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  1. #101
    ERROR! DOES NOT EXIST! The Nonexistent Tazz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Yarvick "The Raticate" Xelsez
    Team Aqua
    AMS Deathwing, Mirage Island, Hoenn
    Affected Aqua RPers: @Neo Emolga @Lord Celebi
    Affected Awesome RPers: @Grassy Aggron @Protobabe @Death's Spook @Velocity @XaiakuX

    "Go for it, bad boy," Noah said, sneering at the JND Water Dog.

    He didn't have much time to lose on its...Aquisition, as it didn't take long after that for the fight to start. Without much warning, the JND Golden Glider was torn to shrapnel by the sheer force of the giant Gatling gun. That thing couldn't' be JUST a Gatling gun, he decided...Had to have more kick to it. It was like a machine gun that fired sniper rifle rounds, only much, much bigger.

    A machine gun that fired sniper rifle rounds...That would just tear people to shreds. He might just put that idea in with the skunks sometime, if only to see the carnage that would result. If he remembered to, anyways. However, he had to focus on flying, levitating, whatever it was Hyperion did before by not being on the ground at all. He had to grab that ship, after all.

    The Fairy Dragon and DeathKnight, quickly after the massacre of the JND Golden Glider, proved that you didn't NEED an overpowered Gatling gun to blow things to hell. Just the latest naval technology of a region who's navy was often considered one of the best in the world...Before all the bursting nonsense just made them the best. In any case, down went two MORE ships. Yarvick's quarry might just be targeted if he's slow, though hopefully him notifying Noah would make sure Aqua left that ship well enough alone for the taking.

    But first, to figure out how to fly, because his form was quite unsuited for swimming.

    "Yarvick...To fly, you need to just focus about moving yourself...Just like telekinesis, except on yourself..." Hyperion said within his mind. He seemed very distracted.

    "Thanks for the advice, but you seem kind of off somewhere else, Hyperion. Any trouble?" Yarvick thought back.

    A small period of silence ensured. When it seemed Yarvick would get no answer (for some reason), he tried to focus on...Moving himself up. He focused...And almost immediately, without even putting much effort into it, he was off the ground. It didn't take much, as it turned out. It was like standing up.

    "Ah, good...You're flying," Hyperion said, still sounding like he was focused on something else.

    "Hyperion, what is it?" Yarvick said, as he willed himself forward, towards the Water Dog. To his surprise, he moved VERY fast, faster than he expected. It would be quick. "Is something up? You can tell me."

    "Yes, actually...Yarvick, something feels VERY wrong about this. I don't mean what we're doing, or that we're about to help engage a massacre...I mean...The Ancient Burst Heart itself, that's what I mean. It just felt so...Wrong." Hyperion said.

    "Wrong how?" Yarvick queried.

    "...It definitely didn't seem very old for something called an 'Ancient Burst Heart,' for one, but that's your memory of it. This...It feels like something...There's no other word for it, something inherently wrong made it. Not just evil, but wrong, Yarvick, very wrong. I feel that evil behind the burst...It's not harming us, not touching us, but what keeps us like this is a force that just feels like it should not exist!...Oh, and I feel like we're being watched...VERY closely...." Hyperion stated.

    Yarvick kept a light focus on flying. It took about as much effort as a jog, now that Yarvick got used to it. Really, his speed on learning this might be Hyperion's memories boiling over, or just the natural instincts of Deoxys helping things along. However, what focus he could spare he spent on searching around for anything...Noteworthy. Anything watching him. He found a lot of curiosity coming at him from the Johto Navy, what with him being an unidentified flying object, but he found nothing...wrong, as Hyperion put it. He did see the JND Thunder Boom, well, go boom, courtesy of the crazy Gatling gun plus a million.

    "I'm not sensing what you are...It might be suited for a better time, though. We know our target. Time for some grand theft...Naval? Grand theft naval?" Yarvick thought.

    "...It's certainly no Grand theft auto..." Hyperion thought back.

    "Oh, whatever."

    Yarvick had already made it to the Water Dog's deck. There were several planes on-board, and one was just about to take off. The navymen, now that they got a good look at him, had thoughts of confusion, curiosity and fear-and any of them that had guns were opening fire on him, but Yarvick quickly went under the deck, away from their bullets. They hadn't seen much like Yarvick currently was, after all, and rightfully believed it was some foregin Legend they hadn't heard of yet. The only other event of note was the JND Whisper Shot suddenly being slammed with a freaking Wailord. Several of the navymen were looking at that spectacle, as well as the spots where the Golden Glider and the Thunder Boom USED to be, and at the flaming wrecks that were the Drunkard's Revenge and the Tide Changer.

    Looking at all of that, they thought that THEY were the lucky ones. Oh, how little did they know.

    Yarvick was about to focus on a Psychic attack, but he noticed a helicopter as he was doing so. With four faces and every angle covered, it was hard not to. It was dropping mines into the ocean-not a problem for some diving squads, but frustrating nevertheless. However, what really caught his eye was the big red 'R' on it. The Helicopter had actually tilted itself just to show it off.

    He could not hear at all, but the crew of the Water Dog were all ears for it: Apparently, it was Team Rocket, back from the grave, and it was Giovanni giving the speech for the 'terrorist ships' to stand down. A few of them chuckled inwardly, either out of amusement that they were being saved by terrorists or out of amusement that they were now facing a faction that, rumor had it, was defeated by teenagers twice. Teenage prodigies with excellent Pokemon, but still, teenagers, and still, twice.

    Yarvick did not really give a s**t. He didn't really know much about Team Rocket other than it was a stereotypical 'bad guy' group with no courtesy to Man nor Mon. Even Aqua had better public relations and deeper complexity than that, though he figured there may have been more to it deeper in. He definitely could pick up on how arrogant Giovanni was, even if he had the army to back up his claims. He needed a huge lesson in humility...And Yarvick felt like today, he'd be a teacher.

    Yarvick knew how to use a Psychic attack...He would have taken a deep breath, but he had no nose, so he just focused, and focused hard, on psionic energy...He wanted a wave of blue to kill everyone onboard, fast and hard. When he felt like he had enough, he thrust one of his arms forward, re-appearing above the deck, unleashing the psychic energy.

    Several huge waves of destructive blue energy crashed forward and basically destroyed everything on-deck. Everything. What was once a fully-operationable Aircraft Carrier capable of sending armed planes to ruin Kanto's days, was now a pile of wrecks. As for the crew, they were either dead, or flung off the side of the ship from sheer psionic force.

    If there was ever a time for the Johto Navy, for Team Rocket, for EVERYONE to have lost hope, it would have been RIGHT THEN. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, there was a man with an Ancient Burst Heart, and he had a Legend on top of it, and one of the strongest in the world to boot. He wasn't going to draw more attention to himself than he already had, though; he had a ship to steal, and it was still sailing. All he had to do now was kill whatever navy-men were within the ship in a fast and deadly game of hide-and-seek, then set a course for the Aqua Fleet and have it join the family. If those Rocket twits wanted to blow it to hell, then they'd just attract the attention of Yarvick the Mega Deoxys, and that was practically suicide. Not like they could sneak in an attack on him directly, having four faces to look out of simultaneously...

    "Oh...Oh my...We are so...Powerful...But...That presence...I feel it...I can feel it, and I think it's laughing at this..." Hyperion said.

    "I'd certainly love to hear this laughter..." Yarvick thought. "Look, just call it 'Mud,' just name it 'Mud.' It'll give 'ya a good giggle. Don't have much advice for this kind of situation...And I'm kind of busy taking care of this. Let's just focus on this, if you can."

    Now that Yarvick was thinking about it, though, he could almost hear a maniac's laugh in his mind, that of...Something quite unidentifiable. He certainly hadn't heard of it before. Sounded quite...Human. Yet...It didn't sound human at all, in a way. It felt more like him thinking OF laughter than actually hearing it, though, so it could have just been Hyperion.

    Yarvick found the door inside the ship, and opened it. He also accidentally ripped the door off of it's hinges with his newfangled physical strength as a Mega Deoxys, and he just tossed it aside casually, entering the confines. If he sensed any attack, he'd rush out to meet the poor idiots, but hopefully Aqua would keep the Navy and the Rockets away from his target.

    Ready or not, Navymen, here he comes!

    Avatar by the incredibly awesome Neo Emolga.

    Zigzagoon: Hatch @8,669; Linoone @ Level 100: 8,829

    My VPP Stats! - My Prism Stats! - My URPG Stats!


