@Scytherwolf; @Soups;

Episode 26: Some Enchanted Sweetening

"Up next is Eterna City..." Brock began as the group made their way down a road some days later. "Nestled deep within a forest, it is known as 'the town that ties the past to the present.' This is due to the immense number of historical landmarks there."

"You could learn quite a lot of stories there." Dawn smiled as the group approached a signpost. "Eterna Forest, the place where time stands still--one mile.

"We're getting close..." Ash mused as he led the way into the forest. "I'm sure there's plenty of lore in here Brock could learn..."

"They say an old house that is supposedly haunted lies somewhere in the forest..." Dawn began. "That, and if you want to evolve your Eevees to Leafeon, several Moss Rocks lie here. But trying to get an Espeon or Umbreon here won't work. The forest does live up to its nickname."

"This must be a Moss Rock..." Ash grinned as the group passed by a large rock covered in moss.

He was snapped to attention by the noise of battle in the distance. After motioning for Dawn and Brock to follow him, he followed the sounds to a clearing. He peeked through the brush to see a woman in green battling what looked like a leafy Pokemon with a Chansey.

"Emina, use Attract!" he heard the woman say.

The odd bug Pokemon gained heart eyes, prompting the woman to cheer. "Don't you have to attack a Pokémon to make sure you catch it?" Dawn asked.

"I think that's how it works..." Ash replied.

Inspired, the woman called "Okay, Emina, use Doubleslap on the Burmy!"

Ash decided to read up on the woman's target as the battle raged on:

"Burmy, the bagworm Pokemon. To shelter itself from cold, wintry winds, it covers itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves."

"Fascinating!" Dawn smiled as the woman heaved a Poke Ball at her target.

"They're also known to nest in people's beds. Once they infest a house, good luck getting them out." Brock cautioned. "This is why people do Burmy checks even at nice hotels."

He noticed the woman approaching them. "Thank you all for helping me get a male Burmy." she smiled. "I have three Wormadam already, and I needed a male."

"Can we see your Wormadams?" Dawn asked.

"Sure!" With that, the woman heaved three Poke Balls to the sky. "Jada, Sandra, Rosa, come on out!"

Dawn admired the three beautiful moth-like Pokemon. "I see...you named them based on what cloak they had when they evolved."

"So why did you need a boy?" Ash wondered.

"I wanted the end result to be a Mothim; since I have the three forms of Wormadam already." the woman replied.

"What's so wonderful about Mothim?" Now Ash was curious.

"Oh, listen to me blathering on without even introducing myself." the woman smiled. "My name is Cheryl, and I'm a treasure hunter by trade. My grandpa amassed a huge collection of treasures from across the world. One of the few he never could find was the Miele Dorato, or Golden Honey. It is said that the Miele Dorato is sweeter than any other honey in the world."

"We'll be happy to help!" Ash offered. Dawn and Brock nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Mr. Loremaster--what are some tales you know that involve food or treasure?" Dawn asked.

"Let's see here..." Brock thought for a moment. "Far away from here stood a town populated by living food. Mayor Mushroom looked after the town and its daily operations. Miss Tamato managed his mail and planned events. But all the food looked forward to visits from Cheddar the minstrel."

Cheryl giggled in bemusement as she pictured the whimsical town. "One spring, Mr. and Mrs. Eggplant welcomed their first child. The whole town turned out to give gifts and their well wishes." Brock explained. "Mayor Mushroom had asked everyone to bring a meal so Mrs. Eggplant would not need to cook."

"A smart idea." Cheryl smiled.

"Everyone had agreed, but Mr. Carrot panicked." Brock went on. "He didn't know how to make anything the Eggplants would like, and most of what he tried to cook was terrible. Mr. Tofu had gone into town to try and make something organic and all natural for the Eggplants. But not one of the stalls he checked sold organic ingredients. Mr. Cinnamon had been mobbed by girls because of his sweet smell. The list of problems--or excuses, depending on who you asked--grew longer..."


"...The Talonflame flew away, and soon came back with Leviathan's heart." Brock wound down another tale some time later. "Destrian cut it in two with his magical sword. Then he went to the cave, still invisible. Leviathan was now vulnerable, for his heart had been found and killed. Destrian killed him with his sword."

Tintri and Kori cheered at Leviathan's demise. "Then he removed his magical coat and showed himself to the girls who sat in the cave." Brock explained. "He brought them all back to the palace and their husbands came and claimed them."

He went on "The king gave Destrian a large house close to his castle. There Destrian and his wife Princess Perla lived happily. Destrian also sent for his mother, and brought her to live with him and his wife."

Cheryl listened as Brock concluded "The years passed, and when the king died, he left all his money and possessions to Destrian. Destrian ascended to the throne, and was king of all the land. He lived to be very old, and he did many wonderful deeds with the sword, the shoes, and the cloak."

He smiled "But that is another story for another day!"

Cheryl's applause was the most enthusiastic. "Bravo! That was exciting! You have a nose for lore like I do treasure!"

Dawn gasped when she saw a white glow. "Is that..."

Ash noticed the male Burmy glowing. "It is!"

Brock smiled as the Burmy transformed into an orange and red moth Pokemon. "I think I inspired this Burmy to evolve..."

[Oh, you did!] the Mothim chittered. [I want to be a brave hero, like in the tales you tell!]

To Be Continued...