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  1. #51
    Lover of Centipedes Scytherwolf's Avatar
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    Ant Island
    Quote Originally Posted by Neo Emolga View Post

    Hey, who is up for a SLUMBER PARTY NONIGHT!!!

    Yeah, I'm going to Rest this one out. Mistee and Carly you're welcome to join me and we can chat about... whatever the heck the three of us just dealt with back there... o.o
    Yep exactly I'm gonna rest too. I lost so much purity pls help.

  2. #52
    At night, I'd like to search the (32) Drowned Marketplace Square. I think that searching people's homes at night -- while they're presumably home and asleep -- is a recipe for trouble. But this is a public area, commonly frequented, and I doubt there's much corruption, only that traditional danger of walking alone through a city at night...

  3. #53
    Ace Trainer Lychee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Oh, I know its terribly rude of me to go around visiting other pokemon in the evening, but I'm a perky and diplomatic girl! Im sure that my natural charm will make things ok.
    I'm definitely not terrified of moving around outdoors at night time.
    Nope! Not scared at all!

    On that note, I'm off to use my diplomacy on the Rhydon that Shilamora has told us to speak to about fixing the statue.
    I'd love to know about the blacksmiths shop! About where their goods come from, or if things are mined or recycled! Have there been any pokemon stocking up on hundreds of sharp knives? What about scalpels? Do you Smith jewelry?

    Im just so curious to have a chat...And huddle by a nice roaring furnace with a big strong pokemon by my side.
    Please? Please let me stay inside with you??

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Noblejanobii View Post
    Well that was a less than pleasant experience but perhaps interviewing Krenta the Haunter will give us some insight like the old blight said.
    He was set to day only but...I figured that didn't make sense for a ghost type. So, lucky. xD Make sure you pay attention to the [N/D] icons!

    Interview Rapport: POSITIVE, MODEST
    +1 Shared type
    +Modesty Fairy < Poison

    Although Anguleri wasn't very helpful, you figure that, in the very least, the haunter they mentioned should be able to provide you with something useful. So, as soon as night falls, you head over to the Salvage Keep Library. You know that Old Lace found interesting things here, so you hope that the library's keeper has something of interest for you.

    As you wander up to the building, you see that the lights inside are dim, and the haunter is locking up the entrance doors. Before he leaves, you hurry up to him and begin a conversation.

    He doesn't say anything for a moment, and looks you up and down while wearing a somewhat concerned expression. "The...library is closed," he says, his voice quiet.

    You tell him that you are there to discuss things with him, such as anything strange he has seen lately, or anyone he finds suspicious. He looks to the side, appearing a little nervous.

    "W-well...there was a very, very big customer today... Never before have I seen such muscles on somebody. I...don't even know what species he is," he whispers, looking left and right as if he's afraid he'll offend someone. "Then he walked out with something, but it wasn't a book, so I didn't stop him..." He pauses as you ask him about anything else he might have seen. He floats a little lower. "I think someone's been stealing books...for some reason or another." Again he looks to his left, then to his right. "I mean, well...they often get checked out, but I don't see most of them again. Various pokémon - a different species every time - will come in and rent books under the name Nollim-Fio. I think it might be an alias... I went back and checked my records, and every book checked out was about the subject of anatomy. I...can't help but wonder if this Nollim-Fio is a gang leader of some kind, who uses anatomical books to find the best spots on a pokémon to beat up if they don't pay!" You ask if he thinks it could be related to the Stalkers, and he shakes his head--which is basically his entire body. "I don't think so. It started happening months before they showed up. But...still weird, right?"

    You ask him if he could provide any examples of the pokémon who have rented out the books, but he tells you that he has tried to look for them, only to find that most of the species do not live in Salvage Keep, or even the entire valley, and there's no evidence to follow. You can't help but feel like this is useless information, but take note of it anyway.

