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  1. #51
    ERROR! DOES NOT EXIST! The Nonexistent Tazz's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    OK, I think I've made the final edits to the SU you asked for over PM.

    Avatar by the incredibly awesome Neo Emolga.

    Zigzagoon: Hatch @8,669; Linoone @ Level 100: 8,829

    My VPP Stats! - My Prism Stats! - My URPG Stats!


  2. #52
    The eternally magic one Daisuke-Sempai's Avatar
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    Nov 2013
    Nerv Headquarters
    Could you reserve an organization spot? It would be greatly appreciated.

  3. #53
    Not insanity. Supersanity. Death's Spook's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    It depends. How sane are you?

    Tazz, I'll look at SU number two later. But a cursory look seems good.
    Avatar taken from Scarfgirl and TheOtherChosenOne of Deviantart. Two great tastes that go great together! You know, when they aren't trying to kill each other horribly.

    Ivy commands you not to touch the kitty!

    Banner by Neo Emolga!

  4. #54
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
    URPG Staff

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    May 2013
    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    I think everything here is good, at least to me.

    Name: Thomas Otone.

    Age: Twenty-five.

    Side: Organization.

    Rank: Organization Leader.

    Gender: Male.

    Appearance: Standing at a meager 5’6” with a slim frame, Thomas doesn’t look like much of a physical threat. His skin, though naturally pale, is tan from time spent in the harsh Orre sun, and sparring with his Pokemon has given him greater muscle tone as well. Despite his physical fitness, he still has a rather childish face, although stress is quickly wiping this away and replacing it with a consistent expression of weary sadness. His longish hair is dirty blond, and his eyes are green. Typically, he dresses in a light jacket, a light shirt, and cargo pants; the latter, as well as the light shoulder bag he carries, are typically full of emergency supplies and pointy objects.

    Personality: Shy, quiet Thomas is the sort of guy you’d expect to find sitting in the back of the bus with a book in his hand - not at the helm of one of the most powerful organized militant groups in history. By nature, he tends to be reserved and not particularly wordy, giving him a rather melancholy air. Despite his lack of initiative to initiate, he is actually quite friendly and kind when spoken to. He is very sensitive, empathetic, and caring, and is generally an excellent friend.

    However, Thomas’s softspoken nature cuts both ways. He is given to reluctance, inaction, moodiness, and pessimism, and he prefers to keep his true feelings to himself most of the time which often makes him stressed. Although he is capable of leading, he detests the responsibility for lives and the politics involved. He also has a cold, manipulative side that he sometimes calls upon when dealing with others, despite the fact that it terrifies him. Overall, he is (or at the very least, tries to be) a good person, although his position has led him to make some decisions that he questions himself about frequently.

    History: Thomas was born and raised in quiet Nuvema town. His mother removed herself from the family when he was four years old, leaving his lame-legged geologist father devastated and struggling to find work in a region that frankly had little use for geology. Regardless, Thomas managed to do fairly well for himself in school - well enough to qualify with his best friend for Unova’s Pokemon Trainer program. While they were on the waiting list, Thomas’s dad announced that he had found work - in the far-off, inhospitable region of Orre. Since Thomas was unwilling to leave his father to fend for himself with a dysfunctional leg in a region famed mostly for its crime rates, he went along. Before he did so, however, he swapped starters with his friend - his Tepig for her Snivy - so that they would have something to remember each other by.

    Orre was the last place Thomas wanted to be, but he tried to make the best of the situation. He worked as a cleaner in the lab, and used the opportunity to learn what he could in the hopes of possibly getting a higher-paying job as a researcher. So eager to please was Thomas that, whenever the lab needed to pick up supplies from Pyrite Town, he was more often than not the one to make the long trip to the seedy city. These journeys were so routine, Thomas never thought anything of them - least of all that he would wind up having been in a Cluster. In fact, he might not have known at all, but when he was ambushed by a group of thugs and scrambling to get away, he suddenly found himself floating ten feet off the ground. Since the incident, Thomas has been doing everything he can to stop Cipher, most notably allying with Sara Sage to create the Organization and, at her insistence, becoming its leader. Currently, he protects the Lab and aids Sara in coordinating their considerable force of parahumans.

