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  1. #11
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    @Midnight Sun Consider yourself reserved! Depending on how things go, chances are I'll be waiting at least a week or two to get the RP proper up, so you have time, and I don't close SUs after RP start anyway, just let me know when you're done!

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  2. #12
    τι ζωή Soups's Avatar
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    I'd like to let you know that I'm really intrigued with what you've created here... It's very interesting! Great job!

    Name: Vincent Gray
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Skinny wouldn't be the correct word, but it wouldn't be the wrong word either. As Vincent would casually inform his peers through his duration in middle-school and high-school, he was lean. Okay, he's skinny. You got me. Standing at 5'7", which is about as average as average can get, Vincent has dark-brown eyes and very dark hair, which he prefers to never show (his tendency to wear hats aids with that), but is kept cut on the low side. You'll almost never catch Vincent sporting any colorful attire. In fact, he's very bland with the way he opts to dress. If he's not wearing a darker shade of jeans, he's wearing a darker shade of sweats. Long-sleeves and hoodies are his prerogative and he's got no shame about it. Vincent has never been big on what's in or what's out, therefore, his shoe selection is extremely limited. Tennis shoes and what else? You guessed it, nothing. If there's anything distinct about Vincent, it's his silver bracelet that he continuously wears on his right wrist. To others, it's ordinary. To him, it's neither ordinary or fashion, but a symbol.

    Personality: To call Vincent a social butterfly would be an understatement. He was the man at Saffron City High. Anyone who was anyone knew him... and it wasn't by mistake. He was talkative, some would say annoyingly talkative, and he could fit in with anybody. However, that was high-school. Nowadays? His silence is deafening. He's calculative. He's daring. In no way is he cold, but he's definitely independent. Loyalty runs in Vincent's bloodstream. He'd put his life down for those he loves and cares about, but wouldn't dare let those that love or care about him even think about attempting the same. Vincent is genuine in every sense of the word. Behind the veil, he's a lover. He's a caretaker. He's a human being... and he wouldn't dare let anyone stray him from who he truly is.

    History: Growing up in Saffron City wasn't simple. Although Vincent seemed like he had it all in high-school, he didn't. Eric Gray, Vincent's father, would never dream of putting his family in danger's path, but sadly didn't express that same caution toward himself. On a cold Winter evening, when Vincent was barely eight-years young, a few former members of Team Rocket had arrived at Vincent's home to settle old but relevant differences with Eric. What began as an ordinary disagreement transformed into a nightmare when an altercation between Eric and his former pals turned fatal. While the former thugs of Rocket escaped and were eventually detained, Vincent was left with an emotional scar that would only continue to grow the more he attempted to hide it.

    Vincent began to partake in various activities to keep himself sane. He believed that if he was constantly occupied, he'd never feel depressed or allow the nightmarish thoughts to haunt him once more. He took to basketball and played a couple seasons with the Saffron City Spirits, although none of them resulted in anything meaningful. Writing was another hobby of his, more of a craft if you left it to the opinion of others. He wrote for the Saffron City newspaper, but after a few months, quit due to the conflicting schedules that came with being a high-school student. Pokemon Battling piqued Vincent's interest more than anything else... and boy was he damn good at it. After befriending Cory, a young Pokemon Trainer who was among the best in the city, he took to battling professionally. His mother gifted him an Abra whom he trained diligently until it eventually evolved into a powerful Alakazam. Vincent's love for Alakazam grew strong over time and the bond unbreakable. Eventually, he decided to stop battling... simply because he began to despise the concept of it.

    After graduating high-school, Vincent's mother, Lily, informed him that she would be moving to the Alola region and offered him to travel with her. At first, Vincent was hesitant. His love for Saffron City was strong, and with his father Eric being buried there, he didn't want to let go. But eventually, he came to terms with the idea of a fresh start and opted to travel to Alola. After residing in Alola for some years, Vincent decided to pick up battling once more, but quickly gave it up not too long afterward. Days turned into months and months into years and Vincent missed his father and Saffron City dearly. He began to feel as if he lacked purpose in the world and had little to no answers on what or who to turn to...

