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  1. #61
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scytherwolf View Post
    I'll head on over to (32) Exacta Fire Department Building to search.
    With the sun high in the sky, you decide to head out of the steel mill and fly southeast, flickering your giant dragonfly wings to quickly dart through the air as if you were floating. The dusty wind and air barely fazes you as you cut through it and head straight to the main ECFD building just a few feet shy away from the Eastern Bridge.

    When you arrive, you get a perfect, unobstructed glimpse of the massive OMEN crater that has devoured an enormous portion of the Southern Reach. You shudder a bit at the sight and it sends a slight chill through your carapace, but you decide not to worry about it for now.

    You start by searching the exterior of the ECFD building, and you notice that this dark-gray stone building has taken a beating. Damage from the initial OMEN strike was never repaired and earthquakes have rattled it and caused a lot of structural damage. It gives you the feeling when it comes time to rebuild Exacta City, this is one of those buildings that is definitely going to have to come down as it’s beyond repairs at this point.

    Along the outside perimeter, you find several deceased civilians that look like they’ve been lying dead here since the initial OMEN strike. The skeletal remains of a Loudred, a Morgrem, and a Hawlucha are all here, along with a few of their remaining pouches, packs, and other belongings. Most of them are highly damaged, but you find that in one of them, there were still some metallic Socha coins that have survived the elements. The paper bills, however, did not and nearly crumble to dust upon your attempt to carefully gather them.

    $85 Sochas$ has been added to Carly’s Pack.

    You don’t find anything else outside, so you decide to investigate the interior of the building, keeping alert at all times in case you hear any loud sounds that might signal this building’s final days of standing have come to an end.

    The inside looks like most of what remained here was never vacated. Being this close to the OMEN crater, you can understand why. Tables and chairs are still here, though they’ve been knocked over and broken in come cases. Most of the windows have had their glass shattered while papers have been scattered about. Meanwhile, the two large garages are in bad condition with cracks in the concrete floor and piles of debris from the ceiling. From the looks of things, it seems one of the fire trucks is missing while the second is just sitting here, rotting away. You figure it’s going to take a major repair job to bring it back to life, and there’s no way to do that with all of the ghouls and chimeras running about.

    The one last area you search seems to go down a flight of concrete steps to a basement level, but it seems to be locked with a door that looks… transmutated. Something immediately doesn’t feel right about it, as if it looks like this hasn’t even been here for all that long and someone tampered with the door for their own purposes. You try to look in closer…

    #Agony Ichor – POSION (3 Sanity Damage)# Trap 20% Evasion Test: 85 out of 100: Success!

    Immediately, you dart back just as a noxious poison is ejected out of the twisted door and splatters all over the area you were standing in just milliseconds before. You quickly check yourself over to make sure no stray droplets landed on you, but you seem to be fine. You take a sigh of relief and decide not to move forward another inch with that kind of strange mechanism doing that.

    From a closer inspection from a safe distance, it definitely feels like this is something the Stalkers had a hand in. The door looks decayed, jagged, and deranged with an ugly and twisted-looking keyhole that you can’t imagine ever being able to pick with conventional tools.

    #{The Schism Chamber: Twisted Schism Keyhole} Agony Ichor – POISON (3 Sanity Damage)# has been noted in the Team Records.

    You decide to turn around, not having the necessary key to go into that hole. After doing one last sweep around the interior, you don’t find anything else of value worth taking along.

    You decide to head back and make your plans for tonight.

    Carly the Yanmega (L: Bug/Flying)
    Health: 24/24 | Sanity: 20/20 | Purity: 16/16
    Battle Stance: Flee
    Perk: Repair | Abilities:
    Attack Weapon: <Empty>
    Defense Armor: <Empty>
    Jewelry: <Empty>
    Utopian Aspect: <Empty>
    #1: <Empty>
    #2: <Empty>
    • $150 Sochas$
    • Starf Berry (Restores all Purity)

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  3. #62
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur View Post
    Search (21) Edjas Memorial Public Library.
    You decide to head out this morning to investigate the Edjas Memorial Public Library, which thankfully still seems to be in good condition and doesn’t look like anything related to OMEN and the earthquakes have affected it. But you still feel it’s worth checking out as there’s no telling who might have been in there when no one else was looking.