    - Serperior - Darius/M/Overgrow/Adamant/Somewhat vain. “Strong, silent type” would probably be an adequate descriptor for Darius, provided you added “pragmatic, merciless, backbone-of-tempered-steel” somewhere in there. The Serperior rarely says a word, preferring to let his actions speak for him, and those actions are usually violent. He is easily the most brutal member of the team, who considers killing to be acceptable and frequently efficient. In spite of his grim nature, he is a reliable teammate who can always be called upon in any fight.
    - Audino - Alto/F/Regenerator/Sassy/Quick tempered. Alto is among the first people you want by your side in a firefight, for both her considerable healing abilities and her moderately powerful attacks, particularly those that work at a distance. Otherwise, she can be a bit difficult to tolerate. She is loud, crass, and impatient, with a short temper and stubbornness that rivals that of Darius himself. However, despite her less-desirable traits, she can be extremely helpful with healing and (often tactlessly-delivered) advice.
    - Luxray - Alana/F/Intimidate/Brave/Good perseverance. Alana has a naturally intimidating appearance, and her prowess and ferocity in battle backs it up. However, Alana is actually a real sweetheart. She loves cuddles (particularly with a certain Fairy-type team member) and sweet foods. She also has a tendency to be rather hyperactive at times, and is almost always a determined, upbeat go-getter.
    - Sylveon - Eran/M/Pixelate/Calm/Highly curious. Granted that the team healer is cranky and irritable, it generally falls on Eran to be the team peacemaker - a role he doesn’t really mind. Eran is slow to anger and quick to forgive, with a soothing, serene air that allows him to smooth ruffled tempers with ease. So loving and gentle is he that it’s hard to believe that this same softspoken Sylveon has a Moonblast that can punch holes in Aggron armor.
    - Lucario - Hecate/F/Steadfast/Quiet/Alert to sounds. Hecate, in a word, is grounded. She is firm, collected, resolute, and not given to much talking. She often seems to be the most (if not the only) sane team member, a reputation upheld by her patient temper and realistic, practical outlook. She is by nature a thinker, and likes to help out by strategizing or helping the others increase their own strengths.
    - Gyarados - Torrent/M/Moxie/Impish/Somewhat of a clown. Torrent is as loud as Alto but a lot less easy to anger, if not easier to tolerate. He frequently cracks jokes that may or may not be appropriate or tactful, and acts completely carefree and unbothered by the Cipher war. However, a lot of his act is just that - an act, designed to help team morale and hide his own fear. In battle, he’s a brutal hard-hitter, and he often teams up with Alto - with whom he claims mutual dislike - and combines his reckless physical power with her healing abilities and good aim.

    - Breaker 9: Gravity manipulation. He can use this for a lot of things, such as flight, lifting objects and dropping them at around quintuple their usual weight on bad guys, or making himself seriously hard to hit by repelling things that may be moving toward him at uncomfortable speeds.
    - Mover 6: Gravity manipulation enables floating and, with a good deal more concentration, flight. When flying, he typically clocks about 30 mph, although he can go faster with more effort.
    - Shaker 6: Again, gravity manipulation. This ability can be both specific to an object(s) or general to an area, although general use is more taxing.

    Other: nar i know something even funnier than twenty-four

    Name: Cassandra Fitz.

    Age: Thirty.

    Side: Cipher.

    Rank: Cipher Admin.

    Gender: Female.

    Appearance: Cassandra is built for beauty. She stands at 5’7” with naturally deep curves that are ever so slightly contrasted by good muscle tone. Her skin is a dark ochre color, and her deep brown hair falls in sleek waves to just below her shoulders. Delicately-mascaraed eyelashes punctuate her shimmering, warm pale-brown eyes. Typically, she dresses in casually tasteful clothes that leave only a little to the imagination, although for proper missions she tends to make other choices that include things like desert camo, combat boots, and about a dozen concealed-and-unconcealed weapons.

    Personality: Whenever someone looks at Cassandra, they might expect her to be a somewhat high-strung woman with more vanity than brains. Someone else might see her soft, pretty features and suspect her to be a gentle, shy soul with a heart of gold. Still others might expect her to be a weak-willed and whiny hanger-on with little desire to do anything but pick on others in order to exalt herself. The truth is that all and none of these assumptions are correct - none of them are entirely accurate, but these are all masks she wears and wears well.

