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  1. #31
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
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    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    Quote Originally Posted by Desolate Divine View Post
    That sounds fine but I have no knowledge of US history. Do you have discord? If so, could you please add me and give me a quick rundown of the events you mentioned?
    I do! I'll PM you my handle real quick.

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    Paired with noob dummy crazy kid rad friend Nar.

  2. #32
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pokemon Trainer Sarah View Post
    Name: Arden O'Conner

    Gender: Female

    Age: 18

    Power (If any): Arden can project herself into animals. She can see through their eyes, and understand their thoughts. This ability is draining and she eventually gets kicked back out into her own body. While she is projecting, her human body is as if asleep, making it vulnerable. Projecting into smaller animals is less draining and she can remain in them for longer. After years of training, the largest animal Arden can project into comfortably and remain that way for at least a couple of hours is a cat. When inside an animal, she can control their movements to some extent though it becomes difficult if she tries to fight their natural instincts. When inside an animal, Arden can also not venture too far from her body. The furthest she has got is a couple hundred metres before she is snapped back into her own body. Once as a young teenager, Arden accidentally projected herself into a human child, saving him from running out onto a busy road. It was an extremely strange and unpleasant experience and she has never tried to project into a human again.

    Appearance: Arden is of slight build and what her father describes as 'willowy'. While she looks weak, she is quite fit due to her love of running. She has chin-length, dark red hair, green eyes and freckles. Her favourite outfit is leggings, shin-high brown boots, a knitted scarf and an oversized grey hoodie.

    Arden's pet bird Rafferty is an American Kestrel, small for his species, he fits in the palms of her hands. He likes to snuggle down into her hood when travelling.

    History: Arden grew up on a farm on the west coast of the USA. Arden found Rafferty as an abandoned chick on the farm as a child. One day close after her 13th birthday she was watching Raff fly and wishing she could be up there with him. For a brief moment she looked down and could see herself on the ground. When she realised what had happened, she trained hard with Raff, learning to enter his mind at will. Raff doesn't mind Arden's presence but has developed resistance to being controlled by her and has been known to peck at her body angrily when she tries. She never told her parents what she could do as she was scared for their safety if someone found out.

    When she was 15, Arden's parents sent her to live with her aunt in Manhattan to go to a fancy school in New York to get a 'proper education'. They had saved all their lives for this and Arden didn't want to let them down. She had to fight to take Rafferty with her as her parents thought it would be a poor life for a bird, but Raff adjusted well and often accompanied Arden by hanging out in the schoolyard. When classes got particularly boring, Arden would project into Raff and he would fly her around the block. When some of the kids at school started noticing the oddly close bond Arden had with Rafferty, she stopped bringing him to school. Luckily her aunt's place was close enough to the school that she could still project into Raff whenever she wanted.

    Arden recently graduated high school and is taking a year off, working part-time at a bookshop to save money for college. The owner of the store likes her a lot and treats Raff as a kind of mascot. As the Foram trouble has become more widespread, she is worried about being uncovered and has been lying low, not wanting to reveal her powers.

    Personality: Arden is cautious by nature, having hid her Foram power from her parents since age 13. To others she is outwardly friendly but does not give away much of herself. Her friends from high school have all left for college, so she has become a bit of a loner and spends most of her spare time reading books or taking day trips with Raff to get out of the city. Arden is outwardly calm and composed, though she can be very competitive. When she lets her guard down, she can be extremely loyal. She is a bit of a worrier and likes to plan everything in advance.

    Alignment (If any): None

    Other: NA

  3. #33
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Name: Cecilia “Ceci” Morris
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Power (If any): Audio Editor--that is, she is capable of tapping into the hearing of a single individual within normal human earshot at a time, and “adjusting” the volume at which they perceive sound. This can go either way, allowing Ceci to bring people's hearing to her level (deaf), or make the world around them so loud it is painful, and any increment of change in between. That being said, Ceci rarely uses her ability to tune into others hearing unless she needs it, as her own mind is sensitive to sound at this point, and prolonged use of the ability gives her nasty headaches.
    Appearance: In spite of her status as a legal adult, many often mistake Cecilia for a child. Her 5’4” height often leaves people guessing she is far younger than she actually is, and it’s not much helped by her delicate build, and wide, impossibly blue eyes. Her long, wavy hair ranges from a dark brown to a honeyed gold, and tends towards messy by default, though she makes a better effort to clean up before going out. Though she can’t hear, her closet is filled with long-sleeved graphic tees bearing the names and logos of various rock and heavy metal bands, which she will wear around her workplace, alongside tattered jeans, though she opts to go barefoot when she can. When heading out elsewhere, though, she tends to dress up a little, nice dresses with long sleeves, or ones she can comfortably wear a cardigan over, in warm neutral tones--mostly beiges, mochas, and chocolates--paired with matching flats or kitten heels.

    Trigger warning - The following character history contains mentions of domestic violence.

    Born the daughter of a very wealthy and influential businessman, Cecilia’s life was...less difficult than most. Or, well, it might be better to say that it would have been, considering that shortly after being given the vaccine at the age of two, she became profoundly deaf. While doctors tried to convince her parents that it was unlikely the vaccine had anything to do with the girl’s complete loss of hearing, they were having none of it, and quickly became public opponents of the vaccine. Though the loss of hearing slowed her learning progress, Ceci picked up on American sign language quickly...but her parents did not, especially her father. Her mother often became her translator at home, but her inability to communicate well with her father made relationships in their home strained.
    The first time her father lashed out physically, it was towards her mother. Ceci was seven, and couldn’t believe her own eyes at first. And then he lashed out at her in the same way a few days later. “Daddy’s just stressed, sweetheart,” her mom told her later. “Daddy’s stressed, and he doesn’t know how to handle it. The best we can do is make things less stressful for him.” And while Ceci and her mother did their best to become the model wife and daughter, it wasn’t always enough. He continued to lash out over the years that followed, and he quickly took to apologizing for his “loss of temper” by showering Ceci and her mother with gifts. It wasn’t until she hit the age of eleven that she discovered that she had the power to ease her dad’s stress by opening new means of communication...through computers. Her mother had done something to mess theirs up, and she was terrified of telling Ceci’s father, afraid of the inevitable fallout. Determined to help her mother avoid her father’s wrath, she figured out how to fix the computer problem herself...and fell in love with playing with computers in general. She quickly discovered she could give herself a voice through emails and forums, as well as rough text to speech programs, when ASL failed her in daily life, which was often, even with a translator to help at school and home.

