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  1. #131
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    @Scytherwolf; @Soups;

    Episode 104: Outrageous Fortunes

    "That was very sweet of Mary to give you a Lore Stripe as thanks for your telling." Misty smiled as the group made their way down the road.

    "Doesn't it bother you that you earned both your blue and your indigo stripe with no real competition?" Ash wondered.

    "Not really." Brock replied as he looked up from the guidebook. "It's no different from you earning a few badges just because back when you started out."

    He grinned. "Which I don't regret doing--you've come a long way from that scatterbrained young trainer you once were."

    "Yes, you have." Misty agreed. "I think I saw a few glimmers of today when you battled Daisy."

    Ash blushed a little. "Well, I'm working on the scatterbrained much further till we get to our next destination?"

    "Not far, according to the guidebook." Brock explained as he consulted the chapter on Blackthorn City. "We should be reaching another town here momentarily."

    As the group rounded the corner into a town, Misty noticed a large crowd gathered around a mini arena. "Looks like a big match going on...let's go look!"

    "Excuse me...sorry...pardon me..." Brock led the way through the crowd in an attempt to get a look at the battle in progress. "Okay...I see two trainers battling with a Hitmontop and a Poliwrath...."

    "Bad memories of past Pokethlons..." Misty mused, shuddering as she remembered Andreas.

    "Relax--this guy doesn't look like as bad a person like Andreas was." Ash assured Misty as the Hitmontop used Double Kick on its opponent.

    He gasped as the Poliwrath used Submission to end the match! "How?" he asked as the two trainers shook hands. "I thought only fighting Pokémon learned Submission, and Poliwrath is a Water type."

    "That's because Poliwrath is part Fighting, and therefore learns Submission when it evolves." Misty explained.

    "Lets hear it for Mason and Kujira!" the referee called, prompting the crowd to cheer for the Poliwrath and its owner, a brown haired boy.


    "Nicely done!" Ash smiled as the group found Mason and his Poliwrath in the crowd some moments later. "May I ask the occasion for the match?"

    "We're having a Power type Pokethlon here today, if any of you three would like to try." Mason explained, gesturing to the Pokethletes beginning to fill up an athletic center.

    This guy is a far cry from Andreas and his Poliwrath... Misty thought as she led the way to the check in booth outside the athletic center.

    "So? Who are you using for this Pokethlon?" Brock's voice snapped her from her thoughts.

    "Michelle, Pearl...and Ami." Misty replied.

    "What?" Ash gasped. "Why? Ami would be squished flat by all these big Pokemon!"

    Misty unfurled the huge stat list Casey had gave her, which wound around the square. "Watch and learn, you two--note that Marill and Starmie have max Power." She referred to Marill's entry and Starmie's entry on the list, which both had five stars in the Power stat.

    "Golduck's nothing to sneeze at with four stars, either." Brock mused as he gathered up the long piece of paper and rolled it up neatly.

    Ami, meanwhile, danced around her owner's feet in excitement as the group made their way inside. [Oh boy! I get to go toe to toe with some big Pokemon!]


    "Okay, Ami...our first event is the Block Smash." Misty explained to Ami as Mason and his Poliwrath effortlessly broke all ten blocks with a Hydro Pump. "All you have to do as break as many of those blocks as you can. We need to try and tie Mason by breaking all ten blocks."

    [I'll do my best.] Ami smiled.

    "Number 7, please approach the line!" the referee called, prompting Ami to scramble onto the platform as ten new blocks were prepped for her to break.

    "Ami, use Water Pulse!" Misty commanded.

    The crowd watched as the shining wave of water blasted towards the blocks. Misty watched as the water black easily powered through eight of the blocks, but only managed to just barely break the ninth block, putting her in a second place.

    Ami heaved with exhaustion. [Wow...those blocks are tougher to break than they look--I only wish I had a little more strength to break that last one!]

    "Nine blocks out of ten is still very good." Misty assured her Marill. "All I want is for you to try your best, and you did that very well."

    [Yeah...maybe we can do better in the next event.] Ami smiled.


    "Okay, the next event's rules may sound a little complicated, but I'll do my best to explain them at a level you can understand." Misty began as she made her way to the arena where the Circle Push was being held. "The object of the event is to stay inside of the circles projected onto the field, all while keeping others out. The longer you stay in a circle, the more points you get. Whoever has the most points at the end of six rounds, wins."

    [I think I get that..." Ami replied as she looked into the stands.

    A whistle from Ash and Brock waving to her made a smile form on her face. [I can do this!]

    In the stands, Brock watched with concern when the buzzer went off to start the first round. "Are you sure picking Ami was a good idea?" he noted as Amy was sandwiched in between a Machoke and a Venusaur.

    "I'm sure Misty knows what she's doing..." Ash smiled as Ami recovered from being caught up in the larger Pokemon around her, using Superpower to shove the Machoke out of the circle. "She never would've picked Ami if she didn't believe she could do this."

    Brock smiled as a familiar song started playing over the speakers to motivate the Pokethletes and pump up the crowd. "Yeah...I think all Ami needs is a little motivation!"

    With that, he sang We all have a dream inside our hearts that we will follow to the end...
    When you make a wish upon a star, the power flows, inside of you!
    Everybody listen to this song and sadness will just disappear!
    My wishes, dreams and hopes go forth into the world...

    Come along and take my hand, come with me for the ride, Ash sang as Ami started making up ground in the second round.
    Together we will step through the door
    And see the light shining from our own heavenly land!

    Both boys then sang at the top of their lungs Come with me and we will see the wonders of the world!
    All of the glory, is in our story!

    As we make our way to heaven, take it step by step
    And get the glory, upon the great stage!

    We can go anywhere, so long as we're together
    I truly believe it with all of my heart...
    The cards here in my hand,
    Show you the way...

    On the field, Ami heaved the Venusaur out of the six point circle, allowing her to edge the Venusaur out of the lead and clinch the over win by four points! "She did it!" Ash cried. "Nothing like a fight song to motivate you!

    In the arena, Misty was ecstatic as she hugged Ami. "Well done! I was a little worried when that Machoke and that Venusaur squished you in the first round..."

    [I was just trying to figure out the rules, but I soon got the hang of it.] Ami wheezed as Misty offered her some water.

    [I'll take over for the final event.] Michelle offered. [Ami needs a well earned rest.]


    "Okay...the final event is the Goal Roll." Brock reported. "Ami's still tired from the Circle Push, so Michelle's taking over."

    "Good idea..." Ash smiled as the ball was dropped into play, making the two minute clock on the scoreboard begin to tick down. "Michelle's good on land and in the water, so she should have no problem."

    Mason's Poliwrath stole the ball some moments later to score the first goal of the match, but Ash's sadness at having another Pokemon score was short lived as a sparkling silver ball was dropped into play. "Whoa...never saw that in any prior Goal Rolls!"

    "On rare occasions, a silver ball or even a gold ball can drop into play. " Brock explained as he looked over the rules on his PokeNav. "Silver ones are worth two points, and gold ones are worth three."

    "Nice!" Ash smiled as Michelle made a powerful kick towards Misty's goal, netting her two points with just under a minute to go!

    "Come on!" Brock cheered as Michelle stole another ball away from the Venusaur to try and score another point. Mason's Poliwrath tried to steal the ball, but another powerful kick from Michele put Misty ahead of Mason to win the event, three goals to two.


    "I have to say well done on winning gold by a nose there..." Mason smiled as he and Misty left the medal ceremony that evening. "And well done to your Marill, as well--what's your secret? You must've trained her hard to take on Pokemon several times her size!"

    "There is no secret." Misty replied as the boys hurried up to congratulate her. "Just a lot of resolve, a little patience, and plenty of determination."

    As she turned to leave with Ash and Brock, she called "Good luck on your own Pokethlon adventure!"

    "Okay!" Mason called back as he waved goodbye...

    To Be Continued...
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  2. #132
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    @Scytherwolf; @Soups;

    Episode 105: Tales on the Frontier

    "Tintri, use Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded, training his eye on the Smoochum his navy haired opponent commanded.

    "Wait...stay your attack." the navy haired girl requested as her Smoochum trudged back to her, prompting Tintri to stay his attack. "I applaud your enthusiasm, but such an intense battle tired Josephine out."

    "Then, do you want to have another match some other time?" Ash offered.

    "Maybe, but if you really want to test your skills, I'd recommend you go to the Battle Frontier." the girl smiled. "It's a great place where a lot of trainers bring their Pokémon to battle, and is run by five professional trainers called the Frontier Brains."

    "Okay..." Ash motioned for the girl to go on as they started down the road.

    "In fact, the Battle Frontier has almost every Pokémon that exists." the girl went on as the tops of festival tents and a tall tower came into view. "If any of you are storytellers, there is a Lore Stage going on to celebrate its grand opening."

    Now Brock was excited. "Think I can finally complete my rainbow?"

    "I know you can!" Misty replied.

    "Then what are we waiting for?" Ash cried as he dashed down the road. "Let's go!"


    "Wow..." the group gasped as they gawked at the five massive buildings and walkways filled with trainers and Pokemon. "Where do I even begin?" Ash wondered as he watched the crowds criss cross the white walkways leading to and from the various facilities.

    "The facilities are laid out in the shape of a star." a guide explained. "If you like, I can take you to see each one, and allow you to meet the Frontier Brain that leads it."

    "Sure!" Ash replied.

    "All right..." The guide first led the group to the tower at the north end of the Frontier. "This is the Battle Tower, led by Palmer." She pointed out a young man with spikey blonde hair wearing a green jacket signing autographs and posing for pictures by the tower entrance.

    Ash made a beeline to the man as the last person in line departed. "Hi, I'm Ash Ketchum, of Pallet Town!"

    "A pleasure to meet you, Ash." Palmer smiled, admiring the seven badges on Ash's right vest flap. "I think you've got real potential to meet me and my fellow Frontier Brains in battle--I'm sure earning those was no easy task."

    "Nope--I worked hard to get those." Ash replied. "And I'll work hard to get my last one, too!"

    Palmer grinned. "With spirit and enthusiasm like that, I think you could get that last badge and make a splash in the League. Whatever you do, never give up, no matter how hard things get."

    "I promise." Ash gave Palmer a little bow before running to catch up to Misty, Brock, and the teal haired guide.


    "Up next is the Battle Factory, led by Thorton." the guide went on, pointing out a black haired young man with a small green highlight meeting guests at the entrance to a factory-like building.

    Ash waited for the line to shrink a little before approaching Thorton. "Hi, I'm Ash Ketchum, of Pallet Town!"

    "Nice to meet you, Ash." Thorton replied. "I've heard rumors that they're building a Battle Frontier in Kanto, only this one will have seven facilities instead of five."

    He admired the seven badges on Ash's vest. "You've done well to come this far, and I believe you could do very well here. The Pokemon League should be an easy way to measure how ready you are to challenge the Frontier."

    "I'll do the best I can." Ash replied before hurrying to catch up with the others.


    "This is Dahlia, leader of the Battle Arcade." the guide explained as the group approached a black haired woman in a yellow costume near a cathedral-like building decorated in neon lights.

    "Hello, Ash..." Dahlia smiled. "Palmer and Thorton told me you and your friends were coming."

    "What can you tell me about the Battle Arcade?" Ash wondered.

    "My state of the art Event Board will determine the battle conditions." Dahlia explained. "Some of them may help you, some of them may harm you, and some may affect the entire arena. Either way, every game is a new surprise, so you need to think fast."

    "Sounds fun!" Ash grinned as he and the others turned to leave.


    The group gasped in awe as the group arrived inside a majestic castle. "This place is beautiful..." Misty gasped as she admired the beautiful flowers in the foyer, and banners displaying the Battle Frontier logo hanging on the wall.

    "This is Darach, the head of the Battle Castle." the guide explained as she returned with an elegantly dressed black haired man with a blonde highlight.

