A Story For Miles
It's morning and the sun is starting to appear. Sunlight is starting to pierce through the sky as a new day begins.

Panel One
The morning sun is shining upon a Furret named Miles that is using several old and battered towels as his bed. The light is landing on his face and he is slowly waking. The rest of the concrete room is dirty and worn down and a nearby metal chair has fallen apart.

Panel Two
Miles yawns as he tosses the old towels aside, looking refreshed to begin a new day as the morning light now shines upon him. His fur is a little frizzled.

MILES: Oh wow, morning already!

Panel Three
Miles is seen brushing and grooming himself off while his bedding and towels lay scattered around him. He's smiling and has a very optimistic outlook on today. The reader can easily tell this is a very happy-go-lucky Pokémon who takes pride in his work.

MILES: Well, better get going! I'm sure there will be plenty of new rescue jobs today! Sure don't want to miss out on those!

Panel Four
Slightly larger panel than the previous three, takes up most of the left side.
The view falls upon an old table with Miles's belongings. His trusty black pouch is there, along with a worn metallic canteen, a red scarf, an Escape Orb, and a somewhat aged Oran Berry. Miles is out of view, but his shadow falls upon the old table as his looks over his supplies and belongings.

MILES: Ha, good thing I packed most of my stuff last night! So much of the rest of the crew depends on me to be prepared!

Panel Five
Smaller panel to the right of Panel Four
Miles is seen now wearing his trusty pouch, canteen, and his red scarf is being worn as a bandana. His other paw is being used to push the old metal door with broken windows open and more morning sunlight is pouring into the old room that is Miles's home. Miles is cheerful and ready to head out into the world to embrace a new day of rescue adventures and helping other Pokémon.

Panel Six
Very large panel taking up the rest of the bottom half of the page.
Miles is seen exiting his tiny house. However, the reader immediately sees in this last panel that Miles's house is in fact what used to be a mechanic's garage. As he steps out, the morning light is seen being cast upon a massive city in ruins. Shells of buildings and empty streets with burnt-out and overturned cars are all around him. A traffic light lies twisted on the ground and the streets are cracked, cratered, and broken apart. A nearby billboard is also half-burnt while the other half is an advertisement for S.S. Anne luxury cruises. In the background, rows upon rows of buildings lie collapsed, blown out, and in ruins for as far as the eye can see into the distance.

MILES: Definitely a fine day for adventure!