“So your group is with Jon this afternoon?”
It was the designated lunch hour on Tuesday, two days after Jon and Charlotte had returned from their trip to Southern island, when Abbee and Chris found themselves by some miracle alone at their table in the dining hall, which was considerably fuller than the year before. By themselves with the exception of Victini who sat on the end of the table with a bread roll, Chris having fully accepted the third wheel in he and Abbee’s relationship at this point, though thankful he had been in his Pokeball for their argument on Saturday. Whilst he had no doubt Victini knew, he was thankful Victini had said nothing so far.
“Justin’s first, then mine,” Chris answered between gargantuan bites of his lunch. “I’m kind of glad Jon hasn’t changed the curriculum much since we started…”
“Why’s that?”
“I mean, I missed a bit during the start of our first summer,” Chris explained. “I do a decent job of hiding it, since I work largely with one type of Pokemon, but there are a few type match-ups I still haven’t got memorised…”
“I think only Charlotte and Dylan have them all memorised,” Abbee remarked. “Charlotte, because she is terrifying with how good she is and how quickly she adapts, and Dylan, because I honestly don’t think there is a thing about Pokemon he doesn’t already know. I kind of wonder whether he does anything but research the other nine months of the year…”
“Which is exactly why I am glad Jon is running largely the same curriculum,” Chris continued. “Charlotte and I haven’t battled since last summer. The junior tournaments after last summer, she missed with her broken shoulder, after the Deoxys incident. Then by the time tournaments started again after winter, we were all too focused on the trial, and by the time that was over, she had turned eighteen and was here training Deoxys…”
Chris took a break from eating the excessive sandwich that he had made, thinking over his words, noticing Victini had stopped eating his bread roll, and looked over at Chris, actually seeming invested in what he was saying.
“Back then, we were even in practically every respect,” Chris said. “Now, I have a Legendary Pokemon, but based on her battle with Justin the other week, I think she’s actually pulling ahead. And assuming this summer doesn’t end in a similar way to the last, she’ll be able to catch the end of the current season, while I’ll have to wait until the start of the next one…”
In all northern hemisphere regions, the competitive battling season was the same. Starting in April, when the weather was starting to warm up, with most of the smaller events occurring until summer started. Larger competitions occurred during the summer, where the requirements to enter were much higher, allowing only the best, such as the High Seas Tournament, though there were far fewer, with these events being much more publicised. After summer ended, the pace returned to the spring rate until November. From December until the start of the next season in April, the only competitions were those either that were separate from the competitive battling season, usually for an occasion such as Christmas Day or New Years Eve, and were there more to be a spectacle than anything else.
Abbee’s mood soured hearing the discussion of Chris’ competing. Whilst he was extremely willing to discuss hypotheticals about his future, travelling and competing, every time she had tried to talk to him about finding some way for their futures to actually align, he had put it off, telling them they would work it out, but not progressing the conversation any further from there.
“It sounds like Charlotte will be seeing you more next year than I will…”
It was a low comment, and Abbee wasn’t proud of being so passive aggressive, however felt that at this point, there was little to nothing she could do to get Chris to actually start thinking about how they could make things work.
Like clockwork, Chris seemed to not hear the comment, before looking at his phone.
“S**t, I’m late…” he said, before taking a huge bite of his sandwich.
“For?” Abbee asked, not believing him for a second, but tired of the discussion after days of no results.
“I said I’d help one of my students with a few practice battles…”
“That’s nice of you,” Abbee answered, not even bothering with a sarcastic tone at this point. “Which one?”
This question seemed to catch Chris off guard, though he bought time by rushing a bite, and making a point of swallowing it before he spoke, something he normally wouldn’t bother with.
“Can’t remember his name. There are that many of them…” Chris answered. “Average height, with brown hair. From Hoenn. Has a Lairon…”
Abbee had to admire how quickly Chris described the most average trainer at the Academy, it being possible to throw a rock and hit two trainers that fit the bill.
“Anyway, I gotta go,” Chris said, as he scoffed the rest of his sandwich, and got up to leave quickly. Abbee sighed before hearing a voice in her head.
”You know he was lying, right?” Victini asked, having made good use of his telepathy, intentionally holding off any sarcastic remarks so Chris wouldn’t know for sure he was in his head.
“Really?” Abbee asked sarcastically. “Could have fooled me…”
Victini shrugged, and continued eating, not taking the comment personally, though making a mental note of sending Latios to find Cassandra to ask exactly how to turn someone into a Dunsparce. For personal reasons…
“Sorry, this whole situation just grinds my gears…” Abbee remarked. “I wish he’d stop putting off this conversation…”
”Want me to have a chat with him?”
“Don’t,” Abbee said quickly. Whilst she didn’t know details, she knew that Victini had made it his mission to pester Chris, and at times had taken it a little far. Whilst he did back off after Chris saved Abbee in Meteor Falls, and after he and Abbee started dating, it was a habit he wasn’t going to drop overnight. “If I can’t get him to talk about it, you won’t be able to.”
”I can be very persuasive…” Victini retorted, a menacing grin starting to form.
“That’s what worries me…” Abbee said, smiling for the first time since her conversation with Chris moved towards his plans for after summer.
At the other end of the room, Abbee noticed Dylan enter, as he noticed her and Victini sitting alone, and made his way to join them, grabbing one of the premade sandwiches from the counter on his way there.
“No Chris?” Dylan asked, having barely seen them apart since summer began.
“He’s got some stuff to do,” Abbee remarked, earning a look from Victini. “How has your morning been?”
“Taught a class in the first session, then spent a bit of time working on the website for the Academy,” Dylan remarked. “Jon designed it himself, and while he isn’t that old, it shows a little…”
Abbee grinned, as Dylan, now having finished his sentence, started eating his lunch. Between bites, he spoke.
“How has your morning been?” Dylan asked. “I’ve barely seen you since all the s**t with Justin on Saturday…”
What Dylan hadn’t mentioned was that he intentionally gave her space, knowing that she probably felt awkward about him hearing her argument with Chris as it happened, only revealing himself when Rachael arrived at the lodge looking for him.
“Pretty standard,” Abbee replied. “I’ve got a pretty easy to manage group. So classes as normal this morning…”
As they spoke, Jon sat at another table, sharing lunch with a few students, after one had approached him with some questions that elaborated on the content he had just taught in Tactics and Strategy.
“The thing you have to be careful of is relying too heavily on a single strategy,” Jon explained to the table, most of whom were new students that year, and seemed in awe at Jon sharing knowledge with them over lunch. “Ninety percent of strategies rely on the opponent acting in a certain way, or by extension, not acting a certain way. Sometimes all it takes is an opponent to do something out of left field to throw your plan into ruins. I’ve seen some incredible trainers beaten effortlessly because their opponent did something brilliant yet unpredictable. You always need to have options…”
“Jon, can we talk for a second?”
Jon turned to see Charlotte behind him, apologising to the other students for interrupting.
“We’ll continue this later,” Jon said to those at the table, before sliding his seat back and standing. At Charlotte’s beckoning, the pair moved a few feet from the table, where the ambient noise of the full dining hall would cover their conversation.
“Everything alright?” Jon asked, unsure why Charlotte was pulling him aside.
“For now,” Charlotte answered. “I just went to the pantry to get some more bread rolls, since the bowl was practically empty. We’re getting really low on a few things. Mostly breakfast food, but coffee, fruit, and meat for dinners as well…”
Jon’s eyes widened, as he realised what had happened.
“S**t…” Jon muttered. “I was supposed to ask Dylan to head into town after the lecture on Saturday and get the groceries…”
“Don’t stress too much,” Charlotte interrupted. “We have enough to get through dinner tonight, and we could wrangle something for breakfast tomorrow. We have plenty of eggs, so maybe do an omelette bar to cover for the fact we are running out of cereal?”