    "A pleasure te meet ye, Ash." Darach smiled, a slight Scottish brogue lending a touch of class to his voice. "What brings ye all tis wey to Johto?"

    "I've competed in my home league, and want to challenge myself to be even stronger." Ash replied.

    "No matter how many badges ye get, remember that true strength is not mere power alone." Darach reminded him. "Ye also need a strong mind, and most importantly, a strong heart."

    He smiled. "If what my fellow Brains say is true, ye have te heart down pat, at least."


    "And finally, this is Argenta, head of the Battle Hall." the guide explained as a red suited woman with matching sunglasses perched in her lavender hair met Ash in the large glowing battlefield at the end of a runway.

    "So...many...lights..." Ash sighed as he rubbed the spots out of his eyes.

    "I want to make sure every trainer that comes in here is treated as the superstar they were meant to be." Argenta explained as Misty and Brock hurried outside. "This is why we give them the full red carpet experience, including rolling out the red carpet for them, and souvenir photos."

    "Oh..." Ash mused. "Are you or the other Brains taking challenges right now?" he asked.

    "Well, we are also judging the Lore Stage, so unfortunately, we don't have the time to battle today."

    "Okay..." Ash replied. "Maybe when I get my eighth badge, I can challenge you and the other Brains."

    "Maybe--for now, your storyteller companion needs your support." Argenta smiled, gesturing to a crowd beginning to form at the center square, where a large stage was set up for the Lore Stage.

    "I'll go cheer my friend on for now, but I still want to battle sometime." Ash assured Argenta before hurrying off to find Misty and Brock.

    "There you are!" Brock smiled as Ash caught up to him at the check in area. "Tellers are allowed to have no more than two other people assisting this round, so would you and Misty like to help me?"

    "Sure!" Ash smiled.

    "Then follow me backstage, and I'll tell you and Misty what you have to do." Brock smiled as he finished checking in...


    "Number K-93098, telling 'The Faithful Son'." Palmer announced to the crowd before hurrying offstage, revealing Brock in a spotlight with his guitar.

    "Once upon a time, many years ago, there lived an old man and a old woman." Brock begins. "Between the two of them, they had lived nearly a hundred years, at least. But they took neither joy nor pleasure in anything, this was because they had no children."

    "Aw"s go up at this. "They were about to celebrate their seventy-fifth anniversary, known as the Diamond Wedding, but no guests were invited to share their simple feast." Brock explains from stage left. "As they sat there at the table, they savored the many happy memories across the years of their long life, and as they did, they were sure that it was punishment for some misdeed that Arceus had denied them the happiness of having children, and as they thought, their tears fell fast."

    More 'aw's fill the air over the guitar's sad melody. "At that moment, someone knocked." Brock narrates, knocking on the stage sides for effect.

    “Who's there?” he calls in character as the old woman.

    "A man in a traveler's cloak leaning on a stick, and white as a Pidove was waiting for her when she opened the door." he narrates as himself.

    “What do you want?” he asks as the woman.

    “Just a poor traveler seeking alms." he replies in a mimic of an older man.

    "The good woman was kind-hearted, and she cut her last loaf in two, giving one half to the traveler, who said..." Brock narrates as himself.

    “I see you have been crying, good lady, and I know the reason of your tears." he smiles in character. "But take heart, by heaven's grace you will be comforted. Though poor and childless today, tomorrow you shall have family and fortune.”

    Some laughter goes up at Brock's look of feigned ecstasy. "When the old woman heard this she was overjoyed, and told her husband to invite the man in." Brock continues. "But he was gone, and though they searched for him, they found nothing but his stick lying on the ground."

    He smiles as he reveals the traveler's true identity. "For it was not a poor traveler, but Arceus himself who had knocked. Our friends did not know this, so they picked up the stick and hurried off to find its owner, in hopes of returning it. But it seemed as if the stick, like its master, were endowed with some marvelous power, for whenever the old man or the old woman tried to pick it up it slipped out of their hands and rolled along the ground."

    Laughter fills the air as the crowd pictures a wild chase. "They followed it into a forest, and at the foot of a shrub which stood close by a stream, it disappeared." Brock narrates over a 'running' melody. "They looked all around the shrub thinking to find the stick there, but instead of the stick, they found a bird’s nest containing twelve eggs, and from the shape of the shells it seemed as if the young ones were ready to hatch."

    “Pick up the eggs,” he suggests as the old man, “they will make us an omelette for our wedding feast.”

    "The old woman grumbled a little, but she took the nest and carefully carried it home." he narrates as himself "Imagine their astonishment when at the end of twelve hours there came out, not unfledged bird Pokemon, but twelve children--six boys, and six girls...."


    ..."The old couple were happy in the thought that their son was brave as well as strong." Brock goes on. "One day it occurred to the old woman that she would like to see them all married, and to have the house filled with her sons and daughters-in-law and their children. So she asked her friends to talk the matter over, and finally persuaded her husband to agree. He called his sons and daughters around him and said..."

    “Listen to me, my children: In a certain country lives Arceus' envoy on Earth, the crafty Delphox Kitsune." Brock explains as the old man. "Like all Delphoxes, she has holy magic, but hers is especially powerful. She can fly like a bird Pokemon, though she has no wings, and when she travels leaves no trace of her steps. She has twelve beautiful sons and daughters of her own, who have large dowries; do your best to win them for your husbands and wives. Do not return without bringing them with you.”

    Brock then plays an expectant chord. "Both parents blessed their sons and daughters, who, mounting their Ponytas, were soon out of sight."

    He then catches himself. "Well, all but Dillon, who went to the stable and began to shed tears." "Aw"s fill the air as Ash sits in one corner of stage left, feigning crying.

    “Why do you cry so?" Misty asks, now in the role of the Ponyta.

    “Don’t you think I have a good reason?” Ash rants through feigned tears. “I have to go a long long way in search of a wife, and you, my friend, are so thin and weak that were I to depend upon your strength I would never be able to join my brothers and sisters.”

    “Do not despair, Dillon,” Misty assures Ash, “not only will you overtake your brothers and sisters, but you will leave them far behind. My name is Epona--I am the daughter of Lightfoot of the Golden Mane, and if you will do as I tell you, I will gain the same powers as he has. You must take me to a secluded location, bury me under a layer of earth and manure, then sow some wheat over me, and when the Cornn is ripe, it must be gathered and some of it placed near where I am buried.”

    "Dillon threw his arms around Epona's neck and embraced her..." Brock narrates as Ash and Misty hug and the lights go down. "...then led her into a secluded glade and buried her there, as if she had died. Then Dillon covered her with a layer of manure and earth, upon which he sowed wheat, as had been told to do. It was immediately watered by a gentle rain, and warmed by the heat of the sun’s rays. The Cornn Berries took root and ripened so quickly that on the twelfth day Dillon set to work to cut, thresh, and winnow it." Ash pantomimes doing this. "He harvested so much, that he was able to give most of it to his parents, and keeping one for himself, spread it over where Epona was buried."

    Ash proceeds to scatter some uncooked Cornn Berries over a leaf pile, where Misty is hidden. "After a few tense moments, Epona peeked from the mound, sniffed the air..."

    "Oh"s go up as Misty peeks from the pile. "and began to eat the Cornn." Brock narrates as Misty pantomimes eating the uncooked Cornn Berries "As soon as she had her fill, she sprang up, and was so full of life that she wanted to jump over the fence in a single bound..."

    He plays an upward glissando on one string as Misty bursts from the leaf pile, to some applause. "but Dillon held her by the mane, and getting lightly on her back, said..."

    “Whoa there, Epona, I do not want others to have the benefit of all the trouble I have had with you. Carry me to Kitsune's house.” Ash tells Misty as the lights go down.

    "To tell you the truth, Epona was a magnificent Ponyta, big and strong, with eyes that flashed like lightning. She leaped up into the air as high as the clouds, and the next moment descended in the middle of a field, saying to her master..." Brock narrates

    “As we need to first see the crafty Kitsune, even though are still a long way off, we can stop here for a short time." Misty assures Ash as they walk onstage over a peaceful interlude in the background. "Eat and drink, I will do the same. Your brothers and sisters may pass us, but we are a good ways ahead of them. When they come you can go on together to visit the holy Delphox--remember, though it is difficult to get into her house, it is much more difficult still to get out because of all the ghosts that try to reach her, but are kept away by holy magic. But if you want to be perfectly safe, take from under my saddle three magic jewels--a ruby, a sapphire, and an emerald."

    After handing Ash the prop jewels, Misty goes on "They will helpful to you to escape the ghosts; for when you sing to the sapphire 'Rou iitsa ron selga vichii', a river will flow between you and your enemy; if you sing to the emerald 'Imultaos, ame no hao bakezo...' it will become a thick forest; and by singing to the ruby 'Jao wiisha nes chiel com yutuul' it will conjure a wall of fire, as well as other things. After you have been welcomed into Kitsune's house, and your siblings have stabled their Ponytas and gone to bed, I will tell you what to do next.”

    "For twelve days Dillon and Epona rested and gained strength, and at the end of that time, the other eleven brothers and sisters arrived." Brock narrates over a soft heroic motif. "They were stunned to see the youngest, and wondered where on earth he had come from, and whose Ponyta he rode.”

    “I have come from home." Ash assures an imagined crowd. "The Ponyta is the same one I chose initially. We have been waiting here twelve days; let us go on together.”

    "In a short time they came to a cave near a sycamore tree, and knocked at the entryway." Brock knocks on the side of the stage for effect. "Kitsune peeked out through the peephole in the door and called..."

    "What do you want?” Misty calls from offstage, now as Kitsune.

    “We are twelve brothers and sisters come to ask the twelve sons and daughters of yours in marriage." Ash explains. "If you are willing to be our mother-in-law, open the door.”

    "The door opened and Kitsune appeared. She was a beautiful Pokemon, old as the hills; and yet still had the youth and <i>joie de vivre</i> of a young lady, thanks to the immortality given to her by Arceus himself." Brock narrates over a majestic melody some in the audience recognize as the Final Fantasy Prelude. "Although she was usually a good Pokemon that would not harm the good and the pure, the evil and the selfish often didn't come out of her cave."

    Murmurs fill the air, but Brock assures the audience "She received the young travelers very graciously, shut the gate of the courtyard behind them, and led them into the cave. Dillon’s siblings dismounted, and taking their Ponytas to the stables, tied them up to rings made of silver; but Dillon fastened Epona to a gold ring. Kitsune served her guests with a generous dinner, and gave them wine and ale to drink. Then she made up twelve beds on the right side of the room for the travelers, and on the left side twelve beds for her own sons and daughters".

    The lights dim to simulate nighttime, and the guitar's song turns foreboding. "All were soon asleep except for Dillon." Brock narrates as he plays the ominous tune. "He had been warned by Epona beforehand that the ghosts that constantly tried to enter this holy domain would try again tonight, and if he wasn't careful, he, his own siblings, and Kitsune's children would be captured and taken to the underworld, never to be seen again. He got up quietly and changed the positions of the twenty-four beds, so that all twenty four beds were on the left side of the room, and wood blocks standing in for bodies lay in the beds on the right."

    He then intones "Around midnight, everyone heard a great ruckus outside, and Kitsune sang...."

    Jao wiisha nes chiel com yutuul... Misty sings from offstage as Kitsune, making Ash's Mega Ring glow in response to her voice.

    "They heard strains of sweet music coming from a harp way off in the distance, which overpowered the screams of dying ghosts." Brock explains as he plays a series of harp-like chords. "At the same moment, a band of Haunters burst into the room, and flying over to the beds on the right, grabbed what they thought were bodies one by one."

    "When the sun rose, the harp stopped playing, the Haunters fled, and silence reigned." Brock continues. "Then Kitsune, relieved to see everyone safe, woke them and led them outside, warning them that it was only a matter of time before the ghosts figured out the prank Dillon had played on them, and they needed to flee now. Each of them mounted their Ponyta with their chosen groom or bride, and made their escape as fast as they could go."

