stained_glass_threads and Peter
Adventurer Team Valiant League
Spawning in Discovery Town
Affected RPers: None

Before Laura even got home with her new treasure, she realized she was hyperventilating out of excitement. Her palms were sweating, her hands shaking. She quickly thrust her hand into her pocket, grabbing at her ipod's earbuds. Hopefully music would calm her down. While it was true she was very eager and impatient to get started, she wanted to at least try keeping a level head until she got the opportunity to turn it on.

When that opportunity came, she clicked off the small device and removed the earbuds, practically shoving the shiny new headset over her eyes and ears. She allowed herself to collapse onto a chair as the opening theme swelled, hands rhythmically bouncing against the armrest. She took a little time with the personality quiz, and laughed a bit when she got Cubone. She picked a partner, and quickly named both it and the team.

She spawned in Discovery Town's square, and frantically looked around, examining absolutely everything she could see and marvelling at the realistic graphics. She couldn't keep the smile off her face. There was one thing off about it, where was that squeeing sound coming from. A problem with the speakers--? Nope. No, that was probably her, now that she thought about it.

Finally she turned around to face a charmander. "Oh--OH! Um, hi! You're, uh, my partner right? Peter?" she asked. She was talking to a Pokemon. Yeah, she knew it was technically pixels and data, but good lord from her perspective it was so realistic, so very easy to get lost in the illusion, and she allowed herself to get lost wholeheartedly.

Peter gave her a confident grin, snatching at her hand and enthusiastically pumping it up and down. "Yeah! That's me! Laura, right? Nice to meet ya!"

Laura was somewhat surprised by the force of the handshake, but still couldn't stop smiling. "Nice to meet you too! So, uh, get registered and you can show me around?" She twisted her head again, looking once more upon the bustling town. "This is-- this is all so cool..."

"Sounds good to me!" Peter agreed, before pulling her off in the direction of the Arcane Keep, to register, customize, and then explore.