Jon looked around the room. Charlotte had her drivers licence, however he and Alyssa’s insurance on their cars didn’t allow anyone under twenty-one to be covered, having renewed their policy after Dylan got his new car, and wasn’t needing theirs. Dylan’s car had no such restrictions, however if his car was here, chances are he was as well, and Charlotte wouldn’t need to drive. Alyssa was working that afternoon, with deadlines on stories looming, and he had training until 3pm.
Finally, he spotted Abbee, Dylan and Victini sitting at a table, talking amongst themselves.
“Shelve that omelette idea,” Jon remarked. “It’s brilliant, and if I can’t convince Dylan and Abbee to head out, we may just use it…”
Charlotte nodded, before leaving Jon to figure out the food situation. He made his way towards the table, where Abbee noticed him, and was first to greet him, Dylan turning and nodding a hello.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Jon stated. “But I need a favour…”
“Does it involve time, effort or money?” Dylan asked, knowing that response was one that Jon used when Dylan asked him for favours. Abbee laughed.
“Your time and effort, but my money…” Jon retorted with a grin. “Dylan, I was supposed to ask you to organise groceries over the weekend when I was away last weekend, but it slipped my mind. Charlotte has just informed me we are running scarily low, and there are now enough people here to riot if we don’t have enough food..."
Abbee’s grin widened at the exaggeration, knowing that there wouldn’t be a riot, and they’d figure something out before then, however Dylan knew where this was going.
“I’ll head into town as soon as I’ve finished lunch,” Dylan said, as Jon breathed a sigh of relief.
“You’re a legend. I owe you one…” Jon commended.
“I’ll come along too,” Abbee interjected, as both men looked at her. “As long as you don’t mind the company?”
“Of course I don’t,” Dylan answered, before grinning. “We'll easily fill two trolleys shopping for this place anyway…”
************************************************** ************************************************** *****
As Jon waited for Justin’s group to arrive in the arena, five minutes before their training was supposed to start, he was thankful to see Justin arriving early, without any of his students in tow. Jon and Charlotte had arrived back at the Academy late Sunday night. With Deoxys and Latios both panicking and lashing out during their last battle, Jon and Charlotte allowed a few hours for both Pokemon to relax, and when they were sure that another episode wasn’t likely, Jon sent out Scizor, figuring it be a good opportunity for Deoxys, who still seemed to want to battle, to practise against a different Pokemon. Thankfully, largely due to Latios’ communicating to Scizor exactly how hard to hit, there were no more incidents like the one earlier that day. Granted it still scared them to see how fatal the situation had nearly become in such a short amount of time.
They had arrived back at the Academy late, with all the interns having gone to sleep, bar Justin who was in his room, talking to Candice on the phone. Jon had arrived at the cottage, where Alyssa, barely awake, had mentioned the slander article that Silver Wing News had published. Whilst she assured Jon that Justin had handled it exceptionally, he was furious that it had been published in the first place.
Since then, he hadn’t had a chance to speak to Justin about it, outside of a passing comment the afternoon before, where Justin mentioned it had already been pulled, though there was no sign of the demanded apology. This was the first real opportunity he had to speak to Justin about the whole situation.
“How’re things going?” Jon asked meaningfully as Justin approached. “Anything come out of it?”
“Story has been pulled, and I’m yet to see the apology I demanded,” Justin answered, sighing slightly. “In all honesty, I’d just leave it at this normally, but Candice has been getting some pretty s**tty comments put on her social media accounts that are definitely because of that article, so I think I’ll be pushing hard for them to apologise publicly…”
Jon groaned hearing that Candice was being targeted. He had only met her once, but really liked her. And whilst he couldn’t attribute all of Justin’s growth in the last few years to her, it was clear that she was good for him and his own maturity.
“Maybe we should post some stuff in support of the pair of you…” Jon answered. “Myself and the others. Encourage people to call out a**holes who are buying this bulls**t…”
“It may come to that, but I want to try and wrangle this apology out of them first. I doubt it will do much, but it’s a start.”
“Any plan on how to do that now?” Jon asked. “I don’t mean to be a downer, but if after a first cease and desist letter they aren’t doing it, I think it will take more than another letter.”
“From me maybe,” Justin answered with a grin. “One of my professors from Jubilife saw the article, and reached out to me yesterday. I told him I had already contacted them, and forwarded him a copy of the cease and desist. He said that it should work to get it removed, but if I want, he is happy to contact them as my legal representation if it needs to go further.”
“Where was this offer of free legal representation when I had to represent the Eon Academy myself back in Rustboro?” Jon asked, feigning indignation. “Does your girlfriend need to come under fire for you to take the offer up?”
“Well, the first I heard you had no representation was less than eighteen hours before you were taken hostage and we were all trying not to get killed,” Justin retorted. “And between then and when I left Goldenrod, how many times did you even think about the trial?”
“Touché…” Jon said, as students started to walk in, and Justin went to make his way towards them. However, Jon stopped him quickly.
“Also,” Jon began. “I just wanted to say thanks for helping pick up some of the slack with Charlotte and I disappearing every second weekend to train Deoxys. Steven said you were a massive help.”
Justin shrugged off the compliment.
“It’s fine. What we’re here for, right?”
“I don’t think you realise how little camp interns actually do compared to you guys,” Jon answered. “Between us, I’m in the process of getting extra help Saturday night so I can give all of you the night off. So keep it free. It’ll be good for the five of you to be able to hang out without poachers and s**t…”
Justin chuckled at the sentiment, before moving towards his group who had entered, and began greeting them. For not the first time, Jon couldn’t help but wonder how this was the same kid who he threatened to send home, for taking Abbee’s phone, and lying about it, before realising that those present were now waiting on him to stop daydreaming, and made his way forward to begin the session…
************************************************** ************************************************** *****
“How many bottles of milk?” Abbee asked, as Dylan looked over the spreadsheet that had the Academy’s food inventory on his phone. Victini sat on her shoulder, enjoying the glances he got from people walking past, that Abbee and Dylan didn’t seem to notice.
“Make it six…” Dylan answered, looking at something else. “I’ve noticed more people tend to be having cereal for breakfast than toast, so we’re going through it quickly…”
Abbee nodded, before opening the fridge, and grabbing a bottle of milk with each hand, passing them to Dylan, who placed them in one of the trolleys, before grabbing two more. Once all were in the trolley, the pair continued, Dylan’s full with items that didn’t need to be chilled, and Abbee’s being filled with the cold items to prevent them from thawing out before they could be chilled again at the Academy. The pair were nearly done, now getting the last of the chilled goods, before they’d make their way through the registers and back to Dylan’s car.
It was mid afternoon, with the shopping having taken an hour and a half at this point, buying food for over a hundred people. They were in the meat section of the supermarket, when Dylan changed the topic of conversation.
“Got much left to do before you move?” Dylan asked casually, as he started loading packets of mince meat into the trolley.
“It’s mostly sorted,” Abbee replied. “Lease is signed for the apartment, which will start about two weeks after I arrive there. I already know where everything nearby is that I need. Shopping, transport and all that. So the biggest challenge will be moving everything when I do actually move there, and choosing what stays in Goldenrod.”
“Is Tyler staying there?”
Abbee laughed slightly, surprising Dylan.
“I guarantee you he will be gone within twenty-four hours of me leaving,” Abbee remarked. “He’d never make it out to be a chore, but the reason he has been living at home since Dad died is because he had to look after me. But now I’ve got a job, and am moving out, he can go back to travelling and competing again…”
“So the house will sit empty?” Dylan asked. “You can keep any other stuff there?”
“At this point, that’s the plan,” Abbee explained. “It will come in handy if Tyler and I decide to catch up back at home. But I don’t know that I’ll be back too often outside of that. I have school friends in Goldenrod, sure, but if Tyler is off travelling somewhere, I don’t think I’ll have much reason to visit Johto after I move to Nimbasa…”
Something struck Dylan as odd about the remark.
“Isn’t Chris from Blackthorn City?” Dylan asked. “It might come in handy if you visit him?”
It wasn’t until the words left Dylan’s mouth that he remembered the argument he overheard the other night, and internally began kicking himself. Abbee seemed to freeze up for a second, before continuing.