    Truthfully, Cassandra is a ruthless, intelligent, cunning, and wicked woman. Her powers make it difficult for her to enjoy others’ pain, but she certainly doesn’t mind it and would happily beat down, murder, or manipulate anyone who stands between herself and power. She doesn’t mind taking orders from someone competent, although she considers this a necessary annoyance and typically prefers to be in charge herself. However, it’s rare to see her ever display any of her true sentiments; she prefers to display whatever will be most beneficial to her at the time, and even without using her powers she is usually capable of wrapping her unsuspecting victims around her little finger.

    History: Born to a lower-class family in Orre, Cassandra had little to look forward to in life. However, she was also endowed with intelligence, looks, and a remarkable talent - and penchant - for manipulation. From an early age, she endeared herself to everyone around her, using her adorable looks to get what she wanted. At first this included things like cookies and crayons, but she soon graduated to full-fledged theft when at the age of sixteen she seduced a hapless Pokemon Trainer for the express purpose of stealing his brand-new Chikorita.

    Not long after Cassandra left home for Pyrite town, she woke up one morning and realized that she could very clearly feel the emotions of every living thing around her. This was disconcerting in the extreme but she made it work, and with practice she was elated to discover that she could change the emotions of those she touched. Her new talent worked extremely well when coordinated with her beauty, giving rise to a habit of seducing men in order to get them alone and rob them blind. She would probably have continued doing this for the foreseeable future had she not been found by a strange man with pink clothes and a sadistic Hoppip. Benjamin offered her a place in Cipher and power in a new Orre, which she accepted. Having risen through the ranks to become one of Benjamin’s most powerful lieutenants, Cassandra now uses her charm and savagery in equal measure to undermine the Organization.

    - Meganium - Concordia/F/Overgrow/Gentle/Likes to relax. As Cassandra’s first Pokemon, Concordia has an extremely strong bond with her Trainer. Such a kind comforter is she to Cassandra that it’s hard to believe that this gentle giant can and has been known to snap necks with Vine Whip and turn living things into Swiss cheese with Magical Leaf. Concordia is fiercely loyal to Cassandra and will kill for her without hesitation. However, the Meganium is also the most merciful of the team, preferring to resolve conflicts bloodlessly when it wouldn’t be too great an inconvenience.
    - Magmortar (Shadow) - Kenna/F/Flame Body/Jolly/A little quick-tempered. Kenna is a loud, obnoxious, boisterous and crabby Magmortar. She’s also tough as nails, brutally savage, and an expert marksman. She is one of the most versatile team members, attacking from a distance with precision or letting loose with a violent string of attacks up close. She is quite violent naturally, however, and will often cut to fiery violence when her relatively short temper has been triggered.
    - Mienshao (Shadow) - Solomon/M/Regenerator/Serious/Likes to fight. Solomon doesn’t say much, and whenever he does speak he does so with cold contempt and bitterness. True to his nature as a Shadow Pokemon, he hates practically everyone and does not hesitate to voice this fact - or rather, display it through his uncanny ability to break bones like they’re made of cardboard. Despite his violent tendencies, Solomon is actually extremely composed, and rare is the day when he is goaded into action he would not otherwise take.
    - Malamar - Maeve/F/Contrary/Quirky/Likes to eat. Maeve is, to say the very least, eccentric. She has no qualms about bending other beings to her will, forcing them to take or give lives for her - in fact, she sees absolutely nothing wrong with it. She doesn't seem to have any sort of conscience at all, and would be quite happy to snap even her own Trainer's neck.
    - Mismagius - Vadim/M/Levitate/Relaxed/Proud of its power. Vadim is extremely intelligent, if a bit absentminded. He prefers to let others do the full-on fighting while he masterminds the fight from the sidelines, but if pressed he has an immense amount of magical power that he positively loves to show off. Most of the time he would rather hone and experiment with his magic than anything else, be it through research or open combat.

