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  1. #1

    [RP] Pokemon: Hidden Intentions


    It has been 10 years since the events of Gold and Silver. (We are going by the merit that Ho-oh and Lugia were optional like in the original, i.e. they're still wild pokemon in this.)

    Just now, a new pokemon terrorist group has immersed. They work in the shadows, and not alot of people know alot about them, not even the police. The only thing for certain that's known about this group, is that they referred to thier organization as Team Ultima, and the higher ups in the organization use very rare and powerful pokemon. Also unlike other terrorist groups before it, they have no problem using thier pokemon to attack not only their foe's pokemon, but the trainer themsleves as well. In fact, some of the higer-ups in the team prefer to aim for the trainer from the start.

    A bit after Team Ultima was immersed, a new corporation emerged in Saffron City, known as Starr Corporation. It was founded by a man known as Victor Starr. Soon after it's establishment, Starr Corporation grew like wildfire, making advances in pokemon items, pokemon research, and pokeball techinology much faster then thier competiton, Sliph Co. Just last year, Starr Corporation managed to drive Sliph Co. into extinction. Starr Corporation only used it's money to help sponsor things such as the Goldenrod City Expansion Project, joint-ownership of the Goldenrod Global Trainer Station, and even the Kanto-Jotho Pokemon League itself. Lately however, there has been claims that some pokemon placed up for trading in the Goldenrod Global Trainer Station have gone missing, but all the police investigations on the matter failed to turn up anything, either due to lack of permission to investigate further into the Station due to Starr Corporation's influence, or because the police themsleves mysteriously vanished while looking into the case, or were paid off by Starr Corporation to cease the investigation.

    All while it seems Starr Corporation is slowly trying to get all of the major industries on it's side, Team Ultima is still very active and strong in the seems like it's just waiting to make it's move, but what is it's purpose? Some rumors going around claim the team is trying to capture the legendary birds in order to weaponize them to make a unbeatable army, some claim that the team is trying to cause a war between Johto and Kanto in order to try and rise up admist the chaos. Will the true intentions of both imposing forces be revealed in time?

    Now then, whenever you post, try and start them with this:

    [Character Name]/[Alignment]/[Place]

    This is helpful for those who have more then one character. Now then, let's begin...

    Victor Starr/??/Starr Corporation HQ - Saffron City

    "...Come in." Starr beckoned forth the man who was supposed to tell him the daily progress of the corporation.

    "...Yes sir..." A white man anixously appeared in the CEO's room, "Today, the stock has gone up by 10 points, we are finalizing the Goldenrod HQ with some business operations already taking place there, and..."

    "...what about the Global Trainer Station?" Starr cut him off mid-sentence, uninterested in the other reports of the day.

    "Well sir, we investigated the matter like you wanted us too, and our conclusion is that the rumors are indeed true, it seems like Team Ultima is behind the break ins and theft. Also like you requested, we used our behind the scene connections to hinder the official police investigation into it."

    "Good, make sure the police stay under our thumb. If they need make it possible, tell them we have plenty of that to throw around." Starr said.

    "Sir, may I ask why you want to not let it go public that Ultima is behind it?"

    " will tarnish the reputation of Starr Coporation if it gets out that we can not even protect our own GTS from some punks...and this isn't the first attack Ultima made against seems they're targeting us more intensely now." Starr said to the aide.

    "But...couldn't you use that as positive press? Say that you're combating this foe for the sake of the public?"

    "I thought about that, yes...but with Ultima targeting specifically us when it comes to big business...might draw some people to think there might be a connection between us."

    "..and I trust there is none?"

    "Why do you need to ask?" Starr laughed at the aide, "There are no such's simply because Starr basically owns all of Kanto now, and I'm trying to extend my 'rule' so to speak to Johto..they feel threatened...but we'll crush them soon and unite the world...for the better. I'm going to Goldenrod personally to oversee the operation to try and drive these punks out of my city."

    Jack Drake/Evil/Goldenrod City

    "Hmm..well, this is the place." Jack side, his Shiny Mawile by his side, as they looked together at the house that the team has bought for him. "This is our new home for now." He turned to faced Mawile, "But it's not where the new base is being built...hmm..I was told some of the Commanders transferring to this area would come here to meet me for mission status...well, let's go and wait for them." Jack finished talking to his Mawile with a smile in which it smiled back, and the two entered the house...