    Gasps go up at this. "The ghosts, when they realized what they really captured the night before, set off after the fugitives. They had nearly reached them, and were already stretching out their hands to grab them, when Dillon took the sapphire and sang..."

    Rou iitsa ron selga vichii... Ash sings, making the prop sapphire in his hands and Misty's Mega Ring glow.

    "...and a deep river flowed between the ghosts and the caravan. Not knowing how to cross it, the ghosts stopped on the banks, and howling savagely began to drink it up." Brock narrates.

    “Before you have swallowed all that river you will all burst!” Ash taunts some imagined ghosts as Dillon, to some laughter.

    "But it wasn't long before the ghosts were at their heels again." Brock cautions. "Dillon took the ruby, and sang..."

    Jao wiisha nes chiel com yutuul... Ash fills in the spellsong, making the prop ruby in his hands and his Mega Ring glow.

    "...and a wall of fire spread out between them." Brock narrates. "So the ghosts were forced to stop, and shrieking with rage began to look for a way around the fiery wall."

    “Before you find a way through that you will have burnt yourselves to a crisp!” Ash taunts, to some laughter.

    "The ghosts eventually found a way around, and they were closing in when Dillon took the emerald and sang...." Brock narrates.

    Imultaos, ame no hao bakezo... Ash sings,making the prop emerald in his hands and Brock's Mega Ring glow.

    "...and a thick forest rose between them." Brock continues. "For a while, the ghosts were at a loss as to what to do. On one side, they saw Dillon, his siblings, and their mates rapidly disappearing, while they stood on the other hindered by the branches and torn by the thorns of the thick bushes, unable either to advance or retreat. Foaming with rage, with fire flashing from their eyes, they struck right and left with dark magic, felling trees on all sides, but before they could clear a path, their prey had gotten more than a hundred miles ahead. They were forced to give up, and were soon lost to sight."


    ..."The king was beside himself with joy; he showered Dillon with honors and presents, and, in order to always have him at court, raised him to an even higher rank in the army." Brock continued his epic tale. "In this new post he had many under him, and he showed laser-like precision in drill and other matters, punishing somewhat severely when necessary. He made, too, no difference in the treatment of his two eldest brothers, which angered them greatly, and caused them to be still more jealous and to plot against him. So they forged his handwriting again and composed another letter, which they left at the king’s door."

    He picks up a piece of blank paper and tells Ash as the king “I would much like to have the marvelous sword you speak of in your letter.”

    “Sire, I have not written anything about a sword,” Ash protests

    “Well, read it for yourself.” Brock offers Ash the paper.

    Ash studies the paper for a moment. "In a certain land, within the cave of holy Kitsune, is a sword that fires magical beams when a certain song is sung to it. If the king would like to have it, I will do everything in my power to bring it to him."

    With that, he folds up the paper. “This writing resembles mine, but I never wrote those words.”

    “Never mind, as you succeeded in bringing me the harp, you will find no difficulty in obtaining the sword." Brock assures Ash. "Go without delay, and do not return without it at your peril.”

    Ash bows and departs as Brock narrates as himself "Dillon bowed and went to the stable, where he found Epona looking very thin and miserable, with her head drooping."

    “What is the matter, Epona?" Ash asks when he returns to the stage to find Misty slumped on the floor. "Do you want anything?”

    “I am unhappy because I foresee a long and dangerous journey.” Misty replies

    “You're right, for we are ordered to return to Kitsune's house for the sword. But how can we get ahold of it? No doubt she guards it as the Leppa of her eye.”

    “Do as I tell you and all will be well.” Misty assures Ash as she gets up.

    "Epona gave him certain instructions." Brock narrates as Misty pantomimes talking to Ash. "Dillon came out of the stable, saddled his friend, and mounting her sang..."

    Epona, Epona, come out here by me! Ash sings Epona's Song again.

    "Epona rose immediately as if she had been beckoned to by someone in the clouds, and passing swiftly through the air, crossed rivers and mountains, till at midnight she stopped before Kitsune's cave." Brock narrates as he plays some long, flowing chords to simulate Epona traveling. "Since the disappearance of the harp, the sword had been keeping a watchful eye over the cave, and anyone who came near it was cut to pieces."

    Ash pantomimes drawing a circle around himself as Brock continues "Dillon traced a magic circle around him with holy chalk, stood in the middle of it, and sang...."

    Jao wiisha nes chiel com yutuul... Ash sings.

    "The sword glowed as if it had heard the sung spell, leaped into the air, and turned into at least a thousand other swords, which arranged themselves in battle array and began to attack Dillon with their holy beams." Brock narrates "But they were powerless to touch him; for on reaching the magic circle the beams scattered in all directions, as if they had hit a mirror. Then the chief sword, seeing how useless it was to go on trying to wound him, submitted itself to Dillon and pledged its loyalty to him. Taking the magic weapon in his hand, he mounted his Ponyta and sang...."

    Epona, Epona, come out here by me! Ash sings Epona's Song again.

    "Epona started with renewed courage, and by noon was eating hay in the royal stables." Brock continues. "Dillon went in to the king and presented him with the sword."

    As this, Ash presents Brock a prop sword. "While he was admiring it, one of his servants rushed in quite out of breath and said..." Brock narrates as he draws and admires the prop sword with emerald inlays.

    Just then, Misty runs into the scene in the role of a courtier. “Sire, invaders surround our town. Being unable to redeem their sovereign, they have come with an immense army, and threaten to destroy us if their king is not released.” she breathlessly explains.

    "The king armed himself with the magic sword, and going outside the city walls, sang to it, as he pointed to the enemy’s camp..." Brock narrates before drawing the prop sword again and aiming it at a target offstage. Jao wiisha nes chiel com yutuul...

    Gasps of awe go up as the prop sword fires a beam of green light as if on cue. "The sword glowed, leaped flashing in the air, and fell in a thousand blades and beams that threw themselves on the camp. One regiment was destroyed during the first attack, another was defeated in the same way, while the rest of the terrified soldiers fled and completely disappeared."

    The lights go out, and a light show of beams plays across the stage, as if the thousand swords Brock described are there. After a few moments, the lights come up again on Brock holding the prop sword. "Once there were no enemies left to battle, the thousand swords again became one, and so it returned to its master’s hand." he narrates as he sheathes the prop sword. "The victorious king came home filled with joy. He called Dillon to him, showered him with gifts, and assuring him of his favor, made him the highest general of his forces. In carrying out the duties of this new post, Dillon was often asked to punish his eldest brothers, who became more and more enraged against him, and debated how they might bring about his downfall."

    He then picks up another prop letter, reads it, and tells Ash "I would very much like to see Princess Susanna, whom you say you wish to bring me.”

    “Sire, I do not know the lady, and have never spoken to her.” Ash protests.

    “Here, look at your letter.” Brock offers Ash the prop letter.

    Ash studies the imagined writing for a moment, then reads “Beyond the nine kingdoms, far beyond the ocean, within a silver vessel with golden masts lives Princess Susanna. If the king wishes it, I will seek her for him.”

    He folds up the paper. “It is true the writing is like mine; nevertheless, I never wrote this.”

    “No matter,” Brock answers as the king. “You will be able to get this princess, as you did the harp and the sword. If not, I will have you killed.”

    Ash shakily bows as Brock continues "Dillon bowed and went out. He entered the stable where Epona stood looking very weak and sad, with her head bent down.

    “What is the matter, Epona? Do you need anything?” Ash asks as he arrives to see Misty slumped on the floor.

    “I am sad,” Misty sighs as Epona, “because I foresee a long and difficult journey.”

    “You are right, for we have to go beyond the nine kingdoms, and far beyond the ocean, to find Princess Susanna. Can you tell me what to do?” Ash asks.

    “I will do my best, and if it is Arceus’ will, we will succeed." Misty smiles as she gets up. "Bring your sword, and let us be off.”

    "Dillon saddled Epona, took his sword, and on mounting, sang..." Brock narrates

    Epona, Epona, come out here by me! Ash sings Epona's Song again.

    Then Epona looked up as if there were something she wanted in the clouds, and with a spring flew through the air, swift as an arrow; and so by the second day they had passed over ten kingdoms, and finding themselves beyond the ocean, came to rest on the shore." Brock narrates over some long chords to mimic Epona traveling. "Then Epona said to Dillon...."

    “Do you see that silver ship with golden masts that rides on the waves over there?" Misty points out the imagined ship to Ash. "That beautiful vessel is the home of Princess Susanna, youngest daughter of Kitsune. For after she mysteriously lost the harp and magic sword she was afraid she'd lose her daughter too. She locked her up in that vessel, and having thrown the key into the sea, cast a magical shield around it, which keeps storms away, and keeping all other ships away. The first thing to be done is to get the diamond key that opens the ship. In order to get this you must throw a hair from my mane into the water, which will lure King Crawdaunt. Do not set him free until he has promised to get you the key, for it is this key that controls the ship.”

    Ash carefully pulls one of Misty's hairs and heaves it offstage. "Dillon carefully plucked a suitable flaming hair from Epona's mane and heaved it into the water, where it landed with a hiss." Brock narrates as the sound of a soft hiss plays. "Soon there came a crowd of Corphish, and among them a gigantic Crawdaunt as large as a Tauros. Dillon grabbed him and threw him on the beach."

    “I am king of all Corphish. Let me go, and I will give you great riches in return.” he pleads in a mimic of Meowth for King Crawdaunt.

    “I do not want your riches,” Ash replies, “but in exchange for your freedom give me the diamond key which belongs to the silver ship with the golden masts, for in that vessel dwells Princess Susanna.”

    "King Crawdaunt whistled..." Brock pauses to do this, to some giggles. "...and millions of Corphish appeared. He spoke to them, and they all hurried off to look. After a few moments, one returned with the magic diamond key in his claws. Dillon set King Crawdaunt free, just as he saw the marvelous ship sparkling white in the sun. She was made entirely of pure silver, with golden masts. The rigging was of silk, the sails of velvet, and the whole ship was enclosed in a casing of impenetrable steel. Dillon hurried down to the water’s edge armed with his sword, and holding the key in the air, sang..."

    Rou iitsa ron selga vichii... Ash sings, making an identical prop key glow blue.

    "The ship turned around and came full speed ahead towards land, where it stopped on the shore." Brock narrates. "Dillon smashed the steel network with his sword..." Ash pantomimes slicing something with the prop sword. "and opening the doors with the diamond key, found Princess Susanna." The lights come up on Misty lying on the stage as Princess Susanna. "He put her to sleep with lavender..." Ash flings some more lavender leaves in Misty's direction, making her feign sleep as the lights go down. "and after carefully lifting her onto Epona, sang..."

    Epona, Epona, come out here by me! Ash sings Epona's Song again.

    "Then Epona, as if she saw some strange thing in the clouds, lifted herself in the air and began to fly through space so rapidly that in about two hours he had crossed rivers, mountains, and forests, and had arrived home. Although Dillon had fallen madly in love with Princess Susanna himself, he took her straight to the royal palace and introduced her to the king."

    Applause goes up as Ash leads Misty into the scene, where he makes a grand gesture to Brock. "Princess Susanna was so exquisitely beautiful that the king was quite dazzled by looking at her, and lost in his admiration, he put his arm around her as if to embrace her..." He approaches Misty and reaches out a hand to touch her. "but she harshly scolded him." Misty angrily slaps Brock's hand away, to some laughter as Brock rubs his hand in pain.

    “What have I done to offend you, princess? Why do you treat me so harshly?” he asks as the king.

    “Because in spite of your rank you are ill-bred." Misty growls as Princess Susanna. "You neither ask my name nor that of my parents, and you think to capture me as if I were a Pokemon. You must understand that he who would be my husband must have strength of heart, soul, and body.”

    “Charming princess, if I could become young again we would be married directly.” Brock protests as the king.