“He’s gonna be travelling, so I doubt he’ll be home long enough for me to make the trip to visit him,” Abbee said, trying to cover the fact that she hadn’t even considered the fact that Chris was from Johto in her thoughts about the future of the house.
Dylan accepted the remark, continuing through the meat section in silence, as Abbee realised why she hadn’t factored in Chris being from Johto in the thoughts of her returning home. For the first time since they started dating last summer, she had been realistically thinking about her future, and naturally not seen him as part of it.
“Wait,” Dylan said, remembering something else Abbee said. “Why does your lease start two weeks after you arrive in Nimbasa?”
This topic being a sore spot for Abbee still, made worse by the sudden realisation that she didn’t see Chris being in her life past the summer, she began trying to think of ways to get out of it.
“They asked me to start two weeks early at the gym, to cover for someone who got fired,” Abbee said quickly, before continuing before Dylan could ask any more follow-up questions. “Actually, while we are here, Victini wants me to grab some ice-cream. I was gonna grab it before, but figured I’d wait until we were about to leave…”
Victini looked at Abbee, a little confused, which Dylan seemed to notice.
“Sure. We’ll head by the ice-cream section on our way out,” Dylan began, however Abbee shook her head.
“I’ll go there now, and meet you by the registers,” Abbee interrupted. “If we leave too much later we will get stuck in peak hour traffic and the frozen stuff will thaw…”
Dylan realised she was right, before nodding in agreement as she left, taking the full trolley and leaving Dylan with the one that still needed to be filled. He couldn’t help but notice that she seemed off, like she was avoiding something. Whilst his first thought was the argument she had with Chris, that was days ago, and they had seemed fine since. Lunch that day was the first time Dylan had seen her without Chris right next to her, and Abbee had never been one to bottle up what was bothering her around Dylan, even when Chris was getting on her nerves a little.
Dylan grabbed the last of the chilled meat the Academy needed, before checking his spreadsheet again to make sure they had everything. Once he was sure they had all they needed, he turned the trolley, and made his way to the end of the aisle they were in, wondering what had Abbee so on edge, as he rounded the corner.
His attention was pulled by a cry of alarm, as he looked up to see a young woman, similar in age to himself, with hair dark enough red that it had to be dyed, crouching down to pick up scattered groceries from the plastic shopping basket she just dropped. It took him a second to realise what had happened.
“I’m so sorry,” Dylan said, with a little too much conviction, as he realised he had bumped into her, and caused her to drop her basket. He quickly crouched down next to her, and helped pick up the scattered items.
She wore a pair of black slacks, and a white and green checked button up shirt, with a name tag on the left pocket, Dylan figuring she worked in hospitality or something similar.
“Don’t worry,” the woman said casually, as picked up a few more items, placing them in the basket. “It’s my fault, I should have been paying attention.”
As they placed the last two items in the basket, she stood, and looked at Dylan for the first time. Dylan noticed her dark brown eyes, that seemed friendly, regardless of the fact he had just accidentally walked his overfilled trolley into her.
“It looks like you’re feeding an army with all that,” she remarked with a grin, nodding towards Dylan’s trolley.
“You could say that…”
Abbee walked around the corner from the frozen food section, with a tub of ice cream for Victini, which, whilst he objected to being an accessory to her deception, didn’t mind the extra tub, when she noticed Dylan talking to a girl a similar age to himself. Curious, she made her way towards the pair, speaking up.
“Everything okay Dylan?” she asked, as Dylan noticed her, and his new friend turned around to see the source of Dylan’s interest.
“I hope so,” Dylan replied, before returning his focus to the person in front of him. “I didn’t hurt you did I?”
“No, I’m fine,” the stranger replied with a grin, Abbee noticing her attention was barely able to be pulled away from Dylan. “It wasn’t that bad. I’m just a bit of a clutz…”
Before she continued, she looked towards Abbee, with a sense of familiarity, before seeing Victini on her shoulder, watching the whole exchange curiously. Suddenly her eyes widened.
“Wait, you’re Abbee Strauss, aren’t you?” the girl asked, as Abbee grinned, slightly embarrassed.
“Yeah, I’m her,” Abbee remarked, never getting used to this. It happened occasionally, due to her father’s own fame, however it had increased slightly since the Eon Academy made the news over last summer. “And you are?”
“Isabelle,” she replied, before looking between Abbee and Dylan.
“If I’m seeing you here during the summer, Abbee, does that mean you’re from the Academy as well Dylan?” Isabelle asked, putting two and two together. Abbee however was shocked by the question.
“He pretty much runs the place,” Abbee remarked before Dylan answered. “He is Jon’s second-in-command. Have you seriously not heard of him?”
“I tend to keep to myself…” Dylan remarked, knowing he was the least active on any sort of social media, and avoided the media attention much more than his friends. Abbee however wasn’t satisfied.
“When the meteor was about to strike Mossdeep last summer, Dylan was the one who coordinated the attack to destroy it before it landed with Justin,” Abbee explained, as Isabelle’s eyes widened a little. “And when Doexys attacked, Jon was off shore, and Dylan managed to evacuate the entire Academy to the beach, arrange for someone to get power back up for long enough to send out an SOS, and then come back to the Academy and put up a hell of a fight until Deoxys was captured. Heck, he even beat Jon on our first day back this summer…”
Dylan went red with Abbee overselling him to Isabelle, as Isabelle realised just who she was talking to.
“Well, as someone who lives on Mossdeep, and was terrified when Deoxys appeared, you have my thanks,” Isabelle remarked, flashing Dylan a smile. “I almost feel honoured that you bumped into me.”
“It was a team effort,” Dylan said, trying to take the attention off him. “Abbee and Victini held Deoxys off with Charlotte and her Luxray by themselves until the rest of us could come back and help.”
“Which was your idea to begin with…” Abbee interjected, as Dylan found himself going even more red.
Before Isabelle could respond, there was a beep from her watch, which took her attention. She glanced at it briefly, before sighing.
“Work. They want me to come in early…” Isabelle sighed, smiling one last time at Dylan. “It was nice meeting you Dylan. Hopefully I’ll see you around...”
She made her way past the pair, as Dylan looked in shock between her, and Abbee who seemed far too pleased with herself. When Isabelle was out of earshot, Abbee spoke.
“You gotta admit, she’s cute,” Abbee remarked. “I could definitely see the pair of you hitting it off…”
“Abbee…” Dylan began, however Abbee cut him off, knowing he was only going to object.
“Dude, she was so into you…” Abbee said. “I was the one doing all the talking, yet she only said goodbye to you…”
“You’re overthinking the whole thing-” Dylan started, however Abbee interrupted him again.
“You’re underthinking it!” Abbee pleaded. “Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not at all interested…”
Abbee began staring him down, which Dylan struggled to take seriously due to the near foot difference in height. He had to admit, Isabelle seemed nice, and he figured if given more time to talk to her than accidentally crashing a shopping trolley into her, they may get along well. However…
“Look, even if I was,” Dylan began, before noting Abbee’s eyes widening. “I said if! Even if I was, I don’t have time for a relationship right now. Things are hectic, and hell, I’m still figuring out what life after the Academy looks like for just me. Let alone throwing another person into that mix…”
Realising that Dylan had basically summed up her whole dilemma with Chris, Abbee went quiet, deciding not to say if Jon knew Dylan was using how hectic things at the Academy were for not pursuing a relationship, that Jon would force Dylan to do less work.
“Look, I’m just saying, she’s cute, and you’d have to be blind to not see she was into you…” Abbee said calmly. “I’ll leave it at that…”
“Duly noted…”
************************************************** ************************************************** *****
It was close to midnight when Charlotte, the last of the interns to be able to head to the lodge, finally made her way through the front door, turning towards the lounge where her four friends sat, each person's attention occupied by something different, and collapsed onto one of the couches.
“I don’t know what it is about fourteen year old girls…” Charlotte muttered, having spent the last half hour to get them to, at the very least, keep their chatter quiet enough that those in the bunk room next to theirs weren’t kept awake. “Considering how much they talk during the day, you’d think they’d be too tired to talk all night, or at least run out of stuff to talk about…”
Justin couldn’t help but laugh at Charlotte’s logic.