    - Thinker 4: Always retains a knowledge of the general mood of the people around her, and with greater concentration can single out a person or persons to read all their current emotions.
    - Striker 3: Upon skin-to-skin contact with a person or Pokemon, she can form a mental link with them, through which she can see their emotions. Since her Thinker power already allows her to sense others’ emotions and sharing her own would reveal more than she’d like, this really wouldn’t be very practical if it weren’t for her Master power.
    - Master 8: Once her Striker power is activated, Cassandra can alter the emotions of whatever unfortunate soul is on the other end, provided they aren’t Trumpish enough to thwart her. She’s learned to be frighteningly subtle about it, but someone with an extreme (read: it basically has to be a power) amount of mental fortitude or corresponding psychic ability can sometimes avert her ability without breaking physical contact. This can only really be done if they notice it, provided they are not already somehow immune to emotional manipulation. Given time to use this ability on someone repeatedly, she can completely bend them to her will.

    Other: Her real power is the uncanny ability to aliterate.
    Last edited by VeloJello; 01-19-2014 at 10:45 PM.

    Button by K'sariya!

    URPG Stats!

    Paired with noob dummy crazy kid rad friend Nar.

  5. #55
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
    GCEA Staff

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    New Jersey
    I used every ounce of my small amount of writing skill to write this, i hope that's good enough.

    EDIT: My ATTEMPT at improving the characters. I haven't done THAT much, but I tried (It took me an hour to make these changes, even though the changes aren't that significant). If this isn't good enough, I may just give up.

    Name: Jacob Dean
    Age: 17
    Side: The Lab
    Rank: Not very high
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Jacob is about 6 feet tall. He is reasonably thin. He is fairly light skinned. His hair is a light brown and straight, and his eyes are pale blue. His usual attire consists of T-shirts and shorts, though sometimes he will wear jeans. His shirts are almost always either blue, green, or camo, and his pants are all black and grey (Other than his jeans). He carries a small backpack.

    Personality: Jacob is a kind hearted person. He is always trying to help people. He is not an angry person, and tends to be able to stay calm. He is fairly intelligent. Though it is easy to make him laugh, he is terrible at telling jokes, and will rarely even attempt to make others laugh.

    Having minimal social skills, Jacob is not very good at making friends. He also does not have many friends. He hasn’t communicated with any of the few friends he had left in a long time. He doesn’t usually talk too much, preffering to allow others do the talking for him. The only way he easily becomes nervous is when he talks to people he doesn’t know. Though he mostly has recovered since his families death, he still has frequent nightmares, and can be easily angered by certain things. His favorite type of Pokemon is fighting and his favorite color is blue.

    History: Jacob was born in Phenac City. Growing up, he was very close to his brother, Jayden, as he did not have very many friends. He worked hard and generally managed to stay out of trouble, unlike his brother, who would always be getting in trouble.

    When the clusters began forming, Jacob was affected. He began talking to his family less and less. And then Ciphers takeover of the city began. Jacob was running, trying to escape the city. He was just barely able to escape without getting caught, but the rest of his family had been killed. He eventually found his way to join the lab and fight Cipher.

    Blaze the Charizard: Blaze has been with Jacob since he was just a Charmander. he has grown more and more powerful in this time, and with his ability, Blaze, he becomes even stronger as he takes damage. He is very close to Jacob.

    Ruby the Riolu: While still a basic pokemon, Ruby is reasonably strong. She has been with Jacob for a while. She acts tough, though usually tougher than she really is. Her ability is inner focus.

    Aqua the Piplup: The newest addition to Jacobs team, Aqua is inexperienced in combat. She is calm and caring.


    Blaster level 10: Jacob is capable of firing bolts of static and electricity. These bolts do not do very much damage, but have another devistating effect. They can temporarily shut down parts of an opponents nervous system. This will prevent them from moving. while generally only affecting the limb struck, if a strong bolt hits the torso of an enemy, it will either partially or fully paralyse the foes entire body. If the heart is struck with a strong bolt, it can stop it. If the head is struck with a strong enough bolt, it can shut down the opponents entire body, which will lead to the foe dying if medical attention is not given.
    Other: Alright then. I will just steal the sun.

    Name: David Woods
    Age: 27
    Side: Cipher
    Rank: If ranks went from 1 to 10, he would be rank 5. I don’t know what the exact ranks would be so im just going to say that.
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: David is just over 6 feet tall. He is not particularly big but not particularly small either. His skin is fairly tan, and his eyes are brown. His dark brown hair is long and straight. He has a very visible scar across his forehead from a knife.

    He almost always wears black shirts, though sometimes he will wear grey. He only wears jeans and black pants. He wears black boots. He carries a small black pack that he wears around his waist.

