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Thread: Indie Games

  1. #1

    Indie Games

    What is your stance on indle gaming? Are you of the opinion that such games are just low budget wastes of time, and as such are merely means of achieving easy money for developers? Or perhaps do you see such games as a means to address issues that mainstream gaming corporations have a difficult time dealing with due to being too big to innovate (or something akin to that)?

    I am of the view that there are a lot of shovelware titles that seem to serve little purpose other than attention grabbing and/or easy means of profit. Sure, some games that I would most likely place in such a category that serve as a stepping stone toward a beginning developer's journey to bettering their craft. That said, there are also quite a few triple-A games out there which marketing teams make a lot of noise, give off the vibe of shiny objects & hype, but provide very little but to satisfy the lowest common denominator.

    However, there are some indle games out there that do provide a very endearing experience to me inside & outside the immersion process without having to rely on large (and oftentimes bloated & wasted) budgets.

    On that note, Nintendo gave quite an extensive list of indie games that will be released for the Switch this year & early next year via their Nindies Showcase Summer 2018. I am particularly looking forward to Into the Breach, which is already out.

    Bonus question: how do you feel about Nintendo appealing to Indie fans via above Switch releases (and others for sure to come)?
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  2. #2
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    I feel as though there's a few gems in the rough. You just need to know what you're looking for, watch a video of the gameplay prior to purchasing it, and see if it's something you'd like. I'll admit, there were a few titles that I thought would be good and maybe had a very nice eye-catching cover art, but then the actual gameplay didn't look like it amounted to much and had reviews that sounded like there were a lot of deal-breaking things going on.

    Ori and the Blind Forest, Armello, and This War of Mine are three examples of games by indie developers that I found to be extremely good. And heck, look at what a game like Undertale was able to pull off. These indie hit games are out there, and I think it's important to have them. It would suck if all we got were just sequels to sequels over and over again by the big name developers. Franchises are fine and good, but after a while you can really tell when they've been over-milked and it feels like they should have been put to rest.

  3. #3
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    If someone will remind me, I was able to check out quite a few indie games while in DC through a one day showcase. I can list all the titles here for you guys to check out!

    In addition, my best friend has been doing a bunch of visual novel art pieces for another indie that should have its demo dropping soon. It's called Metanormal. You can check out the steam page here. It's like a bullet hell RPG visual novel type thing? It definitely looks interesting so I'm thinking of giving it a try when the demo drops. Not sure when it will, but my friend has to finish several more detailed assets for it before it will, so not too much longer hopefully.
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  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Neo Emolga View Post
    You just need to know what you're looking for, watch a video of the gameplay prior to purchasing it, and see if it's something you'd like.
    I will add that having a bit of an open mind & not placing your expectations too high will most likely help one's experiences when deciding whether to indulge oneself to an uncertain title. Granted it would also help if you are not in a crunch financially.

    And heck, look at what a game like Undertale was able to pull off.
    Now that there's a Switch release date for this, I may try it out in the near-distant future.

    These indie hit games are out there, and I think it's important to have them. It would suck if all we got were just sequels to sequels over and over again by the big name developers. Franchises are fine and good, but after a while you can really tell when they've been over-milked and it feels like they should have been put to rest.
    Not to mention having these indie games out coupled with genuine player feedback also gives room for more beginning game developers to gain some experience & clout, and perhaps have more financial room and/or other resources to develop & produce higher quality games. Of course, they are also at a risk of going through the same cycle lots of major game developers are going through with their major franchises.
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  5. #5
    New Trainer victoriastewart's Avatar
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    Now the other game ive been enjoying lately is Cataclysm, basicly a survival, roguelike, zombie, eat drink, and be stoned to advance game. So its not for kiddies!!

    What is that game? Basicly you are a survivor after a zombie apocalypse, you have to do just that survive, easier said than done believe me. You have to loot houses, shop, get equipement, food, drink, and anything that could increase your moral to get an XP pool, because if you want to increase skill it will only increase as you use it AND have XP in your XP pool. Wich mean drinking alchol, taking drug, smoking a cigarette, be carefull tho as there is addiction in the game and going into withdrawal can give serious negative effect for a good time, make sure you can stay hidden for a few day and have everything near your for basic suviving if you ever get in withdrawal, listen to MP3 player, read playboy magazine you get the point ( MP3 uses battery and you cannot make battery yourself so you have to think if you should use it or keep the battery for your flashing once you find one, or tools that may use batteries ).

    So seem simple right? WRONG!! Zombie can hear, smell and see you. Not because you havent seen one doesnt mean there is not one far behind you who picked your scent trail and start moving behind. As you make noise the nearest zombie will be attracted to it, Its not to your they are, its to the sound you made, but then since you are next to the sound they will eventually pick your scent or see you, then you better be able to run and fast. Sure you can stay and fight, but as your fight you make noise, and well you get the point now. Each town has a pool of zombie hidden to player, eventually if each day you keep going to the same town and kill a few, flee come back kill a few etc you will *liberate* the town, do mind it does nothing exept keep the town empty for next salvage run.

    Everything or near everything can be broken down, from walls to windows, do mind breaking down a wall might require more than brute force, a grenade or bomb maybe? Man those make lot of noises, maybe good to make an escape route if your surrounded in a building tho because well sound is not an issue when you have 10+ zombie moving toward you!

    There is building and crafting in the game too, sickness, mutation, implants, and much more. The link new microgaming casinos no deposit bonus im about to give you is another modpack, sadly there is no graphical pack for that BUT if you see a Z on the map, im pretty sure it doesnt mean Zoo. The modpack include more crafting option, and vehicles!! Yeah hop on that big gasoline eating truck and go smash some zombie, stop in front of a house, hurry out, break the door gather stuff, get back to car, drop all in trunk and get out!! Into the zombie tho!!

    Pick either that or DF and believe me, your GF or BF will start yelling at you because you suddenly lost your life!!

    Have fun and make sure to come back in a while to tell if your still alive or yet if you manage to keep your GF/BF!!


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