    As the morning sunlight bathes the refuge area, you wake up and head outside to start your investigation. After walking down the road past the railway station, you see the large library come into view and the old beige and brown stone structure doesn’t seem to be in half-bad condition save for some dead overgrowth and some loose garbage. You search the exterior first, finding not much at first besides some refuse garbage and clusters of weeds, but around the back, you happen to find a dusty abandoned green backpack and black duffle bag that held some loose change. You gather up the coins and add them to your pack to save for a future purchase.

    $65 Sochas$ has been added to Mistee’s Pack.

    After clearing out the exterior, you then head inside, where you can see just from the entrance that the lights struggle to stay on, often not putting up a very good fight. Thankfully, there is still some dim light coming through some of the windows, but you imagine at night, the inside of this place must be entirely pitch-black, sometimes being illuminated by the flicking lights.

    The interior of the library doesn’t seem that bad. Some books and reference materials are a bit scattered around and thrown about, but the majority of the interior’s bookshelves and sitting area furniture seems to be okay despite being dusty. It seems being close to the refuge area has kept it in good shape aside from some lighting problems, really only caused due to its lack of proximity to the power station. If it was just half a block closer, it likely wouldn’t have this problem and you even think some of the survivors might be using it. You figure it could have been a nice place for them to just get their minds off of things in a good story or research what they could in terms of farming, repair, building, and other skills that might aid in the survival of the refuge area.

    You pass by a dusty gray magazine stand that still has a few issues from years go, back to the very day OMEN happened. You take a look through them and while most of them may not be helpful, such as magazines about beauty, sports, hobbies, and travel, you find an issue of “Influence!” and “Handymon” that look like they might have some good pointers, though they wouldn’t exactly get you to the point of feeling like a true professional after reading them.

    You decide to take both of them with you.

    [“Influence!” Magazine] (Gives the user the Diplomacy Perk for the Cycle it’s used) has been added to Mistee’s Pack.

    [“Handymon” Magazine] (Gives the user the Repair Perk for the Cycle it’s used) has been added to Mistee’s Pack.

    You then search through the many gray metal shelves of books covering all kinds of topics from fiction to non-fiction, but you can only take passing glances at the titles on the spines of the books with the time you have. There’s just no way to even read one book this morning, never mind the tens of thousands on these shelves. Meanwhile, a few books have fallen off the shelves, but nothing too chaotic.

    The reference section and media materials seem to be okay as well, offering videos and audio materials on tape and data storage sticks. It seems they have quite a vast selection that you can’t help but spend a few minutes to flip through from classics to romance, horror, sci-fi, and many others, all with Pokémon as the main stars.

    You then go into the children’s section of the library, where a large assortment of smaller and much more colorful books are available. Everything from short stories, poems, and books that encourage good morals and manners are easily found here. There are also educational books for children that teach counting, basic arithmetic, vocabulary, and the like. There are also smaller seating areas here, along with a colorful circular carpet mat that depicts a happy Eevee encircled by colorful letters and numbers.

    You get to one shelf and something definitely feels strange, like a disruptive aura is coming from somewhere. You look across the shelf of books, probing them with your vines to see what’s going on. You detect something bizarre is hiding here, and you eventually find the source of it. One of the books has a Stalker’s presence, which you definitely know isn’t normal and isn’t something other Pokémon would be able to detect. You wrap your vine around it and hoist it down to get a better look at what exactly this thing is…

    #Abomination Infestation (10 Sanity Damage, 10 Purity Damage)# Trap 40% Evasion Test: 86 out of 100: Success!

    You quickly throw it aside, realizing it’s very, very deeply infected and corrupted. However, as you realize a Stalker has viciously tampered with it, you still feel inclined to see what’s going on with it to see if there’s some possibility of getting answers out of this terrible thing.

    Carefully, you decide to delve into it, but from a very safe distance of at least ten feet, hoping that will be enough to keep you from succumbing to its malicious effects. And you use your vines to be able to do it, which definitely seems like the much safer option than looking at it up close. While you may not be able to get a close look at the intricate details, you can still see if you can discern at least some of what’s going on.