“I think your answer was in your opening sentence…” Justin answered. “They’re fourteen year old girls. The universe could end with a big freeze, and they would still find stuff to talk about…”
“After the hour I just had, trying to get them to give their neighbours the opportunity to sleep, I have no doubt that is the case…”
“I’ll be teaching them first thing tomorrow morning…” Dylan said menacingly. “If you give me names, I’ll make sure to forward all my questions to them…”
Chris grinned hearing this, as he looked up from his laptop, while Charlotte considered it, before sighing.
“I better not…” Charlotte remarked, before yawning. “They’re good kids. Even if this time of night has them driving me up the wall…”
“It could be worse…” Abbee consoled. “Tyler volunteered at a summer camp a few years back. One of the campers decided it would be hilarious to find some Miltank s**t on a nearby paddock, and put it on his roommate's bed…”
Charlotte cringed hearing this, as Chris groaned.
“The thing that annoyed him most was that these kids weren’t even in Tyler’s group,” Abbee continued. “His group was really easy to manage, but one of the other volunteers had to leave for a day or two, and Tyler offered to keep an eye on his group. And the kids in this group went wild the moment their leader left…”
“You guys telling camp horror stories?”
All the trainers turned to see Jon standing in the doorway to the lounge, grinning to himself.
“How the hell do you sneak in here so silently?” Chris asked, this far from being the first time Jon had surprised them.
Jon shrugged, not wanting to dampen the mood of the room by mentioning that he learnt at a very young age how to enter and exit rooms silently, to avoid being spotted by his dad when he was in one of his moods.
“Aren’t you usually asleep by now?” Dylan asked.
“Normally, but I like to keep things interesting,” Jon remarked. “Actually, I saw the lights were on, and wanted to talk to the five of you before you went to sleep, so I quickly snuck out.”
“Alyssa not wanting you out past curfew?” Chris joked, as Jon chuckled.
“I’ll keep it brief,” Jon said. “Saturday night, you all can take a night off. I’ll run activities for the students with Steven and Alyssa. Get off site for a few hours and enjoy yourselves.”
Chris grinned at the thought of a night out, before speaking up.
“What brought this on?”
“You’ve all really stepped up to the plate this summer,” Jon answered. “We have nearly three times as many students as last year, and now Charlotte and I are disappearing every second weekend to try and train Deoxys. And considering we had less than a month to pull this together, you’ve all earnt a break.”
“After the night I’ve had, I’m so down…” Charlotte exhaled. “So what, we eat out, then do something else?”
Hearing this Abbee’s face lit up.
“Can we go to the Firehouse?” Abbee asked. “I noticed it on the pier a few weeks back, and have been meaning to check it out…”
Looking around, there was a general nod of agreement, with nobody having any objections, leaving Abbee pleased with that outcome.
“What about after?” Chris asked. “Any ideas? Seeing as we don’t get to do this too often…”
“If I may…” Jon suggested, getting everyone’s attention. “Take it or leave it, but Justin has covered everyone here at some point or another this summer. I think he should choose…”
“I really don’t mind-” Justin began as Chris interrupted.
“He’s right,” Chris interjected. “Stop trying to be a gentleman, and pick something. What would you like to do?”
The others chorused in agreement, as Justin began thinking it over. After a minute, he had an idea, turning to Jon.
“Could you get us another permit to have a bonfire on the beach?” Justin asked, causing the others to grin. “Our last one kind of got interrupted…”
Liking Justin’s thinking, Jon joined his students with their grins.
“Consider it done…”
“So we get dinner at the Firehouse, then walk down to the beach and spend a few hours there?” Charlotte clarified. “I like the sound of this.”
“Let’s dress up a bit,” Abbee chimed in. “Make a bit of an occasion of it…”
Chris groaned at the suggestion.
“We’re only gonna get covered in sand anyway…”
“The Firehouse seems like a nice restaurant,” Abbee lectured. “I’m not saying we dress up in formal wear. Just maybe choose a pair of shorts that don’t have holes in them, and something a little more than a singlet…”
The attire Abbee had described was what Chris had been wearing during most days of the summer, as he rolled his eyes. However, that was the only objection to Abbee’s suggestion of dressing up.
Knowing his presence wasn’t needed anymore, Jon said goodnight to the interns, before leaving, struggling not to yawn as he left the lodge, whilst those remaining discussed how to make best use of their Saturday night out.
************************************************** ************************************************** *****
“I swear to God, if we’re overdressed compared to everyone else there…” Chris remarked from the rear driver's side seat, as he pulled loose one of the top buttons on the shirt he wore. The shorts he wore weren’t his own, but a pair of shorts Justin had bought the summer before, the day he was punched and his nose was broken, with Abbee asking Justin on his behalf if he could borrow a pair when she realised that every pair of shorts Chris had that could work for the dress-code they were going for had holes in them. The insult to injury for Chris however, was the pair of white socks and low-cut Converse sneakers he wore, having argued to wear a pair of flip-flops, and giving in, knowing just how many brownie points he had lost with his girlfriend in the last week.
“You’re barely wearing anything that screams more than casual right now,” Charlotte remarked from the passenger side, rear seat. “I don’t look homeless, the world is coming to an end!”
Justin choked back a laugh at Charlotte’s exaggerated imitation of Chris from the front passenger seat, as Abbee, who sat between the soon to be bickering pair, took the more tactful route.
“You look nice,” Abbee remarked with a grin. “All of you do…”
Really, Abbee couldn’t care less if Chris had looked homeless during the dinner. As long as Dylan looked presentable…
“So why the Firehouse again?” Dylan asked, as he struggled to find a carpark. “The pier is nice, but on a Saturday night, everyone and their mum is here…”
“My mum’s here?” Chris asked jokingly, causing all present to groan.
“I’ve been meaning to come here for a little while…” Abbee remarked. “I saw it and thought it looked cool.”
“When have you been at the pier?” Chris asked, the pair barely being apart since they arrived, until last week.
“I saw it online…”
After another lap of the car park by the large pier, Dylan managed to find a parking spot, before they all climbed out of the car, stretched their tired and cramped muscles, and made their way down the large pier, that seemed like it shouldn’t physically be able to handle the weight of the restaurants and people that covered it.
“Over by the end,” Abbee said to the others, noticing the neon sign in the distance, and walking forward a little faster.
“What’s got her so eager?” Charlotte asked Chris, who shrugged, before stepping up his own pace as well to catch up with his girlfriend.
As they got closer to the restaurant, they could see partitions sectioning off part of the pier with tables and chairs, for patrons who wanted to sit outside, which on a summer night like this, was much more preferable. Whilst there were a couple of empty tables, it was fairly busy, with wait staff making their way in and out of the building. There was something familiar about the scene to Dylan, leaving him slightly confused, until the realisation of where he had seen this before hit him like a tonne of bricks. He stopped walking, as he realised exactly why Abbee wanted to get dinner at this exact restaurant…
“You alright?” Justin asked Dylan, noticing he had stopped. Hearing Justin speak up, Abbee turned to face Justin and Dylan, her face struggling to hide a guilty expression…
“Abbee…” Dylan said, his tone sounding dangerous. “You didn’t…”
His tone was enough to catch everyone off guard, causing Chris and Charlotte to turn as well, looking confusedly between Dylan, whose face was a mixture of horror and anger, and Abbee, who was trying her very best to appear like she had no idea what Dylan was talking about…
“What’s wrong?” Abbee asked, feigning innocence, though Dylan knew her too well at this point to fall for it.
“Tell me the truth, or I turn around right now, and come pick you all up later…” Dylan warned, “Why the Firehouse…”
“Abbee, what’s going on?” Chris asked, before Charlotte took the more direct option.
“What have you done Abbee?”
Abbee looked between her friends, trying her hardest to keep a straight face, before giving in, and sighing.
