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  1. #11
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
    URPG Staff

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    May 2013
    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    Name: Manus Flynn.

    Age: 35.

    Gender: Male.

    Race: Human sorcerer, with diluted (1/16) fairy blood.

    Affiliation: He is primarily concerned with looking out for number one, but he is highly protective of Cathleen. Secrecy doesn't matter to him because he can play the advantages on both sides; however, if he were forced to choose, he would pick against secrecy.

    Appearance: Manus is of medium height at 5'8", and he has a lean, rangy frame. His hair is pale blond, and he always keeps it tidy. His face is angular, relatively handsome, and freckled with a close-cropped beard, and he sports a pair of chocolate-brown eyes that crinkle with deceptive warmth when he smiles. He typically dresses simply but elegantly for shop work, and dresses as practically as possible for field work. He has a gash scar on his right cheek.

    Personality: Manus is not a particularly good person. While he is not overly cruel, greedy, or rude, he is quite manipulative and ruthless in the pursuit of his goals. He is very smart, and knows a lot about reading people - even without his mind-reading, he is excellent at picking up cues in peoples' expressions and body language. He is highly charismatic and subtle, and has a way of putting people at ease with displays of somewhat-feigned friendliness. In truth he is a rather outgoing person naturally, and enjoys making new acquaintances. He does have a healthy dose of paranoia, and always does his best to be prepared and on his guard. His temper is difficult to fully awaken, but heaven help you if you attract his hate - he has a sadistic streak that he freely displays to his enemies. However, while he will not hesitate to kill when it comes down to it, he has two rules that he will not break: number one, children are completely off limits to him and everyone else; number two, he will never turn his back on family.

    History: Many years ago, a young woman from Dublin fell in love with a fair man who lived in the country. They shared their thoughts, their hearts, their arms, and at last their love, and from their union was born Manus's great-grandmother.

    After a time, the young couple was forced to admit that they could not spend their lives together. The young woman carried her child away from the land where her heart had been broken and took her across the sea to a place called America, where they could find a new beginning. The Flynn family grew, but fate seemed bent on reducing its numbers through tragedy after tragedy. Manus grew up with few relatives save for his parents, his twin sister Keelin, and his great-grandmother Isolde. Both he and his sister were introduced to and encouraged to participate in the Seelie Court and its magic. Manus took keen interest and his natural fae skills were honed, while the magic made Keelin nervous. The two grew apart in opinions as they aged; however, they still maintained deep connection and love for each other.

    Manus's parents passed not long after he entered adulthood, taken in a car wreck that sent him and Keelin into depression. Manus became sullen and reclusive, but Keelin was buoyed out of her sorrow by love. She found someone - a young man named Thomas Fletcher, with whom she quickly bonded. When Manus found out, he was furious - not only was Thomas a werecat, a group that Manus didn't trust; he was a gang member. While Thomas withdrew from his gang to be with Keelin, Manus never trusted him.

    Not too long Keelin had a baby - a little girl named Cathleen - Thomas disappeared without a word. A decade later, Keelin's body was found in an alleyway on the edge of gang territory, with bullet holes in her chest and claw marks on her face. Manus, in a fit of sheer rage, killed the gang leader and then hunted down every werecat he could find. After covering his tracks with magic, he left the city. For the first time he turned his back on his family, walking away from his great-grandmother and young niece. He even left the Seelie Court, although that was mostly because one of Titania's - Titania being the Seelie queen - nobles had made a deal with one of the werecats, which the latter obviously could not deliver on because he was dead. The noble was furious, so Titania was forced to act. she chose to banish Manus from the Court, although she never forbade him the use of magic.

    However, months later he received a message from his great-grandmother summoning him to her home. He went, and she announced that she was dying - and that she was leaving Cathleen in his care. Manus wanted nothing to do with the child, but he reluctantly took her under his wing. He now lives in an apartment above his ‘house of curiosities’ store, where he sells psychic readings and ‘magical’ items. He does keep true magical things, but these are quite expensive and exclusively for magical customers.

    Wizard Staff: The staff is Manus's second constant companion. It is a long, straight pole carved from oak wood. A polished sphere of smoky quartz is set in the top of it.

    Silver Blade: A silver knife that Manus keeps readily available in his pocket. It was given to him by Titania while he was under her service, and it has been enchanted to slip through most magical wards, from disguises to weak shields. Titania called it Solas, which means 'light' in Gaelic. Cathleen has taken to calling it Sting.

    Eternal Youth: Manus will not physically age beyond his current state. Ever. However, he is not immortal and can be dispatched by mundane methods like bullets and falling off of a tall cliff.

    Fae Magic: Thanks to the fae blood running in his veins, Manus is able to make good use of the magic of the Summer, or Seelie, Court. This magic has themes of giving, light, and summer. He primarily uses mind magic; however, he is currently training himself to better use fire and wind magic.

    Mental Manipulation: And how. Manus is extremely good at cold reading, and is fully willing to use his magical prowess to break the sanctuary of someone's mind in order to gain information about them or bend them to his will.

    Inhuman Grace: He doesn't show it much, but Manus is capable of moving with a lot more speed and agility than natural humans. He is also fairly strong and capable of healing more quickly than most - unless he is wounded by iron, of course.

    Iron Aversion: Like most fairies, iron hurts him to touch (as in, he will break out into painful blisters on even the most fleeting contact), and he can sense its presence. He will actively avoid being near it when possible.

    Other: While it doesn't hurt him to touch, rowan also acts as a fairy-deterrent and consuming the berries in any form would poison him. Also, he speaks with a faint but extant Irish accent.

    Name: Cathleen Flynn.

    Age: 16.

    Gender: Female.

    Race: Werecat - a mostly-human capable of transforming into a full-fledged feline. Cathleen in particular has the second form of a lioness, which she can turn into and change back from at will. She is able to transform into a semi-human 'half-stage' as well; however, this takes much more concentration than maintaining one form or the other. She also has extremely diluted (1/32) fairy blood, but because her fae powers were never honed, she only retains marginal benefits/weaknesses.

    Affiliation: Her primary allegiance is to Manus, as he is her only family. She is anti-secrecy.

    Appearance: Here's one picture, and here's another.

    Cathleen's most striking feature is her rather large hair. It is shoulder-length, of a golden blond color, and it is exceedingly curly and puffy. Her face shape is generally round, and her eyes are blue. Her skin is naturally on the pale side thanks to her European lineage, although it has a slight caramel-type tint to it; however, her stocky build and 5'7" height seem to have come from her father. Her eyes are blue, and she has a habit of rubbing them, which means that the adjacent skin tends to be the color of whatever concoction she's mixing. As for clothes, she tends to wear T-shirts and shorts or jeans - anything goes for pants, provided there are lots of pockets. She wears a baggy black longcoat over her shirt most of the time, and is very rarely seen without her leather satchel, in which she stores herbs.