    Personality: David is not a nice person. He is a truly mean person. The kind of person who could kick a puppy without feeling bad. He does not feel much emotion. The only things that makes him feel something close to happiness are doing bad things, power, and money. It is hard to anger him. That is of course, assuming you don’t call him weak. Being called weak, a poor trainer, or anything of that sort will anger him. When he talks, he uses sarcasm a lot. Probobly a little too much.

    He has a habit of underestimating his opponents, something that can easily work against him. He never surrenders in a fight, and would rather die than give up. He will usually try to take things slow, and calculate his next move. He has never really had any friends. He does not even consider his pokemon friends. The only thing he truly fears is failure.

    History: David was born in Unova. Even as a kid people considered him a jerk. Growing up, he didn’t have any friends, and would often bully others. As he got older, he began to commit crimes, purely out of boredom and to see if he could get away with it. It started off small: A shoplifted bag of chips here, A “Borrowed” Bike there. As he got older, he began getting into more serious crimes. Eventually he took it too far. He attempted to steal from a bank, and while succeeding, he was just barely able to escape. Being a wanted criminal, He fled the region.

    After he fled to Orre, he used his stolen money to purchase a large home in Phenac City. For a while, he was satisfied. Eventually however he began to go back to his old ways, committing crimes. then, the clusters began forming. David was affected, giving him strong powers. After Ciphers takeover of Phenac City, David joined them, looking for nothing but to commit more crimes and make more money.

    Rex the Roserade: Rex is the closest thing David has to a friend. While he does not use the term friend, He does consider Rex a powerful ally, and would be greatly angered if something were to happen to him. His ability is Poison Touch.

    Staravia - Staravia scouts for David. In addition to scouting, he is a reasonable fighter. His ability is intimidate

    Gloom: This is David’s most recently caught pokemon. It is fairly inexperienced in combat.

    Koffing #1 #2 and #3 - These 3 pokemon know only two moves. Those moves are Smoke Screen and Self Destruct.


    Striker level 10: David has the ability to attack his opponents brains. By striking foes in the head, he can disable several parts of the brain. The first is the part that recognises faces. This means that anyone who has been hit will not be able to recognise anyone around them by facial features, meaning it will be significantly harder to tell friends from foes. The second part is the part that handles rational thought. Someone who has been hit will not be able to think clearly.

    All these factors add up to make a person unstable and unpredictable. With no ability to tell friend from foe, they may simply start attacking the nearest person. Or they may be so confused they don’t do anything. These effects go away after several hours. Though usually no permanent damage will occur, it has been known to leave these parts of the brain impaired. The more times you have been exposed to these powers the more likely permanent damage will become.

    Mover level 5: Davids mover powers allow him to move very quickly. He can go from standing to running at 40 miles an hour in a second. He can not keep this up for very long however, as his body will grow tired quickly. He uses these powers to get in close and use his striker abilities.



    Name: David Woods
    Age: 27
    Side: Cipher
    Rank: If ranks went from 1 to 10, he would be rank 5. I don’t know what the exact ranks would be so im just going to say that.
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: David is just over 6 feet tall. He is not particularly big but not particularly small either. His skin is fairly tan, and his eyes are brown. His dark brown hair is long and straight. He has a very visible scar across his forehead from a knife.

    He almost always wears black shirts, though sometimes he will wear grey. He only wears jeans and black pants. He wears black boots. He carries a small black pack that he wears around his waist.

    Personality: David is not a nice person. He is a truly mean person. The kind of person who could kick a puppy without feeling bad. He does not feel much emotion. The only things that makes him feel something close to happiness are doing bad things, power, and money. It is hard to anger him. That is of course, assuming you don’t call him weak. Being called weak, a poor trainer, or anything of that sort will anger him. When he talks, he uses sarcasm a lot. Probobly a little too much.

    He has a habit of underestimating his opponents, something that can easily work against him. He never surrenders in a fight, and would rather die than give up. He will usually try to take things slow, and calculate his next move. He has never really had any friends. He does not even consider his pokemon friends. The only thing he truly fears is failure.