    "The only species who has made multiple check-outs was a mienfoo... I don't really have anything to charge him with except late book fees, and even then, I don't think he's the name in the ledger." He sighs. "S...sorry I'm not of any further use. I am lucky to not have encountered the Stalkers at all yet. Though I have noticed that Juparl has been ignoring me lately...and uncharacteristically aggressive. K-kinda makes me feel frightened of her..." He shudders. "Anyway, I must be going. I hope I helped...somehow."

    He floats around the back of the library, then melts into the shadows.

    Madder the Mimikyu (S: Ghost/Fairy)
    Health: 8/8 | Sanity: 7/8 | Purity: 12/12
    Battle Stance: Fight
    Perk: Seinaru

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragon Master Mike View Post
    Well, found some useful stuff but ow that hurt. Let's stick with an interview this time!

    Interview: 33. Remnashi the Lombre ♂

    EDIT: Using my diplomacy perk!
    Interview Rapport: POSITIVE
    +1 Shared type

    You find Remnashi, the only lombre in town, about to head into Terr's Delicacies, at which you assume he works. You catch him before he enters, and as he hears his name being called out, he turns around with a well-embedded frown fixed into his brow. It doesn't appear as if he is happy to see you, whether it's because you're someone he doesn't know, or because he just wanted to arrive at work undisturbed.

    "What?" he grumbles at you after breathing a lengthy sigh.

    You ask him about anything suspicious he has seen around town, but as soon as you start speaking, be swipes a clawed hand through the air at you, intended to be dismissive rather than threatening.

    "Don't know. Piss off." He goes to walk into the restaurant, but you continue talking, employing your talent for persuasion.

    You quickly shift the conversation towards your gallant mission, speak of the hardships that those in town have endured, and emphasise how desperately the town needs to be rid of the Stalkers. You explain that you are here to do this, as well as your team of highly-skilled individuals who have already used their extraordinary abilities given to them by a higher power to recover important items and discover incriminating evidence. You dress up some of the information a little, but most of it is completely accurate.

    Remnashi brings his hand to his face and pushes against his cheek with a groan. "Fine. You want gossip? I've got experience with lockpicking and working with devices. I can rewire anything you need, crack codes, and disable trap mechanisms, yet here I am, working at a gods-damned restaurant. The world was already in ruin before the Stalkers came, kid. And I don't give one shit if your higher power blessed you with gifts, because the rest of us are stuck in this absolute hole, scraping up anything we can to survive. You're lucky I'm even giving you the time of day considering we're running into my precious shift time, you privileged little twat. Go and do your god ass-kissing elsewhere."

    He slams his fist into the restaurant's back door and disappears into the back, and you're left standing by yourself, completely taken aback. Well...that didn't go as planned.

    ...Remnashi the Lombre has been identified as possessing the Security Perk.

    Not ten seconds later, Remnashi emerges again, this time with much less rage in his eyes. He sighs and his nose twitches, but you detect something that might even be regret on his face. "Look...times are hard." It's not much of an apology, but you'll take it. "You didn't hear this from me, buddy Yurtag has been sending a lot of death threats to Terr. Terr's an ass, but they're my boss, and I can't help but think that Yurtag's taking it too far. He's been acting more and more aggressive...and that didn't used to be him. Also, something weird turned up at our home lately at the Yellowback Huts. I don't think that's Yurtag because he's not a poet, but, well...I ain't got anything for you besides that."

    Remnashi the Lombre is now COMPLIANT.

    He turns around again, and looks like he wants to say some kind of farewell, but thinks better of it and heads back into the restaurant.

    Verde the Leafeon (M: Grass)
    Health: 7/10| Sanity: 6/8 | Purity: 10/10
    Battle Stance: Flee
    Perk: Diplomacy

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by sammy0295 View Post
    I’ll go to (41) Manufacturing Plot (Abandoned) to help that pidgeotto.
    You heard the recount from Neo, and you're as prepared as you're ever going to be for heading into hellish, mind-twisting corruption. As you stand on the outskirts of the abandoned manufacturing plot, you swallow hard, then place a hoof onto the property. Almost instantaneously, you feel something gurgle in your stomach as an evil presence attempts to wrench your stomach from your belly.