    In lion form, Cathleen looks a bit more average - for a large feline, at any rate. She stands at lower-middle height for a young lion - about 3'3" at the shoulder - and has a sleek, tawny-gold pelt. Her eyes are brown, like those of any other lion, and she has a short ruff of darker fur on the back of her neck.

    Cathleen is not particularly nice or outgoing. She is inclined toward introversion and usually will not speak unless spoken to, which is perfectly fine with her. In fact, most of the time she will avoid company altogether. She much prefers the company of her music, her thoughts, and her books to that of human beings. With friends, however, or when she is feeling energetic, Cathleen acts a good deal less prickly. She's quick with jokes and snappy comments, although her opinionated and sometimes vulgar remarks can be taken as insulting. Most of the time she tends not to care what others think of her, often unintentionally regarding others as unimportant. She gets huffy and impatient easily, but is slow to become actually angry. When she does, however, she can be quite rash and even violent. However, she has a deeper side that is caring and philosophical. Whenever she tries to cheer up a sad friend, she can be quite gentle and kind. She rarely ever shows this aspect of herself thanks to her lack of actual friends. She is not a particularly brave person and unless directly confronted, she avoids fights as well as she can. She has been known to go on long rants, mostly about her political opinions or how she hates to be called a lioness because she finds the term 'demeaning'.

    Cathleen was born to a rather broken family. When she was born - way, way out of wedlock - her mother, an Irish-American part-fae, lived with her father, an African-American werecat and former gang member. However, she barely remembers her father, as he left without so much as a goodbye when she was still in diapers. Her mother was heartbroken, but she still did her best, raising Cathleen with a loving hand and teaching her not to trust magic because of the way she had seen it change her family.

    When her mother was murdered by a gang, Cathleen was heartbroken. She went to live with her great-grandmother, until in turn the old woman passed on. She was then taken in by Manus, and currently resides with him and is enrolled in the eleventh grade at a nearby high school.

    Pocket Knife: She keeps a small knife in her coat pocket. The blade is made of plain steel.

    Potions: Your mileage may vary on how weaponly these are, but she does tend to have quite a few potions on her person at any given time. The more dangerous ones include varying poisons and mixtures that explode into fire or smoke when thrown on the ground.

    Shapeshifting: Cathleen can, at any time, transform into a lion. She is still very bad at maintaining anything other than one full stage or the other; however, she is working on perfecting this skill.

    Telepathy: At short distances (within 25 feet) Cathleen can send thought-messages to others. If someone concentrates on a particular thought, she can pick up on it as well.

    Alchemy: Cathleen has a good deal of skill in the potion-making department of alchemy. She can make a broad range of brews, which have magic-like capabilities such as healing, causing sleep, and granting strength.

    Animal Grace: Cathleen possesses more natural grace, speed, strength, and stamina than the average human, which is due more to her being a werecat than her fae ancestry.

    Cold Reading: While she isn't as skilled as Manus, Cathleen is no slouch about discerning others' motives and emotions. She can generally tell what someone is feeling whether or not she knows them. Close friends are a lot easier for her to read.

    She is friends with a cat named Sable, a stray tuxedo tomcat with whom she sometimes talks. He has been known to follow her about.

    Name: Heracles (goes by Thomas Archer).

    Age: 28.

    Gender: Male.

    Race: Manticore. Manticores are creatures with lions' bodies, human faces, and trumpet-like voices through which they utilize magic. Depending on their ancestry, some manticores may have rams' horns, hooved hind-feet, bat-like wings, any combination thereof, or none at all. Manticores can use their magic to disguise themselves as human, but the strength of their disguise depends heavily on their magical competence.

    Affiliation: Anti-secrecy, but not very actively. The people who hunt down non-humans without differentiating good and bad attract his special hatred.


    Heracles is a big manticore, built broadly and standing at about 4'7" at the shoulder. He has a pair of batlike wings; he can use them to fly, but due to his heavy weight his flights tend to be short. His body is covered with light brown fur, while his mane and beard are much darker. His eyes are brown.

    Thomas Archer, Heracles’s human persona, is a big man, standing at 6’3” with a broad build. His hair is short and dark brown, with the same little spike at the front. He still has the same facial features as he does in manticore form, retaining his bushy brows, brown eyes, pointed nose, and thick beard. He tends to dress in clothes that are warm and practical and picks things out in a subdued color palate.

    Personality: By nature, Heracles tends to be introverted and prickly. While he's not deliberately rude, he doesn't have a particularly great sense of tact or diplomacy. He is generally patient, but his persistent problems tend to end in him getting violent, which usually happens whenever someone is bothering him and won't leave (Achilles). He has a fairly serious outlook on life, and tends not to joke except when around those closest to him. When he is in a comfortable environment, he's surprisingly calm and gentle, but can easily be switched back into grump mode again. He is stubborn and unshakably loyal to the few who he feels merit his friendship and trust, which is why he maintains a deep and abiding hate for the group that killed Helen. He won't hesitate to fight, but the only people he would kill are the aforementioned group.

    History: Heracles was born in Blackpool, England to a family favorable in both in the eyes of mortals and of his fellow mythological beings. His parents were both manticores, and his father served in the Royal Air Force before being forced to retire thanks to a crippling leg injury that occurred while he was off-duty. For the most part, he had a good upbringing. While he had few friends due to his solitary nature, his school was fairly saturated with other closet magical creatures, who for the most part were fairly accepting of their own.

    In his second year of primary school, he met a scrawny, wild-eyed manticore by the name of Achilles. Achilles proved to be the bane of Heracles's existence, pulling pointless pranks and pestering the bigger boy until Heracles finally snapped. The fistfight that followed lasted for only minutes; the bruises on Achilles lasted for a week and Heracles's guilt lasted for ages. Heracles apologized for the violence, and afterward the two became nigh-inseparable friends.

    Once Heracles and Achilles were attending university, they became roommates. Achilles, ever the romantic, decided that Heracles needed a girlfriend. Heracles was less than enthusiastic, but before he knew what was going on he found himself on a date with a friend of Achilles and his family - a sphinx by the name of Helen. They bonded fast, stealing time together whenever possible. Heracles found his relationship with Achilles growing just a bit more distant, but he was busy with Helen and Achilles was busy with his magical studies. They talked less, but their friendship was still a good fallback for Heracles right up until the point where the fan was hit by the crap.