    “But I have the means of making you so, and by help of this magical powder in my hand." Misty explains as she reveals a bag full of baby powder colored orange. "One sprinkle of this powder and you will be consumed in it, but it will only reform into you if you have a pure heart--those with evil and impure hearts disappear forever. When the pile of powder reforms into you again, you will have eternal youth and life.”

    “Indeed!" Brock gasps, intrigued. "I want to know if your magic powder truly works; first try it on Sir Dillon here.”

    Misty looks over at Ash, who unbeknownst to the audience, has a clear poncho over his clothes, so it is not damaged by the baby powder. “Lovely princess, I willingly submit, although I am young enough without it. In any case life without you would be meaningless.” he smiles.

    "Princess Susanna sprinkled a little of the magical powder onto Dillon, and he was immediately engulfed in it, making it seem he had disappeared." Brock narrates as Misty flings the orange baby powder onto Ash, making him appear to disappear in a puff of orange, leaving behind a pile of powder where Ash was standing. "But after a few tense moments, the powder reformed into Dillon again..."

    Cheers fill the air as Ash returns to the stage, his clothing seemingly brighter and more colorful than before. "...and he looked so handsome that the old king, who was dreadfully jealous, exclaimed..."

    As the king, Brock pleads “Make me, too, young again, princess; do not lose a moment.”

    Misty throws more of the powder in the air as Brock narrates "Princess Susanna sprinkled the powder onto the king, but as his heart was impure, the powder consumed him, never to be seen again. The people were ecstatic, for the old king had often oppressed them, and they crowned Dillon the new king, and he made Princess Susanna his queen.”

    "Aw"s go up as Ash and Misty hug. "It was not long before they were married." Brock concludes as he plays a festive song on his guitar. "His brothers, whom he had pardoned, and his parents were invited to the wedding. On their way back from the shrine, the magic sword suddenly clinked, and, flashing in the air, divided itself into a thousand swords that placed themselves on guard as sentinels all round the palace. The harp, too, began to play so sweetly that every living thing began to dance for joy."

    The crowd roared as the group took a bow, causing the score meter to rocket to the top. "Tat's it! Te winner has been decided!" Darach announced, to more thunderous cheers.

    "You three clearly have real talent..." Palmer smiled as he arrived with a purple stripe for Brock. "But it is your leader who deserves this prize, and the right to go to the Grand Lore Stage."

    With that, he carefully pinned the purple stripe to Brock's vest. "A rainbow of lore has been completed!" Argenta announced as daytime fireworks lit up the sky over the Battle Frontier...


    "Well done on completing your rainbow, Brock..." Ash smiled as the group departed the Battle Frontier later that evening. "And thank you for letting Misty and me help you tell that epic tale."

    "Yes, it was fun playing all the girl roles." Misty smiled. "Has it hit you that you're going to the Grand Lore Stage yet?"

    "It's still sinking in..." Brock smiled as he lead the way to a grove of flowers overlooking a plain. "I never dreamed I would make it this far, and tell for the Pokemon League..."

    "Well, you did it." Ash smiled as he pitched his tent. "Misty and I are both proud of you for that, and honored to help you, if you're allowed to have help."

    "And even if you don't have help, you'll still do well." Misty agreed. "So read and learn as many tales as you can--the tellers in the Grand Lore Stage are likely to be tougher than anything you've faced before!"

    To Be Continued...
    Last edited by EmeraldSky; 11-09-2017 at 06:45 PM.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  3. #133
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    @Scytherwolf; @Soups;

    And now, an episode that was originally cut in the real show is added back in for the remix!

    Episode 106a: The Ice Cave (part 1)

    "Well,'ve just completed your Lore Stage Rainbow." Misty smiled as the group continued down a mountain path a few days later. "What are you gonna do next?"

    "First I have to do well in the Grand Lore Stage--then we'll discuss going to Worlds of Wonder." Brock assured Misty. "Not to mention Ash needs one more Badge, and you need one more medal."

    "So? Trip to Worlds of Wonder is a nice motivation!" Ash smiled before hurrying to a signpost. "Ice Cave, one mile...

    "If it's anything like Seafoam Cave with all the block-pushing, we're finding another way around." Misty sighed.

    "We may want to go through there--all the other ways to Blackthorn would add on a week to our travel time." Brock cautioned.

    "But we don't have a--!" Ash suddenly felt the ground give way beneath him. "WAUUUGH!!!"

    "How nice of you to drop in, it saves us the trouble." Jessie smirked as she looked in on the group in the pit.

    "But if you want to get out of here, the challenge is double!" James warned before turning on a hose, sending a steady stream of cold water into the pit.

    [Oh yeah?] Tintri taunted as he charged a Thunderbolt.

    [You're not trying anything funny with our masters today!] Michelle warned before firing a Water Gun, strengthening Tintri's Thunderbolt enough to knock the hose away and send Team Rocket flying.

    Michelle dug out some rope from Misty's bag. [I'll start pulling everyone out if you can find a good spot to tie this rope to.]

    [Got it!] Tintri replied as he heaved the rope over a tree branch.

    The Golduck and the Pikachu worked quickly to pull their masters out of the hole, but Tintri noticed Brock sniffling as Michelle helped him back onto dry land. "Thaks for da help, you guys..."

    "Methinks Brock caught another cold..." Misty mused.

    "Cold water on its own can't make you sick, can it?" Ash wondered.

    "Well, if you're in it for too long, then yes it can." Misty cautioned. "I think what happened was Brock was in that cold water for a while, which weakened his immune system. But that's nothing a trip to a Pokemon Center wouldn't fix!"


    Ash balked as the doors of a nearby Pokemon Center opened to reveal a pair of blue-furred Ninetales that looked cloud-like in appearance. "Wow...these are beautiful!"

    Excited, he looked up the Pokedex entry for the ethereal Ninetales:

    "Alolan Ninetales, the fox Pokemon. Possessing a calm demeanor, this Pokémon was revered as a deity incarnate in its native region before it was identified as a regional variant of Ninetales."

    "Dey are beautiful, I'll say dat much." Brock mused in between sniffles as the cloud-like Ninetales nuzzled him and licked him.

    [Joy...this young man has a fever...what should we do?] one of the Alolan Ninetales asked as Nurse Joy arrived in the room.

    "Keep him hydrated, and take him to one of the rooms to rest while I get him some medicine." Nurse Joy replied. "Be sure to keep an eye on him, and let me know if his condition worsens."

    [Come on...let's get you in bed.] the other Alolan Ninetales began as she led Brock to a guest room.

    "Were these exotic Ninetales a gift, or do they belong to you?" Ash wondered.

    "They were originally a gift from my sister, who's made a name for herself in the Pokethlon." Nurse Joy replied.

    "Really? I had the honor of competing against her when we stopped at the lake." Misty smiled, showing Nurse Joy the medal in question.

    "Anyway, these two Ninetales are from the exotic region of Alola, where the local Ninetales became Ice types to adapt to the mountain snows." Nurse Joy continued. "If you'll have a seat over there, I'll assess your companion's fever."


    [His temperature was 101.7 before.] one of the Alolan Ninetales reported as Nurse Joy arrived in the room where Brock was uneasily resting.

    Nurse Joy ran a thermometer over Brock's forehead, and winced at the readout. "102.3...let's give him some medicine to try and bring that fever down--he should not be traveling in this condition."

    [The good news is, he does not show any other symptoms besides mild congestion and some discomfort.] the Alolan Ninetales reported as she shook out two pills for Brock to take.

    "Thak you..." Brock accepted a glass of water and eagerly took the two white pills on the nightstand before collapsing back on the pillow.

    "Sparkle, take care of this young man, okay?" Nurse Joy instructed the Alolan Ninetales guarding Brock's bed before returning to the entry foyer.

    "Is Brock gonna be okay?" Ash asked as Nurse Joy returned.

    "Well, he has a fever and some mild congestion." Nurse Joy explained as the other Alolan Ninetales arrived to nuzzle her. "While his condition is not serious at the moment, we need to make sure it is not the first sign of something worse, so we'll see if his fever breaks in three days."

    "I have to wonder, since you guys are so close to the Ice Cave, does it stay cold naturally, or is there a way it stays cold all year round?" Misty asked, changing the subject.

    "Actually, the Ice Cave remains stable due to a large air conditioning nearby, which acts as a refrigerator." Nurse Joy replied before tending to a Pidgey with a wounded wing.

    To Be Continued...
    Last edited by EmeraldSky; 11-16-2017 at 12:33 AM.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  4. #134
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    @Scytherwolf; @Soups;

    Episode 106b: The Ice Cave (part 2)

    I will build my love a bower,
    By yon crystal fountain...
    Brock, now in a familiar purple, red, and gold minstrel costume, sang to Nurse Joy, now in an elegant blue princess gown, as she looked down on him from the balcony of a fantasy castle. She smiled, both bemused and appreciative of the lovelorn minstrel singing to her down below.

    And on it I will pile
    All the flowers of the mountain...


    Will ye go, lassie, go? Brock softly sang as he attempted to sleep in the bed, lost in his dream of singing to Nurse Joy.
    And we'll all go together...

    Some vaguely canine laughter snapped him to reality. [I appreciate your valiant attempt at a song, but I'm sure it will sound even better when the fever and congestion's gone.] one of the Alolan Ninetales assured him as she arrived with a glass of water.

    Brock sweatdropped when he realized he had been singing to the Alolan Ninetales in his sleep. "Thaks..." he replied, sleepily taking the water, oblivious to the chaos up at the front.

    At the front desk, Nurse Joy studied an alarming diagnostic. "I don't know how it happened, or who did it, but there's been a rapid rise in cavern temperature! We need to investigate the situation and get it under control before the cave melts!"

    "We're coming too!" Ash offered as he and Misty followed Nurse Joy out to a barn, where a herd of Piloswine waited for them. "It's the least we can do for your helping our friend."

    "But what about our friend?" Misty asked as Nurse Joy hitched up some sleds to some of the Piloswine. "We can't just leave him alone!"

    "Sparkle is with him, so I'm sure he'll be all right." Nurse Joy assured Misty as the other Alolan Ninetales leapt on board her sled. "Shimmer's more of the defender, so she can give whoever damaged the cave what for!"

    "Oh, so the Alolan Ninetales are named Shimmer and Sparkle..." Misty mused. "Beautiful names for beautiful Pokemon."

    "Let's go!" Ash called before flicking the reins on his sled, the Piloswines kicking up a massive plume of snow as the sleds raced down the hill towards the cave...


    Misty winced as she saw frost on some of the trees and the cave structure beginning to melt when the group arrived. "Oh my...I think the structure has been reversed!"

    "Meaning..." Ash pressed Misty for more information.

    "Whoever set up these heaters also reversed the pipes, meaning that the cave is being heated, and the forest outside is getting colder." Misty explained. "It's not good for either ecosystem, so we first need to find the cold air pipe and put it back where it should be!"

    Ash spotted a familiar blue pipe lying on the ground. "I see it!" he called, motioning for Misty and Nurse Joy to follow him.

    He did not, however, expect the ground under the pipe to give way, sending him, Misty, and Nurse Joy tumbling into another pit trap! "Thanks again for dropping in, have a little trip for your trouble!" Jessie smirked as she looked in on Ash and the girls collecting their bearings.

    "You'll have to work together to escape, for this trap's difficulty is double!" James agreed before hurrying off to tend the heaters.

    "Why do you rogues want to melt the Ice Cave?" Nurse Joy demanded.

    "So we can claim all the Ice Pokemon for us--simple as dat." Meowth replied before dashing off to meet his human comrades. "Good luck gettin' outta dere, twerps!"

    Ash, meanwhile, grabbed a Poke Ball and heaved it skyward. "Aina, I need your help!"

    As the Machop materialized on the ground, she noticed the side of the trap made footholds. "You think you can carry us out of here?" Ash asked.

