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  1. #21
    τι ζωή Soups's Avatar
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    Reporting for duty!

    Name: Jax
    Species: Marowak
    Gender: Male
    Age: 24
    Team: Gracidea Order

    Description: Jax doesn't appear to be much different from many other Marowak across Xia, save for a few scars on his left arm and right hip. He's also got some muscle on him, which when you consider his size, is rather impressive. He's a tad darker than most Marowak and his eyes are as well. Jax's skull that he wears, which is no longer worn by choice (Marowak can't take off their skulls after evolution from Cubone), has two painted, black stripes on each side. His bone that he so confidently carries with him is also painted with two strategically placed black stripes. Jax prefers to move without many articles of clothing. He does, however, wear a jet-black handkerchief around his neck.

    Personality: Jax is rather quiet and distant than most other Pokemon. He's the furthest from shy, but prefers to listen rather than speak. However, when he does opt to speak, he's often the most intelligent voice in the room. Others listen. Jax's demeanor is one of unspoken dominance. He's a leader of sorts and a damned good one. While he moves best on his own, his ability to connect with others on a personal level and bring out the best in them is second to none. He's one-of-a-kind and he knows it.

    Many mistake Jax as some cold, angry Marowak... when in fact, he's the exact opposite. He's a kind soul. He's loving. He's genuine. However, he's about business when it's time to be about business. He's as understanding as he is analytical, and while he can be insanely friendly, he can be equally dangerous. Growing up, Jax always put himself first, but as he grew older and experienced certain things, he quickly learned to put others first.

    All in all, Jax is an all-around Marowak. On a great day, he's great. He's not against casual conversation or spending time with those that he's close to. On a bad day, well... he's not to be bothered with. While he may appear to be small in size, he's got a huge heart and there aren't many, if there are any at all, like him.

    Background: Jax grew up never knowing his parents. As years passed, he often wondered who they were, what they were like, and what ultimately happened. He would hear rumors from time to time, but nothing ever proved to be fact. He eventually concluded that they either weren't ready for parenthood and found it much simpler to abandon him or they had their lives cut short by the Black Lotus... and he had more belief in the latter. Because of this believe, his disdain for the Black Lotus grew as he grew older. It didn't help that he was witness to their many wrongdoings. That only fueled his hate and ultimately created a fire in him that would be impossible to douse.

    Because Jax's parents weren't around, he was raised by a pack of fierce Absol in the Elden Plains. They took him in and cared for him as if he were one of their own. They taught him how to hunt, how to fight, how to treat others, and ultimately, how to love oneself. One particular Absol, Syza, befriended Jax and helped him realized that although he had never had the luxury of knowing his parents, it was still possible to be loved and cared for. For that wisdom, Jax was forever thankful to Syza and the pack of Absol.

    When Jax was 21, the Black Lotus attempted to attack a rather large area of the Elden Plains that Jax, Syza, and the pack of Absol resided in. Being the warriors that they were, they were somewhat successful in warding of a small portion of the Black Lotus. However, the Black Lotus was ultimately successful and claimed the Elden Plains, ultimately wiping out more than half of the Absol pack. Jax, by Arceus' grace, was able to escape. However, it wasn't without the help and sacrifice of Syza. The remaining Absol were enslaved, some beat, others tortured. Jax, having no choice but to run as far away as he can, did so...

    He eventually ended up in Jadeblossom and joined the Gracidea Order. He recognized the threat that they were toward the Black Lotus and knew that they held his opportunity to seek revenge on the Black Lotus, not only because of Syza's death, but also because he firmly believed that they were responsible for his parents' death. Even if they weren't responsible, he wanted answers and felt like they would have them. As some time passed, he came to realize and fully accept the Gracidea Order's goal: purification. Jax had known how horrific areas outside of the Gracidea Order's territory had looked. He hated it. He wanted the improvement of lives of Pokemon everywhere and would stop at nothing to see that come to fruition.

    With the arrival of the Tempest Festival and the promise of the Master Blaze Jewel, Jax understand that his opportunity to destroy the Black Lotus is upon him. He, along with the Gracidea Order, are ready to not only rid of the Black Lotus, but ultimately re-establish what once was: a natural, beautiful world for Pokemon everywhere.