  2. #102
    Moribund Warrior-Poet Lord Celebi's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Raidon Makoto
    AMS Deathwing, Goldenrod Bay
    Affected RPers: All, mostly @XaiakuX

    The Deathwing went full speed ahead through the carnage that was once the peaceful Goldenrod Bay. The only enemy ships left standing were those being scavenged by his forces, bound to Raidon Makoto's will, and impressed into service. It was a true feast for crows. Makoto had to hold down a chuckle at the destruction around him; his Trinity Fleet was enough to take down eight ships, and it was only going to grow ever larger as the battle continued.

    Around fifty yards separated the Deathwing from the bay. Makoto's soldiers were preparing for battle. All loaded into Shadowfall tanks, they were ready to raise hell on the city of Goldenrod. Harper Tower was their main target, but Makoto wanted to have a little fun while he was out. His Aquas, of course, were sworn to not harm women or children, lest the memories of Incident 731 boil back to the front of his mind. Once the land was just in reach, something unexpected happened. A helicopter dashed by, unleashing several hundred underwater depth charges. Several other attack helicopters swarmed the Deathwings like they vultures around a fresh kill. The shore was instantly lined with guns, mortars, and men in black jumpsuits. From the Deathwing's tarmac, Makoto could see the big red Rs emblazoned on the front of the soldiers' uniforms. He gritted his teeth, "Team Rocket..."

    The closest helicopter opened up in mid-air, as a man in an orange suit hung over the side of the craft, yelling into a transceiver. The helicopter's front-mounted speakers transmitted the message all over the bay. However, Makoto knew by the man's stare that it was directed towards him. "You miserable, worthless, arrogant little imbeciles!" The Rocket Leader, Giovanni, screeched into the microphone. Makoto could have sworn he had read this punk was dead. However, stranger things have happened. Makoto opened his mouth to retort but then realized that Giovanni had more to say. Oh, god no. Don't tell me... No... he is! He's monologuing! Really? I need to sit through this shit? Makoto thought.

    "How dare you invade the turf of Team Rocket! I will give you this one warning: Turn your ships around, and go home. If you comply with hostility, you come under the worst fire imaginable. I am Giovanni, and my will be done!" he commanded. My will be done? Who the hell does he think he is, super-villain Jesus? Christ almighty, might as well twirl your mustache while you're at it. Makoto riffed the speech in his head.

    Deciding to respond, he grabbed his smartphone and rerouted his headset to the Deathwing's speaker system. Normally, it was used to play Kenny Loggin's Danger Zone while the All Clown Squadron of Fun ran air drills. Today, however, it would be repurpose for one goal: pissing Giovanni off. Makoto thought that a full retort would just give this bastard the satisfaction of pushing Makoto's buttons. Instead, he decided to just blow him off. The dread lord of the Deathwing looked the crime boss in the eyes and replied: "Cool story, bro." The flippant comeback echoed across the bay. Makoto heard the Aquas in the Navigations Room erupt into laughter. He was pretty sure that he made the crimelord look like a fool in front of everyone.

    The commander looked up at Peter Jennings, the sniper perched on top of the Deathwing's Navigations Room. Switching his headset back to radio, he told Jennings, "Take him out." Makoto's personal bodyguard nodded and shot at Giovanni's helicopter with a Carl Gustav homing rocket launcher. Jennings, looking to ensure the kill, fired two rounds into the enemy craft. Makoto then switched to the Navigations Room frequency, "Push the Deathwing ahead. We can definitely take a hit or two. I want to make landfall. Captain Davenport, we need your dive squad to disable as many of the depth charges in the bay as you can to ensure our other ships can travel safely. Captain Oreskovich, deploy the All Clown Squadron of Fun and take out these helicoptered creeps."

    The Deathwing drove ahead. It hit a depth charge almost immediately. Makoto lost his balance and fell forward. "Minor hull damage on the starboard side. Radar says two more depth charges ahead before landfall," Tyrus Hale reported over the radio. Another bump. "The Deathwing is taking in water. Captain Sasuka and his Aqua Corps of Engineers have been dispatched to plug the hole." One more bump. A final shake as the Deathwing plowed itself into the Goldenrod sandbar. The hatches on the front opened and several squads of Shadowfall tanks spilled out, opening fire on the Rocket scum stationed on the beaches.

    Makoto stood up, dusted himself off, and prepared to join his troops.
    There's a Starman waiting in the sky!
    He'd like to come and meet us, but he thinks he'd blow our minds.
    There's a Starman waiting in the sky!
    He's told us not to blow it 'cause he knows it's all worthwhile.

  3. #103
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Noah "Neo" Ashfield
    JDN Silver Scale, Coast off of Goldenrod City, Johto
    Affected Team Aqua RPers: @Lord Celebi, @The Nonexistent Tazz
    Affected Team Awesome RPers: @XaiakuX, @Velocity, @TheProtobabe, @Death's Spook, @Grassy_Aggron

    More than half of Johto's ships in this bathtub had been utterly ripped to shreds right before all of Goldenrod City itself. The mayhem was just orgasmic. Anyone who still survived on Johto's side was quickly getting into a panic and becoming demoralized. They seriously had no idea what kind of stuff we were packing, and now the surprise of it all was hurting like hell to them.

    I had recalled Moby my Wailord, and while the JND Whisper Shot managed to get a few trivial hits on the AMS Deathwing, the AMS Fairy Dragon and the AMS DeathKnight both fired upon the destroyer, instantly blasting the tiny warship to flaming, twisted metal pieces. The ship was ripped in half and both flaming halves just sunk into the water slowly. Johto, witness your tax money at work!

    And there it was in front of us, the JND Silver Scale. Its crew was in a state of panic and were demoralized as all hell, but the ship itself was generally intact and hadn't been hit too much.

    "This is Noah, sights set on the Silver Scale," I told the others on the radio. "Team Anarchy, move in! We're hijacking this thing."

    That's when I decided to put this mutagen Janine gave me to good use. Hopefully it had wings or fins that would help me reach the cruiser so we could hijack the vessel with ease, but if not, hey, the PWCs were a quick option either way. I quickly flicked off the vaccine cover, jabbed myself with the syringe in the arm, and pressed down on the plunger to insert the mutagen.

    The transformation effects of the mutagen were just... deranged, weren't too many other words for it. I was covered with burning and tingling sensations while my bones were being totally rearranged. I was suddenly covered from head to toe with black fur, and I quickly recognized the glowing Umbreon markings on my thighs, upper arms, and...

    Oh shit...

    I was really wondering just what the hell was running through Janine's mind when suddenly I had nine ridiculously giant tails just sprout out of my ass, each of them with a yellow ring the way an Umbreon had them. The giant black Honchkrow wings with the glowing yellow highlights weren't a bad touch at all, and then add in the gigantic black wad of pony-tailed Zoroark hair with glowing yellow highlights as well. And then... the pointed Lopunny ears. Those huge... ridiculous ears. She... freaking turned me into a nine-tailed Umbreon-colored Lopunny!! With wings and a hell of a lot of hair. Man, I felt ridiculous. All these freaking tails made it feel like I had a furry octopus glued to my ass! And don't even get me started on the fact I was now a fucking bunny of all things. Could have been a dragon. Could have been a wolf. Or a bear. But nooooo, we had to go with THIS!?

    With all the mayhem going on, I didn't have time to go run back and get another one. I'd lose my chance at the Silver Scale and a big share of the action over a little pride about being a cute bunny. No, that just sounded stupid. I figured I'd just get in there and put this to use while working with what I had. I quickly grabbed a rocket launcher from the weapon crates, spread my feathery Honchkrow wings, and headed toward the JND Silver Scale, signaling for the Anarchy team to follow. A lot of them were also Chimeras, which I was sure would make the Johto Navy piss their pants. It was tricky trying to get used to flying for the first time, but it was easily learned in the first fifteen seconds.

    We all closed in on the JND Silver Scale, already beginning our attack on the unsuspecting Johto Navy sailors. While they were trying to gun us down with small arms fire, we attacked with Pokémon attacks, significantly stronger than their little rifles. I unleashed a furious Shadow Ball at the bow, causing several soldiers and a wimpy Espeon to be suddenly blown out of the way and thrown overboard. And that funky scream... was that the Espeon or one the soldiers?

    Now that was just comical.

    Janine "Angel" Price
    AMS Deathwing deck, Goldenrod City, Johto
    Affected RPers:
    TEAM AQUA: @Lord Celebi, @The Nonexistent Tazz
    TEAM AWESOME: @XaiakuX, @Velocity, @TheProtobabe, @Death's Spook, @Grassy_Aggron

    I saw a heli hovering over the Deathwing, and it made me wonder just who had some crazy death-wish to fly over the nastiest aircraft carrier on the planet. And then I saw the red "R" on the side. Oh boy, not these losers again.