    [Sure I can! If I can heave a hundred adult humans, I can carry you.] Aina smiled. [Lie down flat, so it's easier for me to pick you up.]

    Once Ash had complied, Aina gently hoisted her master in her small arms, and nimbly climbed up the footholds, setting Ash back on the grass some seconds later. [There we go!]

    "Thanks Aina." Ash smiled before showing his Machop he still had the cold pipe. "Go get the girls, and then we'll find where the Rockets switched the pipes."

    [Right!] With that, Aina scrambled back down into the pit to rescue Misty.

    Once sure that Misty and Nurse Joy were safe and uninjured, Nurse Joy led the way inside the control building, where a single red pipe easily stood out among the blue pipes on the cold line. "There it is! If your Machop can switch the two mismatched pipes around, it should refreeze what has melted and stabilize the cave."

    [I got this!] Aina smiled. [Just tell me what to do!]

    "Okay...use Strength to disconnect the red pipe, then help us get the blue one back in place!" Ash instructed Aina.


    The noise from nearby woke Brock with a jump, which also startled Sparkle from her patrol. [Is everything okay?] she asked.

    "I'b worried about by freds, and dose heaters nearby da cave entrace." Brock explained, pointing out some heaters by the window as he climbed from the bed and got dressed. "I have ta do subthig to help dem..."

    [I know you want to help, but I won't try to stop you.] Sparkle assured Brock before dashing to the front desk and returning with an allergy mask. [Just put one of these on, so you don't pass on your sickness to others.]

    "Thak you..." Brock replied as he retrieved his Poke Balls and his bow. "I'b gonna do everythig I can to protect your sisdur and by friends..." he vowed as he tied on the allergy mask. "Do't worry."


    "One...two...three!" Ash called, heaving a relieved sigh as the blue pipe snapped into place with a pop. " at least this place is stabilized enough to undo the damage Team Rocket did..."

    [Stop this, right now!] they heard Shimmer demand over Team Rocket's giddy laughter. [Leave those Swinub and Piloswine alone!]

    Ash hurried around the corner just in time to see James aim a heater in the majestic Alolan Ninetales' path, making her collapse to the ground. [Hot...too hot...]

    A smile formed on Misty's face as she heard the whistle of an arrow flying. "Brock!" she gasped as a familiar green fletched arrow landed in the icy floor.

    "Oh, feeling a bit under the weather, Robin Hood?" Jessie taunted, aware of the allergy mask Brock wore.

    "Well, that's one way to battle when you're sick..." Ash mused.

    "Code or doe code, I'b still going to try and stop whatever it is you're tryig to do!" Brock countered, stuffy head and all.

    He then heaved a Poke Ball skyward. "Raquel, showtibe!"

    "Arbok, let's do this!" Jessie called.

    "Raquel, try to Tackle da Arbok!" Brock called.

    [HAAAAAH!!!] Raquel cried as she charged at the massive purple snake Pokemon, only to bounce off the coils. [No go, Brock--Jessie's Arbok's way too strong!]

    She did not, however, see Arbok ram into her with a Headbutt! [WAAAAUGH!!!]

    "Oof!" Both Brock and Raquel went flying against a wall, dazed.

    "While you're counting Torchics, sicko, I'll be taking Rocky here!" James sneered as he snatched Raquel.

    Angered, Brock growled in frustration as Raquel squirmed in James' arms. I'm not about to have Raquel Poke-napped! If it means she and the others are safe, the only other thing I can do is use the Swanna Song!

    He sighed. Here goes nothing...

    With that, he started the familiar haunting melody. Gatrandis favel, secret, edena...
    Emusto ronzen fine el balaziis...


    ...Katoradis favel siicletu edena... Brock's voice rang through the cave and the nearby underbrush, snapping Ash, Misty, and Joy to attention as a green beam of light streaked towards James, forcing him to drop Raquel. Emusto koron zen fine, si...

    "What on earth...I would've never dreamed I'd find someone that knew the Swanna Song of legend..." Nurse Joy mused as she hurried to Brock's side.

    "Are you okay?" Misty asked Brock. "That was a very risky thing you did, using your Swanna Song when you already had a cold."

    "I had to do something to rescue Raquel." Brock explained as Raquel crawled back to him. "That, and alert you guys that I needed help."

    "Well, we'll check you over and make sure the strength drain didn't in fact worsen your condition..." Misty assured her companion as Nurse Joy went to work. "But considering you're talking normally, you may have actually healed yourself."

    "Let's get him and his Pokemon somewhere safe for now." Nurse Joy suggested. "He can rest while we deal with these hoodlums!"


    "River, I choose you!" Ash called as his faithful Marill materialized on the cave floor to face Arbok and Victreebel

    "You too, Sango!" Misty called, summoning her Corsola. "Tackle the closest target you can find!"

    [I know just the one!] Sango smiled as she charged at James, who was preoccupied with running from Victreebel.

    Ash watched both James and Victreebel go flying. "River, use Superpower!"

    [Hi-YAH!!!] River, now glowing with a blue aura, charged into Arbok, where he crashed into an icy wall.

    Neither of them expected Sahana to appear before them. "Sango, try to headbutt Sahana!" Misty called.

    [WAUUUUUUGH!] Sango cried as Sahana countered her attack, sending her flying into Misty's arms. River landed in Ash's arms some time later, an unfortunate recipient of Mirror Coat.

    Just then, Misty heard the crackle of Thunderbolts on the heaters. "Tintri!"

    "He short-circuited the heaters!" Ash agreed as a cold breeze drifted into the cave.

    The cold also revitalized Shimmer and the Piloswine. [Ye who dared to damage this environment, know the winter's fury!] Shimmer growled before she and the Piloswines unleashed a huge Blizzard, just as Tintri reunited with Ash.

    "Shimmer, use Dazzling Gleam on that Wobbufett!" Nurse Joy commanded.

    "Hide your eyes..." Misty told Ash as a bright flash lit up the cave.

    "Great work everyone!" Nurse Joy called. "For our final effort, use Blizzard at full power!"

    Ash looked over at Tintri. "Once all the Rockets are Rocketsicles, you know what to do?"

    [Of course.] Tintri smiled as Shimmer and the Piloswine unleashed their massive attack...


    "I can't even begin to thank you for saving Shimmer, Sparkle, and the other Pokemon here." Nurse Joy smiled as she ran the thermometer over Brock's forehead again. "Your friend was very brave, using the Swanna Song in a weakened state like that."

    She smiled at the thermometer readout. "98.6...just as it should be!"

    "Maybe Brock's Swanna Song allowed him to heal himself..." Misty mused.

    "Possibly--that's one common effect it has on TV." Ash agreed

    "I guess I can finally take this off..." Brock mused as he removed the allergy mask. "Although...I would've been more than happy to give Team Rocket whatever bug I had."

    "Yeah...let's see how THEY like sniffing, sneezing and a high fever!" Misty agreed.

    Everyone laughed at this before Ash petted the two Alolan Ninetales. "Thank you both for taking care of my friend."

    [Anytime!] Shimmer smiled as she tossed the used allergy mask in the trash. [If you're ever in the area, we'll be happy to help!]

    "Bye, Sparkle...and thank you." Misty hugged the other Alolan Ninetales.

    [You're welcome.] Sparkle nuzzled Misty as thanks. [Be safe on your travels, you three.]

    "Bye, everyone!" Ash called as the group started down the road. "See you soon!"

    "Okay, from here, we need to reach Blackthorn Lake." Brock explained once the group was back on the road again. "Obviously, Blackthorn City is on the other side of the lake, and with that, your last badge, Ash."

    "Then what are we waiting for?" Ash cried as he led the charge into the sunset...

    To Be Continued...
    Last edited by EmeraldSky; 11-19-2017 at 04:45 PM.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  5. #135
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    Episode 107a: Beauty is Skin Deep (part 1)

    "Those Alolan Ninetales were so pretty!" Ash smiled as the group made their way down a road a few days later. "I hope I get a chance to see their native land one day!"

    "You just might, if you keep training and getting stronger." Misty replied. "I'm still impressed that Brock managed to heal himself with his Swanna Song..."

    "I wonder if it's even possible for two living people to share the same Heart Song." Ash wondered, staring down at his Mega Ring.

    "It's possible, but very rare, for two living people to share the same Heart Song." Brock explained. "Typically, this only happens if someone dies, a Mega Ring is shattered, someone gives up their Mega Ring, or the Heart Song is passed down through a family or group. However, there have been documented cases of two people having the same song by sheer chance."

    He was about to say more when a tiny blue figure in the road got the group's attention. "What's that?"

    Ash hurried over to the tiny snake-like creature's side, and scanned it with his Pokedex:

    "Dratini, the dragon Pokemon. It continually molts and sloughs off its old skin. It does so because the life energy within its body steadily builds to reach uncontrollable levels."

    "Wow..." Ash gasped as he examined the tiny dragon Pokemon. "How did this little guy get on the road?"

    A roar snapped him to attention, revealing an approaching Gyarados aiming a Hydro Pump at him! "Not again!" he yelped as he dove to the ground, with the Hydro Pump narrowly missing him and his companions and splattering the brush nearby.

    "What are you doing here?" a cyan haired girl in an ornate costume demanded as she approached Ash and the Dratini. "Don't you dare try to hurt the Dratini!"

    "I would never hurt any Pokemon on purpose." Ash explained to the girl as Misty and Brock caught up to him. "My companions and I just found the Dratini in the road, and we were wondering how it got there, and if it was hurt at all."

    "All right...I trust you." the girl replied. "You three don't look the type to hurt a dragon Pokemon, anyway."

    She gently picked up the Dratini before introducing herself. "My name is Clair--my Gyarados Draco was simply trying to protect this Dratini, who I have named Minerva."

    "There you are, Clair!" an older man smiled as he approached Clair. "I was worried when we lost Minerva back there..."

    "I'm not sure how Minerva ended up on the road, but she was fortunate these kind travelers found her." Clair assured the man before addressing the group. "If you have a Pokemon that can Surf, you can follow Draco and me into town."

    "Don't mind if we do!" Misty smiled as she retrieved the Poke Ball with her Lapras inside. "Aurora, come on out!"

    "Got room for another?" the man asked as Clair set the Dratini in the water, then started following it aboard her Gyarados.

    "Sure!" Ash invited the man aboard.

    "Follow the Gyarados, okay?" Misty instructed Aurora, prompting the Lapras to float off after the mighty snake-dragon Pokemon.


    "So, who are you, and how do you know Clair?" Ash asked the man as the group floated up the river.

    "My name is Kaburagi--I serve as Clair's attendant." the man explained. "Clair is the Blackthorn Gym Leader, and one of her duties is to perform a yearly ritual with the Dragon Fang."

    "Dragon Fang?" Misty was intrigued.

    "As an aspiring storyteller, I would very much like to hear this tale." Brock was equally excited as he retrieved his story notebook and a pen. "And possibly learn it and set it to music, with your permission."

    "Permission granted--I think it would make a great performance and an equally lovely song." Kaburagi smiled. "The story goes that long ago, a dragon Pokémon--what kind it was has long been lost to time--brought terror on local residents, until it was defeated by Blackthorn's first Gym Leader, who took one of its fangs as a trophy of his victory. Ever since then, the Dragon Fang has been handed down through the generations, and today is the day that we must perform a purification ritual, to ensure the city's continued prosperity and protection for its resident dragons.

    "Sounds pretty exciting--I'd be more than happy to play 'The Ballad of the Hero of Blackthorn' for you guys." Brock smiled. "Just gotta work out the guitar chords and the lyrics first."


    Elsewhere, Kamon--now in a black, purple, and red wetsuit--sighed happily as the river carried his large inflatable raft upstream. "Ah, this is the may not be the beach, but it is the next best thing!"

    He grinned at the Golbat fluttering by the raft. "And thank you, Nightwing, for using Gust to blow this thing up, so I wouldn't need to waste the lungpower." The Golbat chittered happily at this.