    Starting Blaze Jewel: Electric Blaze Jewel

    Other: N/A
    τι ζωή

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  3. #22
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Where ever my Fantasy takes me.
    This whole shbang starts tomorrow, I should probably finish writing these up.

    Name: Theo Myrsky
    Species: Quilava
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Team: Steel scavengers
    Description: Theo is, for the most part, a normal looking quilava. Roughly 3 things set him apart: On his right fore-paw there is a small birthmark of Pure-white Fur. He keeps his as clean as possible, as he doesn't want the white to become dulled. Theo is almost always wearing his flight goggles, usually on his forehead except for when he's in the air. Finally, he wears a smaller-than-normal Dawn Stone on a chain around his neck. Apart from these he'll have a general air of grime around him from working in Julia's workshop.

    Personality: Theo is a reserved pokemon. Originally he was shy, but after growing up in black Lotus' Hellscape of a nation, he generally just avoids opening up to people. Even with Julia he'll try to keep his distance, though she knows him well enough to know all the thin walls. Still, if you do manage to break through, you'll find Theo is actually a rather simple person who hides in his own imagination to get through troubles. There is an optimism buried in him, as well as a burning desire to always do the very best he can and to prove himself to not just be Julia's assistant. He's also rather bright with a desire to learn what he can and understand the things he doesn't.

    Theo was born and raised in Sabinal. For the most part his childhood was "normal." Meaning his parents, a typhlosion and a Luxray, both worked with their heads down, never asking questions and staying out of trouble while working hard to keep Theo and his brother Shawn in check. This was difficult, considering Shawn, A luxio, was always looking to prove his strength in battle and Theo had a habit of going exploring.

    The trouble started when Theo was 8. He strayed slightly farther through the city than normal, ending up in a desolate and abandoned park. There he met a Kirlia by the name of Mara. The two talked and became close friends instantly. For About a month the two would continue to meet at the park, Mara never wanted to go outside the place with Theo, and avoided an explanation whenever Theo asked her why. The two grew closer until each had a definite crush on the other. It wasn't until the very end of their time together did Theo learn the Truth. Mara's father, a gallade, was in fact a soldier and Captain working for the Black Lotus. He had Despised Mara's very existence ever since she'd been born a girl and unable to evolve into a gallade like him. She Gave Theo a dawn stone, something she'd had since birth as a reminder of what she should have been, and told Theo when she was with him she could forget about her father.

    But that night It all ended. Mara's father, a terrible and horrifically cruel pokemon, barged his way with some of his men into Theo's home, angrily proclaiming the sins Their son Theo had done, and that he had decided the family would pay with their lives for allowing his waste of a daughter some happiness. Both theo's parents were slaughtered by the Gallade, Theo only managing to escape thanks to his good knowledge of the area from all his exploring. Shawn had been late home that night and missed the attack. Theo never knew what became of him, but hoped he was alive.

    For about a month Theo wandered alone along the banks of the NorthCrack River, until he neared CoalRock City. That's when he met Julia, A weavile a few years older than him. She seemed to understand him on some level unknown to him, and she took him in to her shabby little shack. The two stuck together, at first out of mutal need to survive, then because their technical skills, something Julia had been quick to try and teach him, became famous in the city. Julia and her assisstant Theo were known to be able to fix anything.

    Theo's first excursion into the area of flight came one day during one of his moody flashes, when he was 15. Angry with life in general, Theo hijacked a plane a customer had brought to Julia to repair. Ignoring all Angry shouts of the plane's owner and Julia, Theo took off. And apart from a bit of a shaky start while he got used to the controls, and a less than smooth landing, he flew with great potential. Ever since then Theo studied flight, encouraged by Julia, who would help him to build his ideal aircrafts.

    Neither Theo nor Julia remember the exact time Steel Scavengers took over CoalRock, but they were quick to pledge their allegiance to the group. Julia for her own reasons, Theo because deep down he still held a burning desire to discover that Black Lotus Gallade and make him pay for everything.