    And then, the dude wearing an unmistakable orange suit emerged on a lift, all puffed up like a goofy princess! Or an ugly peacock. Maybe both?

    "You miserable, worthless, arrogant little imbeciles!" Giovanni shouted into his funky megaphone. "How dare you invade the turf of Team Rocket!" He shouted. "I will give you this one warning: Turn your ships around, and go home. If you comply with hostility, you come under the worst fire imaginable. I am Giovanni, and my will be done!"

    Just... wow. I was surprised his ego hadn't made him pop!

    "Cool story, bro," Raidon replied, his voice booming across the bay from the speaker system.

    Everyone broke out laughing! So much for trying to inspire even the tiniest figment of intimidation! And then, shortly after, the All Clown Squadron of Fun boys were deployed to attack Giovanni's sudden swarm of choppers. We were about to make landfall, and shortly after, we had hit one of the depth charges. I wasn't an engineer, but I was hoping that wouldn't wreck the Deathwing too much...

    As the Deathwing approached land, the Clowns were making a mess out of the Rocket choppers. See, the problem with choppers is... they suck against planes! Especially planes with awesome pilots!

    Once the Deathwing made it to the sandbar, the hatch was opened and the Shadowfall tanks were deployed to wreck fun and havoc all over Goldenrod City. I decided hey, it was time to get in on the action too. While those guys were being deployed, I got to work on making some more Chimera mutagens, only these wouldn't be for Aqua soldiers. Those would be for the enemy soldiers, and they were the dumbest, ugliest, and stupidest Chimera forms I could conjure up! And without reversal agents... ha ha, they'd be stuck like that!

    I had at least two dozen created by the time the Aqua forces broke their way into Goldenrod City. I toyed with the idea of taking on that funny, extra fluffy bunny angel form again, and decided hey, why not? You only live once! Plus havoc, mayhem, and anarchy in the form of a cute, fluffy bunny was always sheer comedy of epic levels!

    After jabbing myself with that crazy syringe, yep, it was back to old times, only now I wouldn't be cramped into that tiny lab I would have been stuck in earlier. Once again, I was coated from head to toe with soft, fluffy white fur, two huge bunny ears, lots of fluffy tails, the gigantic cotton Whimsicott puff, two plushy wings, and lots of soft hair and a halo. Epic cuteness, epic anarchy!

    I then grabbed those awful Chimera syringes and flew toward the action in town. And man, those Johto soldiers were already in a panic! Right in front of me, one of their tanks got blown up and the others were running out of there, screaming. Their attempt to form a barricade was a total epic fail as the Shadowfall tanks just rolled the hell right over it!

    "WE'RE LOSING CONTROL OF THE SITUATION!!" One of them shouted on a loud speaker mounted on one of the APCs.


    The Johto armed forces were trying to create distance, not expecting tanks to be part of what might have looked like only a purely naval attack. Oh, and they weren't expecting Chimeras either! I swear, the look on their faces! It was the same kind of look someone would get if they woke up one morning, took a look in the mirror, and suddenly saw they had become a tragically obese sumo wrestler with purple skin and a pink tutu during the night!

    I flew down to one silly elite soldier dude wearing a red barrette hat with some gold emblem. Ha ha, that dude thought he looked tough with it, his tough guy uniform, and his oversized machine gun. Time to give him a new look! He was distracted, keeping watch on a Shadowfall tank, but he turned around to see me swoop down and give him a quick jab to the neck with one of my naughty mischief-inducing syringes! I then pushed him aside, leaving him wondering what I just jabbed into his jugular vein.

    "What the-!?" He exclaimed.

    And then, ha ha! I realized which one that was! He was screaming as he was suddenly turned into a Bellossom/Lilligant/Venusaur Chimera, surrounding his waist with a leaf dress of green and yellow leaves, a giant Venusaur flower on his back, two red flowers on the sides of his head, and a really big Lilligant one of the top! For a guy... it was epically idiotic! First an elite soldier, and now a hilarious flower bouquet!

    "W-what the... f-fuck is... this...!?!?" He exclaimed, suddenly whimpering like a baby!

    Oh my god, I had to be careful with these, or I was just going to die of laughter!

  4. #104
    Aggronholic Grassy_Aggron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    (I cleared the whole "crashing the Silver Scale into the DeathKnight" thing with Rust. Did not anticipate Neo posting right after I sent that PM to him, but I cleared it with you too dude, unless you want me to change it a little bit since I didn't wait for your second response. I was antsy to get this up :I

    Also, hospital is close to the docks, so it wouldn't be a long trip on Dragonite.)

    Claressa Nissa
    Goldenrod General Hospital and then Goldenrod Bay Docks/Goldenrod City/Johto
    Affected RPers:
    All, I suppose? Especially @Neo Emolga.
    I'm a doctor, Jim!

    The barriers were in place, and the Zoroark were at the ready. And people say Mr. Mime are only good for giving children nightmares...Pfft. Just in time for her thought to finish, all heck broke loose in the bay, and now she had to deal with Tony nearly punching the table to smithereens as he watched the ships sink like pitiful toys. "THIS IS RIDICULOUS! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Stark was giving a roar beside him, and Claressa's own heart was sinking along with those ships. I have to do something. Hmm... It's risky, but I don't have a choice.

    "Tony, may I borrow Stark for a moment?" His attention affixed on her.

    "...Claressa...No. No, no, no. You can't go out there. I know you well enough that you're going to try and help those people, but you can't." She gave him a look that suggested she wasn't going to listen. Sighing, he smoothed his jet black hair back, shaking his head. "...Look, I'll come with you. We both know I'm fit to fight, and I can burst with Stark, even if it is risky. Someone needs to look out for you."

    As much as she was against it, it was either this or not leaving at all. She nodded, and with a quick word to a nurse both she and Tony mounted Stark. How that Dragonite squeezed through the window, she will never know, but dang if she was glad he did. He took off through the pounding rain as fast as he possibly could, and she could see panicked civilians running away from the coast. Smart move on their part, as the ships were sinking fast...and now there were men in black lining the beaches.

    "Is that Team Rocket? What are they doing here?"

    She thought for a moment before responding. "Well, they consider Kanto and Johto their turf. Having someone else invade would probably be a huge blow to their pride. ...Well, other than getting beaten by two teenagers at different times." He laughed a little at that, and by now they were landing on the farthest area of the dock, where no Rocket members were. The scene before them was nothing more than a horrible slaughter, with ships sinking and fire upon the water. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out several Pokeballs, releasing the contents of those within. One took shape within the water, pink and heart shaped, and almost certainly related to Luvdisc. Stark joined her within the turbulent water.

    The others were a pink and tan rabbit...creature, as well as a pink and white giant ball of puff, and what appeared to be a yellow, leafy dinosaur. "Rayne, Stark, try and rally other Pokemon to help and bring the injured back here, to shore." The Alomomola and Dragonite nodded, diving beneath the waves for safety. Turning, Claressa next addressed her Audino, Blissey, and Bayleef. "Get ready to heal anyone that comes. We need to help these people, and we're the next in line. If we can get them to be able to walk, they can get to the hospital and help others." The trio nodded, turning and waiting.

    It wasn't long before the first survivors were brought ashore. Immediately she set Sympathy - her Audino - to healing the soldier with the most severe wounds, one of which appearing to miss an arm. It was gruesome, but it appeared the fire that danced upon the water had managed to cauterize the wound, as well as burning a large portion of his body. Sympathy placed her hands on the man's shoulder, letting a heart shaped pulse of energy ripple through him while Joy materialized a bell above her head, letting it chime even amidst the storm. The combination of Heal Pulse and Heal Bell helped them, but they could not heal all. The burns were less severe but still there, and that man certainly wasn't going to regrow his limb anytime soon. The others were lucky to only be burned with minor cuts and scrapes, and together they hoisted their comrade and began to take him back to the hospital. The barriers normally prevented anyone from leaving, but the Mr. Mime guarding the entrance would allow them to pass.

    Rayne and Stark departed again for more survivors, and it allowed Claressa an opportunity to look at Tony. His expression was one of both grief and horrendous rage, along with an unnerved tremble in the eyebrow. "...I don't get any of this. The only one left is Water Dog and Silver Scale, and the latter isn't...doing well. Even Water Dog, its whole deck has been destroyed by that thing. What is going on?"

    "Destruction. They ripped through our defenses like nothing. The only reason the Silver Scale is still going is because they are on the defense. I'm sorry, Tony."

