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    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Mar 2013

    Kingdom Hearts: Unwritten [ SU and Discussion ]

    In ancient times, no such buffers kept the larger World divided; there were no walls of light enclosing each smaller world the way they do today. Nothing prevented one from physically interfering with the next.

    At that time, the World was filled with light, and a great many Keyblade wielders. But without buffers, the worlds began to squabble over ownership of the light. You see, they learned of the Keyblade’s true use. War broke out as each of the Keyblade wielders struggled to lay claim to an almighty entity known as Kingdom Hearts.

    Kingdom Hearts could be described as an aggregate of hearts. Worlds, too, have hearts, just like people; each world’s heart is concealed from sight, beyond a hidden door. By gathering all the hearts of all the worlds in a single place, one may complete Kingdom Hearts.

    -Xehanort’s Report 3

    The course of history has greatly shown that with great power comes great corruption. Greatness springs from the heart that bears that burden with humility, yet darkness is born from the weaknesses of men who fall into temptation’s path. Such was the case of the legendary Keyblade Wielders. At one time, they were as common in the wide World as the stars in the sky, each chosen by the strength of their heart or by inheritance from a true master. They were given the keys to wondrous powers of peace… or destruction. For a time, the light of the World was protected by the wielders, but soon darkness was born in the hearts of greedy men. With all their power, the key bearers could not stop its spread, and some became corrupted themselves. After all, they, too, were only human.

    A great and terrible war erupted, devastating the World of Worlds. Those who remained loyal to the light clashed against they who had accepted the darkness, yet either side was giving in to the thirst of power. Equally matched, no victories were made. The only thing the Keyblade War achieved was the separation of worlds, and the near-destruction of the bearers themselves. Eventually the War was brought to an end, and its account slowly faded from the pages of history. With their numbers diminished, the Keyblade wielders chose to fade into the background. Much knowledge of their own potential had been lost, yet what was remembered was silently and secretively passed from one generation to the next.

    Within time, the numbers of the Chosen began to steadily rise once again, but there was a shortage of Masters available to teach the new wielders. Realizing this new dilemma, a group of veterans decided to come together and create a place to foster learning and growth, a place where it would be easier to teach large groups of hopefuls. Together, they searched the stars for a place they could give their vision a home, and found it in a world covered in vast forests. It seemed uninhabited by intelligent life-forms, the perfect place to keep their work secret.

    The Masters dubbed the world Everlastia, in hopes that the ways of the keyblade would ever endure there, then set to work building the Keyblade Guild. Not long after they laid the foundation did remarkable things occur. A peculiar tree with leaves of white and bark of silver sprouted at the heart of the Guild. At night, its boughs were alive with light, which the founding Masters took as a good omen for their future. From then on, it was called the Tree of Blessings, and it was shown to reflect the spirit of the people who resided there. Yet this world did not cease to amaze its new occupants. The other trees surrounding the Guild grew massively large, but when made into paper and bound into a book, a special magic was born. Any who read an Everlastian book could be literally whisked away to another world. The founding Masters saw much potential with these books, ways to aide them in the continuing battle against the darkness.

    After becoming firmly established, the Masters’ vision became a reality. New keyblade bearers were recruited by Seekers venturing through the books to other worlds. These students were given training on a general level, then paired with a Master for personal instruction. Once they were proficient enough, the students were allowed to use the books to travel to other worlds to fulfill what the Founders thought was the best way to combat the darkness: find and seal the worlds’ keyholes. When the time would come, the student would be examined for the Mark of Mastery; should they pass, they would become a full-fledged Master, and have the choice to stay and train others, or leave to fight the darkness on their own initiative.

    The Keyblade Guild thrived for several decades, even after the Founding Masters passed away. The torch of the Keyblade Wielder was passed from one generation to the next, with knowledge growing and their light growing stronger. Yet all could not remain peaceful, as the hunt for more knowledge and power continued. Light casts shadows, and darkness found a way into the hearts of few. As the one hundred year anniversary of the Guild’s founding approached, a great division occurred within its halls as a handful of Masters began to question the old ways. So much was still unanswered, forgotten in the tides of the great Keyblade War. Was it truly their calling to fight the unending darkness? Surely, there had to be more to the Keyblade then that. With such questions in their minds, these Masters began to believe that there was no real way to eradicate the forces of darkness. Some thought that it could only be kept at bay, and that the best way to do that was to somehow control it. The Elders and those undeniably allied to the light flat-out refused these notions, and banished the dark wielders from the Guild.

    Despite their departure, seeds of corruption have already been sown. The apprentices of the dark wielders secretly continue to practice what they had been taught under the noses of the Elders, and rebellion is growing in their hearts. Doubt and distrust are quickly spreading as darkness begins to thrive within the Guild. The Elders and Masters are finding their hands full these days as they discover that a new threat is endangering the order of the worlds: creatures of the shadows known as Heartless. They have started appearing in other worlds, threatening the lives of the peaceful natives, and it seems that the Keyblade is the only way to defeat them. Though problems are starting to grow within the Guild itself, the Elders are sending Masters—and even Apprentices and Recruits—to other worlds to investigate this disturbing outbreak of monsters.

    Yet on the home front, things will never be the same. For so long, the keyblade bearers were fighting the darkness in the outside world, but they never expected the darkness to be spreading within their own. The time is quickly approaching when the bearers will be force to pick a side. Will you fight for the light? Or will you join in the pursuit of power?

    Note: In regards to the Kingdom Hearts timeline, this RP occurs after the events of Birth by Sleep—but before Sora’s first great adventure, and after the fall of Radiant Garden.