    You flip it over to reveal the cover, and it doesn’t surprise you that this book has now been corrupted to be entitled “My Happy Massacre” and shows a repulsive scene of a young Pichu proudly standing beside a pile of bloody bodies that used to be young Pokémon. It’s hard to make out the details, but you decide not to take a closer look. You figure it’s bad enough even from ten feet away.

    As you use your vine to flip to the first page, the story actually seems relatively normal in the beginning despite the filth all over the pages. It starts off with a young Pichu named Kibishi wanting to be the best Pokémon in the class at everything. But he can’t outsmart Vika the Teddiursa in math, isn’t faster than Druko the Snivy in running, and can’t build a tower of blocks as high as what Dimmie the Cyndaquil can build. He becomes very upset, angry, and jealous.

    All along the way, the book is trying to teach the young reader some of the darkest, most vile words you can find, some of them even swears. Kibishi calls Druko a “muka”, which you realize is a very derogatory word in Veramo’s culture. Other words like “hate” and “holocaust” are emphasized, but ironically, special attention is given to the word “loathe” which you find can’t possibly be just a coincidence.

    As you continue reading what you can from a distance, you see how the story progresses. An upset and jealous Kibishi meets with his carefree Pikachu friend, Fujun, who you quickly discover has the moral compass of a demon and looks like he’s had his eyes dug out by a shovel. Fujun’s solution to Kibishi’s overcoming his lack of prowess over his classmates is quickly revealed as Fujun helps Kibishi make demonic plots to brutally murder them like it’s nothing more than a childish prank and game. And Kibishi gets excited as that would leave him as the only capable contender remaining to be the best at everything…

    It continuously gets more and more gruesome as you see Kibishi butcher Vika with a bladed weedwacker, decapitate Druko with monstrously large hedge clippers, and ram wooden blocks down Dimmie’s throat until she suffocates, followed by Kibishi ripping open Dimmie’s throat to get the bloody blocks back. It causes you to wince and use your vines to pull the deranged book away at times. You can only imagine what this looks like up close, but you have a feeling it would start directly eating away at your mind and soul if you did.

    You get to the last page and shudder to think what might be the macabre grand finale of this psychotic sacrilege. Not surprisingly, it’s Kibishi and Fujun morbidly celebrating the Pichu’s gruesome and horrific victory over his massacred fellow students. And the victory meal just happens to be… Kibishi’s murdered classmates. Everything from their organs, blood, and flesh is served like a twisted, delectable feast for bloodthirsty monsters. Even from a safe distance, you feel quite queasy looking upon looking at Kibishi take a morbidly big bite out of Dimmie’s head…

    You’re ready to just throw this monstrosity of children’s literature into a fire pit and incinerate it beyond reclamation, but then you suddenly feel a slight pinging sensation. Intuition suddenly reminds you this book wasn’t like this from the start. Something, almost like a vision, tells you a Stalker made it vile like this. It was really supposed to be something different…

    You focus your mind beyond the inflicted corruption and realize it was originally supposed to be like this…

    It suddenly occurs to you now. This whole story was supposed to be completely different. The Pichu’s name wasn’t even supposed to be Kibishi, it was supposed to be Happi. The real way the book was supposed to go was Happi would try again, but still fail at overcoming his classmates. But even in the face of failure, Happi was originally supposed to respect his classmates for what they were capable of. And he was even supposed to find out he was the best in the class at fixing broken toys and the fastest at figuring out puzzles as a way of showing everyone has their own special strengths and that in truth, no one can be the greatest at everything. And in the end, Happi and his Pikachu friend, Heiwa, were supposed to have a party for the whole class to celebrate everyone’s special talents.

    You are convinced whatever Stalker handled this made a complete blasphemy of this book’s intended story and message. You feel there’s something linked to the amount of corruption this book underwent…

    Find the number of differences between the corrupted final page of the book and the original version…

    #[Corrupted Children’s Book “My Happy Massacre”: <<Instances of Corruption>> / <<Glimpse of the Past>>] Abomination Infestation (10 Purity Damage, 10 Sanity Damage)# has been added to the Team Inventory.

    You decide to stash the corrupted children’s book into a paper bag and you write “careful, deeply corrupted!” on it as a warning to anyone who isn’t aware of what’s inside.