    "It looks like they're under attack again." Tony pointed at the ship, now under attack by strange creatures that were humanoid yet also Pokemon. They weren't burst hearts, as the features, even from this distance, were far too strange and mixed to be one possible Pokemon. They were under severely heavy fire, yet the ship itself wasn't taking too much damage.

    It was then the ship turned and pointed itself straight at the AMS DeathKnight.

    The JND Silver Scale floored its engines and rapidly picked up pace. A medium sized ship, it didn't hit as hard as its larger cousins, but what it lacked in firepower it made up for with speed. Its weapons were all but disabled by the forces now fighting on its deck, but there was one last weapon that it still had. A weapon so powerful it would destroy the ship and leave a rather large hole in its opponent, and one that every single ship always had.


    The captain was not stupid, far from it, and he had also just lost his brother, whom had been the captain of the JND Golden Glider. Undoubtedly a good deal of grief had also influenced his decision to ram the AMS DeathKnight, as well as recognition his ship had been spared for a reason - and not one of pity. As it approached, the ship continued to build up speed, and quite suddenly its speakers screamed out static in a deafening roar of brazen defiance. It was either that or someone fell asleep on the speaker, which would also lead to the same effect.

    It only took minutes before the ship slammed into the side of the AMS DeathKnight, spewing up a small fireball as the oil ignited, along with a horrendous screeching of metal upon metal. The ship began to tilt backwards as water flooded into it through its smashed bow, survivors from both sides jumping into the water in order to escape the wreckage and flames. As the JND Silver Scale began to drift to its grave and join its sibling ship, they could see a gaping hole left in the side of the warship, and it was apparent it was taking on water. The damage would have been worse had it been a warship hitting it, but it still had taken considerable damage, and the combination of oily fire and ocean was going to make it difficult to deal with.

    Claressa worked on helping the survivors that were coming ashore, while Tony knelt down to talk to his Dragonite. "Stark," he began quietly, a devious grin set upon his face, "I've got an idea. Help the people that just jumped off the Silver Scale... and use Surf into that hole in the enemy ship. That'll give them even more to deal with in terms of water, and it should sink. It might not, but it'll be crippled, that's for sure. Easy picking for Team Rocket if they can launch weapons enough to hit it."

    Stark grinned in response and dove beneath the waves.

    Made by the awesome X-Kun~

  5. #105
    The Lord of Awesome XaiakuX's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    In a Van down by the River

    Goldenrod Harbor Airspace
    Affected RPers: All, specifically @Lord Celebi


    They dared to mock Team Rocket, and they dared to mock Giovanni. But, that wasn't the worst of it. They decided to add injury to insult. They decided to fire off two missiles at his helicopter. The pilot was ready for this. While Giovanni remained perched upon his balcony, the helicopter deployed flares, and took to evasive maneuvers. Once the smoke settled, he realized that one of his choppers had gone down in place of his own. 'Damn it all, it seems they've made their choice.'

    "It's time to retaliate! Radio all Team Rocket personnel, and send these boats down to the depths! If these huffed up ingrates want to reach our shores, they'll f**king swim there!" Giovanni shouted at the pilot. He then pulled a Pokéball from his pocket, pressed the button twice, and tossed it into the ocean. From the ball erupted a white flash of light that shined from the surface of the water, the array molded into a massive blue and orange amphibian creature. The beast proceeded to swim around in circles, moving faster and faster, making the water descent into a maelstrom. The fresh whirlpool was enough to slow down any ship in its wake.

    The Rocket Leader then retreated back to his hide-away at the heart of the chopper. Giovanni's chopper then targeted the AMS Deathwing, hoping to see it slowed down by the whirlpool started by Swampert. Or, at the very least, pulled away from the shore to put a damper on their plans of storming the shores. The very ship that tried to take him down was about to have a taste of its own medicine, as Giovanni's pilot fired off a few heat seeking rounds of his own. The chopper wasn't built for combat as much as with built for capturing and imprisonment.

    The foot soldiers took aim at the ships, and started to open fire. RPGs and M-16 Automatics sprayed ammunition in hopes of really damaging these rust buckets. It appeared to be hopeless when the ship eventually touched ground, and their forces were clearly getting the upper hand. Over the years, Team Rocket's numbers had dwindled, and the few that remained after the initial attack started resorting to their burst hearts to combine with their Pokémon. Giovanni spared no expense to obtain burst hearts for his following. Many would fuse with Weezing, or Hypno. Some with Crobat, and some with Houndoom. Lance and pals would be very close by, and be readying to get into the action.

    The other two choppers had their own problems with the "All Clown Squadron of Fun." They initially resorted to their gatling guns to tear down the sheer number of Team Aqua members pouring out of the AMS Deathwing. While they weren't sure just how many they'd have to take down, or how long they'd last being tailed by the enemy, they sure weren't going to stop until they were either dead, or they send them home with their tails between their legs.

    Something then caught Giovanni's eye. These humans were morphing into mutant Pokémon hybrids without even using a Burst Heart. "What in the hell?" he asked himself, before pausing on the deck of the AMS Deathwing. He noticed a man which seemed to have the wings of a Honchkrow, the hair of a Zoroark, the ears of a Lopunny, and the patterns of an Umbreon. This bizarre mutation piqued his curiosity. This was no time to gawk like a child in a candy store. He was in a fire fight, although he still wanted to know what Team Aqua had unleashed upon his foot soldiers.
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  6. #106
    Experienced Trainer bronislav84's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    Brooklyn, NY, USA
    (I could have a lot of gore in here, but really trying to cut down on the gore for the potential kids reading. If there's a bit much, please let me know and I'll attempt to tone it down.)

    Karai "Kar" Horoshi
    Saffron City, Kanto
    Affected RPers: Anybody on Aqua who wants to pick up this shipment, or just say it arrives in Mirage Island safely

    Ah, the big city, the city of lights. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere and all that jazz. Why was I suddenly thinking of this? No idea. We had entered the big city. Just five officers looking for a criminal. Nobody cared. If we were already in the region, we belonged there. And of course we were already in the region. Dan led us to an address he had tracked down with his online hacking and searches. It was marked as a storage warehouse, and was in the poorer part of the city. Lots of smelly bums keeping warm from burning garbage in trash cans littered the streets. I could literally smell them in the wind it was so bad. We staked the place out until it got dark, and saw a well dressed man and a lady in a cocktail dress enter the warehouse. Perfect. They'd open the doors for us. We jumped out of the bushes, soaring like the ninja-cops we were, and landed quietly behind the pair as they entered, closed the door behind them, and turned on the lights. We were seen, but we really didn't care. Nobody except us was leaving this place alive. Earlier we had called in a second helicopter to meet us behind the place to pick up the shipment.

    "Cheese it Marcie, it's the cops!" Yelled the man to his partner as they scrambled behind boxes to start shooting at us from his handgun. Marcie didn't need to be told twice and pulled out a semiautomatic machine gun.

    The five of us jumped behind some boxes too. Dan, Amanda, Anna, and Scar pulled out their own weapons. Dan had a handgun, Anna had a small handgun, Amanda had her sniper rifle with a silencer, and Scar carried a two handed gattling gun. It really wasn't any challenge and I smirked at how pathetic these guys are. The squad purposefully shot to miss though, knowing what I'd do and letting me have my fun. They were a distraction. I jumped up to the ceiling and climbed behind the pair, gutting them from behind with my claws. They crumpled dead. So much for that. I sensed we weren't alone in here though, since I could hear some kind of machine from further in the warehouse. The four of them put away their weapons and I cleaned my claws as best as I could, using Marcie's dress as a rag. She didn't need it anymore anyway.

    We slinked further into the warehouse, making sure to stick to the shadows cast by the boxes. Dan used his X-Ray scope to see what was in there. It was all just random junk, and according to the analysis for Burst Hearts none of this was used for it. Though maybe if it was reconfigured, but definitely as is this stuff was worthless. This operation must have been secret and just using this place as a temporary hideout. Or this place hasn't been checked in a long time and this black market Burst Heart group wormed their way in. Whatever the case, these boxes were nice cover. We made it to what seemed to be the factory further in. Now I saw what was making the noise. A Burst Heart manufacturing plant.

    A robot was sorting the stuff in boxes and dumping it in one side of the assembly line. Glass went in one chute and computer parts went into another. They were using the stuff in the warehouse to make these things right under the Kanto military's nose, then selling it to the highest bidder. Probably trainers who wanted to defend their home turf. People like these really don't care who they sell it to assuming it makes them money. An operation right after my own heart. Of course these things were probably cheap and not well built, but of course they probably didn't care about that either. The finished Burst Hearts were being moved by machines to a storage room, probably to be sold off later. A lone man was overseeing the operation, sitting at a large computer console. I couldn't see his face quite yet. I slinked up behind him completely unheard and pressed a claw to his neck.