“When Dylan and I were getting groceries for Jon on Tuesday, Dylan and I ended up chatting to a girl there who was really nice and was really interested in Dylan,” Abbee explained. “She was wearing a waitress uniform…”
“Identical to those ones…” Dylan finished, nodding towards the waitresses, before sighing and shaking his head. “And great… now everybody knows…”
Justin remained silent, not wanting to get involved in what was very quickly turning into an extremely awkward conversation, Charlotte opting to do the same, though her reasons stemming from her knowledge of just how much Dylan liked Abbee the summer before, and how much it hurt him to see her and Chris growing as close as they did. Chris on the other hand, was doing everything he could to hide his massive grin, which in the end, wasn’t much, as it was no secret he found this situation hilarious.
“I’m going to the beach…” Dylan muttered irritably, as he turned to walk away.
“Dylan, wait!” Abbee called out, as she ran a few steps, before slowing down to a brisk walk to catch up to him. She reached out and grabbed him by the forearm, stopping him.
“I was fine with how things were!” Dylan snapped at Abbee as he turned to face her, who recoiled, letting go of his arm. “Yeah, she was nice, but I was fine leaving it at that!”
“Dylan, I’m sorry…” Abbee said. “I thought you’d like the chance to see her again, even if you didn’t realise it at the time…”
“When has that ever been the case?”
“I mean, you said it yourself, if I didn’t pester you so much, you probably wouldn’t have left your room during our first summer here…” Abbee began, though realising her mistake, as Dylan began to fume even more.
“Yeah, I spent a lot of time in my room!” Dylan shouted, drawing attention to them. “You know why? Because at home, that was the easiest way to not get hit by my stepdad, and guess what? That didn’t even work that well! I’m not your f**king pity-project Abbee!”
Tears began to form in Abbee’s eyes, as Chris felt his amusement shift in an instant to rage, as he moved towards Dylan, however before either of them could speak, an unfamiliar voice chimed in.
“Is this guy bothering you, miss?”
Dylan and Abbee turned to see a man in his mid forties looking between them with a look of concern.
“It’s fine…” Abbee said to him quietly. “Thank you…”
“Are you sure?” he asked, before Charlotte intervened.
“She said she’s fine,” Charlotte said shortly, nodding down the pier, impolitely telling him to move along. Once he left, Charlotte spoke, albeit in a quieter voice. “Dylan…”
Dylan looked at her, the expression of betrayal and anger still evident.
“You’re making a scene, and we don’t have the luxury of anonymity to be making scenes…” Charlotte warned, quietly and slowly, making sure Dylan understood. “All it takes is one person to film this, and the Academy and Jon have a PR nightmare. No matter what way you explain it, everyone is seeing a big guy, tearing into a young, innocent looking girl in the middle of a busy pier. Get it together, and act like an adult…”
“She’s right,” Justin added. “Take it from me…”
Dylan knew both were right, as he forced himself to calm down. However, there was one thought that stuck out to him.
“I’ll have dinner at this place, and stick around for the campfire,” Dylan said, his voice dangerously calm. “The firewood is in my car, so if I leave now like I really want to, your night is ruined, and I don’t want to do that to the rest of you. That and Jon has done something nice for us by giving us the night off, and I don’t want him to feel like that was a waste…”
“Thanks,” Abbee said quietly, drying the tears from her face, as Chris placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry about this…”
Chris however, wasn’t appeased by Dylan’s answer, and insisted on getting the last word.
“For someone who barely speaks, you can be a real a**hole at times…”
“Chris!” Abbee said, turning to face him. However, he looked past her, eyes locked with Dylan. Dylan was silent for a moment before he responded.
“Trust you to be the one to only get that out of all this…” Dylan remarked, as he walked past Abbee and Chris, bumping Chris with his shoulder as he went past. Every bit of buried resentment he held against Chris, both for ending up with Abbee, and every other little irritable thing that Dylan had looked past for the last two years, that was beginning to bubble over, in his tone. “Let’s get this over with…”
Dylan took the lead, followed by Charlotte and Justin, with Abbee shoving off Chris’ hand, angry that he had just antagonised Dylan when she was the one in the wrong. Chris sighed irritably, pausing for a second, before following the awkwardly silent group, towards the Firehouse.
They arrived, with Charlotte and Justin intentionally being the ones to talk to the hostess about their booking, knowing that they had the best chance of not coming across as angry or upset when they spoke. The next awkward part however, was when they found themselves at their table, with five empty seats. Whilst Abbee’s first thought was to sit between Charlotte and Justin, giving her space from Dylan who was angry with her, and Chris who she was angry with, she soon realised that if she did that, Dylan and Chris would have to sit next to one another, which would be potentially even worse, if Chris decided to antagonise Dylan further. She opted to sit between Charlotte and Dylan, with Chris sitting between Charlotte and Justin.
As the group sat in awkward silence, vaguely looking over menus, Charlotte, Justin and Chris all noticed Dylan and Abbee’s eyes lock onto the same person for a second, as they left the kitchen and started making their way towards the table where the group sat.
“As much as I am not happy about Abbee using tonight as an opportunity to play match-maker, I’d rather she not think the five of us are insane,” Dylan said quietly to the rest of the group. “So can we try and have a normal dinner, and deal with whatever issues are still there when we get home?”
Abbee nodded, before Chris spoke up.
“Sure thing, boss…” he said sarcastically, before looking back at his menu.
“Chris…” Abbee hissed, wondering how she was even more angry at him after what happened the week before.
“Save it…” Dylan muttered, before turning and trying to flash a casual grin at Isabelle, who was approaching the table.
“Must be my lucky day!” Isabelle said with a grin. “Nice to see you Dylan. You as well Abbee.”
“Oh Isabelle!” Abbee said, as Dylan said a quiet hello. “I didn’t realise you worked here! I’ve been wanting to come for ages…”
Internally, Charlotte and Dylan cringed, knowing exactly that Isabelle knew that was a lie. Isabelle smiled, before addressing the rest of the table.
“My name’s Isabelle, and I’ll be your waitress for tonight,” Isabelle said, before pulling a notepad from her shirt pocket. “Can I start you off with some drinks?”
”Do you have anything that will knock me out…” Charlotte thought to herself, as Justin tried to cut through the tension by ordering a drink, before Chris followed suit. Once all of them had ordered, Isabelle left with their order, as there was a collective sigh of relief from the table.
“She seems great…” Charlotte said, trying to console Dylan somewhat, however the attempt fell flat, as the group sat in awkward silence. Growing sick of it, Justin decided to take the lead with conversation.
“Did you hear that Bentley of the Sinnoh Elite Four has just been replaced?” Justin asked Charlotte. She took the bait, hoping to break the tension.
“He has been talking about retiring for the last ten years…” Charlotte remarked. “Who is replacing him?”
“This guy called Flint,” Justin explained. “Any guesses what sort of Pokemon he battles with?”
Charlotte sighed.
“What is it with high profile trainers and their pun names?” Charlotte groaned. “Flint the fire specialist? Hoenn is terrible for it. Tate and Liza, and Wallace are the only Gym Leaders who don’t have comic-book names. Even Norman, the most bland name I have ever heard, is a Normal Type trainer…”
Justin laughed at the remark, knowing sadly how true it was, and hoping that Charlotte didn’t know Candice spelt her name with an i instead of a second a...
“Get this though, he is a graduate from the College of the North Wind…”
This struck Abbee’s attention, having heard the term North Wind before, though unable to remember where.
“College of the North Wind?” Abbee asked, curious about this college.
“The Eon Academy runs week long camps during the year, and then does its summer intensive, where teenagers are trained to the brink of what’s allowed to help them get stronger,” Justin explained, turning to Abbee, and thankful she was getting involved in the conversation. “The College of the North Wind is a battling school in Jubilife City, but instead of being for teenagers, it is for adults, and instead of only running over summer, it runs for the other nine months of the year…”
“So the people there are tough?”
