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Thread: Sundans

  1. #1

    Smile Sundans' Music

    Hay, as you guys may know if you pay any mind to the Pokemon Crossroads Youtube channel, my friend (Paul) and I produce music together. We don't really focus on one particular genre, some being Dubstep, others being Ambient, and even more being Epic/Orchestral. We are also really big fans of Mass Effect, so we have been producing sort of a fan soundtrack for a Mass Effect fan fiction that I have been working on. This is where I will post all of our non-Pokemon music, since we don't typically make Pokemon music.

    If you want a specific sound or track, you can contact me at any time.

    So, here is a handful of our tracks all categorized. I will add music as we produce it. I hope you like it, and if you want more be sure to subscribe!

    "Mass Effect: Discovery" Soundtrack

    This soundtrack will generally be very sci-fi/futuristic. It will still often maintain traditional instruments, but it will also have a lot of electronic elements. The genres and descriptions will be below. Thanks for listening!

    Sundans - Chora Revitalized
    Genre: Minimal House
    Description: Designed to play in the dance club of the reopened Chora's Den on the Citadel.

    Sundans - Vas Normandy
    Genre: Glitch
    Description: This track possesses very middle eastern elements to symbolize Tali returning to the SR2 Normandy.

    Sundans - Curfew
    Genre: Dark Ambient
    Description: A very dark, ominous track leading up to a more frantic climax to give atmosphere to the emergency curfew on the Citadel.

    Sundans - The Shadow's Hand
    Genre: Epic
    Description: With a menacing bass accompanied by a suspenseful string ensemble and powerful war drums, we decided to depict the Shadow Broker's right-hand man in an intense way.

  2. #2
    You know that I love all your stuff, dude. x) Especially the Mass Effect ones. XD Also you mentioned that you didn't have the Vigil track. Dude. I have it. xD It's part of the first game's soundtracks. I like your Vigil remake though; it's awesome and really spot on. ^^

    Anyway, I'll be followin' ya. 8D


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  4. #3
    Experienced Trainer Sanctus's Avatar
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    In a post-modern world
    I like the ambience the most. I'd like to hear more of that.

  5. #4
    Experienced Trainer Sanctus's Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    In a post-modern world
    Yeah this is my favorite one you've done, due not only to the prominent ambient style but also the percussion.

  6. #5
    Experienced Trainer Sanctus's Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    In a post-modern world
    A sax! Did you do that yourself? And great for you that you're involved in that project. I hope it turns out great.

    I watched the very last season of rvb so I have kind of an idea what it'll be like.

  7. #6
    As much as I would like to say I played a saxophone (I would, you know XD), I used a DSK plugin that generates a very sax-like sound. XD Thanks!

    Nicely done! :)

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Teddiursa of the Sky View Post
    As much as I would like to say I played a saxophone (I would, you know XD), I used a DSK plugin that generates a very sax-like sound. XD Thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddiursa of the Sky View Post
    New track to celebrate the upcoming release of Team Manufactured. :D
    Wow, I love this. O: It's amazing. AND THE CLIPS OF EVERYONE. It sounds awesome. XD It's quite Mass Effect-y with an added dance feel. Listening to your mixes always reeeeeally make me wanna do my own music (I don't know how, but shh xD). Also makes me wanna get more involved with the group. C:


  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post
    Wow, I love this. O: It's amazing. AND THE CLIPS OF EVERYONE. It sounds awesome. XD It's quite Mass Effect-y with an added dance feel. Listening to your mixes always reeeeeally make me wanna do my own music (I don't know how, but shh xD). Also makes me wanna get more involved with the group. C:

    Thank you! XD Glad you like it. :) I am also happy I can be of inspiration to you. Glad you wanna get more involved with the group. There's so much to talk about. We HAVE to catch up soon. :D

  10. #9

    Preview of some upcoming tracks I am working on. :D

  11. #10
    I liked 'em both. O: I know they're unmastered, but you get feedback anyway. xD The first one seems a little grate-y, and the second one is slightly repetitive. They're both awesome though and I'm interested to see the outcome of both. c: I'm still amazed by people's ability to make music. xD All I can do is crappy tracks on garageband. XDDD I remember in, like, 2007 I did my first one and it was hilarious. I did a few more since and they got better, but I lost them. :C If I still had them (I THINK I might have one) I'd TOTALLY show them to you. XDDD



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