Quote Originally Posted by Pokemon Trainer Sarah View Post
Yeah I know Millie being the stalker is more likely but it could still fit all the clues if it was Pashner.

-His suspicion of Fletcher and Marche seemed to be incorrect, assuming the samples are right, and also because we didn't find anything suspicious upon interviewing them. Did he throw them out there to remove suspicion from himself? Jury is out on Daz.
-Being the mayor, he probably knows what's going on in the town. Pashner may have been one of the few who knew what Adis was up to. Do we know how Adis was killed? Would be interesting if it was by Koax.
-If he knew that Adis had a blue scale sample, he would know the only other person in town who he could frame would be Millie, and go after her, leading her to that room to trick her into thinking she is Koax and writing the false confession.
-Good point about hobbies/interests. Does Pashner like poetry and reading? Nothing was mentioned in the town hall about books. We don't know where he lives either.

Some suspicious info from his interview with Katie:
-"he doesn't seem too fazed about what would normally bring a lot of stress to other Pokémon if they were in his position."
-"he looks to you with a smug, arrogant smile."

Shouldn't a mayor be more worried that his town is basically self destructing? :O

Yeah I don't necessarily believe it, but I like conspiracy theories. XD
Exactly. All good points. I think we should definitely find out how Adis was killed... And don't forget that there was a Cross Arch key hidden in the town hall probably by Adis... And Pashner didn't know about it. Sounds like Adis didn't trust Pashner. I agree with you; none of this is concrete, but it's worth considering!

Quote Originally Posted by Pokemon Trainer Sarah View Post
The other thing to consider is the room in the Sleepy Valley Apartments where Millie has been hanging around. The basement door said:
"Only those special enough to secure my soul will pass through these gates."

Does "securing" a soul mean performing the ritual rather than killing her? Maybe it does make a difference...
I wonder too... Though what could possibly be granted to us if we use the ritual instead of kill her? Her soul? xD Like, in a jar?