I've got to ask, how does one or rather you go about improving your writing technique. I've written things before, but it always feels like it came from an middle school student's notebook. How do you go about improving your writing style, such as being able to accurately describe a scene, how a character looks and acts, their expressions, etc. How do YOU do it? Because I certainly don't. Do you go to a Thesaurus and just look up adjectives or synonyms for words you're familiar with? Do you read works by other people and attempt to copy them? I'm just curious, how did you improve or find your very own writing? Or... could you still be looking for it?

Go ahead and share! For me, I dont even know what I'm doing, other then putting some sentences together. I often feel because of that, it never feels very cohesive or interesting. I now practice makes perfect, but i feel like there's something I'm missing with writing, as nothing changes xD. Perhaps it's just me or maybe you feel the same way? :)