    History: David was born in Unova. Even as a kid people considered him a jerk. Growing up, he didn’t have any friends, and would often bully others. As he got older, he began to commit crimes, purely out of boredom and to see if he could get away with it. It started off small: A shoplifted bag of chips here, A “Borrowed” Bike there. As he got older, he began getting into more serious crimes. Eventually he took it too far. He attempted to steal from a bank, and while succeeding, he was just barely able to escape. Being a wanted criminal, He fled the region.

    After he fled to Orre, he used his stolen money to purchase a large home in Phenac City. For a while, he was satisfied. Eventually however he began to go back to his old ways, committing crimes. then, the clusters began forming. David was affected, giving him strong powers. After Ciphers takeover of Phenac City, David joined them, looking for nothing but to commit more crimes and make more money.

    Rex the Roserade: Rex is the closest thing David has to a friend. While he does not use the term friend, He does consider Rex a powerful ally, and would be greatly angered if something were to happen to him. His ability is Poison Touch.

    Staravia - Staravia scouts for David. In addition to scouting, he is a reasonable fighter. His ability is intimidate

    Gloom: This is David’s most recently caught pokemon. It is fairly inexperienced in combat.

    Koffing #1 #2 and #3 - These 3 pokemon know only two moves. Those moves are Smoke Screen and Self Destruct.


    Striker level 10: David has the ability to attack his opponents brains. By striking foes in the head, he can disable several parts of the brain. The first is the part that recognises faces. This means that anyone who has been hit will not be able to recognise anyone around them by facial features, meaning it will be significantly harder to tell friends from foes. The second part is the part that handles rational thought. Someone who has been hit will not be able to think clearly.

    All these factors add up to make a person unstable and unpredictable. With no ability to tell friend from foe, they may simply start attacking the nearest person. Or they may be so confused they don’t do anything. These effects go away after several hours. Though usually no permanent damage will occur, it has been known to leave these parts of the brain impaired. The more times you have been exposed to these powers the more likely permanent damage will become.

    Mover level 5: Davids mover powers allow him to move very quickly. He can go from standing to running at 40 miles an hour in a second. He can not keep this up for very long however, as his body will grow tired quickly. He uses these powers to get in close and use his striker abilities.

    Last edited by Dragon Master Mike; 02-05-2014 at 06:39 PM.

  6. #56
    Is it cool if I reserve a spot? Haven't participated in a RP in forever, looking to get involved in one again.
    Last edited by Princess Crow; 01-20-2014 at 10:34 PM.

  7. #57
    I do believe my sign ups are now complete.
    Adolescence didn't make sense
    The little loss of innocence
    The ugliness of being a fool
    Ain't youth meant to be beautiful?

    All credit for my signature image goes to Absol.

  8. #58
    Not insanity. Supersanity. Death's Spook's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    It depends. How sane are you?
    /Finally/ around to updating the Accepted/Reserved list. Anyone who isn't done yet should probably wrap up by Friday, because this is starting this weekend.

    Dragon Master, I'm sorry, but I can't accept your SUs as they are. If you're still interested, please PM me so we can work it out.
    Avatar taken from Scarfgirl and TheOtherChosenOne of Deviantart. Two great tastes that go great together! You know, when they aren't trying to kill each other horribly.

    Ivy commands you not to touch the kitty!

    Banner by Neo Emolga!

  9. #59
    Wanted Fed or M5 seapegasus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    USA! USA! USA!
    Wrap up by Friday? Better get started, then.

