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  1. #71
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Martin Vickers
    Prospect Junction Outskirts
    Affected RPers: @Noblejanobii @Awasfriend @AWA1997

    "It would be best to find a water source soon," Xie told the others. "I've been trained to live without water, but in this hate, my estimate as to how long I will last may be off. I'd rather not pass out in this heat if it's all the same to you."

    She cracked a smile at the electric squirrel's commentary and patted him on the head with her hand.

    "Says the man now covered in fur," She smiled. "I imagined that would be hotter than what I am wearing currently."

    "The desert b-breezes feel a little stronger w-when you're smaller," Martin replied to Xie. "But... heat is heat, I guess."

    Martin felt he pretty much had it. His speech was almost perfect now.

    As they walked on, Martin could see Xie wasn't fairing too well with the lack of water and shade. The ruined buildings they saw before were long gone and Rustwall City was now far behind them. They were definitely past the point of no return now. Trying to turn back to Rustwall would only leave them without resources on the return trip.

    In time, however, they came upon the settlement of Prospect Junction itself, but the afternoon sun was still up. It was still too early to consider a strike, but at least the heat was dying down as the sun began to set behind the landscape.

    "There it is..." Martin remarked, looking at the settlement of Prospect Junction in the distance. "We should probably pick out a m-meeting spot to hide in case we get into trouble. I... I hate to say this, but we're going to have to find these raiders and kill them as they sleep. Though I imagine they probably have sentries posted at night."

    Martin wasn't sure how well-trained Xie was in assassination, but he felt she was definitely going to have to make full use of whatever skills she had and hold nothing back. Meanwhile, in Martin's case, he was going to have to use his electric attack skills like the discharge used in an electric chair.

    This was definitely not going to be an easy task.

  2. #72
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Join Date
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    Xie Jade
    Shaymin Gijinka
    Vault 110
    Prospect Junction Outskirts
    Affected Rpers: @Awasfriend @AWA1997 @Neo Emolga

    As they approached, Xie quickly grabbed Taylor's arm and searched around before leading them over to a pile of rocks nearby. Ducking down behind them, Xie drew out her pistol and nodded to Martin.

    "If they're going to have sentries at night, they'll have them in the day as well. I might not be able to enter to scout out without being noticed. I'm going to have to rely on you and Taylor to get in unseen. You're small enough they may not take notice. I will stay outside and scout out possible entry ways for myself." Xie poked her head out from behind the rock and caught sight of one such sentry. He did not appear to have noticed them though. An idea sprang to her head, though none of them were really going to like it.

    "There is a way I could get in, but they'll no doubt notice me and I'm not sure what would happen to me once I got inside." Xie sighed a little. "Generally speaking, during my training we were also taught that rebel groups and armies tend to lack... well women. I have no doubt if I surrendered myself there's a chance they'd bring me in. But... well they'd have their own motives." Xie looked at the ground. "I may be trained for it but I've only tested my skills once, and I wasn't really planning on trying them out again until I reunited with Terri. Nevertheless, I'd be willing to put myself at risk for such a possibility if it means I can get inside." Xie cracked a little smile. "Who knows, I might be so bad at it that they just leave me alone."

    Xie wasn't really afraid of this happening. It wasn't like she was a first timer, but she had just gotten out of cryogenics. She wasn't entirely sure how her body would react to such treatment. But if it meant getting closer to Terri, well, for Xie, anything was worth that chance. Xie looked between Taylor and Martin, then back at Prospect Junction.

    "We can meet back here, if that's all right, at sunset. If we're not back by night fall, I say assume we've been captured or we're dead. Got it?"
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  3. #73
    Ditto Gijinka
    Vault 82
    En Route to Prospect Juntion
    Affected Rpers: @Neo Emolga @Noblejanobii

    "I'm not going to allow you to do that, you just got unfrozen. Your body is brittle still they could cause you serious damage. We should look for weaknesses first, if we find none then perhaps, but only as an absolute last resort." Taylor told her as he started morphing into a Rattatta.

  4. #74
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Martin Vickers
    Prospect Junction Outskirts
    Affected RPers: @Noblejanobii @Awasfriend @AWA1997

    With the sentries out even at night, it was going to make the attack more difficult than they anticipated. As Xie explained her training, Martin nodded, but he knew she wouldn't be able to take on an army by herself.

    "Got it," Martin nodded to Xie. "I'll take a look around and see what I can find. Maybe there's something we could make use of."

