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  1. #51
    So I finally got around to making more backgrounds and you know what that means, right? The plot can advance! #157

  2. #52
    Omg Serina's hair is hilhairious. :3c

    Seriously though, pretty rude of her dad to be like "lel take this land im sure my daughter won't mind." XD So funny. Awkward if she beat him. XD

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post
    ... Get out...

    Nah I'm just teasing you. Nice pun xD

    So I was excited to get their battle started, and decided to get the next page out.

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  5. #54
    Thanks. ;) Now all she needs is an alolan dugtrio and the pun shall be complete!

    Nice battle. B) I like the strategy involved! Go Luna. c:

  6. #55
    Hey there folks its time for another page! #159

  7. #56
    Oh my gosh that lady is so RUDE. Also I love that you put a different grovyle sprite there after Dig happened. He's like "Whaaaa?" XD I wonder how this will turn out. O:

  8. #57
    Why wonder when you could just open the next page and find out? #160

  9. #58
    XD True. Aww, she's not as rude as I thought. x) I like that Ant called off the battle before his drifblim got hurt. :> Cool that she just gave it up, lel. Maybe she has another place somewhere. xD I'm expecting her to be like "BUT I still get to keep my room lol soz." XD

  10. #59
    Eh, I think she'll be all right. Now our heroes get to check out their new base! #161

  11. #60
    Double posting in my own thread because I can. Fight me.

    Anyway, here's the next page lol


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