    Name: Aerin Averbaum, but she goes by "Reaper" most of the time.
    Age: 23
    Side: Reaper just kind of drifts between the two sides, selling information for exorbitant prices, though she gives away lies about a often as truths.
    Rank: Ruler of the Entire World, The Very Best Like No One Ever Was, head of the Ice-Cream Lovers Club... the list goes on an on.
    Gender: Female, but she cuts her hair very short and has a rather androgynous face, so it's a little hard to tell.
    Appearance: Reaper loves dressing up in costumes, namely in an extremely theatrical floor-brushing black cloak with a snake-shaped brooch at the collar and a deep hood. The hood successfully obscures Reaper's eyes, but at the expense of most of her vision. With her hood up, Reaper can only see just in front of her and ends up bumping into almost everything, thus ruining whatever effect it may have had. Unfortunately, Orre's expansive deserts keep Reaper from staying outdoors too long, at least during daylight. Thus, not willing to give up her cloak, Reaper does all her travel and skulking at night or safely within a nice, air-conditioned building. If she absolutely has to go out for long periods of time, Reaper will reluctantly remove her cloak to reveal... a completely normal outfit consisting of a white tank top, distressed jeans, and sneakers! Gasp!
    Reaper stands just above 5' 6 1/2'', putting her at a rather average height. She has long, lanky legs compared to a relatively small torso, giving her the appearance of being much skinnier than she really is. In reality, Reaper is not the most athletic person in the world and enjoys sweets above all else, putting her a tad on the chubby side. She would much rather stay inside and play piano rather than go for a run. Her fingers, long, slim, and dexterous, reflect this. Reaper's skin also has been affected by her heliophobic lifestyle: it is deathly pale, which may be unhealthy, but hey-a cloak looks much more impressive under moonlight, even if it does mean a Vitamin D imbalance. There are pills for that, after all. Her hair is a light caramel brown and cut messily, ending just past the top of her ears. Reaper's eyes are a rather hypnotic shade of electric blue and never seem to blink, instead staring right through anyone unfortunate enough to make eye contact.
    Personality: Reaper's nickname is a misnomer: she didn't earn it by being particularly violent or threatening, but rather she was given the name for her interest in the macabre, but even that she keeps mostly to herself, quietly sweeping it under the rug, displaying her love of novelties in its place. Quite frankly, Reaper seems closer to impish than intimidating. Reaper's attempts at acting, well, like a reaper are usually botched by her theatrical nature-she loves spewing long, flowery sentences where a simple "OK" would have been fine, but she occasionally runs right out of ideas. When this happens, Reaper shuts up and reverts to speaking like any other human-it's a rather sobering experience. She lives for dramatic gestures, especially when entering or exiting a room; slamming doors open in her wake and quietly shuffling out of them in her midst. But this is, surprise, an act. Reaper is cold and reserved beneath her ridiculously flamboyant cover, and changes between the two personas rather sporadically. She could go from a strange looking and acting girl to an amazingly coldhearted person-the kind you would expect to be able to kill without a second thought and probably has before in an instant. It is only at these times, when her glacial interior shows, that Reaper really and truly lives up to her name. Why isn't she like this all the time? Well, Reaper really has no reason why, apart from the fact that it's really hard to make friends if everyone is afraid of you.
    History: Reaper has no notable past: she grew up in Agate Village with her parents and went to school, where she got good grades and sat quietly in the back of the classroom, drawing dancing skeletons, spiders, Jolly Rogers, and the like on all her papers. She got her first Pokemon, a Vulpix (which eventually became known as Willow), as a gift long after everyone else in the school and dedicated herself to training it to catch up to her peers. She refrained from evolving it for a long time but eventually found a Fire Stone, and, after much encouragement from her (few) friends and family, evolved Willow into a Ninetales. Willow became Reaper's best friend, accompanying her everywhere she went and protecting her from harm. With Willow's help, Reaper slowly caught and traded for more Pokemon, eventually making her way to six. She trained these Pokemon diligently and became one of the best battlers in her school. Her cloak is a souvenir of a school play in which Reaper was a mage, and the antagonist of this particular story. Needless to say, she loved every moment of it. Reaper was rather young at the time of the first Cluster, and, in the midst of all the chaos, all the panic, Reaper was elated. Finally, a way to exact revenge on them all... Of, course, this was mostly just a rather morbid daydream. It's not like Reaper offer anyone and everyone she didn't favor and then covering her tracks to avoid getting caught, placing objects specifically to frame others... that would be crazy! anywaymovingon... As mentioned before, Reaper drifts between sides, selling information back and forth while pretending to be allying with whoever is nearest. She also works as a sort of a minion-for-hire and mercenary for both sides, allying with and fighting (and killing, occasionally) for whoever is willing to pay. However, Reaper absolutely refuses doing any work normally reserved for grunts, peons... whatever you want to call them, she won't do their jobs. She demands power and will go to any lengths to obtain it, even if that does involve coffee runs every once in a while.