    The Keyblade Guild
    Faces and Places

    The Guild is built like a series of mini castles, crafted from white marble. Circles represent towers (except for the Tree of Blessings, of course), and the left and right side of the Guild are surrounded by forest. To the north lies the Training fields, and to the South is the Journey River—which can only be crossed at the main bridge leading into the Great Hall. Down that river one can find the quiet village known as River Town, where some of the world’s non-wielder citizens live.

    The Great Hall: This is the main entrance to the Guild, just across from a bridge that spans over the Journey River. Here, one finds the ballroom and the throne-like Council Room where the Elders often work. On either wing of the Great Hall building are classrooms where both Apprentices and Recruits alike are taught. Unlike modern classrooms, these studios are wide and roomy, used for both lectures and fencing practices. Here, too, one may find the Healer’s Wing.

    The Library: Across the courtyard directly behind the Great Hall is the massive Library. Two stories tall, the entire building is dedicated to the books leading to other worlds. Most of its halls remain empty, still waiting for books to be crafted to fill their shelves. Currently, both floors in the middle section are full, while the west wing houses some non-magical books for the enjoyment of students. The Library’s solitary tower is strictly off-limits to students, being the private housing for the Elders.

    Mess Hall: Here one can find the cafeteria, food stores, kitchens, and so on. It’s one of the newer buildings in the Guild, and lacks the castle-like design of the other buildings.

    Armory: Sitting before the field students call “the Arena”, the Armory is run by—you guessed it—the Moogles. Here, weapons, armor, and such are forged for wielders young and old. The Arena is a field where students can practice sparring, though most often it is used for rivalry challenges. Other fields are cleared around the Armory, used for instructions and obstacle courses.

    Dorms and the Apprentice Halls: These buildings are the housing for the students, and look quite cathedral-like in architecture. New recruits who have yet to gain an apprenticeship reside in the dorms, while apprentices live in the halls. Rooms are assigned three students apiece. Masters who stay within the Guild live within the towers, getting much more private rooms.


    Within the Guild, wielders are separated into several different groups. New students are given the rank of a Recruit, and after becoming apprenticed to a Master they can achieve several other titles: Supporter, Locker, Seeker, Master, Keeper, or Bookbinder. The highest group is the Elders, who are basically the main staff of the Guild.

    --Recruit: The entry level. Students in this category have just been discovered by a Seeker, and are new to the ways of the Keyblade. Here, they receive education on their newfound abilities and other matters surrounding the Keyblade in a formal classroom setting. Those not experienced in swordplay are given basic training in that area.

    --Apprentice: The second level. Students in this rank have been apprenticed to a Master (who must formally ask the Elders permission to train this student), and are expected to learn how to apply their new knowledge. The Master personalizes the next level of teaching to his or her pupil, so that their inner abilities may be discovered or unlocked. After being through enough training, the pupil can go to other worlds to assist in locking the keyholes or seeking new recruits.

    --Seeker: Apprentice or Master task. Seekers, well, seek. They are sent out to search out the worlds when a new Keyblade bearer is detected by the Elders. After finding them, they are responsible for bringing the new bearer back to the Guild. Most often newly fledged Masters who have yet to take on an apprentice are given this task, though some of the oldest, most experienced Apprentices can be picked as well.

    --Master: Highest level granted by the Guild. After being examined for the Mark of Mastery by the Elders (and hopefully succeeding), these wielders get the fancy title of Master. They have been taught everything the Guild can offer about the ways of the Keyblade, and are thus able to act on their own initiative—so long as they don’t interfere with the Guild’s order. They may take on their own apprentice (they can have several at a time), or pass the key to someone they find worthy. Now and again, they might be given assignments from the Elders of the Guild to lock keyholes, seek new students, or investigate problems with darkness. A group of Masters known as Keepers stay to defend the Guild from harm, or take care of its land, or work within the Library.

    --Elder: One of the leaders of the Guild. The Elders make up a council of seven who dictate and manage the many aspects of the Guild. The oldest, wisest, and most experienced of Masters, these men and women are granted authority over the Masters who stay within the Guild. They have the last say in every matter, save it be the Bookbinder’s choices.

    --Bookbinder: Mysterious craftsmen within the Library. They are secretive and rarely seen, but it is they who create the books and choose Lockers. Bookbinders are usually Masters, and they can have apprentices, but usually they keep to themselves and their work.

    The Library

    As years passed by, the art of book-making became a well-kept secret within the Guild. Those responsible for creating those books became just as secretive—most rarely being seen by the rest of the Guild. When a new book to a new world is crafted, the bookbinder seeks out the keyblade bearer they feel is best suited for locking the world’s heart. Since they prefer to stay unanimous, most don’t actually hand the books over in person. Rather, they leave the book some place where they knew the chosen bearer will find it. On rare occasions, younger apprentices may receive a book, but the Elders never question the bookbinder’s decision (even if they don’t like it).

    After the world’s heart is secured, the book is stored in the ever-increasing Library, where they can be accessed again with special permission. Most often, it is the seekers who re-enter books, though Masters are allowed to use them as they please. Nowadays, the books are being used to investigate the spread of the Heartless by bearers of all ranks. However, it is utterly forbidden for wielders of any rank to interfere with the affairs of these worlds. Indeed, they must interact as little as possible with the inhabitants. Librarians working within the library regulate the usage of the books, though are not affiliated with the binders.

    The books’ magic activates as soon as one opens their pages. Anyone touching the book’s holder at that time joins them as they jump to another world. The world’s book itself travels with the bearer, and when the Keyblade wielder’s task is done it can transport him/her back to Everlastia. Bearers are warned to keep a close eye on their book, because if they lose it they have no way to return back.


    1-Follow typical RP rules (meaning no godmodding, bunnying, flaming, teleporting, ect)

    2-Follow Forum Rules, of course (no double posting, ect)

    3-Please use proper grammar, spelling, ect.