    "You're busted." Still acting like a member of the KPD, but at this point I didn't care if he didn't think I was one of them. He wasn't getting out of here alive to tell the tale either.

    The man was calm, and his breathing steady. If I didn't know better I'd say he actually thought he had a shot of getting out alive. "You're in no position to say that, Officer." He calmly wiggled out from the position I put him in, and faced me. His eyes were hidden by the black cap he was wearing. Then he snapped his fingers and a whole lot of goons stepped out of the shadows. They were dressed in suits and didn't look like his clothes at all. Must be just hired help. They were burly goons, with semiautomatic and automatic weapons. Even a couple of women. There were about fifty of them total. This guy actually came prepared. Adorable. Simply adorable. I liked a challenge, and had at first thought I'd be disappointed.

    "Light 'em up. Leave none standing!" He yelled, knowing the place would probably be trashed. He then turned away and just simply put up reinforced steel around himself then laid back in his chair, thinking he was safe.

    The first thing that happened was that Amanda jumped up high and into the rafters. She liked it there. She would be in the perfect spot for head shots. Dan and Anna jumped up to a walkway above, splitting up to confuse the goons. Scar and I on the other hand stood where we were. The tall and muscular Scar tossed me a multi rocket launcher, while he pulled out his gattling gun again. Oh yea, I could have fun with with this. And the firefight broke out around us!

    Some of the goons started dropping from Amanda shooting them in the head, some had went off to chase Dan and Anna, while Scar and I just stood in the circle of goons and shot the bejeezus out of them. We could dodge the more dangerous shots, but we wouldn't be coming out of this completely unscathed. Scar activated his gun and started moving in a circular pattern, while I was ducking out of the way of shots wizzing by and shooting rockets into the screaming goon squad. And really they were screaming, what with not expecting rockets and a gattling gun.

    Above I could hear shots being fired and then grunts of pain as Dan and Anna dispatched the goons that had gone up to engage them. Some of the ones around Scar and me were dropping even before we could shoot them, with Amanda head shotting them from above. The two of us had more than a couple of bullets lodged in non essential parts of our bodies, but with the adrenaline rush it really didn't hurt. Yet. I suddenly missed having the HSF body armor.

    And we were finished with the goons. The whole fight took about two minutes and the five of us were breathing heavily while stained with not only our own blood but the blood of our enemies. Ah, I love a good bloodbath. I licked a wound on the back of my hand, savoring the blood like some kind of vampire. It was my blood, but Anna would make it all better later. Dan hacked into the system, and lowered the metal shield the man had put up around himself. He gasped and turned around. He was illuminated by the light from his console now.

    "You-you survived? And all my hired help is dead?" He looked around, really shaking now. Amanda, Anna, and Dan jumped down from above. Scar put away his gattling gun and I handed him my rocket launcher to be refilled later. We calmly walked up to the guy, blood caked and happy having enjoyed the fight.

    "It was fun, but still not a challenge." I leered at the man who was still shaking.

    "W-what do you want?" He asked, gulping and whimpering. What a wimp. And he was so confident before.

    "Nothing. You're already out of business." I simply stated truthfully. Crippling Kanto's access to Burst Hearts was good enough, though stealing what hadn't been sold was even better.

    Dan sat down at the computer console and worked his magic. The genius with a 325 IQ didn't take very long to crack the system. "I have what I needed. This place can be reduced to rubble for all I care."

    "R-rubble? But I'll be out of a job...." The scared gentleman said. He really hadn't caught on yet. Nobody was leaving this place alive, including him. Well, except us five of course.

    Moving quicker than he could see, I ran at him and then ended up behind him. Seemingly nothing happened. About a second later, the man gasped and let out pained gasps. I cleaned them on a nearby goon's jacket and clicked my claws closed. Then the man's head cleanly popped off. Our Op here was over.

    Dan had the information he needed. Everybody here was dead, Dan's X-Ray scope confirmed that much. Bodies everywhere. I'd totally need a shower after Anna did her thing with our wounds, probably when we got to our next destination. No other signs of life as the factory continued to make Burst Hearts. There was a good crop of them in the storage room though, and should be enough. We shut down the Burst Heart factory, moved enough boxes out behind the warehouse to be carried off by the other Hellcat chopper that was parked there, and set the explosive firebombs. The Hellcat flew off on autopilot, cloaking itself and the shipment. It should arrive at Mirage Island soon with a couple of thousand Burst Hearts to add to our cause. The cheaper kind of Burst Hearts would be fine for the lower ranked soldiers.

    We got in our own Hellcat which by now had showed up to meet us as called by Dan, took off our masks and Police outfits, and he set our next destination in Johto. Anna started to treat her own and everybody's wounds as our chopper flew off. The timer on the bombs ended, and we could hear an explosion behind us. It would look like random arson when it was all done. The warehouse was reduced to melted rubble and slag. The factory and the Extra Burst hearts that couldn't be loaded in the other chopper would be destroyed, and any bodies would be so burned they wouldn't be able to be identified. Job well done if I do say so myself.
    Last edited by bronislav84; 07-26-2014 at 05:17 AM.

  7. #107
    ERROR! DOES NOT EXIST! The Nonexistent Tazz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Yarvick "The Raticate" Xelsez
    Team Aqua
    JND Water Dog, Goldenrod City Bay, Johto
    Affected Aqua RPers: @Neo Emolga @Lord Celebi
    Affected Awesome RPers: @Grassy Aggron @Protobabe @Death's Spook @Velocity @XaiakuX

    "Please, please no!"

    The last words of the last navyman on the ship that was not in the navigation room. Every time he met a navyman in these d**m cramped quarters, it ended in either a tentacle impalement or melting them through sheer force of will. He checked with his mind-he'd cleared out every last man in the area, bar the navigation room.

    "Yarvick, this is a slaughter...I...-"

    "If they came back to the Deathwing in any shape that could remotely resemble 'intact', they'd resist, and honestly, better now than later. And it's not like I'm torturing them, It's just a quick stab through the heart..." Yarvick reasoned.

    "It doesn't help your case...Dear Arceus, that thing is still laughing." Hyperion thought, with an almost audiable shudder. Yarvick could DEFINITELY hear some mad laughter, and he hoped the guy laughed himself to death.

    "Tell Mud to STFU or I'll rip his throat out. As for my case, you're saying I should let them have a chance at killing me? If we let them live, their first instinct is to shoot us for the ABH because we're not immeidately killing them! You know what they're thinking just as well as I am!" Yarvick thought.

    "Yarvick...Urgh, I'm just happy this is a borrow and not a permanent fixture. Silver linings, Hyperion, Silver linings..." Hyperion thought.

    "Yeah, it's crazy!" Yarvick thought as he searched for the last minds aboard in the nav room. "Like, if you could just do this all the time...That would actually be scary powerful."

    "I fear that the sheer fact this power exists is a greater problem, Yarvick..." Hyperion thought.

    "OK, think of all the good it could do! Make construction and safe demolition a breeze!" Yarvick thought. "...OK, that's all I've got, but that's still crazy!"

    "...Yes...Yes, it is crazy." Hyperion thought. "Yarvick, I'm just checking here, but after this is over, you'll turn me back into an Alakazam, right?"

    "Of course, buddy, if you really want to." Yarvick thought. He could understand what the reasoning was about; Hyperion was OK with the power but not with the loss of intelligence...Still, Yarvick would have a hard time grasping it. Deoxys was immortal; Hyperion would never worry about dying of natural causes.

    "Yes, thank you. I think we've found them...Perhaps a less violent approach?" Hyperion thought, as Yarvick found the navigation room. From within, the ship was steered. Yarvick had...Low experience with ship-sailing, in fact...

    "...Let's try brainwashing!" Yarvick thought, punching the door open with a Fire Punch. He had long since abandoned the idea of opening them gently, and it always made them freak out. A crazy 4-faced space crab with a flaming fist knocking their doors down. Inside were only five men.

    On his entry into the room, at least one man shot at the window and thrust himself forward, committing suicide out of fear. Or maybe just his lousy attempt at escape. Yarvick heard no thought of him again either way. A second pulled out a gun-Yarvick introduced his face to a nice tentacle impalement. The other two men that weren't the captain thought likewise, but Yarvick gave them a taste of Psychic, and turned them into sludges that could be mistaken for Red Aprijuice. Lastly, the captain...

