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  1. #1
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    Tales of Camp Lumiere (Signups and discussion)

    Nestled within the mountains of Kalos is Camp Lumiere, a sprawling campground for aspiring trainers and young trainers to bond with their Pokemon, as well as games, sports, arts and crafts, performances, and more.

    While camp sessions are held all year round, the summer sessions are arguably the most popular sessions, with two week sessions held from mid-May to early September. While the price to attend the camp is reasonable (and scholarships are available for lower-income families), it is encouraged to sign up early, as sessions fill up quickly.

    One of the camp's best loved traditions is the camp name--a fun nickname that reflects some aspect of the camper's personality. While at camp, you are encouraged to call everyone by their camp name--even the staff, counselors, and counselors in training have one.

    You play the role of a young trainer heading to the camp for the summer--will this be the best summer ever? Or will it be a summer of pure torture?

    To join in, sign up here with the following info:

    Your character's name:
    Your character's age (anywhere from age 8 to 12):
    Your character's physical appearance:
    Your character's personality:
    What Pokemon your character is bringing (if any):
    Why is your character coming to camp:

    Some of the Pokemon cast you will be interacting with at camp:

    Ash/Boss Thunderbolt--one of the joint leaders of the camp, he will be welcoming you to camp, seeing you off on the final day, playing all the bugle calls (on a trumpet, anyway), keeping you informed of camp-wide events, pitching in with performances, and generally keeping the sessions moving.
    Serena/Lumidori--The other joint leader of the camp, she helps keep the logistical end going, and pitches in with the arts and crafts and performance activities.
    Misty/Cascade--The leader of the aquatics activities, she makes sure the pools are a fun and safe place to keep cool
    Brock/Emerald--A natural in both athletics and the arts, he will make sure everyone plays fair, will teach you the basics of most sports, and also is in charge of the nightly campfire sing-along and storytime.
    Clemont/Wingnut--The camp tech guru, he can build, fix, and maintain all the gadgets and gizmos in the camp tech labs and the camp sound and video system. If your devices from home need new batteries or the charging cord went dead, he has plenty of batteries and charging cords for any device.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  2. #2
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    So, ah, I've actually been looking for an excuse to use a Magikarp Jump inspired character, and this looks like it might be the perfect place to do so. I'll try to get a sign up done relatively soon--though would you okay with her having patterned Magikarp (two of them) as opposed to the standard ones?

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  3. #3
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    Sure! There may be a Magikarp jumping contest during the session, so patterned Magikarps are more than welcome (Ash may go gaga over any beyond a normal and a Shiny one, however.)
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  4. #4
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Name: Sydney “Sid” Lexington
    Age: 11
    Appearance: At first glance, most people make the mistake in assuming that Sid Lexington is a boy--and really, considering she rarely ever gets called her full name, it isn’t entirely surprising. A bit small and scrawny for her age, Sid does herself no real favors by dressing in baggy, gray cargo capris and a lightweight, navy blue hoodie that says “When I say jump,” on the front, and “You say how high?” on the back. Her hoodie and capris are often worn over a basic navy blue swim suit, while water shoes cover her feet, and a navy blue baseball cap with an old rod logo on it is usually shoved over her perpetually messy brown hair...which is an accomplishment given that it’s only chin length. She sports a glaringly apparent farmer’s tan as well, and most say that her ocean blue eyes are her best feature. Despite her small size for her age, Sid is still more than capable of hauling most fully grown Magikarp by herself.
    Personality: A very selective speaker with a quiet voice when she does open her mouth, Sid’s a pretty solitary child, and has been most of life. Having grown up in Hoppy Town, where the residents literally have nothing better to do than train an overabundance of oddly patterned Magikarp, she spends most of her time trying to raise the Magikarp in her family’s pond to compete in the local Magikarp jumping leagues. It’s a hobby she’s surprisingly knowledgeable and serious about, and Sid can talk about Magikarp for hours, not to mention perform all the tasks she needs to on a daily basis on her own. Despite her knowledge and determination, however, she’s shy and known to talk to Magikarp more often than real people.
    Calli the Female Magikarp (Black/White/Orange Calico)
    Salmonella the Male Magikarp (Pink Two-Tone)
    Reason for Enrolling in Camp: Sid and her pair of Magikarp were actually supposed to be spending the summer in Kalos with her uncle Calvin, taking the time to go on a sort of chaperoned Pokemon Journey, however plans changed when her uncle was called away on a business trip two days after her arrival. Sid is still convinced that he did this on purpose, not wanting to be stuck with his socially awkward, fish-loving niece for two months. Instead of sending her back home to Hoppy Town, where her dad would inevitably blow a gasket at her her uncle for being unreliable for the thousandth time, uncle Calvin convinced her dad it was a better idea to enroll Sid in a summer session at Camp Lumiere, having heard it was a popular summer camp.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  5. #5
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!

    That's perfect--you are Accepted!

    Watch this thread for worldbuilding details.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"


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