    4-Posts must be at least two paragraphs long

    5- Feel free to create characters from any fandom, so long as it makes sense, but I would ask that you refrain from using “canon” characters, and limit yourself to three or four individuals.

    6-Keep things PG-rated, meaning no excessive gore, profanity, sensual material, ect. It’s Kingdom Hearts, ya know.

    7-Only sign up if you plan on being active. If something comes up where you are unable to post, please be sure to inform the rest of us. Ask someone to bunny your character if you must leave for a brief period of time.

    8-Place titles above your posts that tells your character’s name, alignment, rank, and place. Something that looks like:

    Rush Peterson
    Light, Recruit
    Everlastia, Library

    9- Be courteous and polite to other RPers, and have fun.

    (*Rules may be subject to change)


    Character Sign-up:

    Name: (First, Last optional)

    Gender: (Male or Female)

    Age: (Be reasonable with this)

    Alignment: <Light, Dark, or Undecided>

    Rank: <Recruit, Apprentice, Master, Elder, or Bookbinder>

    Appearance: (What your character looks like; pics allowed, or descriptive paragraphs)

    Personality: (How your character acts, weaknesses and strengths, ect)

    History: (How your character became who she/he is; Be sure to describe their home world, and how they came to the Guild, their training so far, so on. Two or three paragraphs at the least)

    Keyblade: (pictures or links, as well as powers and such)

    Other: (Any other details you feel are needed; here you can say who your character is apprenticed to—if they’re an apprentice, that is—or details you might need to add to describe the fandom you pulled your character from)
    Last edited by Saraibre Ryu; 04-15-2015 at 03:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Accepted Characters:


    Rush Peterson--FedoraChar
    Baltaire and Frago--Comatose
    Daisuke "Die"--Sanctus
    Celeste Piper--FedoraChar


    Vanessa Garrick--FedoraChar
    Chase Owens


    Kaiden "Ghost/Spectre"--Saraibre Ryu


    Winter (Kokoro, Kakaze, ???)
    Eternity (Iolanthe)
    Lightning Dash (???)
    XaiakuX (???)
    Sanctus (Daisuke "Die")

    Last edited by FedoraChar; 04-18-2015 at 03:02 AM.

    Banner by the legendary Neo Emolga!
    Little Lizard's Library of Tales
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    Number III, the Argent Flame

  3. #3
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    Name: Rush Peterson

    Gender: Male

    Age: 15

    Alignment: Light


    Appearance: Rush may be a bit short for his age, and as a result people often mistake him for being younger. He doesn’t have much strength to speak off, being a little on the frail side, but he can be quick when it comes to it. Though he’s adjusted to certain fashions of this new world he found himself thrown into, he retains the look and feel of a typical Pokémon Trainer, with a street-worthy jacket barred black, white, and red. Because he’s required to, he wears a bit of armor in the form of finger-less gauntlets, but he won’t be giving up the black ski cap that he hides his shag-style blonde hair under. His sapphire-blue eyes sparkle with a keen eagerness to please.

    Personality: The ideals and principals of the Pokémon world stuck with Rush when he entered the world of a keyblade bearer. Gentle and caring, Rush is ever the pacifist. He isn’t overly fond of fighting in any form, and would prefer to avoid it completely if at all possible. Because of this, he has little confidence in his ability as a keyblade bearer. Though he longs to do good, he just can’t quite get with the program. How could weapons solve anything? With a questioning attitude like that, Rush has been faltering with his training—the sole reason why he has been stuck as a recruit for so long. Once bright and optimistic on the outside, the boy now deals with discouragement and fears. Still, Rush finds comfort in the friendships he has gained within the Guild. He places great trust in them, and would be willing to give anything for them.

    Rush came from a world we are all very well acquainted with, a world that for so long remained far and separate from the others dotting the grand expanse of the universe. Yet when he was still quite young, those protected borders fell apart, thanks to research into Shadow Pokémon and their hearts. Heartless were attracted by the darkness unleashed in those creatures’ hearts, and it caused all sorts of trouble for the locals. Trainers were unable to fight against them, since they quickly figured out that Heartless couldn’t be captured by Poké Balls.

    Luckily, a book was forged back in Everlastia that allowed the keyblade bearers to come to the rescue. They were able to fight the Heartless back, find the world’s keyhole, and prevent the darkness from prevailing. The Legendary Pokémon took over once their work was completed, restoring the order and rebuilding the barriers. Life returned to normal in all the regions, and finally the research done on Shadow Pokémon was destroyed. They keyblade warriors disappeared, and were quite forgotten… until the Elders of the Guild sensed that a new bearer had surfaced.

    Rush grew up in the region of Almia, where it was every lad’s dream to become a noble Pokémon Ranger. Adventurous and energetic Rush, too, desired to become one, and was happy to let everyone else know it. He and his close friends would often play-pretend Ranger games, waving sticks around like stylers or performing “Target Clear!” ’s. The Ranger School—where the heroes and heroines were trained—wasn’t very far from his village, and his parents were close friends with a few of the teachers there. The pathway to his dream was clear, every bit as possible as the air he breathed. That is… until he fell unexpectedly ill.

    The sickness struck him suddenly and without warning. One minute he was a happy, playful, ten-year-old boy, the next he was struggling for life. All he can remember from this time in his life was the high fever that muddled his thoughts, the coughing fits he never thought would end, and a dream… a strange, strange dream with stained glass and darkness. In the few weak moments he could remember being awake, his mother or father had been watching over him with great concern—and someone else, just behind their shoulders. Who this person was, he wasn’t sure, but he felt like a stranger.