    A group of monster hunters discovered Heracles's, Achilles's, and Helen's true identities and attacked them in the night. The battle left Achilles wounded, Heracles emotionally crushed, and Helen a corpse that was bloodied almost beyond recognition. Heracles became embittered, withdrawing from the world and despising nearly everyone in it. He shut out Achilles, who he blamed for Helen's death on the days that he didn't blame himself. Achilles never gave up, continuously trying to regain their lost friendship until finally Heracles lashed out in violence yet again, slashing Achilles across the face and scarring him permanently. This fight had the same effect as the one that began their friendship - it drove them closer together.

    Currently, he resides in Blackpool, once more rooming with Achilles, making his living by playing guitar and setting up equipment at Achilles's gigs. However, the both of them are doing a good deal less of that now that these mutilations have begun. Heracles wants to find out if the people who killed Helen are behind these killings, as well, and if they are he wants to pay them a visit so as to rip out their organs with his teeth.

    Pocket Knife: Heracles's only weapon, which he obtained at insistence from Achilles. It's made of iron and generally doesn't get used, since Heracles prefers to fight in his natural form.

    Lion Skills: Like other lions, Heracles is a natural hunter and fighter. He's hardy and strong with sharp senses. However, also like other lions, he does require extra rest. Due to his broad, muscular build, he is stronger than many other manticores and can generally be relied upon to win physical fights.

    Mace Tail: Manticores' tails are arguably their best natural weapon. They are not dextrous enough to grip things, but between their strength and the wicked spikes that tip them, they can be used to bludgeon people pretty effectively.

    Song: All manticores possess some degree of musical talent; Heracles has a moderate voice. Through his magic, he can influence the world around him - creating barriers, blasts of force, reshaping the elements, or putting people to sleep with different tunes. The spell's effect depends on tempo and volume; something big like an explosion would have to be created by a very loud sound, for instance. If he is rendered incapable of making sounds, he cannot access his magic.

    Applied Song: Long ago, manticores learned to use their song to shift into a human form. This form is created by a rather weak type of shapeshifting; if the human form is disturbed (either by magic or by the manticore taking some sort of damage) it will possibly fail, depending on the strength of the song that made it. If the manticore loses consciousness, he will definitely lose control and revert back.

    Other: Has a British accent, for obvious reasons.

    Name: Achilles (goes by Leonard Cole).

    Age: 28.

    Gender: Male.

    Race: Manticore. Manticores are creatures with lions' bodies, human faces, and trumpet-like voices through which they utilize magic. Depending on their ancestry, some manticores may have rams' horns, hooved hind-feet, bat-like wings, any combination thereof, or none at all. Manticores can use their magic to disguise themselves as human, but the strength of their disguise depends heavily on their magical competence.

    Affiliation: Decidedly against secrecy, although Heracles tends to temper his rasher impulses.


    Achilles is a smallish manticore, standing at 4'2". His back legs resemble those of a draft horse. His body is covered with sandy-colored fur, while his mane is a rich gold color. His eyes are blue. He has four scars, like claw marks, on the bridge of his nose.

    Leonard Cole, Achilles's human persona, is of average height and somewhat lean build, standing at 5'9". His hair is a rich blond color, cropped at shoulder length and kept in pristine condition – sometimes in a ponytail, sometimes left alone. His facial features are still pretty much the same, with the scars, blue eyes, large nose, and rosy cheeks carrying over to his human face, although in this form he has a line of stubble on his chin that isn’t normally there. He tends to dress in fashionable clothes, preferring to cap out whatever outfit he's wearing with a dark-gray fedora.

    Personality: Achilles tends to be optimistic and extroverted. He is usually smiling, laughing, and telling jokes that are just toeing the line between what is and isn't appropriate. He's usually full of energy, which he likes to burn off through playful pranks or nights out on the town. He tends to be somewhat vain, and enjoys being the center of attention. It's very hard to get him angry, but when he's mad he will often lash out with words and claws. He's not much good with his fists or his claws, but he's very good with his song and therefore he's usually unafraid to fight. His confident, friendly nature makes him quite popular, and he is very charismatic and quick of with and tongue.

    History: Achilles was born in Edinburgh, Scotland; his mother was a sphinx and his father was a manticore. When he was four years old, his mother died of a sudden illness, which prompted his father to move away from the painful memories. The two settled in the first place his father could find a good job in - Blackpool, England. There, Achilles attended a primary school where he met a fellow manticore who didn't talk much. When Achilles tried to draw him out of his shell, there was a brief fight. Afterwards, the manticore, whose name was Heracles, apologized and the two quickly became friends.

    Achilles and Heracles attended the same university, where the hard-working Heracles and the party-loving Achilles both flourished. During their second year, Achilles noticed an acute lack of romance in Heracles’s direction and decided to help out his friend. He paired Heracles up with a family friend, a young sphinx named Helen. The two quickly fell for each other, which left Achilles plenty of time to study magic without feeling like a jerk for secluding himself during his magical studies.

    It was these studies that enabled Achilles to survive and save Heracles's life when a group of monster hunters attacked their home. None of the hunters left alive; however, Helen was also killed in the fighting. Afterward, Achilles was guilt-ridden and struggled to make things right with Heracles. Heracles ended up resenting Achilles with his claws, slashing Achilles across the face, but afterward Heracles apologized and their shared bond recovered.

    Achilles now resides in Blackpool, where he has built a name for himself locally as a talented singer. He opens for bigger bands or sings at bars for his living, while in his spare time he helps out with the anti-secrecy movement and joins Heracles in investigating the latent mutilations.

    Enchanted Knife: Achilles keeps this on his person almost at all times. It's styled similarly to a Bowie knife, with a hilt wrapped in red leather. The blade itself is made of silver and enchanted with lots of ward-breaking magic that makes it useful for killing things like demons, monsters, and anything else that has soft, bleed-y bits.

    Shotgun: A standard pump-action shotgun. It doesn't fire silver bullets, but it's very good at frightening away intruders with its recognizable noise and blowing away people who refuse to leave. Achilles keeps it near his bed for security.

    Lion Skills: Like other lions, Achilles is a natural hunter and fighter. He's hardy and strong with sharp senses. However, also like other lions, he does require extra rest.

    Mace Tail: Manticores' tails are arguably their best natural weapon. They are not dextrous enough to grip things, but between their strength and the wicked spikes that tip them, they can be used to bludgeon people pretty effectively.