    Just then, he happened to spot Minerva swimming by. "Oh, what have we here? A little dragon Pokemon...proof that big strong things often come in small packages!"

    He looked over at Nightwing. "Nightwing, surprise that Dratini with Astonish."

    He did not, however, expect a wave of water to pick up the raft, sending him and Nightwing flying onto the grass of a riverbank! "How dare you attack this Dratini?" Clair growled.

    "You're one to talk!" Kamon shot back. "If you think you're so high and mighty, fight me for the Dratini!"

    Clair said nothing, but instead lifted her right hand skyward, allowing Kamon to see the opal ring on the fourth finger. Seilei colfin ar kadram tro...

    "WHAT?" Kamon gasped as Clair's Gyarados was engulfed in a rainbow light.

    Just then, the group and Kaburagi arrived, just in time to see Draco, now a Mega Gyarados, blast Kamon and Nightwing with a Hydro Pump. "Clair, we need to be going--otherwise we won't make it back in time for the ritual." Kaburai pleaded.

    "No--Minerva is preparing to shed her skin - you know as well as I do that is when Dratini are the most vulnerable." Clair cautioned, pointing out some of the skin near Minerva's tail beginning to peel away.

    Misty watched as Clair and Draco slowly swam after Minerva, who was slowly working off the dead skin. "Come on, Aurora." she whispered.

    But as the Lapras followed the Mega Gyarados, they did not spot Kamon following them on the land...


    After a while, the line of water and dragon Pokemon came to a pool near the main river. "Let's stop here for a break--shadowing Minerva could be an all day affair." Clair suggested as she kept a watchful eye on the Dratini shedding its skin.

    "Clair...I come to you to request a formal match for my final Johto League Badge." Ash began as Aurora paddled to a bank, allowing the group and Kaburagi to step on the land, near where Clair was standing. "That is, if you are taking challenges right now."

    Kaburagi gasped when he saw the Glacier Badge glinting on Ash's vest. "The Glacier Badge of Mahigany it true that a shining red Gyarados was spotted on the rampage there?"

    "It is--and how we stopped it was a whole other story!" Ash smiled. "The Rockets wanted to turn every Pokemon in the world evil, a plan they called Project Reverse. Of course, Lance wasn't about to sit idly by and watch, so he asked our friends Ethan and Lyra to help."

    "Ash, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but it world be better if we started from the beginning." Brock assured his companion.

    He then addressed Clair and Kaburagi. "See, we were on our way into the Mahogany area, when we noticed all the Pokemon getting sick. Our first thought was some kind of unlawful dumping, but it turned out to be Team Rocket setting up for a terrible plot--something called Project R, short for Project Reverse..."


    "...and just as Lance's Dragonite Tiamat paralyzed the Gyarados, I signaled Ash to jump towards the lake, and sing the Swanna Song." Misty concluded the group's long story some time later. "It was a sight to see--rainbow thunderbolts raining from Ash's hands is something none of us will forget!"

    "Amazing..." Clair smiled. "You already know that Lance is the League Champion, and the one that Champions of other leagues report to. He and I are both Dragon-type trainers who have trained with each other."

    She went on "Furthermore, I am one of the rare few that shares a Heart Song with another living trainer--I'd like to think it is because of my bond with the dragons here, but I don't know for sure how it happened."

    "Normally, a Heart Song can only be shared if a trainer dies, a Mega Ring is broken or voluntarily given up, or that Heart Song is passed down through a family or organization." Kaburagi added.

    "Do you know who the other person with your Heart Song is at all?" Ash was curious.

    "All I know is that it is a girl, and she is the champion of a far off region." Clair replied.

    "Cool!" Ash was excited. "I promise I will give my all in our match, so if she's watching somewhere, she can see how strong I've gotten!"

    "I will give my all as well, Ash--bring your A game!" Clair was equally excited for the impending match...

    To Be Continued...
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

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    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    Episode 107b: Beauty is Skin Deep (part 2)

    "Okay, my rock-solid Pokemon strategist--what can I expect when I face Clair?" Ash asked Brock as the three companions rested on a hill by the river the next day.

    "Well..." Brock chuckled a little at the nickname Ash had given him, then continued as he showed Ash Clair's Gym Leader profile on his PokeNav. "I can tell you that battling the Dragon type is likely going to be your biggest challenge yet. Clair has many different dragons from all over the world, but the exotic dragons don't often come out against someone of your skill level."

    "That's a relief..." Ash smiled as Tintri hopped on his shoulder.

    "She will typically use her Gyarados Draco, who we've met..." Brock pointed out Draco standing guard over Minerva happily swimming in the current. "Keela, a Kingdra, and Saphira, a Dragonair. They are all powerful, but you need to mainly watch out for Draco, since she can induce him to Mega Evolve, like you saw yesterday."

    He added "Remember, dragons are vulnerable to ice, Fairy types, and themselves."

    "Any suggestions for who to use?" Ash wondered.

    "Tintri is a great choice, since he can not just zap Draco and maybe put a dent in Keela's armor, but he also has Disarming Voice, which is a Fairy move." Brock replied. "River is another option, since she is part Fairy, and dragon moves won't do a thing to Fairy and part-Fairy types. You can also induce Luce if you want to save Tintri for Saphira, as well."

    "Thanks for the tips!" Ash grinned, petting Tintri as he watched Minerva splash in the river.

    Just then, he gasped as a net came flying into the water, scooping up Minerva! "Hey!" he called when he saw Kamon pulling in the net. "Give that Dratini back!"

    "You want it? Come and get it!" Kamon smirked before throwing down a smoke bomb, causing everyone to cough and cover their faces.

    "Everyone okay?" Misty asked as she waved away the white smoke.

    Once the smoke cleared, Ash spotted Minerva trying to crawl away from the broken net a few feet away. "There! Minerva broke free of the net!"

    Seilei colfin ar kadram tro... Clair's Heart Song rang through the forest, prompting Kamon to run even faster as Mega Gyarados emerged in the water, intent on taking back the squalling Dratini in his arms.

    "Nightwing, get this dragon-snake off my back!" Kamon cried, summoning his Golbat to confront the approaching Mega Gyarados.

    "Draco, use Ice Beam!" Clair called, sending a bright blue white beam to engulf the Golbat, defeating it.

    "Tintri, try to blast Kamon away with Thunderbolt!" Ash called.

    [Right!] Tintri replied as he bounded off Ash's shoulder.

    [Going somewhere, pipsqueak?] Helena asked as she put up a shining shield to defect Tintri's attack, deflecting the attack in all directions hitting Ash, Tintri, and Kamon, and sending Misty, Brock, and Kaburagi diving for cover.

    "You okay?" Misty asked as she emerged from behind a rock, aware of Ash twitching a little from the effects of the wayward Thunderbolt.

    Clair gasped when she noticed an errant Thunderbolt about to strike Minerva! "Minerva!" she cried as she leaped onto the Dratini to shield it.

    The group watched in awe as a white glow appeared underneath Clair, revealing a majestic blue dragon Pokemon. [Thank you, Clair...] Minerva purred. [I will never forget how you saved my life when I needed you the most.]

    As the newly evolved Minerva brought Clair back to the shore, Ash read up on what Minerva had become:

    Dragonair, the dragon Pokemon. The aura it projects from its body has an effect on the surrounding climate and weather."

    "Nice..." Kamon grinned. "Helena, use Shadow Ball on the Dragonair!"

    "Draco, use Hyper Beam, and Minerva, use Twister!" Clair countered.

    "So long, Kamon." Misty grinned as the bright orange beam infused a large tornado to send Kamon flying.


    "Clair, allow me to extend my congratulations on Minerva evolving." Ash smiled. "She was the real heroine today."

    Clair was about to answer when she saw Minerva calmly swimming down the river. "Minerva? Where are you going?"

    [It is time for the ritual.] Minerva explained. [If your challenger and his companions want to watch, follow me to Riverhead Falls.]

    "It would be an honor." Ash smiled as he rushed to keep up with the Dragonair as it wound around corners and swayed around rocks.

    "Riverhead Falls is the source of the water that leads into Blackthorn City, and the perfect place for the ritual." Kaburagi explained as the forest turned to a rocky canyon that overlooked the city in the distance.

    After a while, the group arrived in a small pool surrounded by rock that directly overlooked Blackthorn City. [Here we are.] Minerva smiled. [Shall we begin the ceremony?]

    "Of course." Kaburagi retrieved a purple drawstring bag from his pocket, revealing a large dragon tooth that appeared to glow inside. "Guardian of the Dragon, and descendant of the hero of Blackthorn, do you promise before Arceus and these witnesses that you will defend Blackthorn from evil in whatever forms it presents itself?"

    "I do, so help me Arceus." Clair replied.

    After accepting the fang from Kaburagi, Clair sang Gatrandis favel, secret, edena...
    Emusto ronzen fine el balaziis...
    Katoradis favel siicletu edena...

    She then submerged the fang in the water. Emusto koron zen fine, si...

    As the last "si" echoed across the canyon and into the city, Ash and the others watched as the fang glowed, sending a dragon-shaped beam of light into the sky. "You is said that after a dragon Pokémon dies, its body becomes a star in the sky." Kaburagi explained as the sun sank below the trees.

    "That's beautiful..." Misty smiled as the group departed the pool.

    Ash looked up at the sky as the first stars of the night appeared. "If those really are the guardian dragons of Blackthorn, that gives me more resolve than ever to beat you!" he smiled at Clair.

    "I truly believe you have the courage and will to earn a Badge from me." Clair agreed. "I eagerly look forward to meeting you in battle."

    To Be Continued...
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

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    Episode 108: Fangs for Nothin'

    "Gold side ready?" Kaburagi announced as Ash and Clair met on a field outside Blackthorn City the next day.

    "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Clair replied.

    "Silver side ready?" Kaburagi looked over at Ash and Tintri.

    "Let's do this!" Ash replied.

    Clair reached for a Poke Ball as Kaburagi counted down "" and gave it a mighty heave when the whistle blew, revealing a huge blue seahorse Pokemon before the Pikachu, much to Misty and Brock's surprise as they watched from nearby a tree. "That's HUGE!!!" Misty gasped, her mind spinning with ideas of what Spritz would look like as a Kingdra.

    "Okay, Tintri...let's open with a Thunderbolt!" Ash suggested.

    He balked as the wave of crackling thunderbolts didn't seem to faze the Kingdra. "I'm about as shocked as Ash, here...if he very clearly has an advantage, then why didn't Clair's Kingdra Keela even flinch?" Brock wondered.

    "Keela, start with Twister!" Clair commanded.

    [Whoa!] Tintri gasped as a large shiny tornado picked him up and dropped him very close to where Misty and Brock were watching. Not one to be deterred, he launched the largest thunderbolt he could muster, but Keela remained unfazed, never mind that she had taken the Thunder attack point blank.

    "Funny...why is Keela repelling Tintri's attacks so easily?" Ash asked, puzzled as to why his all out offensive wasn't working.

    "When a Seadra is traded with a Dragon Scale, and evolved into Kingdra, it gains the Dragon type as well." Clair explained. "This way, its weakness to water is mitigated, if not nullified."

    She then called to her Kingdra "Keela, use Hydro Pump!"

    "Tintri, try to counter with another Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded.

    "Well, that explains why Ash is barely making a dent against Kingdra..." Misty mused as the wave of water and spray of thunderbolts collided in the center of the field.

    "Ice won't help either--Kingdra's water type also nullifies the most common counter to Dragon types." Brock cautioned. "Ash could try using Tintri's Disarming Voice, or sending River out--Maril is part Fairy type, and so would be immune to Keela's dragon moves."

    Frustrated, Ash motioned Tintri back to his side. "Okay, if raw power isn't working, I'll just change up my strategy a little." he mused as he took the Poke Ball with Mina inside.

    As he heaved the Poke Ball skyward, he sang Jao wiisha nes chiel com yutuul... engulfing the emerging Pidgeot in a wave of red thunderbolts...