    It wasn't until a year later that she discovered she had real powers, though, and only on accident. The personal aid she was assigned that year for school didn't seem to know a thing about what they were doing, and often translated things in ways that made little to no sense. That year, she began to feel isolated from her fellow students, more so than she had before, and she often found herself looking at the students around her and wishing that she too could participate in their conversations, could hear what they were saying...and sometimes, she thought she imagined it so well that she could. Except, imagination didn't hurt like this did--was it possible she was regaining her hearing after all these years? Initially, she almost prayed that she wasn’t, as the sudden influxes of sound only seemed to scatter her thoughts and hurt her least, until she finally buckled down and really began trying to understand what was going on, and the conclusion she eventually reached horrified her at first.

    The vaccine that children were required to take when they were two, the one that was supposed to prevent children from developing abnormalities and powers, and that her parents blamed for her loss of hearing--it hadn't worked on her. Initially, the discovery made her feel shameful of her powers, even though they could only serve to help her as a normally nonhearing individual navigate through a world designed mostly for hearing individuals. She tried to convince herself that using them was bad, but couldn't help touching on them to help diffuse situations with her father...and it mostly worked. With his daughter’s newfound ability to understand him, despite his inability to properly use sign language, Ceci found her father less likely to lash out at both she and her mother, something she viewed as inherently good. Eventually, she convinced herself that she was doing better having had the powers than living without them, even though the rest of society seemed only to see them as bad.

    By the age of thirteen, her ability to handle her powers had improved drastically...but she hardly needed them anywhere other than at home. She joined the ASL club at her new middle school in hopes of possibly finding others she could communicate directly with, rather than using her personal aid as a third party, and that was where she first met Rob Barrett. Rob, who had joined the club to find kids who wouldn't make fun of his tendency to talk and sign at the same time after growing up alongside a deaf cousin, was delighted to find another student who already understood sign language well there, and he and Ceci became fast friends. He too loved computers, though he was more interested in pulling them apart and putting them back together than he was playing with software, but together it turned out that he and Ceci were a great pair, using both their expertise to convince Ceci’s parents to buy her the parts to build her own desktop for her next birthday--a project they spent hours researching and building together. Rob also introduced her to the idea of enjoying music through feeling, rather than hearing, and Ceci returned the favor by introducing him to the the local ASL poetry slam her mother took her to frequently. The two became inseparable after that, much to the displeasure of Ceci’s father. While Rob wasn’t exactly lower class, his family wasn’t exceedingly wealthy, either, and he blamed the boy for trying to turn his daughter into a “rebel” by getting her interested in awful music she couldn’t hear, and computers, which she fell further in love with after building her own. Suddenly, the perfect daughter he had been planning to groom into the perfect public “spokeswoman,” for lack of a better term, became independent, and began getting wild ideas about her future.

    It wasn’t until she was fifteen that things exploded, though. Her father had continued issuing his own brand of tyranny at home, and Ceci and her mother continued to put up with it, though Rob told her that they had every right to call the police, or to force her father to seek help for his poor anger management. She doesn’t remember what exactly the fight was about, and her unwillingness to borrow his ears until about halfway through his rant didn’t help matters, but she does remember being tuned into his hearing when he raised his hand to strike her. In the moment, she panicked--She was tired of being hit, she was tired of walking on eggshells, and it wasn’t until later that she remembered twisting her fingers in a motion similar to twisting the volume dial on a radio, or a set of speakers, and screaming. Her father crumpled to the floor in a heap, having passed out, and when he woke up, he claimed to be unable to remember what had happened. Ceci was thankful for the intervention but...what had caused it? In the years that followed, she continued to play with her ability, and discovered that she could seemingly alter the hearing of those a certain distance away from her if she wished, though that distance was short. Her abilities at working with software grew, as well, and so did her friendship with Rob. In fact, the day she turned eighteen, she packed her things and moved out of her parent’s house, and into her best friend’s. She finished high school with fantastic grades and honors, but she decided against college, instead choosing to work for the small computer repair and build store Rob had started in the building space below the two bedroom apart he had been saving for since he was a kid. With the two of them working together, the store quickly grew a reputation for being the go-to place for repairs and build advice in spite of its hole in the wall appearance.
    There, life was perfect, and Ceci picked up a new skillset, teaching herself how to hack--mostly into nearby security cameras, and edit the footage. At first, she did it for fun, but as the vigilante movement grew in increasing popularity, she began using her skills for a new purpose--tracking down Foram activity, and hiding it, or bringing into the limelight. She finally got the chance to grow into the person she wanted to be, instead of the the person that would cause the least amount of stress for her dad, and eventually decided to come clean to Rob about her abilities...except Rob had already figured it out himself, and didn’t have any problem with it. After all--it’s only helped her where society society tends to fail her.

    Personality: For those familiar with her upbringing, it can be difficult to imagine the once quiet, demure girl becoming what she has since moving out of her parent’s household. She’s since grown lively, quick to smile, maybe even laugh, if she’s able to catch a joke, or the odd funny action. While she enjoys spending her days working in the computer shop her roommate and best friend owns, as well as hacking her way into various local security feeds to keep tabs on the local vigilantes and villains in order to keep tabs on them, then cover or expose their actions as she sees fit, she also has fun getting out and about. In spite of her deafness, she enjoys “listening” to music, the more bass, the better, and can often be found hidden away in a mostly soundproofed room in the shop below their apartment, where she blasts music loud enough to deafen hearing individuals so that she can feel the vibrations caused by the music, though she also occasionally drags Rob out to concerts as well. When not dragging him out to concerts that leave him half-deaf, they both enjoy attending nearby ASL poetry slams, both to experience the art form, as well as to make new friends.
    Alignment (If any): Vigilante
    Other: Where her handiwork appears in the limelight, it’s often associated with with the username “1984” or “Orwell,” though good luck actually tracking her down, or getting her to admit it. Rob has consented to allow her use of his hearing at pretty much any time, though she knows phone calls are off-limits, as they should be. When faced with situations in which she is surrounded by people who aren't familiar with ASL, she tends to use a text to speech program on her phone to communicate that uses a custom voice Rob helped her set up.