    ...then he saw the hourglass.

    Vincent was motivated. He knew not of the purpose he had in the world, but knew he could find one... and there was no better opportunity than what Team Hourglass offered. He knew of his exceptional skill in Pokemon Battling and knew that it was a skill that could definitely aid the Hourglass, even if he despised it. But even more so, he knew that it was his genuine love for Pokemon that was his biggest weapon. It was a done-deal. He knew not only what he wanted to do, but what he had to do. He had known what those of evil were capable of and what they've committed previously. Evil relieved him of his greatest role model being his father and he wasn't going to let it do the same with Pokemon.

    After making up his mind, Vincent informed his mother Lily of his decision, packed his things for what he predicted to be a trial ahead, and took off... claiming himself as one who was apart of Team Hourglass at heart.

    Pokemon Team:

    Wizzy the Alakazam
    Suar the Bisharp
    Fury the Rapidash
    Leona the Pidgeot
    Edge the Starmie
    Victory the Pikachu

    Other: Although his name is Vincent, he's often referred to as Vince.
    Last edited by Soups; 01-16-2017 at 04:55 PM.
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  3. #13
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    @Soups Glad to hear you're interested! Welcome to Team Hourglass, Vincent.

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  4. #14
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    You can expect me to sign up soon. Just have to finish some other things first.
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  5. #15
    τι ζωή Soups's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    @Soups Glad to hear you're interested! Welcome to Team Hourglass, Vincent.
    Thank you!
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  6. #16
    Soulless Bidoof~ Midnight Sun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    @Midnight Sun Consider yourself reserved! Depending on how things go, chances are I'll be waiting at least a week or two to get the RP proper up, so you have time, and I don't close SUs after RP start anyway, just let me know when you're done!
    Thank-you! :3

    I was also wondering if I could do a short SU for an NPC that will be featured a lot? I really don't know how extensively she will be involved, but she'll be around a fair bit at first for sure.
    Paired with my sweet sunshine, DVB

  7. #17
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    @Midnight Sun Sure, that should be fine!

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  8. #18
    Soulless Bidoof~ Midnight Sun's Avatar
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    I'm not done, and may tweak Izzy's personality a little, but this is what I have so far:

    Name: Eloise “Izzy” Beauregard

    Age: 23

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Despite living on a tropical island, Eloise's skin has tanned very little, and she is rather pale. This may be because she spends too much time indoors on her laptop, which isn't too surprising considering her computer science major. The amount of computer screen time may also have contributed to her needing glasses, and Izzy picked a pair with a thin, black rim. Despite needing spectacles though, her seagreen eyes can manage without them, though the distant world becomes a bit blurry. Her bangs, on the other hand, never impair her vision and hover a few centimeters from her eyes. That being said, they are noticeably longer on the side, and frame the top half of her cheeks. Her head of russet brown hair reaches her shoulder blades, and could be described as being a bit wavy.

    When it comes to clothes, Izzy enjoys wearing a range of colours, though she almost always pairs light tops with darker bottoms. When it's warm, and it almost always is, she likes to sport a tank top with Bermuda shorts or capri pants. On the rare cold day, Eloise will dig out a sweater and pair of jeans, though they're a tighter fit then the rest of her clothes. It's evident they're older and out of fashion, and the brunette has gained weight since their purchase. She couldn't be considered fat, but most doctors would suggest she lose a few pounds, and she is a little out of shape. A small backpack with a pixel pattern contains most her gear, though she does have a leather satchel for carrying her laptop and computing equipment.

    Although is isn't a perfect representation of Izzy, this image is pretty close


    Personality: Though some would call Izzy excitable, it’s a bit too strong a word to accurately describe her. Lively and enthusiastic fit the bill though; she’s the type that cheers loudly at sporting events, that dances along to her favourite song, that gets hyped for the next big video game. She’s also notably passionate when it comes to her interests and those close to her. This is blatant when Izzy does things like gaming; she’s the type to curse at the TV when she loses or does poorly. There is a small carry over when she battles, though the young woman has mellowed out a bit in this area. That isn’t to say she doesn’t get loud and emotive when the stakes are high enough, and this may lead to rash calls.