    You grit your teeth and break into a run, galloping across the mix of broken concrete and dirt. You feel tiny bits of debris get stuck in your hoofs as you power through, hisses, whispers and desperate moaning popping up around you on all sides. You try calling out to the pidgeotto, informing him that you are here to help, but the only thing that answers you is the cold, ̧̟̦̭̖̙f͏̳̜o̟͢r̡̼̦̺̪̞l͈̘̠̟̥͜o̻͕͙̼rn ̶̯̮s͚̺̗̠͔c̠̜̺̲̣͎͍͋́ͨr̦͎͈̿ͩ͌̓͗̒̽e̹͕̞̊ͅams of̞ ̥the̹͕̞̊ͅ s̲̫̪͈h̸a̡do̢w͙̣̣̰̻s҉̲̻̭̳̹̬̠.

    Sam the Deerling suffers 2 points of Purity damage.

    The writhing forms around you slither across your legs as you weave and dodge their grasps, knowing what to expect and refusing to let them infiltrate your mind. Sharp feelings of doubt rain down on you from above, embedding themselves in your fur and burrowing deep beneath your skin. You maintain your speed and your gritted teeth, separating your jaws only to shout again to the flying-type who you know has to be around here somewhere. The volume of your own voice is doubled and returned back to your ears, making you wince as it cuts at you.

    You hear a whistle and a splutter, and your ears flick with recognition. That sounded birdlike to you, so you follow your ears and find the pidgeotto lying in a heap, barely breathing. He tries to push out words of gratitude, but you tell him not to speak and begin your process of healing him, all the while watching as the spectres hover around you, their gross, dark matter baring ghastly rows of teeth and enormous, poison-tipped claws. They gnaw at your legs and pierce your neck as you work, trying your hardest to ignore it while wishing you could scream out in agony.

    {Injured Pidgeotto: <Medicine>}

    After a few minutes, your healing is done, and the pidgeotto rises with enough energy to thank you profusely before offering you a way out. You tell him to wait a moment as you cringe, then try to shake off the shadows as best you can. Somehow, it's only now that you can see where their sinister forms are originating: a billowing mass of dark energy in what is probably the centre of the property. You frown, partly from the spiritual torment, and partly in an attempt to focus, and suddenly Mew comes to mind. You're not quite sure why, but you wonder if this is the heart of the shadowy corruption...and perhaps it can be abolished, and the land purified.

    {Corruption's Eye: <Seinaru>} added to the Team Records.

    A glowing red-eyed spectre with a mouthful of jagged teeth springs up in front of you and tears into the front of your throat, causing you to shriek horribly. It sucks at your blood, ripping into your tendons as you begin to shake violently, unable to move at all. Fear completely overwhelms you, and you can do nothing but watch helplessly as your body betrays you and refuses to move.

    Sam the Deerling suffers 4 points of Purity damage.

    All at once you feel a different kind of pain as claws dig into your back, and you bind your eyes for a heartbeat before reopening them. The ground is getting progressively further away, and this time, you can tell it's real. You look up as you hear powerful wingbeats, and surely enough, the pidgeotto has you in his talons and has taken to the skies. Relief floods you as you leave the shadowy reaches of the evil down below, acknowledging how clearly you can see the central spiral now. It's like a storm of negative, ungodly energy infecting the nearby land, and you hope with all your heart that you never have to set foot there again.

    The pidgeotto carries you a safe distance away and places you on the ground, still exhausted from his time spent in the shadowy zone. He asks you if you're okay, and you assure him that you'll be fine with some rest. He nods, telling you that he will one day pay you back for your good deed, but for now, he must return to his family. You nod your head and try to muster a smile as you watch him take off again, trilling as he disappears into the night sky.

