A woman sat alone at a table in a dark room. She was dressed in all purple with a deck of cards in her hand. She snapped them back and forth with her eyes closed, awaiting the familiar jingle of a bell to signal the arrival of her next customer. She smiled when the bell rang, as she knew it would, and opened her eyes. A young man with snowy white hair and bright blue eyes approached her.

“You wish to know the future?” the woman asked.

“Yes ma'am.” The woman gestured to the open seat in front of her and the man hurriedly sat down. The woman swept her deck across the table and motioned to the cards.

“Pick a card.” The man considered it all carefully before reaching out and picking a card near the middle. He glanced at it before handing it back to the fortune teller. The woman glanced at the card carefully. A Neo Genesis Natu. Interesting. “Your future is bright and guided by fate. Hard times may befall you but do not worry, for all will be resolved in the end. That is what the card means.” The woman swept up the cards, shuffled them then said, “Pick a number. Any number.”

“Uh… 154?” The woman flicked the deck and a card fell out, clattering against the table. An Expedition Meganium.

“Your life shall proposer to great heights and will know no bounds, for like a Meganium you are natural, pure, and tough enough to face the world. Now, final test.” The woman gestured to the crystal ball in the center of the table. “Look inside and tell me what you see.”

“I see…” the man squinted his eyes and fixated himself on whatever image he saw. After a moment he said, “I see Entei.”

“Ah. You are destined for greatness. Travel to the Johto region, as that is where your destiny lies.”

The man jumped up from his seat and thanked the woman profusely before running away. The woman reshuffled her cards and smiled. She knew not where these cards came from or what they were meant to do, but she enjoyed their power and would continue to use them as she could.