    It probably isn’t much of a stretch to say that Eloise has her stubborn tendencies. That isn’t to say she’s completely inflexible, though it takes a sound argument or evidence to change her mind once it’s set. This can make her a bit difficult to work with sometimes, but Izzy’s friendly and caring personality help make up for it. She also tries to lend a hand when possible, and typically does what she feels is right. That being said, Eloise isn’t above occasionally using her impressive computing skills to hack…

    When upset, Eloise can get fiery, but she’s generally in good control of her temper. Push her to her limits though, and she will snap, unleashing a very dangerous side of her personality.

    History: Her last name is without a doubt Kalosian, which is where Eloise was born and spent much of her early life. She grew up in a northern suburb of Santalune City with her parents and older brother, Patrice. Money was never an issue in the household; Mr. Beauregard was a well-respected hotel manager and Mrs. Beauregard was a skilled interior designer. Their wealth only accumulated throughout the years as Eloise's father was promoted and her mother took more prestigious projects. However, she and her brother were never spoiled and the value of good education was instilled in them. Despite this, Eloise had a hard time sitting still in class and would often go off on "adventures", much to the panic of her caregivers. No amount of punishment could get her to stop, and it's possible that the only thing that kept her from becoming a professional rock climber or parkour artist was a nasty fall. When Eloise was seven, she slipped away from her babysitter and attempted to climb the biggest tree in the neighbourhood. She had overestimated her skills, however, and took a painful fall after missing a key branch. This resulted in a leg and arm break, which was a terribly unpleasant experience for the young girl. Though she never lost her spirited nature, the desire to "adventure" had been seriously diminished and never quite returned.

    Eloise also had the chance to visit a few of her native region's cities and towns, thanks to her parents' jobs. The most notable of these trips occurred when she was nine and the family traveled to Ambrette Town on a business trip. It was here that she met Violette while playing in the park, and while Patrice thought the cat was creepy, his sister found her adorable. The duo formed a friendship during the two weeks the Beauregards were in the area, and Eloise pleaded with her parents to take her home. After reassuring them she had no plans on quitting school to journey with Espurr, they agreed to let their daughter keep the purple feline.

    Patrice, however, had made no sure promise and hadn't had his wanderlust quashed by a fall. He was quiet and studious, but at 14, he wanted a taste of the freedom his peers were getting. This lead to a few majors fights in the family, and lead to his running away just a few months later. Eloise's heart broke a little, she and her brother had always gotten along pretty well and was devastated he was gone. A consequence of this was a spike in her temper; she became very angry and bitter. It also caused some issues in her household, a lot of fighting, tension and uncertainty. The police did find Patrice, but they came to an agreement, and the teen continued his journey. Eloise was ten at the time, and she never allows herself to revisit this part of her life. It's still painful, and the siblings still don't talk.

    Two years later, her father was awarded a major promotion; his company was expanding and opening a new location in Hau'oli City, Alola. He was selected to be among the staff sent over to the chain's new Alola headquarters. As a result, the family left beautiful Kalos and relocated to troplical Alola. Although Eloise was hesitant at first, the move helped her a lot in the long run. The counselor she saw in Hau'oli was a much better fit, and over time, helped the brunette control her temper and adapt to her new life. She was also a novelty to her classmates, though she quickly butted heads with a girl named Keahi. The nickname Izzy originally started as one of Kea's jabs during an argument, but Eloise liked it and ended up adopting it.

    The two girls became friends the next year, and have been close ever since. Proof of this is the trade they made; Soleil the Litleo for Nani the Rockruff, which was conduced after seeing the Pokemon better fit the other "trainer". Despite having budding teams, both girls remained in school until completion. Graduating finally earned Izzy her parents' approval to journey, and although she did for a small spell, she never ended up going too far. Instead, the interest she had acquired in computer sciences during her last years at school called to her and she applied at the University of Heahea, as she was eligable for more scholarships there. Her lack of ability to stay cool in battle may have contributed to her choice, as may have Patrice's actions...