    Meanwhile, Kamon and his team drifted into the pool where Clair had performed the ceremony the previous day. " to grab that fang without tripping the security?" he wondered as he tied down the raft he had used and inspected the pedestal the Dragon Fang was on, protected by a ring of laser traps.

    [Try and hook it with a fishing rod, so you don't set off the laser traps?] Talavar suggested as he retrieved a fishing rod in the raft.

    "Good idea!" Kamon accepted the fishing rod from the Skarmory, climbed up on a rock, and gently lowered the fishing rod down into the ring of light, being extra careful not to let the hook break the laser beams.

    Helena gasped as Kamon managed to pick up the Dragon Fang with the rod's hook. [He got it!]

    The Gastly's cry startled Kamon and the other Pokemon, causing Kamon to trip the laser trap. [Uh oh...] she stammered as a piercing alarm rang across the city.

    Clair gasped as soon as heard the alarm ringing. "The Dragon Fang!"

    As she recalled Keela and summoned Minerva, she called "We're going to have to abandon our match for now--the Dragon Fang is too important a treasure to lose!"

    "I know--we can't let it fall into evil hands!" Ash agreed as he recalled Mina and heaved another Poke Ball skyward. "River, I need you!"

    "Come on out, everyone!" Misty proceeded to summon her whole team. "We'll ride Aurora, and the others can follow us." she suggested as she climbed on the Lapras' back.

    Once the boys and the other land Pokemon were aboard Aurora, Clair and Minerva led the way down the river leading into the city, searching for any sign of the thief that had taken the Dragon Fang. When one tributary turned up nothing, Clair would lead the group down another route.

    Just as the entourage of humans and Pokemon wee about to give up, Ash spotted Kamon, who had managed to commandeer a boat. "There's our thief!"

    "That red haired punk's headed into the Dragon's Den." Clair noted as Kamon frantically rowed towards a cave in the middle of the water. "Let's follow him!"

    She went on "The Dragon's Den is a sacred place to all dragon Pokemon and their masters--I trained there with Lance once, many many years ago. Supposedly, there is a large sanctuary for all Pokemon known as the Holy Land deep inside the den--I shudder to think what that punk plans to do to the Dragonite that guards it!"


    After winding down another fork in the river that passed a waterfall, the group emerged near a large plain filled with flowers and Berry trees that stretched as far as the eye could see. " this the Holy Land?" Brock gasped.

    "It is." Clair replied as she climbed off Minerva. "It has been some time since I was here last, but I wish we could be here in happier circumstances."

    "For now, we need to find Kamon!" Ash reminded the group.

    "We'll search the western zone, while you, Kaburagi, and Clair go east." Misty explained as she and Brock hurried off to look in the various Berry groves. "We'll meet back in an hour!"

    "Right!" Ash replied as he and Clair hurried to check the many caves and alcoves in the walls for any sign of Kamon.

    He gasped as a Hyper Beam landed inches away from his feet. "What the?"

    "Up there!" Clair called, pointing out a Dragonite shielding a frightened Kamon on a cliff.

    "The Dragonite up there once belonged to the first Gym Leader of Blackthorn City, and was the same since her trainer passed on." Kaburagi explained. "Although very few know her name, she is the guardian of this place."

    "Then, if she is the guardian of this place, why is she protecting the punk?" Clair mused. "I don't understand..."

    A familiar roar snapped Ash to attention. "No way...could it be...?"

    To Be Continued...
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

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    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    Episode 109a: Great Bowls of Fire! (part 1)

    Previously, on "Pokemon Moonlight Silver"...

    "The Dragonite up there once belonged to the first Gym Leader of Blackthorn City, and was the same since her trainer passed on." Kaburagi explained. "Although very few know her name, she is the guardian of this place."

    "Then, if she is the guardian of this place, why is she protecting the punk?" Clair mused. "I don't understand..."

    A familiar roar snapped Ash to attention. "No way...could it be...?"

    Ash's awed look turned to joy when he saw who was approaching them from the sky. "Blaze!" he cried joyfully as a familiar Charizard heaved a Flamethrower in the sky to announce his arrival.

    [Surprise.] Blaze playfully growled as he gracefully landed near his master's feet.

    Ash just laughed as Blaze licked his face. "Oh, Blaze... you haven't changed a bit since we parted at the Charific Valley."

    [Speaking of which...] Blaze grinned as Charla landed by him some time later, with Liza, Ethan, and Lyra aboard her.

    "Oh, hi!" Ash smiled as Liza helped Lyra onto the ground. "Has Blaze behaved himself for the tribe?"

    "Very much--Pyroc says he has become a fine warrior." Liza replied. "Clair and I were best friends when we were kids, and even today, I'll occasionally bring the tribe to the Holy Land to train."

    "Now that you mention it, I have seen Blaze before, but I never would've guessed that he belonged to you, Ash." Clair smiled, just as Misty and Brock returned.

    "Well! I didn't know the Charizards of the Charific Valley came here." Misty smiled when she noticed Charla and Blaze.

    "Even if they are not officially Dragon types, all dragon Pokemon are welcome here in the Holy Land." Clair assured Misty as Liza ran to help Ethan off of Charla.

    Brock grinned when he saw Blaze nuzzling Charla. "Oh ho, it seems Blaze has fallen in love. Should we be expecting eggs and baby Charmanders soon?"

    [I don't know about eggs and Charmanders, but Blaze is my knight in shining armor.] Charla giggled as Ethan and Lyra joined the group.

    "Just say the word, and I'll be happy to write a song about Blaze's adventures." Brock offered.

    ["The Ballad of Blaze the Dragon Flame"...I like that!] Blaze smiled. [Don't forget to include verses about all the times I've helped Ash, Maestro.]

    Everyone laughed at this. Once Liza had collected herself, she asked Ash "Have you had your Gym match with Clair yet?"

    "We were, but then Kamon messed it up." Ash replied.

    "Basically, Kamon stole the Dragon Fang, escaped into the Dragon's Holy Land, and tricked its guardian, a Dragonite, into assisting him." Misty explained. "We'll likely need all the help we can get trying to catch him before he does something really terrible."

    [You want help? You got it.] Blaze purred. Liza, Ethan, Lyra, and Charla nodded in agreement.


    It was not long before the two Charizards circled above the Holy Land, looking for any sign of Kamon as they pulled their humans along in balloons. Ash, Misty, Brock, and Clair rode in the red balloon Blaze pulled, and Liza, Ethan, and Lyra, and Kaburagi rode in the gold balloon Charla pulled. "Our billion credit question at the moment...why would the guardian Dragonite assist Kamon?" Misty asked as Blaze made a wide left turn to survey a forest down below.

    "What probably happened--and keep in mind this is just a theory on my part--is Kamon likely threatened to destroy the Dragon Fang, thereby forcing Dragonite to obey him." Brock suggested.

    "You bring up an intriguing possibility, but I doubt that a Pokémon as intelligent and powerful as the Holy Land's Dragonite would fall for such a ruse." Clair cautioned as the two Charizards met in the sky, allowing each balloon's passengers to talk to each other for a few moments.

    "The Dragonite originally belonged to the first Gym Leader of Blackthorn, who dedicated his life in protecting the Holy Land." Kaburagi reminded the group. "Even after he joined Arceus in heaven, his Dragonite still continues her vigil in memory of her trainer--something she will likely do for all eternity."

    "Makes sense--dragon Pokemon do have way longer life spans than a human." Ash mused.

    He motioned to Blaze. "Let's switch directions and check the canyons on the right." Blaze nodded, and made a wide right turn as Charla went left...


    "Not so hard, miss dragon queen..." Kamon protested as the Dragonite carried him into a forest somewhere in the Holy Land. "Where are we going, anyway?"

    [You'll see when we get there.] the Dragonite replied. [I can assure you that our destination is somewhere good.]

    "Okay..." Kamon was not so sure.

    After a few moments, the Dragonite landed by a large lake, setting Kamon by one of the banks. [Here we must be hungry after coming all this way.]

    "That I am." Kamon admitted. "So, what are we going to eat all the way in the middle of nowhere?"

    The Dragonite chuckled as she fluttered from tree to tree, picking Berries she knew were safe for human consumption. [Taste and see that nature's bounty is good.] she smiled, offering Kamon the many different Berries she had collected some time later.

    "Wow...this actually looks delicious!" Kamon cried before popping an Oran Berry in his mouth.

    [I do not know the foe you were running from, but you're safe here--no one will harm you now.] the Dragonite purred, a little bemused at Kamon enthusiastically eating the many Berries she had found.

    "You don't even know all the bad things I have done, and yet you'd still help me?" Kamon asked as tears welled up in his eyes for the first time in a long time.

    When the Dragonite answered his question with an affirming nod, he embraced the majestic orange dragon Pokemon. "Thank you..." he finally whispered as a grateful tear rolled down his cheek.

    Just then, something dawned on Kamon. Wait a minute...Miss Dragonite didn't have to help me, and she did anyway, regardless of my past.

    He thought long and hard as he did his best to remember all the times Ash had helped him or was otherwise nice to him, despite his attempts to steal Pokemon and cause trouble. That time we were separated running from Ursarings...Ash didn't have to welcome me to his campsite, feed me, and serenade me; but he did anyway. The time I got stranded on Snowtop Mountain--Ash didn't have to bring me in from the cold, but he did anyway. Both times, he did it because it was the right thing to do, regardless of all the annoyance, frustration, and trouble I've caused him during this journey.

    Then he thought back to all the times he had battled Ash, or seen him battle. And yet, every time I've seen Ash--Wonder Boy--battle, I feel this light...a pure, bright, shining light. He has a deep love for his team and his companions...

    His eyes widened. Could it be...that Ash was right all along?

    A small structure on the side of the lake snapped him from his thoughts. But now's not the time to ponder the meaning of life, the universe, and why the toast lands butter side down...I wanna see what's inside that building over there!

    To Be Continued...
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

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    Episode 109b: Great Bowls of Fire! (part 2)

    Back up above, Clair spotted the lake. "The trees in the area around Lake Azure have had their fruit picked--is it possible that the guardian Dragonite took the punk here?"

    "My question is, did Dragonite take the punk to the Dragon Shrine..." Kaburagi mused as Charla moved in for a closer look around the area.

    "What's so great about the Dragon Shrine, if you don't mind my asking?" Ash asked as he listened to the rustle of Blaze's wings skimming the trees.

    "The Dragon Shrine was built long ago to represent hope for peace and harmony between humans and Pokémon." Kaburagi explained. "Within the shrine lies the Prayer Flame, a symbol of peace between humans and Pokémon."

    "So, it's like an eternal flame?" Ash was intrigued.

    Kaburagi nodded. "Despite being lit over 500 years ago, it still burns strongly to this day, and will continue to burn for as long as there is a desire to uphold and defend peace."


    The door to the Dragon Shrine creaked open, and Kamon walked inside, the Prayer Flame casting an unusually bright light in the room. " this some kind of gravestone or sacred place?" he mused.

    Intrigued, Kamon approached the pedestal holding the Prayer Flame. "This holy fire burns here as a symbol of hope and peace between all Pokemon, and the humans that love and cherish them." he read.

    He reached out in an attempt to pick up the censer, but he did not expect an ember to come flying out onto his hand. "Ow!" he cried, holding his burned hand as he looked for some medicine. I know I had some Vaseline in here...

    Kamon's pained look turned to horror as he watched the censer go flying out of the shrine and onto the ground, causing the Prayer Flame to set the landscape ablaze! "Oh no..." he gasped as he helplessly watched the fire begin to spread. "What have I done?"

    [That's what I want to know!] the Dragonite demanded as she began charging a Hyper Beam. [Why did you attempt to handle the Prayer Flame, when you were unfit to do so?]

    "Gah!" Kamon gasped as he did his best to avoid both patches of flames and the Hyper Beams raining around him. "Helena, help me!" he pleaded as he heaved a Poke Ball skyward.