    Name: Robert “Rob” Barrett
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Power (If any): Simply put, Rob is minor abilities as a sort of Foram detector. In the presence of other Foram, he has a tendency to feel...a sort of...well, he jokingly calls it a disturbance in the force. Most times it simply manifests as a sudden, unexplained popping of his ears, or twist of his stomach, but it will rarely manifest as a distinct feeling that feels more like being tugged along by an internal compass, or occasionally react to the presence of a Foram so strongly that it may make him physically ill. The more often he spends time around a given Foram, the less likely his power is to react to them, often allowing him to find new potential Foram in the world around him. He has theories regarding how his ability works, but has refrained from trying to test its limits.
    Appearance: Tall and wiry, it’s not too hard to imagine that Rob runs a local computer shop, given his endless stock of self-promotional t-shirts and game and band-related graphic tees, usually partly hidden under a simple, black zip-up hoodie. Most of his pairs of jeans are dark wash, some are starting to wear around the knees, and while his sneakers are well-worn, there’s nothing about him that suggests that it’s for any reason other than that he enjoys wearing comfortable clothing. His curly, dark brown hair often looks like it’s torn between being a mess and being styled, and his brown eyes, hidden behind a pair of wire-frame glasses, and lopsided smile exude an odd sort of friendliness. His pale skin suggests he doesn’t get out all that much, but his perpetual five o’clock shadow at least suggests that he does his best to keep himself looking semi-presentable.
    History: Rob thus far has lived a pretty normal life--grew up with both his loving parents in a tightly-knit family, and learned ASL very early in his life, as he had a cousin born with moderately severe deafness. Only a year younger than his cousin, Taylor, the two were pretty close throughout elementary and middle school, which was how Rob picked up the habit of signing almost all of his spoken words. Outside of Taylor’s presence, he was picked on for it, though, and spent many a recess in those years hiding out in his school’s computer lab, which only fueled the interest he had in computers--an interest that had initially been sparked by his dad’s position as an IT guy for a nearby college.
    When he was ten, Rob’s father rewarded his interest in computers with a project--He was going to teach Rob how to build his own computer. Little did the man know the monster he was going to create, and when the project had been finished, young Rob had decided he was going to teach himself everything he could about computers, and save up to open his own store one day...and he held to this decision. His self teaching became the only thing that kept him sane when his aunt and uncle got divorced, and his aunt packed up and moved away, taking Taylor with her right before Rob started middle school. Thankfully, the school had an ASL club, which he joined in hopes of finding friends who didn’t pick on him for his knack of signing everything he spoke aloud, which was where he met Cecilia Morris. The two became fast friends, given that Cecilia had trouble communicating with most of the other kids without a translator, and she also had an interest in computers. It wasn’t long before Rob was talking her into letting him help her build her own, and not much longer after that, she became part of his dream to own a store. When she finally showed him her skills with software, he was pretty impressed, and offered a job to her on the spot...for a business he didn't even own yet. She thought it was funny at the time, but he quickly showed her how serious he was about the dream, given he had enough saved up for it to look like a sizeable college fund.

    In fact, that was what his parents thought it was, and they were livid when the money went to Rob starting his own business almost straight out of high school. They were certain it would be a waste of money, as he couldn't possibly know enough to run a business well...but somehow, his shop stayed afloat. It even grew a small sort of community, or cultlike following, and things only improved when he hired on Ceci to help him out. While he didn’t know much about the girl’s life at home, he did know she didn't get along well with her father, and offered her the extra room in the apartment he rented out above his storefront when she graduated high school. Admittedly, he was surprised she accepted, but was pleased to see her grow more cheerful and outgoing. Of course, that wasn't the only thing he began to notice. Not too long after he hit the age of thirteen, Rob had noticed that his body had odd reactions to being in the presence of certain people. It was easy to shrug off in his school years, as the reactions faded in time, but after starting up his business, he began to notice the reactions again, take real notice of the people who came in...and oddly enough, he noticed several later being taken in under the suspicion of being Foram, but it wasn’t until Ceci suggested that maybe the vaccine meant to combat the development of abilities and bodily abnormalities hadn’t worked on him, just as it hadn’t worked on her, that he considered he might be capable of detecting other Foram. As it was, he found himself oddly unsurprised when his best friend finally admitted to him that she was capable of borrowing the hearing of others and possibly altering it. Of course, once he began to consider the possibility, that was when he knew he was truly in danger--if anyone ever figured it out, well, it would be a useful ability to...pretty much anyone who wanted to find other Foram, for any reason, and did his best to help Ceci try to find and cover up or expose Foram activity based on whether the individuals were using their powers for good or bad. While he doesn't regret the decision, he does worry that it may someday bring them too much attention, even though they haven't interacted with any vigilantes or Demon’s Run members as fellow Foram.
    Personality: Friendly and open, it’s hard to imagine Rob being picked on when he was younger, in spite of his love for computers. He’s of those people that tends to make you feel bad for being rude to him because he’s so darned nice, especially around his roommate and best friend, Ceci Morris. He’s quick to offer help to those in need, even if it may get him in over his head, and determined to make sure he does everything he can for someone before telling them there’s nothing he can do. Though he does spend most of his days pulling computers apart and then putting them back together, he does allow Ceci to drag him out to concerts and ASL poetry slams, and has a particular fondness for rock and metal music.
    Alignment (If any): Vigilantes
    Other: Still has a tendency to sign everything he speaks, and does keep in touch with Taylor. Tends to serve as Ceci's translator.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  4. #34
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Melbourne Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    Name: Cecilia “Ceci” Morris
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Power (If any): Audio Editor--that is, she is capable of tapping into the hearing of a single individual within normal human earshot at a time, and “adjusting” the volume at which they perceive sound. This can go either way, allowing Ceci to bring people's hearing to her level (deaf), or make the world around them so loud it is painful, and any increment of change in between. That being said, Ceci rarely uses her ability to tune into others hearing unless she needs it, as her own mind is sensitive to sound at this point, and prolonged use of the ability gives her nasty headaches.
    Appearance: In spite of her status as a legal adult, many often mistake Cecilia for a child. Her 5’4” height often leaves people guessing she is far younger than she actually is, and it’s not much helped by her delicate build, and wide, impossibly blue eyes. Her long, wavy hair ranges from a dark brown to a honeyed gold, and tends towards messy by default, though she makes a better effort to clean up before going out. Though she can’t hear, her closet is filled with long-sleeved graphic tees bearing the names and logos of various rock and heavy metal bands, which she will wear around her workplace, alongside tattered jeans, though she opts to go barefoot when she can. When heading out elsewhere, though, she tends to dress up a little, nice dresses with long sleeves, or ones she can comfortably wear a cardigan over, in warm neutral tones--mostly beiges, mochas, and chocolates--paired with matching flats or kitten heels.

    Trigger warning - The following character history contains mentions of domestic violence.

