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  1. #51
    A happy Pokémon! Ladybugclue's Avatar
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    In another dimension
    "Well, let's get started. Ooh pretty building under water."
    Search 46a the Sea Wish tower, floors 1-10

  2. #52
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shieldbearer View Post
    A large city... I'm feeling right at home already. I rarely have the time or reason to go exploring, though. While I'm not in the shape I'd like to be, weighing roughly 100 kilos more than usual... I might as well make my presence known and chat with people. I'll hit up 67. Wador the Lairon, the one that fits my typing best. Talk about recent events, mainly, but also possibly talk about friends, what they've been up to and all... Simple stuff.
    Might not have a chance later... I'd chat with any of the town's confirmed investigators or enforcers, but I do not appear to be the best off for any of them. I also inwardly must question why Rock has to beat Bug with how many Steel/Bug Pokemon there are...
    Interview Rapport: VERY POSITIVE
    +2 Shared Pokémon Types, Rock and Steel

    You approach Wador the Lairon, who seems to look a little tired after a long day at work. He doesn't notice you at first, but you gently introduce yourself to him and he seems to lighten up a bit.

    "Well, hey there, Aurimas" Wador nods to you. "I don't think I've seen you before. What's up?"

    You inquire about the Stalkers, asking Wador what he knows. It seems the little optimism that he had left suddenly fades away as he slips into a depression.

    "They're going to kill us all," Wador tells you as he shakes his head. "They killed my brother Nuco and when that happened, I lost faith in everything. I got reprimanded at work today because I'm just not able to focus anymore. I don't know how to keep going."

    Despite all that has happened, he tries to hide his feelings again. You can sense he has a lot of bad stuff bottled up and eating away at him. However, it seems Wador is only willing to share some of it with you. You can only imagine how much stress all of this is to him.

    "During one of my... lunch breaks, I wasn't feeling up to eating," Wador tells you. "I work at Seventy-One Manufacturing and... well, anyway, I couldn't bring myself to have lunch, so I just stepped outside for a moment hoping some fresh air and a bit of a walk might help get my mind off of things. But when I took a walk around the building, I came across something that just depressed me even further. I don't even know who or why they built it, but they put up a decorative monument in the back of the building. It's got three kids crying and looking like someone took something away from them. It depresses the hell out of me every time I look at it. Who would want to build something like that? Things are bad enough as is. We don't need things like that to just remind us of how bad things are, you know? I wish I knew who ordered the groundskeeper to put that up. I'd pay them to get rid of it, but I don't know who owns it and who ordered it to be put there."

    He sighs, looks away for a bit, but then looks back to you.

    "I hope I didn't depress you about this," Wador tells you, looking like he's experiencing dissonance from telling you all this. "I'm sure you've had the feeling too. Days you just want to give up. Days when you just want to wave a white flag at the world and beg them to just stop. I never meant to hurt anyone. I don't know why others don't feel the same way about me."

    "Well, I better head back home," Wador tells you. "It was... good to meet you, Aurimas. I hope you never have to go through what I go through every day. You seem like a decent, kind-hearted Pokémon."

    He then softly walks back to his apartment, seemingly alone in the world...

    Aurimas the Bastiodon (M: Rock/Steel)
    Health: 5/5
    Sanity: 4/4
    Perk: Diplomacy | Learned Abilities: Escort/Protect
    Failed Assassinations: 0/2

  3. #53
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shruikan View Post
    Wow, this is one big city. I'm not entirely sure where to start...
    Oh, you there, Ninetails! Can I have a few seconds of your time?

    (Interview (Mission) 109. Hattika the Ninetales)
    You introduce yourself as you approach Hattika, who seems to be in distress. As you approach her, it seems you've been one of the rare few Pokémon willing to come forward to her.

    "Hello there, Fir," she speaks softly and gently, giving you an encouraging and compassionate glance. "I... You see, maybe there's something you can help me with. It's important to me if you don't mind."

    She looks down for a moment, taking her front paw and placing it on her chest, feeling there as if there was once something there that seems to be gone. She closes her eyes, looking like she's in a bit of emotional pain.