    Song: All manticores possess some degree of musical talent; however, Achilles's voice is among the strongest. Through his magic, he can influence the world around him - creating barriers, blasts of force, reshaping the elements, or putting people to sleep with different tunes. The spell's effect depends on tempo and volume; something big like an explosion would have to be created by a very loud sound, for instance. If he is rendered incapable of making sounds, he cannot access his magic.

    Applied Song: Long ago, manticores learned to use their song to shift into a human form. This form is created by a rather weak type of shapeshifting; if the human form is disturbed (either by magic or by the manticore taking some sort of damage) it will possibly fail, depending on the strength of the song that made it. If the manticore loses consciousness, he will definitely lose control and revert back.

    Other: Talks like a native Brit, but he can put on a convincing Scottish accent when he wants.

  2. #12
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Name: Ira-Gaylen
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Female [Assumed female]
    Race: Tanzanite Gargoyle
    Affiliation: Neutral
    Image is mine. Steal and be crushed. I did not pick the best line art colours ever...

    Ira-Gaylen is a fifteen foot long, seven foot tall gargoyle; eight feet if she stood up straight, with a twenty-three foot wingspan. Her body is a dark purplish grey, with black and silver specs in it, thanks to the granite and galena ore synthesized to create the bulk of her body. Tanzanite crystals of purple, indigo and midnight blue hues decorate her body, mostly along her joints, her wings and the back of her head and neck, even her knuckles. The gems change colour depending on the lighting and the angle they are viewed at, making her very beautiful to gaze upon. Her eyes glow with that of a lighter blue and lavendar shades, and change as the magic flows in her body. She weighs a good few tons, making her incredibly heavy, as so much as her extending a hand is a weight lifting chore all on it's own.
    Personality: Ira-Gaylen is a very wise, paced and patient gargoyle, or 'scigren' as the species calls themself. She is able to wait for seemingly endless perios of time where others would most likely get up and walk out. Despite her age, which would be eons old if anyone really knew the number, she is rather quick witted, sharp and up with the times. This does not stop her from speaking in euphemisms, proverbs and general phrases that would confuse many or just make the next impulsive person rather irritated. She does not mind company however when asked to be left alone she often has good reason to. Ira-Gaylen will indulge those who prod enough as she believes the world works in mysterious ways. She is prompt to give advice to everyone, even sarcastically to others that happen to be branded as foolish, brash or reckless. At all times she retains a sense of calm composure, rarely breaking into fits of absolute anger or sadness. Lying is one of her strong points as she rarely does it and only when absolutely necessary. Ira also likes to speak her mind, and has no fear of that others think of her opinions and is always willing to debate when the time is appropriate. She may be difficult to make friends with, as her mannerisms are quite odd nevermind her hobbies. Despite her size and the fact she's made out of stone, she has a great capacity for gentleness and tentative care.
    History: Ira-Gaylen came to life in another land called Skysea. As her soul matured to that of a proper gargoyle, mastering her magic of the tanzanite crystals, she had dreams of another place where she was being called to, one that required her help. Long these dreams plagued her until she met with dream speaking monks to help clarify the unusually misty void in her mind. Her calling was coming from another land entirely, one that had not yet matured and was still incredibly young. Ira went to this strange land and spent her time exploring it's vastness, teaching some about the magic's of crystals and their properties, as many of the gemstones were dormant, or dead. For centuries she mandered, looking and keeping away from the world where fear was growing more and more dominant. She watched wars wage on as a statue, peaces made and shattered while many died and were born before her. She knew her purpose had to be somewhere within this world, and she had to find it. Soon enough she came upon a large, vast town sometime in the medieval line of history. There was a tower, a grand and magnificent one with painted glass, stone carvings and arcs a plenty. Somehow, Ira knew this tower would be her home, and made herself comfortable within it's walls. She maintained the tower for another few centuries, and s the times changed and technology evolved, she remained the tower's keeper, and the new surrounding structures within the new city limits. Ira went on nightly patrols, repairing damage done by those of the unknown, as she called them, repairing what she could and would provided she knew it was caused by those who weren't reckless and looking for attention. Soon she came upon a small, morphing spirit from within the tower's bells, almost as if it were a ghost, but very far from dead. It was a familiar, and he had appeared when Ira-Gaylen needed him most. It was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain herself, her crystal garden and the city all in one night, so devised a clever way to keep herself well taken care of. Obtaining a laptop and an internet connection, Ira started selling off her crystals for high prices over the internet, being able to buy her own food and have her familiar, who she called Lexife, retrieve it for her during the day time, as gargoyle's only needed to sleep when they had no other magic left within their bodies. The lack of sleep was beginning to worry Ira, as when she came upon a rather unusual crater in one of the streets, she also found a dead body of a vampire. Immediately she could sense the ambient and rising fear within the city, and returned home after repairing what she could. Meditating on the idea of another war breaking out, but one that would expose an entirely new side of the world to human beings, Ira-Gaylen wondered if it was the time for such a thing to come, or if it was a premature start to something far worse.

    Magic Abilities:
    Crystogenesis: Can regernerate the crystals on her body when damage has been done to it, or generate excess crystals on the body for additional armor. She can also repair other stone and metals. She can also regenerate her body no matter how much damage has been done, as long as the 'core' or her heart has not been damaged or completely destroyed.
    Negative Transmute: Transmutes negative entities, such as large amounts of fear or paranoia, into magic energy to be used either offensively, or defensively. This magic power can be stored in the crystals all over her body. She can also sense large amounts of negative energy this way. This also involves healing negative ailments out of another's mind or spiritual body by absorbing them, and converting them into power. Physical illnesses are another story.
    Telepathy: Can comminucate via thoughts privately and can project her thoughts as sound, since she has no other way of speaking as no vocal cords. She can also detect psychic people if they are close by.
    Clairvoyance: In a meditative state, she can see and watch multiple people through her third eye. She can also comminucate with various people and relay information between them clearly. She can only do this while meditating. This also enhances he abilities of other psychics if they happen to be somewhat near her as well.
    Time Defragment: Tanzanite is meant to help people slow down, so she can slow time down around for a brief moment only around herself. No more than five minutes at most. This appears to everyone else, as that she is moving faster.
    Harmonize/Mellow: Tanzanite is meant to balance and harmonize a group or person, therefore magic can slowly be seeped within a small vicinity to calm and steady a small group of people, should their emotions run high. The stone is also meant to mellow out people, so she can mellow out a few targets to a point where they zone out completely and are unable to percieve most of what is around them for a short time.
    Natural Abilities:
    Flight: Wings, self explanitory.
    Stoneflesh: Ira is made out of a body comprised of an impala granite and galena ore synthesis, making her incredibly dense and heavy. Tanzanite crystals grow off of her body as well, making her a living tank of a boulder. She has no blood or vital oragans, and her 'blood' is actually special mineral water. Inside of her body is a tanzanite core surrounded in this water that holds her soul and magic spirit. She does not need to breathe and therefore cannot drown, however, Ira-Gaylen can't swim much at all. She is also incredibly dense and heavy, making it a challenge for even those with enhanced strength to lift her up completely, nevermind a portion of her.
    Climbing: Gargoyle's can climb buildings so yeah.
    Norcturnal: Ira-Gaylen is primarily nocturnal and therefore operate better at night than during the day.
    Other: Lexife is a transluscent ethereal being who can change into real world animals, and of various types. Other than him constantly being a wispy bluish grey figure that resembles some kind of ghost, he has no special powers. He can turn into an animal and gain their traits. He appears as a completely normal animal to those who have no magic affiliation whatsoever, so he just looks like a normal cat to normal people.