    As Martin stealthily ran on all fours toward the compound, he tried to take special note of his surroundings. He tried to track the number of guards, the weapons they were carrying, and anything else that seemed important. All the while, he didn't deny the fact that to some of the raiders, he was simply a dinner and nothing more. He realized they could try shooting him, but he was a much smaller and much more nimble target than how he was as a human. He figured if they did try to eat him for a meal, he was going to make it much more of a hassle than it was worth.

    From what he saw by traveling along the wall, only two sentries actually had sniper rifles. One of them wasn't even paying attention and was distracted with a beer and getting into a shouting match with some of the other raiders. Martin stealthily and quietly took a few pebbles and wedged them into the rifle's reloading chamber. He then quickly climbed back down and crawled out of sight.

    The other sentry was looking out from a makeshift metal guard tower, but only half-heartedly. Still, any unusual noise or sight would definitely put him on full alert. And as Martin judged him on his dirty face, bald head, and rugged clothing, he figured this was definitely not a forgive and forget kind of person. As much as he wanted to try an electric attack, he knew the other raiders would see it and it would blow his concealment. He decided to use a Covet attack, approaching the raider with endearing eyes. The raider looked down, stunned at what he saw.

    "What in the hell...?" he asked.

    Then, Martin quickly grabbed the sniper rifle's strap, flung it on his back, and darted off.

    "Hey, you little bastard!" the raider snarled, quickly grabbing his rusted knife while trying to pounce him. "Where the hell do you think you're going with that?"

    Martin hopped down from the guard tower, but to a small Pachirisu, the large sniper rifle was huge and was like wearing a giant, metal backpack. The raider jumped down and tried to stab him with the knife, but Martin was much faster and was a very difficult target to hit. Martin quickly dashed around him and then bit him on the back of the leg, directing a Thunder Wave attack right into it, trying to make it as effective but as quiet as possible using the least amount light-generating electricity.

    With two of the main threats out of the way, Martin quickly used an obstructed and concealed path to head back to Xie. The sniper rifle on his back was like carrying a seventy pound weight for a human, but he knew if he could get it in Xie's hands, it would give her a much better advantage.

    It was a struggle to get back to her, but after a lot of grunt work and struggling, he managed to make his way back to her with the sentry's sniper rifle.

    "Ohh..." Martin muttered, feeling exhausted. "Counted two sentries. I sabotaged the first one's rifle with a few rocks and I put the second guy to sleep early. And, well, I decided he'd be better off without this."

    Martin wasn't sure how skilled Xie was when it came to sniping, but with both of the compound's snipers down, it would give her a significant advantage when it came to distance. Ammunition, however, was limited and he knew Xie couldn't take down the entire camp even if every shot was a kill. He would definitely need to try to see what else he could do to make an attack easier.

    "It's a start," Martin told her as he finally caught his breath. "Even if they found out what happened to the second sniper, they'll likely just think it was a wild Pokémon attack. But... I can only do that so many times before they catch on."

    He was going to need to think of other things he could do to sabotage the other raider weapons without them knowing. Plugging up rifle and pistol barrels was one quick way to do it, but it was going to be difficult and unless the weapons were on the ground or otherwise unattended, it was going to be a very difficult task.

    "Taylor, see what else you might be able to fetch for Xie," Martin told the now morphed Rattata. "But I guess a good strategy is if you can't take it, break it."

  5. #75
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Join Date
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    Xie Jade
    Shaymin Gijinka
    Vault 110
    Prospect Junction Outskirts
    Affected Rpers: @Awasfriend @AWA1997 @Neo Emolga

    Xie watched in silence as Martin sprinted off towards Prospect Junction. Taylor, however, remained behind with Xie. Xie looked around the rock again only to see the sentry now being more vigilant than before. Great. She couldn't risk moving then. Xie sighed a little and drummed her fingers. She raised her eyebrows at Taylor's protest of her suggestion and shrugged. Last resort it was then. She glanced down at the rattata and smiled a little.

    "You can go ahead without me if you wish. I'll be fine." But Taylor stayed until Martin's return. The little Pachirisu was dragging along a sniper rifle. Xie quickly took it and examined it as he spoke. No doubt Martin was worn out since he wasn't used to maneuvering in his new body. Xie closed her left eye and peered along the rifle before smiling a little. Good, she could use this. Though the instant she did their position would be compromised. Xie looked at Martin and Taylor.

    "Take down as many as you can without noticing. Maybe look for a silencer while you're out there. If the gun is quiet they might notice where I'm shooting from right off when I try to pick off the sentries or guards later. It's not a huge deal without it but it does give a unique advantage in our favor the less noise we make."
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  6. #76
    Ditto Gijinka
    Vault 82
    En Route to Prospect Juntion
    Affected Rpers: @Neo Emolga @Noblejanobii

    Taylor nodded before knotting the sleeve of his vault suit and ripping it off with his teeth making a make shift bag, "Do the same with the other sleeve so you can carry ammo or anything small enough," he told Martin before running to the junction with the "bag" gripped in his tail.