    "I lost something very dear to me," Hattika explains. "It's a gold and ruby necklace that my... my mother passed down to me. She died a few years ago and it's... it's the only thing I have left to remember her by. I've always kept it close to my heart and it always made me feel like my mother was with me all the time in both the good times and bad times."

    "I was out shopping, trying to run some errands and it wasn't until I got back home did I suddenly realize it was gone," Hattika explains. "I was... I was horrified and in tears. I spent days frantically looking for it and I asked all the shop owners I saw that day if they had seen it. They simply shook their heads. I don't know where to look anymore or where it could possibly be. I shudder to think someone found it and simply sold it for money when they have no idea how much it means to me."

    "Please, Fir, I need your help finding it," Hattika pleas with you. "With all the bad things going on right now, just having that necklace back would mean so much to me. I hope you can find it. Maybe all it takes is just another set of eyes to check the few places everyone else has overlooked."

    MISSION OPENED: Find Hattika's necklace.

    Fir the Luxray (M: Electric)
    Health: 5/5
    Sanity: 4/4
    Perk: First Aid | Learned Abilities: Escort/Protect
    Failed Assassinations: 0/2

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Velocity View Post

    Excuse me, Honchkrow - Brenne, right? It's great to meet you! Could I just get a few moments of your time, so that you could tell me a little bit about yourself and your city?

    Interview 88, Brenne the Honchkrow.
    +1 Shared type
    +1 Shared evolution stage
    Intimidation +1 Interviewee weak to Fairy

    Although you know that Brenne the Honchkrow is a citizen in Silvercoal City, you have an enormous amount of trouble locating her. The only reason you manage to find her is because, like her, you can soar just below the clouds and survey what lies down below. You spotted her on the roof of the Dakin Apartment Tower, and soared down to greet her. She is surprised by your entry and jumps, clearly on edge as she studies you with her eyes until you speak.

    "Why...why yes, that's me. How did you..." She narrows her eyes suspiciously, then takes a step forward. Her wary expression melts into one of amusement and mild excitement, and she presents you with a large grin. "Well, well! Seems we have a curious one!" She takes an overly exaggerated bow, throwing one wing up as the other crosses her chest. She angles back up but her wings remain. "I am Brenne, as you know, and I am...a master thief." She whispers the final two words and flutters over you, landing behind you and throwing a wing over your back.

    "Look, pal. I know you could down me in one Dazzling Gleam, but 'ey, let's not consider that option right now. Ya see, I can help you out. I can teach you things. Things that'll help you with these dastardly Stalkers." She separates from you and hops in front of you, lightly poking your patterned belly with the tip of her wing. "You look like the, err...protective type, right? I'm prob'ly right. But girl, you've gotta learn to get yourself out of sticky situations...and rescue your friends." She leaps onto a rickety antenna, trying to hide the fact that she's struggling to maintain balance. "You're an Emissary. I know, I know, I shouldn't know that...but I do. And I know you're going to need to save your friends, right? Set them free if they get captured? That's where I come in!"

    She thuds before you again, whipping out a pamphlet seemingly from nowhere. "This is me! Ya seen it? You found this pamphlet yet?" She continues to look at you, but realises the answer. "Right, well, you'd have found this on Floor Thirty-Five of Ironrock Apartments. No use now, is it?" She tossed it behind her without removing her eyes from you, and you watch the pamphlet disappear off the rooftop. "So if any of you guys want to come learn Escape/Rescue, meet me on the rooftop and I can give you some lessons!"

    "There are a few other Skill Teachers around the city who can help you learn a second skill! But we don't network, and even if we did, I wouldn't give you their names... Sorry. Precautions and all. Plus...I'm probably wanted by the police, so, heh, don't go spreading my name around." She gives you another sly smile and beats her wings once, getting ready to take off. "See ya round, Velo. It was nice to make your acquaintance. And remember: escaping danger is surviving!"

    Brenne takes to the skies, disappearing behind some buildings.

    Interview Type UNLOCKED: Interview (Learn) any known Skill Teacher to learn their taught skill!

    Velo the Togekiss (M: Fairy/Flying)
    Health: 5/5
    Sanity: 4/4
    Perk: Science | Learned Abilities: Escort/Protect
    Failed Assassinations: 0/2

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by ant2011 View Post
    -sigh- I overslept and now I'm alone as usual. I'll go someplace quiet, someplace a little familiar to me.