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168

  3. #13
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Yeah, guys, I know I suck, and I'm sorry about that. XD Anyway, everyone is accepted, I'm just waiting on the fantastic Chibi to repost her stuff before we start...because I'll be honest, I'm crazy busy right now anyway and I know she's either going to keep forgetting or it will be something else.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  4. #14
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Melbourne Australia
    Okay here is the story:
    I have had an idea for a new character and am writing a SU for them now. But I will have too many characters if I add them. So I would like to put Chandler and Soren in the vault. They won't be in this RP unless I choose to recycle them at a later date. So my characters would be:
    Dalton: Half Vampire
    Flint: Human with Dragon Abilities
    Azrael (Working on SU): Shinigami (modified so it isn't OPed)

    This cool winter?

    Name: Azrael

    Age: Doesn't know. Has lived since the beginning of time.

    Gender: Male

    Race: Shinigami (similar to those from Deathnote)

    Affiliation: Other Shinigami. For secrecy

    Human Form: in his human form, Azrael represents a young man in his mid twenties, standing at approximately 5ft 8 with a thin build. He has a pale complexion, with light brown, medium length, messy hair and dark brown, near black eyes.

    In his Shinigami form, Azrael stands at approximately 8ft tall, with long arms and legs. His body and limbs are thin, resembling those of someone starved, and he has large, black, bat like wings that protrude from his shoulder blades. His skin is light grey, and his hair stays the same, other than becoming white. His face appears more decayed in this form, and his body and limbs are wrapped with strips of black leather, and chains.

    Personality: Azrael is bound by his duty as a Shinigami. As a God of death, his role in the universe is to kill. Nothing more. Nothing less. Azrael is quiet, and rarely associates himself with others. He sits on the side lines and watches how events play out without his intervention, occasionally causing a death to someone who he sees to deserve it, with the intent on extending his own life.

    Though being a Shinigami grants him superhuman strength, flight, the ability to phase through objects and potential immortality, Azrael sees his power as a curse. He knows that becoming attached to a person will lead to his own death or theirs.

    He only once became attached to a human, however his presence led to her murder, and he never forgave himself. Because of this, he won't let himself get attached again.

    History: For as long as humans have existed, so have Shinigami. Azrael was never born. He has just existed in the state he is in, knowing his power and how to use it, as well as his role as a God of Death.

    For millennia, Azrael lived alone, never getting close to anyone as was his duty until the 16th century, where he met Isabel. He was living in England at the time, and met her when she was 24. She was from an upper class family, and Azrael fell in love with her, and she did the same. After months of courting, he finally won her fathers permission to marry her. They married, and were together for 12 years until he lost her.

    As long as Shinigami have existed, there have been humans who knew about them. Humans who knew that if they killed a Shinigami, they would live another 100 years. Humans who hunted Shinigami.

    Azrael told Isabel the truth of his existance, and was surprised when she loved him the same. They both knew that Azrael would outlive Isabel, and cherished every moment together. However there time together was cut short when rumours of a Shinigami reached the ears of the immortality hunters.

    They found Azrael and attacked his home in the middle of the night. Azrael entered his Shinigami form, which Isabel had only seen for the first time. However before Azrael could stop the hunters, Isabel was stabbed.

    She was meant to live another 15 years, but Azrael being in her life had led the hunters to her, and her time left was dropping months at a time. Azrael killed the hunters, hoping that it would extend her life, even if it ended his, but it didn't work. When the hunters were dead, Isabel's lifespan had dropped to twenty minutes left. She was losing blood fast and wouldn't survive. Her last moments were filled with pain, and Azrael did the humane thing, in accelerating her death, so she only felt the pain for ten minutes. Isabel died in his arms, and because the hunters killed her when they came after him, he had caused her death early, and gained her 15 years.

    Since then, Azrael has travelled around the world, keeping to himself, and never letting himself get attached to people. He kills when he begins to age, and is currently living in Venice, Italy.

    Shinigami Eyes: The ability to see how much longer a person will live, and their cause of death without Shinigami intervention. When their time left begins dropping by more than seconds at a time, Shinigami have influenced their death.
    Form Change: has a human form which acts as a disguise, and his true Shinigami form.
    Extending life: If Azrael brings the death of a person early, the life that was taken from them will be added to his own. However if Azrael knowingly extends a humans natural life by saving them, Azrael will die, and his life will be added to that of the human.
    Acceleration: If a human dies from natural causes, contact with Azrael can accelerate it. Eg if they have a disease which is killing them, and Azrael holds their hand, the disease will work twice as fast during that time. This counts as bringing the death of a human early, but the life will not be added to his own until the human dies.
    Second Chance: A Shinigami can only be killed by being shot, stabbed, decapitated etc (in other words they can't die from disease, heart attack, stroke, starvation, dehydration, lack of oxygen etc). Being killed in this way will cause their body to turn to ash, and the Shinigami to wake up in a Shinigami temple in Japan, with 100 years taken off their life, which is given to the being that killed them. Eg if a Shinigami has 150 years left, and they are murdered, they will wake up in the temple with 50 years left. If a Shinigami doesn't have 100 years left, they are gone forever. This causes Shinigami to be hunted due to the prize that is immortality.
    Phasing: When in his Shinigami form, Azrael can walk through walls, and have projectiles go straight through him. However in his human form, he cannot do this.

    Other: Currently has 110 years.
    Last edited by [Desolate Divine]; 06-03-2013 at 01:42 AM.