    Starting Blaze Jewel: Dark

    Name: Julia, last name Unknown
    Species: Weavile
    Gender: Female
    Age: 22
    Team: Steel Scavengers

    Description: Julia is almost Never Clean, always having some amount of soot and grime on her from her work. Her hands look well worn from years of manual work, and she has a burn on her left arm and right side of her chin that discolor her skin slightly. She's almost always found wearing her tool belt, a belt of leather pockets containing Wrenches, screw drivers, hex keys, Nuts and bolts, Duct Tape, hammers, and her Blaze Jewel. She also keeps with her her Lucky 2-sided Crescent Hammer Wrench. It's old looking, but it still works and gives a good lump if you're hit over the head with it.

    Personality: Independent is probably the most accurate way to Describe Julia. She does things her way at all times and isn't afraid to make a sharp comment or get in the face of those who annoy her. That said, she's careful not to pick fights she can't win because while she at first seems only to care about what she wants/decides, Julia is actually very protective about things special to her. She doesn't like to admit it, but she has a motherly side to her that comes out only when she thinks no one is watching. Otherwise her sharp smile and glinting eyes stare down life every day, as if daring it to try and give her lemons.

    Background: As far as Julia can remember, she'd only ever lived in CoalRock City. She never knew her parents, but her earliest memories include several people calling her "Julia" so it surely must be her name. Living in a small, patchy closet-like shack, Julia only ad one real option if she wanted to make through each day. Learn to use her hands. In the Continent's greatest mining town, your only options were to mine coal, work at a factory, or become a mechanic. Julia opted for the third, spying on any mechanic she could find, snatching and stealing tools when she could, and slowly learning to build and repair machinery.

    Slowly her shack improved as she put her new skills to work improving it, and at the same time she began to have a reputation as a mysterious thief mechanic who seemed to know as much about machinery as good as she was at getting away from the black Lotus soldiers who came looking for her whenever she stole from their mechanics.

    One day, when she was 14 and collecting driftwood at the river, Julia met a bedraggled and lost looking Quilava. Instantly Julia knew This kid was at least somewhat like her: alone, always on the run, but with a great potential. She brought the id back to her shack and began to teach him the various mechanical skills she's picked up. Theo, as the quilava's name turned out to be, learned fast, but as she taught she found ways to improve techniques, mastering metal working. And with that, she decided she'd had enough running around and thieving. With Theo's help she transformed the shack into a garage and shop where she could work on and fix any machinery brought her way. Word of her skills moved fast and business went well, or at least went well until the black lotus decided to cut her down size every now and again for stealing business.

    It wasn't long after She'd met Theo that the Steel Scavengers took over the city, but she knew at once this was an opportunity. Not only was she tired of her tools being broken, her materials smashed, her walls busted holes in by the black lotus, but she knew these people would be able to help her protect Theo, who she cared for like a younger brother. A small bit of light in a very tiring and stressful world. His eventual discovering of his flight skills delighted her, and gave a purpose to see hat else she could put her mechanical skills to work for. She began to build engines, then cars and even monster trucks, delighting in driving large and powerful vehicles while watching Theo;s latest plane soar through the sky.

    Starting Blaze Jewel: Steel


  4. #23
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LKWayvern View Post
    Honestly, I just needed some inspiration for how, precisely, Laura heard about the Prankster Platoon, and that Sawsbuck seemed absolutely perfect for me! XD
    Hey, however you guys want to do it is fine with me! I just thought that was a very interesting precursor plot point that you both decided to share.

    Quote Originally Posted by Soups View Post
    Reporting for duty!
    Oh my goodness, this guy is so like Batman. He's great though and I'm looking forward to seeing Jax in action! It's also great to see YOU back on the role play front!


    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone View Post
    This whole shbang starts tomorrow, I should probably finish writing these up.
    Yeah, our crew definitely needs more peeps out here!

    Wow... Mara's father is quite the evil maggot. I foresee... EXTREME DISMEMBERMENT! No problems here with Theo, everything looks good and he's ready for action.

    And hey, I like Julia's personality and she's got great goals to pursue! I see these two working out great together! :)

    ACCEPTED x2!