    After trying to purge those terrible sights out of your head, you head back to base, still feeling chills about what you just saw…

    Mistee the Bulbasaur (S: Grass/Poison)
    Health: 16/16 | Sanity: 20/20 | Purity: 24/24
    Battle Stance: Tactical
    Perk: Diplomacy | Abilities:
    Attack Weapon: [|AW| Surgical Scalpel] (Adds 2 damage to successful attack rolls)
    Defense Armor: <Empty>
    Jewelry: <Empty>
    Utopian Aspect: <Empty>
    #1: <Empty>
    #2: <Empty>
    • $185 Sochas$
    • [“Influence!” Magazine] (Gives the user the Diplomacy Perk for the Cycle it’s used)
    • [“Handymon” Magazine] (Gives the user the Repair Perk for the Cycle it’s used)

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  5. #63
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Night has fallen in Exacta City
    Submit your Day 2: Night Cycle Actions now!

    Time Remaining:


    (November 11, 2020, 8:00:00 pm EST)

    @EmeraldSky @Noblejanobii @Scytherwolf @SlickSlack @Lychee @Ho-Oh @Suicune’s Fire @Shruikan @Chibi Altaria @Bulbasaur @James-Typhlosion

  6. #64
    The #1 Stalkers Fanatic C0L0R3D's Avatar
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    Attachment 1946 Hmm... that submerged sublevel seems interesting, but it’s night and I’m not too sure about going there at night, so I’ll go search (10) The Armament Bunker instead. Just a gut feeling.

  7. #65
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    @Neo Emolga

    I plan to check those locks in the Exacta Broadcasting Company Offices.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  8. #66
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
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    Not sure 'bout my action yet, but I'm going to give my [|DA| Bronze Guard] to Lita before they set out if possible.

  9. #67
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!

    Thanks a lot! This will help a lot!

    I equip it right away.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  10. #68
    Reach for the Stars ~★ Chibi Altaria's Avatar
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    On a fluffy cloud of cotton-candy.
    Nia hadn't seen Nico in a while, but she was sure that her Cinccino friend would appreciate a gift before heading out for the night.

    I'm going to equip the Military Dagger and give my Rogue's Dagger to Nico -- just in case he needs it! I have no use for two daggers unless dual wielding is a thing and then I want to keep it

  11. #69
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlickSlack View Post
    Attachment 1946 Hmm... that submerged sublevel seems interesting, but it’s night and I’m not too sure about going there at night, so I’ll go search (10) The Armament Bunker instead. Just a gut feeling.
    Tonight, you decide to stay in safer territory within the refuge area. It’s a little cooler than it was this morning and with the wind having died down, the air is a little crisper.

    You decide to investigate The Armament Bunker, known for being a dependable store for weapons and self-defense measures for both civilians, scavengers, and Aurorawatch soldiers alike. It’s closed for the evening, but you feel it would be a good idea to see if there’s anything there and maybe check the store inventory to see what might be available to buy at a later time.

    You see that The Armament Bunker is a black building that used to be a machine shop, but now it’s used by Canett to make weapons. A lot of the building and floor layout has been repurposed for this use, and it’s actually been more profitable than when it was used to make machine and vehicle parts.

    You start by searching the exterior, finding that the building is pretty dirty just from all the use and that it seems like Canett doesn’t care if she gets her claws dirty and the rest of the building follows suit. In a few old steel barrels back the back left side of the building, you find metallic scraps and pieces, as well as weapons that didn’t turn out as intended and are being thrown out. Most of them either broke in half, became too misshapen to be effective, or became bent during the forging process and Canett didn’t think it was worth the effort and materials to try and fix it.

    You find one iron cudgel that looks like Canett decided to scrap it and not try to rework the metal. You can see that Canett was trying to experiment with the weapon and create something more like a mace to possibly turn into a new weapon line, but things didn’t work out. Still, you honestly feel this weapon as is, even though it’s a bit misshapen, would still do some pretty decent damage if it was used as a blunt attack weapon.

    Despite being rejected by Canett, you decide to take the cudgel with you.

    [|AW| Iron Cudgel] (Adds 1d6 damage to successful attack rolls) was added to Misty’s Pack.