    Chris R. Kane/Good/Goldenrod City Square

    Chris was in the middle of a pokemon battle with a friendly trainer, Billy, who had challenged him to a battle out of 3 pokemon. Both trainers were down to thier last pokemon, now that Billy's Kingler knocked out Chris' Dugtrio, but not before it doing about over half damage to Kingler.

    "Heh, you're pretty good." Billy said.

    "Same here," Chris said, "but now it's time to end this!" Chris then threw his Pokeball, and out came his Shiny Charizard.

    "..Shiny? Nice...however you fail to see that my Kingler can probably K.O. him easily with a water attack..."

    "Yes...but my Charizard was trained for speed, and you know what attack he has?"


    "Charizard, use Thunder Punch!"

    Charizard then swooped in fast and deilvered a ThunderPunch to Kingler's face. The punch was enough to K.O. Kingler.

    "...unbelievable...I didn't know it could learn ThunderPunch...congrats the victory is yours." Billy said, taking the loss well. It was clear that both trainers had a great time, wiin or lose.

    "You were good as well. I'll battle you again later!" Chris said, and walked off, walking beside his Shiny Charizard, "now then Charizard, let's get to the pokemon center.."

  2. #2
    The Steel of the Sword Micro's Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    Behind you... <___<"
    Echo Bladewrath/Good/Goldenrod City

    "Hey Nero, it seems like we finally got through that forest. Luckily without any problems..." said a boy with a pair of sunglasses, who seemed to walk out of the forest and was headed to the city.

    Suddenly a voice came from near the boy. "Luckily? Hah, Echo, you aren't scared of a few bugs right?"

    The boy named Echo kept on walking, replying with raised shoulders. The sign slowly came closer as he moved. "Well, we are in Goldenrod City it seems."

    "Excited for the Gym Battle?" The talking weapon on the back of Echo, asked.

    "Excited? You bet! I can't wait to get this next Gym Badge!" Almost jumping into the air out of joy.

    "Well, our first priority should be taking a look around the city..." said Nero. "...aswell as finding a place to rest for tomorrow."

    Echo nodded as they walked through the city. Some shops here and there, some houses were people lived, a Pokemon Center and... What is that? Is that a Pokemon Battle going on? He just had to see this battle, as he ran towards the what seemed to be the square of Goldenrod City.

    "Look at that Nero! Isn't that a..." But before Echo could finish, the battle seemed to be over. The crab Pokemon had fainted by a black dragon's fierce thunder attack.

    "...Wow, he must be a powerful trainer..." Echo smiled. "I can't wait to challenge some people here! There must be some strong Pokemon Trainers around here!"

    "Now now... Let's focus on getting to the Pokemon Center first." Nero responded.

    "Ah... Dang, I was hoping to challenge some trainers before we'd go to the center... Ah well, let's go then!" He said, as they headed to the Pokemon Center.
    The type of resistances and strong defenses...
    Can you overcome these killing machines...?

    :::Micro's ASB Stats of Steel:::
    Hoping that some day, Genesect will be mine in ASB... A man can only dream. ;-;

  3. #3
    Aggronholic Grassy_Aggron's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Reena Genne/Neutral/Goldenrod Department Store

    "Oh, darling, that hair style is so out of date." Reena boredly watched the prissy, chubby woman before her, glitz and glam all over her outfit and a darling female Nidoran sitting on her shoulder. She knew this woman was referring to her hair, but she had long since started to ignore her, nodding every so often to give the appearance of paying attention. In truth, she was wishing she could just have her Beedrill, whom was fluttering around to survey customers, sting her and get rid of the rude woman. It was ironic she was questioning her on her hair, when she really needed to look in a mirror and see herself for the hypocrite she was. Ugh, how annoying.

    "That'll be 1050 Pokedollars, m'am." The cash register gave a dull "ching!" sound as it agreed.

    The lady blinked, digging into her incredibly gaudy purse. "Here you go, and uh, keep the change, darling. You look like you could use it." She didn't even wait, picking up her little plastic bag with the Clefairy Doll and Bubble Mail, her Nidoran perched on her shoulder and hissing at an unfortunate customer coming up the stairs. But oh no, she wasn't going to take the stairs. She took the elevator.