    A year into her program, Kea joined her as a roomate, and everything seemed to be going smoothly. However, one fateful night, while frequenting an obscure chatroom, Izzy was introduced to the conspiracy theories surrounding the Natural Order. She hadn't been following the group's actions closely, but kept a closer eye on them afterward. This lead to her realising that the things echoed in the chatroom were more then tin-foil theories, which caught her full attention. Her growing concerns were confirmed when she managed to hack a small Natural Order server, and while she was able to show Kea, she was expelled before getting evidence.

    Izzy is stubborn, so having her prized laptop stolen and finding a threatening letter did nothing but encourage her to join Team Hourglass. There was too much at stake to idle by...

    Pokemon Team:
    Violette “Vee” the female Meowstic
    Fiche the Porygon2
    Nani the female Midday Lycanroc
    Voltaire the male Jolteon
    Ombre the male Murkrow
    Reine the female Steenee



    Name: Keahi “Kea”

    Age: 23

    Gender: Female


    Personality: Despite specializing in fire Pokemon, Kea is a rather calm individual. She takes a cool and logical approach when dealing with problems or conflict, though snarking is not above her. In fact, if she does ever argue or fight, it will usually involve her making quips and subtle jabs. Even in battle, Keahi stays focused and composed; getting her to unravel is quite the difficult task. However, should this happen, she goes from cool to volcanic in the blink of an eye.

    History: Kea spent much of her life in Hau'oli City with her parents and younger brother, though they did often visit relatives in Paniola Town. Unlike many of her peers, she opted to delay her attempt at the island trials, and continued her schooling instead. In middle school, Kea encountered her first true rival, a "spirited" girl from Kalos. Their clashing personalities caused them to clash almost right away, although being forced to work on a project together the next year changed that. The young teens realized they worked pretty well together, and had more in common than they thought. This began their friendship, which extends to this day. When she turned 17, Kea attempted and completed her island trial, but did not continue onto the league. Instead, she applied and was accepted into the Heahea University, where Kea is currently studying Alolan ecology (with a desire to specialize in volcanic ecosystems).

    Kea, being a logical person, had noticed that the Natural Order's actions didn't match their words. Her suspicions were confirmed after she saw some of the files Eloise discovered after hacking a minor Natural Order server. However, before the girls could act, Izzy was booted from the server and the next day, her laptop was stolen. There was threatening note left in their dorm soon after, though it was impossible to determine whether or not the Natural Order was behind it. Although Keahi never officially joined Team Hourglass, she is certainly sympathetic to them and their actions.

    Pokemon Team:
    Lani the male Talonflame
    Soleil the female Pyroar
    Ikaika the male Turtnator
    Aimi the female Alolan Ninetales
    Cenric the male Alolan Merowak
    Dana the female Salazzle

    Last edited by Midnight Sun; 01-23-2017 at 09:11 PM.
    Paired with my sweet sunshine, DVB

  9. #19
    Not insanity. Supersanity. Death's Spook's Avatar
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    It depends. How sane are you?
    We've been talking about this for a fair bit: two reserves please!

    Name: Ruqayyah Hussein Abdur-Rahman
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: At not even 5 feet, 2 inches, Ruqayyah does not cut an impressive figure. Furthermore, she’s all angles with ropy muscle, with a gymnast’s figure more than anything else. Her darker olive skin contrasts with bright green eyes, and her nose is long, aquiline, and bent as though it’s been broken a couple times. Her facial expression is usually carefully neutral, and it can be difficult to tell what she’s thinking. Her hair is tied up and hidden under a two piece headscarf, designed to be worn with minimal fuss. She wears long slacks loose enough for moving around comfortably, and in most circumstances would go for a hoodie on top, creating something of an incongruous image. However, she has conceded to the weather, and instead of a sweater, she wears a long sleeved but thin navy shirt more appropriate for not baking in the heat. She perpetually has a backpack on her, sturdy and designed take punishment while keeping its contents intact, and her sneakers are designed to be both durable and give practical support for active pursuits.