    When you circle around to the front of the building, you find a sly-looking Weavile, smoking what looks like some rolled-up cigarette joint. She closes her eyes with a sly smile and takes a puff, blowing a cloud of smoke into the night air. She then notices you coming around the corner, looking at you curiously, but then just smiles.

    “Sup?” she asks, flicking her joint to shake off the ashes at the end. “You looking for somebody, hun?”

    You explain you’re simply looking for evidence of the Stalkers, but it doesn’t seem like there’s much around here.

    “Yeah, I bet,” she chuckles. “Stalker’s ain’t gonna hide anything here, hun. Canett would bash their head in so hard it would come out their ass. Hey, name’s Scarlet by the way. What’s yours, sugar?”

    You introduce yourself as Misty, and she nods with a sly smile.

    “That’s a nice name,” she replies, taking another puff from her joint. “Simple and sweet, light on the flair and not something I’d have trouble pronouncing. You’d be surprised how often I run into chumps with names that look like someone spat out a mouthful of alphabet soup.”

    “So, you’re after the Stalkers, huh?” she asks with a smile, leaning back against the store building. “I was doing the same for a while, but I realized it was a job I couldn’t do alone despite how much I wanted to handle it all myself. And when I tried to find some reliable meatbags to help me, they only got themselves killed or ran off and I never saw them again. I’ve seen how these Stalker schmucks work, hun. They kill you at night when you don’t suspect it. Aurorawatch is handling this on the defensive and you just can’t do that. They’ll all be dead before the end of the month if this keeps up. We need to take the fight to them directly.”

    She looks off into the distance for a moment, smiles in thought, and then looks back to you, taking another puff from her joint before she feels she’s done with it and flicks it away onto the dusty ground.

    “I tell you what, hun, I ain’t getting any younger here and it’s a kill or be killed situation we’ve got on our hands,” Scarlet tells you as a proposition. “I’d be willing to help you with these Stalkers, but you’ve got to prove to me you’re not just some meatbag that’s going to end up as ghoul food or run away like a Buneary getting chased by Beedrill. But, I want to make sure I’m working with capable flesh here.”

    She then looks at you with a devious smile.

    “Show me what you’ve got in a fight,” she proposes. “Just a sparring match, we’re no good to each other if one of us ends up as a cripple from this. If you beat me in a fight, then I’m convinced I know I’m working with someone that’s got their head on straight and doesn’t need me to hold them by the hand. You game?”


    Scarlet joins the Emissary Alliance and will help the Emissaries by performing actions. Any items or money she finds will go to the main Team Inventory.

    “Just let me know, hun,” she smiles. “I’ll be around.”

    You then decide to investigate the interior of the building, sneaking in through a window. It seems the store has quite a selection of weapons in all forms, shapes, and sizes. There’s even custom options that include mortar cannons, though they’re not cheap.

    (10) The Armament Bunker

    The Armament Bunker
    Run by Canett the Krookodile


    • $[|AW| Military Karambit] 50 Sochas$ (Adds 1d4 damage to successful attack rolls)
    • $[|AW| Razor Machete] 150 Sochas$ (Adds 1d6 damage to successful attack rolls)
    • $[|AW| Ornamental Katana] 250 Sochas$ (Adds 1d8 damage to successful attack rolls)
    • $[|AW| Radanthril Blade] 400 Sochas$ (Adds 1d10 damage to successful attack rolls)
    • $[|AW| Vindicator Armament] 600 Sochas$ (Adds 1d12 damage to successful attack rolls)
    • $[|AW| Combat Hatchet] 40 Sochas$ (Adds 2 damage to successful attack rolls)
    • $[|AW| Tactical Warblade] 125 Sochas$ (Adds 3 damage to successful attack rolls)
    • $[|AW| Captain Sword] 200 Sochas$ (Adds 4 damage to successful attack rolls)
    • $[|AW| Windbreaker Blade] 325 Sochas$ (Adds 5 damage to successful attack rolls)
    • $[|AW| Sunrazor Armament] 450 Sochas$ (Adds 6 damage to successful attack rolls)


    • $[|AW| <SPECIES>-Customized Vulcan Armament] 800 Sochas$ (Adds 2d8 damage to successful attack rolls)
    • $[|AW| <SPECIES>-Customized Ragefire Armament] 1200 Sochas$ (Adds 2d12 damage to successful attack rolls)

    • $[|AW| <SPECIES>-Customized Commander Weaponry] 650 Sochas$ (Adds 8 damage to successful attack rolls)
    • $[|AW| <SPECIES>-Customized Battlestorm Armament] 1200 Sochas$ (Adds 12 damage to successful attack rolls)

    The Armament Bunker has been noted in the Exacta City Marketplaces.