    "You f***ing scumbag terrorist!" The captain of the JND Water Dog, a man named 'Barnabus Hellstrand.' D**m, that was a ridiculously cool name, 'Hellstrand.' Nevertheless, it was time for Yarvick's more...Nonlethal brand of enemy disarment. "What the HELL are you doing?! WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL ARE YOU DOING?! Who are you?!?!" Barnabus yelled as Yarvick touched his head with his normal form hand.

    Now, this is where it got a little...Interesting. Yarvick didn't predict it, but his previous thoughts that Deoxys had the texture of a fleshly liquid were dead-correct, as the 'hand' started to melt over Captain Hellstrand's face, completely covering it and his head. It also shortened the tentacles as the mass shifted, making sure Xelsez and Hellstarnd were very close together.

    "You, Hellstrand. You're officially Aqua. You'd give your life for the Dread Lord of the Deathwing, without question." Yarvick thought to Hellstarnd. He thought VERY hard, attempting to overwrite his will with Yarvick's. It felt...Well, it felt quite thrilling, the kind of thrill he got when stealing things. The incredibly satisfying thrill. Oh, oh yes. "You are to completely abandon the Johto Navy, ignore all calls of retreat or attack on their part, and join the fleet of the Deathwing, and await further orders of Raidon Makoto, Noah Ashfield, Tyrus 'Tiantus' Hale, or failing all others, myself, Yarvick Xelsez. You will do anything they say, and you will put your experience to their exclusive use. Are we absolutely clear?" Yarvick said. To think of all of that, it took about three, four seconds.

    "N-n-n-Never!" Hellstrand thought back, attempting to resist.

    Yarvick sighed. It would take more than one repetition, it would seem.

    "You, Hellstrand. You are officially Aqua. You would, will and always will, give your life for the Dread Lord of the Deathwing, without any question. You are to completely abandon the Johto Navy, ignore all calls of retreat or attack on their part, and join the fleet of the Deathwing. Await further orders of Raidon Makoto, Noah Ashfield, Tyrus 'Tiantus' Hale, or failing all others, myself, Yarvick Xelsez, once you get there. You will do anything they or I say, and you will put your experience to the benefit of Team Aqua. Are we absolutely clear?" Yarvick thought.

    "N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nnn-Nnnnevvvvver!" Hellstrand thought.

    "Hellstrand. You are OFFICIALLY Aqua. You would, will, and always will give your life for the Dread Lord of the Deathwing, without any f****** question. You are to completely abandon the Johto Navy, and completely ignore all calls of retreat or attack on their part. You will pilot this ship and join the fleet of the Deathwing, and await further orders of Raidon Makoto, Noah Ashfield, Tyrus 'Tiantus' Hale, or failing all others, myself, Yarvick Xelsez. You will do anything they or I say, and you will put yourself under them all, no matter what. Are we absolutely clear?"

    "N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nnn... Nnn-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nn-n-n... Nnnnnnneeeeeeeevvvvvveeeeerrrr..." Hellstrand thought. He was weakening. Good.

    "You, Captain Barnabus Hellstrand. You are now officially on the side of Team Aqua. You would, shall and will give your life for the Dread Lord of the Deathwing, without any question. You are to completely abandon the Johto Navy, ignore all calls of retreat or attack on their part, and join the fleet of the Deathwing. Once that is done, await further orders of Raidon Makoto, Noah Ashfield, Tyrus 'Tiantus' Hale, or failing all others, myself, Yarvick Xelsez. You will do anything they or I say, and you will put your naval experience to their use, for the rest of your life, until the moment you die. Nothing else matters to you, nothing. Not your wife, your children, your honor, your morals, your anything. Only Team Aqua. Are we absolutely clear!?"

    "nnn...N.........Nnnnn.........Y-yes...Yes..." Hellstrand thought.

    "Are we ABSOLUTELY CLEAR?!?! Yarvick thought.

    "Yes Sir!" Hellstrand thought.

    "ARE WE ABSOLUTELY F****** CLEAR?!?!?!"

    "SIR YES SIR!!!" Hellstrand responded, in a fierce yell. It wasn't just thought at this point.

    It was done. Hellstrand was now Aqua, firmly. Yarvick released his mind-sure enough, the thoughts persisted. No thoughts of mutiny were hidden. Nothing of the man remained but his experience and his insane devotion to Aqua.

    ...Yarvick had to take a moment to admire what the f*** he just did. He made that man his absolute b***h. When Yarvick released him, he wordlessly followed his orders. Yarvick didn't even need to tell him what to do. He just got right to it. This level of power sent a chill down his neck.

    It was...OK, yeah, that was actually creepy. He'd probably go to hell just for this.

    "...Y...Y...Y-y-y-y...Yarvick?" Hyperion asked, very shaken by the events he just witnessed.


    "Please don't use that ever again, no matter what! Dear ARCEUS, that was...I don't even...I wish I had tear ducts right now, Yarvick, I really do! That was too much! Too much!"

    "That was as creepy as all hell, I d**m well agree...We're not using that unless we have to, buddy." Yarvick agreed. "In any case, that took, like, a quarter-minute, which isn't long...Unless you're comparing it to just snapping his neck or something. Then it's practically years." He added.

    Impractical...And creepy. Yeah, the main reason why people don't typically kick Lillipup that are out of their way is because it requires work and there isn't much reward. Yarvick would try to think of that of brainwashing.

    He was going to focus on the destruction he could cause to buildings in the future.

    Meanwhile, Hyperion was kind of in a right state, trying to remember the happiest memories he possibly could. Yarvick didn't want to stay in the room too long with him, and he just left the way he came. It would still take a few minutes of awkward movement to get out again, though...

    Avatar by the incredibly awesome Neo Emolga.

    Zigzagoon: Hatch @8,669; Linoone @ Level 100: 8,829

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  8. #108
    Experienced Trainer bronislav84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Brooklyn, NY, USA
    Karai "Kar" Horoshi
    In transit, Kanto to Johto
    Affected RPers: @Neo Emolga

    While I would have liked to pilot the chopper myself, it really wasn't practical. I'd passed out as we climbed in, and woke up later in a bit of pain from being treated after that fight. If I had to guess, I'd say each of us got at least ten bullet wounds in that fight, so it's not a wonder we passed out from blood loss. Well, it felt like ten bullets each anyway, but it could have been less. We were all a bit sore and had to be given numbing in some places, but our training taught us to deal with such pain. Not like we were hurt in any major places anyway. It would pass eventually.

    Our KPD uniforms had to be cleaned, as well as we in general had to clean up. Thankfully we had a Water type that could help with that task. I threw out Lappy the Lapras who helped us shower. The guys had wanted to wait until we got to our next destination to do that, but as usual they were out-voted 3 to 2. Our uniforms weren't so much damaged as stained, and they had to be thoroughly washed. On the way we probably dumped a lot of water on people's heads below, but they'd likely think it was a rogue raincloud or something. We needed to be clean and to clean our disguises to reuse them later. With the cleaning done, I recalled Lappy and sent out Flame the Blaziken to dry things off. The five of us were dried in no time, as well as the uniforms and masks.

    "So Dan, where are we going this time? Johto by the looks of it, but where exactly?" I inquired as I watched Amanda hold up her hair to be dried by Flame and also looked out the window.

    "The data I got from this base we just trashed and the other info I have points to Mahogany Town." He showed us a map with the location highlighted and we all nodded.

    "So I guess we're dressing as Johto cops this time?" Asked Anna, also drying her hair by the heat from Flame.

    "There's no need. We can just wear our normal clothes and blend in, though of course they're likely to check papers on entry to the town. I've already hacked into the database and inserted our temporary identities while wiping out the data from the Saffron Op." He handed us IDs to memorize, though by the sound of it we wouldn't need it. I went to dry my hair next as Flame sighed at being used as a hair dryer.

    Dan went back to his tablet, Amanda was polishing and cleaning her gun, Scar was making sure the contents of his duffel bag were all there, and Anna was going around us making sure we were all treated from the fight. Herself included. Dan suddenly spoke up again. "Well, this Janine chicky is interesting........." The three females in the chopper shot dirty looks at him calling women that. "Well, she is. Listen to this." We shrugged and listened. "She's created an injection that speeds up healing exponentially, even regrows lost body parts. Of course critical injuries would still be fatal, but what doesn't kill you you'd be able to recover from given enough time. And the recovery times are pretty quick when compared to normal healing."

    Anna turned to Dan and pulled the tablet out of his hands. "Seems I'm out of a job. Years of medical ninja training out the window....." Dan pulled the tablet away from her.

    "Not quite, not quite. You'd still be needed to pull out bullets or shrapnel. Otherwise wounds like that wouldn't heal properly." Dan explained to Anna as she read the information over his shoulder this time.

