a small bit of an anger issue with some training in karate. His mutation doesn't help with this as any anger flare will cause him to unleash fire from the palms of his hands, but he does try his best to keep his temper under control. He also has a bit of a fear of most arachnid pokemon.
    History: Tony was raised in Hoenn by his parents, a Gym Leader and a Nurse Joy. At age 10 he went on his pokemon journey, earning badges for the first five years from every region, but avoiding battling any of the elite fours unless necessary. He also only ever keeps one pokemon with him on a new journey and typically catches enough to refill his party. After those five years, he worked to became a member of Hoenn's top police unit, meeting Sloane and Dylan as he did, as well as went on a journey to prove he was the right material to be a Dragon -Type Gym Leader He achieved both goals, working alongside Looker on many occasions as well as standing in for his father as Gym Leader when necessary. He was sent to Sinnoh with his six strongest pokemon due to rumors of Team Galactic reaching Hoenn. By the time he got there, everything had already unfolded, and Mt. Coronet was already half gone. He caught wind of a new rift and went to study it for himself while it was new. Unfortunately for him, a second rift opened up right next to the first and led to him gaining his powers and joining the task force.
    Pokemon Team: Zuko (male Blaziken), Draco (male Dragonite), Char (male Charizard), Sherpa (female Garchomp), Terina (female Altaria), Sahara (female Flygon)
    Last edited by AWA1997; 04-10-2016 at 10:07 PM.

  11. #20
    I see that i may be able to join this rather easily... Hold on, gotta punch buttons.
    "Be not the unremarkable tree of the forest, but the cherry blossom that stands alone."
    "I go to sleep one night, then I wake up in the middle of all this..."
    --PMD Stalkers


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