    Born the daughter of a very wealthy and influential businessman, Cecilia’s life was...less difficult than most. Or, well, it might be better to say that it would have been, considering that shortly after being given the vaccine at the age of two, she became profoundly deaf. While doctors tried to convince her parents that it was unlikely the vaccine had anything to do with the girl’s complete loss of hearing, they were having none of it, and quickly became public opponents of the vaccine. Though the loss of hearing slowed her learning progress, Ceci picked up on American sign language quickly...but her parents did not, especially her father. Her mother often became her translator at home, but her inability to communicate well with her father made relationships in their home strained.
    The first time her father lashed out physically, it was towards her mother. Ceci was seven, and couldn’t believe her own eyes at first. And then he lashed out at her in the same way a few days later. “Daddy’s just stressed, sweetheart,” her mom told her later. “Daddy’s stressed, and he doesn’t know how to handle it. The best we can do is make things less stressful for him.” And while Ceci and her mother did their best to become the model wife and daughter, it wasn’t always enough. He continued to lash out over the years that followed, and he quickly took to apologizing for his “loss of temper” by showering Ceci and her mother with gifts. It wasn’t until she hit the age of eleven that she discovered that she had the power to ease her dad’s stress by opening new means of communication...through computers. Her mother had done something to mess theirs up, and she was terrified of telling Ceci’s father, afraid of the inevitable fallout. Determined to help her mother avoid her father’s wrath, she figured out how to fix the computer problem herself...and fell in love with playing with computers in general. She quickly discovered she could give herself a voice through emails and forums, as well as rough text to speech programs, when ASL failed her in daily life, which was often, even with a translator to help at school and home.

    It wasn't until a year later that she discovered she had real powers, though, and only on accident. The personal aid she was assigned that year for school didn't seem to know a thing about what they were doing, and often translated things in ways that made little to no sense. That year, she began to feel isolated from her fellow students, more so than she had before, and she often found herself looking at the students around her and wishing that she too could participate in their conversations, could hear what they were saying...and sometimes, she thought she imagined it so well that she could. Except, imagination didn't hurt like this did--was it possible she was regaining her hearing after all these years? Initially, she almost prayed that she wasn’t, as the sudden influxes of sound only seemed to scatter her thoughts and hurt her least, until she finally buckled down and really began trying to understand what was going on, and the conclusion she eventually reached horrified her at first.

    The vaccine that children were required to take when they were two, the one that was supposed to prevent children from developing abnormalities and powers, and that her parents blamed for her loss of hearing--it hadn't worked on her. Initially, the discovery made her feel shameful of her powers, even though they could only serve to help her as a normally nonhearing individual navigate through a world designed mostly for hearing individuals. She tried to convince herself that using them was bad, but couldn't help touching on them to help diffuse situations with her father...and it mostly worked. With his daughter’s newfound ability to understand him, despite his inability to properly use sign language, Ceci found her father less likely to lash out at both she and her mother, something she viewed as inherently good. Eventually, she convinced herself that she was doing better having had the powers than living without them, even though the rest of society seemed only to see them as bad.

    By the age of thirteen, her ability to handle her powers had improved drastically...but she hardly needed them anywhere other than at home. She joined the ASL club at her new middle school in hopes of possibly finding others she could communicate directly with, rather than using her personal aid as a third party, and that was where she first met Rob Barrett. Rob, who had joined the club to find kids who wouldn't make fun of his tendency to talk and sign at the same time after growing up alongside a deaf cousin, was delighted to find another student who already understood sign language well there, and he and Ceci became fast friends. He too loved computers, though he was more interested in pulling them apart and putting them back together than he was playing with software, but together it turned out that he and Ceci were a great pair, using both their expertise to convince Ceci’s parents to buy her the parts to build her own desktop for her next birthday--a project they spent hours researching and building together. Rob also introduced her to the idea of enjoying music through feeling, rather than hearing, and Ceci returned the favor by introducing him to the the local ASL poetry slam her mother took her to frequently. The two became inseparable after that, much to the displeasure of Ceci’s father. While Rob wasn’t exactly lower class, his family wasn’t exceedingly wealthy, either, and he blamed the boy for trying to turn his daughter into a “rebel” by getting her interested in awful music she couldn’t hear, and computers, which she fell further in love with after building her own. Suddenly, the perfect daughter he had been planning to groom into the perfect public “spokeswoman,” for lack of a better term, became independent, and began getting wild ideas about her future.

    It wasn’t until she was fifteen that things exploded, though. Her father had continued issuing his own brand of tyranny at home, and Ceci and her mother continued to put up with it, though Rob told her that they had every right to call the police, or to force her father to seek help for his poor anger management. She doesn’t remember what exactly the fight was about, and her unwillingness to borrow his ears until about halfway through his rant didn’t help matters, but she does remember being tuned into his hearing when he raised his hand to strike her. In the moment, she panicked--She was tired of being hit, she was tired of walking on eggshells, and it wasn’t until later that she remembered twisting her fingers in a motion similar to twisting the volume dial on a radio, or a set of speakers, and screaming. Her father crumpled to the floor in a heap, having passed out, and when he woke up, he claimed to be unable to remember what had happened. Ceci was thankful for the intervention but...what had caused it? In the years that followed, she continued to play with her ability, and discovered that she could seemingly alter the hearing of those a certain distance away from her if she wished, though that distance was short. Her abilities at working with software grew, as well, and so did her friendship with Rob. In fact, the day she turned eighteen, she packed her things and moved out of her parent’s house, and into her best friend’s. She finished high school with fantastic grades and honors, but she decided against college, instead choosing to work for the small computer repair and build store Rob had started in the building space below the two bedroom apart he had been saving for since he was a kid. With the two of them working together, the store quickly grew a reputation for being the go-to place for repairs and build advice in spite of its hole in the wall appearance.
    There, life was perfect, and Ceci picked up a new skillset, teaching herself how to hack--mostly into nearby security cameras, and edit the footage. At first, she did it for fun, but as the vigilante movement grew in increasing popularity, she began using her skills for a new purpose--tracking down Foram activity, and hiding it, or bringing into the limelight. She finally got the chance to grow into the person she wanted to be, instead of the the person that would cause the least amount of stress for her dad, and eventually decided to come clean to Rob about her abilities...except Rob had already figured it out himself, and didn’t have any problem with it. After all--it’s only helped her where society society tends to fail her.