    You don’t find anything else that seems out of place in the store itself, so you decide to head back to the emissary base at the steel mill.

    Thankfully, the way home is peaceful and quiet. Though the streets are dark, you find your way back using the light of the two moons.

    Misty the Palpitoad (M: Water/Ground)
    Health: 20/20 | Sanity: 20/20 | Purity: 20/20
    Battle Stance: Flee
    Perk: Medicine | Abilities:
    Attack Weapon: [|AW| Utility Sledgehammer] (Adds 3 damage to successful attack rolls)
    Defense Armor: <Empty>
    Jewelry: <Empty>
    Utopian Aspect: <Empty>
    #1: <Empty>
    #2: <Empty>
    • $150 Sochas
    • [|AW| Iron Cudgel] Adds 1d6 damage to successful attack rolls)

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  13. #70
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EmeraldSky View Post
    @Neo Emolga

    I plan to check those locks in the Exacta Broadcasting Company Offices.
    (Trade completed, Bronze Guard equipped!)

    You decide to head out tonight and use your lock-picking skills against the cabinets and lockers that Nia had found and reported back at the Exacta Broadcasting Company Offices. As she mentioned earlier, the building is in bad shape and you prepare yourself for light stepping and careful navigation around rubble and weakened flooring.

    On the way there, your walk through the refuge area and through the Northern Reach go undetected as you carefully and quietly sneak around the buildings and ruined vehicles in the roads. Nia had even mentioned her encounter with two ghouls just this morning and you know there are plenty more that are around, lurking within the shadows. But thankfully none of them find you on your way to the office building.

    Even from a distance and even in the dark of night, you can see that Nia wasn’t kidding. This place is a wreck and its days of standing are definitely numbered, maybe even in the single digits. You decide not to waste another second, heading inside to find the locked cabinets that Nia talked about earlier.

    Tracking down the location, you make your way up the cracked concrete stairway, side-stepping piles of rubble, trash, and debris while carefully making sure your small yellow feet don’t step on anything too light to withstand your weight. All around you, dust and rubble still falls in small pieces, easily signaling this building is crumbling little by little, day by day.

    You quickly manage to find the first of the cabinets that Nia pointed out. You check the lock and it seems pretty simple. You lock in your tension wrench, and then use two hook picks to raise the three pins in the tumbler just enough to all be level. With a little turn and push, the cabinet’s lock disengages and you swing the doors open.

    {Locked Equipment Supply Storage: <Security> OR +Fire Type+}

    A lot of what’s inside seems to be wires, manuals, plugs, cords, and the like, but you find one large electronic broadcasting system equipment that’s called the Ensign NV904. It doesn’t look damaged and you try to power it on. With no electricity running through the walls, you try to use a bit of your own electric power to see if you can at least turn the machine on just long enough to see if its functional at all.

    To your delight, you see the machine definitely is still operational and the screens and LED lights turn right on. The only problem is that while the system turns on, the data readouts look corrupted and the LCD screen displays nothing but scrambled gibberish. And it seems like there’s only static at the moment as well.

    It feels as though there might be potential in this Ensign NV904 system, but someone with technical knowledge is going to need to fix the firmware and reprogram it. But if they can pull it off, it may work…

    [Corrupted Ensign NV904 Broadcasting System: <Technical>] has been added to the Team Inventory.

    You then decide to continue to the fifth floor, remembering there is an equipment hold that Nia mentioned earlier. Like Nia discovered, with the elevator ruined and the stairwell blocked off from the sixth floor due to tons of rubble, it seems like no one’s going to see beyond the sixth floor ever again.