    As days turned into long weeks, the doctors didn’t expect Rush’s condition to improve. One after another, they started to give up, but not Rush or his family. They sought for some way to heal their little boy, though it seemed every path they followed led to a dead end. Then one day, someone came to them with an offer. She was dressed very strangely, seeming not at all from their world, and even the way she spoke was peculiar. Eventually, she revealed herself as a Keyblade Wielder. For some time, she had been on the trail of a new bearer, and finally realized that the frail and sickly boy was indeed the one she had been looking for. The strange dream he had been through was in fact his Awakening as a wielder. Being gifted with magic, the woman offers a way to heal Rush of his sicknesses—with a price. Rush would have to come with her back to the Keyblade Guild and learn how to master his abilities.

    The choice was difficult for his parents to make. Either way they chose, they were most likely going to lose their boy. In the end, they decided that it was more important to preserve Rush’s life, even if it meant a heart-breaking separation. The Keyblade wielder then took Rush from the Pokemon World, bringing him back to Everlastia to recover from his illness. With her magic, he was able to recover, but even after he tended to be frail and prone to sicknesses. Yet that didn’t discourage the Masters of the Guild from pounding lessons into him. They taught and taught, and he trained and trained… but he had difficult time learning. Years passed by to this very day, where Rush is still a mere Recruit, dreaming of one day returning to his own world.

    Keyblade: Song of the Legends

    Other: NPC friends include Embry (quiet, down-to-earth gal), who is the apprentice to Master Vanessa


    Chase Owens

    Gender: Male

    Age: 19

    Alignment: Dark

    Rank: Ex-Apprentice (Master was exiled)

    Appearance: Chase stands at exactly six feet, though there’s nothing extraordinary about his build at that height. But don’t let his lanky form fool you—he can be overwhelmingly strong and swift when called into battle. His skin is rather pale, as if he had for most of his life hid from the light of day. Emotions rarely express themselves on his gaunt face, but his keen, unnerving yellow eyes seem to acutely take in every detail around him. People unfortunate enough to attract his gaze swear that they feel like they’re being watched by a cunning predator—watching and waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce. As such, it’s very rare to see anyone with Mr. Owens…

    When it comes to apparel, Chase’s favorite color is black. Most likely, you’ll spot him his a dark leather jacket decorated with all manner of silver studs, spikes, and chains, around a seemingly countless amounts of pockets. The jacket is usually undone, exposing the gray, skull-printed t-shirt he wears underneath. He also wears a long, baggy pair of black jeans that similarly have chains wrapped around his legs. Despite all this metal covering him—Chase rarely makes a sound. People very rarely hear him coming before they sense his unnerving presence…

    It would be interesting to note that Chase is a gifted Shapeshifter. He inherited this ability from his home world, and takes great advantage of it while at the Guild. His forms (all black in color) include a rat, a raven, a dog, and a fire-drake (lion-sized reptile from his world resembling a wingless dragon). There may be more forms, but the only people who know about Chase’s abilities are those who are on his side. Not even the Masters and Elders of the Guild know what he is capable of.

    Personality: Chase is quite the mystery, an enigma within the Guild. He very rarely speaks, unless spoken to, but always seems to be observing. His extreme patience is to be admired, but at the same time this very aspect of his character is what unnerves people the most. Why? Because they have no idea what he’s waiting for, nor what he will do next. This silent, stalking personality makes him quite unpredictable, especially since he very rarely expresses emotions of any kind. Even his fellow students secretly pursing the Dark Arts are never sure if Chase is really on their side. Nevertheless, he is obedient to the orders of the Masters who contact him outside of the Guild, and carries them out with great efficiency. Yet sometimes one wonders if something much more menacing is going on in his little head.

    Needless to say, others don’t especially like spending time in his presence…

    The young man seems to have a morbid curiosity about people, especially those who struggle to fight their own darkness. His gifts in magic allow him to secretly spy on his persons of interest without detection, and since he currently does not have a Master within the Guild, he has had plenty of opportunity to do so.

    Not much is known about Chase’s background, since he very rarely shares anything of his past to anyone (not that he has had much opportunity to do so). But his world was one that was full of much fear and darkness to begin with. There, arcane and black magic ran amok. Witches and terrible warlocks terrorized the lives of superstitious peasant folk; feral beasts roamed forbidden places, devouring those who strayed from straight paths or placing curses on those who were lucky enough to survive. This was a world brimming with werewolves, vampires (not the sparkly kind :P), goblins, and spiteful fae—a world we only dream about on Halloween night.

    When he was just an infant, Chase was taken from his family and replaced with a changeling. While a stranger grew up in his rightful home, Chase was raised by a prickly old hag who was more interested in experimenting on him with magic than caring for his needs. The boy learned how to take care of himself eventually, but the experimentation and abuse from the witch continued. It was her tinkering that gave him the ability to Shape-shift, but the gift had its repercussions. As time went on, Chase started to act less like a human and more like… something else. Some of the witch’s attitudes about other creatures were instilled within him as well; thus, he gained that morbid curiosity of his.

    With darkness wreaking havoc in that world of his, it was inevitable that it would fall one day. Yet for some reason, Chase didn’t disappear with it. Instead, he was incarcerated into a stone that was sent out into the wider universe. Eventually, the stone was picked up by a Wielder of the Keyblade. Through his arts, he was able to call Chase from out of the stone.

    This Keyblade Master became greatly intrigued by Chase when he discovered the boy’s Shape-shifting skills. Finding him as a suitable pupil, the Master passed on the keyblade to him and took him back to the Guild for training. The boy took to it well—especially when his Master began dabbling with the powers of Darkness. Chase seemed especially eager to learn more about these powers, but unfortunately his Master was discovered one ill day. He was thrown out of the Guild, while Chase remained… but now, as a nineteen year old, he works with some of the other Apprentices who are continuing their search for control over the Darkness.