  5. #15
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    I can see potential problems with this--mainly that the Shinigami's ability to see when a person will die could become problematic if specifically stated without working out this with another RPer beforehand, but I guess as long as that problem or any others pop up, you can do what you want. Let me know when/if he's done.

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  6. #16
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Yeah, I intend to only use that ability on NPCs or other people whom I have confirmed it with.

    I would like to submit it now. But if it needs improving, I will work on it.

  7. #17
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    You might what to mention the kinds of things he wears in human form, bu that's the only issue I see, which hardly bars you from acceptance.

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  8. #18
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Sweet. Any ideas of when the RP is starting?

  9. #19
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    It should start once I get through the post-graduation chaos and I get Chibi/Enkaku to get on her laptop long enough to repost her stuff.

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  10. #20
    Mysticism and Writing ChibiStar's Avatar
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    Ahh, I know my little beauties miss me but fear not, lovelies, for I am here~ I just have something called not wanting to get on the laptop syndrome ad it is something fierce.

    Name: Ajax Vale
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human, but he has a demon “living” inside of him. It attempted to possess him but he proved more powerful so it simply resides in the background. Because of this Ajax has some enhanced skills that exceed a human’s which I will list in the abilities section below.
    Affiliation: Since he’s a Demon Hunter, he’s all for secrecy. He would much rather have the Fae and humans stick in their own little worlds with few mishaps but unfortunately such cannot be.
    Appearance: Ajax doesn’t look incredibly out of place for a human, not exactly normal but not bad enough to draw lots of attention to himself. He stands at about 5’11”, with broad shoulders and a wiry frame. Don’t let his thinness fool you though, he’s very quick and flexible and his strength is something to be reckoned with. He has a sharp face framed by black hair that is pulled into a long ponytail that reaches his mid-back. His left eye is obscured by an eyepatch with a rune drawn on it and his other eye is a pale blue. Usually Ajax wears black, fitted clothes so that he has no loose fabrics getting caught on anything, even though he does have a long black jacket covering his torso.
    Ajax also unintentionally intimidates the people he comes across. It’s the eyepatch and the fact that he has a rather serious, no-nonsense expression on his face 90% of the time. The fact that he usually doesn’t hang around any people does not help at all.
    Personality: Just because Ajax is considered stoic and severe by nearly everyone he meets doesn’t mean that he’s like that all the time. There are some occasions where he can be smiling and joking or just plain not-scowling as if he’s irritated with something. Ajax is a very serious person though, especially when it comes to his job, which is why he works on his own because every partner he’s ever had eventually got fed up with him and demanded a transfer. This suited Ajax just fine since he doesn’t like partners anyway, he finds them incompetent and they always get in his way or hamper him in his work. He likens having a partner to having to babysit them, which he most certainly has no time or patience for. His dislike of anybody being constantly stuck around with him only strengthens his annoyance for Xezalka.
    History: Ajax was, and still is, infamous for being one of the best demon hunters in the whole organization, surprising for his young age. He had a natural affinity for weapons and a higher ESP than normal, letting him detect and track down supernatural entities much faster than anyone else. He rose quickly through the ranks and earned himself quite the reputation among hunters and demons alike. This inevitably led to plots against him by many of the earthbound demons, which almost killed him.
    He had been called out on a mission to a church, where a powerful demon was supposedly lurking and killing anyone who came through the door. The only thing was that Ajax did not go through the door, as was planned, because the moment he got there he sensed a powerful presence in the churchyard, in one of the graves, and realized that something was trapped in there. He ran into the churchyard instead and began digging up the grave, desperately to see if it was some benevolent creature that the demons had imprisoned to draw the Fae and other creatures to them. When he uncovered the coffin it was shaking, as if the thing trapped inside was thrashing around wildly to break free, but the wood was covered in runes and chains, all of them locked tight and sealed. Ajax quickly jumped down and used an iron dagger to break the lock, but by this point the demons had figured out what he was doing and five of them came rushing out of the church and attacked him, catching him by surprise and almost tearing him apart. Ajax tried to fight back but he was immediately overwhelmed and just before he passed out he noticed that there was an ominous red light coming from the coffin…
    Then, suddenly a voice came to him, a deep, resonating voice that asked if he wanted to live. It told Ajax that if he wanted to live, then he had to let voice inside of him. At first Ajax refused, but he realized that he did not want to die so he eventually caved and agreed. A roar immediately descended upon his senses and when he came to he found himself lying on the ground, his injuries healed and the bodies of the demons scattered across the yard. But he couldn’t move, something was in him and trying to take control of his mind and body. Ajax immediately knew that the thing he had made a deal with was a demon, and he fought back with all of the strength and skills that he had been taught. It was a long battle, but thanks to the iron necklace that he wore as protection and his own strength he was able to subdue the demon and take control of his body. But he could only see out of one eye. When assessing the damage he saw that his left eye had turned a deep crimson color instead of its normal blue, and there were a bunch of shapes in it, like some sort of rune. The demon had entered his body through that eye, which had killed it in the process and now the creature was housed in there. It introduced itself as Xezalka, a former demon lord who had been conspired against by his underlings and rival lords. Because they could not kill him (the only thing able to harm demons being iron, which they could not touch) they locked him away in a prison which he could not escape and sealed him away in a church so no demon or other creature could accidently stumble across him. Now he was trapped in Ajax; the demon hunter immediately wanted him removed but because he had made a pact with him the removal would also result in Ajax’s death. Both parties were frustrated, Xezalka demanding the control he had been promised and Ajax wanting him gone.
    Surprisingly, no one suspected a thing when Ajax came back with one of his eyes wrapped over with a cloth and claiming that a demon had done it. Of course he would have been removed due to disabilities if he had not persisted, and with his newfound powers that Xezalka brought with him he managed to remain with the hunters. However the demon still tries to possess him at times, but they’ve both begun to work together, Xezalka for revenge against those who had conspired against him (not to mention he needs his body to-be in good shape so of course he's going to help protect it) and Ajax because he was still a demon hunter.
    Having a demon reside in him has given Ajax a few new abilities, even though the demon is not in control.
    Night Vision – Ajax can see just as well in the dark as he can in the daylight.
    Improved Senses – He has a greater sense of hearing and smell, and he’s more sensitive to movement.
    Improved Strength – He’s a bit stronger than humans (not incredibly so, not near as much as a vampire or other supernatural creatures) and also a bit faster, with a greater endurance.
    Demon Sight – Ajax can now see entities that would normally be invisible to the human eye, like spirits and demon/Fae that can hide themselves from sight. He can also see any runes which are supposed to be invisible.
    Restrained Power – That eyepatch isn’t just to hide his eye, the rune on it holds back some of Xezalka’s powers, and keeps the demon in place so he can’t suddenly go rampaging around Ajax’s body in a moment of weakness. It’s set so that only Ajax can remove it, and when he does his powers suddenly increase enormously and he usually goes into his Demon Mode.