    She'd probably die going down the stairs.

    Now the store was empty for the moment, the other customer continuing his climb, and Dryll landed on the counter, watching her. "Hey there, Dryll." She pat the Beedrill on the head. "Here," she brought out a Poffin, the latest craze, and fed it to the bug. He fluttered his wings in appreciation, feeling something tap into her mind. It was a telepathy only partners could have.

    <Thank you. I was getting hungry.>

    She grinned. "No problem. Hopefully I'll get off of work soon. Maybe today I'll get a call so I can keep pursuing my career!" Hey, she was still a trooper, and still hopeful. A buzzing of wings told her that her companion agreed wholeheartedly.

    Made by the awesome X-Kun~

  4. #4
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Shay and Attica
    Goldenrod City: Cafe Plaza near the center of town

    There was a quiet clinking of cutlery against porcelain as a low murmur of idle chit chat filled the Café Plaza, a recent addition to Goldenrod City. A pair of young woman sat across from each other under an umbrella at a small table, each with a cup of tea. One looked far more pleasant than the other, as a pair of green-blue eyes looked at combating youngsters off just fifteen or so feet away from them, as a Nincada clung to her shoulder quietly. The other, wearing a hat and seemingly avoiding all conversation whatsoever, quietly enjoyed her tea while those battling were having a hard time against their opponent. A Delibird and a Piloswine were against a black, axe tusked dragon, and it seemed her trainer was nowhere in sight. She stood, unmoving while the Piloswine made the first move, ready to charge into the Haxorus with icy force. The shiny beast didn’t move until the last moment, swiftly dashing forward with one leg leading as she slid under the swine with powerful force. However the Delibird was waiting for the Haxorus as his teammate was sent moving sideways. He opened his beak, snow beginning to form inside, but it never got a chance to let them loose. Stopping him was an enlarged mass of purple and black energy, swiping at his left side as the Haxorus twisted her body around with agile strength.

    “Oh come on!”

    “This is hardly fair anymore!”

    The girl with the Nincada looked over at her friend, pointing at the two of them while motioning with her head before tilting it. The other woman put the cup down, and leaned backwards. The Haxorus stood up, watching the other two recover while she stood without smugness nor amusement.

    “I agreed to the two on one for their sake Attica. Then you define what’s fair.” Shay muttered.

    “You aren’t even telling your Haxorus what to do!”

    Shay brought her voice up to a level where the other two boys could hear her, but she didn’t look at them, or even open her eyes. “You didn’t want to battle me, you wanted to battle the special awesome looking Haxorus”. That’s what you’re getting. It’s a two on one so if you’re going to continue to complain, I’m going to tell Seyge to not pace herself with training.”

    “No way you’re that good!”

    “Says the two who can’t coordinate themselves to beat something they both have an advantage against.” Shay retorted, sipping her tea again. “Seyge, you done?”

    Seyge, the shiny Haxorus huffed and turned away from her opponents. She wasn’t impressed by them and would rather sit and have tea then waste energy on those she didn’t see fit to battle. While the other two complained, they resolved to head to the Pokémon Center and heal their inured Pokémon, and hopefully their egos. The dragon sat next to her trainer, curling her tail around her legs, and taking the rest of Shay’s tea from her. Shay didn’t mind, it wasn’t her favorite tea anyway. Attica, had her hand on one side of her head, rolling her eyes as her Nincada jumped off her shoulder, and crawled up onto Seyge’s head. He made a few chirping noises and made sure Shay was paying attention to them. Attican continued to make circular motions with her one hand in a whimsical manner while she held her tilted head up with the other. Shay looked at her with half open eyes, looking unamused.

    “No, I don’t like talking to people, never mind ones that think they can complain about something they get in a battle. Next time they can be more specific and not complain when I give them a head start.”

    Attica lifted her head, moving the hand that was holding it away from her face so that the palm was open and facing skyward. She flexed her fingers as if she was expecting someone to put something in her hand, but it also meant ‘come on’ in simplistic body language. She shook her head back and forth a few times before Shay had a thought.

    “Hmm… maybe that does only and insult to injury.”