    Carefully dodging the cracks in the floor and the endless tripping hazards everywhere while in the dark, you find the metallic equipment hold cabinet that Nia mentioned. You take a closer look at its lock and it doesn’t seem too difficult either, despite it being a different kind of tumbler. You carefully place in your tension wrench, use a more delicate, scythe-shaped pick to carefully and patiently raise the pins in the tumbler, and with the precision of a surgeon, you disengage the lock with a gentle but effective push and turn.

    {5th Floor Equipment Hold: <Security> OR +Steel Type+}

    You swing the door open and it seems like a lot of the equipment here was never even used once. Most of the microphones, speakers, and lighting equipment is still in their original packaging. Meanwhile, there’s also a box for what seems to be an Exodus G115A System, and according to the box, it seems like this could also be another potential way to send out a broadcast.

    You examine the large box and it seems like it’s been opened once before, but was never actually used and installed. You slide out the large, black electronic device out of the box and you seem all the parts and components are still wrapped securely in their original plastic bags and wrappings. However, you search all through the box and it seems like whoever opened this first took out the instructions and didn’t put them back…

    You face up from looking down at the contents of the box to look all around you for some sign of where those instructions might have gone off to. However, with the rows of desks and recording studios smashed to pieces and huge chunks of the floor sunken into the floor below, those instructions could be anywhere in these piles of rubble, debris, and papers. It could take a lifetime to find them, and even if you did, they could be in shreds and pieces, or stained and smeared beyond legibility.

    Instead, you shake your head at the idea, wisely deciding there’s no use in trying to look for them. But as the only possible alternative to get these to work, not only is someone going to need the technical expertise to configure this system, but you’re going to need a psychic Pokémon to be able to understand and map out the logistical layout of the schematics and circuit boards to make that possible and make up for the lack of step-by-step instructions.

    You take it with you, sighing a bit as you realize these two pieces of equipment are going to need some work. And there’s no guarantee they’re going to be compatible with Crez’s equipment, but it’s definitely still worth a try considering if they do work, it could save countless lives if Aurorawatch can contact someone from outside the city to help. Support in getting food, supplies, weapons, fuel, medical equipment, and transport to a safer city would be critical to this city’s future survival and is definitely worth pursuing no matter what it might take.

    [Unconfigured Exodus G115A System: <Technical> AND +Psychic Type+] has been added to the Team Inventory.

    With that done, you decide to head out, taking extra care to watch your steps as you carefully carry both broadcasting equipment systems, making sure not to drop them or bang them against anything. What you carry in your small, furry yellow paws may just be the last hope Aurorawatch has at being able to call for help and one bad bump in the wrong spot may snuff that hope out like a candle flame dunked in water. While they’re heavy and obstruct your field of vision as you carry them, you manage to go down the full flight of stairs, feeling and probing the security of the footing with your toes before stepping forward as you carefully make sure you maintain your balance. Tripping hazards are everywhere in this building…

    A wave of relief comes over you as you finally make it down the flight of stairs and walk your way out of the ruined building. You don’t look behind you as you carefully walk your way back to the Emissary Base, through the darkness of the Northern Reach before finally arriving back at the steel mill. Once inside, you carefully place both broadcasting systems on a steel workbench table and take a sigh of relief, tired but feeling good about what you’ve managed to salvage out of that building. There’s still work that needs to be done with these, but you’ve managed to find what might be some hope.

    You decide to sleep off the rest of the night, having peace of mind now…

    Lita the Pikachu (S: Electric)
    Health: 16/16 | Sanity: 20/20 | Purity: 24/24
    Battle Stance: Tactical
    Perk: Security | Abilities:
    Attack Weapon: [|AW| Steel Bow] (Adds 1d4 damage to successful attack rolls)
    Defense Armor: [|DA| Bronze Guard] (Reduces incoming Health damage by 1 point each time Health damage is taken)
    Jewelry: <Empty>
    Utopian Aspect: <Empty>
    #1: <Empty>
    #2: <Empty>
    • $105 Sochas$
    • [|AW| Combat Longbow] (Adds 1d6 damage to successful attack rolls)
    • [|AW| Razor Composite Bow] (Adds 2 damage to successful attack rolls)

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