    "So I'd be reduced to doing simple patch jobs and operations that pretty much even people without formal doctor training can do if they tried hard enough. Still doesn't sound reassuring." Anna wasn't completely convinced she wasn't useless.

    "Well I guess, but would you rather we died of losing limbs or something? You'd still be helping save lives." Dan tried to sound optimistic about this.

    "So what's this miracle drug called anyway?" Anna sighed and nodded while asking that. One of Scar's bullet wounds had opened up and she was using medical stitches to close it up after giving him some local numbing. "I'm gonna miss doing this, since I really do enjoy it." Scar winced as she pricked a bit below the skin level. "Hold still or I'll cut you deeper." Scar grunted and she closed up the wound then looked to Dan to continue.

    "It's called MEND, and I'm ordering an injection for each of us to be delivered in a cloaked Hellcat that would meet us at Lake of Rage." Explained Dan as he punched the request into his tablet to have HQ send us some.

    "Catchy name." I said as Anna nodded. "But it seems an awful lot of trouble to send a chopper to deliver what's probably a small box." I said to him, looking over his shoulder at the request as he typed it out.

    "Boxes can't cloak. Aqua Hellcats can. The box will be inside the chopper and it should meet us at our destination." Explained Dan as he finished the request and sent it out. "Also there's been some other developments from the labs which I'll let you guys read on your own when I pass the tablet around, and some of the organization is leading an attack on Goldenrod City." He continued, updating us on what's going on. He then passed the tablet around for us to read the other stuff that's happened in our absence.

    It would still be a bit of time until we got to our destination, so we could read up just fine before we landed.
    Last edited by bronislav84; 07-27-2014 at 02:52 AM.

  9. #109
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Noah "Neo" Ashfield
    JDN Silver Scale, Coast off of Goldenrod City, Johto
    Affected Team Aqua RPers: @Lord Celebi, @The Nonexistent Tazz
    Affected Team Awesome RPers: @XaiakuX, @Velocity, @TheProtobabe, @Death's Spook
    MAINLY: @Grassy_Aggron

    I flew down and landed on the JND Silver Scale, making me one of the first to arrive. The naval soldiers were already in a panic after seeing all of their other ships get ripped to bits. As I fought a few of the soldiers, this awkward nine-tailed Umbreon-colored Lopunny form with wings felt weird, but I couldn't deny, it had some nice uses to it. All I can to do was just get one of these tails to come into contact with one Johto soldier and it was an instant 1,000 year curse on the bastard. I made one prick stoned-stupid, another think he was a Magikarp trapped in a human's body, and the third suddenly inflate like a balloon and float away. That certainly had to suck. These tails were DEADLY, and they were so huge that it was impossible to attack me from behind without running into them.

    Meanwhile, the giant bunny ears... I could hear those Johto bastards WAY sooner than as a human. It was almost like cheating with psychic powers. Well, given this form did have wings as well, it wasn't half bad actually. I was making pretty good use of it.

    And that was when these Johto bastards really surprised me. I was about to head to the ship's navigation bridge to really put the hijack process into action when suddenly I realized what they were doing. They stepped on the gas and the ship itself was heading right for the DeathKnight.

    They aren't seriously thinking of...?

    Damn it, they were. I tried to make a dash for the bridge, but I quickly stopped myself and I knew there was no way I'd get there on time to stop the collision. If I tried to enter the ship now, I'd be going down with it. There was no choice but to jump up and fly away from the inevitable impact.

    The groan of metal upon the heavy impact was vicious, and the oil in the JND Silver Scale caught fire and exploded. The ship was a total wreck smothered in flames and that would have been me on there if I didn't fly away. I kept flapping my wings to stay aloft, but the damage on the DeathKnight was pretty savage. It was taking on water fast, and I knew if that wasn't fixed, it'd sink for sure.

    "Hold it together!" I shouted to the others and the survivors. "Put some ice attacks on that opening and keep the hole sealed!"

    And that was when I saw some PRICK and his dipshit Dragonite using Surf on the DeathKnight to get the water gushing in even further. It pushed several Chimeras and Pokémon that were trying to patch the damage out of the way, and caused more water to rush in. If that bastard kept at it, we'd lose the DeathKnight and this douchebag would probably go brag about it to his grandma.

    I attacked him with a vicious Night Daze assault, unleashing a dark wave of pure-black energy right at the Dragonite. Yeah, I'm sure he'd love this.

    Janine "Angel" Price
    AMS Deathwing deck, Goldenrod City, Johto
    Affected RPers:
    TEAM AQUA: @Lord Celebi, @The Nonexistent Tazz
    TEAM AWESOME: @XaiakuX, @Velocity, @TheProtobabe, @Death's Spook
    MAINLY: @Grassy_Aggron

    Mayhem. Destruction. Torment. So much for Goldenrod City!

    It was just comical to see the AMS Fairy Dragon unleash a cannon salvo at the Harper Tower, punching in a nice batch of holes in it. Meanwhile, Chimeras were rushing into finish the job. I sure had my doubts insurance would cover something like this!

    Meanwhile, the collateral damage from the rest of the attack was just nuts. Quite a few other buildings were being trashed and civilians were just running for the hills, wailing and screaming. In the meantime, trying to nail guys with these crazy Chimera syringes was becoming a pain in the neck. I'd have to get up close and personal and that was just risky. I needed something that could shoot these things.

    Well, with all the police going nuts, I managed to find one SWAT truck laying on its side that looked like it had been abandoned in the bedlam. Now, I knew usually the fuzz carried around tranquilizer rifles for sedating Pokémon. I climbed inside and among all the body armor, assault rifles, gas masks, and other police junk I managed to find two tranquilizer rifles and a bunch of darts. The darts probably had some sedatives in them, which wouldn't nearly be as fun. I mean come on, between making someone take a snooze or turn them into something goofy and stupid that would make them scream themselves silly, what was the better choice?

    I got to work on draining the sedative liquid and loaded them up with the mutagens instead. I had to do them one at a time, which was tedious, but it would be worth it. I had about ten syringes left, so it only took me about four minutes. Once I had them all loaded up, I went with loading in the rather comical Raichu/Snorlax/Wigglytuff/Beautifly dart. Yep, imagine a fat, pink Raichu with butterfly wings. Now, I just needed someone to test this on!

    I quickly got out of the SWAT truck and headed out like a kid with a new Christmas present just itching to try it out. After scoping out the situation, I saw one brown-haired doctor in a white overcoat trying to help the surviving sailors of the Johto armada (OOC: Claressa). She was probably one of those yuppies that hates millennials. Either way, I felt like screwing up her day anyway! But something like this was way more fun than putting laxatives in brownies any day of the week!

    She was probably too busy and too distracted helping out the sailor boys to notice. I hid behind an abandoned SUV, mounted the rifle on the hood, and took aim. Oh man, if this worked, it would be priceless and I'd go all over town shooting people with this thing. I lined up the snooty doctor's neck in the rifle scope crosshairs, lightly put my paw on the trigger, took a breath, and then squeezed the trigger.

    As the dart quickly flew toward its target, I was just brimming with giddiness to see what kind of havoc this was going to cause!!

  10. #110
    ERROR! DOES NOT EXIST! The Nonexistent Tazz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Yarvick "The Raticate" Xelsez
    Team Aqua
    JND Water Dog, Goldenrod City Bay, Johto
    Affected Aqua RPers: @Neo Emolga @Lord Celebi
    Affected Awesome RPers: @Grassy Aggron @Protobabe @Death's Spook @Velocity @XaiakuX

    Yarvick was halfway out of the ship when Burst time came back onto him, and he was forcibly ripped apart from Hyperion. The sounds involved reminded him of flesh being ripped, only a lot louder and definitely mental just as much as physical. He could feel Hyperion's mind separate from his just as much as his body separated. With his ears back in working order, the first thing he properly noticed was the sound of guns, explosions, and a whole lot of nasty war noises.

    He had around...45 seconds? Yeah, 45 seconds. He had 45 seconds to wait out before bursting again, as was the standard for Burst Hearts, or at least the kind he had. But, 45 seconds were crazy critical. This boat would be dead in the water if it went undefended for long, and Yarvick and his Pokemon with it...Considering the only thing aboard capable of defending it right now were Yarvick's and Hellstrand's Pokemon, and Hellstrand was busy, it was critical Hellstrand got away.

    ...His Pokemon! Dear lord, you could forget about how useful they are. He couldn't really access them while he bursted. Of course, flying around as fast as he was would mean he could only bring one or two Pokemon along for the ride, and he'd have to carry them somehow. He thought it over in his head, who else to join up with him?