    Attica facepalmed.

    OOC: Opening post sucks but its something.

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168

  5. #5
    Actually Prefers Popeyes Kentucky Fried Torchic's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Lazlo Donovan
    Goldenrod City, Pokémon Center

    The pristine Pokémon Center of Johto's largest city was alive with noise as trainers discussed strategies and swapped stories while their Pokémon roamed freely about. Of course, there was also the incessant beeping of the machines that restored previously broken and battered teams to tip-top shape. The current recipients of the healing machine were Lazlo's team. After the procedure was completed, the nurse handed Lazlo his Pokéballs back with plastered-on cheerfulness, and bid him a good day. Grabbing his Pokémon, the trainer stuffed most of the Pokéballs into the pockets of his vest and zipped them in. He had been meaning to get one of those belts where you could clip your Pokémon in, but it always seemed to slip his mind. Oh well. One red and white sphere remained though, and with a burst of red light, the ball opened and formed itself into a wiry shape much like a caricature of Lazlo's own frame. When the light vanished, Hero the Bellsprout was standing proud and powerful on the tiled floor. The flower Pokémon looked around his surroundings and, satisfied that there was no immediate danger, turned to his trainer and began asking him questions in his own tongue.

    "No," Lazlo said, walking his Bellsprout back to one of the chairs in the waiting area, "we didn't win." Most of the other trainers in the area were preoccupied with the outdated magazines provided by the center to notice the new arrival. Lazlo took a seat on the couch between a girl reading about Whitney's embarrassing wardrobe malfunction at the Pokémon league last year and an older, bespectacled man reading about Victor Starr being voted "the world's most influential human being" in a months-old publication. "After they took you down," Lazlo began, only for Hero to cross his leaf-like arms and glare at him. "Which was only due to deceitfulness, trickery, and a fear of your might," the trainer hastily added, "I sent out Bella Reve, and then Davey, but neither of them were able to get out more than a couple of attacks." His melancholy tone lifted though as Lazlo grinned at his Bellsprout, "Then I sent out Hulk." The grass-type Pokémon came as close as a Bellsprout could to cracking a smirk.

    "Yeah, he took a couple of them down, but we had to get out of there and get you guys some help," the trainer continued, "those Team Ultima guys were really persistent."

    At this, the girl reading about Whitney, put down her magazine, "Sorry, did you say you fought Team Ultima?" Lazlo sat up at the voice. "Those guys are supposed to be ruthless, how did you get away?"

    "Well, they might have had numbers and strategy on their side, but there is one thing they weren't counting on: almost three-hundred pounds of Tangrowth." The trainer lay back against the couch, "Yup, they were no match for me and my grass-type Pokémon."

    The girl scoffed at the mention of his Pokémon and went back to her magazine. Lazlo looked at Hero and both shrugged in confusion before rising to their feet to leave the Pokémon Center. Truth be told, holing up waiting for his Pokémon to recover, Lazlo hadn't really had the chance to explore the sights and sounds of Goldenrod and was eager to do some sight-seeing.
    Dreams do come a size too big. It's so that we can grow into them.

    Current Projects:
    Fanfiction: Pokémon: Exodus (Chapter six of nine posted)
    Nuzlocke: "Dude, Where's My Bellsprout?": A Totally Radical Red Version Nuzlocke

    Avatar by the illustrious Neo Emolga.

  6. #6
    The Steel of the Sword Micro's Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    Behind you... <___<"
    Echo Bladewrath
    Goldenrod City, Pokemon Center -> Goldenrod City Gym

    A big building with a red roof on top of it. Inside were lots of people with their Pokemon. Just hanging around eighter to take a rest, talk to other people, healing their Pokemon or just to make a call to their beloved ones, family or friends. Behind counters were nurses that all looked the same for whatever reason. The Pokemon Center is one busy place to be sure.

    "Thanks for healing my Pokemon, Nurse Joy!"
    as the woman gave back the Pokeballs and Nero to Echo.

    The Honedge quickly floated towards Echo as he looked at the nurse. "Thank you for healing me young miss." As she gave a nod back.

    "Hmm, alright. So what's next?" Echo said as the blue scarf slowly wrapped around his neck. "How about we look around the city some more? We still have to find out where the Gym is exactly." As they headed back outside.