    Personality: For those familiar with her upbringing, it can be difficult to imagine the once quiet, demure girl becoming what she has since moving out of her parent’s household. She’s since grown lively, quick to smile, maybe even laugh, if she’s able to catch a joke, or the odd funny action. While she enjoys spending her days working in the computer shop her roommate and best friend owns, as well as hacking her way into various local security feeds to keep tabs on the local vigilantes and villains in order to keep tabs on them, then cover or expose their actions as she sees fit, she also has fun getting out and about. In spite of her deafness, she enjoys “listening” to music, the more bass, the better, and can often be found hidden away in a mostly soundproofed room in the shop below their apartment, where she blasts music loud enough to deafen hearing individuals so that she can feel the vibrations caused by the music, though she also occasionally drags Rob out to concerts as well. When not dragging him out to concerts that leave him half-deaf, they both enjoy attending nearby ASL poetry slams, both to experience the art form, as well as to make new friends.
    Alignment (If any): Vigilante
    Other: Where her handiwork appears in the limelight, it’s often associated with with the username “1984” or “Orwell,” though good luck actually tracking her down, or getting her to admit it. Rob has consented to allow her use of his hearing at pretty much any time, though she knows phone calls are off-limits, as they should be. When faced with situations in which she is surrounded by people who aren't familiar with ASL, she tends to use a text to speech program on her phone to communicate that uses a custom voice Rob helped her set up.

    Name: Robert “Rob” Barrett
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Power (If any): Simply put, Rob is minor abilities as a sort of Foram detector. In the presence of other Foram, he has a tendency to feel...a sort of...well, he jokingly calls it a disturbance in the force. Most times it simply manifests as a sudden, unexplained popping of his ears, or twist of his stomach, but it will rarely manifest as a distinct feeling that feels more like being tugged along by an internal compass, or occasionally react to the presence of a Foram so strongly that it may make him physically ill. The more often he spends time around a given Foram, the less likely his power is to react to them, often allowing him to find new potential Foram in the world around him. He has theories regarding how his ability works, but has refrained from trying to test its limits.
    Appearance: Tall and wiry, it’s not too hard to imagine that Rob runs a local computer shop, given his endless stock of self-promotional t-shirts and game and band-related graphic tees, usually partly hidden under a simple, black zip-up hoodie. Most of his pairs of jeans are dark wash, some are starting to wear around the knees, and while his sneakers are well-worn, there’s nothing about him that suggests that it’s for any reason other than that he enjoys wearing comfortable clothing. His curly, dark brown hair often looks like it’s torn between being a mess and being styled, and his brown eyes, hidden behind a pair of wire-frame glasses, and lopsided smile exude an odd sort of friendliness. His pale skin suggests he doesn’t get out all that much, but his perpetual five o’clock shadow at least suggests that he does his best to keep himself looking semi-presentable.
    History: Rob thus far has lived a pretty normal life--grew up with both his loving parents in a tightly-knit family, and learned ASL very early in his life, as he had a cousin born with moderately severe deafness. Only a year younger than his cousin, Taylor, the two were pretty close throughout elementary and middle school, which was how Rob picked up the habit of signing almost all of his spoken words. Outside of Taylor’s presence, he was picked on for it, though, and spent many a recess in those years hiding out in his school’s computer lab, which only fueled the interest he had in computers--an interest that had initially been sparked by his dad’s position as an IT guy for a nearby college.
    When he was ten, Rob’s father rewarded his interest in computers with a project--He was going to teach Rob how to build his own computer. Little did the man know the monster he was going to create, and when the project had been finished, young Rob had decided he was going to teach himself everything he could about computers, and save up to open his own store one day...and he held to this decision. His self teaching became the only thing that kept him sane when his aunt and uncle got divorced, and his aunt packed up and moved away, taking Taylor with her right before Rob started middle school. Thankfully, the school had an ASL club, which he joined in hopes of finding friends who didn’t pick on him for his knack of signing everything he spoke aloud, which was where he met Cecilia Morris. The two became fast friends, given that Cecilia had trouble communicating with most of the other kids without a translator, and she also had an interest in computers. It wasn’t long before Rob was talking her into letting him help her build her own, and not much longer after that, she became part of his dream to own a store. When she finally showed him her skills with software, he was pretty impressed, and offered a job to her on the spot...for a business he didn't even own yet. She thought it was funny at the time, but he quickly showed her how serious he was about the dream, given he had enough saved up for it to look like a sizeable college fund.

    In fact, that was what his parents thought it was, and they were livid when the money went to Rob starting his own business almost straight out of high school. They were certain it would be a waste of money, as he couldn't possibly know enough to run a business well...but somehow, his shop stayed afloat. It even grew a small sort of community, or cultlike following, and things only improved when he hired on Ceci to help him out. While he didn’t know much about the girl’s life at home, he did know she didn't get along well with her father, and offered her the extra room in the apartment he rented out above his storefront when she graduated high school. Admittedly, he was surprised she accepted, but was pleased to see her grow more cheerful and outgoing. Of course, that wasn't the only thing he began to notice. Not too long after he hit the age of thirteen, Rob had noticed that his body had odd reactions to being in the presence of certain people. It was easy to shrug off in his school years, as the reactions faded in time, but after starting up his business, he began to notice the reactions again, take real notice of the people who came in...and oddly enough, he noticed several later being taken in under the suspicion of being Foram, but it wasn’t until Ceci suggested that maybe the vaccine meant to combat the development of abilities and bodily abnormalities hadn’t worked on him, just as it hadn’t worked on her, that he considered he might be capable of detecting other Foram. As it was, he found himself oddly unsurprised when his best friend finally admitted to him that she was capable of borrowing the hearing of others and possibly altering it. Of course, once he began to consider the possibility, that was when he knew he was truly in danger--if anyone ever figured it out, well, it would be a useful ability to...pretty much anyone who wanted to find other Foram, for any reason, and did his best to help Ceci try to find and cover up or expose Foram activity based on whether the individuals were using their powers for good or bad. While he doesn't regret the decision, he does worry that it may someday bring them too much attention, even though they haven't interacted with any vigilantes or Demon’s Run members as fellow Foram.
    Personality: Friendly and open, it’s hard to imagine Rob being picked on when he was younger, in spite of his love for computers. He’s of those people that tends to make you feel bad for being rude to him because he’s so darned nice, especially around his roommate and best friend, Ceci Morris. He’s quick to offer help to those in need, even if it may get him in over his head, and determined to make sure he does everything he can for someone before telling them there’s nothing he can do. Though he does spend most of his days pulling computers apart and then putting them back together, he does allow Ceci to drag him out to concerts and ASL poetry slams, and has a particular fondness for rock and metal music.
    Alignment (If any): Vigilantes
    Other: Still has a tendency to sign everything he speaks, and does keep in touch with Taylor. Tends to serve as Ceci's translator.
    Accepted! I have one more character to make then I'll start the RP!