    Keyblade: Ominous Blight

    Other: Like Riku and Zexion, Chase has the ability to “smell” darkness. (And no, he’s not a Nobody)


    Name: Vanessa Garrick

    Gender: Female

    Age: 26

    Alignment: Dark


    Seductive and beautiful, Vanessa has all the looks of an elegant supermodel. Her fine, porcelain skin is utterly flawless, with perfect red lips standing out on her artfully angled face. Above her unnatural amber eyes, her raven-black hair cascades down past her shoulders gracefully. She stands a little taller than most men, even without her classy black high-heels, and wears a flowing, feminine cloak over figure-fitting combat attire. Her smile is disarming, always hiding a scheme or two.

    Personality: Confident and ambitious, Vanessa knows how to use her charms to get what she wants. One word could describe her perfectly: vain. Always hungry and never satisfied with her lust for power, she can be very cunning and manipulative. She treats those below her with condescension, but will appear silky-sweet to those that she believes she can use. Having no fear of the darkness, she will use it as she will, and believes it to be yet another useful tool to get what she wants. Towards the Elders and the “goody-two-shoes” of the Guild, she acts contemptuous and seeks to gain her revenge against them. When angered—which happens often, as she has a short temper—she holds grudges for ages and hasn’t been known to ever forgive her enemies.

    In her world, before she came to be a keyblade bearer, Vanessa was one of nine princesses of a very wealthy kingdom. Yet the reign of the king in her day was not as extensive as in the past. The Royal Family was more or less an icon for their nation. Nonetheless, they were lavishly rich, and somewhat of a celebrity group to their people. Being the youngest princess, Vanessa was especially spoiled. Since her early days, she was told that she could have whatever she wanted. And that, she took advantage of.

    However her mother, the queen, didn’t want her daughter to grow up a spoiled airhead. She whetted Vanessa’s cunning, helping her to realize that having power over others was indeed a desirable gift. Early on, the child learned to deviously manipulate those around her. Vanessa grew to like power—maybe even became obsessive over it. For now, the people thought her harmless, sensing no real maliciousness in her antics. Yet.

    When Vanessa reached the age of twelve, she was discovered by a Seeker from the Keyblade Guild. This stranger explained to the king about her potential gifts, but the king would have none of it. It was, after all, improper for a princess to become a warrior. But Vanessa had seen for herself what a keyblade bearer was capable of. If she could wield that same power, then why deny herself the opportunity? Deceiving her family and the keyblade Seeker, Vanessa convinced the stranger to take her back to the Keyblade Guild.

    Once there, Vanessa never looked back. Though she missed having the influence she had in her old world, she quickly gained popularity and followers. She hungrily gleaned all knowledge she could gain from the Masters, rising quickly through the ranks. Perhaps the one things she kept from her old world was her mother’s advice. She saw everyone around her as mere tools in getting what she wanted.

    Towards the end of her apprenticeship to Master Theron, however, she was growing tired of the Guild. They seemed a little too careful for her liking. Why were they so cautious about the darkness? That she could never understand. Luckily for her, she would get a chance to find out as Master Theron started researching in secret. The old master never sought to gain control of the darkness—rather, he wanted to better understand it, to better combat it. His experiments would later give him great cause for grief… He realized to late the seeds of treason he planted in Vanessa’s heart.

    No one within the guild is sure of what happened, but eventually Theron’s experiments ceased. Vanessa passed her Mark of Mastery examination, by some strange means, while Theron was promoted to an Elder. The relationship between the two seemed especially distant during this time, until the day when Master Vanessa unexpectedly disappeared. It wasn’t uncommon for newly fledged Masters to go off on their own, granted, but Vanessa vanished without the slightest trace.

    A year passed before Vanessa finally—and suddenly—returned. Yet something seems different about her now. No one in the Guild can exactly place it, though. Regardless, they accepted her back into their ranks, welcoming her as one of their own. The Elders even granted her an Apprentice, at her request. But they never expected the dire consequences for their blind trust…

    Keyblade: Leviathan

    Hope's Destruction

    Other: Originally apprenticed to Theron, who is now an Elder in the Court, she now has an apprentice of her own: Rush’s close friend, Embry.

    Now that I've scared everyone away with walls of words, you may now post xD
    Last edited by FedoraChar; 04-15-2015 at 02:56 AM.

    Banner by the legendary Neo Emolga!
    Little Lizard's Library of Tales
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    Number III, the Argent Flame

  4. #4
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    OMG, this RP... Reserve, pretty please? Will probably drag in Kokoro, Kakaze, and Ailith again... Shame I didn't think to rescue old SUs from PE2K. Then again, they could all probably use some upgrades. XD

    EDIT: Actually, Kokoro, Kakaze, and a new face you'll probably come to hate. XD
    Last edited by Winter; 03-03-2015 at 04:32 PM.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  5. #5
    Soulless Bidoof~ Midnight Sun's Avatar
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    OMG, this is up YAYAAYAYAYAY *dies of epik overload*

    I'm reserving Ione! I'll try to dig up her old SU soon *coughnotbeinglazycough*
    Paired with my sweet sunshine, DVB

  6. #6
    The Perpetual Optimist Sieses's Avatar
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    Under a rock.
    Name: Miku

    Gender: Female

    Age: 22

    Alignment: Light

    Rank: Master

    Appearance: The most striking thing about Miku are her red eyes, although the sheer amount of world that Keyblade Wielders have been pulled form has made them a more common sight than they had been on her home world. Her black hair has been in a pixie cut since she starter her apprenticeship, since Master Amaranth had always said that long hair just gets in the way, and that was one of his lessons she was willing to take to heart.