    Oceanus was a no-go on principal. Yarvick feared the thing even if he was Bursted as Mega Deoxys, partially because it wasn't just tough, it was smart as well, smarter than Yarvick-and that meant he could eventually figure out how to kill him, or worse, kill him after he's fully debursted.. Only Hyperion could outwit him consistently, and only Rhea could keep him from killing him at all. With Hyperion as his burst and now a Deoxys...Well.

    Rhea would be dead weight in a naval battle on her own. Simple as that. Yarvick DID trust her, and she trusted him in kind, and she would not hold back a single punch if it meant defending him. She was also very easy to carry and handle...But, she had minimal ranged abilities and would sink like a rock. Bad idea.

    Atlas was much harder to carry, as he found out the one time he tried it as a human. Too small, and not fast enough on that matter. He might even accidentally crush him in his palm, and there weren't many good grabbing points for the poor thing. He might lose him.

    He didn't like being alone with Eos, even bursted. She was not trustworthy. Given time and resources, she'd make a world full of those crazy Fairy Tale Girls, Yarvick knew it. She was useful, that's why she kept around. Yarvick would gleefully await the day he'd get to snap her neck because a more sane Pokemon came along and offered similar services.

    That really only left Iapetus, the Gengar...Who was owned by a former Rocket Executive. It didn't seem like he really liked the Executive, so revenge seemed imminent, which could be troublesome, but with how Iapetus typically acted, and considering he was probably the best candidate thus far...Well, he wanted a Pokemon ally on his shoulders.

    Before he could unleash Iapetus, however, he felt Hyperion grab him by the shoulder.

    "Yarvick, I really think we made a hideous mistake in joining Aqua, I really really do..." Hyperion thought.

    "I did not intend to join them, it was a long-term hire, and they offered a lot of money! I take jobs as they come, Hyperion, and I knew that it could be trouble, like this-"

    "What happened back there?! What happened?! Because I still can't believe that!! I can't believe I-we, actually-honestly did that?! We KNOW Aqua is too good to last, we know it! Why did we even join, KNOWING it was too good to last?!"

    "Everyone makes mistakes, OK?!" Yarvick said aloud. There was nobody else around. "And how could I predict this would happen?"

    "Yarvick, again, promise me, you WILL quit as soon as possible!" Hyperion said.

    "Oh, for the love of Arceus, we are only doing this kind of thing once!" Yarvick yelled, turning to actually face his partner.

    Yarvick didn't know Deoxys had tear ducts, but the fact Hyperion was crying told him quite a bit. He was also kind of slumped over, sitting down, his other hand pressed against his face. If he could make whimpering noises he probably would, but, no mouth. It was a sorry sight to see, indeed.

    Yarvick, ironically, did not notice the fear his partner felt while in the most merged state of mind. If there ever was a serious epic fail, this would probably be it.

    Yarvick had several seconds, he could afford some patience. He didn't say anything, he just sat down by Hyperion and gave him a pat on the shoulder as he just kept crying. He honestly hadn't much else to do. He hadn't really dealt with this before, he's seen Hyperion sad, but...Not this sad.

    ...Yarvick's life had gotten crazy weird all of a sudden. He was just a normal thief, but now he was the wielder of an Ancient Burst Heart and the most powerful man and the tide-changing power of terrorists hell-bent on ruling and/or flooding the world, and also the friend of the world's second Deoxys, formerly his Alakazam. Even then, looking farther back, his mother had avoided mentioning his father like a plague, no matter what, and it seemed like she had honestly blocked of, if not outright erased every bit of evidence to suggest he even HAD one. But that was still kind of tame compared to this. And this was all not including the fact that he had a small attraction to a mad scientist.

    "...It...It has to stop, Yarvick...It has to..." Hyperion thought. He sounded somewhat more composed than he actually looked, but it was still quite somber.

    "I promise that we'll eventually stop...But, we're deep in the hole now, buddy," Yarvick said. "We've got to work to get out of it, and I doubt it'll be an easy ride. It never is. We have to get going and help out...Or, the Ancient Burst Heart goes to them. Aqua isn't exactly a morally white faction...But the Rockets? They're infamous. If for nothing else, fight to keep them away from it." Yarvick said.

    "...Yes, yes...I know, Yarvick...I just...I just...I can't put it into eloquent words, Yarvick, I'm just scared for our future. Very scared."

    "If we just stand around here doing nothing, it'll be much worse than if we get back out there...And we're not doing that...Thing we did back there again, dear Arceus we are not. OK? We're going to be alright, we just have to keep on moving. To stop is a foolish move..." Yarvick said.

    Hyperion stopped crying, and though he still felt like a sack of c**p, he was at least ready to stomach more.

    "Are you ready?" Yarvick said, trying to get him to stand.

    ".........Yes. Yes I am." Hyperion said, more confident.

    "Great. Now, Iapetus will be with us next...I figure having a buddy around will help us out, even if it's only in a few ways." Yarvick said. "Iapetus, let's roll." He said, throwing out Iapetus'es Poke Ball.

    The Gengar popped out, looking around the metal environment. It was similar to, but at the same time different than, the Deathwing.

    "Iapetus, we're at Goldenrod City, Johto. It's a long story, but we have an Ancient Burst Heart, on loan." Yarvick said. The instant 'Ancient Burst Heart' was said, Iapetus'es eyes widened. "We're helping out an offensive on the city-our goal and target is the tower, financially cripple Harper industries and help some people, cement some trust overseas, blah blah blah." Yarvick said. "Now, we're NOT Bursting...That's Hyperion's duty." Yarvick added, pointing at the Deoxys.

    He could easily tell there was a mental conversation between Iapetus and Hyperion, and Iapetus just looked more and more surprised as time went on. The Ancient Burst Heart was already ready for another burst, and it still took time. Finally, the Gengar turned to Yarvick. "Did he basically tell you everything?" Yarvick said. The Gengar nodded.

    "OK, so you know we're fighting those crazy TR a**es, right?"

    Iapetus did not know that, but a furrowed brow of conviction formed on his face. He did not like his former trainer, Yarvick could tell.

    "I have to remind you, we're not actually out there to kill, our objective is to blow up a tower and a city, but after that, those grunts are mighty-fine targets." Yarvick said. "So, just help keep everything off of my back, and we'll go blow that thing sky-high. Like the arrangement?"

    He nodded, with that seriously creepy Gengar grin on his face. He didn't grin much, Iapetus. Pretty serious dude for all of his complicated tactics. However, when he did, he was really happy.

    He wanted revenge, and even if it was indirect and only a blow at the Rockets rather than the specific executive...It was golden.

    "OK then...Let's get out of here." Yarvick said, leading Hyperion and Iapetus out of there.

    Due to his lack of two additional feet to his height, Yarvick was much quicker in navigating out of there, though it was still kind of cramped. He was back on-deck, and the Water Dog's flag was still Johto Navy.

    Yarvick didn't hesitate, again. Back to the 4-chested, 4-faced, 4-armed, 4-legged Mega Deoxys Form he went, joining with Hyperion in ultimate unison and losing his hearing. Again. He grabbed Iapetus with one of the back arms and held tightly: it was important that he did NOT let go of him at any time. Even if he could fly because of Levitate, he'd be nowhere near as fast as Yarvick was. Iapetus helped by grabbing the torso as tightly as he could.

    Before he went, though...He ripped the Johto flag right off of the flagpole of the Water Dog.

    With that business taken care of, he surveyed the field. Almost all of the Johto armada was gone...Bar a single ship with a Harpoon. A freaking Harpoon. It's name was originally the JND Maddening Dash, but it had been vandalized by some idiot to be the Derpydash, which Yarvick found hilarious. It was a ship meant for speed, but it seemed to be almost totally decommissioned from the looks of things. It would be but a single Psychic attack away from sinking.

    It was the only funny sight to see. In the distance, the Deathwing, though taking a few beatings, had already docked, and it and the Fairy Dragon were unleashing hell on the streets in the form of some really big tanks. As for the DeathKnight...The wreck of the Silver Scale, only barely identified, was visible right next to a HUGE hole in the cruiser, and some dumba** was trying to make it sink with Surf, but the NUMEROUS Chimera aboard were trying to repair the damage by using the water to freeze the wound-and those that weren't were firing at him, mostly with Ice attacks though some with other kinds.

    That 'freezing the hole' tactic was brilliant. It made Yarvick wish he thought of that himself.

    But, the tower was still standing. That was the most important thing and the thing he was asked to do. So, without further ado, he went up into the sky again, rushing towards it. It would not stand if he had any say in it.

    Avatar by the incredibly awesome Neo Emolga.

    Zigzagoon: Hatch @8,669; Linoone @ Level 100: 8,829

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