    No one seemed to have noticed the sentry Martin took out or if they did they didn't care. After a bit of sneaking Taylor managed to pick pocket some rounds of sniper ammo with thief. Unfortunately he was unable to find a sniper riffle silencer, however he did find a scope and a silencer for Xie's pistol.

  7. #77
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
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    Martin Vickers
    Prospect Junction Outskirts
    Affected RPers: @Noblejanobii @Awasfriend @AWA1997

    Martin needed some time to catch his breath, as while the sniper rifle wasn't a problem to carry for humans, it was a very heavy load for a small electric squirrel. He then realized that yes, the rifle didn't come with a silencer, and if Xie used it, the whole town would hear the shots. Martin figured she would either need a rifle silencer, or something to muffle the sound. And then there was the other option. Make so much noise that the raiders wouldn't ever notice another sniper rifle going off.

    But if they went with that last approach, they could forget about doing this operation quietly. But even so, Martin knew they were running out of time. Sooner or later, they would know the sentries were eliminated and once they discovered that, the whole town might go on full alert.

    Once he managed to catch his breath and take a moment of rest before heading back into the compound, he followed Xie's advice. Take out as many raiders as quietly and as carefully as possible without getting caught. For Martin, that wasn't going to be quite so easy. Electric attacks were bright, noisy, and they might not even deal enough damage to fatally injure a raider unless he really overloaded them with voltage. And even if he could, he only had so much electric energy available before he ran out and needed time to recharge.

    Major portions of the base were made of scrap metal, which would be a good conductor, however. As Martin took a look around, he decided to focus on doing that. Zap multiple raiders as once, and hope that might just take out enough of them for Xie and Taylor to make their next moves.

    It wasn't going to be easy, however.

  8. #78
    Gym Leader AWA1997's Avatar
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    Larvitini Cave, Tohjo Falls
    Charmander Gijinka
    Vault 60
    Arriving at Prospect Junction
    Affected RPers: @Awasfriend, @Neo Emolga, @Noblejanobii

    As Martin and Taylor left, Char approached Prospect Junction from behind their current hiding spot.

  9. #79
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Xie Jade
    Shaymin Gijinka
    Vault 110
    Prospect Junction Outskirts
    Affected Rpers: @Awasfriend @AWA1997 @Neo Emolga

    Xie laid the sniper down beside her and kept a vigilant eye out for possible enemies. She hated how in the open she was. Someone just had to approach Prospect Junction and she'd be seen. It wasn't an easy blending process when your hair is green and your clothes are black. Keeping her grip tight on the pistol, Xie looked towards the raider town again before hearing a loud stomping sound that Xie couldn't place. It didn't sound like anything else she had heard before, so the best she could describe it as was a really loud stomping. She cast her gaze down the road and spotted something like a robot coming towards her.

    Xie mentally swore. If this thing was part of the raiders in Prospect Junction she was screwed. It would see her if she remained here. Her only option was to try and find different cover, but if she moved there was a high risk of either the robot thing or the sentries spotting her. So then, what should she do? Realizing she didn't have much of an option, Xie grabbed the sniper rifle and crouched, diving a little ways away before ducking behind another series of rocks further away from the road. Hopefully this didn't cost Martin and Taylor valuable time searching for her. Not having time to set up the sniper, Xie aimed her pistol at the robot and watched it carefully.
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  10. #80
    Gym Leader AWA1997's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Larvitini Cave, Tohjo Falls
    Charmander Gijinka
    Vault 60
    Arriving at Prospect Junction
    Affected RPers: @Awasfriend, @Neo Emolga, @Noblejanobii

    Char failed to notice Xie as she moved to avoid him. He stopped pulled out a map before putting it away and pulling out a laser pistol. He was at his destination, but he was currently out in the open and if the raiders here saw him, he doubted he'd do well against them since he wasn't trained well enough to take on that many people. He found a hiding spot near the one Xie had just left, but further away from her current position. Once he felt that they didn't and wouldn't see him, he laid his gun down, took off his helmet, and took a drink of water, as it had been a while since he had had a drink.

    He then pulled out some binoculars to see how many riders he was going to have to get past and how well they were armed. What he saw shocked him. "What the heck?" he muttered, watching as a pachirisu and a rattata apparently stealing ammo from the raiders. After watching for a moment, he went back to hiding. Those raiders weren't going to be happy, and he was going to have to go in there later. Lovely.


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