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  6. #35
    New Trainer absols's Avatar
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    Ahhh I hope I'm not too late to sign up! I was convinced to sign up only recently >u<
    Name: Cassandra (Cassie) Cole (Needles)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Power (If any): Ferrokinesis
    Cassandra is an average young woman, at the height of 5' 4” and long chestnut brown hair that reaches to her mid back, usually kept in a braid or bun. She has a fair complexion, with a smattering of light brown freckles on her nose and cheeks. Her bottle-green eyes rest behind a pair of red framed cat-eye glasses.

    Her day to day clothes usually consist of sweaters and jeans, having a preference for soft, warm clothes. She often wears boots and a bag holding her knitting and sewing projects.

    When she takes the mantle of Needles however she wears a long sleeved silver shirt with pieces of metal sewn on, and a black leather jacket bedecked with chain and more pieces of metal. She wears a simple pair of denim jeans, as well as a pair of steel-toed combat boots with steel soles. To cover her face she has a metallic motorcycle mask, similar to something one might see on Smoke from Mortal Kombat
    For most of her childhood, Cassie was raised by her grandparents, and then her grandmother after her grandfather suffered a fatal heart attack. Her grandmother is still alive, and they are both on good terms with one another.
    When Cassandra was 4 her parents died in a car accident while they had been on the way to an art show put on by her school. After her parent's passing, Cassandra was left in the care of her grandparents, who raised her lovingly and nurtured her love of art and creating. She became a cosplayer, and discovered her powers that way.
    She was sewing her newest cosplay when she sneezed, causing all of the needles in her nearby pincushion to fly into the ceiling and stick there. The surprised and concerned 13 year old went to her grandma who assured her that all would be fine if she kept her power a secret.
    She then grew on to be a cosplay designer and creator, crafting and making cosplay items and accessories then selling them on her online store.
    Cassandra loves what she does, but felt like she should do something to help Foram everywhere, so she began practicing with her powers, and with time and constant practice, became an excellent marksman using her power to fling knives and needles as well as other sharp metallic objects.
    Soon, she began doing work as a vigilante, calling herself Needles because of how she discovered her powers.
    She lives with her grandma, Adelina, in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
    A cheerful and amiable person, Cassandra can come off to some as absentminded but she hides a quick wit underneath that facade. She smiles often and as a teenager suffered from severe anxiety, which caused her to withdraw and added a shy note to her personality. Now in her twenties she is an outgoing young woman with a sense of right and visions of a potential, positive future for Foram.
    Alignment (If any): Vigilantes
    Other: When exposed to high amounts of magnetism she gets headaches, as well as if she tries to lift more than a certain weight she can get headaches and nosebleeds.
    Wears contacts when out and about as Needles.
    Last edited by absols; 01-22-2018 at 07:21 PM.

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  8. #36
    Actually Prefers Popeyes Kentucky Fried Torchic's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Because I need a comic relief character and we need a NoMaj.

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    Name: Conrad Campopolus, a.k.a. “The Righteous Armadilloman”
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Power (If any): Conrad has no powers of which to speak, despite his insistence otherwise.

    Appearance: Conrad is a heavyset young man, but fortunately his high school wrestling career and frequent trips to the gym have ensured that at least some of that bulk is muscle. Despite his 6’3’’ and broad-shouldered frame, there is something inherently nonthreatening about Conrad, largely due to the wide grin that is often plastered on his lightly bearded face. Muddy brown eyes and matching hair trimmed very close to his skull are separated by a smaller-than-average forehead, giving Conrad a bit of a simian appearance.

    As a college student, Conrad is usually clad in an informal uniform made up of whatever was at the top of the clean clothes pile, often including one of the seemingly innumerable SUNY sweatshirts that he picked up during his time on campus. As “The Righteous Armadilloman”, however, Conrad decks himself out in a full set of hockey pads, hidden underneath a poorly-sown cotton jumpsuit in dazzling maroon donated by a few girls on his floor with a giant black Comic Sans-style “A” on his chest and a similarly, though not perfectly matching, dark gray cape. For a mask, Conrad somehow managed to combine wrestling headgear with the top half of a ski mask, allowing him to hide some of his face but keep the lower half exposed, including that winning smile. It does about as good a job at hiding his identity as you would expect.

    History: For most of his life, Conrad lived a spectacularly unimpressive life. Growing up in a suburb of Buffalo, he became a big fish in a little pond so to speak: big man on campus, captain of the wrestling team and goalie of the hockey team, homecoming and prom king, he fit the stereotypes to a “T”. But none of that left him feeling particularly accomplished and it seemed as though he was destined to go to school for four years, get a job in sales like his old man, and shuffle through life until it ended. There were no peaks or valleys, just a steady line of existence.

    After he started college at SUNY New Platz, however, Conrad found his calling in life. A man calling himself “Impact” had decided to rehabilitate Forams in the public eye by publicly doing good works and fighting crime. Conrad had no real opinion on the issue of Foram rights, but he was enraptured with the idea of superheroes being real and asked himself, “why not me?”

    Thus, despite lacking any actual powers or talents, Conrad set out to craft a superhero identity: “The Righteous Armadillo”. Despite his efforts to hide his identity, Conrad’s popularity and poorly designed costume did little to hide his identity. He became a bit of a minor celebrity on the campus, helping out his fellow students with minor safety issues.

    His “open secret” was discovered by the government very easily and they hauled Conrad into a detention center for monitoring and questioning. Rattled, Conrad spilled his guts and admitted that it was all made up. After two weeks, he was released after signing an affidavit not to make any public declarations of support for Foram or vigilantism in general. His dorm was also bugged.

    That kept him on the straight and narrow for a while, limiting his appearances as the Righteous Armadillo, but when Demon’s Run made its public threat, Conrad couldn’t just stand by and do nothing. As soon as finals were over, he headed to New York City to help in anyway he can, which probably won’t be much.

    Personality: Conrad is not particularly smart, but he more than makes up for that with guts and enthusiasm. When Conrad sets his mind to doing something, nothing can dissuade him from that path, no matter the danger or the discomfort. Unfortunately, he has applied this tenacity to dressing up in a costume and walking the streets. Still, it is something to be admired. In terms of social interactions, Conrad is an overly gregarious and friendly individual especially to strangers and people he has barely met, often employing a lot of physical contact such as high fives and fist bumps. Undergirding every part of his personality is a belief, nay, a confidence, that everything works out for the best. This faith in the arc of the universe and the fundamental goodness of his fellow man can make Conrad far too trusting, but at least he will make those mistakes with a smile on his face.