    Other than that there is little about Miku that would draw attention to herself. She stands a bit shorter than the average for her age, and it is fairly obvious to an observer that she lost quite a bit of the muscle she had to gain to qualify as a master. Most of the time she only focused on her ability to get out of trouble when she dares to do physical exercise.

    She tends to layer clothes on her upper body; the uppermost layer usually being a large purple hoodie with a black key silhouette on the chest that would work better as a dress on her than it would its intended purpose. In contrast she wears nothing to cover her legs except a pair of black athletic shorts that can rarely be seen thanks to her massive hoodie, a pair of purple and black sneakers, and a pair of black knee-high socks that almost always end up around her ankles.

    Personality: Miku is perhaps one of the most driven Keyblade Masters in the Guild. Her moral compass has been corrupted to where the only way somebody is worth anything to her depends on how many people they help, but she only really holds herself to that standard. She also has a habit of overlooking a lot of the good she does.

    Her opinion on Darkness is one of the strangest in the Guild. She fears its corrupting influence more than anybody else, but to her knowledge this corruption comes in the form of needing more negative emotions to be more powerful with it instead of any inherent warping it does to the personality. She is willing to give anybody using it the benefit of the doubt, but believes that she herself using it would be what puts her beyond redemption. The only thing she is consistent about is abhorring creatures made out of Darkness.

    The worst thing about her personality, in her own opinion, is her complete lack of social skills. She can hold a conversation with a single other person easily enough, but any more than that and she tends to sink into the background without making any contribution. Any attempt to bring her back into the conversation at the point will just succeed at flustering her.

    History: Miku comes from a World with its own localized threat born of Darkness; the Noise. She was only nine years old when the World as a whole acknowledged their existence, and from that moment on she lived knowing that at any time unstoppable creatures could show up and take away everything she cared about. There was little she would stop at to have the power to deal with them herself.

    It was this singleminded hatred of the Noise that allowed Miku to be one of the first Keyblade Wielders in a long while to awaken their blade without a Master passing the ability onto them, although many suspect there was an outside force that played a role in that. Those rumors are supported by the fact that Master Amaranth was on the world at that time to research the Noise. The man was more than willing to take Miku to the Keyblade Guild after that feat, and she was more than happy to learn how to destroy the Noise more efficiently.

    While not the best student, Miku did well enough in her classes that she never had to worry about not being good enough for a Master, although just about everybody was surprised when one of the most experienced Keyblade Masters decided to take her in. Miku herself was just overjoyed at the chance to have that experience to herself.

    All joy that Miku has for the arrangements were snuffed out quickly enough. To his credit, Master Amaranth was rather upfront about the fact that none of the Elders would be happy with many of his projects, chief of all being his attempts to control the forces of Darkness for himself. He tried to spin it that he was the only one willing to go to such lengths to keep beings such as the Noise from doing any more harm, and when it was clear that he wouldn’t get anywhere with that he reminded her that he was the one who had the positive reputation in the Keyblade Guild.

    It was nearly three years later when Master Amaranth was officially declared an Elder, and that was when Miku decided enough was enough. She gathered up every bit of proof that she could and went to the other Elders about it while Master Amaranth was out looking into creatures called the Unversed that had appeared on several worlds.

    One of the Elders being banished off Everlastia for dabbing in the Darkness was anything but a quiet event, and soon just about everybody knew that Miku had been the apprentice to one of the most dangerous Keyblade Masters who had ever resided there. The only relief from everything that came with that was the remaining Elders decided that Miku had displayed the Mark of Mastery by bringing that to them as quickly as she could.

    Suspicion towards her slowly tapered off until nobody really remembered how she was related to the issue unless they stopped to think for a minute, but Miku never acknowledged that. Her life from that point on was to do all the good she could; make up for every crime Master Amaranth committed until she actually told somebody about him, which meant seal every Keyhole she could before the Heartless could get to them.

    Keyblade: Sign of Innocence

    Other: Miku has an Elemental Affinity towards Wind and Darkness.

    - - - -

    Name: Amaranth

    Gender: Male

    Age: 71

    Alignment: Dark

    Rank: Ex-Elder

    Appearance: Master Amaranth is a tiny little man who stood a head shorter than his apprentice when he first found her, whose hunched back often gives off the impression of him being frail and tired. All such assumptions would be false; those who got a good look at him would attest to him being in the best shape they had ever seen a man of his age be in. His bright orange eyes tend to be what people notice about him before that.

    Ever since leaving the Guild his outfit has consisted of a black wizard robe with purple swirls snaking around, a pair of sturdy black boots designed for combat, and a pair of thick black gloves. There is a hood to his cloak that he keeps up more often than not.

    His study of creatures born from Darkness has allowed himself to create a shell around himself that functions very much like they do. It is a tall figure wearing a tattered cloak that covers almost none of its arms and legs, both of which are rather like blades made out of darkness. There is almost always a hood over his head, although his face is easy enough to see; it glows purple like his limbs and looks rather like something off of a particularly terrifying jack-o-lantern.

    Personality: Amaranth is a rather affable individual; there was no way he would have be chosen to be an Elder if that was not the case. Deep down he truly holds no empathy for other people, believing that none of them even compare to a being made out of darkness, but he is an expert at pretending he does while not really ever lying.

    The strongest asset he has is his ability to get people to do things for him while making them think it is they who are benefiting from it; he tends to lose control of a situation when somebody involved realizes that this is not the case. He makes up for it by being able to sneak out of most trouble.

    He tends to annoy those who would make themselves his ally by not being too interested in the fight between Light and Dark; all he is interested in is learning just how the Darkness manages to create life while still being such a negative force in the universe. That being said, he would also happily jump in the fray if one side was doing something that could potentially help him crack that mystery. An official alliance between he and them, however, is unlikely to happen.