“The toughest…” Charlotte remarked. “It has an acceptance rate of one in three hundred, and was created and is run by Camilla Blakely, who is the former Sinnoh Champion, and mentor to Cynthia herself…”
“If you look at any region's Elite Four, or even their Champions, you could throw a rock and hit a College of the North Wind graduate…” Justin added. “The Eon Academy is hardly talked about in Jubilife, because the College of the North Wind has been around longer, and has a reputation that Jon would be drooling over…”
Charlotte laughed at the remark, as Abbee’s curiosity remained unabated.
“So why the North Wind?”
“The Eon Academy is named after Jon’s Latios,” Dylan answered, speaking for the first time since Isabelle left. “I’m guessing this Camilla Blakely person has a Suicune…”
“That’s it…” Charlotte answered. “And while there is no doubt Jon is tough, I think he’d have a seriously tough time beating Camilla if they ever battled…”
Before too long, Isabelle returned with their drinks, before taking their orders for dinner, eventually returning with their meals as well. As the night went on, Charlotte and Justin drove most of the conversation, with Abbee more than willing to help, shouldering the blame for their night out being a mess, and Dylan contributing himself, mostly to get through the night without an incident. Chris however, remained silent, only speaking when talking to, and doing little to hide his glares when Isabelle wasn’t around. It wasn’t until Isabelle stopped by the table after they had finished their meals, that Chris had an idea, and suddenly became a lot more talkative.
“Were you wanting to order dessert?” Isabelle asked, as she returned, having taken away their empty dishes.
“After tonight, I’ve earned it…” Charlotte whispered near inaudibly, as Abbee addressed Isabelle.
“It’s still early, so I think we might,” Abbee remarked. “Just need a second to double check what’s on the menu.
“Take all the time you need,” Isabelle said, before turning to leave, however Chris spoke up, his tone far different to what it had been during the meal.
“I’ve never been here, so I’m curious,” Chris asked Isabelle, sounding sincere, though his friends knowing that wasn’t the case. “Is it always this busy of a Saturday night?”
Isabelle looked towards him, noting to herself that he had said the least since they had arrived.
“Not this busy,” Isabelle replied. “But we got a lot of bookings during the week for tonight. I technically had tonight off, but got asked to come in and do an extra shift.”
Abbee looked between Chris and Isabelle, smiling outwardly, but worried what Chris was trying to do, and how Dylan was going to react to whatever it was.
“So it’s going to be a late one?” Chris asked casually. Isabelle grinned, before looking around to make sure no wait staff were nearby, before speaking, albeit a little quieter.
“I already had plans to get drinks with some friends tonight before work called, so I told them I could work until nine,” Isabelle explained, before her grin widened. “My friends flaked on me, but as far as this place is concerned, I still have plans…”
Abbee saw Chris’ grin widen, and stared him down, knowing exactly what he was planning. However, the desire to get back at Dylan, and make him uncomfortable overruled his common sense, as well as the concern of how Abbee would react to him antagonising Dylan further.
“How’s that for luck?” Chris asked Charlotte, who sat next to him. Charlotte replied in agreement, more so not wanting to let on to Isabelle that there was beef between the group, or potentially even offend her. “We got a permit to have a bonfire on the beach, so we will be heading down there after this. If your friends have flaked, would you like to join us when your shift ends?”
Abbee glared at Chris, who saw this in his peripheral vision, and fought the urge to glance towards her, and risk causing Isabelle to see what was really going on. Isabelle however, seemed taken aback by the invite. Noticing this, Chris continued.
“We’d love to have you join us, wouldn’t we Dylan?” Chris asked, knowing Dylan would rather have an uncomfortable night, than risk hurting this stranger. Isabelle turned to Dylan, still seeming a little unsure.
Dylan sighed internally, wondering how exactly he would give Chris a piece of his mind when they got back to the Academy, but knowing that Chris was after a reaction. He looked to Isabelle, and did his best to come across as friendly and inviting, when really he wanted nothing more than to humiliate Chris by putting him on the ground in front of everyone.
“If you’re not wanting to go straight home, you’re more than welcome,” Dylan assured. “The more the merrier…”
This seemed to confirm things for Isabelle, who smiled warmly at him, then Chris.
“Thanks!” Isabelle said. “Sounds like a lot of fun…”
After taking their orders, Isabelle left, still beaming, as Charlotte looked quietly towards Justin, her back turned to the direction Isabelle had gone.
“Tell me when she can’t see us…” Charlotte said to Justin, who nodded, keeping an eye on her as she left the dining room and entered the kitchen.
Quick as a whip, Charlotte slapped Chris across the back of the head with an audible crack that would have drawn much more attention if the Firehouse weren’t as busy as it was…
“Oww…” Chris moaned, as Dylan couldn’t help but smirk.
“You’re a f**king idiot, you know that?” Charlotte hissed, as Abbee looked at Chris, disappointment evident in her eyes. “She seems really nice, and you think it’s okay to just lead her on because you have an axe to grind?”
“What, it was a joke…” Chris retorted, looking to Justin for approval, however found none.
“That’s bulls**t and you know it…” Justin said. “If somebody did that to Candice, I’d be pissed, and I know you’d be throwing punches if someone did that to Abbee…”
Chris looked between Charlotte and Justin, before looking towards Abbee, who sat opposite him at the table. He expected to see anger in her eyes, but was surprised, and somewhat remorseful, to see a look of bitter disappointment.
“Look, I’m sorry, that was stupid-” Chris began.
“Don’t be sorry. Be better…”
All eyes on the table turned to Dylan, who was staring down Chris. His ego bruised, Chris’ first instinct was to lash out at Dylan, however knew that he already had a lot to answer for with the others after that night, and especially with Abbee, and didn’t want to push his luck any further. He sighed.
“Legit, I’m sorry…” Chris repeated. “Let’s just make sure to show her a good night…”
“Will you act like an adult?” Charlotte asked. “Stop sulking like you have been all night, and stop doing stupid s**t like that?”
“Yeah,” Chris sighed, though most of the table felt the same uneasiness that he did.
************************************************** ************************************************** *****
“So do you guys do this often?” Isabelle asked, as Chris attempted to build the firewood in a formation that would burn without his Charizard pouring flames onto it.
“This is only our second time,” Abbee explained. “We did this at the start of last summer, and were here when that meteorite nearly hit…”
“Geez, it almost sounds like you guys just happen to be where things happen…”
“Heroes of our own story I guess,” Justin remarked with a grin, as he and Dylan joined the group, carrying the last of the firewood, and Charlotte unfolded the five chairs.
Chris got the fire burning, and stood, turning to look at the setup they had, and coming to the same realisation as everyone else. They had brought five chairs, not expecting there to be a sixth. Knowing he had ways to go to get Abbee to forgive him for this, he spoke up.
“Isabelle, you can have my chair,” Chris offered, gesturing towards it.
“Oh no, it’s fine!” Isabelle protested, feeling slightly awkward being there, it taking Dylan’s reassurance that she was welcome to convince her initially. Now, she didn’t want to put someone else out.
“You’ve been on your feet all night,” Abbee remarked. “Chris will be fine on the ground…”
Unable to argue with that, Isabelle thanked them, taking a seat, as Dylan took the one next to her, more so knowing that she probably was most comfortable around himself or Abbee, the rest of the group being unknowing pawns in Abbee’s attempts to play match-maker, and feeling just as awkward as she did.
“So what was the occasion for tonight?” Isabelle asked Dylan, which the others were thankful for, before making idle chatter among themselves when they realised that Isabelle was content chatting to Dylan. Granted, they kept a little attention on the pair. She noted Dylan’s own dark blue button up shirt, and pressed jeans. “You all seem dressed up. Was it someone’s birthday?”
Dylan groaned internally as he only just realised why Abbee insisted on the group dressing up, before answering.