    Alignment (If any): Vigilantes fanboy
    Dreams do come a size too big. It's so that we can grow into them.

    Current Projects:
    Fanfiction: Pokémon: Exodus (Chapter six of nine posted)
    Nuzlocke: "Dude, Where's My Bellsprout?": A Totally Radical Red Version Nuzlocke

    Avatar by the illustrious Neo Emolga.

  9. #37
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Melbourne Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Kentucky Fried Torchic View Post
    Because I need a comic relief character and we need a NoMaj.

    Sign Up Form
    Name: Conrad Campopolus, a.k.a. “The Righteous Armadilloman”
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Power (If any): Conrad has no powers of which to speak, despite his insistence otherwise.

    Appearance: Conrad is a heavyset young man, but fortunately his high school wrestling career and frequent trips to the gym have ensured that at least some of that bulk is muscle. Despite his 6’3’’ and broad-shouldered frame, there is something inherently nonthreatening about Conrad, largely due to the wide grin that is often plastered on his lightly bearded face. Muddy brown eyes and matching hair trimmed very close to his skull are separated by a smaller-than-average forehead, giving Conrad a bit of a simian appearance.

    As a college student, Conrad is usually clad in an informal uniform made up of whatever was at the top of the clean clothes pile, often including one of the seemingly innumerable SUNY sweatshirts that he picked up during his time on campus. As “The Righteous Armadilloman”, however, Conrad decks himself out in a full set of hockey pads, hidden underneath a poorly-sown cotton jumpsuit in dazzling maroon donated by a few girls on his floor with a giant black Comic Sans-style “A” on his chest and a similarly, though not perfectly matching, dark gray cape. For a mask, Conrad somehow managed to combine wrestling headgear with the top half of a ski mask, allowing him to hide some of his face but keep the lower half exposed, including that winning smile. It does about as good a job at hiding his identity as you would expect.

    History: For most of his life, Conrad lived a spectacularly unimpressive life. Growing up in a suburb of Buffalo, he became a big fish in a little pond so to speak: big man on campus, captain of the wrestling team and goalie of the hockey team, homecoming and prom king, he fit the stereotypes to a “T”. But none of that left him feeling particularly accomplished and it seemed as though he was destined to go to school for four years, get a job in sales like his old man, and shuffle through life until it ended. There were no peaks or valleys, just a steady line of existence.

    After he started college at SUNY New Platz, however, Conrad found his calling in life. A man calling himself “Impact” had decided to rehabilitate Forams in the public eye by publicly doing good works and fighting crime. Conrad had no real opinion on the issue of Foram rights, but he was enraptured with the idea of superheroes being real and asked himself, “why not me?”

    Thus, despite lacking any actual powers or talents, Conrad set out to craft a superhero identity: “The Righteous Armadillo”. Despite his efforts to hide his identity, Conrad’s popularity and poorly designed costume did little to hide his identity. He became a bit of a minor celebrity on the campus, helping out his fellow students with minor safety issues.

    His “open secret” was discovered by the government very easily and they hauled Conrad into a detention center for monitoring and questioning. Rattled, Conrad spilled his guts and admitted that it was all made up. After two weeks, he was released after signing an affidavit not to make any public declarations of support for Foram or vigilantism in general. His dorm was also bugged.

    That kept him on the straight and narrow for a while, limiting his appearances as the Righteous Armadillo, but when Demon’s Run made its public threat, Conrad couldn’t just stand by and do nothing. As soon as finals were over, he headed to New York City to help in anyway he can, which probably won’t be much.

    Personality: Conrad is not particularly smart, but he more than makes up for that with guts and enthusiasm. When Conrad sets his mind to doing something, nothing can dissuade him from that path, no matter the danger or the discomfort. Unfortunately, he has applied this tenacity to dressing up in a costume and walking the streets. Still, it is something to be admired. In terms of social interactions, Conrad is an overly gregarious and friendly individual especially to strangers and people he has barely met, often employing a lot of physical contact such as high fives and fist bumps. Undergirding every part of his personality is a belief, nay, a confidence, that everything works out for the best. This faith in the arc of the universe and the fundamental goodness of his fellow man can make Conrad far too trusting, but at least he will make those mistakes with a smile on his face.

    Alignment (If any): Vigilantes fanboy

    Sorry guys, something has come up, so it'll take me another day or two to get things going!

  10. #38
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Melbourne Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by absols View Post
    Ahhh I hope I'm not too late to sign up! I was convinced to sign up only recently >u<
    Name: Cassandra (Cassie) Cole (Needles)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Power (If any): Ferrokinesis
    Cassandra is an average young woman, at the height of 5' 4” and long chestnut brown hair that reaches to her mid back, usually kept in a braid or bun. She has a fair complexion, with a smattering of light brown freckles on her nose and cheeks. Her bottle-green eyes rest behind a pair of red framed cat-eye glasses.

    Her day to day clothes usually consist of sweaters and jeans, having a preference for soft, warm clothes. She often wears boots and a bag holding her knitting and sewing projects.

    When she takes the mantle of Needles however she wears a long sleeved silver shirt with pieces of metal sewn on, and a black leather jacket bedecked with chain and more pieces of metal. She wears a simple pair of denim jeans, as well as a pair of steel-toed combat boots with steel soles. To cover her face she has a metallic motorcycle mask, similar to something one might see on Smoke from Mortal Kombat
    For most of her childhood, Cassie was raised by her grandparents, and then her grandmother after her grandfather suffered a fatal heart attack. Her grandmother is still alive, and they are both on good terms with one another.
    When Cassandra was 4 her parents died in a car accident while they had been on the way to an art show put on by her school. After her parent's passing, Cassandra was left in the care of her grandparents, who raised her lovingly and nurtured her love of art and creating. She became a cosplayer, and discovered her powers that way.
    She was sewing her newest cosplay when she sneezed, causing all of the needles in her nearby pincushion to fly into the ceiling and stick there. The surprised and concerned 13 year old went to her grandma who assured her that all would be fine if she kept her power a secret.
    She then grew on to be a cosplay designer and creator, crafting and making cosplay items and accessories then selling them on her online store.
    Cassandra loves what she does, but felt like she should do something to help Foram everywhere, so she began practicing with her powers, and with time and constant practice, became an excellent marksman using her power to fling knives and needles as well as other sharp metallic objects.
    Soon, she began doing work as a vigilante, calling herself Needles because of how she discovered her powers.
    She lives with her grandma, Adelina, in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
    A cheerful and amiable person, Cassandra can come off to some as absentminded but she hides a quick wit underneath that facade. She smiles often and as a teenager suffered from severe anxiety, which caused her to withdraw and added a shy note to her personality. Now in her twenties she is an outgoing young woman with a sense of right and visions of a potential, positive future for Foram.
    Alignment (If any): Vigilantes
    Other: When exposed to high amounts of magnetism she gets headaches, as well as if she tries to lift more than a certain weight she can get headaches and nosebleeds.
    Wears contacts when out and about as Needles.