    Personality: Ruqayyah is pretty quiet… but only when she notices some jerk that she needs to teach a lesson, since she can lure them into a false sense of security. Most of the time, though, Ruqayyah is direct, blunt, and a little arrogant. Despite her small stature, she is an excellent trainer with a team that has both raw strength and strategic acumen, and she knows it. In part because of this, she can occasionally flaunt her power at times that may not call for it. Ultimately, however, she suffers from an an inability to be quiet when she sees something wrong happening: she’s brash and easily angered and a bit egotistical, but she will always interfere to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. This especially applies if her little sister is somehow caught in a situation; since their father died, Sukainah has become Ruqayyah's top priority, and their move to Alola from Unova was made in large part for Sukainah's sake.


    Ruqayyah grew up in the Unova region to a technology CEO and his doctor wife. She was their only child for about 9 years, whereupon her mother grew pregnant again. However, the delivery of her second child was complicated, and though they were able to save the baby, Ruqayyah's mother passed away.

    To say that both Ruqayyah and her father took this death very hard was an understatement. While Ruqayyah's father buried himself in work, Ruqayyah herself found the most comfort in taking care of her little sister: Sukainah technically had nannies, but Ruqayyah frequently brushed them aside and fed and changed her sister herself. However, Ruqayyah started working herself into the ground trying to care for her sister. Eventually, her dad started to notice, and after a bit of a conflict between the two, Hussein Abdur-Rahman gave his daughter her first pokemon, a Cottonee, and sent her on a journey to challenge the Unova Pokémon League, with Ruqayyah informing him that she was going to call to check in on Sukainah every day.

    Ruqayyah was a bit reluctant to travel at first, but eventually took to training very well. She was a natural at raising and commanding Pokémon, with both an acute strategic mind and a gift for keeping Pokémon coordinated and happy. Within 8 months, she had caught five other Pokémon and beaten 8 gyms. She had no concrete plans to challenge the league, though she did have plans to come back home for Sukainah's first birthday.

    But then Sukainah got kidnapped.

    The kidnappers were demanding a ransom for the one year old, but Ruqayyah was beside herself in sheer anger. However, she was able to figure out where they were holding her sister. Ruqayyah calmly walked in and, in a quiet tone of voice, ordered her Zweilous to use Draco Meteor on the first idiot to threaten her. And that pretty much set the tone for Ruqayyah getting her sister back.

    It did not take long for Sukainah to be safe in her big sister's arms and for the undercover International Police agent to give her his information with a job offer.

    Ruqayyah took a day to make her decision, though she informed him a week later to take care of her sister. And so Agent Looker of the International Police took her under his wing.

    For the next decade, Ruqayyah split her time doing work for Interpol and looking after Sukainah (after a second argument with her dad). She did good work, her sharp mind and sheer will making her both a good detective and good older sister (albeit one insistent that Sukainah eats her vegetables, much to the then toddler's chagrin).

    But then, tragedy struck when Ruqayyah's dad suddenly died, and the complex circumstances around his death deprived Ruqayyah and Sukainah of most of their father's wealth. Ruqayyah did get legal custody of Sukainah immediately, and the sisters were not left poorly off because of Ruqayyah's steady paycheck from Interpol, but they were certainly left significantly less rich than before. Ruqayyah applied for paid leave, and it was accepted.

    However, Sukainah was getting ready to go on her own journey, and neither sister wanted Sukainah to go on her journey in Unova, where their father's death was raw and still controversial. So Ruqayyah bought herself and her sister tickets to the Alola region, with the intent that Sukainah starts her journey there, instead. But there's reason to suspect Ruqayyah has another reason to go to Alola...