    Demon Mode lets Xezalka take control of him for a while, but it doesn’t last for too long because then Xezalka will get too powerful and Ajax wouldn’t be able to take back control of his body. In it, Ajax’s body glows with a red light and his eyes turn to flames, a pair of horns grow out of his head and he gains a pair of wings. He moves much faster and can perform the same dark magic that demons can, he basically has the powers of a demon except he’s still in a human body. He can’t use any of Ajax’s iron or steel weapons, but can use the silvers one, but prefers to fight with his claws.

    As a demon hunter Ajax carries around a variety of weapons, daggers made of iron and silver and steel, a one-handed sword that he carries slung across his back and a rapid firing crossbow that fires iron or silver tipped arrows (if you’ve ever seen Van Hellsing you know what I mean). He also carries little clay tablets which can only be used once due to their fragility, some inscribed with runes for attack and some for protection. He also wears a necklace covered with iron arrowheads, for warding off demon and Fae and it helps keep Xezalka’s powers repressed.
    Other: Because of the rune on the eyepatch, Xezalka’s presence is virtually undetectable, hence why Ajax has gone under the radar for so long.

    Name: Ashfinger, shortened to Ash
    Age: 157
    Gender: Male
    Race: Mawr Cattân – a Fae creature that can take the form of a human when it wishes. Their true forms are giant cats, wearing armor and may or may not be on fire sometimes.
    Affiliation: He works for his people, who are all for secrecy.
    Appearance: In human form, Ash is tall and slender, graceful as one would say. He has a wicked grin almost all the time and his eyes are just ever so slanted, with yellow irises. Sometimes when he’s angry his pupils turn into slits, like a cat’s. His hair is an almost golden blond and reaches his shoulders in messy curls that he doesn’t seem to bother to tame. He has the look of someone who is perpetually up to something, leading other to be a little suspicious of him at all times. No matter what else he wears, he always has on a long black coat which hides the whip that hangs on his waist. Since Ash prefers physical fighting his doesn’t have much else on him except a pair of steel toed boots, but his fighting skills are all but unmatched. Strangely though, he always wears a pair of white gloves, although he never tells anyone why.

    In his true form Ash resembles a lynx, except it’s about seven feet tall and twice as long and has a long tail. His fur is a bright orange-gold and it ripples in the light, giving off the illusion of flickering flames. He also wears armor that is inscribed all over with runes, they cover his head and all the way down his spine, and along the front of his legs. It’s an enchanted armor that only the mawr cattân know how to make, it flexes with their body to allow them greater dexterity, and it is completely fireproof and can pop out blades on a certain command. They never take this armor off, and it morphs into their human form with them. The armor itself doesn’t show up, but the runes on them become tattoos all over the human’s body. The mawr cattân are best known for being able to set themselves on fire at will and being able to control fire, which is their greatest strength.
    Personality: Ash is a bit of a daredevil, loving thrills and anything exciting. Therefore he hates being stuck in one place with nothing interesting to do for long periods of time, but to remedy this he purposely passes himself off as some sort of sly schemer, making other frightened and suspicious of him and thus, easier to scare. He sort of “plays” with people to relieve himself of his own boredom, thus making his a little unlikeable to those who don’t know him very well, although he’s actually very amicable. You just need to know how to take a joke and know that he doesn’t really mean a lot of the things that he says.
    History: Ash has been working on and off for the agents keeping the Fae a secret for quite some years, sometimes he assisted them with hunting down rogue creatures and other times he works with other Fae who venture into the human world and help hide them. Which is how he’s landed at his current job, working as a body guard for a model named Reine, who happens to be a Fae as well. He doesn’t quite hate his job, but finds it rather boring, but at least Reine isn’t a bad person. He just wishes that there’d be more action though, and with the recent murders happening then he just might get his wish…
    Weapons/Abilities: He only carries a whip, which he usually sets on fire. Other than that he uses physical combat and his control over fire to fight people.
    Feline Grace – Ash is quicker, more flexible and much more graceful than any human. Because of this he has catlike qualities, for example he can jump from great heights and not be harmed, he can jump greater distances and has a much greater balance. He also has a stronger endurance.
    Fire – Ash can control fire and often uses it as a weapon.
    Longer Life – Since he’s a Fae he by default has a stretched life, although he’s one of the few Fae creatures that aren’t immortal through age. Most mawr cattân live to be about a thousand before they die.
    Touch of Ash – Earning him his name, whatever he touches with his bare hands sears and then crumbles to ash. This is a side effect of taking a human form and cannot be controlled in any way, so he wears special fireproof gloves so this doesn’t happen.
    Improved Senses – Ash can see well in the dark and had better sight and hearing than a human.

    Name: Corvina Raenwood
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Race: Werecrow. At the light of the full moon she does turn into a rampaging half crow half human she-beast, but other than that she can turn into a crow or any form in-between human and crow. Like all were—animals, she is harmed by silver and the touch actually burns her.
    Affiliation: Secrecy, she works as a spy and an eye in the sky for those investigating the recent deaths. She spends most of her time following potential suspects and those who might become victims.
    Appearance: Corvina doesn’t have much of an attention seeking appearance. She’s just about 5’7”, with dark hair styled in a chin-length bob cut, with dark brown eyes that almost looks black. Most of the time she has a little fluffy black feather at the corners of each of her eyes, which most people assume is just decoration. She wears a little black dress along with black pumps, although she would much rather walk around barefoot. A pair of iron earrings are hidden in her hair, shaped like little daggers. All of the jewelry she wears is steel or iron, either sharp pointed or inscribed with invisible runes to help make them a weapon. Even the back of her pumps have very small blades attached to them.