    History: Having been born in a world where creatures called the Grimm plague humanity, Amaranth found an interest in creatures born of the Darkness from an early age. It fascinated him that a single type of being could bring the whole of society to its knees. In pursuit of the knowledge he needed, he started training to be a Hunter, and was eventually accepted into Haven Academy. He was near the top of his class.

    His plans for the Grimm were both derailed and furthered when the Keyblade Wielders arrived on his world. They never really bothered the Grimm, local threat that they were, and instead made their way directly to Amaranth and a few others to recruit them into the Keyblade Guild. Amaranth was happy to take that opportunity.

    On top of the combat skills he had already gained from Haven Academy, Amaranth quickly became known as something of a prodigy when it came to magic; the combination of which found him a Master willing to train him much more quickly than most other Recruits did. Amaranth learned everything he could from the man before striking him down while out on a mission. He sold the Elders a sob story about how they were outnumbered, and he was promoted a week later for having been able to finish the mission despite what happened.

    The next few years went by simply; Amaranth searched the World using Corridors of Darkness behind the backs of the Elders and studied everything he could about the Darkness. He would take a mission or two whenever they were assigned to him to keep up appearances. Eventually this lifestyle ended when he found Miku and decided that he had to train her. She was just as interested in the Noise as he had been the Grimm, and he knew he would need a successor in case his research was not completed in his lifetime.

    When it became clear he was wrong about her shortly after taking her as an apprentice, he decided to teach her everything he knew anyway. Her reactions to what he was doing were always amusing. That decision ended up coming back to bite him shortly after he was declared an Elder, when she ran to his colleagues and told them everything.

    He would have probably been more mad about that if it didn’t suddenly give him all the time in the world to do his experiments. His skills rusted without anything he needed to fight for missions, but that was just another of the things that made him so happy about the situation; he was able to work at whatever he wanted without half the stress that he would have dealt with otherwise. And the other Dark Keyblade Wielders often put on enough of a show that he never got bored.

    Keyblade: Lunar Eclipse

    Other: Master Amaranth has an Elemental Affinity towards Darkness, Fire and Wind. His Semblance allows him control over wild animals - not attuned to creatures made out of darkness, but that’s hardly enough to stop a wily old Keyblade Master whose also plugged into the Darkness.
    Last edited by Sieses; 03-06-2015 at 04:08 PM.

  7. #7
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Yaaaaaayyy, you guys are coming back!!! :'D I'm glad y'all are still interested in this crazy little story of mine xD It's been on the back of my mind for some time now, and I finally decided I wanted to give it another shot (and hopefully do it justice as the GM xD)

    I'm looking forward to seeing some new and old faces! Consider everyone reserved! ^^

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    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FedoraChar View Post
    I would recycle my SUs, but I lost them when Pe2K went down. Oops. Kokoro and Kakaze are old and deserve a bit of attention, though, so I don't mind. Now I just gotta dig up Truth Seeker's old art and give them some new art. XD New face is...well, you'll see.

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    Breaker of the Fourth Wall Tyler Phoenix's Avatar
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    For the first time, I've actually got a hold of Kingdom Hearts. Right now, I'd have no idea of what anything was about in any way shape or form but I plan on sinking in some ideas later once I've played them - will SU's only be open a short while, or for a long time?

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    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    Yes hello hi excuse me let me just leave this post here.


    Name: Kaiden for the rare few that know her real name. She mostly goes by 'Ghost' or 'Spectre'

    Gender: Female

    Age: 20

    Alignment: Undecided

    Rank: Seeker?



    Personality: Kaiden is one hell of an observational, and silent person. She has a terrible habit for startling people by apparently moving from one spot to the next with no notice. She can be described as reserved but she can also be described as someone who takes little nonsense and isn't afraid to give you silver tongued sass and sarcasm so well refined that even those who are well aware of this sarcasm, aren't able to tell if she is being such or not. If she doesn't like you, she sees no point in hiding it. Kaiden see's no point in hiding who she is from people. She isn't as distasteful as to jeopardize something important if she has to work with someone she doesn't like. However if someone she doesn't like is acting distasteful towards someone, she will be quick to point them out to people that do not know them. Kaiden has a very fine tuned sense of word play and an even sharper sense of logic and reasoning. Verbal conversations are her forte and though she often tries not to get into an argument with others, she can't help it if she's finding someone, in layman's terms: being stupid. She will call you out on it, regardless of friend or foe. If you're the latter however, she will get creative with insults to a point where you won't know it until it's rolled around in your head for a few good minutes, making you yell out in defiance just before she hits you in the gut. On the friend side of the spectrum, the more friendly she is, she'll still make a clever insult that rolls around in your cranium, only to have you yell "Hey!" as she's already vanished with a smug grin on her face.

    This however creates an untrue air of her thinking she is better than everyone else, which is further from the truth than one end of the universe is from the other. If Kaiden see's something genuine in someone worth defending, she will do just that when the time comes for it. She believes in both theory and field work, though what kind of work she does is an absolute mystery to anyone else because she never talks about it with anyone else at all. She has no one to really call a friend as she hasn't spent enough one on one contact with people to form bonds. It's not that Kaiden refuses the idea of friendship, it's just that she hasn't found time for it. She spends only a third of her time at the Guild where she is rarely seen, and if she is, she's often pointed out to others for being the 'Ghost' or 'Spectre' of the Guild for rarely appearing and if so, it's often she's not wanted by others due to her enigmatic nature and 'not afraid to tell it to your face' attitude who doesn't seem to show much emotion. Kaiden does have emotion, she just shows them in smaller amounts. That is until something or someone really grinds her gears enough for her to promptly strike you so hard you wonder what train just hit you and if someone got it's plate number. Other than that she usually remains calm at all times, and sometimes even seems to have no sense of fear.