  11. #39
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
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    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    Phew. Aria and Tam's SUs are done.

    Button by K'sariya!

    URPG Stats!

    Paired with noob dummy crazy kid rad friend Nar.

  12. #40
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Name: Cole Dyson
    Gender: Male
    Age: 32
    Power (If any): Power Blocking (Can prevent Foram from using their powers). Multiple targets over a short range (within 15 feet) or individual targets over longer range (within 150 feet), and ‘bounce’ some powers of individual targets within 15 feet, if they involve applying a form of sudden force onto him.

    Appearance: Cole looks like your stereotypical jock. Tall, broad shoulders and well built. Bright blue eyes, and short blonde hair that sits just perfectly, with a somewhat tanned complection.

    His usual attire is a pair of blue jeans, a button up shirt and a bomber jacket. However when out in public as part of Demon’s run, he changes up his attire to something that blends in whilst not looking like his usual clothes, as well as a paintball mask under a hood to hide his identity.

    History: Cole grew up in a higher end, middle class family in suburban Pensylvania. Whilst his grades were below average, he excelled in sports, especially football, where he found himself on the Varsity team at age fifteen. However he was the runt of the litter. Whilst he was top of his JV team, Varsity was something else completely. Because of this, and letting the opponents score a few times, he wasn’t the most popular person on his team.

    However after being on the team for six months, something strange happened that nobody could explain.

    During their match, one of the opponents players was causing them to lose. A brute of a teenager who stood at 6ft 7, and weighed roughly 200lbs, that nobody could seem to stop.

    By clustering this one player, Cole’s team managed to score enough to bring the score to a tie, however with little time left, the match was up in the air.

    In the final minute, the brute on the other team had the ball, and was running to score. Whilst he had 5 inches and about 30lbs on Cole, Cole attempted to tackle him, half expecting to be knocked out and concussed.

    Except the opposite happened. When they collided, the brute was thrown backwards and hit the ground, whilst Cole remained standing and unharmed. The air was still and silent, before Cole realized it was mid-game, and got the ball.

    The brute was taken off the field injured, whilst Cole’s team scored the winning goal. And after that, Cole was a celebrity.

    Nobody could figure out why Cole was able to take down the brute, however it was assumed in the next few weeks that the brute tripped, at the right moment that Cole performed a perfect tackle to take him down.

    A year later, Cole was watching the news and recognised the brute, who he discovered had been arrested for suspected Foram activity, with the ability of hyper-momentum. After this he began thinking about his fateful tackle. Even if the brute wasn’t super-powered, he didn’t see him trip like everyone says, and if he didn’t trip, there was no way he could have tackled him like that. And with powers in the mix, that was even more impossible.

    Cole began wondering if he possessed a power, and began experimenting, testing himself to see if he possessed super-strength, or even hyper-momentum like the brute, however neither of them seemed to be it.

    Whilst he was eager to discover what his power was, he had no clue how, eventually putting it in the back of his mind, until a trip to the local gas station revealed it to him.

    Whilst getting some food after filling up his car, someone attempted to rob the gas station. They were unarmed, however were a pyokinetic Foram.

    The robber hadn’t seen Cole by the drinks fridge, and attempted to rob the attendant, using his flaming hands as a weapon. Before realizing how bad tackling a superpowered ‘armed’ robber was of an idea, he ran at the robber, tackling them to the ground.

    The robber attempted to use his power, however was shocked when it wouldn’t work. That’s when it clicked.

    The robber himself was fairly scrawny and easy to overpower, so Cole held him until the police arrived, before making sure to leave fairly quickly, and not reveal just how he stopped the criminal.

    Cole continued to play football, getting better and better, as his popularity as a footballer grew, eventually landing a scholarship at a college in Mahattan, and making his way to the top of their teams.

    However in this time, he also looked online for others like him, eventually becoming on of the founding members of Demon’s Run.

    Whilst he and Amy were good enough friends usually, when it came to Demon’s Run, they conflicted constantly, with Cole being too impatient and brash, whilst Amy was quite the opposite. Because of this, and Cole’s confidence as a natural leader, he was originally elected leader of Demon’s Run. However their first few ventures ended in disaster, with people getting injured, caught and arrested, due to oversights on Cole’s behalf that Amy had warned him about.

    Because of this, even though Cole was officially their leader, Demon’s Run trusted Amy more, and looked to her for leadership, adding to the conflict between them.

    On a mission that Cole was running, Amy warned him that it was probably a trap, and that they should call it off. Cole ignored this, before proceeding with the mission.

    Amy didn’t feel right about it. She was supposed to stay behind, due to the nature of her ability not being as useful for combat, and her small size, however ended up following them as a civilian, and in turn, saving them from the sting operation that had been set up to catch them.

    After that, Cole finally respected Amy enough to submit to her as a leader. However, she refused, having a better idea.

    To all but the most inner circle of Demon’s Run, Cole is the leader, who makes the decisions. However in reality, every decision he makes is actually Amy’s. He doesn’t do a thing that she doesn’t first approve.

    And after that, Demon’s Run became successful. Their operations became smoother and their numbers grew. And now, they’re ready for their biggest mission yet...
    Personality: Cole has a strong sense of justice, however is stubborn and unteachable. His view on what is right and wrong, and what is fair can’t be changed by anyone but himself, and he doesn’t want to change it. He is willing to take extreme actions to meet his own ends, and in his eyes, because they are means to an end, they are justified.

    Cole is fairly confident, due to reaching celebrity status at home, however also can be a bit of a jerk, both intentionally and unintentionally. He is used to getting his own way, and manipulating people into giving him what he wants, becoming fairly agitated if it seems like he won’t.

    He has been interested in Amy for as long as he has known her, and whilst he hasn’t explicitly, said it, he has made that clear to her. Meanwhile, Amy has made it clear that she isn’t, and probably never well be.
    Alignment (If any): Demon’s Run
    Other: In the eye of the public, Cole is the leader of Demon’s Run. Very few realize the nature of his arrangement with Amy.

    @VelloJello Accepted


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