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  1. #31
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
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    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    @Winter, the kiddo is ready to go!

    Name: Drew Abbes.

    Age: 24.

    Gender: Agender (they/them pronouns).

    Appearance: Drew is pretty average-sized - 5’7”, with a healthy padding of muscle and fat. Their skin is reddish-tan, and their eyes are a piercing jet black. Their short hair is naturally dark, though they keep a pale violet streak dyed into the front of it. For the most part, Drew is rather androgynous, though their face is a bit more feminine pretty than masculine handsome. They keep their clothes simple, given the Alola heat - they usually keep to knee-skirts or shorts and a shirt - and they’re something of a fashionista, pulling off nearly any outfit quite well. They nearly always carry a black backpack with them, which holds their wallet, training supplies, and slightly weatherbeaten Team Skull medallion.

    Personality: For the most part, Drew is a very reserved person. Slow to trust, they treat people courteously but coolly most of the time, holding everyone at arm’s length unless they have a very good reason to keep that person close or push them away. They tend to have a rather pessimistic outlook on life, believing that most of the time, things will just be struggle after struggle. They're not emotionless, but they try not to wear their heart on their sleeve and would rather eat sand than display strong emotions when they don't know how someone will react to them. That said, even around people they don't know, they can be a bit hostile at times - they don't lash out often, but if they think that they're being mocked or underestimated they go from calm and collected to frigid and nasty very quickly. They also often become jealous of accomplished people, and assume that success and arrogance are borderline synonymous.

    Once they've had a chance to defrost a bit, Drew is a bit better to be around. While they are fairly selfish, believing that the only way to get what they want is to snatch it and defend it ferociously, they're very loyal to those who earn their trust and respect. They have a decent sense of humor, usually self-deprecating, and will frequently joke around with people they know. They also have a bit of a flair for the dramatic, and are rather quick and perceptive. Even around those they know, they tend to be very hesitant about sharing the full extent of their emotions and opinions, out of fear that they'll be dismissed or that the things they share will be used against them. Most of all, they really just want to be accepted and find a place where they belong, and if someone is kind to them they will do their best to make sure that person feels accepted as well.

    History: Drew was born in Hau’oli City, to parents who really weren't expecting a child and didn't really know what to do with one. While Drew’s physical needs were met - they had food, clothes, education, etc - their parents were dismissive of their emotions and were too busy with their high-end jobs to properly care for them. As a result, Drew was pretty closed-off and quiet as a kid - with one exception. When they were ten, Drew spent their allowance money on a Pokeball and befriended and caught a Drowzee. Their parents were pretty annoyed with the new addition to the house, but Drew made things simpler for them when they announced that as soon as they were eleven, they would be heading off to take the island challenge.

    True to their word, Drew set out a few months later after their eleventh birthday and a brief farewell to their parents. Having nothing but the meager remnants of their allowance, their clothes, and Ikika, they were under-equipped for the island challenge and, try as they might, could never seem to beat Captain Ilma’s intense trial. After a particularly humiliating beatdown, they ran into a Team Skull grunt on the street. To Drew’s surprise, the grunt wasn’t there to steal from Drew or otherwise heckle them - she was there because she had seen Drew’s trial attempts and wanted to offer the determined little scrap a place with her group. Surprised by the grunt’s friendliness, Drew agreed to join.

    For the next couple of years, Team Skull was Drew’s family. They never really understood the group’s reputation as dumb, ignorant trial dropouts - most of the grunts that Drew knew had washed out of the trial or come into the group because the system put them at an unfair disadvantage, such as not having the money to keep up a battling career like Drew had been. They were eager to help Team Skull in any way they could, which, for such a young grunt, usually took the form of stealing things or providing safety in numbers with other grunts. Their team grew and flourished during this time, and for the first time in their life, they finally felt accepted. When Guzma disbanded Team Skull, Drew was crushed - their purpose had been snatched away, and they were forced to acknowledge that not only was their family drifting apart, they had been used to do horrible things in the name of the Aether Foundation. Furious at the sight of the one good thing they’d had crumbling around them, they set off on their own a second time.

    Since then, Drew hasn’t been doing very much in the way of exciting things. They’ve become a career Trainer, making a fairly good living off of it, though they still don’t want to touch the island challenge or the League with a ten-foot pole. For the most part, they don’t talk much about their past, though every now and again they’ll pay a visit to Plumeria or other Skull grunts. They’re not so sure about this Team Hourglass thing - they don’t trust the Natural Order as far as they can throw it, but they’re about as skeptical about the Hourglass. Recently, they’ve started doing a little investigation into both groups, poking around to see what’s going on - and whether either of these groups might be places where they can help out and feel safe again.