    Athena Pallas the Decidueye Played by Noblejanobii <APPROVED>
    Nora the Lilligant - Played by The Nonexistent Tazz <APPROVED>
    Jax the Marowak - Played by Soups <ACCEPTED>

    Anthony Carpenter-Weaver the Mimikyu - Played by Death's Spook <WIP>
    Grand Lady the Tsareena - Played by Death's Spook <WIP>
    Max Clerk the Klinklang - Played by Death's Spook <WIP>
    Theo Myrsky the Quilava - Played by Morzone <ACCEPTED>
    Julia the Weavile - Played by Morzone <ACCEPTED>

    Jones Sandstrider the Heliolisk - Played by Velocity <APPROVED>
    Laura Bette Kaye the Umbreon - Played by LKWayvern <APPROVED>
    Chance Jehenna the Zangoose - Played by Steel Lunpara <APPROVED>
    Tina Volts the Pikachu - Played by Chakramaster[<APPROVED>
    Marcellus "Mazer" Pratten - Played by Velocity <APPROVED>

  5. #24
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Should we assume our characters are already signed up to participate in the festival, or should we start with everyone heading over to the capital from their various stronghold cities to join?


  6. #25
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone View Post
    Should we assume our characters are already signed up to participate in the festival, or should we start with everyone heading over to the capital from their various stronghold cities to join?
    You can start wherever you'd like! I also understand if not everyone's character is taking part in the violent festival events. There are some that I get would be working on things from the outside. But if your character is taking part, consider yourself already signed up (although late entrants are fine just as long as they're in the arena or on the track BEFORE the actual first second of the event starts)! Most of those that would be taking part are already in Lytala City.

  7. #26
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Do we have a schedule for which events come first, second and so on?


  8. #27
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone View Post
    Do we have a schedule for which events come first, second and so on?
    Hmm, originally I was going to just have things be impromptu. If you think it would be better to have things like that be a little more organized, we could do that, but then I'd have to factor in time duration, what day of the festival it is, and things of that nature, which might get tricky to work around if people are in the middle of something and suddenly having the day change to progress the schedule would mess them up and accelerate time when they needed to do something. That's my only thing.

    Here's what I think I'll do.

    For now, it's the night of the Opening Ceremony for everyone, but the day after begins the actual games. We'll start with both the Blood Pit Arena and the Dread Metal Destruction Derby events starting. I'll try to whip up a quick and dirty but easy to understand schedule of events and when they're happening. Some of these events might even have rounds and go on for several days.

    I'll post mentions to everyone in the RP that the day is winding down and they need to wrap things up. Kind of similar to what Stalkers RPG does. I wouldn't do this in the middle of the events which would result in them getting cut short, but once they've wrapped up and the victors walk off the field and everyone else is deader than dead, then the day will start ending, but still give people a few moments to do a post after the actual event. And then, once Day 1 moves into Day 2, I'll post a mention to everyone. You could still do a "this is what happened the day/night before" as kind of a summary or recap if you need to explain what happened and where your character is now.

    Does that sound good?

  9. #28
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Sounds fine to me!


  10. #29
    Eldritch_Angel LKWayvern's Avatar
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    A couple questions me and my team have.
    First, how effective is healing in this world? Do things like Reviver Seeds exist? How much of an injury would an oran berry heal? How long would it take a pecha to expel poison? How rare are healing berries? Are there items like Potions?
    Second, what are teams allowed to bring into the arena? For example, are healing items, performance enhancing drugs, or berries that provide a resistance to a type(Roseli, Wacan, Haban, etc) be allowed, or would they have to be smuggled? Are there any weapons not allowed in certain events?
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  11. #30
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
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    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    Yo, Neo, I have a question too! If someone were to RP out a scene with stuff like fast-paced combat or a long conversation, would you be okay with them side-RPing and then posting the finished interaction in one post? Since I'm bad at explaining things, here's an example:

    Alice: Howard aimed a kick at Emily's midsection.
    Sam: Emily grabbed Howard's foot and parried him aside. "You'll have to do better than that!" she hollered.
    Alice: "Darn straight I will!" Howard yelled, readying a punch. He knew that Emily was more experienced than him, but he was confident he could get a blow in.
    Sam: Emily grunted as the punch landed; it was a good hit. "Now it's my turn," she said, ready to counter with a punch of her own.
    Since these interactions are very short, they don't really seem to deserve their own post, and the whole thing could either be posted by Alice or Sam. I don't want to clutter the whole thread up with posts that consist solely of "X punched Y" or "Z made a witty quip at W".

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