    Kaiden also has an interest in writing and composing music, with the help of her magic. She also has a decent singing voice and is a professional whistler. Her other hobbies include solving puzzles and general observation, and working out paradoxes.

    History: Kaiden lived in Radiant Garden in a small book shop next to a Moogle Store. She lived rather plainly while learning a bit of magic before it came the time that Radiant Garden would fall. Kaiden’s story begins after she arrived in Traverse Town, looking around for the home she once knew and wanted to know where she was. At a young age, all Kaiden had were her books, and having only a few with her, she scoured the town for any information about Radiant Garden, and any attempt to try and get back home. She tried to teach herself a combination of space bending magic in hopes to somehow return from where she had come from. She spent years gathering information in notebooks, living amongst a group of pleasant Moogles who seemed to sympathise with her. While she lived with them, she learned how to read and write in their language, as well as learning how to create proper magical equipment and synthesize materials.

    She spent a few years within Traverse Town before she came upon a strange book by accident within the Fourth District. It was then she was attacked by a large creature of darkness, but it was quickly stopped in its assault by a strange person with an unusual weapon. After the pair of them were safe, Kaiden learned that the book was not for her, but initially meant for someone else. That someone, failed to appear, and was taken by what the person called a Heartless. Kaiden, being ever so inquisitive, started badgering the stranger with questions about what a Heartless was and how they worked, what they existed for and what they were doing. The stranger couldn’t answer all of her questions, but instead was interested in the girl’s own writings. Kaiden told her she was looking for a way back home, but wasn’t able to find one yet. The stranger looked through the notes and found the work interesting, and even intriguing.

    The stranger then gave Kaiden an offer, showing her the strange weapon that she called a Keyblade. Kaiden held onto the weapon for just a moment, curious about what it was. The stranger gave her name as Mia, and she was from another world where they fought the Heartless, and were trying to help find places that were lost. Kaiden immediately became interested and almost demanded that she go along with Mia, as she wanted to find home as soon as possible. Mia had no reason to refuse, and within a week, Kaiden was taken to Everlastia and to where Mia lived in River Town. Unlike most apprentices to the Guild, Mia did not take Kaiden directly to the elders, but instead had another plan of action.

    Kaiden learned that Mia was a Master. She learned what this meant in time as the guild Elders accepted the request of training Kaiden away from the guild, rather than within its walls. Kaiden lived within a small apartment with Mia, which was over a café Mia ran in her spare time. Kaiden trained more fluently in the ways of magic, focusing on her affinity with space and time, and also a bit of fire magic, as Mia learned one day after Kaiden grew so frustrated with an assignment she almost set the entire place on fire. Kaiden went to the guild rarely and often on her own as Mia was busy with her own work or her own tasks. Whenever Kaiden was there, rumors quickly spread of her being some kind of ghost, and her reputation of being quiet and sneaking up on people earned her the nickname Ghost, and Spectre. Kaiden grew used to it and even played along with some of the rumors for fun, but she was mostly left alone. There were times where she would spend a few days at the Guild, so she had her own room, though not often used.

    As time passed, Kaiden grew older and Mia seemed to be growing weaker. Mia had come down with an ailment that was rapidly taking over her body, but she would not rest until she saw her apprentice become a keyblade master. In a private meeting, the Elder’s tested her abilities and while she passed, Mia made one more request: no one else was to know of Kaiden becoming a Master. While this request was highly irregular of the usual Guild ways, they respected her decision nonetheless and Kaiden’s identity of a Master was kept a secret. Kaiden however was put on Seeker’s assignments, and that is all that there was to be known by anyone else that was not the Elders, Kaiden, or Mia. There was further discussion, as Kaiden found it unusual at 17 she was pushed to become a Master by her own.

    Upon returning home that night, Mia told Kaiden of her research, and why she initially brought her to Everlastia. Though the conversation was brief, Kaiden understood what her role was in Mia’s plans. Initially angry at her, the feeling dissipated when Kaiden was told something else; the conversation that took place without her just before they had left for home.

    Kaiden only had a few days left with Mia before she passed on. Mia showed Kaiden a few last techniques and skills before her passing. To this day, Kaiden still returns occasionally to the Guild, carrying the same if not more rumors about her and her identity as a Master is still hidden from everyone else. She is still called the Ghost or Spectre of the Guild, and rarely works with anyone else on assignments, if not at all. She continues to run the café in River Town by herself. Anything else is an enigma.


    Kaiden's Keyblade amplifies her Time and Space magic. Her ability to enchant inanimate objects to do her will is also amplified by her Keyblade, but is strong enough on it's own.

    Other: Kaiden has magic focusing on enchanting inanimate objects. She often uses this in battle to create an extra set of hands or for composing music in her free time. Her combat abilities are similar to Aqua's Ghost Drive Command Finisher in BBS. She also knows really old magic though seems to specialize more so in Time and Space magic than anything else. I'm having them listed here for future reference. Her only other specialization is specific Fire Magics but she rarely uses these, only when she gets very, very fed up with something, indicating they are higher level tiered spells, and they are always a blue colour instead of red.

    This is my personal list of magic for reasons.

    Zero Gravity

    Mine Square
    Mine Shield
    Collision Magnet
    Magnet Spiral




    Fire Surge
    Crawling Fire
    Fission Firaga
    Firaga Burst

    Warp [Short Distances]
    Teleport [Long Distances]

    Last edited by Saraibre Ryu; 04-15-2015 at 09:42 PM.

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168


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