    Pokemon Team:
    - Drew’s first Pokemon, and the one they trust most. Hates being underestimated as much as Drew does. Will not eat your dreams without permission.
    - The only Pokémon Drew ever stole due to the previous Trainer being abusive. A loyal teammate, but skittish with strangers. Goes fast.
    - Surprisingly amicable for his species. Caught as a Gastly before being trained up. Can and will tear teams in half.
    - Drew’s first catch outside of Team Skull. Pretty gentle, if a bit impish. Plays support most of the time and is pretty good at it.
    - Practically demanded to join Drew’s team when they met. Drew suspects abandonment in her past. Still not much of a fighter.
    - Caught on a brief foray into Mt. Lanakila. Acts imperious, but is really just a gentle goofball. Lives to be petted.

    Other: Drew doesn’t mind correcting people on their pronouns if need be and isn't offended when people don't magically intuit their gender, but they get very irritated if people consistently mess it up or misgender them on purpose. That said, they really don't care about the casual use of words like “dude”, “guy”, etc.
    Last edited by VeloJello; 01-29-2017 at 11:46 PM.

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  2. #32
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    @Velocity I don't have a solid number for anything, but we're looking at the RP taking place roughly ten years after Sun/Moon.

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  4. #33
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Sorry for the douvle post, folks, but @Velocity, Drew is accepted.

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  5. #34
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Annnnnnnnnnnnnd a triple post because no one has said anything recently! So, the RP has been posted, and everyone should have gotten a ping, barring @Desolate Divine because I did not realize you changed your username. XD I'll have that fixed in a bit, but it's up.

    As of right now, I'm giving everyone a post or two to establish characters and such before the Natural Order Rally in Hau'oli kicks into action. To be clear, Team Hourglass has not been established as a proper Team yet, but Teri has hopes of changing that at the upcoming rally. He and Alan have been leaving little clues across Pokemon Centers in order to try to get supporters there and wearing clear signs of support.

    That being said, we've also had some info roll in on the members of Natural Order's upper administration. That information is as follows:

    Jonah Reve (47.)
    is the head of the Natural Order Group. He used to be a big businessman, but he has since stepped down following his daughter’s death as a result of a freak accident during a battle she was watching. He claims to have done a ton of research in the months that followed, and when he stepped back into the public eye, it was as the head of a group calling for the separation of Pokemon and humans.

    Hershel Gallow (33.) is Jonah’s right hand man. He’s often heard at Natural Order rallies talking about how his niece was his world...until a bad run in with the Munna she had befriended left the girl in a sleep from which she couldn't wake up. He’s often seen accompanying younger administration member Corinne Moss.

    Corinne Moss (22.) is the youngest member of Natural Order administration. She’s often seen in Jonah and Hershel’s company, dressed up like the perfect little girl--pretty dresses, hair in ribbons, and quiet. Those who have spent time in close proximity to her suggest she isn't as sweet and innocent as she seems in public. Granted, the fact Jonah had to pull strings to get her released from a mental institution is a little known fact, but who wouldn't have problems following a beach trip turning dark after your big brother was eaten by Palossand?

    Beatrice Bennett (31.) is Natural Order’s head scientist. Not often seen at public events, but very much present in Natural Order media, the woman supposedly spends hours upon hours researching Pokemon habitat and interactions between species. In reality, she works on...pretty much whatever Jonah asks her to, and does projects in which she plays with spacial distortion on the side. Hershel won’t go near her most days due to her collection of psychic Pokemon.

    *EDIT*: Accepted, Nar.
    Last edited by Winter; 02-09-2017 at 09:21 PM.

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  7. #35
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
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    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    I seem to have written myself into a corner here, oops... Winter, would you happen to know approximately how long it's gonna be before we cycle over to "tomorrow" in the RP? I can't really do much with Drew til then, unless I change their first post.

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  8. #36
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    I promise to jump in soon. You may have seen that I was out of town over the weekend so I haven't been able to dedicate time to a proper intro post. Hopefully that'll happen soon. If you want to jump ahead to "tomorrow" in the RP, go ahead, it may make a better segway for me. Who knows.
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  9. #37
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Alrighty guys, I'm sure you've noticed a lack of my posting recently. Sorry to say I kinda hit a big hiccup with school, and I've had to focus more on taking care of that than working on the RP, as we ll as a few other things, but hopefully I'll be able to get a reply up within the next week so we can start the next day. Also sorry for taking so long to get things to roll over, but hopefully it won't be an issue soon!

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