    Meep the Whimsicott (F)
    Imp the Yanmega (F)
    Poisson the Tentacruel (F)
    Lumen the Chandelure (M)
    Mika’il the Metagross
    Jibra’il the Hydreigon (M)


    Name: Sukainah Hussein Abdur-Rahman
    Age: 11
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Sukainah's build is a study of contrasts with her sister: the former is already almost ready to overtake the latter's height, being five feet even. Furthermore, where Ruqayyah has angles, Sukainah has soft curves, making her look more gentle than her older sister. Their skin tone and eye color are identical, and even their choice in headwear is quite similar, but Sukainah's nose, while long like Ruqayyah's, does not display any signs of having been broken in the past. Sukainah also has dimples and defaults to a genuinely cheerful smile, especially when meeting new people. Her clothes, however, display a practicality that's much more similar to Ruqayyah's than one might first assume, with jeans and shirt designed to withstand dirt and grime and the rigors of going on trials. She also has a similarly sturdy backpack, although hers holds her very grumpy Eevee, Natalia. It is also rare to see her not holding her Mimikyu, Rafiqi, and quite recently her Wishiwashi has taken to sitting on her head.


    If there was a niceness competition, Sukainah would win it without question for all time and ever until she was disqualified for making it unfair. People's first reaction to her is "Oh my Tapu she's so nice!", but upon closer examination... nope, that's exactly what she is. Sukainah's inner nature is that of someone who goes around, making people's lives easier because she wants to, and her deeply altruistic nature and advanced skill in empathy tends to make her liked and trusted very quickly. Furthermore, she's quite sharp, especially when it comes to people, and so despite her relatively young age, she's quite wise. But because of her kind nature, she finds it difficult to be mean when it is necessary, and she can be walked over if she's not careful. However, there are hints that she can develop her sister's spine, though only time will tell if she can manage it.


    When Ruqayyah first picked up her sister and took her to Alola, Sukainah was only mildly upset: she was sad that she would be leaving her friends behind, but she was looking forward to the island trials and the new friends she would make. Furthermore, the sisters were fresh from the grief of their father's death, and going somewhere else to get some distance from it seemed ideal. When they got to Alola, Sukainah even went for a walk to take in the new environment.

    Of course, that's about when she saw the clearly beaten chained Eevee and the Mimikyu desperately tending to her.

    Sukainah immediately dragged Ruqayyah over and basically demanded that the "trainer" who kept the two be arrested for "everything." Ruqayyah couldn't make any arrests since she was on leave and the trainer wasn't around, but Sukainah's older sister did make some calls to figure out what was going on, only to discover that the trainer in question had already been arrested and his other Pokémon seized. The Eevee and Mimikyu were supposed to be taken too, but the police did not find them.

    Upon finding this out, Sukainah begged her sister to let her tend to the Pokémon. Ruqayyah was not immediately enthused, but acquiesced. And for about a month, Sukainah did everything in her power to nurse the Pokémon, keeping them fed, warm, and loved. Natalia the Eevee already had a name according to Ruqayyah's Metagross, but it was Sukainah who named the Mimikyu Rafiqi. And when Rafiqi had a night terror, or when Natalia threw a tantrum out of fear, it was Sukainah who comforted and calmed them.

    Unbeknowest to Sukainah, Ruqayyah covertly arranged for paperwork to go through to allow Sukainah to keep the two permanently, registering them as Sukainah's starters. And when the paperwork went through, Ruqayyah surprised her sister with it.

    Sukainah's scream of delight could practically be heard in Kanto, and she packed immediately to go on her journey. Ruqayyah asked to tag along out of worry, given the increasingly tense climate in Alola, and Sukainah was even more glad to have her "best big sister in the world" along.

    Sukainah moved through the Melemele trial and grand trial pretty quickly, and currently just finished the water trial on Akala Island and caught a Wishiwashi soon thereafter. She is currently preparing to go to the fire trial, but has started to become concerned because her sister seems increasingly distracted and worried as time goes on...


    Natalia the Eevee (F)
    Rafiqi the Mimikyu (M)
    Ghaseel the Wishiwashi (M)

    Last edited by Death's Spook; 03-01-2017 at 04:39 PM.
    Avatar taken from Scarfgirl and TheOtherChosenOne of Deviantart. Two great tastes that go great together! You know, when they aren't trying to kill each other horribly.

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  10. #20
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    @Midnight Sun @Death's Spook Just let me know when you finish.

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