    Ninetales/Willow (F)
    Willow is very protective of her friends, especially Reaper. She can come off as a little stiff, though, often taking jokes he wrong way, interpreting them as insults. Willow is caring and could be described as a "mother hen", but that wouldn't be very close to the truth-the last thing Willow will do in a crisis is sit and cluck idly. She is skilled in battle and will fight long and hard at Reaper's whim. Willow can often be seen walking beside Reaper, glaring intensely at anyone who gets too close.
    Pidgeot/Celeste (F)
    Reaper captured Celeste as a Pidgey just after obtaining Willow. Celeste is strong and loyal, willing to carry Reaper all over Orre without a single complaint. Celeste is easy to upset and excite-even an offhand comment such as "You look good today," will have her twittering for hours. She prefers not to battle, but even Celeste has her limits. Push her too far and she will attack.
    Luxio/Banzai (M)
    Reaper traded a Growlithe to one of her classmates for Banzai, who had been passed between many trainers, each giving him away for some other Pokemon. Thus, Banzai is very clingy and refuses to leave both his team and his trainer even for short periods of time. He was nervous to battle at first, assuming that he was traded away because he was a bad battler. While this isn't true in the least, Reaper still has a hard time getting Banzai to attack.
    Bisharp/Noir (M)
    Noir was Reaper's hardest capture-she spent days tracking him down and engaging him in battle. Willow had to beat him to a pulp before Reaper could catch him. Noir has never really forgiven himself for being captured, though he is happy to train and battle seriously. Noir is what you would call the "strong silent type"-he spends all his time by himself, doesn't socialize with any of the other Pokemon, and eats all his meals alone. He is warming up a bit to Celeste but seems to have trouble making friends. He's much better at creating enemies. And corpses.
    Espurr/Caspurr (M)
    Caspurr is still young, and is thus rather small for an Espurr-he stands between 7 and 8 inches tall, the normal height being one foot. This would have been a useful asset for maneuvering in battle while dodging enemy attacks, if it were not for one fatal flaw-Caspurr is a dreamer. During training, lunch, travel, sleep, his head seems to be permanently stuck in the clouds; wandering off and falling asleep constantly. He isn't the best fighter-far from it-but Reaper just keeps him around for one reason: he is heart-meltingly adorable, cuddly, and almost completely helpless. She could never bring herself to leave poor Caspurr all alone.
    Dewgong/Cecelia (F)
    Cecelia is so optimistic, she refuses to acknowledge that a 'dark side' at all, let alone look at it. As such, she can seem rather naive or disconnected at times. She is also patient, using persistence to win battles rather than brute force. Cecelia trains diligently and is a strict follower of any and all rules in place, to the point where she will take it upon herself to enforce them with an Ice Beam. She can be rather vain at times, though, and is susceptible to jealousy.

    Stranger 3 - Reaper is somewhat forgettable, but not in the way that you might think-people definitely remember her; it would be almost impossible not to. Instead, they find themselves struggling to remember, say, her name, face, voice, and other features. They just recall a dark, hooded figure unless they were already familiar with Reaper. If she tries really, really, hard, Reaper can disappear for a few moments, but then will pop right back into existence.
    Changer 7 - Reaper is a significantly better Changer than she is a Stranger. She primarily transforms into a massive, snaggle-toothed, blade-tailed, venoumous snake for combat, mostly because it is very versatile-poisoning, constriction, swallowing whole, biting, slicing, even crushing in some cases... so many ways to off your enemies! She can also sprout talons, fangs, et cetera and keep them for longer than the snake form, but both transformations drain Reaper's energy tremendously. Depending on what she transforms and how long she stays in that form, Reaper could be anywhere from a little woozy to completely knocked out when she returns to normal.
    Blaster 2 - Reaper can throw lightning! MAGIC! Well, uh, it's actually not that epic. Mostly because Reaper sucks at aiming. She uses a small form of ball lightning, generating and throwing it at anyone threatening who comes within range. The shock is not very powerful, being somewhere between a Taser and a car battery in terms of power, so it's enough to stun someone... if it hits. Reaper can't usually aim very effectively anywhere past 25-30 feet. Anywhere much farther than that, and you're more likely to be injured by being run over by a passing butterfly. But it's lightning!
    Other: -
    Last edited by seapegasus; 02-15-2014 at 03:07 PM.
    Logic? What's that? Can you eat it?

  10. #60
    Not a clue, man TheoreticalSelkie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Any chance I could get a spot as a Neutral player since the RP isn't up yet? I could probably get a character up tonight.


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