    Weather didn't seem to be that great, as Echo wondered if something wrong would happen. Nah, nothing would happen, except him going to challenge Whitney and beating her, then moving up to the next city... Or would it? Only time would know.

    "Quite a lot of people around here - Oh look, what a cool tower! I hope we... - Wow, those Pokemon look amazing! Where ca... - Oh wow, is that the PokeMart? What a nice blue roof, let's che-" As Echo tried to keep on talking, Nero interrupted him before he could continue his, 'distration-flu', as most of his friends would say. "Let's just focus on searching for the Gym, okay Echo?"

    "...Okay." As he tried to not get distracted.

    Nero soon spoke with his royal voice, "Isn't that the Gym over there?" as he pointed with the edge of his blade towards the enormous building with a Gym emblem on it. "Finally! Let's go and beat her!" As he almost jumped in joy again. "Hehe..."

    Though the disappointment came when they got closer to the Gym, as there was a sign that told something that wasn't fun for them to hear.

    "...WHAAAAAAAAAAT?! THE GYM IS CLOSED FOR UNKNOWN TIME?!" Echo screamed out loud as he read the words. "Seems to be the case. They didn't give any reason eighter... Weird, shouldn't they have a reason for it?"

    "Well, the best thing to do now is just staying here for a while, or keep going on to the fourth Gym instead." As Nero looked at Echo with his one eye.

    As a sigh came out of Echo's mouth, he finally said. "...Fine, we'll stay here for a while then... But if it isn't fixed in some days, we'll continue to the next Gym and come back later."
    The type of resistances and strong defenses...
    Can you overcome these killing machines...?

    :::Micro's ASB Stats of Steel:::
    Hoping that some day, Genesect will be mine in ASB... A man can only dream. ;-;

  7. #7
    Not insanity. Supersanity. Death's Spook's Avatar
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    May 2013
    It depends. How sane are you?
    Dr. James Patrick Sullivan
    Goldenrod City Cafe
    ARPers: Sabi (Shay and Attica)

    <So why are we watching two idiot kids' Pokemon get beat up by a slightly less idiotic woman's Haxorus?>

    The Gothitelle is small, even for her species. She stands at barely four and a half feet tall and probably barely tops the scale at a hair above 80 pounds while soaking wet. All her color seems muted and soft: her blacks like dark clouds on a dreary day, her whites nothing more than very light, grimy grays. Her blue eyes are not piercing or stormy or as deep as the sea or any other ridiculous qualifiers people seem to ascribe to azure irises. She seems positively boring.

    Given that I once saw this boring Gothitelle calmly execute the Hydreigon of the last person who underestimated her in a situation of life and death, I generally take Thessaly as an object lesson of the deceptiveness of appearances.

    I sit next to her with an order of tea. I would prefer to be reading articles that examine Eysenck's models as could be predicted from children, but such as it is, I am currently not here for entertainment.

    "Patience." I growl softly to Thessaly. She gives me an annoyed sidelong look, but says nothing as she's approached by a Weavile.

    In stark contrast to Thessaly, Aurora radiates a joie de vivre. Every highlight, every muscle, every fiber of Aurora's being radiates good cheer, mischievousness, and a sharp wit. She has the kind of deep colors that poets can weave metaphors about all day long. She can be quite stealthy when she wants to be, but usually she draws attention.

    I look, and I notice the object in her hands, which she's shamelessly playing around with. Did I mention she has a bit of a pickpocketing habit?

    I fix her with a glance,"'Rora."

    She looks at me, the picture of innocence. It would be a lot more convincing if not for the fact that the wallet is right in her freaking hand.

    I don't stop,"Whose?"

    "Darling, how should I know? It isn't as though I pay attention to all the people I steal from. It's not fun."

    I look at her skeptically.

    She sighs,"Fine. That one, over there. The brooding girl who looks like she needs to take the stick out of her–"

    I glare at her. Then I snatch the wallet irritably and stalk over to the girl, before handing her possession to her and saying,"Sorry."

    Aurora watches the entire with a small smile. I glare at her again and slightly gesture my head toward the girl. Aurora looks at me as though she's confused.

    Yeah. Right. I glare at her some more.