    [I don't know what possessed you to want that fire, but now we have an even bigger Magikarp to fry!] Helena scolded as she attempted to use Reflect to shield her master from the Hyper Beams raining down on the already burning landscape.

    Just then, Blaze, Charla, and the group landed near the burning landscape. [I don't know what caused this fire, but let's rescue Kamon and get the fire put out!] Blaze suggested before heaving Flamethrower to counteract a Hyper Beam meant for Kamon.

    "Minerva, make some rain to help put out this fire!" Clair instructed her Dragonair.

    [Right!] Minerva replied before the orb on her neck glowed a bright blue, sending a wave of rain to help douse the raging fire.

    "Charla, can you help get the Pokemon of this area to safety?" Liza asked.

    [Leave it to me!] Charla smiled before flying off to rescue a family of Bunearies fleeing the flames.

    "Argent, help Charla get the tree dwelling Pokemon to safety!" Brock instructed as he summoned his Steelix.

    "Dundee, help save the Pokemon here!" Ethan instructed as he summoned his Totodile. Once Dundee had materialized, he dashed off into the brush to lead some Pichus and Pikachus to safety.

    Layra looked over at her own Marill. "Saphir, go help Dundee rescue the little Pokemon here."

    [Got it!] Saphir replied as she hurried off after Dundee.

    "Michelle, help Minerva put the fire out." Misty instructed her faithful Golduck. "I don't think a rainstorm's going to be enough..."

    As Michelle went to work putting out as many of the flames as she could, Blaze glared at the Dragonite. [How 'bout it? Should we battle the guardian Dragonite?]

    "No." Ash replied. "I want to try and calm her down enough to learn what provoked her."

    He balked in surprise as Kamon knelt at his feet. "Kamon...why are we being so respectful all of a sudden?"

    "I just want to say two things..." Kamon replied as he looked up at Ash, tears shining in his eyes. "First of all, thank you for saving my life. But I mainly want to say I'm sorry...I'm sorry for causing this mess, and I'm sorry for all the flack I have given you on this trip--taking all those Pokemon I took, using my team as tools, and generally being a big fat pain in the neck to you guys. Please tell what you have said about treating Pokémon properly true?"

    Ash looked down at the trembling boy before him. "I've said this before, and I will tell you once again. If you really want to have a close bond with Pokemon, you need to love them, and trust them. They will love and trust you back in return many times over."

    Kamon thought hard as Ethan and Lyra joined Ash. "Love… Trust… are they really what I lack? Are they keeping me from being all that I want to be?"

    "I wouldn't say you are lacking those..." Ethan replied. "But even if you were, it's never too late to learn."

    "It won't be easy, and you'll probably need to earn back the trust you lost from the people you wronged." Lyra added. "But whatever support you need, we'll do our best to help you."

    "So does that mean you're forgiving me?" Kamon asked, his tears shining hopefully in the firelight around them.

    Ash smiled. "Yeah...we all forgive you."

    Kaburagi smiled as Kamon gratefully hugged Ash. "Well, if you're going to make amends for all you've done, you can start by returning the Dragon Fang."

    "Oh yes..." Kamon remembered before unearthing the Dragon Fang from his pocket and offering it to Kaburagi. "Here it is...I have no need for it any more."


    "Metheris, please!" Clair pleaded as the Dragonite aimed a Hyper Beam at her. "It's me, Clair!"

    She braced herself as the orange beam streaked at her....only to be deflected by a wave of fire! [Quickly! Get somewhere safe!] Blaze called.

    The lightbulb went off in Kaburagi's head as he met up with Clair. So that's why Metheris is so unreasonable...

    He laid a hand on Clair's shoulder to calm her a little. "Clair...Metheris is suffering from a berserk rage.

    "What does that mean?" Misty wondered as she watched the Dragonite unleash a powerful Twister, forcing Minerva to dispel her rain clouds.

    "Metheris has become confused after performing too many consecutive attacks, causing her to attack everything around her in a berserk fury." Clair explained. "The only ways I know of to get her out of that state are challenging her to battle, or the Swanna Song."

    Ash nodded to show he understood. "Tintri, try a Thunder!"

    [AUGGGH!!!] Tintri cried as Metheris rammed into him, sending him tumbling down the hill into Ash's arms.

    Blaze arrived some moments later. [Come on! Before Miss Dragonite turns you two into toast!]

    "Coming!" Ash scrambled aboard Blaze with Tintri.

    Once sure his master and the Pikachu were safely aboard, Blaze soared off, allowing Ash a clear and safe vantage point to see the enraged Dragonite. "Metheris, listen to me!" Ash pleaded. "Can you hear the cries of the wild Pokémon around you? Please...don't hurt innocent Pokemon!"

    "Ash...Metheris likely entered the berserk state in response to something terrible, so she likely won't listen to reason." Kaburagi cautioned.

    "That reminds me..." Kamon sighed. "I confess...I was the one that tried to take the Prayer Flame and caused this whole mess. If there's anything I can do to make amends, I will do it."

    "We'll discuss that as soon as we calm Metheris." Clair replied as Kaburagi hurried off to help Michelle repair the shrine. That is, if there even is a way to stop Metheris' rampage...what if even the Swanna Song isn't enough?

    To Be Continued...
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  10. #140
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    @Scytherwolf; @Soups;

    Episode 109c: Great Bowls of Fire (part 3)

    Previously, on "Pokemon Moonlight Silver...

    Once sure his master and the Pikachu were safely aboard, Blaze soared off, allowing Ash a clear and safe vantage point to see the enraged Dragonite. "Metheris, listen to me!" Ash pleaded. "Can you hear the cries of the wild Pokémon around you? Please...don't hurt innocent Pokemon!"

    "Ash...Metheris likely entered the berserk state in response to something terrible, so she likely won't listen to reason." Kaburagi cautioned.

    "That reminds me..." Kamon sighed. "I confess...I was the one that tried to take the Prayer Flame and caused this whole mess. If there's anything I can do to make amends, I will do it."

    "We'll discuss that as soon as we calm Metheris." Clair replied as Kaburagi hurried off to help Michelle repair the shrine. That is, if there even is a way to stop Metheris' rampage...what if even the Swanna Song isn't enough?

    Meanwhile, Blaze and Metheris stared each other down as they hovered over the lake. Finally, Blaze opened with a Flamethrower, knocking Metheris into the water with a huge splash. Metheris, however, emerged unharmed.

    [Ash!] Minerva gasped as she spotted Metheris about to fire a Hyper Beam at Ash. She quickly formed a sparkling silver shield around Ash, making the orange beam bounce off of it with an explosion.

    "Thanks, Minerva." Ash smiled as he hugged the Dragonair. "I would've been roast Psyduck had you not intervened."

    Clair arrives and heaved a relieved sigh when she saw Ash was none the worse for wear. "Ash...would you be willing to help me try to stop Metheris?"

    "Sure." Ash replied. "Tell me what you want to do, and I'll do it."

    Clair nodded, then called "Minerva, use Bind to cut Metheris off!"

    Minerva complied by wrapping the huge Dragonite in a shining blue rope. "Okay, when I give the word, ask Blaze to use Flamethrower alongside Minerva's Hyper Beam." Clair instructed as Metheris struggled to get free.

    "Hear that, Blaze? When Clair gives the signal, use the most powerful Flamethrower you can." Ash instructed his faithful Charizard.

    [Got it!] Blaze replied, charging a ball of flame as he waited for the signal.

    A few tense minutes passed before Metheris finally shattered her shining binding. "NOW!" Clair called.

    Ash watched in horror as even the combined Flamethrower and Hyper Beam failed to even make a scratch on the enraged Dragonite. "We have to try a new plan!" he called as he watched Minerva move in for a second attempt at a Hyper Beam.

    [Any ideas, bud?] Blaze asked as Metheris blocked Minerva's attack.

    "Try to pick her up with Seismic Toss!" Ash suggested.

    He gasped in horror as Metheris dodged the attack, picked up Blaze, and hurled him into the woods! [I'm okay...I had the bushes to cushion my fall.] Blaze reported as he shook some burs off of him.

    "That's good." Ash was equally relieved. "Maybe if engaging on the ground isn't working, we should try an aerial assault!"

    [Great idea!] Blaze agreed before soaring into the sky.

    Clair watched as Blaze returned to the air. Metheris is too powerful for any one attack to work...we'll need to combine our power somehow...


    "Okay, Minerva--summon some thunderclouds while Blaze distracts Metheris." Clair called.

    She braced herself as Metheris unleashed another Twister. "We're okay, but that attack is making it harder for Charla to fly." Liza explained as the balloon, now carrying Ethan, Lyra, Brock, Misty and the evacuated wild Pokémon, landed near Clair's and Ash's position.

    Misty smiled as a thunderbolt jolted Metheris. "Clair, what a great idea!"

    [HAAAAAAAAAH!!!] Tintri cried as he unleashed a huge Thunder attack, pinning the huge Pokémon down.

    Ash noticed Metheris attempting to charge a Hyper Beam. "Blaze, try to contain Metheris' attack with Fire Spin!"

    Misty watched in shock as Blaze created the flaming tornado. "No way...the energy of the Hyper Beam was reflected, turning Metheris' attack back onto her!"

    Ethan gasped as he saw Metheris attempting another Hyper Beam. "Hit the dirt!"

    Everyone dove for cover as the combined attacks exploded in Metheris' face, sending her plummeting into the water.

    "Is it over?" Brock asked some moments later. "Has Metheris been calmed?" he asked as the group uneasily looked out over the lake.

    Minutes seemed to tick by like hours as the group reunited by the lake, watching and waiting to see what would happen when--or even if--Metheris emerged.

    Finally, Metheris emerged from the lake with a huge swoosh, her eyes burning red from berserk fury. "This is it--we're gonna be dragon food!" Lyra worried as the group braced themselves for the Dragonites next attack.

    Gatrandis favel, secret, edena.... Ash's voice rang over the lake. Emusto ronzen fine el balaziis...
    Katoradis favel siicletu edena...
    Emusto koron sen fine, si...

    As Misty hurried to keep Ash from falling in the water, the others heaved sighs of relief as Metheris' eyes returned to their normal color.

    She gasped in horror as the swatches of charred grass, scorched bushes, charred trees, and the shrine Kaburagi was repairing. [What have I done...] she gasped as huge tears welled up in her eyes. [It's hopeless...I've failed the very land I was supposed to protect!]

    [There there...] Minerva assured the sobbing Dragonite. [This isn't your fault...]

    Misty eyed Kamon as the other Pokemon did their best to console Metheris. "If you truly meant that you're sorry, you should start by leaving here, returning to New Bark Town, and telling Prof. Elm you're sorry for trying to take Dundee."

    "If and when you do return here, it should be as a trainer that loves and respects their Pokemon as companions." Kaburagi added.

    "Okay..." Kamon replied. "I will travel on my own to redeem myself. If anyone does decide to come with me, great."

    He offered Ash the Dragon Fang. "Here, Wonder Boy...can you put this back where it belongs?"

    "Sure." Ash replied as he followed Brock into the newly repaired Dragon Shrine, where Brock was watching Raquel screw the censer holding the Prayer Flame back in place.

    [ the Flame can't be knocked over or picked up.] Raquel reported as she admired her handiwork.

    "I only told Clair and Kaburagi how to pick it up, in the event it needs to be moved." Brock replied as he watched Ash set the Dragon Fang back in place. "Arceus willing it won't have to be moved for a good, long while."

    Ash met Clair as he and Brock emerged from the shrine. "Clair...since our first match was interrupted by this mess, can we start over?"

    "Of course--Minerva should have this place healed by morning." Clair replied. "We'll have the match in the Gym, for safety reasons."

    [Good luck, Ash--you've got me and the whole tribe cheering for you!] Blaze purred as he gave his master a fistbump...

    To Be Continued...
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"


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