    She can turn into a crow, and any form in between. When she fights she usually goes into an anthromorphic form, with a human shaped body but with a crow’s head, a pair of wings growing out of her back, and her feet curling into sharp talons.
    Personality: Corvina is a rock in a storm, to use the expression. When things seem to be going chaotic and everyone else is panicking, she is the one who remains calm and steady to soothe everyone else. Even though she has a serene, almost mystical quality about her and a confidence that could easily make others follow her, she prefers to stay in the sidelines and watch things from a safe distance. She is an observer, taking in everything and missing nothing, just as if she was on job duty. The only time she seems to lose her composure is during the full moon, when she becomes a raging monster that tried to kill everything that moves. She secludes herself before this can happen though, so no one really thinks about it.
    History: Way back when she was fourteen, Corvina was a relatively normal girl living a normal life. She loved nature walks, reading, and was a generally quiet person unknown to many. Even she didn’t think much of herself until she was walking in the woods one day and found a crow lying in her path, shot through with an arrow. It was still struggling trying to fly way, but when he ran over to pick it up it screamed and clawed at her in a pain-driven rage. Bloodied and frightened of the inconsolable bird, and the fact that she was also afraid of coming across the person who shot it, she ran off back to her house. She quickly cleaned the wounds on her arms and bandaged them, but they were still quite sore, and over the few days she began feeling worse and worse. At first Corvina thought that she had the rabies, somehow catching it from a bird, but when the full moon came she suddenly turned into a hideous half-bird beast and came crashing out of her house to go on a terrorizing rampage through her city.
    Luckily for her though, she was found by a hunter known as Jema who quickly subdued her and managed to take her to his headquarters. He was the man who had originally shot the crow, and when Corvina was back to normal he explained that it had been a werecrow that had been responsible for a recent string of murders in the community. After he had killed the crow with a silver arrow he stayed around for the full moon to see if the beast had infected anyone with the were-virus before it died, and sure enough Corvina showed up. Jema took her in and said that no matter how much she liked it or not, she now had connections to a secret society where supernatural creatures do indeed exist, and even if she wanted to live her life regularly there would always be people or Fae wanting to recruit her for whatever side they wanted her to be on. He trained her in the art of hunting those who want to reveal the secret of these creatures to the world, either to enslave humans or whatever purposes they had in mind. Because she is a were-animal, Corvina naturally became associated with the vampire hunters, where many more of her kind resided. However due to her general mellowness and her adverseness to fighting she is used for spying and recon than battle.
    Weapons/Abilities: All of Corvina’s jewelry can be used as a weapon of some sort, since she can’t carry a noticeable weapon with her on her spying missions. All of here decorations are either made from iron or steel; she has a pair of iron earrings shaped into daggers which are hidden by her hair, and necklace or interlocking iron pieces that can detach into a handful of throwing spikes. Her steel bracelets are engraved with runes for protection and also harm any Fae that touches them, she wears a ring that contains a piece of jade in it for protection, and the heels of her shoes have tiny steel blades attached to then. There is also a small iron knife strapped to the inside of her thigh, in case things really get nasty. Other than that she uses her beak, which is razor sharp, her claws, and her strength.

    Enhanced Strength- Corvina is not only stronger, but also faster and has a better reflex time than ordinary humans. She also has a great balance and gracefulness to her.
    Bird’s-Eye View – She can also see much better
    Transforming – She can turn into a crow or any sort of half form that she pleases
    Flying – You all saw this coming
    Other: (Anything that doesn’t fit anywhere else in the SU)

    Name: Lyceina Astaravkiulaet
    Age: 346
    Gender: Female
    Race: Ocul – a race of Fae creatures that can walk through mirrors and often use them to travel. They all look exactly like humans, except for their eyes, which can be any color and has no pupil to it.
    Affiliation: Whatever her king says
    Appearance: Lyceina is pale, fair-skinned but with ink black hair that reaches her waist, straight and almost always perfect. She wears a dark blue blouse with puff out lace cuffs, and a dark gray jacket over that. Her pants are simple and the same color as her jacket, tucked into the laced up boots that stick to her calves. Her most striking trait would be her vivid blue eyes, almost alien with their radiance, and contain no pupils at all. Humans naturally assume she is wearing some type of contacts, but all of the Fae and those who know of the Fae are aware that this is the one physical difference that sets the Oculs apart from humans.
    She always carries a guitar case slung over her back, giving the impression that she is some sort of traveling musician. A false one, but something no one questions.
    Personality: Cold and to the point, and dubbed mysterious by everyone who knows her, Lyceina reveals nothing about herself, but everything about the information she gathers. She often unnerves others with her extensive knowledge on those she is sent to watch over and spy on, and most everyone who isn't an Ocul is paranoid of her lurking around somewhere. However, despite all this, she is known to be friendly and unfailingly polite to people, if on the creepier side. She doesn't really try to make friends, and everyone else is too anxious to make friends with her. They know who she works for and what her powers are.
    History: The land of the Oculs is known to be one of the most beautiful places in the Fae, and the friendliest among faekin. So friendly, in fact, that it is one of the only Fae species in the entire realm that is openly friendly towards humans and bears them no animosity, an attitude that other Fae often view with disgust. However it has its advantages, and Oculs are free to wander about Earth as they please, so long as they do not cause any trouble.
    Even though such an alliance exists, it is long standing tradition that the Ocul kings pay attention to what goes on within their own borders; the quarrels and news of the outside world are not to be concerned with, because they are not in the Ocul realm. The kings have gotten around this issue by sending out spies to watch the worlds around them and report back to him, and Lyceina is such a person. She was selected out of a group of many trainees based on her skill and efficiency, and in time she even became a friend of sorts to King Praevin. He liked her attitude towards her work and found that she rarely ever failed him, and that she even had an amiable personality once all of her little barriers were broken through. Because of her position, he sent her off to investigate the recent string of murders going around with the Fae. He had contacted the human organizations that strive towards secrecy of the Fae world, and gave her a list of suspects and potential targets for these murderers and entrusted her to keep a close watch on all of them. Lyceina does this to the best of her ability--which is to say pretty well--but also works with two others so they can catch whatever she might miss.
    Weapons/Abilities: Oculs are not known for being the strongest Fae, although they have never been conquered by others. They are pacifists almost to a fault, but will fight when they believe it to be absolutely necessary. Oculs have a unique ability to travel using mirrors or other reflective surfaces, using them to walk between world, realms, and whatever distances they need as simply as someone else would walk through a door. Because of this they are quite well-known and have many friends throughout these realms, and that in turn makes them none to mess with. It is very hard to fight them because they will often leap into a window or a mirror or even the still surface of a pond to escape and will never be seen again.
    If confronted, however, all Oculs carry around large mirrors with them, and through these mirrors they can call up shadow selves, merely reflections, but solid and can fight just as if they were a perfect clone. A person facing down one Ocul might find themselves fighting twenty if they aren't careful.

    Lyceina carries two such large mirrors in her guitar case, along with a short sword that fits lengthwise into the case. Because it is a simple music carrier, no one ever suspects that she is hiding an Ocul's deadliest weapons in it the whole time.


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