    Sam the Deerling (S: Grass)
    Health: 8/8| Sanity: 8/8 | Purity: 6/12
    Battle Stance: Flee
    Perk: Medicine

  7. #57
    garlic bread champion Bulbasaur's Avatar
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    That was quite a purity hit! Let's rest.

    ☄♥ Happily paired with ninjaskarmory ♥☄
    My Links

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by EmeraldSky View Post
    I'll take care of that lockbox, if you want
    You head back to the guild training grounds in the hopes of being able to unlock the metal box that your fellow Emissary found half dug-up. After wandering through for a while, noting very few pokémon here at night, you find it and slap your paws on either side of the container. It's heavier than you expect, and you almost topple backwards as you pull it free, but steady yourself in time. It drops down, landing hard against the earth and digging out a chunk of dirt with a corner. You set it down at a suitable angle and begin your work on it, employing small lockpicking tools that you carry with you at all times.

    {Uncovered Lock-Box: <Security>}

    It's relatively simple, but still takes you a minute or two to figure out the mechanism properly. When it pops open, you're immediately met with a foul smell, and to your disgust, you realise that you're looking at a box filled to the brim with nasty pokémon remains, bits of cartilage, organ waste, and a blood-stained, three-toed black paw. The sight of it drills into your mind, and you can immediately tell that this was a Stalker's doing. Your brain feels like it's collapsing in on itself as you feel panic set in, unable to stop yourself from shaking. You drop your tools into the muck, just so you can clutch your head in an attempt to stop it from shuddering with fear.

    Lita the Pikachu suffers 3 points of Sanity damage.

    The madness finally settles, and you sigh as you feel the hold on you releasing. It's a bloody sight, but you can sense that the paw has some relevance to you and your mission. Reluctantly you reach down and take it, grimacing as you do so.

    [Mangled Paw 2/2] was added to the Team Inventory.

    You figure that's all that this location has to offer, so you take your leave, hoping that you can sanitise your paws as soon as you get to the clubhouse.

    Lita the Pikachu (S: Electric)
    Health: 8/8 | Sanity: 5/8 | Purity: 12/12
    Battle Stance: Fight
    Perk: Security

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone View Post
    Finichi sure seemed to be acting funny. I think I'll go meet them at the car park like they requested. Hopefully they don't mind a different 'mon coming than the one they spoke to during the day.
    You arrive at the abandoned Vehicle Yard, where you have been told Marisha the flaaffy's workshop site is. You're relieved to see that the electric-type isn't here at this time, because judging by what was relayed to you and the other Emissaries about the way Finichi was acting, you figure that things might get messy.

    The decaying forms of vehicles, the majority of them rusted chassis, are stacked upon each other or scattered about the lot, and various mounds of assorted debris accompany them all over. It feels somewhat eerie to walk through this kind of place at night, the only sound being your hind paws crunching on gravel. You avoid the occasional shard of glass or metal shaving, all the while keeping your eyes peeled for Finichi, or any signs of movement.

    You close your eyes and stand still, feeling the appendages on your head rise as you focus on the aura readings around you. You sense a mouse or two scurrying around in the rubbish, as well as insects and arachnids. Before you can sense Finichi, your ear twitches, and you trust your hearing and push off the ground, dodging a projectile which splats on the ground beside you. You focus your sight through the gaping windows of rusted chassis to spot the hulking form of the garbodor you came to find, eyes glowing in the darkness. You have never known a garbodor's eyes to glow.

    The pokémon bellows as she charges towards you, entirely unfazed as she scrapes past a car's rear end and cuts herself on protruding metal. You attempt to speak with her, but once she gets within range, she slams down one of her garbage-comprised arms, which you manage to avoid as it splats onto the ground. Parts of it remain stuck or peel off as she lifts it again, expression blank as a constant, disturbing groan spills from her mouth.

    You conclude now that there's no getting through to her. It's time to fight.