“Jon gave us the night off,” Dylan explained, figuring with how much about the Academy Isabelle seemed to know, referring to Jon on a first name basis wouldn’t confuse her. “We have nearly tripled the number of people attending that we did last year, and with the old government trying to take the property, we couldn’t repair damage from Deoxys attack or really make any concrete plans for the summer until a month ago. Between that, and Jon and Charlotte being away from Mossdeep every second weekend to train Deoxys, we’ve all had to step up, and Jon wanted to give us the night off…”
“I saw the Firehouse last summer when I was near the pier, and have wanted to go since,” Abbee interjected, before gesturing to those around her. “Charlotte and Justin were fine, but I figured between Dylan and Chris, if I didn’t put the pressure on them to dress up a bit, they’d be making the rest of us look bad at a place like that…”
“These aren’t even my shorts,” Chris added, causing Isabelle to laugh, before looking between him and Dylan.
“Well, you scrub up alright,” Isabelle laughed. “So was the fire on the beach Jon’s idea?”
“Mine,” Justin remarked. “According to Jon, I’ve picked up the most slack, so he told me to choose. And since last time we did this we were rudely interrupted by a meteorite, I figured I’d give this another go…”
Abbee breathed a sigh of relief when the awkwardness seemed to disappear, and even after the arguments earlier in the night, with the exception of Dylan and Chris, people seemed fine with one another. Granted, she was still angry at Chris for antagonising Dylan, and was hiding that for everyone else's sake until later, and knew it was likely all were in some way or another doing the same thing.
“So who is the best battler out of the five of you?” Isabelle asked later on in the evening when the conversation started to shift towards battling prowess.
The question took most of the group by surprise, not because they felt uncomfortable answering, but because at this point, they genuinely didn’t know. In their first year, and during the start of their second, it was clear that Chris and Charlotte were on equal sort of terms, followed by Abbee and Justin, with Dylan trailing behind them. However now, they honestly couldn’t say.
“I don’t even know any more…” Abbee laughed. “Jon says Charlotte is terrifying to battle against, and during our first year, she was a cut above most of us…”
Charlotte grinned, never tiring of that assessment.
“That being said, when Justin came back last summer after catching Regieleki, and changing his battling style, he nearly wiped out Jon’s team with just his Alakazam, before Jon even knew Regieleki existed,” Abbee explained. “Then there’s Dylan…”
Isabelle looked towards Dylan, after clarification.
“These guys are stronger than me,” Dylan answered modestly. “They all have more experience battling than I do, and now all of them have Legendary Pokemon…”
“It’s not that simple though,” Charlotte answered, defending Dylan against his own self deprecation. “Dylan has no Legendary Pokemon, and hasn’t changed his team enough to take Jon by surprise like Justin did. The four of us might be better at battling offensively, and coming up with tactics, but also have some glaring weaknesses in our styles that Jon had picked up. And he made them obvious by giving our students a session psychoanalysing us, and showing them our match recordings to show them how to beat us. And they all did, except for Dylan’s. While we’re better offensively, Jon couldn’t find a glaring hole in Dylan’s battling. Between that, and Dylan’s own way of analysing a battle, he beat Jon pretty easily at the start of summer…”
Wanting to change the subject, Dylan addressed Isabelle directly.
“Do you have any Pokemon?” Dylan asked, trying to take the topic of conversation off of him.
“Just one,” Isabelle replied. “A Spheal. She’s more of a pet than a battler though.”
“From Shoal Cave?” Dylan asked, as Isabelle nodded. “I have a Walrein that I caught as a Spheal from there.
“What other Pokemon do you have?” Isabelle asked. “I follow the Academy, and all these guys on Instagram, so I know vaguely what they battle with…”
“My main team is a Sceptile, Walrein, Flygon, Dusknoir and a Shiny Metagross,” Dylan explained. “I have a Solrock as well, however I don’t battle with it in anything serious, and have a Lampent I caught last summer that I might try and add into my team when it’s ready. And back at the Academy, I have a pet Vulpix…”
Isabelle’s eyes widened at the mention of Vulpix.
“Which type?” Isabelle asked. “The native one or Alolan one? Doesn’t matter to me, because they’re both adorable…”
Dylan grinned at Isabelle’s enthusiasm.
“A native one,” Dylan answered. “Named Kaen, but he is living with Jon and Alyssa over summer, because Alyssa has an Alolan one called Yuki, and they are inseparable…”
Isabelle’s excitement piqued hearing this.
“Do you have any photos of them?”
As they talked, Charlotte couldn’t help but be surprised at how good Dylan and Isabelle seemed together, and began to understand somewhat, though still not agree with, Abbee’s actions that lead to this point. Even more surprising to her was how much Dylan actually seemed to be enjoying her company, and whilst Charlotte wasn’t sure if Dylan’s feelings about Abbee the summer before had changed or not, the more she saw Dylan genuinely enjoying Isabelle’s company, and the pair, without even realising it, excluding conversation with all others there to talk to each other, the more she thought maybe he had moved past his feelings for Abbee, and was moving on.
It was after midnight when the supplies of firewood had run out, and the fire they had spent the last hour sitting around smouldered down to nothing, as the lights from the pier nearby started to disappear. During that time Abbee was guiltily happy to see Dylan and Isabelle barely speaking to anyone but each other for most of that time, and Dylan shifting from conversing with her for the sake of making sure she had a decent night, and not realise Chris had invited her to mess with him, to conversing with her because he genuinely enjoyed her company. It honestly seemed like the pair could talk all night, before Isabelle checked her watch, and sighed.
“I’d better head off. Buses have stopped for the night, and I live on the other end of the Island. I’ll struggle to find a cab home if I leave it any later…” Isabelle said, before looking to the entire group, knowing she neglected their company for the night in favour of Dylan's. “Thanks for letting me tag along tonight. Makes up for my friends flaking, well and truly…”
“Will it take long to get a cab at this time of night?” Dylan asked. He hadn’t used one in Mossdeep before, and whilst there were plenty of cab drivers in big cities like Lilycove and Rustboro, there weren’t many in Mossdeep.
“Half an hour or so I think,” Isabelle replied. “It’s fine though.”
“We’ll wait with you,” Dylan offered. “I’d offer you a ride, but I’ve only got five seats.
“You don’t have to,” Isabelle began, however Chris interjected.
“I actually think I might walk back to the Academy. So you can give Isabelle a ride if you want,” Chris said, as Abbee shot him a glare. “It’s a pretty nice night for a walk and it’s not that far…”
Abbee knew what he was doing, and at first was angry, however noticed his demeanour and expression were different to when he invited her to join them in the first place. Whilst Abbee couldn’t confirm it herself, Chris had seen the same thing that she and Charlotte had seen between Dylan and Isabelle, and this time was offering to try and do Dylan a favour. Granted, that was more to try and soften the fight he and Abbee were likely going to have about this later.
Unsure of whether this was a good idea, Abbee remained silent, not sure whether to join him.
“It is pretty nice, isn’t it? I might just join you, if you don’t mind the company?”
Abbee, as was Justin, was shocked when Charlotte made the offer, knowing how furious she was at Chris for inviting Isabelle. Justin was the next to speak up, relying on Charlotte’s judgement to inform his own.
“Count me in too,” Justin added. “After the dinner I ate, I’ll need the exercise…”
Chris grinned, before looking towards Abbee.
“Abbee, you gonna join us as well?” Chris asked. Abbee looked from Chris to Dylan, trying to gauge what Dylan wanted. Expecting to see a look of warning in his eyes, she was surprised to see contentment. Her mind was made up.
“I better,” Abbee remarked. “The last time you three were off site together, Jon picked you up from the police station. Someone has to make sure you all behave.”
Chris’ grin widened, as Justin laughed at Abbee’s reasoning.
“Get her home safe Dylan,” Abbee said, before grabbing her chair, whilst the others grabbed their own and made their way up the stairs towards the car park. “It was nice seeing you, Isabelle!”
Dylan and Isabelle stood somewhat shocked as they were left by the others, before Isabelle spoke.
“Are you cool with this?” Isabelle asked. “I know you said you’d give me a lift if you had the space, but it’s late, and I’m sure you wanna get back?”
“Yeah, it’s fine,” Dylan replied. “The island isn’t that big…”
Grabbing his own chair, then Isabelle’s, they made their way up the stairs, where Dylan put his chair in the tub with the three others that his friends had left there a few moments earlier. They climbed into the car, where Dylan started it, and after buckling up, turned on the radio, which resumed his playlist from the drive to the pier that evening, playing a punk band that Dylan had found himself enjoying over the last six months.
