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  1. #1
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples

    {SUDS} Ryme Chaos

    GM's Note: Welcome to Ryme Chaos, a Pokemon RP set in the same world as the Detective Pikachu movie! That being said, this RP is intended to be spoiler free, for those who haven't seen the movie, and should not require any knowledge of the movie or game to play.

    Ryme City, it’s a modern marvel, a hub for technology and a paradise for Pokemon, as well as the humans who choose to live beside them. Here, people and Pokemon live in harmony, and if a Pokemon stays by a given human’s side, it’s because they want to, not because a Pokeball dictates it. Formal battles are prohibited by law, and trainers visiting the city from other regions are placed under heavy restrictions—first and foremost being that they are not allowed to carry empty Pokeballs into the city. Doing so is a crime punishable by heavy fines, but using those Pokeballs to catch Pokemon is even worse, punishable with jail time. Most residents of Ryme, both human and Pokemon, like it this way. Love their peace and harmony. There are so many other places in the world to go if you don’t like the lifestyle here, most will tell you if you bother asking, but there is only one Ryme City. At least, for now, as there have been multiple pushes to build more cities like Ryme in other regions, places for Pokemon who need help, or wish to have a safe place to live.

    Which is why almost every permanent resident in Rhyme City was baffled when there was a sudden push for reform...a push for Pokeballs and the capture of Pokemon to be allowed within the city. Originating from a research company relatively new to Ryme, most assumed that the administration of Megans Technologies would quickly come to understand the principles Ryme City was founded on, would see that their way of life was beneficial to Ryme’s people and Pokemon. This was not the case. In fact, they pushed even harder when residents didn’t seem interested.

    In fact, they dug deep into the city’s own history, did their homework, and struck again. There had been incidents in Ryme’s past, their administration argued, where having a majority of the city’s Pokemon population easily stored in Pokeballs would have been better for public safety. The most significant of those incidents had only happened seven years ago—many of the residents still remembered it. What would happen, they asked, if something similar were to happen again? What would happen if Pokemon began attacking buildings? People?

    And then, not long after that push, Pokeballs began appearing on the streets of Ryme City. Battles started to break out, and Pokemon began going on rampages. Both people and other Pokemon were quickly put in danger, and the RCPD scrambled to contain the incidents. The residents of the city, who had not been swayed before began to take sides—some, concerned for the safety of the public, began agreeing that it might be best to have most of the city’s Pokemon population easily containable while others argued that the events had likely been caused as a result of the Pokeballs that were now popping up on the streets. Of course, things only worsened when public officials began to take sides...and one of the largest supporters for keeping Ryme’s Pokemon free was attacked by rogue Machamp at a public rally, only to be saved by a few of the city’s new illegal trainers, who battled the Pokemon before one of the rescuers caught it.

    These illegal trainers were arrested for possession of Pokeballs with intent to capture, sparking outrage among the supporters of change—they had saved people, they had stopped the attack, why in the world were they being arrested when they should have been hailed as heroes? Chaos has descended upon the streets of Ryme since the attack and arrest, pitting trainers against partners in dangerous and illegal battles. The number of Pokeballs and reported Pokemon captures within city limits have skyrocketed, as well as the number of “rogue” Pokemon attacks. The RCPD is scrambling to do its best to protect all residents of Ryme, as well as uncover the origins of the Pokeballs cropping up on the streets. Given the number of battles and rogue attacks, they’ve already got their hands full, and are readily welcoming on as much good civilian help as they can get.

    So, welcome to Ryme City. Are you prepared to take a side, and fight for what you believe in?

    Extra Info
    • Ryme City welcomes visiting trainers with open arms, with a few restrictions
      • They must have a digital passport
      • All empty Pokeballs and “Battle Items” must be deposited elsewhere before entering the city. Trainers attempting to pass through Customs with any banned items will have said items confiscated, with no chance of return upon exiting the city.
      • They are allowed to carry a team of up to six Pokemon with them, however an updated registry of their team is required to be attached to their passport at all times.

    • PCs are available for visiting trainers to access all of their Pokemon, but are only available at small, pay to use facilities called “swap centers.” The most prominent swap center chain in the city is Swap n’ Go.
    • Though RCPD is accepting civilian volunteers, all volunteers must be able to pass a background check and undergo a quick educational course informing them of what situations they are allowed to handle, and how to handle them. Volunteers caught handling situations in an improper manner can and will have their volunteer privileges revoked, and may face fines or jail time.

    • All standard PXR rules apply
    • Be kind to your fellow PXR members, and leave Detective Pikachu game and movie spoilers out of the RP and it's affiliated threads, this RP is intended to be spoiler-free
    • Obligatory no god modding or using other’s characters without permission
    • Be nice to each other
    • Please keep RP contents PG-13 and under on all fronts
    • Knowledge gained OOC stays OOC unless otherwise specified
    • Please be active, or give warning before going inactive if possible
    • Have fun~

    Character Sheets
    HTML Code:
    [B]Resident or Visitor:[/B] 
    [B]Appearance:[/B] (1+ paragraph detailing how your character looks)
    [B]Personality:[/B] (1+ paragraph detailing how your character thinks/acts)
    [B]History:[/B] (1+ paragraph detailing how your character got to where they are at the moment)
    [B]Partner Pokemon/Pokemon Team:[/B] (One partner Pokemon for Ryme residents, up to a team of six Pokemon for visiting trainers. No legendaries or megas, please.)
    Saraibre Ryu with Shay Draklyn
    Neo Emolga with Nathan Cole
    Noblejanobii with Catalina "Cat" Ines
    Winter with Rain Caulder and Byron "Perry" Parisi
    Death's Spook with Sycorax Grimm

    Last edited by Winter; 06-17-2019 at 06:55 AM.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

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