    Aurora lets out an exasperated sigh before walking up to the girl. I realize that I may have made a mistake when Aurora lets out the smallest of evil smirks in my direction before talking.

    "Oh please please darling, I'm so so soooo very sorry that I have done a great evil to you. May I please worship you until the end of days to make up for my transgression, darling?"

    At this point, Aurora's on her knees and bowing. Her every word–and every movement, for that matter–is simply drowned in ire. I go deadly still. Behind me, Thessaly facepalms.

    Avatar taken from Scarfgirl and TheOtherChosenOne of Deviantart. Two great tastes that go great together! You know, when they aren't trying to kill each other horribly.

    Ivy commands you not to touch the kitty!

    Banner by Neo Emolga!

  8. #8
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    Where ever my Fantasy takes me.
    Samuel (Sam) myrsky
    Just outside of Ecruteak City

    {Saaaam why are we still here? We've been waiting for over 2 hoouuurs.}

    "We're still here because the package hasn't shown up yet, and yes, I know we've been here a while. You don't hear Anna or Richard complaining do you?"

    Sam sat on a fallen log, just outside of Ecruteak city, waiting impatiently for a package he knew was going to come. The complaints of his Luxio, Shawn, were not helping his impatience. He glanced over at his pokemon: Anna the Kirlia, Richard the Riolu, and Shawn the Luxio. They too were impatient, though admittedly it was probably not for the same reason.

    {If I were to complain, which I will not as it is shameful to my honor, I would be complaining about how the messages are always given in the same slow way. Every mission we've gotten comes hours later than it's supposed too.} Richard stated, trying to hide his annoyance.

    "Look," Sam said, "I don't care how late this package comes, this one isn't a normal mission and you know it. We've been part of team Ultima for over a year now and we're finally getting recognized. The package has the special tools of the vice-admin rank, so it's worth the wait."

    {Sam we know, you've been telling us the same thing ever since that notice came with our last mission.} Sam whined, jumping off the log and walking around.

    {Master, You shouldn't say that were part of that group so easily, what if someone was listening?} Anna said, patronizingly.

    Sam sighed, he couldn't argue against all three of them, they knew him too well. He looked back toward the sky, and noticed the shape of a bird flying toward them in the distance. Jumping up, he held his hands out flat, as if presenting an imaginary gift to an imaginary person. With the sudden rush of wings and a blast of strong wind, the bird used extreme speed, passing only feet above Sam. As it passed, a package appeared to fall from the blurred speeding shape, landing neatly in Sam's outstretched hands. The bird quickly disappeared into the horizon.

    {Open it! Open it, open it, open it open it open it open it!!!} Shawn said, jumping up and down to get a good look at the package.

    Anna and Richard too had stood up and come closer in interest. Sam sat back down and looked around to make sure no one was around, you never knew when a traveling trainer would come by. No one was around, so he quickly ripped open the package. Inside were several objects: a small badge showing his new rank, which had an invisibility booster in case he was found during a mission, a small scanner imbedded in a red glove that he had no knowledge of, several TMs, several small grenade like objects, and. a round wrapped up object.

    {I wonder what all of these machines do, especially that glove.} Anna said, the erg to take everything apart to see how it worked was evident in her voice. Sam ignored this however, and pullaed out the wrapped object, ripping off the paper covering it. A pokeball sat in his hand, shiny and new.

    "Looks like we have a new friend, lets see who it is, he said, holding up the pokeball and clicking the button. A bright red flash came out as usual, but it quickly formed into the figure of a small silver pokemon: a shiny eevee.

    {H-hello, my name is R-ruby, nice to meet you," she said shyly, "M-master chose me to be your n-new partner.}


  9. #9
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Heya Morzone, if you look, the last time someone posted in this thread was in 2013. This makes it highly unlikely that it is still active in any way, shape, or form. It's what we commonly call necroposting, and we try to avoid that here. If you're interested in finding other RPs to join, please keep an eye on what's active in the SU section--anything that's had a reply in the last month or so (which I know isn't much, but hopefully there will be more soon), or feel free to try starting your own.

    That being said, I'm gonna close this thread down. If you have any more questions, feel free to VM/PM me or Sabi, and thanks for understanding!


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