“You’re into April Sunsets?” Isabelle asked, recognizing the track, and sounding slightly surprised.
“Yeah, they were recommended a few months ago, and have been on repeat since,” Dylan replied, equally shocked Isabelle recognized and knew the artist. “You know them?”
“Let’s just say that if Forevermore isn’t the song played for the first dance at my wedding, the wedding isn’t happening,” Isabelle retorted, earning a laugh from Dylan, as he started driving out of the car park.
“So where am I headed?” Dylan asked, knowing only that Isabelle lived on the other side of the island.
“Turn right, and get onto Ridgeway Road,” Isabelle replied, referencing the road that followed the east coast of the island. “I live on Ridgeway, so will point it out when we get closer.”
As they drove in relative silence, Dylan found himself realising how much he actually enjoyed spending the night with Isabelle, which led him to the dilemma of whether he should actually act on that interest or not. However, before he could come to a decision, Isabelle spoke, taking Dylan by surprise.
“So when did you figure out why Abbee wanted to come to the Firehouse?” Isabelle asked, with a hint of amusement in her voice. “I take it before you saw me there, because you seemed too calm to have only found out then…”
Dylan considered denying the implication, but knew by this point, there was little to gain from that, and resigned to the awkward conversation he expected, answered.
“Halfway down the pier, when I saw what the waitresses were wearing…” Dylan answered, causing Isabelle to laugh at the way she imagined the situation playing out. “I ended up making a bit of a scene when I realised what Abbee was doing and why…”
“So the fact she was getting you to dress up wasn’t a tip off that something was up?”
“I was none the wiser…” Dylan said with a grin, as Isabelle began to laugh even more. “But now I’ve answered that, I have a question for you…”
“Go for it.”
“If you knew from the start what they were doing, why go along with it?” Dylan asked, intentionally implicating all of them and not just Abbee, as he didn’t want her to know Chris invited her only to irritate Dylan. “When Chris invited you, you could have easily said no. I imagine most waitresses being asked to hang out after their shift would…”
“You wish I had?” Isabelle asked, before Dylan started stuttering, trying to cover himself, before she spared him. “Relax, I’m just messing around…”
Dylan sighed, before speaking again.
“But that doesn’t answer the question…”
Isabelle was quiet for a moment, thinking over how to say it.
“I thought it’d be cool to hang out with you, without being crashed into with a trolley,” Isabelle said cautiously. “And I was right. I really enjoyed tonight, even if I was letting myself be played a little by the others. They really aren’t as subtle as they think they are…”
Dylan choked back a laugh at the remark about his friends subtlety, or lack thereof.
“I enjoyed tonight as well. Even if we were being played…”
There was relative silence again, only the music from the radio audible over the road noise and sound of the car’s engine, before Isabelle spoke.
“Well, in that case, we could see each other again…” Isabelle said meaningfully. “Maybe without the others trying to play us…”
Already torn on how he felt about Isabelle, and whether he potentially wanted a relationship with her, he said nothing, as he forced himself in that moment to come to a decision.
“I really enjoyed having you around tonight. And it’d be cool to catch up and hang out again sometime…” Dylan began. “But what the others were trying to make happen tonight, I just don’t see that happening. I’m sorry…”
After a moment, Isabelle sighed.
“There’s someone else, isn’t there?”
Her tone wasn’t accusing, or even disappointed. Purely curious.
“I guess you could say that…” Dylan replied, as Isabelle flashed him a grin.
“Abbee?” Isabelle asked, and when Dylan didn’t answer, her smile widened. “Come on, it doesn’t take a genius to see it. Honestly, I thought there was something going on between you two when I met you the other day. You should ask her out…”
Dylan was surprised to hear Isabelle say this, but then figured being an outsider to the group, looking in, means that she would see the little things that the five of them may take for granted and not see themselves.
“Yeah, Abbee…” Dylan admitted. “But she’s with Chris…”
For the first time, Isabelle was stunned into silence.
“Really?” she asked, as she found the words. “I barely saw them talk to each other. Hell, based on what I saw tonight, I’d question whether they even liked each other…”
“They’ve been together for nearly a year, but recently have had some disagreements,” Dylan explained. “It didn’t help that I had a bit of a fight with her when I realised what she was trying to do, and Chris got mad at me for it. He said some things to me, and Abbee wasn’t happy about that…”
“Well, as an unbiased third party, from what I saw tonight, if this is how things are between them, it looks like a lot needs to change for them to have any chance of working out long term…” Isabelle said. “So I wouldn’t treat her being with Chris as a death sentence to you having a chance with her…”
Dylan remained silent at Isabelle’s advice, wondering if he made the right decision, as she spoke up again.
“This is me on the left,” Isabelle said, pointing towards a medium sized house with a small hatchback in the driveway. “The white car…”
Dylan began to slow the car down, pulling over to the left side of the road in front of Isabelle’s house.
“When Abbee and Chris break up, and mark my words, short of divine intervention, it will happen, promise me you’ll do something about it?” Isabelle teased, as she got out of the car, continuing through the opened door. “Striking out is a bit better when you know it’s because there is already someone else in the picture…”
Dylan choked back a laugh.
“I’ll do what I can,” Dylan answered. “And I’ll see you around, Isabelle…”
Isabelle gave one more warm smile, before saying goodnight, and closing the door.
************************************************** ************************************************** *****
“I know Isabelle worked at the Firehouse, but could you have picked somewhere not so far downhill…” Justin remarked, as his legs ached, the four of them having spent the last forty minutes walking uphill from the beach towards the Eon Academy. By their estimate, they were halfway there.
“You wanted to go to the beach anyway…” Charlotte retorted.
“I’m sorry guys,” Abbee said with a sigh. “They seemed to click so well at the shop the other day, and I figured he could use a little encouragement…”
“Don’t be,” Chris replied. “He overreacted to the whole thing…”
Abbee rolled her eyes at Chris’ reasoning, as Charlotte shoved him.
“What your incredibly dense boyfriend is trying to say is that by the end of it, Dylan actually seemed to really enjoy having her around…” Charlotte explained. “Honestly, that’s the reason why I volunteered to walk back with Chris. After they got talking at the beach, something seemed to change in him, and I figured maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to give them some space…”
“I hope you’re right…” Abbee said softly.
Before anybody could reply, the sound of a car engine faded in, as from the road downhill, they saw a pair of headlights driving uphill and getting closer to them. The dark blue dual-cab ute drove past them, before slowing down and pulling over a few metres ahead of them.
“Time to find out how much trouble we’re in…” Charlotte remarked, as Justin grinned. The four trainers made their way to Dylan’s car that was pulled over ahead of them. They climbed into the seats they had driven there in, Justin in the front, Charlotte behind him, with Abbee next to her and Chris behind Dylan.
Everyone present was silent, as they buckled up, and Dylan began driving out again, back towards the Academy. Finally, Justin broke the silence and spoke up.
“So what happened?” Justin asked. “Are you gonna see her again?”
Dylan was silent for a second, before replying simply.
“I asked her out, and struck out…”
Justin’s face went white, realising that had he not asked, Dylan would not have told everyone about his rejection. Charlotte however, was suspicious.
“I’m sorry, I should have minded my own business…” Justin began, before Dylan cut him off.
“It’s fine, really…”
“No, it’s not,” Abbee said. “I’m sorry, I should have just listened to you and not been so pushy…”
Dylan sighed to himself, before answering.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said, before turning up the radio. “Let’s just tell Jon we had a nice night, and try and forget about all the bulls**t…”
The music got louder, as those present took the hint that Dylan wasn’t in the mood for conversation. Charlotte however wasn’t convinced. She thought she knew why, and it wasn’t until she caught Dylan using his rear view mirror to look at Abbee, who sat in the middle seat, looking out the window, that she knew for sure. Dylan was lying, and she knew exactly why…