    Search (4) Black Rose Funeral Home
    You approach the Black Rose Funeral Home which is on a large, lush property. Its location right beside the park, helps to give it a serene feel despite the building's purpose. You can tell that the garden has been well maintained, so Carmin, the Gothitelle who runs the funeral home, must deem its appearance important.

    You begin searching the exterior, where it is possible someone may have hid something. However, you find nothing of importance and carefully head on inside. The daylight is fading, but you can still see everything with ease. You start with the foyer, where you find nothing really of note. There are some brochures for the funeral home and grief counselling, as well as some waiting chairs, as well as decorative flowers. Next you head into what looks to be Carmin's office. You begin to look around and can't see much out of the ordinary. There's a picture of a Kirlia on her desk, who you figure has some significance to her. Suddenly a pamphlet which wasn't out in the foyer catches your eye. It appears to be one similar to the one that Velo found, except it's advertising a different skill. You pick it up and read it.

    "Brought to you by Innocuous Investigations: See Lora the Kirlia to learn how to Investigate!"

    The pamphlet is simple and plain, but you decide that it's worth taking note of what it's telling you.

    You look around the rest of the home, but nothing seems out of place. You figure that there is nothing else here.

    Marrow the Cubone (S: Ground)
    Health: 4/4
    Sanity: 4/4
    Perk: First Aid | Learned Abilities: Rescue/Escape
    Failed Assassinations: 0/2

  6. #56
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladybugclue View Post
    "Well, let's get started. Ooh pretty building under water."
    Search 46a the Sea Wish tower, floors 1-10
    After heading underwater toward the Sea Wish Tower, you have your sights set on exploring the first series of floors in this large, underwater apartment building where most of Silvercoal City's water Pokémon live.

    It seems not a whole lot of Pokémon get to see this place due to the fact they wouldn't be able to breathe down here, but for water Pokémon, it is exceptionally quieter, cleaner, and feels much more like home. The Seawish Tower in particular is quite good in quality and feels serene and peaceful. You can tell the building is definitely well-maintained and you could definitely see yourself enjoying a life of living here.

    You start by searching the first ten floors of the building, all of which have nice, orderly apartments. A lot of the furniture and electronics here are definitely intended for underwater environments only, and there definitely isn't much use of paper or material that would degrade from being wet for too long. Special conversions have been done to the electronics to ensure they wouldn't be ruined from the water.

    Nothing seems too out of the ordinary until you get to the mysterious 9th floor. It seems a lot of the apartments here are currently unoccupied. But there is one that looks like it has been recently tampered with beyond the building owner's knowledge. On the door itself is the depiction of a large skull of what looks like a Charizard. It definitely seems strangely ironic the skeletal head of a fire type Pokémon has been placed in an underwater apartment building like this one. It seems not too many of the building's tenants have looked into this or wondered what it might be about.

    You approach the door and try to turn the knob, but it seems it's locked and there is a similar, smaller skull emblem by the key hole.

    Locked Door {Skull Door: Skull Emblem} has been noted in the Team Records.

    It seems you have found all there is left to find here. You decide to head out of the building and swim back to the surface with your new findings.

    Marta the Buizel (M: Water)
    Health: 5/5
    Sanity: 4/4
    Perk: Lockpick | Learned Abilities: Investigation
    Failed Assassinations: 0/2

  7. #57
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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  8. #58
    🍁Orange Fluff Ball❄️ azura evley's Avatar
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    we make lots of maple syrup here
    just wanted to point out that some interviewed npc are still marked <unquestioned> @Neo Emolga @suicune fire


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  10. #59
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azura evley View Post
    just wanted to point out that some interviewed npc are still marked <unquestioned> @Neo Emolga @suicune fire
    Ohhh snap, thanks for bringing that to our attention. I made up the updates and checked to make sure everything was nicely linked. :3

  11. #60
    🍁Orange Fluff Ball❄️ azura evley's Avatar
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    we make lots of maple syrup here
    search (1a) Sunspot Apartment Tower floor 1-10

    no zeal, bot to top is the way to go.



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