    Adrian, Medium, Fighting/Steel type. 10 HP, 30% dodge rate, 1d4 attack die. 90 Speed.
    Finichi, Large, Poison/Steel type. 12 HP, 20% dodge rate, 1d6 attack die. 75 Speed.


    Ardian rolls 94, hit! 4 damage.
    Finichi: 8HP remaining.

    Finichi rolls 62%, hit! 3 damage, halved = 1 damage.
    Adrian: 9HP remaining.

    Adrian rolls 7%! Miss!

    Finichi rolls 65%, hit! 4 damage, halved = 2 damage.
    Adrian: 7HP remaining.

    Adrian rolls 72%, hit! 2 damage.
    Finichi: 6HP remaining.

    Finichi rolls 46%, hit! 2 damage, halved = 1 damage.
    Adrian: 6HP remaining.

    You're panting by this stage after sustaining a few hits and landing only two. It seems like your attacks are having more of an impact than hers are, but you're unsure why, as fighting-type moves are normally not that effective against poison-types. It also makes no sense that she has been able to damage you, but you have also been paying attention to the fact that her attacks haven't been poison-based. Also, something about the way your hits connect and reverberate clues you in to the fact that there is a discrepancy here. It almost feels like...this garbodor also possesses the steel type, as you do.

    You find yourself momentarily distracted by your pondering, and you don't react in time as her other arm comes crashing down into your leg.

    Adrian rolls 22%, hit! 2 damage.
    Finichi: 4HP remaining.

    Finichi rolls 86%, hit! 2 damage, halved = 1 damage.
    Adrian: 5HP remaining.

    Adrian rolls 83%, hit! 4 damage!
    Finichi: 0HP remaining.


    Finichi lets out a strange moan combined with a rattling sound and she collapses slowly, eventually becoming a heap on the ground. You wait at least half a minute before you cautiously approach, untrusting of her apparent incapacitation. You are about to move part of her body with your foot, but then you notice the disgusting, disturbing bubbling happening on her skin. You elect not to touch it, and instead back away. There's a small pop in her head, and you frown, perplexed by what is going on. You round her large form and lean down to inspect the head as toxic stench seeps off her flesh, and you have to hold your nose and squint your eyes to avoid it entering your body. You grab a nearby bar of steel and poke the head, noting that it feels almost like jelly. Disgusted but curious, you push harder, and the skin peels back, revealing the very bizarre sight of mechanics.

    You're not entirely sure what these mechanics are or what they do, but it seems to have replaced the brain and seemed to have shorted out when you defeated the pokémon. It sparks slightly, and you wonder briefly if it has a self-destruct mechanism. Also bundled within the mechanical brain is a small collection of ripped up paper. You pluck one out and take a look, but it's impossible to tell what's on it with just one piece. You reach in and grab a handful, then look at it in your palm. It seems to be...a written note that was torn up. Wondering if this has any relation to the Stalkers, you collect the remaining pieces from the brain chamber, then notice something else within the little compartment: what looks like a key tag. When you pull it out, it has the word ALPHA written on it.

    =Ripped Note= was added to the Team Records.

    [ALPHA Key Card] was added to the Team Inventory.

    Your ears prick again as the sound of a slight fizzing begins, and you realise that the garbodor's mechanical brain is producing the sound. Putting more stock in the self-destruct theory, you make a run for it, ducking behind a few stacked car shells and watch as Finichi's lifeless body explodes from the head, taking the top half of the body with it. The force was fairly minimal, but as you get back in closer, you see that it's undoubtedly destroyed the weird brain.

    You stand for a while, beaten and tired, unsure what to make of all this, before stashing the pieces of the torn note and the key tag. Time to report this to your fellow Emissaries.

    Adrian Aylian the Lucario (M: Fighting/Steel)
    Health: 5/10 | Sanity: 8/8 | Purity: 10/10
    Battle Stance: Fight
    Perk: Diplomacy

  10. #60
    Time is up for submitting Day 1 Night Cycle actions!

    Please wait for the responses to be posted. :) Good work, Emissaries!


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